
Now I really did it :((


NIRDI shout out!!!

@missy heartbreaking news about the loss of your young friend. And the discharge of your Dad. I hope your Mom has arranged for in home care. Not a good scenario.
@mrs-b glad you enjoyed your ride/seat!
@Austina is your vertigo gone? Hope so.
@MamaBee any improvement on the pain?
@marcy how was your trip?

DH had a very busy day, so I walked on my own. Lovely weather--but wind was a little brisk for a ride. My joints are still swelling on and off, but my bloodwork was negative for anything nefarious. I could get one of my rings on my right ring finger--my indication these days of swelling. LOL. Looks like we might have a thundershower later. I work tomorrow.

GM girls and happy wonderful Wednesday

@mrs-b hope you arrived safely and the weather is wonderful for you

@canuk-gal thank you very much. One day at a time

@Austina thank you. Yes they have someone coming and we shall see how it goes

@MamaBee continued healing vibes and gentle hugs

@Slickk ok so we had great weather the past few days and now pretty sucky weather coming but before we know it summer and vacation will be here and I know there's a lot to look forward to...still very excited for you. I need all the good news I can get so keep it coming :)

@bling_dream19 hope you are doing well and enjoying a nice week

@marcy hope TBE is coming along well

@springerspaniel hope you have a good day

Yesterday I got my Dupixent loading dose and my goodness was it painful...I did not realize how thick the medication is and the nurse confirmed it is a very painful shot. I got one in both arms as a loading dose. Unfortunately the dr did not yet submit to insurance so we do not know how long and difficult this approval process will be and they do not have samples for twice a month injections for me so I just hope it will be approved. I was super grateful to be able to get the injection and now just hope I can continue.

After the shots we went cycling first time since Greg's knee surgery. It was a short ride (he is not 100% yet) but it felt good to get back in the saddle (so to speak) and the weather was perfect. That evening I had my zoom call and it was so great catching up with my sweet friends.Today is the wake for my friend's husband and it is going to be a very sad day. Rain is coming later and then lasting a few days from what I can tell.

A selfie after our maiden 2024 cycling adventure. Not the best photo given I was/am tired from coughing all day and night long due to my asthma and all the exhausting medical appointments I have been attending to but we had to commemorate the first cycling ride after Greg's TKR so here it is

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Have a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies. Be well. Enjoy. XOXO
Lovely photo of you and Greg, @missy! Let the cycling begin! I'm glad you got the shots, tho they sound excruciating. Here's hoping they do what they're meant to do. And warm thoughts to you today during a difficult day.

@canuk-gal - working today? I hope it goes well and that it's a good day. Your poor hands! Is the swelling subsiding at all? I hope so! Hugs to you! ( - hands free!!)

@Austina - no news is good news! Enjoy the pool. :))

@marcy - are you home now? There seems to be a general clamoring amongst the NIRDIs for your photos!! Looking forward to anything you have to show us!

@bling_dream19 - thinking of you. ox

@MamaBee - how are you? What are the steps forward for you at this point?

@springerspaniel - hope all is well with you at work!

@Slickk - how do you feel, being back at work? And - my apologies if you've already shared this - is retirement anywhere on the horizon for you?

It's WONDERFUL to be back in California! Tim has been in the pool and hot tub this morning and wandered up to Starbucks to get us coffee. It's a 5 minute walk away, so very easy. We went out for sushi and robata last night, which was delicious - right in the middle of LA with great views over the city (restautant on the 21st floor).

Having lunch today with Nathaniel and his girlfriend, Mika. Currently 71 and sunny with a high of 83. This afternoon - pool! :DD

Shout out to all the NIRDIs! <3
Hello lovelies

What a lovely photo of you both @missy. I’m glad Greg’s knee is up to cycling again. Ouch, it sounds excruciatingly painful, so I really hope it does some good, when does it ‘kick in’ and you start to feel some results? I hope things go well today, as well as these things can, it’s going to be a very difficult couple of days for everyone. I’m continuing to keep your parents in my thoughts and hoping they’re managing somehow.

Enjoy the pool @mrs-b, it’s warm but windy here today, and I’ve had things to do, so looks like we’ll be in tomorrow.

I hope work went well today @canuk-gal.

We went out to buy a couple of more roses today, I just had to buy a Queen Elizabeth, and also a lovely orange and yellow striped rose. We then went and had lunch at a Thai restaurant.

Been busy this afternoon catching up on laundry, oh the fun I’m having :lol:


@Slickk we were clouded out and caught occasional seconds of the eclipse including one during totality. Darn.

@missy I hope those injections help your fingers. I am with you on scents, I am seriously thinking of telling anyone coming to stay with us ahead of time no perfume, hair spray, aerosols, etc. I can’t take it. I sure hate to hear they sent your dad home. That is completely rotten. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. That’s great Fresca is doing better the your feed so many cats each day. Gorgeous sunrise photo. We did check out TBE after we emptied the trailer. More on that below. Great photo of you and Greg for the 1st ride of the season. That’s exciting. I hope the allergy shots help and sure hate to hear they hurt.

@Austina nice to get some plants for your pots. That’s great you had a good view of the eclipse, we did not. We had pretty solid cloud cover. Ooh to a orange and yellow rose, that sounds gorgeous!

@mrs-b I hope you had a safe trip to California. Sweet you got to watch the partial eclipse. That is so awful about David’s father too. That is so rotten. And yes, your hashtag is pretty funny. I am glad you are enjoying being back in California. I don’t have a single photo to share with you from our trip. I commented on the way home today that we have every camera and lens we own in this pickup and didn’t take any pictures. What were we thinking?

@canuk-gal I am not a camping person either but I survived. I am delighted to be home though. Keeping your DH in my thoughts, it’s never easy. I hate to hear your joints are swelling sometimes. I sure hope that improves.

@pearlsngems that’s great that technique can help people breathe.

Sadly, we were in the part of Texas that had heavy cloud cover during the eclipse. The partial phase before totality, we occasionally caught a brief glimpse of the eclipse. During totality we had a split second where the eclipsed sun shone through the clouds and then we never saw it again. Marty had his camera set up to automatically take photos so it only caught one shot and it was so cloud covered it’s just not any good. He was very disappointed.

We enjoyed the week though. My sister-in-law was there with her RV - staying about 30 miles away from our spot but she came over everyday and was there for the eclipse. She’s been in the area before so took us sightseeing through the Texas hill country. It is quite pretty.

We left for home yesterday morning and hit heavy rain near Lubbock and it followed us all the way to Amarillo. We stayed in a Walmart parking lot again. The rain was relentless and the ceiling over the shower leaks and there was water running in through something from the outside around the sink. What a mess. Every towel we had was on the floor soaking up rain.

We tried to go eat at the top rated BBQ place but they were already sold out for the day at 5 p.m. so the best place we could find with a parking lot to hold the pickup and RV was an Olive Garden.

I woke up about 2:15 and couldn’t go back to sleep. Marty woke up about 3 and couldn’t go back to sleep so we decided to head out then. It was still raining but we ran out of it about 40 miles out of town.

We got home around 2 p.m. We unloaded the trailer and then ran out to the TBE and they definitely have made progress. The concrete was done, the garage doors were on and they were shingling the roof.

And although I am not a camper, I did survive and we had a nice time. I was very happy to be home though. I took a shower and am almost done with many batches of laundry.

Take care.
Good morning girls.

@mrs-b thank you. It was nice to see everyone despite the unfortunate circumstances. My heart really goes out to his mom. She buried two husbands and now a son. Tragically sad. F never even met his birth dad because he died 10 days before F was born :(

@Austina thank you. It was great being back on the bike. No clue when or if it will kick really comes down to trial and error with all these meds. Thank you for your continued well wishes....much appreciated

@marcy yay for surviving camping and sounds like a nice trip overall. Darn the clouds though. I can understand why Marty was disappointed. Nice you got to visit with your SIL too. Smart to return home at that time since you were both awake anyway...I bet you missed all the traffic. Welcome back home. I am so with you on fragrance and scented stuff. Everything I buy is fragrance free. That is a must

@Slickk have a good Thursday and stay dry

@bling_dream19 happy almost friYAY and hope the week is going well

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying a lovely week

@MamaBee keeping you in my thoughts daily

@springerspaniel I cannot believe we are almost mid April..have a good rest of the week

Yesterday was sad but it was nice to see people I have not seen for decades.
My friend had photos displayed and there was one with Greg and F from approximately 18 years ago. It brought back nice memories
Today is the funeral. And the weather matches the mood.

I am sharing the photo from the wake yesterday...I covered F's face and my friend's M face but not E's face because he would definitely not mind. I cannot ask F and M is away in Europe so decided to cover their faces. This was in our Brooklyn Coop

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I hope everyone has a good day. Enjoy and stay safe and be well. XOXO
GM girls and happy rainy FriYAY!
Just a quick hello. Hope all is well

After the funeral and burial we went on a short hike and there were deer all around

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I hope you all enjoy a wonderful friYAY and weekend XOXO
Hello lovelies

Happy FriYay!

I hope it all went well yesterday, and your friend had a fitting funeral @missy. I think it’s a lovely idea to have lots of photos that people can look back on and remember good times together.

We went to Costco yesterday and stocked up on a few things and I got 2 pairs of linen trousers - essential of course! ;)2 Then we had to do our regular shopping, and by the time we got back, half the day had already gone. We went in the pool, then had to wrangle the winter cover off and leave it on the grass to dry. Weather here is gorgeous ATM, and we’ve been busy getting on with some much needed jobs in the garden.

We planted the 2 new roses this morning, and did some tidying up, and we’ll be in the pool this afternoon, and will have to get the solar cover out and on the reel.

No plans for the weekend, we’re preparing for our friends from Iowa coming soon.

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Had a brisk ride to our fav Italian place; overcast mostly but only 12C. Better when the sun is out. I picked up a half shift yesterday and it was busy of course. Anyway, it was the 1 year anniversary of my BIL sudden passing so my DH was gloomy. Better I went to work.

Not much else going on, haircut tomorrow and cycle the rest of the weekend.

GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!

@Austina yes I agree. I wish we took more photos of us. Instead I take of cats, diamonds, deer, birds, ocean, beach and other wildlife. There are hardly any people photos including our honeymoon. We took exactly one photo on our honeymoon. I do not like taking photos of me but I should have taken more of the both of us for the sake of memories. Glad you got some shopping done. We went shopping yesterday and I got a hot pink jacket and a beautiful light blue spring/autumn vest. And hiking shoes. LOL every store we went into I bought something. Everything fit great and looked great so I could not resist. I like doing my apart for the economy what can I say :lol: LOVE roses..what color are they? My garden theme is white with some yellow (and of course green). But mostly white

@canuk-gal yay for cycling..hope we have a chance to go cycling this Monday and Tuesday depending on the weather. Today is too cold brrrrr. Definitely better when the sun is shining...agreed. I am so sorry about the 1 year anniversary of your BIL's passing. A sudden passing is easier for the person but harder for the family. Work can be a good distraction. Have a good haircut today (I desperately need one but paralyzed to get one for some reason) and enjoy your cycling weekend!

@Slickk happy weekend

@bling_dream19 happy Caturday Saturday

Hello everyone else. Have a great weekend XOXO

Last night as we were relaxing we assumed the usual positions lol

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Have a wonderful weekend lovely ladies

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a great day cycling--17C and sunny! I was quite warm. Got a haircut first then we went to the bike shop near by and it was standing room only. People buying LR & C! Lots of bikes left that shop today...and I bought a Bontrager jacket. Almost bought another Pearl Izumi but the color just wasn't "me". Oh and I bought a new phone today! LOL. And my DH bought a new monitor and wants a new SUV! My head is spinning-- like @missly trying to keep the economy going!

Our spicy ahi tuna poke bowls were delish--I gobbled up every bite! (usually I can't eat the whole thing in one sitting--but not today!) It was also fun bc I like shopping on my bike. Sure my pack gets heavy but that is OK. I like the exercise, and the low footprint. My bike is my good friend--cycling clears my head. My sista told me they just got e-bikes. They are not cyclers SO Good for them--get out and enjoy the breeze!!!!! While Marvin Gaye suggested we get it on...I say get on it!:cool2:

I'll make an early Sunday supper, as my boys are going out to do something fun.

Sorry for the me centric post but I am thinking of you all! Keep well and safe!

GM girls and happy super sunny (I hope) Sunday!

@canuk-gal what a wonderful day you enjoyed and may today be the same! We are thinking of cycling today because the wind while still strong is a bit less fierce...hoping we can! Yum to spicy ahi tuna and to cleaning your mind while cycling. That is exactly what I love to do while cycling. It allows me to feel free and less encumbered with life in general. Gets me out of my head so to speak. Hope you have a lovely Sunday XOXO

We visited my parents yesterday. My nieces are staying over my parents house this weekend because my sister and her dh had a wedding to go to in Baltimore so they dropped the girls off yesterday morning and we decided to go visit. It was a lovely visit despite the fact my dad is not mobile. He is still in pain. I feel like this entire case is being mismanaged but my parents are both stubborn so we can just be there for them supporting them but that 's it.

My nieces are such lovely sweet smart kind young ladies. It gives me hope for the future tbh when I see how amazing they are. I am maybe biased but Greg agrees and well I do not think I am biased in this case. They really are incredible young ladies.

Thye brought their parrot with them and she is a love. Her name is Olive. She hung out on my shoulder for a while LOL and then our hands. She was a rescue. My nieces and BIL found her on the street being abused by some kids a few years ago and they took matters in their own hands and rescued her. Happy ending for Olive :love:

I apologize in advance for all the Olive photos. And the photo overload in general. We also have a great video but I don't remember how to download and share so when I figure it out and have time I will


My mom in the background taking photos :)





Hanging out with Olive drinking coffee. She kissed me and let us pet her head. She is a sweetheart. I LOVE her


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B is towering over me now LOL. She must be 5'9" at least cause Greg is 5'10" and I am almost 5'6"

And a photo with my dad. He is still sharp and clear headed. But insists the pain is too much to walk. And he is under the care of a pain management physician. :(
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Hi everyone else @Slickk @bling_dream19 @marcy @mrs-b @springerspaniel @Austina @MamaBee @pearlsngems hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend and keeping all who need it in my thoughts and sending lots of well wishes and love your way. Have a wonderful Sunday XOXO
OK I'm back after feeding the ferals and giving Tommy his meds (or Bon Bon as we tell him haha) and I remembered how to download. Sorry for the blur. I did it from Greg's phone and not sure how to improve the quality of the youtube video. Let's see if this works :)

Good morning girls..I haven’t been writing because it’s been very depressing here. My mom is in the hospital two weeks now. The antibiotic isn’t working because she has areas in her lung that are preventing the fluid from coming out. I call it sludge..Her lungs keep filling up with fluid..but the sludge prevents it from fully coming out. They have her hooked to a machine that is draining the fluids from a port in her chest.The doctor told me I had to make a decision. The first one is to take all of the tubes out and let her go back to the nursing home under Comfort Care which is basically letting her die..or try to break up the sludge with an injection into her chest wall to loosen it so it can flow out through the tube into the Fleur-Evac. It’s painful to have the port in but if they keep her on a heavy duty narcotic she’s very comfortable. If it starts to bleed then they stop the injections..and they pull out everything and she goes to comfort care. I asked the doctor how long she would have if we didn’t do the injections..He said a week or two.I asked my sons and husband for their opinions but it was my decision to make. I decided to try the injections as long as she was medicated so it wasn’t painful for her. If they weren’t able to keep her from having the pain from the port I would stop it. They have my phone number. They were supposed to call me if there was any problem. They didn’t..The other day the nurse told me that she had a rough night. They tried everything including Fentanyl..but nothing worked until they gave her Oxy. It seemed that piece of sludge clogged the port..It passed and between meds and the passing of the clot..she was okay again. I called my son in Virginia to say if he wanted to visit..this was the time. They have my mom on Dilaudid..which is a really strong narcotic. She is feeling no pain. She’s been telling everyone I’m her baby girl..and she loves everyone. She’s smiling and happy because she’s basically stoned. I’m just hoping to get the sludge out and her lungs to stop making fluid so the antibiotic can work. I don’t know if this will work but I had to give it a chance. Her lungs are putting out so much fluid there’s no way she would make a week if we took everything out. This has been so stressful. I go to see her every day... Chris sees her twice a day to make sure the new shift is aware she needs the Dilaudid. The doctor wrote it in the order as an as needed drug…even though I confirmed with him in person that she would get it continuously. It was only when the new nurse showed up that we found it that he wrote it as needed.
To top this all off…I’m still in a lot of pain..but now I have a little extra Gabapentin added which makes me able to visit my mom every day. I only started driving the other day. I have a high pain threshold..TG I just had another CT of the neck..and X-rays..No news..same stuff..They have no idea what I have. I think I have a pinched nerve even though it didn’t show in any scans. If I were to touch under my chin towards the back where it reaches my neck I would hit the ceiling. I can’t touch it at all. The pain goes to the side and onto my shoulder and collar bone. This is so frustrating that no one can figure this out. I keep saying I need a Dr. House.
Please know I read your posts…I’m just so wiped I can’t get myself to write something cheery. I hope you and yours all stay healthy and happy..XOXOXO
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I’m so sorry Joanne. Sending so many healing vibes and well wishes and gentle hugs
Omg good news for once! Just got a call from my insurance company. Dupixent has been approved! Woohoo!
Omg good news for once! Just got a call from my insurance company. Dupixent has been approved! Woohoo!

Yayayayayayayayay! Best news today!!!
My mom’s lung has stopped draining! They’re going to do an X-ray. If it looks good they will pull out her port! Chris confirmed that by looking at the level on the Fleur-Evac. Please keep the prayers and good wishes coming! XO
My mom’s lung has stopped draining! They’re going to do an X-ray. If it looks good they will pull out her port! Chris confirmed that by looking at the level on the Fleur-Evac. Please keep the prayers and good wishes coming! XO

So happy for you!
Actually it almost stopped draining..but still good news!!

NIRDI shout out!!!!

@missy Sponge BSP coffee cup for the win! LOL. What a lovely family you have! Great news on the insurance! But sorry it was such a tough injection to endure.
@MamaBee healing vibes to you and your Mama! Tough decisions are never easy to make. Strength in your choices.
@marcy hope you had a good weekend.
@Austina ohhh excellent on the roses. One can never have enough. Hope your shoulder pain is a distant memory.

The weekend flew by--lovely weather. But it is changing, cold and sleet/rain/snow in our forecast. 20 C one day, 0 the next. The paths were heaving today, I LOL at people running in shorts and men with no shirts. I rode and had my gloves and layers on . My DH went to the driving range and said he was chilly. At any rate, enjoyed every minute of the sun and petted some adorable pooches. I stopped to get some fresh veggies for Sunday supper (my pack was heavy so good workout, gorgeous fennel bulb and cauliflower to roast)--now the boys are gone out and I have QUIET!!!!

Happy belated Sunday, NIRDIs!

Today was a sad day for me. Tim left to go back to Boston, and it will now be 5.5 weeks till I see him again. We had a wonderful time together, tho, so I'm super grateful for that. But we went all the palces and did all the things while he was here, so it really was a wonderful mini vacation.

@MamaBee - I'm so pleased to hear something positive re your mother. Praying for her, but also for you that you'll have a similar level of improvement. Fingers crossed, my friend - I'm so over this pain for you. ox

@missy - oh thank goodness!! Hoping the Dupixent does the trick for you! How are your fingers since the shots you had? That sounded excruciating, so I really want to see some improvement for you from that!! And lovely, lovely, lovely photos of you and your family - your nieces are gorgeous looking girls!

@canuk-gal - cold, sleet, rain and SNOW? Oh, COME ON! Get it together, spring in Canada! I'm glad your weekend was a good one, tho, and roasted fennel and cauli sound wonderful. <3 David, Robert, Tim and I had a big last-night dinner for Tim yesterday, and salad veges and fruit are all starting to taste so much better!

Eleanor reported from Boston that the dogs were missing Tim and me, and yesterday, given that his mom and dad were just "gone", when Eleanor took Ballin for a walk leaving Cirrus at home all alone, Cirrus bayed the entire time, and Eleanor said she could hear his howls echoing throughout the neighborhood during the whole walk! I'm sure our neighbors were loving us. :- / When Tim arrived home this evening, the dogs jumped him and pinned him down for a couple of hours, sniffing him all over, climbing onto his lap, burrowing into his side, and letting him know in no uncertain terms that this going away business is Not Ok. Cirrus is my dog in particular, and I feel terrible having left him, but my plan is to let go of this house in 10 months, so we'll just have to struggle through. I wish I could travel with him, but the risk to dogs in flying makes it not worth it. So wish he was here, tho.

Here's a photo of all my boys, taken by Eleanor after Tim arrived home. <3


Hoping you all had a lovely weekend and hugs to you all! <3
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Good morning lovely ladies and happy (how did you get here fast) Monday!

@canuk-gal thank you and I am grateful beyond grateful that it got approved. I am used to pain and will gladly suck it up to be able to have the chance for relief from this unrelenting asthma. Girl, I hear you. We see people running without a shirt and I think, what are they going to do when it hits 80F here lol. I wore heated packs in my gloves while cycling yesterday and it was heaven. The temps were in the 60s F so not cold but I still needed the heated packs haha. And we have more in common than wanting not to be cold. I always stop to pet the dogs no matter what we are doing. I cannot resist :) And as the soup nazi liked to SNOW(soup) for you! Stay away snow!

@MamaBee wonderful update and I hope you start getting answers and more relief soon. Keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers

@mrs-b thank you and right back at ya! Your family is gorgeous inside and out. I just want to reach through the screen (in a non creepy way lol) and hug you. My fingers seem to be OK knock wood..I don't know if it is coincidental but no new chilblains...I have one area that started two weeks ago before I got the shots that does not seem to be getting worse yet so we shall see. It is so hard traveling and missing our furry babies...they don't know why we aren't there...I get it and in the past (when we traveled) occasionally we would come home early because we were missing our babies. Now we have no one who can watch them (who we trust because our furry babies are very challenging) so we don't go anywhere far...can't be away from home for more than 12 hours. I don't mind but it would be nice to resume our road trips because I really loved them. One day. Maybe. Right now our furry kids take precedence lol. Your dogs are GORGEOUS. Please hug and kiss them from their Auntie Missy

@marcy @Austina @springerspaniel @bling_dream19 @Slickk good morning.

We had a great cycling day...did not go our full distance but we did manage 40 miles and we got ice cream lol. So baby we are back :)

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May your day be filled with sweetness and love XOXO
Hello lovelies

Happy MonYay!

No I don’t think you’re biased @missy, from what you say, your nieces are thoughtful, caring, well brought up young ladies, who are going to make a positive impact in the world. It must’ve been lovely for your parents to have them stay for the weekend, I imagine it perked them up no end having young blood in the house. I’m glad to see the photo of your Dad looking in good spirits despite all he’s enduring. :dance: I’m so relieved to hear your meds have been approved, hallelujah! Wow to 40 miles, and yum to the ice cream. We’re currently having coconut almond and chocolate cherry.

Aren’t they funny @mrs-b, one of ours used to sulk remorselessly when we got home, he’d completely ignore us, despite having been spoilt rotten by his sitters while we were away? Dottie was always pleased to see us in her quiet, reserved way, and it made it easier leaving her because her sitter treated her like their own. Glad you’re enjoying your time away, but I’m sure you both miss each other like crazy.

Yikes to the crazy temperatures @canuk-gal, we can often get a 20 deg drop but we’re talking 80’s to 60’s. I hate to tell you yesterday was a fabulous day and we spent most of it by the pool.

How’s TBE coming along @marcy, did you go out to check this w/e?

We managed to get the solar cover on the pool on Saturday, but it was very windy, so we didn’t end up going in. Yesterday the pool temp was 88, so it was lovely.

I’ve been out this morning sweeping and washing the front porch, then I dead headed the roses and cut back the Lantana. That’s it for me, it’s very humid today, so we’ll see what it’s like this afternoon before deciding on whether we go in the pool.

I wish I could say my shoulder is completely better, but it isn’t. Unfortunately, not sleeping comfortably while we were away has made it ache again, but I’m doing my exercises, heat pad and TENS, and it’s helping.

Have a great start to the week :wavey:
Hello lovelies

Happy MonYay!

No I don’t think you’re biased @missy, from what you say, your nieces are thoughtful, caring, well brought up young ladies, who are going to make a positive impact in the world. It must’ve been lovely for your parents to have them stay for the weekend, I imagine it perked them up no end having young blood in the house. I’m glad to see the photo of your Dad looking in good spirits despite all he’s enduring. :dance: I’m so relieved to hear your meds have been approved, hallelujah! Wow to 40 miles, and yum to the ice cream. We’re currently having coconut almond and chocolate cherry.

Aren’t they funny @mrs-b, one of ours used to sulk remorselessly when we got home, he’d completely ignore us, despite having been spoilt rotten by his sitters while we were away? Dottie was always pleased to see us in her quiet, reserved way, and it made it easier leaving her because her sitter treated her like their own. Glad you’re enjoying your time away, but I’m sure you both miss each other like crazy.

Yikes to the crazy temperatures @canuk-gal, we can often get a 20 deg drop but we’re talking 80’s to 60’s. I hate to tell you yesterday was a fabulous day and we spent most of it by the pool.

How’s TBE coming along @marcy, did you go out to check this w/e?

We managed to get the solar cover on the pool on Saturday, but it was very windy, so we didn’t end up going in. Yesterday the pool temp was 88, so it was lovely.

I’ve been out this morning sweeping and washing the front porch, then I dead headed the roses and cut back the Lantana. That’s it for me, it’s very humid today, so we’ll see what it’s like this afternoon before deciding on whether we go in the pool.

I wish I could say my shoulder is completely better, but it isn’t. Unfortunately, not sleeping comfortably while we were away has made it ache again, but I’m doing my exercises, heat pad and TENS, and it’s helping.

Have a great start to the week :wavey:

Very sorry to hear re your shoulder, @Austina. Hoping it feels better *very* soon. More PT perhaps?

Garden sounds great. Eleanor sent me photos of my magnolia and my flowering peach this morning, and their buds are bursting open and looking very pretty. <3 Loved reading about your new roses!

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!

Had a nice walk out after getting groceries. Lovely and sunny--but that is soon to end. @mrs-b this is our weather--I don't think there a any month where we don't get snow! Even if for a minute! Sigh--life in the Foothills of the Rockies. I thought you sold your Cali house--I must have read something wrong. At any rate--enjoy your vacay and you'll be home with Tim and the pooches in no time.

@Austina sorry about your shoulder. Maybe you need a tweek from the PT.
@missy glad your fingers are not getting worse. My DH also had ice cream (last night) and after lunch today! He would eat it everyday.

Got our taxes back today and I get a small refund--better than paying! Looking forward to getting my new phone tomorrow--how silly is that! My DH is enjoying his new large monitor, but now wants a new laptop. Isn't that the way it always goes?
