
Now I really did it :((

Gem shows, new diamonds and adorable girls at Seaworld! Thanks for keeping my coffee company this morning :-) The sun is here today, so I'll try to get a few pictures for you later. Looks fantastic outside!
Good morning girls!

Marcy, glad you met a friend for lunch yesterday and that work is busy and the days are going by quickly for you at work. I haven't checked the content of my emails yet but I think there might be something good in there and cannot wait to check it out. :appl:

Scandi, yay for the sun and looking forward to some lovely photos by you and starring sweet F.

There was quite the shakeup at work yesterday and I don't think the shakeup is over. The Senior Clinic Director was let go and it was not expected by her or anyone. Very distressing because the new administration is cleaning house and are being brutal about it. I feel badly for her because she worked so hard during the transition to make things run as smoothly as possible during an incredibly stressful time and she deserved better. I think many of us (me included) are on borrowed time there and I would not be surprised at anything right now that could happen at work including me being out of a job.

The Senior Clinic Director didn't even say good bye to anyone but I am hoping she will return today to at least get her things so we can say goodbye. I am not sure how it went down but there was a last minute meeting yesterday afternoon and there was a buzz all day about what was happening. As a clinician we are the last to know and we found out from the MAs and then I confirmed with one of the head guys (who is left because there are no more people in charge at our clinic with the Clinic Director gone. And they aren't hiring anyone to replace her. It was due to cutting the budget and saving money. :((

That is my news of the day yesterday. Hope you girls had a better day yesterday and hoping everyone has a good day today. :wavey:
Hi everyone!

Missy, the director being let go is just awful. The world can be a cold place; I cringed when I read that she was released after working so hard during the transition. :(sad I know this is so easy for me to say but I hope she can try to stay as positive as possible, and realize that this is not a reflection of her abilities and talents; it's just business (unfortunately). Two of dh's co-workers were let go and now one guy is a CEO of a company (a dream of his) and he hired the other guy to work for him. They are both very happy and life is better for them both. But I'm not dismissing how upsetting this is for her, and for everyone at the clinic. I know she's going through a tough time. It's scary and affects the morale of those remaining. Hugs to you, hang in there and try not to let this get you down too much if you can.

I'm loving the pics of the girls at Disney World and Sea World! They're bringing back fond memories of trips we took to those places when my kids were young.

Things are ok with me. Zoe the cat is doing great - I guess this warm weather has drawn the birds out and she is having the best time watching them. My dd broke up with her boyfriend, she said they were bickering too much and feels they're just not well suited for each other. My son is doing ok I guess but still dealing with some anxiety at times, which makes me anxious lol. We don't have any trips to the beach planned for the near future. I'd like to get my mother's house on the market by early April if possible so I don't feel comfortable going away for any length of time right now. That said, it's so tempting to just run away and hide at the beach haha. Time for Junie to be a grown-up I guess. We're going to a wedding in Charleston at the end of March though, so we'll be able to spend a few days at the beach then.

Marcy, you made a beautiful choice and I can't wait for you to receive this gorgeous diamond! Being busy definitely does make the day go by faster. Sorry your one employee is being so childish, how ridiculous of her not speak to you. You might as well enjoy the peace and quiet for now, because you know it won't last and they'll all start up again eventually!

Scandi, enjoy the rest of your mountain vacation and I'm looking forward to some pics!

I hope everyone is having a good day so far!
Wish you were all here!


Missy, I hate to hear about the shakeup at work. That is too bad the senior clinic director was let go; that makes it hard on everyone. It is pretty unsettling when everyone is worried about keeping their job. I hope things settle down soon for you.

June, that’s awesome Zoe is enjoying watching the birds. I am sure your DD is sad about breaking up with her boyfriend but it’s smart she realized he probably wasn’t the right guy for her. I hope things get better for your DS. I that that is a good idea to set a date to get your mom’s house on the market. That is exactly what I did too. Good luck getting it on the market and I hope it sells quickly for you. My parents market was sold before a sign was even put in the yard. I wish you equal luck. That’s nice you have a weekend planned in March so you can enjoy a wedding and go to the beach.

Scandi; your picture is perfect. I love blue skies and snow scenes. It’s a lovely day in your neighborhood.

We are more iced in than snowed in from this storm. It rained first then turned to snow. I am guessing we had 4 to 5 inches but it’s pretty windy so it’s hard to tell. My chauffeur got me to work and back okay though.

It sounds like HPD gets my mounting in tomorrow and so they might finish it tomorrow. I am not sending payment until Saturday (weather) so that’s nice they are working on it already. I might get it next week then. Woo hoo!

I really did a number on a mole on my chest this morning – the nail on my thumb went right in to it; it was bleeding like crazy. All of our regular bandages are in our guest bath so I am running around the house trying to get a bandage. I think I’d best go get that sucker cut off. Phooey. I keep the waterproof bandages in our bathroom because that’s what I have to wear when I have a knife incident.

Work was crazy busy again and my employee finally had to talk to me this afternoon. There goes our peace and quiet.

Tomorrow is Friday. Sweet.

Good morning girls!

Junie, yay for Zoe doing so well and yay for Spring and woohoo for you being able to spend some time at your beach house next month! Can you believe next week is March already? Wow time is flying (as usual but still I am always surprised when I look back and think how fast it is going!). I am sorry about your DD breaking up with her bf but that just means her Mr Right is still out there! And she is young and it is good for her to take her time and find a good partner because it is one of the most important life decisions. Who you choose to spend your life with for better or worse. As for your DS I am sending more good thoughts his way and hope things settle down for him soon. Anxiety is a challenging issue (as you can tell I have some anxiety too though I have never been formally diagnosed LOL but look at it is a part of life) and he is strong and young and with your love and support and guidance he will hopefully manage it well.

Marcy, I love the sapphire from your sister. Please keep it. Meant for you. Oh no about the mole on your chest. Please get a doctor to look at it and yes biopsy it to make sure it is nothing serious. Hope the bleeding stopped quickly yesterday and that it doesn't hurt. Yay for HPD having your new earrings ready soon! Woohoo cannot wait! Boo to ice but hoping it all melts very soon. And YAY for Friday. (Though once every day is a weekend for me I may not get so excited LOL but well as long as my dh is working maybe I will keep that exuberance and enthusiasm for Fridays!) :cheeky:

Scandi, Ooh beautiful landscape and I can smell the snow and crisp air from here. LOVE. :love:

Thank you all for your kind words and it doesn't look like I will be at work much longer. It's funny because I felt I was on borrowed time there for a long while now so I am not shocked or anything but I am sad because when everything is working right I love being there. However rarely does everything work right or even close to right and as Greg points out there will be advantages to not working if that is the way it goes down. Though I will say that I don't really see those advantages so much but I will make the best of it no matter. I have been through stressful events and changes before and I know I will go through more of them as time goes on and this is part of life. And that is exactly how I am viewing it. I cannot control it so therefore won't make myself sick about it. I will say that breaking my leg had untold consequences and this is one of them as we have too much coverage for my clinic now that there is an additional doctor there in my speciality. Enough about that.

Onto happier shinier and blingier things! As some of you already know my surprise for Bea arrived yesterday from the UK and I love it. A french cut vintage sapphire eternity band from Addy's Vintage. And it has special meaning to the owner and she shared it with me so now it has that special meaning for me too. And while it is 3/4 of a size bigger than Bea it fits well enough even by herself and especially with my other vintage bands so yay. The only thing is because it is bigger the width isn't the same but IRL it really isn't noticeable to me and maybe I am just not OCD enough but it is good enough for me. I see the difference quite clearly in these magnified pics from my iPhone but again I am good with it IRL so yay! The color is so pretty and it brings out the blue in Bea and she loves having the new companionship lol. Here are the quick photos I took yesterday when I got home from work and the package was waiting for me. I am really photo'd out with recently joining IG and posting pics there the past 2 weeks I am exhausted. LOL too much online stimulation I am afraid and I am not as young as many of those IGrammers who are awesome and post amazing pics. OK onto my pics. First pic of Bea and Blu just the 2 of them and next pic of Bea and Blu and my diamond suisse cut band and last pic of all my wedding stackers together. Will only wear them like that on the coldest days because I am sure in the summer they won't be as comfortable. Most likely will wear Bea with Blu and the suisse cut diamond band or Bea with my usual combo of suisse cut and vintage and save Blu for days I am wearing some blue. Which is often as Blue is my favorite color.

Adding one last pic of her before I unwrapped her. Pretty packaging. Thank you Erin!

Have a lovely Friday girls! :wavey:




Adding 2 more pics. Side engraving and a close up.


:appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love: :love:

The band turned out great, Missy!! It looks wonderful solo and in The BeaStack too!! Excellent choice. Did you have to pay any special taxes to get the band here/US? Is there any difference in this transaction (foreign seller)? I just got the Amazon Prime Visa and one of the reasons was *no foreign transaction fees.* That is hard to find!!!

Scandi, love the snowswept pic. Makes me miss Alaska.

Here in the American desert southwest, I've been chasing scorpions. Wednesday, saw a speck on the wall/near ceiling. Decided I should take a look. SCORPION! EFF EFF EFF. I could not get to it, 11' ceilings. I called Bob at work and required him :cheeky: to come home to get it before it got me or the Westies. He's about 10 minutes from home. He came home, killed that sucker, and went back to work. I then commenced the most intense vacuuming ever. I followed that up by going to Lowe's and getting LED blacklight flashlights, two, so that I can easily spot scorpions in the house/in the yard. When it got dark, Bob and I found 6 scorpions in the backyard and around the house. The blacklight flashlight worked well, really fluoresced the scorpions, a bright bright glowing lime green. Found 3 on our block fence and one in the grass where Maggie likes to lay and sunbathe every day :blackeye: :devil: :nono: Found 1 in the entryway. Last night, Thursday, NOTHING. I even got up at midnight to check. Still nothing. Apparently Monday and Tuesday were unseasonably warm, so all the scorpions woke up and said "Let's Go, Baby!" Then yesterday the temp dropped 20 degrees and they must have stayed tucked in their nest.

This has been the first time EVER (18 years) that we have had scorpions. They are pretty dangerous; these are Arizona Bark Scorpions and the sting can kill in a worst case scenario. Fortunately, the hospitals in my area all have Anascorp, antivenin. Unfortunately, people are STUPID and APATHETIC here and it takes attention to detail to mix and administer the antivenin so that it will work. If one of the dogs got stung and vomited with face swelling, its a run to the emergency room and hope/pray then make it.

So I bought this special clear 2-sided tape to put around the foundation of the house. Bob has sprayed foundation and fences with pesticide. I will be vacuuming daily now :angryfire:

I cannot wait to get outta here. Bob has at least 5 years to retirement and I'm hoping that he actually goes 7 years, so its gonna be awhile.

Well that's what is going on with me. I'm still trying hard to break the sugar addiction I let out of the cage back in December. I've set aside time each day AROUND THE VACUUMING! to improve my meditation. And I'm radically decluttering the whole place, starting with my stuff and I've got my beady eye trained on all the KRAP that Bob seems to hang on to. My special fantasy is getting the dumpster put in my driveway for a week and after Bob leaves for work, BANZAI!!!
Hi Nirdi's,

Hit and run, but looking forward to catching up with everyone's goings on over the weekend!

Missy, very nice!
Mountain in the sun LOL
Mountain in the sun LOL

Missy, u-oh that looks very *very* nice :-) Sorry about work. Agree with Greg. It will be OK!

Kriste, that is horrible!! Keep the Westies safe! Any you too!

June, you are so good! But you really deserve a beach week! Dumpsters are fantastic, lol.

Marcy, snow is better than ice. But today it was half way up to my knees when skiing 2h over a frozen water back to the car..

Excuse typos, spell check in another language is a bit too helpful.


Missy, thank you for pointing out to me that I should take my sister’s sapphire since she really wants me to have it. It’s probably the nicest sapphire she’s found so far so I was leaning towards telling her to keep it for herself but you are right; she wants me to have it. My mole doesn’t hurt today and has stopped bleeding. I am such a klutz. I hate to hear you feel like you are on borrowed time at work. When I went under a new director at school I had a meeting with her then I went home and told Marty the same thing - I think I am on borrowed time there. She fired me 3 semesters later. Hopefully things turn out very different for you. I know you love working with your patients but the stress and turmoil there sound very stressful for you. I hope when you leave there it’s completely on your own terms. I do believe things usually work out the way they should even when we don’t see it. I agree with Greg; whatever happens it will be okay. Bea and Blu look marvelous together. I love them; the new band looks great with your other bands. You’ll enjoy that.

Kristie, OMG I am so freaked out for you about finding a scorpion in your house. Then you found more in your yard. I’d be screaming like a little girl. That’s awesome the flashlights work so well to spot them. I remember seeing a white one in my SIL’s garage when we were down there the time we met you and Bob for lunch. Marty got back out of the car to go kill it and it saw him coming and went right for him. Marty’s size 14 thong won that battle though. I was checking my sheets and under my pillowcase every night after that. Good luck with your decluttering project. It’s nice to clean things out.

Jaaron, I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Scandi, thank you for another pretty sun and snow picture. You must be having fun in the snow.

I got up way early so Marty could get me to work and get back home by 8 this morning. The roads were still really icy. Marty slid right by where we turn to go in to work; it sounded like a lot of people slid right through that spot. By the time we came home though most of the sidewalks and street were melted. That was from the sun not temperature since we were still in the 20’s.

Marty had a doctor’s appointment today for his skin check and they cut a growth out of his back. She told him he couldn’t lift for a few days and can’t shower for at least another day. They cut a spot off his check to run a biopsy on; he’s had quite a few cancer spots on his neck and ears. I asked him if he told her about his horrible sunburn at the beach this summer. He didn’t answer me. He got out of the doctor about 4 so asked if he could come get me early. My boss said sure then I got a notice for a conference call at 4:30; he said I could leave early anyway. Marty and I stopped at Olive Garden for supper on the way home.

I had another busy day at work. I did a lot of things but never got through all of my reports. I kind of started feeling bad about 2:30; kind of light headed and really tired. I think I was just hungry because once I had my salad and a breadstick at supper I felt fine.

I don’t know what we are doing tomorrow. We are meeting my sister, BIL and one of my nephews for dinner Sunday. She is bringing her latest batch of sapphires for me to see.

Have a great weekend.
Good morning girls!

Kristie, I have to say that would be enough to propel me forward in my desire to move! OMG! I hate bugs (heck who doesn't!) but I am also terrified of most bugs and well I won't go into long stories that are sure to bore the other girls but suffice it to say I don't do well around bugs/spiders/other creepy crawlers. :errrr: And I can only imagine if one of those were poisonous and that adds another whole terrifying element to the issue. Thank goodness Bob (and you) killed them all and that you are diligent about making sure there are no others around to harm the doggies or you guys. OMG! I am sending lots of STAY AWAY SCORPION vibes your way!!!! You are a brave soul and a tough cookie! No one can make you crumble!

Thanks for the Blu love!

Jaaron, thank you! Looking forward to hearing what is new with you!

Marcy, glad your mole is behaving and glad that Marty took care of his new growths. Constant diligence is exhausting isn't it. Sometimes the reality of it all becomes quite clear. We are just putting ourselves back together until the very end. LOL dark but true! Falling apart is the normal of our every day existence at this stage right? ::) Pretty bling helps drive out those dark thoughts though so BLING it ON!!! :appl:

I am glad your boss let you leave work early yesterday and it is great that Marty can take you and pick you up from work when the weather is tricky. Hope you are feeling all better this morning. And I am glad you are considering accepting your sister's generous offer. Have fun with your family this weekend and hope your weather is cooperating! And thank you for the Bea and Blu love. :kiss:

Scandi, I just love your snow and sun pics. So peaceful and relaxing. :halo: Hope you have a fun and active weekend in store!

Have a great Saturday girls. It is SUPER CAT SATURDAY 8-) . Make the most of it! (((HUGS))). :wavey:

And my nieces send their love from sunny Florida. :sun:

Hey there everyone!

Missy, hugs to you about the situation at work - I know it's stressful and I hope things work out but whatever happens, you will be ok! You will be able to find things to do to help you feel fulfilled. And after many years of working, it might be nice to have a break from it. I can figure out how to get into the city and we can go shopping and out to lunch lol! Very true that it's out of your control so I'm glad you're making an effort not to worry too much about it. Hope you have a great weekend with Greg.

LOVE your new sapphire band! :appl: It's a beautiful addition to your already amazing wedding set. So, so pretty!!! :love: Such a fun pic of the girls, it's great to see they are having such a good time.

Scandi, gorgeous pics of the snow and sky! :love:

Marcy, I'm glad your pendant project is moving along, I can't wait to see it! I think you should take your sister up on her offer of the sapphire; it sounds like she definitely wants you to have it. It's good Marty can drive you to work when it's icy. I'm glad your mole is doing ok, and that Marty is keeping on top of his skin issues. Thanks for the good wishes…yes, it's helping me psychologically to have a date set for selling the house. Have a good time this weekend. Getting together for dinner on Sunday sounds really nice.

Kristie, oh no to scorpions, most bugs are fairly innocuous but yikes, scorpions are a different story! Sending lots of good thoughts that you are able to keep them at bay. Good luck with kicking the sugar habit; I empathize, I struggle with it too. I'm with you on clearing out a lot of "stuff". After I get things straightened out at my mother's, I'm tackling my house. After over 20 years and 4 people living in this house it's full to the brim and it's really bugging me.

Hi jaaron!

Jimmianne, thinking of you, hope you're doing ok.

And congrats to LLJsmom - her gorgeous studs made Jewel of the Week! :appl: :dance: :love:

Not much going on this weekend, although dd will be home so that's nice. We'll probably go out for something to eat. Unfortunately she has a parking ticket waiting for her here at the house so that won't be so good for her :roll:

Hope all is well with everyone!
Good morning girls!

Junie!!!! OMG!!!! Is it bad when I just read what you wrote all I could think of was yay Junie will come and play with me when I am not working!!! No pressure of course but reading that made my morning honey! :appl:
Hope you are enjoying your weekend! The temps dropped about 30 plus degrees from yesterday. Brrrr. But it is a pretty morning!

Congrats LLJsmom!!!! Woohoo on JOTW!!!! Cannot wait to see those babies in person! Gorgeous! :love: :love: :love:

Greg just took a pic of the sunrise this morning cause he knew I would love to share it with you girls. How sweet is he? Here it is.
Have a great Sunday and (((HUGS))) to all of you! This is the last weekend of February already. :o :appl: Yay for Spring on the way! :sun:


Missy, I love “Bling it on”. That is so appropriate. Yes, diligence is important and I swear I feel more patched together than anything else these days. I absolutely hate bugs too. I am always glad to have Marty be my chauffeur on bad days. We’ll probably do that a lot this summer when it might hail too. Great picture of your nieces on the dinosaur. Tell Greg I appreciate him thinking of us and taking that gorgeous sunrise picture. Great colors in the sky.

June, I told Marty I don’t know if I like him driving me to work on bad roads or just like having a warm vehicle to get in at 5. Knowing how cold I always am it’s probably having a warm truck pick me up. That’s nice you DD came to visit this weekend. I am sure she didn’t enjoy finding a parking ticket waiting for her.

I dialed in to work 3 times yesterday. Fun!

I ran to the bank and sent my payment to Wink. One step closer to getting my diamond pendant. Sweet. Wink asked me to critique my experience. I said sure; maybe I should have emphasized if you don’t want a truthful answer don’t ask me a question. I honestly don’t have any complaints but do have a few suggestions.

We watched the second episode of Planet Earth II last night then rented Hacksaw Ridge to watch. That was an amazing story but definitely a realistic war story.

Have a great day!
Good morning girls! LOL I have been on IG for a while now and almost forgot to say good morning here to my girls! :kiss:

Marcy I'm with you. Love a warm vehicle on a cold winter's day. Nice. Boo to having to dial in to work 3 times yesterday but glad you were there to save their day. Woohoo to getting closer to receiving your newest bling addition. :love: Thank you for enjoying the sunrise pic Greg took yesterday morning. He took some kitty pics this AM that I will share with you too. We finished watching Braindead on Amazon Prime this weekend. We enjoyed it. And we watched a good movie on Netflix. Sing Street. So good and we highly recommend it. Don't miss it if you have Netflix. Hope your workday goes well today!

Hello to everyone else. Hope for you girls who I haven't yet chatted with this weekend that it went well and you enjoyed yourselves. Have a good Monday! :wavey:





Their tiny tiny lips just crack me up!!!!

Marcy, re Marty not responding to your question: Bob does that all.the.time. It really means several things---1.No. And no discussion. 2. I forgot. And no discussion. 3. I am not going to discuss unless you make me, and I'll be unpleasant about it when we do.


Missy, we watched Braindead when it was on TV. I liked it. I am a big fan of Tony Schlub. I really liked Monk. I have a thing about bugs and worrying about them getting in my ears so I didn’t pay attention to those parts. Thank you for the movie recommendation. Greg’s pictures of the kitties are great.

Kristie, that is so true about men not responding to a question or comment. That is spot on! I learn more about what is going on when I meet the guys for a drink after golf. His golf buddies always know what’s going on. Is your house Scorpion free this week? I sure hope so!

Wow is about all I can say about work today. My carrot (or should I say carat?) is holding on until mid-May when I won’t have so much work to do. I did blurt out loud “that would have been nice to know yesterday” once. The curse words were uttered in my head. I did get a 3% merit increase. Considering we are getting transferred to another company on Wednesday I was pleasantly surprised with that.

I had a bowl of leftover soup for supper. It hit the spot on this chilly night.

I ran to Walgreens to pick up some big bandages tonight. Marty’s incision is about 2” with about 10 stitches. I had him pick up more large bandages but they are way too small to cover that spot. It’s not a bad idea to have assorted bandage sizes on hand. I looked at all the cute Easter bunnies while I was in the store. I should pick up some peeps and replace all the Killer Rabbits with little marshmallows. Ha Ha.

Marty’s debit card has been getting denied for the last few days so he called our credit union today and it’s because he’s been charging so much on it. I said “ha ha, you got put on a budget”.

Have a fabulous evening and day tomorrow.
Good morning girls :wavey:

Just wanted to say hello! Sorry to be so MIA !! Just a bit crazy here this week!

Tons of hugs!
Good morning girls!

Kristie, haha you should see the lips of guinea pics. Even tinier but Oh so good for kissing! :kiss:

Marcy, sending lots of healing vibes to Marty so his incision heals quickly. Did the biopsy come back yet?
Sorry work is ugh but yay for a 3% increase!!! They wouldn't have given it to you if they didn't value you so woohoo!!!

Scandi, lots of (((hugs))) right back at ya. Hope work calms down soon and thank you for popping in here and saying hey. We missed you!

Adding a couple more pics I just took now with the new band just for entertainment purposes so we are not lacking for pretty pics. Waiting for when you have time Scandi to add your own pretty pics. :bigsmile:

Hope you all have a great day. Sending hugs and love your way. :wavey:


Pictures - one of the new living rooms :-)



Missed you too Missy! Blue is very pretty !!

Marcy, :appl: for increase! You have so earned it!
ooh Scandi, it is looking gorgeous! Love those amazing windows and the beautiful ceilings and how bright it is! Cannot wait to see more photos. :appl:
missy|1488307829|4134755 said:
ooh Scandi, it is looking gorgeous! Love those amazing windows and the beautiful ceilings and how bright it is! Cannot wait to see more photos. :appl:

Thank you :-) :-) The ceiling will be prepainted white wood panels, and the walls will be white washed. In this room, the flooring will be solid oak :-) So hoping that will work out nicely :cheeky:

Forgot: the lowest part of the ceiling is about 2.4meters, and the highest point in this room is about 4 meters - should allow for a nice modern chandelier there I think :Up_to_something:

Scandi, I think you and I deserve a few days of rest or at least a big margarita. Stop the craziness! Love the new living rooms. They look amazing! I love the windows and high ceilings. Thank you for saying a deserve a raise. I feel like I earned it this week anyway.

Missy, love the pictures of your bands and Bea. They are blingalicious! I don’t know when we will hear on Marty’s biopsy. Marty’s incision is healing really well; he doesn’t tend to scar so that is good. Thanks for asking about him! I was happy with a 3% raise; especially moving to another company.

Today was crazier at work than yesterday. I swear it felt like I worked about 36 hours today plus I stayed about 40 minutes late. I told my cube neighbor when I left today – those suckers think I’ll come back tomorrow. Ha! Since we are changing companies tomorrow I can just say; I was looking for the new place but I couldn’t find it.

My sister sent me a text today saying her boss picked one of her .69 blue sapphires and my sister is paying to have her a ring made with it. Her boss was surprised to hear she has been paying for everyone’s rings and said “I don’t like anyone at work that much”. So I responded “I agree. I don’t like the people I work with that much either”. Sadly, I accidentally sent that to my boss instead of my sister. He’ll think it’s funny. As long as he isn’t in a bad mood anyway.

Marty signed his lease today for his office space. He is going to move his strength gear there this weekend.

Have a great Wednesday.
Good morning from the office! The day is already well on its way but I just wanted to stop by and say hello :-)

Missy, we are also getting a nice little guest room - just saying... :lol: If today is Monday, have fun at work! Hope this week is better than the last! I'm not sure such saving costs programs really increase profits in the long run..

Marcy, LOL !! Congratulations on getting the house back from all the strength gear! Hope it works out well for Marty with the new office! And good luck with the new company! But perhaps not with finding it just yet... :lol:

Jimmianne - how are you? And Pom? And DD?

June, sorry to hear that it did not work out for your DD and her boyfriend, but at least she figured it out sooner rather than later! Always a better idea :-) She will find her special someone - perhaps a police officer the next time she gets a ticket...? :bigsmile: :lol:

Jaaron, how are your two furry friends? My little girl (16 kg) has had a blast in the mountains, running around like there is no tomorrow so safer to cover the whole mountain today just in case... LOL

Callie, hope you are all better again?
Missy, re your other thread: I just have to tell you an old Scandinavian joke...

"I told you that I love you when we got married - if I change my mind I'll let you know"

We are a not too good at talking about feelings up here :lol:
Good morning girls! Happy March 1st!

Marcy, OMG I have done that before. Sending the wrong email to someone. Technology can be dangerous. How kind of your sister to do that for her colleagues. I am glad Marty is healing well and fingers crossed for his biopsy results! Sorry work was crazy yesterday. I fear I am in what is the last days of my work career but I am hanging tough and remaining calm! More time to chat with my friends. Yesterday one of my closest friends said I cannot stop working because what am I going to do all day? Talk to "insert name of person he is jealous of (hahaha you know who you are my dear!)" all day? My friend Rob is driven crazy that I talk so much to one other friend and now he is worried that is what I will do all day. :lol: I suppose it isn't funny though... ;( Yay for Marty signing his office lease! How exciting! Please keep us posted. Have a great Wednesday. I have lots of work butterflies this week. ::)

Scandinavian|1488366040|4135133 said:
Missy, re your other thread: I just have to tell you an old Scandinavian joke...

"I told you that I love you when we got married - if I change my mind I'll let you know"

We are a not too good at talking about feelings up here :lol:


I was hoping you might share your thoughts re that question. Would love it if you cared to share sweet Scandi! I love hearing others perspectives from all around the world. However of course LOVE is a universal language to be sure!

And these are the only butterflies I want to have! 8-)
Have a great day girls! :wavey:



Missy, didn't share because don't know what to write, lol. I guess I just need a man that loves me A LOT - how else would he put up with me??? :lol: :lol: :lol: I'll try to be wiser tomorrow and perhaps share then :cheeky: