
Now I really did it :((

Missy, love your thought for the day - had to include this

I'm right there with you Scandi! One can't have too many cats or dogs to love. :love: :appl:

Sent you an email but got a delivery failure. I'll try sending again. Very important. :lol:

And LOVE your ER. Clean or not it's a stunner. :love:

Here's another good trueism. (I think I made that term up but you get what it means). ::)

Family <3
Yes to family of fur!!!
Scandi, you and Callie are our gorgeous hands models!!!! :love: :love: :love:

Loved your dogs/Don't Judge Me mug bwahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi everyone, just typed a really long post and managed to lose it, and didn't save it, I'm an idiot…just wanted to let you all know I've been following along and will catch up with everyone tomorrow! Thinking of you all!

Rainwood, that is a lot of trick or treaters. This is the first year our street is mostly full so that is probably why we had more kids come by. Our mall sponsors a trick or treat for kids. I think it is well attended. I sure don’t understand my employees; I was raised to have a lot more pride and responsibility in my work. I am glad you feel like you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. One day at a time, right? Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your former colleagues. Nice.

Scandi, sounds like a beautiful day there. We had a clear and sunny day but rather warm. It was absolutely gorgeous. I met a friend for lunch then ran out to the cemetery. When I got back to work I wanted to just stay outside. Your green dress sounds perfect for your dinner. All right I’ll mark my calendar for your party next year. Great picture of your ring.

Missy, I love your theory of why our vision starts to go as we age. Good plan! Those darned double and triple mirrors can scare the crud out of me! What? I look like that? I think we both eat on the run at work. I really should leave my desk but I don’t. I did meet a friend today though so it was nice to get out. The NOVA program was interesting. I enjoyed it and they should some terrific diamonds and gemstones. You never know about the ring you fell in love with; I believe if it was meant to be you will find a way or it will find a way to you. If not; you have beautiful Bea and you love her. Darn it the movie wasn’t as good as the other ones in the series. Glad to hear you are sleeping.

Hi Kristie and June!

As I said it was gorgeous here today. Not even a breeze; that is weird for Wyoming.

One more day of work. Woo hoo!

Work work work. And when I looked in the mirror in the elevator this morning, I realised that my foundation (yes I wear too much makeup, hate going without due to the old acne scars that are now visible mostly inside my head..) is too dark - or my skin too pale :lol: - so will have to run out and get a lighter one during lunch. The joys of being too sself-conscious! Or self-centred.. :lol:

Marcy, hope your work goes super smooth today :-)

Gypsy, if you are reading, :wavey:

Missy, love love love your cat slogans :-) Are you going to the beach house this weekend? Plans? Your nieces looks like candy too :-) That pink cowgirl costume - can I borrow that please? Just my kind of colours :-) Might do for an alternative to a cocktail dress :Up_to_something: :lol:

Kristie, yes, wouldn't it be lovely if one could replace just a few select family members with furry ones? LOL

Rainwood, any plans for the weekend? Always love your pictures, so please keep posting them :-)

Hoping for a fantastic day for all NIRDIs! Hugs!
Forgot to show you this "I'm holding the phone out the window to get a picture before leaving" picture from the last dog training. Now you know why I love snow LOL

Rainwood, I just read your other thread and just wanted to let you know that I think you are right, some things just should not be compared. I am so very sorry for your loss.
Happy Friday girls!

Junie, oh no! I hate when I lose a long NIRDI post. Please come back and post again though. I hope you are having a good week and I have been thinking of you as always. (((HUGS))).

Rainwood, I missed your thread but after reading Scandi's post here I searched for it (believe it or not I miss a lot of threads here because I spend so much time in the NIRDI section :lol: ) and I hope you don't mind but I had to post and support your thoughts on this issue. I completely agree. And honestly I was surprised that someone in the profession held that point of view. Anyway I just had to respond and I am sorry if I intruded. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, please let's start playing the lottery. We need that extra bling and you know I am crying over that ring I covet so badly. I know I will regret it when it sells to someone else because it is my ring. ;( I love that ring but not more than my dh and though he says just get it I know that would be horribly selfish of me so I just cannot. Unless we come into an extra bit of cash so girls let's start playing. I promise if I win I will share my savings with every NIRDI here! :appl:

Glad you met a friend for lunch and got away from your desk and I hope you are completely free of that darn cough now!

LLJSmom, have fun today. I am so jelly of you OMG you are going to see "my" ring. Please kiss it for me and take some photos of it on you too if you can. It will look so HUGE on your hand. Hey did you ever notice HUGE and HUGS are just one letter apart....hmmmm coincidence? I think not. :cheeky:

Scandi, I need to learn how to apply makeup as I rarely wear any and need lessons if I want to start looking polished. I do love my cat eyes when I apply liner though. Meoooow. Beautiful scenery! Good luck with work and hope this weekend doesn't involve too much of it. Yes we are leaving for the beach house soon. A bit later than usual but it is too cold for cycling and I am too tired to rush out to go there though the later we leave this morning the more terrible the traffic will be. So really must get moving soon. ! Haha brings to mind that Christmas song that has the line "The traffic is terrific"...Greg and I just don't get what that means. Terrific as in bad (that's what I think) or terrific as in good/no traffic ? Which is it? The only things that should be called terrific are good things IMO and I never cared for using good words to connote something bad.

Sunstorm, how are you? What are your weekend plans?

Callie, honey, I miss you so much. OMG the time we spent together just flew by and I was so sad when you left. Looking forward to our next visit already. :lol:

Gypsy, sending you good thoughts and (((hugs))).

CJ, how are you doing? Thinking of you. And thank you for offering your help to the kitties. You are a dear. We are still waiting for the final blood results though Blueshift received some preliminary results last night. Z's blood sugar is high but that could be stress related. Fingers crossed Zeke and Yoshi will be OK and reunited soon with Theo!!!!!

Have a great day girls and big (((hugs))) to all of you. :wavey:
Good morning girls

It's Friday! :love: I'm doing a happy dance right now. Had a bagel, drinking my coffee, and saying hi to you guys - it's a nice morning.

Love all the pictures! Pizza, drinks, men, diamonds, boots, all the things necessary for a fun life :lol:

scandanavian I want to say thank you to you. I want you to know that ever since you've said to me "you can say anything you want as long as you don't make it a big deal" I have been using that technique. It's hard for me, but I've managed to do it twice now in situations that I would have otherwise showed annoyance or emotion or something on my face (my face always has some kind of expression on and it's usually not what others consider positive ;) ) and it worked. Both times I was able to say what I had been agonizing about saying and because it's not made into a big deal it is received OK. I still struggle a lot in dealing with people and takes a lot of thinking before deciding whether to speak up most times, but you've given me an invaluable tool. Thank you.

marcy I ended up not being home Halloween night so I have ALL the candy left over.

And I've been eating a few pieces each night. Not good.

I can't believe the kids kept trying to take the bunny! haha

Sorry to hear about your unproductive employees. So frustrating.

I had a good week selling stuff these past 2 weeks - sold 2 things on Craiglist, 2 on Ebay. Sending marty good selling vibes. :D

missy thrilled to see that the kitties are on their way to recovery. Thank goodness. I cannot WAIT to see a picture of all 3 kitties reunited again. :pray:

Nice to meet you sunstorm! :wavey: and hi everyone!

I didn't get to everyone individually today but wanted to say hi. Hugs to all of you.
Hi everyone!

Missy, I hope you're a little less worried about the kitties, they are in good hands now and have some special people looking out for them. I know it's been a very traumatic experience for everyone but things are looking up and that's the important thing. I'm continuing to send lots of good thoughts that Zeke and Yoshi are back to good health very soon and I can't wait until all the boys are reunited. Hugs to you, I know this has been very tough on you.

It was such a pleasure to meet you, and Greg and Callie too. You are even more friendly and nice in person and Callie is just lovely. And Greg is such a great guy. So happy I was able to meet you all, it was a wonderful afternoon. Oh, and it's fine with me if you want to post the pic of the ring I tried on.

I love all your pics - your nieces are so cute, and the pics of their Halloween bring back good memories of my kids when they were little. The bling pics are gorgeous! That bypass ring is to die for, and I really love the halo ring (that one is right up my alley lol). The food pics are so yummy, Greg's lasagna makes me hungry and that apple pie makes my mouth water. Love the cat slogans too. So sweet of Greg to make a special trip to add another feeding station, he's the best. :clap:

Ok, I just read where you told LLJsmom to kiss the halo ring for you and I burst out laughing! You are too funny!

Jimmianne, so happy you made it to France safely and I'm so glad you're in a place you love so much, enjoy your time there and check in soon if you can!

Sunstorm, thank you so much for your condolences and please don't feel badly about anything! No apologies are necessary and I truly appreciate your kind words and I'm touched by your concern and support. I'm just so glad to hear from you and I'm happy that overall life is going well for you even though you're facing some health issues. I agree that bling is a great distraction and I've been looking online for a diamond cluster ring. I really like the ones that look like flowers lol.

Scandi, your ring is so gorgeous and your hands are lovely! The dress you are considering sounds really pretty, and I know you will look great.

Marcy, getting half off an Apple computer is a good deal! Almost too good a deal to pass up lol. I love the pics of your beautiful jewelry - your sapphires are amazing and I love your EC diamond - I still remember how exciting it was when you got it, that was fun day and a good memory. The band looks so pretty on you and I'm glad the sizing was finally straightened out. Sorry your employees dropped the ball on their work and you had to pick up the slack. Love Ace's new outfit lol, and the bunny looks very protective of that candy ha.

Rainwood, love your amazing pics of Bergen, what a serene and beautiful place. Glad you had a good time at your event and you got a chance to touch base with former colleagues whose company you enjoy.

CJ, hi there and I'm glad you had a lovely morning and I hope that good feeling continued throughout the day! Congrats on selling some things, not always easy to do and I'm impressed.

Hi Gypsy, thinking of you.

LLJsmom, have a wonderful time today!

Ok, I know I've missed a ton of stuff but please know I'm reading along and keeping up with all of my wonderful nirdis. There are a couple of things I've been putting off but I'm off to do them right now - but I had to check in with my nirdis first.

I lied, I'm going to procrastinate a little longer and post a pic of a cluster ring I have my eyeballs on - it's not really a daisy shape but I like the fact the stones are old cuts - and it's a big look on the hand. The diamonds are almost 14 points each. The price doesn't seem too bad to me either. Although dh might disagree ;(

Missy, I saw your post in my other thread. It was, as always, thoughtful and kind. All I wanted was to describe what that comment feels like from the other side. I debated whether to even post and I need to remember that whenever I ask myself that question, the answer should always be "no." So I've said my last bit and left the thread.

And I don't wear makeup unless I'm going out somewhere that isn't just errands. I think it's better for my skin, and honestly at this point, I don't look that different when I am wearing it! I'd be careful if I were you because of your skin issues. And you look great without it. And that halo ring is nice, but Bea is nicer. Sometimes, it's almost as much fun to covet something as it is to get it. I sometimes think that's part of the reason I never pull the trigger on anything. And my stone still says it's "on hold" even though another one I'd been looking at after says "sold." I doubt it means anything but I can still covet it without having to actually do anything becoming coveting is free.

Junie, you have such lovely hands and I love that cluster ring on you. It's perfect. If that's enabling, I plead guilty. I'm glad you had a great time in NYC.

Scandi, I vote "snow" for you too. I don't love snow because I don't drive in it well, but we've had a couple of clear, crisp fall days and it's been a glorious break from all that rain. I'm sorry work is so busy, but have a lovely time at the Saturday dinner in your green lace. It sounds like just the right look.

Marcy, you're more patient than I am with the slackers, but that's probably why I hated being in management and couldn't wait to go back to only practicing law! Love your bears, especially the one who's now riding for the Porsche brand.

Hi to everyone else! Hope all is well.

I'm staying in town this weekend. I was thinking of going over, but it's supposed to rain both days so I'd rather stay here in that kind of weather. Maybe I'll get to a few of those tasks I've been putting off. I have lots to choose from.

I went to a dress rehearsal of the ballet last night. I have season tickets with a friend and they give you one ticket to a dress rehearsal as part of that subscription. It's kind of fun to watch the performance of a piece, and then watch people go over it, dance little parts of it again, work out how to take bows, and sometimes goof around or act silly. I'm glad they let us take a look at that part of the experience.

Have a good weekend, everybody! I have a few more photos of Bergen so will try to post those over the weekend.
Rainwood, unfortunately that isn't my hand! I wish it was lol - this is a ring I found online and the pic is from the listing. I wish I could try this on in person!

Glad you had a good time at the ballet rehearsal, sounds very enjoyable. Enjoy your weekend and good luck with getting a few things done but don't work too hard!
Good morning from work :wavey:

:appl: :love: It is snowing :love: :appl:

At work now, need to be a good girl today.. but first - coffee with you :-)

My face has had some kind of reaction to something (stress?) so when I got out of the shower this morning - red as a tomato! Or lobster. Or strawberry. Take your pick :lol: such a nice day for it! Not! Oh well. I have smothered the skin with calming lotions and hope for the best. Brought my entire arsenal of makeup with me, so either or - it will not be red tonight, lol. Can't let the skin win :lol: (after acne when I was younger, I'm actually rather good at applying makeup - you know the saying? "Naked women learns how to spin" (clothes). Probably more fun in my language where it rimes.. :lol: )

Rainwood, I'm choosing not to comment on that other thread, because I think it will make things worse. Sounds like too many people have experienced too much pain. I hope you will have an enjoyable weekend with your work tasks :-) And wouldn't it be fun with a NIRDI get together here when our new summer house is finished? Or in France? We need to start working on Missy re that one.. :bigsmile:

Jimmianne, as you can see, if you are reading, I'm inviting the whole NIRDI bunch to your place if they don't want to come to mine :lol:

Missy, I'm with Rainwood on window shopping bling! Almost as much fun as purchasing :-)

But June, that ring :love: :love: :love: If you think DH might think it is a bit pricy, how about just buying it and pretending you think it is from him? "Oh honey, you shouldn't have! So thoughtful of you!" :lol: Or my favourite: "Honey... I'm really sad... I how found a ring that I really like and I think it is too expensive.." Works like a charm :lol: Seriously though, I think the ring is really really nice :love:

All, thank you for being so sweet re my ring/hand. My ring deserves it, I think :-) My DH did a good job on that one :-)

Re dress, I'll try to get a picture for you before we are leaving tonight ;)) (So far I'm in my "office PJ's" - jersey skirt and sweater, lol.

Rainwood, the ballet rehersal sounds like a dream!! Oh I would have loved that :-) When I was very young, I always dreamed of becomming a prima balerina :-) Fortunately, I realised early on that I was not good enough so I just enjoyed dancing without the hassle of rehersing daily :-) But still - my heart loves the ballet :-)

CJ, you are really just too sweet! If even half of what you are writing is true, you made my day! I'm so happy that you have been able to say what you want and be happy about that! But it is really all you, you know :-) But I'm still happy that a little trick I learned from "the boys" was able to help you. If you smile and put on a "fake positive" (this takes a bit of practice, because the fake positive has to be kind of real..!) you might even be received in a really good way (even if what you are saying is really a bit critical, that is the beauty of it..) and not just OK. Just smile and be (fake) positive! And say what you mean!! :halo: Oh, and I'm really provd of you! Not for any of the above, but for standing up for your opinions! I think that is a good thing, no matter how it is recieved!

Missy, I don't know that Christmas song - hold on - will find it on spotify! I think they mean that there is very little trafikk so that driving is fun - because it is that kind of mood in the song? But traffikk, in my language at least, is used when there is a lot of cars, as in "I was stuck in trafikk" LOL. So I hope there was no trafikk on your way to the beach house :-) Oh so nice that word! Beach house. (My language, one word :lol: ) Wish we had one. Maybe I need to start calling the summer house a beach house. It does have one very small beach... LOL Gotta love a good cat eye!! But for me, I prefer a classic smokey eye. My eyes just don't turn up the right way in the corner so looks a bit weird if I make a flick line ut a the corners :lol:

Marcy, hope Friday was a good work day and that the employees didn't think it was a Fri-day (Fri meaning free in my language, sorry too many language jokes today...) Trick or treat for kids at the mall sounds like a fantastic idea! Wish I could have seen the NOVA program, sounds very good. I love diamonds.. :lol: But also that kind of programs. I hate triple mirrors too. Especially at some hotels. Why of why do they think I want that kind of light in my bathroom that early in the morning before putting on clothes and before coffee??? Not exactly a booster to look at yourself from all angles in a kind of third degree interrogation lighting coming from straight above..

Happy weekend bellas! If I have forgotten something/someone, please forgive me. I didn't get enough sleep.
Hi Girls, I am soooo far behind. I'm jumping right in.

Missy, I miss you too! What a wonderful time we had in New York. I wished we lived in the same town. It was wonderful to meet you, Greg and the furbabies. My husband asked if I got Greg's Lasnaga recipe but then he remembered I would need to use the oven. At least the man knows my limitations. Are you still thinking about the ring all time? I know how smitten you were with this ring. I may have to start buying lottery tickets. You know if I win there will definately be money going to the Missy Ring Fund.

Scandi, You are so right about a Missy not needing to wear make up. She is such a beauty. Please post a picture in your cocktail dress. It sounded really pretty. I hope you are having a wonderful time tonight. I tired your trick to get your husband to buy a new piece of jewelry. Didn't work so well with my husband. All he said was he was sorry I was feeling sad. Oh well. It was worth a try. I can't believe you are wishing for snow, I love it for about 4 hours then I'm ready for it to go away.

Junie, it was so nice to meet you last week. Hopefully we will be able to do this again sometime soon, I love this ring! I also love the old diamond cluster rings. They look so romantic to me. There were some very pretty ones at the jewelry show. Missy found two that had old cuts and were just beautiful.

Rainwood, I love all the pictures you have posted from your vacation. I like what said about half the fun of wanting something is just thinking about it. My life got much easier for many reasons when I married my husband, He rarely tells me no if it's something we can afford and he enjoys spoiling me. I remember when we were first married I told him that he needed to make me want things for a little while before getting them for me. I tried to explain to him that it was fun for me to think about things for while. He reminds me of it now when I tell him how badly I want something. I guess I want things I like much more quickly now.

Marcy, How are you enjoying your new car? Have you had any snow yet? It's been unbelieveable here weather wise. I still have roses blooming and my potted plants are also still blooming. I was just glad the weather was nice yesterday for the Cubs celebration. I can't remeber a time we had not had a hard frost before November 1.

CJ, I have been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing. My heart was breakIng for you and your husband. I'm glad you have good luck selling things on eBay. I've bought a few things from some really nice people on Ebay.

Hi Gypsy and LLJsmom, I wish we could have been with the two of you yesterday. Those earring were gorgeous on both of you.

Hi Kristie and Jimmianne!!!

Scandi, did you pick up some new makeup? I am very light skinned and have a hard time finding foundation that doesn’t make me look pasty. Usually the darker shades are obviously too dark. I have been awful at wearing makeup lately. Oh no to your face breaking out. I hope it is better. Those triple mirrors usually have a ton of bright lighting too; it’s like you want to shower and get dressed in the dark. I bet you will be able to find that NOVA segment online. They usually have videos you can download about a month after they air for the first time.

Missy, since you seem to really love that new diamond and ring; I hope it finds its way to you. I am of the opinion you can’t take it with you so you may as well enjoy things while you can. Of course I am not smart with finances. I hope the traffic wasn’t bad on the way to the beach house.

CJ, glad to hear Scandi’s technique has worked for you. I was just reminded this afternoon I don’t have a good poker face. Glad to hear you had luck selling some things this week. Marty did sell his weight machine but for less than he wanted. I told him to take the offer and get it out of the basement. Sad thing is I told myself it he sold it this week I’d go back and look at the new Mac Book Pro. If I do that; I’ll buy it. Rats.

Junebug, I love that cluster ring. It is very pretty and looks fabulous on your hand. I remember the day I bought that EC diamond too. I was so darned excited to find something absolutely perfect and having you ladies join in on the excitement made it more fun. I really like that diamond. I sent a picture of Ace to our car dealer too. He thought it was funny. The Killer Bunny often takes possession of things. Marty used to send me a series of photos with captions when something showed up for me at home and the Killer Rabbit would “open” the package for me.

Rainwood, I didn’t jump in on your post but I so agree that divorce (while very life changing and traumatic) is not the same as a death. I think I am far too patient and tolerant of my employees. I had one lady file a lawsuit after we fired her and it sure made me reluctant to try and correct someone’s skills or behaviors. We won and HR said I documented things well but I can’t help but think it hurt my changes for advancement. I am glad you had fun at the dress rehearsal of the ballet. I used to go to the dress rehearsal for plays when I was in college. It seems like they are a bit more relaxed than the actual play so thoroughly enjoyed them.

Callie, I am delighted to hear you had a lovely time in NYC and visiting Missy and Greg. That lasagna and apple pie looks so delicious. Rats that Jeff didn’t fall for the old “I’m sad I need jewelry” trick. Marty wouldn’t go for it either. I am glad Jeff spoils you though. I am loving my new car. My Audi drove and rode really well and I notice my Porsche is obviously better. I was just thinking that coming home yesterday “Wow this rides so nice”. It doesn’t even lean in. corners no matter how fast I’m going. We haven’t really had a deep freeze yet either. That is amazing your roses and flower pots are still blooming. Marty blew out our sprinkler system and turned off our drip system for flowers about a month ago but I think they’d still be blooming if we’d left that on.

Not much going on this weekend. We rented the latest Star Trek movie last night. Marty played golf today and I made chocolate chip cookies and have been doing things around the house. Marty is have a poker game tonight but they just decided yesterday so it will probably be low attendance.

Have a fabulous weekend.
See here is Killer Rabbit trying on some jewelry I got in the mail. I had these rings all sized at the same time. I don't even have most of these rings anymore. The ruby, peach sapphire and amethyst were all traded in for other gems and rings. That is probably my .71 carat EC diamond in the rabbits mouth.


marcy|1478391152|4094293 said:
See here is Killer Rabbit trying on some jewelry I got in the mail. I had these rings all sized at the same time. I don't even have most of these rings anymore. The ruby, peach sapphire and amethyst were all traded in for other gems and rings. That is probably my .71 carat EC diamond in the rabbits mouth.

marcy, I love Killer wearing all your bling. Looks like a fierce guard bunny!! Hope you are doing well. I will need your set of eyes when I get those OECs...some time in the far away future...
Good late morning girls :wavey:

Back at work.. tired.. got home way too late last night. Got so stressed I forgot to take a picture also. Sorry. Would have liked to show you my dress. Funny thing - about 2 hours before "kick-off", we got an email saying that a lot of people had asked re the dress code, and that they maintained that it stated "nice" but for anyone in doubt as to what they should actually wear, they recommended dark suit for the men. :lol: :lol: :lol: Couldn't they just have said that in the first place? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh well. Callie, I'm sorry the "I'm so sad" trick didn't work on your DH. Perhaps you were not sad enough? :Up_to_something: :naughty: I love snow. Love skiing, especially cross country. We actually got an email yesterday saying that skiing practice for the children is starting up this week :-)

Speaking of snow: Have you ever seen that really old (1973?) movie of Cinderella? Tři oříšky pro Popelku as it is called in Czech. I really recommend it if you have not seen it before if you can find it with English subtitles or dubbed. It is fantastic, in my opinion, the landscape in the snow is just a perfect pre-Christmas version of the world as it should be. There even is a horse and an owl that are really cute :bigsmile: (I'm childish, yes.)

Marcy, Yes, I did buy a few new things. I don't like makeup that is too heavy, and I'm very pale I think even from a Scandinavian perspective. One thing that I bought that I really like so far is this one from Guerlain: Lingerie de Peau Fluide Foundation in colour 01W. They have them in cold, warm and neutral shades. I need cold colours in clothes etc but have a fair bit of red in my skin tone, especially in my face, so I always need yellow - not pink - undertones in foundation. For an everyday very natural look I love this one: But it is a bit dark for me now because the lightest one is a little too pinkish for me. But I use number 2 in the summer months. I also really love this new one I found (new to me at least LOL) which is really just a sunsceen with a little but very nice tint: Depends on just how pale you are and how much coverage you like? Just let me know, I have tried them all, I promise :shock: so I might have some suggestions for you :lol: Lots of people like Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua, but that is just not my colour, but looks great if you can get away with the lightest one (again too pink for me, believe it or not.. :wall: ).

Missy, how is your weekend going?

Rainwood - how are your "tasks" coming along?

CJ :wavey:
June :wavey:
Gypsy :wavey:
LLJsmom :wavey:
Kristie :wavey:
Jimmianne :wavey:


EDIT: typos
Good morning girls! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. HA I know most of you are...And I must also say thank you to all you girls for all the Bea love you have been showering on her this weekend. OMG the compliments are making her head turn. :oops: :lol:

Rainwood, I hope you are enjoying the city this weekend and getting everything you wanted to accomplished. Love that you got to see the ballet rehearsal. I love doing things like that. Interesting about the ring still being on "hold". I agree that shopping and imagining is as much fun at times as actually buying and owning. The rush of the search is quite big with the adrenaline running freely. I wonder if I am an adrenaline bling addict. 8)
Sending big hugs your way. Loving all the photos and hoping you have more to share!

LLJsmom, OMG THANK YOU for all the amazing videos and photos and you are just the best. Looking out after me. Big (((HUGS))) and I know you had a blast at the show both days. Grace is an evil temptress isn't she? And by the word evil I mean only in the very best blingy way! :Up_to_something: :naughty: :love: :cheeky:
I have to say I cannot wait for you to visit and for all of us (hear that girls?) to go to you know where and choose some amazing OECs for your beautiful ears. Gotta do it before the kiddos are both in college. :bigsmile: And that ruby halo is TDF! It should be yours!

Callie, haha yeah I will keep dreaming OK. A full week to borrow it I don't think so. But I like the way you think! :bigsmile: Autumn leaves are changing and are at peak and oh so pretty but I cannot capture the true colors. Especially from the car as I have been trying to do with my iPhone as Greg is traveling at 50 mph lol.

Thank you so much for your lovely compliments and right back at ya lovely lady! And bring Jeff here next time. I bet the 2 of them together might think up of some blingy treats no? :cheeky: Though I will say being sad does really work with Greg (scandi you are an evil genius :lol: ) but it is always a real sad I am feeling and never a fake sad if you kwim. And anyway I cannot pull the trigger. I would feel guilty for a very long time and for what? No I must resist. ;(

Love that your roses are still blooming. :appl:

Junie, that is a lovely cluster ring. Did I send you the photo of the cluster ring I tried on at the show last weekend? It is beautiful and has GVS1 OECs and was reasonably priced at about 9K I think. I will find the photo for you OK. Anyway I also have the dealer's business card. It's funny but as much as I thought lower colors are just more beautiful in OECs seeing this G OEC this dealer had and also seeing a G OEC Grace had really cemented it for me. I so much prefer the lower colors in OECs. No question! J-L is my SWEET SPOT for OECs. It just looks more alive, more lively, and more glowy than the higher colors in OECs. 100% completely true IMO.

And you know how much we loved meeting you last weekend. We are already looking forward to a dinner together with you and your dh. I will just send you some dates soon so we can plan it. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, that is the most beautiful blinged out bunny ever. And what jewels. OMG can you adopt HRH Francesca because I think she would enjoy your lovely collection. :love: And hahaha true that. You sure cannot take it with you. Hoping your cough is all gone and that you are enjoying the weekend!

Scandi, wow it's snowing. YAY for you! I know how much you and F and your kiddos love the snow. Enjoy! Thanks for the Lisa Eldridge rec. I actually know her and subscribe to her but have never yet watched any of her makeup videos. LOL. Who am I kidding. I like the idea of makeup and making oneself pretty with flawless skin but I am just too lazy and also too worried to exacerbate my rosacea and POD. But I do use derma blend when and where it is necessary and I enjoy eye liner and mascara for special occasions. Though I still hate lipstick and for my wedding my hairdresser and I had a big disagreement and I won of course. NO lipstick for me even during the wedding. :lol: Hope work is going well and that you are almost done with the work marathon weekends!

We are enjoying the weekend very much thank you for asking. Yesterday we walked the boardwalk in Pt Pleasant and enjoyed the town also. Today we are thinking of going to Seaside heights boardwalk which is further away but worth it. It is a lovely autumn weekend. I am going to share some pics with you girls from yesterday and hope you enjoy. Have a wonderful Sunday. :wavey:




Junie! I found the diamond cluster ring. You know I'm a sucker for an OEC diamond cluster ring! :love: :love: :love:

Anyway this is the G OEC ring. I prefer the lower colors as this just doesn't have the same depth if that makes sense but sharing it with you in case you love it. I have the info on the dealer so let me know if you are interested. It was just under 9K. The photos don't do it justice. Center stone a little over a carat I believe.

Adding "your" ruby ring from our trip to Lambertville since you said it is OK to share. Looks so pretty on you! I have to add I just looked at the photo you and I and Callie took together in front of the antique store in New Hope and I love that photo. I sent it to the both of you right after we took it and I want you to know I really love that we have that memento of our visit together! :love:

OY I don't know why I am having problems sending photos to myself. I just don't mix well with technology arghhhh. Love hate relationship for sure! OK I promise I will get these pics attached for you here Junie if it is the last thing I do... I won't give up for my NIRDI sister I promise! :lol:




Thank you for the recs Scandi. And just for you here are my new Stuart Weitzman boots that arrived this past week. I pulled my dress up for the photo so you could see the boots. I don't wear dresses this short I promise! This is the day they arrived and I just had to try them on immediately and this is not a dress I would wear with them. (I had to stand on a chair haha as there is no full length mirror downstairs). Check out the detail on the foot. Buckles and straps. It is the same as my grey boots but in black vs grey and black. A totally different look IMO.

LOL I have no more space for any boots anymore and it is getting ridiculous. But they are cheaper than diamonds. :lol: :halo:

missy|1478436956|4094429 said:
Check out the detail on the foot. Buckles and straps. It is the same as my grey boots but in black vs grey and black. A totally different look IMO.

LOL I have no more space for any boots anymore and it is getting ridiculous. But they are cheaper than diamonds. :lol: :halo:

:appl: :appl: :appl: I LOVE your new boots :love: :love: :love: Really really fantastically (new word... just for you :lol: ) nice :-) Oh I love boots, almost as much as diamonds! But sweetheart! You could wear dresses that short! You have fantastic legs!! Legs for days, as the saying goes 8-)

Perhaps Greg could build you a new wardrobe just for boots and diamonds.. ? :naughty: :bigsmile:
Scandinavian|1478437463|4094433 said:
missy|1478436956|4094429 said:
Check out the detail on the foot. Buckles and straps. It is the same as my grey boots but in black vs grey and black. A totally different look IMO.

LOL I have no more space for any boots anymore and it is getting ridiculous. But they are cheaper than diamonds. :lol: :halo:

:appl: :appl: :appl: I LOVE your new boots :love: :love: :love: Really really fantastically (new word... just for you :lol: ) nice :-) Oh I love boots, almost as much as diamonds! But sweetheart! You could wear dresses that short! You have fantastic legs!! Legs for days, as the saying goes 8-)

Perhaps Greg could build you a new wardrobe just for boots and diamonds.. ? :naughty: :bigsmile:

Girl you got some killer legs!! Yes wear that short dress! If you've got em' flaunt em'. You look absolutely fabulous!!!

LLJsmom, the Killer Rabbits can be fierce. They attack my bears all the time. Did you go back and buy some jewelry?

Scandi, was the dinner good? Did you have fun? Thank you for foundation recommendations. I will have to go wander the makeup counter at Macy’s and try some of your suggestions.

Missy, Bea is worthy of many compliments. That Blinged out Rabbit can be a little jewel thief too. I’ll put my rings down somewhere for a few minutes and then my diamond ring will be gone. I’ll find it in one of the Rabbit’s mouths. Of course Marty thinks it’s really FUNNY! Great pictures from the weekend. Love the picture of you and Greg. The cluster ring is pretty as is June’s ruby ring. Your new boots look great.

The poker game lasted well past when I went to bed. Only 5 of them were playing but they had fun. Marty won; he had a good night.

I am not doing much today. I logged in on my work PC for awhile; changed my password then locked myself out of the network. I had to call the on call IT guy to reset the password. The Broncos game isn’t until 6. Rats.

Have a fabulous Sunday.
Good morning girls :wavey:

Gotta work, today is crazy. But it is a wonderful Monday outside! My best for the week to us all :halo: