
Now I really did it :((

He's bearly big enough to see over the steering wheel!
how did he do?
marcy|1488756667|4136942 said:
Charlly drove my car down to see Marty's gym office.

WOT an adorable chauffeur. :appl: :love:
Jimmianne, Charlly did a great job getting me downtown. He didn’t speed at all. I probably don’t see over the steering wheel much more than Charlly does.

Sharon, thanks. He does make a cute chauffeur.
Good morning girls :wavey: :wavey:

Big - gggggggg delivery at work today, but hopefully, I will catch up tomorrow! Hugs!
Good morning girls!

Jaaron, your weather sounds quite crazy too. Just wait a minute and our weather changes. Seems to be something we have in common. Thank you for the kind comments and yes one day at a time and I agree things somehow will work out. Keeping my fingers crossed for extra good luck. 8)

Addy's Vintage is owned by a lovely woman so in addition to having beautiful pieces she is so nice and is an animal lover as well. :appl:

Hope your Monday is a sunny bright day and that work goes smoothly/

Jimmianne, hope you had a good weekend. How is your DD doing? Is she in France still? Coming home for the Easter holiday?

We have seen many Georgia O'Keefe pieces at the Brooklyn Museum but have not yet been to the Living Exhibit which just stared. We probably will check it out though and thanks for the reminder.

We went to the Holocaust Museum yesterday as I we have been wanting to go there since they opened but didn't want to go when it was super crowded as it was when it first opened to the public. It is not as large as the one in DC but it is very well done and we got the added benefit of getting to hear a Holocaust survivor speak yesterday just when we arrived. Perfect timing and it was really something to hear him talk about what he and his family went through. I was holding back tears throughout much of his talk. It was such a profound experience and we are so glad we got to hear him speak.

Marcy LOL I love your beary handsome chauffeur and I hear he has an excellent sense of direction. HRH Francesca wants me to tell you she wants Charlly to pick her up at 8PM this evening for a romantic dinner. I think she is trying to make Snacks jealous... :cheeky:

Hi Scandi, good luck on your big work project and I hope it goes well.

As I wrote to Jimmianne we went to The Holocaust Museum yesterday or the proper name is the Museum of Jewish Heritage. It was a good but sad day and we so enjoyed hearing this lovely man who is a Holocaust survivor speak. We were part of a very small group and it was quite the experience. His daughters were with him and just hearing what he and his family had gone through well you cannot get that same experience from just reading about it. Truly incredible and horrific what the Holocaust was and how it happened and how no other country stepped in to stop it till so much damage was done. Shameful and upsetting and well I know I am preaching to the choir so I will get off my soapbox. Just unbelievable in so many ways. And people stayed because they considered themselves Europeans first and Jews second and never in a million years thought something this horrific could happen. The question remains how did it happen and could it happen again. :cry:

While it was sad visiting the museum I am glad we went though I don't anticipate visiting again. I felt the same way about the museum in DC. Too heart and gut wrenching an experience but one that I felt I needed to do.

I hope everyone had a good Sunday and has a good Monday. :wavey:




Adding just one more pic. This is the view from the museum. Gorgeous.

Missy, thank you for sharing the museum with us!

Scandi, I hope your busy day went well.

Missy, thank you for the information from the Holocaust museum. It has to be heart wrenching to go through there; it made it even more real and personal that you were able to listen to someone who survived. Such a horrible and tragic event in human history.

Karl hid the keys to my car from Charlly because he was jealous and worried HRH would like Charlly better. I hope HRH wasn’t heartbroken her date didn’t show up tonight. Young, furbaby love, eh?

Marty is off working out at his gym office plus the 2 guys who have been coming here were going to meet him. My world is changing.

Work was a bit less hectic today but still busy. I still can’t log in to the intranet to sign up for my benefits and check my info. I spent 20 minutes this morning on the phone with IT. Hopefully it works for me tomorrow.

Have a great evening.
Good morning girls! I am trying to type to you as Tommy is laying over me and my computer LOL. No easy feat. :lol: Aaand managed to get a selfie of the 2 of us for your viewing pleasure. I just woke up so please excuse the messy messy appearance. Sir Tommy always looks so handsome no matter the time of day. :lol: Aaah but to be a well loved kitty with no cares in the world. :halo:

Scandi, thank you sweetie. I appreciate your willingness to read anything I write. 8) :kiss: Even when it is unpleasant. One takeaway I always get when I hear/read what Holocaust survivors say is that we must not keep mourning yet move ahead forging a better today and tomorrow. Dwelling on the horror is not constructive (but of course we must NEVER forget) and we must keep working towards a better world. Truth!

Marcy, well HRH did not dwell on the fact that Charly did not show nor the fact that Karl did not call and in true princess fashion she went out on the town with some royal dignitaries who were visiting. Tell Karl to get it in gear so he can recapture Francesca's interest. Young love can be so fickle can't it but wouldn't it be nice to join the 2 families as in laws? 8) :bigsmile: :cheeky: I think they would make very pretty babies and sssshhhh don't tell anyone HRH cannot have any babies. Let's just keep it b/w us. They can always adopt right? I know a place where there are lots of great potential adoptees. :halo:

I hope today is the day you can get all that straightened out at work and find out all the info you need to. Glad Marty is starting his new business and yes the world is changing a bit for all of us I guess. Wishing you and Marty lots of luck with this new endeavor.

Have a great day all! :wavey:


Good morning everyone! I have some early appointments and will be back later but wanted to say hi - hope you all have a good day!
junebug17|1488891340|4137527 said:
Good morning everyone! I have some early appointments and will be back later but wanted to say hi - hope you all have a good day!

Hi Junie and good luck on your appointments today! (((Hugs))).
Kissy kitties! Tommy is looking good this morning.

Marcy, is change good? I hope it's good for you : )

My "gentlewoman farmer" Honda Ridgeline arrived a week ago and I'm liking it very much. It's my first vehicle in a long time without stick shift and it makes it much easier to snack while driving :dance: It's very cute & chunky, & quite utilitarian - definitely a "Jimmianne truck". Drives like an SUV, but I can get hay & feed "on whim" now without involving my neighbors. The tailgate opens sideways like a door and there is a large dry storage under a "lid" in the truck bed, which is cool. I will say that negotiating a car deal is not for sissies!!

Hi June : ) you just beat me to posting : )
I hope your appointments go smoothly.
You go girl! Jimmianne the expert negotiator! Wish you would be with me this weekend at the jewel show!!! Any chance we can get photos of you in your new vehicle dear Gentlewoman farmer? :appl:

Oh and may I post the photo you sent me the other day? It is so beautiful! You are incredibly talented Ms Jimmianne!!!
missy|1488891968|4137534 said:
You go girl! Jimmianne the expert negotiator! Wish you would be with me this weekend at the jewel show!!! Any chance we can get photos of you in your new vehicle dear Gentlewoman farmer? :appl:

Oh and may I post the photo you sent me the other day? It is so beautiful! You are incredibly talented Ms Jimmianne!!!

you are so nice to say that dear queen bea : )
please do share the photo.
here is the truck via an internet photo - too lazy to go outside and "set up" a picture, and this shows that it's a chunky little thing.

and - ah ha! guess what I found tangled up in the chains in my jewelry box just now[!!!]
I lost this last year. whew! so happy to have it back. an auspicious find.

beautiful day here.
happy to day to everyone.
That's a sweet looking truck Jimmianne! :appl:
And yay for finding lost bling! It's beautiful. :love:

And thanks for permission to share your photo of Greg while you were here. Love this!


Missy, glad to hear HRH wasn’t upset that Karl and Charlly didn’t come pick her up last night. You and Tommy look fabulous in the morning. Tommy has such pretty green eyes.

June, I hope your appointments went well.

Jimmianne, I don’t believe all change is good or that it is a step forward but it is inevitable. I am delighted to hear you are loving your new Jimmimobile Honda. Marty loved that bottom storage bin in his Ridgeline. He was able to get his golf cart and bag in there. Is that pendant from WF? It is very pretty. I was considering getting one of those instead of the one I hope to have on my neck soon. Great picture of Greg. You have an artistic eye and it shows in your photos.

We had another day of crazy wind. One of Boeing’s test 767s was doing touch and go’s here today to test flying in high winds. Sad I missed seeing it.

Work was slightly less busy and hectic today. I was able to get in to my info and benefits today so I signed up for my life insurance. I won’t tell Marty he’s my beneficiary. Ha ha. Now I can approve my employee’s timecards. Next I need to figure out how to submit my cell phone expense report.

I took a friend out for lunch today for her birthday. It was $2 margarita day too. Sweet.

Have a great evening.
Good morning girls!

Missy, I agree. Never forget but move forward at the same time. I hate what happened during WW2, also in Scandinavia. I'm happy that my family was part of the resistance. The kitties are almost as pretty as you are :love:

Jimmianne, LOVE your new ride :love: Very cool :-)

Marcy, fingers crossed that change changes for good things, like extra money for bling? Either way, cookies and margaritas might help :lol:

Jaaron, have not ordered yet, but will try to call the Danish designer today to discuss options. Looking forward to seeing your choices!

June :wavey:

Not much going on here except the house project + work + children + furbaby + eating LOL you get the idea!
Forgot: Jaaron, I love your babies! Especially the picture in the sofa :love: Looks very comfortable there :halo:
Good morning girls!

Thank you Scandi honey. (((Hugs))).
How is your work project going? How are the house renovations going? Are the kids excited?

Junie, how did your appointments go yesterday?

Marcy, wow, $2 margaritas! We are getting your wind today. And then snow by end of week and into the weekend including Sunday! Oh no! Sunday is bling (buying perhaps!) day...I cannot let the weather thwart me in my bling buying efforts. 8)

Good for you for figuring out how to get into your work system yesterday and signing up for your benefits. LOL about Marty being your beneficiary and not telling him. Greg just said to me the other day I will be a wealthy woman should anything happen to him. OMG! I yelled at him for talking that way. I would of course rather be a completely poor in financial matters and have my sweet husband with me as we all would! LOL the sense of humor sometimes. I mean it is OK when I make those jokes but so not OK when he does. :!: What brought that topic up (cause it didn't just come out of the blue) was Callie linking me to a very sad article which I will share here with you girls. Made me cry. I actually started a thread a few (?) years ago discussing this very topic. Would you want your dh to remarry should anything happen to you and my answer is YES. I want him to be happy. He deserves that. I believe some of you answered that thread when I first posted it. Here is the article Callie showed me.

I had almost a completely sleepless night last night. My fault because I couldn't stop watching Big Bang Theory. Man do I love that show. And then finally when I reluctantly shut it off (because I kept falling asleep and waking myself back up to watch) sleep eluded me entirely. I slept less than an hour and feel pretty yucky today. Sucking it up and moving forward though. Long day ahead.

Have a good day girls and guys and (((hugs))) all around! And sending you lots of healing vibes and good thoughts Vapid! :wavey:
Ugh, I somehow lost a long post, :wall: will have to do a shortened version lol -

Missy, thanks for sharing your trip to the Holacaust museum, must have been a very somber experience but it's so important to remember the suffering so many endured and the horror of that awful, almost unimaginable event. Love the pic of the Statue of Liberty, gorgeous view!

I'm sorry to hear you slept so poorly and I hope you made it through the day ok; I can empathize, I have not been feeling well rested lately and am just dragging myself through the day. I think my problem is I'm going to bed too late, gotta work on that!

Love the pics of the kitties joining in on the fun, and the view of the water from your beach house is just beautiful. I enjoy seeing your adorable cats, they are all so sweet. Everything went fine with my appointments - gyno in the morning, dentist in the afternoon, what fun lol! I've fallen behind with check-ups so I'm trying to catch up with everything.

The article you posted is beyond heartbreaking. So,so sad. I can only hope we all stay healthy for a very long time. I'm comfortable with the idea of dh dating (gallows humor - I wouldn't be around to see it anyway) but I don't know if I could be as brave about it as the woman in the article.

Jaaron, thanks for commenting about dd, she's doing ok, maybe a little down right now; she really wants to meet the right person but is in a bit of a dating slump. A few of ds's friends are experiencing some anxiety and depression too. I agree that it seems to be more prevalent now compared to when I was young. Not sure why, maybe it's because kids are encouraged to share their feelings now. Or it's enough of a different world now that kids feel more pressure and anxiety than people of our generation. I don't know. Just trying to be there for the both of them and figure out how to be sympathetic but not too enabling. It's a fine line lol. Also reminding myself I can't jump in and solve all their problems for them. Thanks for the encouragement about my mother's house too; I'm feeling better about it,

Marcy, the sapphire you sister gave you is so pretty and I think it would look beautiful in the setting you have. Love the name KR Strength. I'm glad to hear the move went well and Marty is up and running. It's a shame some people didn't step up to help him, very disappointing and irritating. I wish him all the best and I hope it's a rewarding experience. I can see how this will change your life too and I guess there will be an adjustment period but I'm sure you and Marty will settle into a new and comfortable routine. And in the meantime you have your nirdis here to hang out with and talk to! Your new chauffeur is quite handsome :love: lol. Very funny about not telling Marty he's the beneficiary ha!

