
Now I really did it :((

Good morning girls! How did Monday get here so darn fast?!

Junie, I just lost a post and didn't save it either so you are not alone. Darn computer just shut off for no good reason. :confused:
Hope you had a good weekend!

Scandi and LLJsmom, awww thank you! :oops: But at 51 I am keeping these legs covered with boots and tights/leggings. Believe me we are all better off this way. :cheeky:

Scandi, I am glad the weather is beautiful for you and I am also enjoying the crispness of the air and the sharpness of the horizon and with the fall colors it is very pretty outside. The temps are a bit chilly for me but I am not letting that stop me. I'll let you know how I am doing when it starts snowing however. :lol:

LLJsmom, wow I am impressed and they take after their mom! Good going! :appl:

Marcy, Yay for Marty winning! And thank you and Bea thanks you for all the lovely compliments. She loves the natural light best but is well behaved wherever we go. Though she can be sassy. :bigsmile: Oh no to those killer bunnies but can you blame them with all your delicious bling? Who could help themselves with all those gorgeous gems. :love:

The weekend goes so fast. We have a busy day and yes believe it or not we are having tv/cable/internet issues here (and in Brooklyn too I am telling you there is something about my energy repelling all things tech sigh...) so we are also waiting for cable to come to the beach house to see if they can figure it out though I am not holding my breath. A busy day for sure because then we head back to Brooklyn and the week begins again. Getting the kitties ready for traveling, getting back unpacking seeing what needs to be fixed,restarted etc., preparing lunches for the week, folding all the laundry, vacuuming, dusting, and if I have time starting to clean out my many closets that are in desperate need of organization and declutter!

Yesterday morning Greg built a little shelter for our outdoor cameras to keep them dry during the inclement weather so we can keep tabs on the feral and the food supply. Attaching pics.

Anyway I hope everyone has a lovely Monday! :wavey:
Leaving you with some breezy pics from yesterday. Autumn is here but I know soon enough it will be winter in the air. Brrrrr.




Monday, NIRDIs! I hope everyone has a great week :sun: My temp might drop into the mid 80s this week, YIKES. I still have the air conditioner going :blackeye: I spend all Bob's money on vet bills and procedures and 'stuff' and keeping our house temperature liveable.

Maggie is off to the vet this morning, hopefully she has recovered from her skin and paw infections and we think a sprained wrist which lamed her 2 weeks ago. She is on all 4s these days, gimpy but walking and standing on all 4s.

Hugs to you guys, I'm so happy to see all your bling and beautiful and fun pics. I'm unfortunately going to court either at the end of this month or next month and I've been super distracted with meeting with my attorney and trying to get my situation figured out myself rather than solely relying on ANYONE to have my best interests at heart. UGH. So this is why I've been a little MIA although I read your posts and am glad to see you all enjoying fall weather and clothes and BLING!
Gah, I just lost my post and this time I'm not sure how I went from posting to seeing an E!Online headline about the Kardashians - a double tragedy! At least I wasn't almost done.

Missy, I'd started my post saying how sorry I was you lost your post and how frustrating that is, but didn't want to say anymore because I didn't want to jinx it and I did anyway. Stop messing with us, PS gods! We don't deserve it! Love the shot of you on the chair in your boots. I'd be afraid I'd fall off! And love Greg's camera hut. He has a great eye for proportion. And love the rings shots of all you NIRDI's with long slender fingers. And it sounds like your cable problem is a twin of my HVAC problem. Both houses and ongoing. That's particularly hard when that's how you get your internet access. I have my fingers crossed my HVAC problems are mostly behind me. My original HVAC guy - the genius - came last Thursday and fixed the never-ending heat problem, and was in agreement with the next steps my emergency backup HVAC guys were proposing to do. The big difference is the genius is a genius and he never charges me anything, even this time when he replaced a part. I gave him one of my DH's favorite power tools - vintage made in USA and rarely used - because it seemed like the right thing to do. I also told him the funny story that came with it. I'll try to remember to tell it here when I have more time.

Junie, that may not have been your hand but you have long slender fingers so that ring would look fabulous on you. And I don't know why but that ring speaks to me more than the others. I got a couple of estate things done (actually started) today on my husband's estate and one last week for my mom's that I've been putting off for ages. I started with the big stuff first - either with short deadlines or big dollars attached and then the easy stuff. Now I'm working my way down to the stuff that is either tricky for whatever reason or not as important. The Murphy's law of estate stuff is that the amount of trouble and bother seems to be in inverse proportion to the importance or worth. It makes me nuts even thinking about it.

Marcy, I love those Marty photos of the bears and rabbits. It's so nice that you share something fun like that with each other. My DH and I had something kind of like that. We have a butterfly magnet that we would take turns hiding in each other's study. Sometimes, it took a long time to find once we ran out of the obvious places. It's still in his study waiting for him to find it and I just made myself cry thinking about it. And that's the weird thing about grief. I was okay and then thought of that and it just hit me again. A reminder of something else I miss.

Scandi, I'm sorry work is so hectic right now but thanks for checking in. And you're absolutely right about that other thread. I saw that Tacori posted right after I posted my last post and felt I owed it to her to read it so I did, but didn't respond and haven't gone back to the thread since. I had a lot I could have said, but decided it was best not to.

Kristie, I'm so sorry to hear that you're going to have to go to court. That is super, super stressful and it makes sense to watch over everything like a hawk. It can't hurt and it may help. And I say that as a lawyer! I hope all goes well.

LLJ, glad to see you!

And to everyone else, hi!

I had dinner with my sister Saturday night. She was in town for a rowing regatta so I went to eat with her and her rowing buddies. A great group of women and I had a lot of fun. I'm having dinner with my MIL tonight, which should also be fun. Not because of her because 'fun' is not the adjective to describe her, but my BIL is in town so it will be great to see him. So it's off to drive in rush hour traffic.

Stay well, everyone.
Good morning girls!

Excuse typos, not time to think..

Missy, the house for the cameras are so clever! Good thinking and will help you keep an eye on the ferals! I must confess I'm curious! How do you make a cat ready for travel? I don't really know kitties.. Just dogs.. and I'm guessing that is quite a different game.. With our furbaby, I just take her outside, tell her to "peepee" and then tell her to jump into the car :halo: Good furbaby :halo:

Marcy, you asked about dinner, thank you :-) Dinner was - given the workish circumstances - quite fun actually!

A bit exhausting to talk to sooo may people I don't know (you know how it is - place cards (is that the right word?) never lets you sit with anyone you have ever seen before...), but I think I did good and was at my most charming :lol: At least my DH has gotten comments that I was "a delight" so I'm choosing to take that as a positive sign (could be irony off course, never know :lol: ) Some of the people I *do* know pretty well (allthough work related) so I gravitated towards them when dinner was finished and cake was served by the fireplace. Didn't eat cake (can't tolerate gluten) but they had some very nice champagne, so no complaints, lol. Some people are a bit funny though. We were talking about cars, and I said that yes, we also have an electric one, I bought it last year. And one guy said - "you mean you ordered it and your DH paid for it?" No ?? "I bought it and I paid for it, I thought that was the nice thing to do as it was a Christmas gift for my DH" - You should have seen his face :lol: :lol: :lol: I have not had that much fun for a long time. His jaw dropped, quite literally. A few years ago, I would have been upset, but I'm so over that now. I'm choosing to take it as a compliment, you know, I'm just so pretty I can't possibly be smart... :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: :halo: (Oh well, at least I'm blonde, and you know blondes.. :roll: :lol: )

Rainwood, I'm sorry you are dealing with happy memories that make you sad. I hope that one day you will be happy from those memories, and not sad. I know it must be hard. I'm having trouble with that re my first dog, a very wonderful Golden Retriever. But it does get better, just slowly. (And no - to be perfectly clear - not comparing a dog to a DH - or am I ...? Sorry !!! Just a joke, as I hope you understand! Just trying to make you smile <3)

Marcy, how was work yesterday?
Good morning girls!

Rainwood, I am so happy for you that the HVAC genius is back! :appl: :appl: :appl: What a huge relief and YAY for getting the system finally fixed! And I am also pleased that the the other HVAC guys seemed to know the right thing to do in case the latest fix didn't work so now you have appropriate back up. Good going. Did the genius ever say where he disappeared to when he was MIA? I am sure he appreciated the antique power tool. :appl:
And sorry you lost part of your post too. PS G-ds please hear us and show mercy! :halo:

Kristie, soon this whole ordeal will be over. I promise. And you will be so relieved and happy and everything will seem that much sweeter. Hang in there! I'm thinking bling will be in order soon for having gotten through this mess. :Up_to_something: :halo:

Scandi, that is a very good question. In many ways kitties/cats are easier than puppies/dogs but in the way of travel they are NOT easier at all. It's a long story but we had 3 cable guys at our house for over 6 hours yesterday and the cats were not pleased so by the time we had to gather them up they were hiding. Tommy particularly is quite the handful as he hides behind the washer and dryer upstairs and when we try getting him out the situation is precarious as I feel he can easily break his leg. So we have to figure out a way to block behind the machines so he cannot get in there anymore. Just too dangerous. They were frazzled by the time (finally) we were getting ready to leave and it was not pleasant.

You are a delight dear Scandi and shame on that gentleman (and I use that word loosely for this person) for not realizing women can make big purchases all on their own and can earn big money all on their own. In the words of HRH Francesca Harrrumph to that man.

And speaking of HRH here is the latest pic I took on our ride back yesterday. She was just winding down after quite the stressful day with the cable guys.

Yesterday was quite the long day and after 6 plus hours hopefully and finally the issue is fixed at the beach house but yanno I am not entirely convinced. The cable guys could not have been nicer and after a few hours they got their supervisor there too and they all stayed until they got it working. For now. But as always I put it in perspective and am glad it is working right now. Of course right now we are here in NY for the next 2 weeks due to plans with friends but I am hoping by the time we get back there it will still be working. :pray: :lol:

Jimmianne, hope you are enjoying France and your beautiful home and just saying hello!

And a big hello to everyone else too. :wavey:

Have a great day girls and sending big hugs and love your way!


Kristie, I'm so (!) sorry, I forgot to ask about Maggie even when I have been thinking of her all morning! How is she doing? Poor thing, but at least she has you to take care of her :-) Sorry to hear that you have a court thing. Hope it works out fast and well. Hugs!
Missy, HRH F is just beautiful! No other word to describe her! And that look she is giving you! I really don't think she liked the cable guys... :lol:
Scandinavian|1478603876|4095095 said:
Kristie, I'm so (!) sorry, I forgot to ask about Maggie even when I have been thinking of her all morning! How is she doing? Poor thing, but at least she has you to take care of her :-) Sorry to hear that you have a court thing. Hope it works out fast and well. Hugs!

Not to leave you hanging because I know Kristie is sleeping. Just wanted to let you know Maggie is doing very well and almost all healed!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Thank you Scandi! Yes HRH was none too pleased with us yesterday but none of our kitties were happy with us yesterday that is for sure. Heck I wasn't pleased either. Next time Greg has to handle this without us (Francesca, Bobby, Tommy, Fred and me!) there like he was initially planning to do. It just worked out that they could come at 7AM but little good did that do us since they weren't finished till after 1PM and by the time we packed up and left and arrived here the day was practically over. I did nothing I needed to do yesterday so today I have a lot on my to do list. All worth it if it stays fixed but well color me skeptical. But I am hoping. ::)
hi NIRDIs!

I will admit I have only read this page. So I hope everyone is doing well...otherwise.

Kristie, hang in there. You are getting through it. It has been a LOT. You're doing great, and so glad to hear Maggie is on the mend. At least it's all fours for her. I am crossing my fingers and hoping the very best for you. And whenever you can come visit, I taking you and Bob out for a great meal.

Missy, love the pics of Francesca. She's super photogenic. Girl doesn't know how to take a bad picture. Hope the cable guys did their job!!

Scandi, your story about the car was a good one. Wow, people still get surprised by that. Well, you can tell by our elections how very little a large portion of the US population values or respects women, so I shouldn't be surprised about it anywhere else. I love that quote that missy posted. Missy would you repost? I have to go back some page, but it was by an author, I believe.

Rainwood, hi! I must say, I am always a little envious when people say they get to do something as normal as have a meal with your sibling. I guess it's cause I don't have one. It's great to have a person in your life that knows you as well as a sibling does.

I'm generally a little stressed today. I will try to focus on the things I need to do, but I am worried about our country. I think that is why I have been looking at bling and distracting myself the past couple of days. (((hugs))) everyone.
Hi Girls,

Missy, I really think sweet little Francesca needs a diamond collar like the one sweet Melie was wearing. I believe with Frankie's beautiful dark hair a diamond collar would be perfect for her! Here is hoping today us better day for you and your internet problems are a thing of the past. Although not having internet and TV problems tonight could be a blessing.

LLJsmom, You are not the only one worried about tonight's election results. I don't want to live in a country that has Trump for a president. My husband called me this morning and asked if I remenber telling him I was going straight to Heroin if Trump wins. I had dental surgery yesterday and don't remember much of the day. I was going to call my dad today but know that it will turn into a huge election fight. I decided to wait until tomorrow before making the phone call.

Kristie, Glad to hear Maggie is feeling better. Do you know when the trial will begin? I wore my Hillary button all weekend!

Scandi, I can't believe that man at the party actually said that to you!!!! I would have loved to see this face. What rock did he manage climb out of? I would have reminded him it is 2016. Woman have been purchasing their own cars for many many years now. I had a car dealer 20 years ago refuse to let me test drive a Jeep because my husband wasn't with me. I went straight to the owner and told him his salesman made a big mistake and I would not be purchasing a Jeep thru his dealership. He follwed me all the way to my car trying to talk to me. I was so angry I didn't say another word. I Just drove off. I'm sure you looked beautiful in your dress.

Rainwood, I'm hope you had a great time at dinner with your MIL and BIL.

Junie, I hope all is going well with your moms estate and you are managing to keep everything going smoothly and calm. What did you decide to do about the cluster ring?

Hi Marcy, How is work going this week?
LLJsmom|1478623390|4095225 said:
hi NIRDIs!

I will admit I have only read this page. So I hope everyone is doing well...otherwise.

Kristie, hang in there. You are getting through it. It has been a LOT. You're doing great, and so glad to hear Maggie is on the mend. At least it's all fours for her. I am crossing my fingers and hoping the very best for you. And whenever you can come visit, I taking you and Bob out for a great meal.

Missy, love the pics of Francesca. She's super photogenic. Girl doesn't know how to take a bad picture. Hope the cable guys did their job!!

Scandi, your story about the car was a good one. Wow, people still get surprised by that. Well, you can tell by our elections how very little a large portion of the US population values or respects women, so I shouldn't be surprised about it anywhere else. I love that quote that missy posted. Missy would you repost? I have to go back some page, but it was by an author, I believe.

Rainwood, hi! I must say, I am always a little envious when people say they get to do something as normal as have a meal with your sibling. I guess it's cause I don't have one. It's great to have a person in your life that knows you as well as a sibling does.

I'm generally a little stressed today. I will try to focus on the things I need to do, but I am worried about our country. I think that is why I have been looking at bling and distracting myself the past couple of days. (((hugs))) everyone.

LLJsmom, Is this the quote you wanted me to share again? I have so many of them LOL that I am not sure which one you wanted me to share. Or it is this one? LOL I don't think so but hey I couldn't resist because I am a bit nervous about this election and its aftermath too!
And HRH Francesca says hi! She misses her Aunt Callie and Aunt LLJsmom. 8-)

Hope everyone is having a good day!


Given this is election day, I thought I'd share a couple of stories.

Story No. 1: I went to see my MIL and BIL at MIL's assisted living facility last night. The facility is in a suburb of the city where I live, known as being fairly well-to-do and historically Republican. I was waiting in the lobby and this lovely little old lady was sitting on a bench by the elevators dressed for dinner. She was wearing a Hillary Clinton button so I looked at her, smiled, and gave her a thumbs up as I'm a Clinton supporter (and donor) as well. She motioned me to come over. She points at the button and asks "Do you see what it says?" I looked closer and it had the Hillary red symbol and arrow standing for "I'm with" which is usually followed by "her." Her button had a little insert that said "Nasty woman." Then she says "And I'm not voting for her because I don't like Trump. I'm voting for Hillary Clinton because she is the best qualified candidate" and then she gave me a list of those qualifications. She finished with a big smile and said "I'm the only one here who has a political bumper sticker on their car. And I'm 90." Made my heart glad as it gave me hope for the election and that maybe, just maybe, I can be like her when I'm that age. We had a wonderful conversation after that about how neither of us thought this could happen in our lifetimes. At the end, I gave her a hug and said "You go, girl!" which she just loved.

Story No. 2: We are sitting at the dinner table and talking about the election. I had found out through the family grapevine that my MIL was not voting for Trump. I'm not all that surprised because his lifestyle isn't exactly aligned with her christian conservative viewpoint but I figured she would just not vote for anyone for president. At dinner, I found out from my BIL that she had voted for Hillary Clinton. And she'd voted for her because she told him she wanted to. We both strongly believe that this is the first time she's ever voted for a Democrat. She is 94.

