
Now I really did it :((


Missy, Rigatoni is awesome. He is such a little cutie. Glad to hear you had nice weather. It was fabulous here today. I have wash and wear hair and it’s not nearly as curly as yours; mine is more body because I have so much hair. My hair is past my chin but not really shoulder length. I can never pull my hair up in a ponytail anyway because there is just too much to do that. My pigtails were always larger than other people’s ponytails. Marty is feeling better today but still has a way to go to be well. Poor guy. Thanks for asking.

That is fabulous you and Greg can keep both places and sell the beach house when you reach those golden years. Great plan! :appl:

Glad to hear your MIL is doing well. I love your words of wisdom about aging. That is spot on!

I stayed up until about 1:30 watching videos and goofing off online. Marty slept in our guest bedroom again after taking a dose of Nyquil. I heard him rattling pans about 9 so I sent him a text and said “ssh, you woke up the teddies”. That got some unwanted attention right away.

Speaking of Teddies I named my new teddy bear "Hearts". I have one already named "Arrows" so I thought that worked.

My sister and BIL came to town today so she could pick up one of her sapphire rings. It turned out pretty. She had him make a square halo for it; it didn’t turn out as she expected but does like it. We all went out to lunch then my sister and I went to a remount show at Kays and Marty and my BIL went to some hardware stores. We watched an IMAX movies in 4K before they went one.

The Kays remount show was interesting. They are very proud of those unique rings and pendants they bring; holy cow I wouldn’t pay those prices. I wanted to see a ¾ carat against my neck but I guess they sensed I was only browsing so I never got them to open the seal on a less than attractive diamond. Oh well, my sister go some ideas for rings for her sapphires.

It was a fun day.

Take care.
Good morning girls!

Marcy, glad Marty is feeling better and that you had a good day yesterday. Love the name Hearts especially given you already have an Arrows. Well done! I like a square halo and glad your sister was pleased with her sapphire ring. No photos for us? 8)
I wish my hair was thicker. When the weather is dry with no humidity my hair is flat and looks dead so I would love thicker hair but I am sorry you cannot wear it in a ponytail easily. That is my go to style when I cannot do anything with it. Haha can an 80 year old still wear a ponytail? I will be as long as I still have hair that and is hopefully I still will!

We had a lovely day yesterday. The weather was perfect and we visited the rescues and walked a lot outside. It was so nice out! Oh if our weather could always be like that I would be so happy. Today is another good weather day woohoo so doing more of the same. Visiting the other rescue animal group and perhaps heading into another neighborhood after that and going to the waterfront and maybe visiting the dog park too! :bigsmile:

Hope all of you have a good Sunday and are enjoying the Presidents Day weekend. And hope everyone (sorry Scandi and Sharon!) is off tomorrow too! :wavey:

Adding a photo of 2 black kitties who are siblings and looking for a good home together. They are super sweet!!!
And can you imagine what they are saying? They are saying please adopt us we would make amazing and loving additions to your family!


Missy, I think Hearts and Arrows is perfect for 2 of my teddy bears. Square halos do look nice. I did take a few photos. I’ll post one for you.

You can wear a ponytail anytime and at any age. I definitely only want wash and wear hairdos. I am using one of those self-stick rollers for my bangs right now but that’s it.

It sounds like you have perfect weather this weekend and are having a lovely time. Nice.

Very cute and sweet kitties.

I don’t have tomorrow off so I am counting on all of you who do have the day off to have some fun for me.

I finished laundry today and we went out to lunch. Not much else going on today.

I watched a video about CBI diamonds and it looks like I’d get a picture of the rough diamond before they cut it. That would be so awesome.

Have a fabulous day and long weekend.



Marcy, Hearts and Arrows - just perfect! :-)

Missy, they are almost as pretty as Cola :-) :-) ;-)
Hi girls! Happy Presidents Day!

Marcy, I'm sorry you are not off work today but I promise we will have double the fun for you OK? The weather is once again splendid so going to spend it outdoors. Thank you for sharing your sister's ring. Pretty!

Scandi, almost yes :love: . Hope you had a fun weekend.

We visited the rescues (different organizations) both days and just spent the days enjoying the outdoors and walking and being together. So nice and I am glad we didn't spend it at the beach house or I wouldn't have been able to visit the animals. I will share some photos with you girls.

Posted with permission of the child's father fyi! I specifically asked about posting on IG and other public forums and he said absolutely AOK. LOL the kid just wanted to be in all my pics. :lol: She was a sweetheart but she is not up for adoption. The kitties are however....just saying if anyone is interested please contact me or K9 Kastle! The best animal rescue organization!!!! :appl:




And presenting Noriko one of my favorites! He has a neurological condition that makes him slightly wobbly but he is incredibly precious charming and loving. Seriously would make an absolutely great addition to your family. He is a SWEETIE!!!!! (Pictured with Emily one of the tireless rescue volunteers and an absolutely lovely person as they all are-this rescue group are one of my favorite bunch of people honestly!!!)

Awwww they are all so sweet!! Can't believe they need a (new) home!

Marcy, thank you for bling pictures !! Keep them coming!

We are in the mountains this week, so only short posts! Hugs!

Missy, I feel better you doubled your fun today just for me. Even better you had lovely weather. All of the kitties are so sweet. I can see why you want to take them all home.

Scandi, hopefully I’ll have some new bling pictures soon. Enjoy the mountains.

I had another fun filled day at my babysitting job today. One of my employees asked me if I’d heard when we’d get our merit increases or if those went away since we are moving to the other company. So one of my @#$$%^&^ PITA employees pipes up and says “I’m not expecting anything because all we ever hear is we suck”. WTH? I immediately said “no one ever said you suck”. So then she repeats some things my boss has said to the group about finding ways to be more efficient, to not waste time, to continue to improve and get better the longer you’ve been on the job. I replied all he was saying is he expects to see growth and improvement the longer you’ve been on the job. Then I said every one of us in this room including me has room for improvement. So then she says well I’m not saying anymore. The rest of the day she was happy as can be; she got to stir up the pooh in front of everyone. I am going to tell her if she is so unhappy with her job it’s time for her to look elsewhere. Her next one on one is a week from tomorrow but I’m hoping I catch her complaining again – I’ve had it. Grr.

I didn’t hear from Wink or his assistant today about when or if those diamonds will arrive for a video conference. Rats.

Hello, NIRDI-lettos!! I lost a post Saturday night because I pulled a completely bonehead move. I haven't done that in awhile. It must be the nice glass of Chardonnay I was having. And then when I rewrote it, I couldn't post at all the whole weekend.

Missy, Rigatoni is such a cute pup! He looks like a blend of pit bull and either Boston terrier or French bulldog. I can just hear them calling his name. I bet they end up calling him Toni. And the rescue kitties are all so cuddly looking. I'd never be able to go to a rescue because I'd bring someone home for sure. For sure. And I'm curious. When you were single, what did you do about breakfast and lunch? I'm still fascinated by not cooking, I don't know why. And I'm sorry to hear you're a member of the thin hair club too. But I have maybe half the hair you do. Seriously, half. I'm not sure if I have the same number of strands as most and it's just extra fine or whether I start with less and the fineness just makes it worse. Either way, long hair is not really an option for me. Plus as soon as it's past my shoulders, I feel like it gets in my way. I have a low annoyance threshold for hair being in my face or in my way and as soon as I have to yank it out from under my shoulder in bed, I know it's time for a trim.

Scandi, hope you're having a great week in the mountains. Watch out for all those fake terrorists, okay?

Marcy, So you're still thinking about a diamond from Wink? For some reason, I though you already pulled the trigger. Are they priced the same as other h & a stones or higher? Custom cut was something I looked at briefly, but decided I didn't want the uncertainty of it. And once I headed the OEC route, I definitely didn't want to because I needed to see exactly what it looked like before I'd buy.

I'm over on the island and there are definitely a few issues because of all the rain we've had. Wettest November ever and now it looks like it will be the wettest February too. The shed's roofing came off awhile ago and everything in there is soaked and some of it is starting to get moldy. I started cleaning it out Saturday and finished today. What a yucky, soggy, moldy mess, some of the stuff is ruined and a lot of the stuff I didn't toss will need to be cleaned up. I need to get someone to put a tarp on it for the rest of the winter and spring, then get it repaired. The woman who looks after the place can't seem to get someone to come out so I'll have to find someone myself and may have found a solution this morning. And the road and driveway will need to be re-graveled and the storm ditch re-dug because the water is not traveling the way it's supposed to for the storm water system. And my nemesis - the thermostat/brains for the HVAC system needs a new battery. They just put one in last fall. Must have been the power outage during the snowstorm. I took care of that this morning too.

But at least the dishwasher works which is more than I can say about the city house. It stopped draining on Friday night. Of course it decided to do that at the start of a holiday weekend. The maintenance manual tells you how to check it, but I couldn't get one of the drains off and didn't want to force it. So I had to wash the dishes by hand on Friday night. Let me replay it the way it sounds in my head. I HAD TO WASH THE DISHES BY HAND!!!!!!!! So I decided to stay on the island until Monday. I’ll make something that dirties up few dishes tonight and the repair people are coming Tuesday morning. I shouldn't complain though. The DW is 12 years old and has never given me a bit of trouble. But all the home maintenance is driving me nuts. Just when I think I've gotten to most of it, something else goes wrong. Gah!!

I went and saw 'La La Land' Saturday night. I liked the movie, but I wouldn't give it my vote for best picture. I thought both 'Hidden Figures' and 'Arrival' were better films. I'm planning to see 'Lion' this week and need to find a way to squeeze in 'Moonlight' and then I'll have seen all of the contenders I want to see.

Here are a few photos of my trip I thought some of you might find useful. The first is a great idea for when you want to go shopping. Drop your DH at one of these places and shop to your heart's content:

And if you want your DH to know it's time you got a bigger rock, you might want to give him some big rocks of his own, preferably in his favorite beverage:

That should work, right?

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!


Good morning girls!

Rainwood, haha you are onto my evil plan! :Up_to_something: Getting you to the animal rescues on the weekends and then knowing you are sure to rescue a fur baby or 2 or 3... 8)

OMG that sucks about the water getting in and the roof on the shed needing to be replaced. Hoping that gets fixed soon! And I would hate washing dishes by hand too so I totally get the all caps. :knockout: Hoping that gets fixed soon too. Yes the maintenance is never ending that is the truth! Grrrr. :nono: Doesn't the universe know our time is better spent saving humanity from itself? :!: :read: (At this point not sure that is even I kid I kid!) ::)

Good question about breakfast and lunch. In those days (aka my twenties) I did not eat breakfast though I usually was eating a scone for midday at work and my colleagues and I would always go out for lunch during the work weekdays. During the weekends I was with my boyfriend at the time (and I was usually in longer term relationships so I was a serial monogamist) so days and evenings were taken care of...I should add I usually (always) seemed to end up with guys who were incredibly nurturing and also enjoyed cooking so I had many a home cooked meal and was not lacking for food. Seriously I think almost all (with the exception of one) of the boys/men I dated were enthusiastic about cooking and took good care of me. I was very fortunate.

I have not heard of any of the movies you listed but I don't know any of the current movies period since we don't go out to the movies anymore and I don't watch any of the award shows (save for the fashion show on E TV whose name escapes me at the moment).Thank you for the recs and I will be watching for them on cable!

LOL love the signs about the Husband Day Care Center and the diamond ice cubes. :lol:
Sorry about losing your original post. I try to always copy and paste before I hit send because well my computer or the PS server or both tend to have a mind of its own and man I have lost too many a long post before. ;(

Have a good week and may everything that needs to be fixed get fixed and may everything that is working stay working! :pray: :appl:

Marcy, sorry your employees insist on behaving so stupidly. You really are their babysitter and they don't even realize the irony of the situation. :roll: I feel your Grrr and raise you a Grrrr. And I sure hope Wink gets back to you soon to help erase the Grrrs from work into purrs of joy! See what I did there? Are you sure I cannot tempt anyone with a sweet kitten or 2? They are fur balls of LOVE. :naughty: :love: 8) :love:

Hope your workweek gets better!

Scandi, hope you are enjoying the mountains. What a nice getaway. It is lovely having a place to just get away from it all and the change of scenery really does wonders.

So you are away at the mountains this week and my sister, BIL and sweet nieces are at Disney. Sharing a few pics. So sweet. I especially love my BIL's expression while on the roller coaster. Priceless. :lol:

Have a great day girls!



:lol: :lol: :lol: Love the expression on you BIL's face on that ride!!! Looks like Bethany and Alexa might be bringing home some caimans???? So cuddly hahahaha!!

June, sent you an email, please forward at your discretion to the teacher in the family. The box should arrive today or tomorrow. :sun:
Rainy, love the pics you posted! :lol: It sounds and looks like the CIA training bwahahahaha was terrific. The pasta making sounds laborious, though. This must be why chefs drink, 99% boredom, 1% sheer terror (this is how musicians describe their profession).

Guys, it was 90 degrees at Tucson the last day we were there. I'll get busy and upload some pics so you can get a look. It was a quiet show this year. Not as many people showing/selling or buying. I treated myself to an expensive mineral specimen when the guy selling them said the Magic Words: I'll Give You 30% Off!!! I bought some crystal pendants and some carved agate and jasper rings from Brazil. Bob bought uncut geodes OF COURSE 8-) :sun: :)

We ate well this time, had a really good pizza at Union Pub, although they called it "flatbread." Across the plaza from Union Pub was Reforma, which served unbelieveably good nouveau Mexican food and great margaritas. Came home and found out I'd packed on 3 lbs, which I was incredulous regarding because I feel like I walked the entire city of Tucson going to all the shows.

Marcy, a diamond in the works? YAY!!! We need some new sparkle :angel:

Hello to All, I can spend my computer time catching up more than 2 pages on this thread or I can download some Tucson pics, so I'll download pics and try to keep up now!
Ummm Kristie, waiting (IM)patiently for your photos!!! C'mon girlfriend, I have to go to work in 18 hours! :lol:
Hello girls :wavey:

Stormy outside here today! But no fake terrorists, promise! They have all blown away.. AWAY. Not up. LOL. Or maybe they have some alternative maps. facts. I get confused. Either way... Love the CIA pictures and stories Rainwood!

Missy, fantastic photos from Disney!! And those kitties are adorable!!

Furbaby was a bit alternative today also. Found birds? Yes. Sitting? No. :lol: First she sat down. Then she looked at me and changed her mind. And ran for it - the birds that is. She almost scared me to death, she went up a mountain side through an old (small) avalanche!! Aren’t dogs supposed to be smart?? When I got hold of her again I started crying - as usual.. - and sent a text to a friend to bring a lot of red wine when we meet in a few weeks.

Kristie, pictures please :appl:

Marcy, please please eat a lot (!) of cookies. A cookie mind is a sane mind.. or something like that… :lol: Hugs!

Jimmianne, how are you? Miss you.

June, my mother's great great something aunt died, and now we have an estate too... But the lawyers are handling it, too many heirs. I am thinking about buying it for my mother though, she has been looking for a house in that area for years. The house is horrible but the plot (? is that the word?) is very nice. She thinks it is too much fuss to renovate, but I’m considering surprising her with a finished house. If so, we might just burn down the house and start over. It all depends on the sales price. We shall se. Hope you are doing well!

Jaaron, how is the wind in your end of the world? And your dogs? Hopefully not as crazy as my girl..
CJ – hello!
We still have not decided on flooring, so no news from my end. But will keep you posted :-) Hope to get some pictures for you on Monday of the construction work.

Forgive the typos!

Okay, this is a tester for rotating the pic prior to posting it!

This is Bob with some dinos in the courtyard of Hotel Tucson City Center, formerly the InnSuites Show. It was a gorgeous day and as you can see, not a lot of competition to buy. Those dinos are sold by a company from Australia. I want one for my front yard to tick off my HOA!!! :lol:

Dammit. I didn't rotate this one, let's see what happens. This room belongs to Thomas Nagin, a geologist who stars on "Mineral Explorers," a terrific show on PBS about getting the minerals and gems from the mine and all that this entails. Its always interesting meeting someone you've seen on TV, he was very nice and had GORGEOUS gems and jewelry and specimens including specimens for interior design. He had some very beautiful emerald and gold rings and necklaces; I would buy emeralds from him, he gets them at the mine so he knows and you know they are real. His business is Take a look.

Trying again...

GAH! I'm doing everything right: Rotating, then saving, then downloading as attachment! GAH!!
Okay, lowering my expectations and trying to be flexible, :wall: :wall: :wall:

This is an amazing case of gem-quality minerals, anybody here recognize which family?

Yes, beryl! Look at the beautiful shades of blue here. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

An award-winning amethyst cathedral with a stunner of a crystal that grew inside.

I'd like this in my living room!!

Crystal cluster! Make a lovely addition to anyone's home!

I commented in my thread regarding baiting that people weren't posting pics as much as they used to. NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY. Its nothing but frustration---I'm doing EVERYTHING that has been suggested to fix this and nothing is working. So I don't think its me :read: :naughty:

A lovely dinner outside in the evening. Reforma, nouveau Mexican food, fabulous, and cocktails.

Well shoot, apologies regarding the pics. I email them from my cellphone (Samsung Galaxy 6), download the pics, rotate/crop, then upload here. I even tried NOT rotating, same problem. :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:
Kristie, we are in the middle of dinner and watching Big Little Lies (loving it!) but wanted to see if I could help. Just take the photo as is and rotate it till it is right side up and try again. That is just what I did now and the photo should post A-OK! And thanks for all the eye candy! Wow. Nice! :love:


Rainwood, Chardonnay sounds delicious. I hate to hear about problems at the island and ugh to dealing with mold in the shed. I hope you can find someone to get a tarp over it until it can be repaired in the spring. I saw California is having flooding today. Love the diamond ice cubes and good idea for the husband day care center. They had once similar to that at one of the malls in Denver; it was a brewery and wine bar. I am looking at a diamond from Wink. I must not be spending enough money though because I have only heard from his assistant. The diamond was supposed to arrive today but I didn’t hear anything yet. I’m in no hurry. Yes, Wink is several hundred more but the pendant will be a few hundred less and I plan on paying by wire to get 5% off. I am intrigued by the reviews of people on PS that says the CBI diamonds are so sharp and crisp so that is why I picked a CBI. Based on what I read about the CBI they are all cut to the same specs and one thing I read said you get a picture of your diamond in the rough. That would be cool.

Missy, I can see you with a lemonade style stand handing out kitties to your neighbors. Glad to hear you were spoiled and well taken care of even before you found Greg. I wish I could have a few kitties but my allergies would complain. Yes, I did like all of your Grr. This morning that girl kept talking while the team was all verifying work and I went in there and said I don’t want to hear any talking while people are verifying. Of course, she argued with me and I said no talking if you have questions you are to ask me. She didn’t talk to me the rest of the day and that office was quiet all day long. I must have scared them. Good! I chuckled to myself quite a bit about it. Your look on your BIL’s face is priceless. Glad to see your nieces are enjoying some of the local wildlife.

Kristie, I am anxious to get a new diamond. I am delighted to hear you and Bob enjoyed the show this year and brought home some wonderful treasures. Love your pictures. I kept trying to look at them by turning my iPad but naturally it just rotates with the iPad. I could get them oriented right with my laptop. Love the picture of Bob with the dinosaur.

Scandi, awe sorry the furbaby ran up a dangerous spot and scared you. I am glad she is okay. You definitely deserve wine after that. I like that – a cookie mind is a sane mind. Cookies do sound great. I might pick some up from a local cookie shop tomorrow. They will do when I am out of cookies in the freezer. I am sorry to hear about your great, great, great aunt; buying her house would be a lovely gift to your mom. Good luck picking out your flooring.

We are having another one of those super windy days today. Snow is moving in tomorrow night with 6-12 inches expected through Friday.

We had homemade tacos for supper. I finally have a few leftovers for lunch. Woo hoo! I had an easy Mac today; not my favorite but it beat going out in the wind.

Hopefully I get to see a video of that f CBI diamond tomorrow and find out the answer to my burning question – do those feathers reach the surface? Based on the AGS certificate they don’t because they aren’t marked in green but I want an expert’s opinion. As Marty pointed out the only time the diamond might break now is when they mount it so if the diamond broke then they’d have to replace it anyway. At least I think that is how it works. I’d hope so. I am way okay with a Si1 diamond for a pendant as long as it’s eye clean. Here is a collage of the photos off the website of that diamond. The top clarity chart has minimal feathers and one cloud.

Take care.


Hi girls! I'm hopelessly behind so I'll just jump back in -

Missy, your hair is beautiful! You look great with it shorter as well, but I know it's hard to make that big of a change. Luckily your hair looks great as it is lol. Very glad to hear that you'll be able to keep both houses, that is great news and I'm happy for you. Rigatoni is adorable!!! :love: What a sweet munchkin. And the kitties are all so special, I honestly wish I could take in every single one of them. Great pics of your sister and her family! The girls are just so cute.

Marcy, I am so sorry about your sapphire being damaged, that is such a shame. I had a diamond band resized and the stones became discolored. I was told that the heat probably burned some dirt that was trapped behind the diamonds (setting doesn't have holes for easy cleaning). Who knows. Ah well, these things happen but I do get how disappointing and frustrating it is. I am so excited about you getting a CBI diamond! :dance: They are beautiful stones that are cut to perfection. Hopefully the F turns out to be the one for you. Your sister's ring is beautiful. I'm a sucker for halos and the setting really complements that beautiful sapphire. Your Snoopy charm bracelet is so cute!

I hope Marty is starting to feel better by now. Wow, sounds like the poor guy got hit really hard. The rental fee for the office space is very reasonable and it's good that it's a 6 month lease. I think it's definitely worth a try, it sounds like something he really wants to do and no harm done imo if it ends up not working out for him. He'll always wonder if he doesn't give it a shot; this way he'll know for sure if it's something he's really interested in pursuing. Ugh, I am so sorry about your employee being such a nudge. IMO it's very immature behavior and so frustrating for you to deal with.

Rainwood, wow, the food looks delicious and it sounds like you learned a lot! I'm glad you had such a good time and it sounds like a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. Your pictures made me very hungry lol. Thank you for taking the time to post all those great pics, I really enjoyed them. Thanks for the tips about clearing out my mother's house, very helpful advice. I'm so sorry you had to deal with the hassle of all the house issues, it really is always something. Love the signs you posted lol - Those diamond ice cubes are actually very cool and very fitting for PS!

Scandi, I'm glad you're enjoying some time away and I hope you're having a great time. Sorry your furbaby gave you a scare! I'm sorry to hear about the loss in your family and I'm glad no family members have to deal with settling the estate. Buying the property and building a house for your mother is so generous and amazing of you! I hope it works out.

Calliecake, yes, I wished you lived closer too! Jewelry shopping sounds very fun to me right now lol. I hope your recovery is going well and you're feeling better.

Kristie, amazing pics from the gem show! The colors of the beryls are just gorgeous. The amethyst is stunning. The restaurant sounds great. Love the pic of Bob and the dinosaur, and yes, I would love for you to put it on your front lawn lol. Liven things up a little in the neighborhood :devil:

Have a good night everyone!
Good morning girls!

OMG Scandi, thank goodness sweet F is safe and sound! I am sorry she gave you quite the scare honey. (((HUGS))). Hope the storms have calmed down and I cannot wait for some happy house updates!

Marcy, I am looking forward to seeing what new diamonds you may find and what beautiful necklace you will create. Have you heard from Wink yet about your latest bling project or is that this morning? It looks promising! Haha lemonade stand. It's a tough crowd here and I think I will have to hand out something harder with the soft kitties...perhaps a 100 year old scotch. :cheeky: Hope today is better at work. Speaking of which sigh it's work again for me today. How does it get here so darn fast? :lol: Hope you really don't get all that snow by the end of the week. Man, Wyoming weather can be crazy. :o

Junie, I have missed you and glad all is well. Please update us with what is happening with you. How is Zoe? How is your DD doing? Is she still seeing that nice young man? How is your son doing? When is your next beach trip? I cannot believe next week is already March! Wasn't the weather just amazing this past weekend and Presidents holiday...I think it will hit 70 degrees tomorrow, OMG. That might be a little too soon for me. 8-)

Kristie, even upside down and sideways the gems are all so lovely.

The girls say hello from Sea World...Hope you all have a lovely day. :wavey:


June, that is pretty rotten about the sapphires in your band becoming discolored. My jeweler said these were irradiated then diffused which is why they did that. Buyer beware there, huh? I am pretty excited to get a CBI diamond as well. I am nagging at Marty about spending too much money then I go and buy a diamond. But some things are just more important than others, right? Halos are very pretty and I think it really highlights my sister’s sapphire. I think I’ll probably wear my Snoopy charm bracelet once it gets full so it doesn’t fall around so much. I agree the rental for 6 months isn’t that bad and he really wants to give it a try so we will see what happens. We need to find him insurance by Tuesday and he can go sign the contract.

Missy, I bet if you are giving away good scotch you’d find some takers – then you sneak in the kitties in their “gift” bag. Ha Ha! Surprise! I know what you mean about the day to go back to work rolls around way too quickly. Yes, Wyoming weather can be crazy. And cold. And windy. Wow, 70-degree weather sounds fabulous. We are going to be in the 20’s. You win. Glad to see those cute girls are enjoying sea world.

I had another very quiet day at work. That one lady refused to talk to me at all today. The rest of the team isn’t saying much of anything. I did tell the guy that works for me “you know you guys can talk when you are done verifying” and all he said was “I know but I have nothing to say”. He’s the only guy in a group of 5 so I am sure he is quite relieved to not have to listen to that lady complaining all the time.

Work was really busy too. March and April are out busiest months and I can tell already the work load is building up. It makes the days go by really fast though.

I met a friend for lunch so it was nice getting out of the office.

My diamond video was in my inbox after I was done with dishes so I watched it several times on my laptop, my iPad and my phone. I am going with the F diamond.

The snow has started but it hasn’t done much yet. It was funny coming home tonight it looked really foggy ahead and all of a sudden I drove in to a cloud of snow. It was kind of strange and cool at the same time.

Take care.
azstonie|1487719889|4131915 said:
I commented in my thread regarding baiting that people weren't posting pics as much as they used to. NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY. Its nothing but frustration---I'm doing EVERYTHING that has been suggested to fix this and nothing is working. So I don't think its me :read: :naughty:

Kristie, rotating the pictures doesn't work for me either. But cropping them (and then saving) ever so little does the trick :-)