Jimmianne, I LOVE your new truck! It looks just perfect for your needs, and it's so cute! It's ok to call a truck cute, isn't it? I'm so happy you found your necklace; it's beautiful! Amazing photo of Greg, you are really are so talented.

Scandi, thinking of you and hoping all is well! You really are one busy lady and I hope things are going as smoothly as possible for you.

Well, so much for keeping it short haha! Hope everyone has a good night xox

Scandi, sounds like you need cookies and margaritas too. I hope you have a moment to relax this week. When I worked 2 jobs I reached a point where I was so stressed and worn out my blood pressure was sky high and I couldn’t sleep – not a good combo. I finally made sure I did something just for me every day even if it was only 5 minutes and I had to stay up late. I either read or knit; 2 things I really enjoy. It started to help me calm down. Now that I don’t work those 70-80 hours a week I have no idea how I used to do it.

Missy, $2 drinks are a bargain. Tuesday is any margaritas for $2, Wednesday is $2 bottles of beer and Thursday is $2 tequila sunrises. I think Friday is $6 pitchers of margaritas but we never seem to go there on that day. I understand completely about how hard it is to talk about life insurance and it’s certainly not a laughing matter but I guess joking about it can ease the tension. Marty has more insurance on him than I do on me. I would want Marty to be happy if I was gone. He better not let anyone else touch my teddy bears though! I am sorry you had such a short night last night. Hopefully you’ll sleep great tonight. I love the Big Bang.

June, sorry you aren’t feeling rested. I hope you get more sleep soon. I have been trying to go to bed earlier recently but I wake up way too many times during the night. I hope things look up for both your DS and DD; I think the world is a bit more challenging now than when I was stepping out in to life. I am glad to hear you are feeling better about selling your mom’s house. I do keep taking that sapphire out to look at it; it is pretty but I wish it was lighter. I am going to try it in some mountings this weekend. I hope Marty does well with his new business venture. We need to go see an accountant and get a separate checking account set up for him. I did order 3 little killer rabbits for his gym. He said one of them is going to be named Arnold. I can’t remember what the other names were. I thought one of them should be “squats”.

Work was slightly less crazy today; I at least got most of my work done today for a change. We had a pot luck today in my office but I didn’t eat a lot of it since most of it contained things I can’t eat. Marty’s pink cheese ball was a hit (it has Hungarian paprika in it). I took in some chocolate chip cookies too.

I heated up a bowl of leftover homemade soup for supper. Nothing like homemade soup to warm you up.

Take care.
Good morning girls!

Hi Junie, sorry you lost your long post here ugh hate it when that happens. I am so glad your appointments went smoothly and yay for being finished with them. I always put them off and then I just cannot wait to get them over with. There is a lot of maintenance that goes into being a human being isn't there? Are you ready for the snow? In the NYC area they are predicting up to 4" so not too bad if they are right. Still what a pain in the butt. Especially this weekend. Hope your visit with your sister goes well and is productive! And I hope you get more sleep and feel more rested in these coming days!

Marcy, I slept better last night thank you but when Greg woke me this AM I was in the middle of a deep sleep and dream. My dreams are never pleasant though so besides being quite groggy I was happy to be out of that dream. Funny we have that in common too. Greg has much more life insurance on him than on me. LOL no I don't think Marty would do anything to your teddy bears. I am sure he would leave them as a shrine to you! Glad your work was less hectic yesterday and yumm to delicious homemade hot soup after a cold long day.

Yesterday after work we had a little gathering for the Clinic chief who was let go the other week and it was a nice showing. I am glad I went and I will miss her. She did get another job with the original company (who split when we merged) so she is pleased and relieved and I am so happy for her. Work continues to be quite stressful for me and I just don't see them getting rid of the other clinician because her schedule is super full and mine is not. I have no control over that unfortunately and I will see what happens and again just sharing my thoughts and hoping for the best. No need to comment. Just helps me to get it out.

Hope all of you have a good day! :wavey:
Hello girls :wavey:

You and exercise keep me sane through this building project, lol.

Going on an organised training with furbaby this weekend, hope we'll have fun. DH has to work, so he will be joining us Saturday night. But I have "forced" a friend who is also going to give me a lift, so should be OK, even if I don't really like going away alone - can't sleep when DH is not there, lol.

As to him ever dating anyone else - all I can say is he had better not, I'll haunt him... :lol: I kind of think that we are made for each other and will see each other again some day some how, so no, I would not like that. Very VERY selfish of me, I know. :oops:

Marcy, 70 hours plus weeks are not nice anymore, lol. I could do them no worries before we had children, but now it will not allow enough time for sleep (which I NEED) so I try to avoid them. Although sometimes... LOL. You always make me hungry :cheeky:

Missy, I hate that work is not treating you the way you deserve. Just hang in there, the world has a way of working itself out most of the time. Hugs!

June, hope you are feeling better today. I do not get enough sleep either. Especially not when I'm tired - I dread going to bed because I know I will be so tired when I wake up... Not exactly good logic...

Jimmianne, that picture is fantastic!
Hi Girls,

Marcy - How does Charlly feel about trying out driving on the other side of the road? I think my dogs would enjoy being chauffeured around by him. If he gets bored, send him over... Glad to hear things are going well with KR Fitness-- I hope the biopsy results were good news. And I have to say, if I ever compile a list of the top ten jobs I would least want, testing 747s in high winds would be in the top two. When is the pendant arriving?

Jimianne - That's a seriously cool truck. Do you think Charlly can see over the dash? I had to laugh at your negotiation remark - I have literally never seen anyone cave faster in a car showroom than my husband, who has made an incredibly successful career of negotiating professionally. Apparently he really knows how to leave work behind. :lol: And your photo that Missy posted is stunning.

Missy - Thank you for sharing your trip to the Holocaust Museum. So important, particularly now, not to forget how easily things can slide. I burst into unexpected and very noisy tears in the Ann Frank Museum in Amsterdam last year. Even knowing all of it, I wasn't prepared for how emotional it was going to be. The work thing sounds tough. Sometimes I think the only answer is to just try to be fully present in the day you're in. I know, easier said than done - particularly if you're someone who spends a lot of time turning things over in your head (which, in the takes-one-to-know-one spirit, I suspect you are).

Junie - Hope you're feeling more rested and things are going well.

Scandi - (my autocorrect tries to change that to Scandal every single time - I'm bound to miss it one of these times, so please don't take it personally) Hopefully the end is beginning to crawl into sight on the renovation? Your weekend sounds good- hope we're going to get pictures.

As far as sleep goes. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I used to be a real tosser and turner, and then when the kids were younger, I was just so exhausted all the time, I slept like a log. Now I find that if I don't get quite enough sleep, I tend to sleep very well. If I try to get anywhere near the recommended amount, I log too much time not sleeping, which is a very circular thing. I think, as Marcy said, I often am willing to sacrifice some sleep time for some awake downtime - just to sit and have a conversation and a glass of wine with my H or read or watch something on TV. I feel like we rush around so much, that sometimes feels more precious than sleep, so I often end up with about 5 hours. I do have to say, though, that my grandmother was, and my father still is, notoriously short sleepers. My grandmother lived well into her eighties, and my father is in his eighties and still going strong professionally (he's an academic and still teaches and publishes), so hopefully it's not too terrible a thing. I remind myself often that if I'm tired, I'm just tired and maybe a bit cranky and it will pass.

And as to spouses dating :lol:
I for some reason started a conversation with my H this summer along the lines of, if I was hit by a bus tomorrow, would you stay in the UK or go back to the states? (Lots of funny things go through your mind when you're a long term resident in a country that isn't your own), and he got really annoyed - 'Why do we have to talk about this? No one's getting hit by a bus', etc. And then about 15 minutes later, he asked what I would do if he got hit by the bus instead, and when I said it would depend on what my next husband wanted to do, he didn't think it was at all funny. Oh well.

I'm off to do my volunteer stint this afternoon, and don't like to wear my bid diamond as it seems slightly inappropriate, so am wearing my great grandmother's set (1 carat e-ring). Unfortunately, my grandmother, at some point, replaced the centre diamond with a newer one.

Have a great day everyone.


Jaaron, :lol: :lol: :lol: your DH sounds just like mine :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jarron, gorgeous ring! :love: :love: :love:

A wife asks her husband if she were to die, would he remarry?...

...and her husband says "yes I would remarry I like living a married life and spending time with someone else. The wife gets uncomfortable and proceeds to ask " well would you let her live in our house?" And the husband says "yes I'd let her live here there's nothing wrong with this house." That worried the wife more, so then she asks "well would you let her sleep in our bed?" And the husband says "yes I like my bed and I don't want to get rid of it I'd let her sleep in it." This only makes the wife more worried so she feels compelled to say "well at least promise me you will never let her use my golf clubs." The husband say "don't worry she will never use your clubs, she's left handed."
Great ring, jaron.

Jimmieanne, lol to LH clubs.

I hope bob would remarry, my sole requirement is that he check by nannycam that she truly is good to my Westies.
Hi, all. Just a quick drive-by.

Missy, fingers crossed that whatever happens at work turns out to be what is best for you. You deserve that. Tried to e-mail twice and they bounced back and not sure my texts went through either. Just thought I'd let you know I tried. Kitties are the cutest

Junie, glad you're feeling better about your mom's house. Dreading the task is sometimes worse than the task itself. At least that's true for me.

Jimmieanne, love the new set of wheels. Go get 'em! And did you use a filter on that photo of Greg? It's so cool!

Scandi, construction is always enough to drive anyone crazy!

Kristie, thanks for the assist. Say hi to the Westies and DH for me!

Marcy, hope work settles down and quit sending your weather our way. It shouldn't snow in March!!

Callie, hope you're recovering from the dental work and have a great time at the GTG. Should be fun!

LLC, have a great time at the Hillsborough show. Say hi to Grace for me.

Sharon, hope you're having better weather up north!

Jaaron, love the picsof the flatties. My Lab never met a body of water she didn't want to jump into and your pups look to be the same. We bought dog towels in bulk!

Hope I didn't miss anyone. Off to Canada tomorrow. Trip should be miserable and take most of the day due to bad weather. Also scheduled to be equally bad on the way home. All for a family event I'd just as soon skip. Oh well.

This winter has been the worst in 35 years and our weather is the only reason it wasn't the warmest winter ever for the country as a whole. HVAC is out again on the island and has been for a couple of weeks so no heat except for a couple of small space heaters I set up. They tried to fix it when I was there last weekend but the fix only lasted an hour and they're not sure what's going on. It's been as low as 37 at night so not a good situation. Waiting for a part that still hasn't come and might not until next week. Person who is supposed to look after the house hasn't responded to texts. I've decide to throw up my hands in surrender and wait to see what happens. Not much else I can do.

On the better side, I may have something to report on a "project" soon - it's a project that once completed would cross something off my jewelry bucket list. I wasn't planning on doing it soon or maybe ever, but just the right thing came up for sale and I had to bite. Will let you know more later.

As to the current question, the old saying is "Women mourn, men replace." Not always true, but I've definitely seen it happen more than once. My DH and I never talked about it, and my feeling is that the survivor should always feel free to do whatever he or she thinks is best.

Take care, everyone!

Missy, 4” of snow isn’t bad. Stay warm! Oh no you that have unpleasant dreams. That’s good Greg woke you up. I have bad dreams sometimes but not always. I am glad the gathering for your former clinic chief was nice and well attended. I am sure that made her feel good.

Scandi, I hope you have fun this weekend with furbaby training. I don’t sleep well when Marty travels; then I get used to it and he comes home and I have to adjust to having him here again. I get what you are saying about sleeping when you are already tired. I become a clock watcher because I am worried about how little sleep I’m getting.

Jaaron, I think Charlly would love coming to visit you. He can handle driving on the other side of the road. No problem. I agree landing a huge plane in bad winds doesn’t sound like fun to me either. I bet it’s a major adrenalin rush though. My pendant is arriving tomorrow. Woo hoo! You are so right about those quiet, downtimes are very precious. I’d give up sleep for that too. I tend to sleep about 6 to 6 ½ hours. If I sleep too much I get groggy. I used to be able to function on about 5-6 hours but that’s not quite enough anymore. I laughed at your answer about “your next husband”. I love your great grandmother’s rings.

Jimmianne, pretty funny joke.

Kristie, I am with you on checking on the Westies with a nanny cam.

Rainwood, I swear I didn’t send our weather your way. If you are getting snow that means it’s heading my way soon. Phooey. I hate to hear you are having HVAC problems again at the island. 37 at night is darned cold too. Good luck getting that fixed. I will look forward to seeing your jewelry project.

I had an email about 4:30 today my pendant has shipped and will arrive tomorrow. Marty has his doctor appointment so I will stay home until he gets back from the doctor. Hopefully the pendant shows up early. I was sad I didn’t get any glam photos and kind of worried they didn’t confirm my mailing address. I am anxious to see it.

I have a weekly lunch date with a friend on Thursday. We usually confirm the place and time first thing in the morning but she never answered me. I sent her a text which she didn’t answer but I still had a calendar appointment from her in my calendar so I headed out to our usual spot. She didn’t show so I sent her a text and drove over to a nearby fast food and got a sandwich. She sent me a text about then that she is in Jackson and thought she cancelled our appointment. I told her I’ll make her pay for standing me up. Lunch wasn’t bad thought because I picked a little table in the corner with the Sun coming in behind me what made my Tiffany band and scattered diamond ering put on a quite a show. Such small things can make me smile.

Marty got his billing working for his gym. He sent me a $50 invoice because he is so “awesome”. I told him wait until he gets my bill!

Have a great evening. Tomorrow is Friday. Sweet.
Good morning girls! It is Friday and to quote Ms Marcy...Sweet!

Rainwood, I didn't receive any communications from you so don't know what is going on. I texted you just now. When you get it let me know and if you don't let me know. I would NEVER ignore you. You know that.

I am sorry to hear of the HVAC issues and I hope the part you need gets there soon! Ugh!
And what is this about a bling project OMG. Please fill us in. Patience is not my strong point!

And I agree about women mourning and men replacing. I would not marry again. No desire. I prefer my company to most men with the exception of my dh so no thank you. But I would want Greg to remarry because he is a very social person and he 100% deserves to be happy and I think he would be happiest married. Of course I hope we remain happily and healthfully married to each other for at least another 30 years or so. :pray:

Jaaron, yes you guessed right. Haha we are similar that way for sure. I have trouble not thinking deeply about everything. It is exhausting. Just wish I could get out of my own head sometimes but easier said than done. I start thinking about that and it becomes another source of too much thinking. A vicious cycle. :? :knockout: :lol: But yes I am always working towards being fully present in the present and aware of the here and now and trying to live in the moment. Wise advice and always bears repeating, thank you!

Marcy, speaking of bears that brings me to Marcy.... :lol:. See what I did there? 8-)
I am sorry your friend stood you up. How inconsiderate. I hope she makes it up to you. LOL on the invoice from Marty. It is snowing right now and freezing. OMG it was just in the sixties here. What crazy weather. I had more bad dreams last night and when I remember parts of them I don't understand them. What I remember from last night-Greg and I were at a restaurant or club (details fuzzy) and we hung our coats up and when it was time to leave Greg's coat was gone and management less than helpful. And it was a retro raincoat so not replaceable. LOL I have a crazy mind right? :lol: :oops:

Jimmianne, hahaha love that joke. :lol:

Kristie, you know I like your nanny cam idea to make sure Finn and Maggie are being treated right. Can you make sure if Greg remarries that the new wife is treating our kitties AOK? Please and thank you.

Thanks about the work support. Another development I won't bore you girls with here and I am just so over this BS. Greg reassured me last night all he wants is for me to be happy and he is 100% AOK if I stop working and don't ever want to work again. All he wants is for me to be happy. Of course that is the challenge LOL. What makes me happy? I cannot go back to the old days at work so that is off the table. One day at a time and the one thing I *can* and will control is my reaction to what is happening. And right now right this minute I am making a pact with myself not to STRESS about what happens at work. Beyond my control and if I have to say goodbye I will and I will be OK. Thank you for letting me vent and get it out. It helps. And keep me honest girls OK? Don't let me stress or go on and on about this when we chat on the phone. Tell me to snap out of it. ::)

Have a sweet Friday girls and guys! :wavey: