
Now I really did it :((

Good morning girls and happy Caturday Saturday!!!!

We had a good long hike yesterday and it felt great to be outside despite the strong winds. We ran into a retired colonel as we were hiking. He is a volunteer at the forest/park and he was very chatty lol. I feel like we got the most interesting history lesson! He is on the right side of history and it is always nice running into people who have good sense. And it was lovely chatting. He was wearing a 1942 army uniform because that is how his group works. And they volunteer and take care of our parks in different ways. Very unexpected meeting and it was quite nice.

Today we are cycling as the weather has improved for one day only. Unfortunately Greg has an important work call later this afternoon so we are heading out earlier to cycle as much as we can before the call. Tomorrow is 15 degrees cooler and then we are in for rain rain rain again. At least (I hope) we won't experience water shortages this spring. Fingers crossed.

We ended up at the beach after our hike

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Our flowers are coming up slowly but surely and the cherry blossom is starting to bloom...spring has sprung and I am glad

Good morning @Slickk @canuk-gal @Austina @marcy @springerspaniel @MamaBee @Inked @Jemi
@finerthings I hope your kitty is doing well
@Scandinavian, good luck this weekend
Hello everyone else

Enjoy a super Caturday Saturday lovely ladies XOXO

Jasper falling asleep in my arms last night...he is such a sweet baby and one year old this (end of this) month!

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Hello lovelies

We’ve arrived in sunny Costa Maya. We got off the ship for a quick wander around. We’ve been here many times before, and seen the sights, so it was just a stretch of the legs. We’re now out on deck under a big shade.

Glad you got out to ride @missy, and enjoyed a good walk.

We’re just relaxing, enjoying being waited on and being bone idle!

Have a great weekend lovely NIRDIs

Have a wonderful vacation @Austina ❤️

We just had quite the adventure lol
I’ll be back tomorrow to explain but never a dull moment :lol:
GM girls and happy big and small dog Sunday!!!

Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend
@canuk-gal @Slickk @marcy @finerthings @springerspaniel @Austina and everyone else

What a day yesterday was lol
Greg had a very important work call at 3PM
We left to go cycling early so we could cycle 60 miles if we wanted to since the weather was good and we had a slew of not so good weather days ahead

We cycled and it was great We had ice cream and despite the stronger than expected winds we were enjoying the gorgeous day
We were in the home stretch and had just entered a big highway bridge and BAM our chain snaps. We are one hour from Greg's call and we get off the bike at the entrance of the highway Bridge (bad spot to have to stop as traffic was entering and it was sort of a blind spot). Greg inspects and cannot figure out why it happened.

He gets his tools out and we move the bike to the shoulder further up on the highway away from the more dangerous entrance where vehicles might not see us as easily. TG there was a safe area to move it. He cannot find the knife. He found another knife and tried to cut the chain and cuts himself. Blood all over. I cannot find bandaids because I am so disorganized but believe me we have lots of first aid on the bike. Just couldn't find it. Greg is still trying to figure out what happened and how to fix it.

It's now 220PM. His call is looming and he has to get home. By car we are 20 minutes away so we are cutting it close. Greg finally figures out how to fix it but there is just not enough time before the call. I call Nora (Jenny's mom) and TG she was home and she came right away. I told her take Greg and I would wait with the bike. Too close to his call to try getting the bike plus all three of us in her car at that time. She leaves with him and I am on the highway shoulder.

A friend rides by (the guy with the crazy bike LOL) and stops to keep me company. Then the police come. OMG so NICE. They give me their phone # and tell me to call them when Nora gets back and they will help put the bike in her (too small) car. They keep me company for a while. Steve has to leave. The cops leave. I am fine. Searching for a charger as my phone is about to die and I need it to call the cops when Nora comes back. I finally find the charger.

Nora comes back in about 40 minutes to get me and the bike. I call Madison and Anthony (the police officers) and they come right way and they help put this very heavy bike in her car sticking out but Greg gave Nora bungee cords to help secure it when she dropped him off at home so he could take the zoom call for work.

I forgot to take a photo with the bike tied with the bungee cords back of Nora's car but I got a photo after we took the bungee cords off at home. Sorry for the long story but I am relieved Greg's call went well and when Nora and I got home he had just finished the call. Greg and I are going to bring a deli platter to the SB police station Wednesday as that is Madison and Anthony's next time at work. I am so grateful to them. The police here are SO NICE. Really lovely.

You cannot make this stuff up. We never go out cycling without some sort of adventure/mishap/etc LOLOL

First of all
Enjoying delicious ice cream mid ride

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Cycling almost home and BAM something happens as we start climbing the highway bridge and we have to stop

Greg getting under the bike to figure out wth happened
Luckily there was not too much traffic at this time

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Moving the bike to a safer area on the sidewalk vs the road
You can see his tools laid out on the road behind us as he just moved the bike to a safer area

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Greg bleeding all over the highway after trying to use the wrong knife to cut the chain (I couldn't find the right knife)

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After the entire debacle with the police, Nora and I loading the bike in her car we head home at 10 miles per hour lol
Arrive home and Greg greets us as his call just ended
Bungee cords removed and bike taken out of Nora's car
Her NEW car may I add.
That's what I didn't want to call her but we had no choice with Greg's work call being so critical.

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Nora is the best. So grateful to have a friend like her in the area. She lives in the next town from us and we met her many years ago after we moved here. We were cycling and saw Jenny and of course had to stop. The rest is history. She is from the south and I LOVE her accent but I digress. She is such a sweet person and good friend

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OK that's our day yesterday. It was fun until it wasn't but all's well that ends well and I am looking forward to visiting the police station in Sea Bright midweek to see and thank Madison and Anthony again. Do you all agree a deli platter is a good thank you gift?

Today is very chilly and very windy but Greg and I are thinking of a shorter cycling ride today.
We shall see.
Enjoy a super Sunday lovely ladies.

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Almost forgot..last night as we were finally relaxing and hanging out Jasper was such a sweet baby keeping me warm and cozy. He is a rascal too though and has learned how to breach the barrier between him and Bobby upstairs so we are currently trying to figure out a solution. It is never ending. And Gracie is very much NOT liking the med application twice a day and still screams at Jasper every chance she gets. It's a chaotic household t the moment because of Bobby, Jasper and Gracie. Who knew Oliver would be the quiet one LOL

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Hello lovelies

We’re anchored off of Belize , we’re staying on board! Beautiful sunny day here, calm waters.

OMG @missy, your life is full of adventures! Thank goodness for good friends who’ll come at the drop of a hat. I think a platter is a great thank you (if it were here, it’d have to be doughnuts :lol: ).

Another lazy day for us, we’re just relaxing and enjoying the view.

Big love and hugs to all the lovely NIRDIs


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy what a drama!! Glad you guys are alright and I hope Greg's cut has healed nicely. How wonderful that the Police and your friend supported you along the way. Good people are out there!!!!!!!!!!!! We buy either Japanese or German vehicles. While I like the Lexus my DH doesn't like the SUV front end (grille). I think he will get another MB--we drove one for 11 years and drove it longer than any other vehicle we've owned. After that SUV he got a BMW hatchback and while it is a gorgeous and powerful car, he find glitchy things annoying. Anyway, with his arthritis he is finding it more difficult to get in and out of a low car--like mine as well. He needs to step up.

@Austina enjoy your cruise!

@Scandinavian hope your pooches are winning the birding!!

@marcy I think you are working too hard. LOL. Our weather has been rather fine, but I know that more rain and snow will come our way--these are our wettest months ahead.....

I bought another North Face Nuptse down jacket--I have one that I love and that gets so many compliments (it is gold metallic) that I wanted to get another one. Unfortunately all the metallics were sold out, so I got a Tiffany colored one that is fleecy like outer shell. As with my other , I bought it in the children's department--LOL, size 14. And I got it 35% off!!!!! Start the car!!! Love it!!!

I just put the tomato and zucchini casserole together for Sunday supper. Will make poutine as well, but I'll sit here for a bit. I should make a cuppa....


@Slickk when is your school year finished?? Are you retiring?


@Slickk when is your school year finished?? Are you retiring?


Hi Sharon! @canuk-gal
We do not finish until 6/27. I am planning on retiring on 12/31. We shall see. It’s been a rough year, so we’ll see what September brings …
I also shop Northface and others in the large children’s sizes. Score! Start the car indeed :lol:
Gosh @missy what a ride yesterday was! So happy all worked out.
((Hugs)) to all NIRDIs.
@missy, you guys really had quite the ride the other day! It's so great that your local police were there to help (and your friend too), I love hearing stories like this! Giving them any kind of food gift will be so appreciated!

My kitty is doing well, just like nothing happened, she is back to her old self.

Wishing everyone a great week ahead.
GM girls and happy (how did you get here so fast!) marvelous Monday!

Thank you @Austina @canuk-gal @Slickk @finerthings @springerspaniel @Scandinavian and everyone else. It was an adventure and yes there are good people out there. Unfortunately with social media seemingly everywhere sometimes I forget that.

@Austina sounds divine, enjoy!

@finerthings yay thanks for the happy update and may your sweet kitty continue to do well

@canuk-gal thank you...Greg is healing well and he is A OK. The main stressor in that situation was the fact he had that important work call and we were stranded. TG it worked out and I am super grateful to all who helped. Yay to a new jacket at a great price...sweet. Let's hope the wet weather is on the way out or short is raining by us now. Spring showers and all. But better than snow. So fingers crossed you and I are done with snow for a wish that might not come true but we can hope right?

@Inked Sending you so many healing vibes and lots of hugs...feel better sweet friend

@marcy hope you had a lovely weekend

@Scandinavian hope it all went very well and you are pleased

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well.

We went cycling yesterday and it was windy and chilly as predicted. 38F most of the ride (windchills colder( but it was sunny and with the heated vest I enjoyed it. This might be the coldest we've rode in a long while if memory serves me correctly.

We still had ice cream yesterday outside. We are a bit crazy lol
I had peanut swirl and lion's mane coffee so darn delicious
Greg had cherry bourbon and chocolate

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Boardwalk yesterday as we were cycling by

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And we arrived back home and very relieved to see Jasper and Oliver in the window as that meant the screen protecting Bobby upstairs was not breached. Whew

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Today is not a cycling day boo. But we are running low on groceries and such and it has actually been 2 weeks since we have been to Costco so that is what we need to do today.

Gracie is not making it easy. She is getting more difficult and it is much more challenging to apply the medication to her face. Last night took us 40 minutes to finally be able to and this morning she is hiding. This is exactly what I was concerned about and Greg had been so optimistic we could do this. I mean we are just at the beginning of her treatments and we havant even started oral yet. I really don't see this ending well. I know she is just a little cat but she is STRONG. I am not exaggerating. She has the strength of 10 strong able bodied men. Not Kidding.

To make matters a bit more challenging I have a gut feeling Bobby is slowing down. I don't know for sure but his appetite seems less despite the steroid injections and last night he didn't stay in the bedroom with us. Rather he stayed on the third floor landing on one of his cat beds. Usually he stays in the bedroom overnight and comes onto the bed back and forth from his cat beds in the bedroom to our bed. So yeah this isn't a good development. And Jasper is unhappy not being allowed upstairs. I told you he keeps breaching the screen despite the fact Greg drilled holes into the wall to screw it down. He is a persistent little baby for sure. But so far when we've been out of the house we have been able to successful blockade it and keep Bobby safe. What a situation. Thanks for letting me vent.

Enjoy a marvelous Monday lovely ladies XOXO
Hi Sharon! @canuk-gal
We do not finish until 6/27. I am planning on retiring on 12/31. We shall see. It’s been a rough year, so we’ll see what September brings …
I also shop Northface and others in the large children’s sizes. Score! Start the car indeed :lol:
Gosh @missy what a ride yesterday was! So happy all worked out.
((Hugs)) to all NIRDIs.

Exciting times @Slickk ! Good luck on your decision!
GM girls and happy terrific Tuesday!!!

Hello @Slickk @canuk-gal @Scandinavian @MamaBee @marcy @Austina @Jemi @springerspaniel @finerthings and everyone else.

Hope all is well. Joanne I am texting you right now. It's been a super crazy super hectic month plus. Hope all is going smoothly XOXO

@canuk-gal we felt the same with the grille on the front of the car and it was why we resisted getting a newer model for a long time. Then we just decided we wanted the newer features so 5 years ago we got the newer model and the grille has grown on both of us...but we definitely felt the same way your dh feels now..we hated the grille. Now we like it LOL so go figure. XOXO

@Slickk hang in there and if you need to move up your retirement date you'll know it...but it will be here faster than you can even imagine. I cannot believe how fast the years are flying XOXO

We are cycling today woohoo!!
It rained all day yesterday here.
We got a lot accomplished and it was a relaxing day

Very hazy, misty, foggy

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Wishing you all a very terrific Tuesday.