And for those who don't like Hillary Clinton and think she's phony or too guarded or too paranoid (especially with the press), I'd encourage you to seek out Samantha Bee's latest monologue on her show "Full Frontal" (hate the name but the show itself is excellent). She says she thinks she's a phony too and says "And here's why" and proceeds to run through her life from college until now. I'm not that much younger than she is and I had no idea what she's had to put up with from the public and the press starting back when Bill was running for governor of Arkansas and how she had to change everything about herself to help her husband's career. The things that reporters said to her in interviews! By the end, I was almost standing up and cheering that she might be our next president. I thought I had to put up with a lot of s*#t when I was younger and out in the professional world, but it's nothing compared to what Hillary Rodham Clinton has had to bear. I encourage you to find it and watch it. It's really enlightening.
Callie, I didn't mean to forget you! As soon as I signed off, I realized that I hadn't said what I wanted to tell you, but had to run to an appointment and didn't have time to log back on. I know from the posting summary that you were the last to post in my other thread. And I haven't commented on your post here or there only because I haven't read it. I said in the thread that I was going to bow out and after I read Tacori's reply to my last post (I felt I owed her that), I did. So I'm not ignoring what you said, I'm just keeping my promise to myself to stay away.
Rainwood, I hope you know that I am so so sorry for all you have been these past few years. You are such an example of strength for all of us here. You always manage to go forward, find happiness in life and show kindness to others. Just knowing what you have been thru I can only imagine how difficult that has to be some days. I really admire you Rainwood.

Scandi, darn that necessity to work! I ended up working several hours late. At least I got to drive my Porsche home. Glad you had a very nice day though. That is great your dinner was fun the other day. Those work dinners are always iffy when you go but usually not bad once you get there. Well of course you were delightful! All NIRDI’s are. You handled the car discussion well. Work was busy both yesterday and today. I need to streamline by reports - you know work smarter not harder.

Missy, you can sure tell it’s fall after the Sun goes down here too. I keep resisting wearing my winter coat though. I am just using my fleece jacket. So it sounds like both of us can bring doom to electronics. Marty always tells me not to touch anything of his so I won’t break it. Did you get your TV and internet fixed? Love your “fall” pictures and camera houses. Great pictures of HRH. Glad to see she is being pampered as she should be. Thanks for letting us know Maggie is doing well.

Kristie, I am running the AC during the day and turning on the furnace at night. Poor Maggie, I hope the vet fixed her all up. Give her a big hug from Marty and me. Also give Finn one so he doesn’t feel left out. Good luck sorting out that awful mess. I know this month is a rough one for you too. Big Hugs coming your way.

Rainwood, that is a tragedy losing your post and seeing something about the Kardashians. I am proud to say I’ve never watched any of their silly drama. A good HVAC contact is a good thing to have. Our furnace quit on a Friday night during a major snow storm. Marty was in Hong Kong. I put on my big girl sweat pants (ha ha), sweatshirt, fleece robe and went to bed. The electric blanket was cranked. Marty called me in the middle of the night and talked me through switching it off and on downstairs but it wouldn’t stay running. Since I’m cheap I wouldn’t call the emergency weekend repairman so stayed home Monday and had them come in. Turned out to be a short and it’s a good thing it didn’t stay running. It was just some little wire he had to fix but I guess it was quite dangerous. Ugh, good luck with the estate stuff. I was so glad to get all of my parents estate finished. I was really enjoying your story about the butterfly but I got misty eyed too when you said it made you cry. I am sorry. That happens to me about my parents and you never know what will trigger it. Big Hugs! Those good memories are sometimes the hardest. Glad you had a nice time with your sister. I hope your MIL wasn’t awful but I am glad your BIL will be there to take some of the pressure off. I loved to hear about the lady at the assisted living facility; my grandma lived until she was 96 and loved to discuss politics until about the last year. It really perked her up.

LLJsmom, well I said all sorts of brilliant things on previous pages - just take my word for it though. Ha Ha. Are you still dreaming of all that pretty bling you tried on this weekend?

Callie, wouldn’t Francesca look fabulous with a diamond collar? One of us MUST win the lottery. Oh no to having dental surgery yesterday. I hope you are feeling okay today and will be all better soon. I don’t blame you for walking out of the Jeep dealership. I hate being treated like that. Work is going as expected. I love a challenge so I guess that is why I go back every day.

We went to supper with friends last night. We promised them a ride in our new car and ended up polishing off 2 bottles of wine while visiting for several hours. It was nice.

I had 3 chocolate cookies tonight. I ended up working about 2 hours late tonight. I picked up a burger on the way home. Marty did dishes for me thought. Sweet!!!

My boss decided to move one of his employees to my open position. I think she’d be good in there. She is strong enough to blow off, ignore or tell the “mean” girls to shut up. She stayed after work and talked to me about it. Of course she is hurt that he wants to move her. I told her I couldn’t tell her what do but asked her what reservations she had about working on my team. She said it was because it was so negative in there. I can’t deny those 2 ladies are complainers, whiners and negative but both of them would give her the shirt off their back. I think the biggest problem is they are closed up in a room all day long and face it - anything would get old and irritating being that close to other people all day. My guess is she is going to quit. That wasn’t the only reason I stayed late; my boss sent 2 massive updates and I’d let my employees leave early so I decided to do them. Good thing I took them on because they were a mess.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow. The sun will rise tomorrow no matter who wins the white house.

Guys just a quick check in to say hello...

And to share that I feel nauseated - and I am not exaggerating - that Trump may win. I feel actually sick to my stomach.

But you're right marcy - the sun will rise no matter what.

I'm just scared of what this man may do to our country. :(sad

(((hugs))) everyone - hope you're all doing OK.

Will catch up better within the next day or two.
I hear every word you are sayIng CJ and feel exactly the same way. I feel so sick tonight.
I need to stay out of the other thread. I'm just taking this election too personally. Have a good night girls. I'm done.
Me too.

I am on dilaudid for the pain of my kidney infection and even that is not enough to dull this.

President Trump.

This opinion piece from the NYT's Paul Krugman in some ways sums it up for me:

We still don’t know who will win the electoral college, although as I write this it looks — incredibly, horribly — as if the odds now favor Donald J. Trump. What we do know is that people like me, and probably like most readers of The New York Times, truly didn’t understand the country we live in. We thought that our fellow citizens would not, in the end, vote for a candidate so manifestly unqualified for high office, so temperamentally unsound, so scary yet ludicrous.

We thought that the nation, while far from having transcended racial prejudice and misogyny, had become vastly more open and tolerant over time. We thought that the great majority of Americans valued democratic norms and the rule of law.

It turns out that we were wrong. There turned out to be a huge number of people — white people, living mainly in rural areas — who don’t share at all our idea of what America is about. For them, it is about blood and soil, about traditional patriarchy and racial hierarchy. And there were many other people who might not share those anti-democratic values, but who nonetheless were willing to vote for anyone bearing the Republican label.

I don’t know how we go forward from here. Is America a failed state and society? It looks truly possible. I guess we have to pick ourselves up and try to find a way forward, but this has been a night of terrible revelations, and I don’t think it’s self-indulgent to feel quite a lot of despair.​

I'd say that one of the lessons learned is that misogyny runs even deeper than we feared. That truly breaks my heart. In some ways, I'm thankful I live in a progressive bubble. The majority of voters in my state believes in progressive values. But I'm lucky to have that, and I know so many others do not, and suffer because of it.

I'm trying to find something good to come out of this. Maybe it's that people will learn in the worst way possible that their vote matters, their vote matters a lot. That those rights and protections people (especially young people) take for granted could be snatched away far more easily than they ever imagined, and that four years from now we'll need to be far more prepared to make sure that misogynistic, narcissistic, incompetent thug or anyone like him isn't in the Oval Office. Our country and maybe the world could be in tatters by then, but those of who believe the U.S. can and will be a better place aren't going away any time soon. And we'll fight even harder for true democracy because THAT is what actually makes America great.

Here's the other thing I want to say because I'm pissed off: All the people who voted for Trump or just couldn't be bothered to vote at all - the next four years are on you. And when the s*%t hits the fan, you better own it.
Gypsy|1478670038|4095691 said:
Me too.

I am on dilaudid for the pain of my kidney infection and even that is not enough to dull this.

President Trump.


:cry: I am so sorry Gypsy. You poor thing. I am hoping you can tune this out and get some rest tonight.
Just sick reading the news of Florida this morning
Getting Internet service the 18th
Reading faithfully if silently until then
Most post don't go thru

Yikes it posted!
Cleaning like crazy here and loving the challenge
DD stayed an extra week to help
and she has claimed the top floor for her own & bf : )
Very happy will the busyness and daily house shopping
Miss talking to you all
Sorry for brevity as even getting the first post thru was a miracle
rainwood|1478674496|4095715 said:
This opinion piece from the NYT's Paul Krugman in some ways sums it up for me:

We still don’t know who will win the electoral college, although as I write this it looks — incredibly, horribly — as if the odds now favor Donald J. Trump. What we do know is that people like me, and probably like most readers of The New York Times, truly didn’t understand the country we live in. We thought that our fellow citizens would not, in the end, vote for a candidate so manifestly unqualified for high office, so temperamentally unsound, so scary yet ludicrous.

We thought that the nation, while far from having transcended racial prejudice and misogyny, had become vastly more open and tolerant over time. We thought that the great majority of Americans valued democratic norms and the rule of law.

It turns out that we were wrong. There turned out to be a huge number of people — white people, living mainly in rural areas — who don’t share at all our idea of what America is about. For them, it is about blood and soil, about traditional patriarchy and racial hierarchy. And there were many other people who might not share those anti-democratic values, but who nonetheless were willing to vote for anyone bearing the Republican label.

I don’t know how we go forward from here. Is America a failed state and society? It looks truly possible. I guess we have to pick ourselves up and try to find a way forward, but this has been a night of terrible revelations, and I don’t think it’s self-indulgent to feel quite a lot of despair.​

I'd say that one of the lessons learned is that misogyny runs even deeper than we feared. That truly breaks my heart. In some ways, I'm thankful I live in a progressive bubble. The majority of voters in my state believes in progressive values. But I'm lucky to have that, and I know so many others do not, and suffer because of it.

I'm trying to find something good to come out of this. Maybe it's that people will learn in the worst way possible that their vote matters, their vote matters a lot. That those rights and protections people (especially young people) take for granted could be snatched away far more easily than they ever imagined, and that four years from now we'll need to be far more prepared to make sure that narcissistic, incompetent thug or anyone like him isn't re-elected. Our country and maybe the world could be in tatters by then, but those of who believe the U.S. can and will be a better place aren't going away any time soon. And we'll fight even harder for true democracy because THAT'S what actually makes America great.

Here's the other thing I want to say because I'm pissed off: All the people who voted for Trump or just couldn't be bothered to vote at all - the next four years are on you. And when the s*%t hits the fan, you better own it.

This. Everything you wrote here. It's what is written on my broken heart tonight.
LLJsmom|1478674531|4095716 said:
Gypsy|1478670038|4095691 said:
Me too.

I am on dilaudid for the pain of my kidney infection and even that is not enough to dull this.

President Trump.


:cry: I am so sorry Gypsy. You poor thing. I am hoping you can tune this out and get some rest tonight.

((HUGS)). Thank you honey. I hope your day tomorrow is a fantastic one.

I'm a living pinata right now.

Went to doctor of 20 plus years. They are now part of Stanford Health System now (just bought) and they do not accept Covered California.

So I saw him, and I have a kidney infection. And need a new doctor apparently.

Then I went to the pharmacy and though we got the "gold" plan, most of our prescriptions are not on the 'schedule' of the insurance and are just flat not covered. I have no idea what we are spending 1000 a month for.

And now ... there will be no ACA within months.
I am ill. Greg woke me up this morning and told me Trump won and I said stop fooling around it's not funny and it's too early in the morning and he just shook his head and said it again. I cannot believe it. How did this happen? I feel sick and I am shaking and I feel like I am living in an insane surreal opposite universe where nothing makes sense. Where up is down, right is wrong and crazy rules. OMG. I am shaking and cannot stop. How did this happen???????

I am sorry I cannot even think straight right now. Haven't read anyone's posts. I will be back. I am still trying to process what the people of this country just did.
rainwood|1478674496|4095715 said:
This opinion piece from the NYT's Paul Krugman in some ways sums it up for me:

We still don’t know who will win the electoral college, although as I write this it looks — incredibly, horribly — as if the odds now favor Donald J. Trump. What we do know is that people like me, and probably like most readers of The New York Times, truly didn’t understand the country we live in. We thought that our fellow citizens would not, in the end, vote for a candidate so manifestly unqualified for high office, so temperamentally unsound, so scary yet ludicrous.

We thought that the nation, while far from having transcended racial prejudice and misogyny, had become vastly more open and tolerant over time. We thought that the great majority of Americans valued democratic norms and the rule of law.

It turns out that we were wrong. There turned out to be a huge number of people — white people, living mainly in rural areas — who don’t share at all our idea of what America is about. For them, it is about blood and soil, about traditional patriarchy and racial hierarchy. And there were many other people who might not share those anti-democratic values, but who nonetheless were willing to vote for anyone bearing the Republican label.

I don’t know how we go forward from here. Is America a failed state and society? It looks truly possible. I guess we have to pick ourselves up and try to find a way forward, but this has been a night of terrible revelations, and I don’t think it’s self-indulgent to feel quite a lot of despair.​

I'd say that one of the lessons learned is that misogyny runs even deeper than we feared. That truly breaks my heart. In some ways, I'm thankful I live in a progressive bubble. The majority of voters in my state believes in progressive values. But I'm lucky to have that, and I know so many others do not, and suffer because of it.

I'm trying to find something good to come out of this. Maybe it's that people will learn in the worst way possible that their vote matters, their vote matters a lot. That those rights and protections people (especially young people) take for granted could be snatched away far more easily than they ever imagined, and that four years from now we'll need to be far more prepared to make sure that misogynistic, narcissistic, incompetent thug or anyone like him isn't in the Oval Office. Our country and maybe the world could be in tatters by then, but those of who believe the U.S. can and will be a better place aren't going away any time soon. And we'll fight even harder for true democracy because THAT is what actually makes America great.

Here's the other thing I want to say because I'm pissed off: All the people who voted for Trump or just couldn't be bothered to vote at all - the next four years are on you. And when the s*%t hits the fan, you better own it.

Rainwood, yes heartbreaking on all levels but unlike Paul Krugman I don't find any comfort in this at all. It will be cold comfort when our country falls/is ripped apart and we are left in the ruins. I cannot even think straight but I am terrified. I cannot see any positive in this at all. :blackeye:
And I am PISSED OFF too! But terrified is the overriding emotion I am feeling right this minute.
Gypsy, I am so sorry honey and I hope you were able to get some sleep last night. Praying you have health care as time goes on and that somehow we will be OK. ::)

Callie, wow well I cannot believe anything anymore and all I know is nothing makes sense. Shoulda got the diamond both of us but too late. :wall:

Marcy, I hope your new (to that position) employee works out well for you. I have also resisted wearing my winter coat but mainly because I look cuter in my lighter jackets but this weekend there will be no denying the weather chill and we shall see. The winter coats might start coming out. Yes the sun should rise this morning still but I am truly in shock about what has happened and I am very very worried about our uncertain future. And by looking at the stock market you can see so is everyone else. It is hard to fathom how irresponsible and ignorant people just are.

CJ, I wish it was better news that brought you here to say hi. Hope you and your dh and kitty are well.

Scandi, you are so lucky you don't live here.

LLJsmom, well our worst fears about this election have come true. Never in a million years did I think it would go this way. If I knew this yesterday when we were chatting I would have done the opposite of what I did re you know what. NOW look where we are. I am completely shocked, scared and sick out of my mind with worry. And of course in hindsight I should have realized that the prejudiced racist misogynist people of this country would never allow a woman president. UNBELIEVABLE. :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

Kristie, makes al the other issues look very small compared to what we are dealing with as a country now doesn't it. Nothing makes sense honey. NOTHING. Except the sweet love of our fur babies. Thank goodness for them.

Rainwood, How did this happen? How did he become President? How are we going to survive? Rhetorical questions but if anyone can answer them maybe you can...And actually I know how this happened already just reading the editorial you shared and realizing after the fact what a prejudiced nation we truly are. Disappointing doesn't begin to touch my feelings right now. :blackeye:
DO you think we will be OK? Or do you think we are in deep serious trouble? ;( I am feeling the latter but hoping and praying for the former. :pray:

Hi Jimmianne, Glad to hear from you but too bad it is because of this. Maybe you should stay in France. I would seriously consider it if we had the resources to move. Too bad I hate the cold because Vancouver/Victoria here I would go. I am only half kidding because what is going to become of this country? Hope you are well and enjoying your vacation. And thank you for saying hello.

OK girls I am going to wish you all a good day despite the devastating news. Sending hugs and good vibes to each and everyone of you and all the fur babies too. (((HUGS))).

Just sharing HRH Francesca's reaction and Tommy's reaction when they found out who won the election. Fred is just in total shock.




Very late good morning girls :wavey:

Had a very early and very long morning meeting today. But I guess this migth not be your idea of a good morning.. So I'll keep my post short, because I'm a little lost for words. Actually, I was afraid this might be the realistic outcome, there is a lot of statistics here that a lot of people misreport who they are going to vote for if they think it is embarrassing to admit..

Soooo... suggest you all move here to me ? I'll help you house shopping ;)) And Missy, I can find work for you and Greg here, just let me know!
Great sadness