
Now I really did it :((

azstonie|1409256526|3740924 said:
Hey Missy, good going experimenting with/without hardware to sleep. It is so strange when you finally go without it and what do ya know, it feels WRONG too.

Not to worry, you will sleep securely and comfortably very very soon.

I think not going to the party is a good decision. People are drinking, not paying attention too much to others around them and the last thing you need is someone bashing into you. You will party with them next Labor Day :dance: Hopefully Greg will indeed go, he needs some outlet that is not home related and it will refresh him to do so.

You are doing great. its going to speed up from this point and you will see all kinds of progress and the regaining of your confidence in your body.

Hi azstonie, that's exactly how it feels. Not right somehow. Though most of what has happened these last 2 months have felt wrong I finally can see that eventually it will be feeling more right.

I am not too broken up (hahaha) about missing the Labor Day party this year. As you say there will always be another party and this year it will be too much of a hassle for me to go. It's also not close to our NY home so it will be a long drive and I am sure there will be holiday traffic. But I know Greg really loves the parties and will miss going so I am going to see if I can convince him. He will be home Monday so I get that extra day with him anyway. Only thing is there will be no designated driver since I am not going (and cannot drive with this leg the way it is right now anyway) so not sure how we are going to work around that. Knowing him he always feels OK to drive as he has a high tolerance for alcohol but I don't like him driving with any alcohol in his system.

What are your plans for the holiday weekend? I feel as if I am living vicariously through everyone here and I enjoy hearing what you are doing and where you are going. It's almost as if I am there too (almost :cheeky: ).
Hi Missy, You really do understand my shopping problem. So tell me more about these 12 dresses. Just typing this reminds me about 10 years ago during a Christmas breaK I was watching an Oprah show about women with shopping addictions. My husband walked into the room listened for a few minutes, turned to me and said "you are one step away from an Oprah show". I could here him saying that 2 weeks ago when I was standing with the cashier holding 7 dresses, 1 sweater and 2 pairs of shoes. If I was working it probably wouldn't bother me because they would all be worn. Now it's is a different story because I know there is a good chance I won't wear them all. I swear dresses are my downfall. I just need to stop and put the money toward the old cut diamond. I've never been one to shop beyond our means. That's probably the only reason he doesn't get mad at me about it.

How did you sleep last night? Are you still getting used to the boot being gone or is it starting to get easier? Is Greg a pretty calm sleeper? My husband thrashes about something terrible. I've just assumed Greg must not move much or it would really be difficult for you. I'd seriously have to sleep in a bed by myself if I were in your shoes. I take that back, the dog would come with me. He drives her crazy too.

What did Greg decide to do regarding the party this weekend? Are you still pushing him to attend?
LOL Callie. I don't think we are ready for our Oprah debut yet haha. And it was about a dozen dresses over 8 weeks though I think I am mistaken now that I am thinking about it. More like 16 haha and I just bought 4 more dresses today from 6pm. Really amazing sales- how could I resist? :bigsmile:

Most of the dresses I have been buying are easy breezy and above knee length to counteract the look of that huge boot. It all works. :cheeky: And I need them to be floaty so they still fit as the weight is increasing due to no working out and making sure I eat well (by well I mean more than normal for healing purposes). I don't mind gaining weight at all but I want to look good while doing it and hence the shopping spree if you will. What kind of dresses do you like to wear?

See how I rationalize my purchases Haha. Not to mention I just bought another round of compression socks which can be pricey and it all adds up. And I got another ASO brace that I can wear without socks. ASO has a lot of different braces and when I saw this one that can be worn without socks I had to get it for sleeping purposes because I hate sleeping with socks.

Oh and I just got the Dansko Pro XP clogs I ordered online. First Dansko purchase. Another patient in the waiting room at the doctor's office last time I was there recommended them to me because they are supposed to be the same height as the boot. When I start weight bearing I will need something like that for stability. Pricey for clogs but hey if it works it is worth it. Plus I got them on sale and that is always good. I just am unsure about the best size for me as people say they fit big so I got a 39 but I am usually a 39-40 so hoping once I start walking it will fit well.

Somehow I pulled a muscle in my left thigh today probably while doing my strengthening exercises. So this blows because it hurts to move again. :knockout: I am just hoping it is nothing and will resolve in a timely fashion (like in as soon as possible pretty please!). I am still holding on to positivity keeping in good spirits but this makes it more challenging. So now I am just sitting here hoping the muscle pull goes away. Sigh.

Greg is a calm sleeper. I have no complaints regarding that except for his occasional snoring which can be loud but I usually just have to touch him and say honey and he moves to his side and the snoring ceases. Thank goodness. I hear you with sleeping with the dog. We sleep with our sweet Francesca. Of course little Francesca loves our body heat (as we sleep with the bedroom pretty a/c) so she has been sleeping on top of me as I sleep on my back these days. Really cute and it doesn't disturb my sleep.

I don't think he is going to attend. He is exhausted and 2 work issues have come up (so far) for this weekend and now he has 2 pretty long conference calls to deal with tomorrow and Sunday so it would be difficult. It would have been manageable had we been down at the beach house but being here and him having to do the calls and get there isn't worth it to him. But honestly I don't think he would have attended anyway but now I really cannot argue with him about it. But who knows. Maybe a call will be rescheduled and it will be a more feasible option for him to attend.

He has been so busy with work this whole week it's crazy. Right before the Labor Day weekend and working Sat and Sunday of the weekend too. Usually things slow down at work around this time.Though we are so fortunate that he can work from home whenever he wants to so all the late conference calls and weekend conference calls he does from home. And since his schedule is flexible that way he can take me to PT every time. I am very lucky otherwise not sure how I would handle getting to and from PT by myself in this condition.
Hi Missy! Happy Labor Day Weekend. :wavey:

That is great you slept without your boot on. I bet you were very careful getting up to use the restroom. You’ll get more used to sleeping without it and your edema will eventually get better.

Too funny you mentioned how quickly your hair dries – mine takes hours. That is why I like wash and wear hairstyles.

I know recovering from anything can seem to take forever and this injury will take months but you are making progress every day. I think sleeping without your boot is a major accomplishment and must feel great to get that heavy boot off for a while. You are doing awesome and as your surgeon said you are on the other side of this injury.

I love to shop when I’m bored too. You can wear your new shorts on PT days and your pretty dresses on the other days. It’s always nice to wear new clothes; it puts a smile on your face. There are 3 things on my shopping list: purses, jewelry and Snoopy.

I think it’s a good idea to stay home from the Labor Day party. I’d hate to have some one with too much to drink bump in to your leg. You’d have to wear bubble wrap just to be safe. Greg would probably enjoy going to see his friends but he’d miss you so I think either way it works out will be fine with both of you. It’s a tough thing on both of you. Of course now that he has some conference calls that changes everything. That sounds like Marty’s weekend too. It is really good that Greg’s schedule is flexible so he can take you to PT.

I was sorry to read you pulled a muscle. Is it feeling better yet?

Marty got home about an hour ago. He is taking a shower now and going to bed. He is in a golf tournament this weekend. He’ll probably be napping on the couch a lot too. He has a few conference calls this weekend and Monday as well. He may travel quite a bit at the end of this year too. I get used to it but I am very glad when he comes home. Good thing we can text and talk to each other online or I’d be really miserable.

I don’t have many plans for the weekend. I left work at 3 today but then got a call about 5 and had to dial in to work and do something that took me about 75 minutes. I hope it’s not a trend for the weekend. Sometimes when I get paged once it is just the beginning of a busy weekend.

Take care. Enjoy the freedom of no boot at night. :appl:

Hi Missy - just checking in to see how you are doing. Sleeping without the boot! a landmark event!
I hope that pulled muscle is starting to behave again.

Off to babysit my grandkitty and grandbunny while my daughter is away being a bridesmaid.

Have a good weekend!

marcy|1409366544|3741834 said:
Hi Missy! Happy Labor Day Weekend. :wavey:

That is great you slept without your boot on. I bet you were very careful getting up to use the restroom. You’ll get more used to sleeping without it and your edema will eventually get better.

Too funny you mentioned how quickly your hair dries – mine takes hours. That is why I like wash and wear hairstyles.

I know recovering from anything can seem to take forever and this injury will take months but you are making progress every day. I think sleeping without your boot is a major accomplishment and must feel great to get that heavy boot off for a while. You are doing awesome and as your surgeon said you are on the other side of this injury.

I love to shop when I’m bored too. You can wear your new shorts on PT days and your pretty dresses on the other days. It’s always nice to wear new clothes; it puts a smile on your face. There are 3 things on my shopping list: purses, jewelry and Snoopy.

I think it’s a good idea to stay home from the Labor Day party. I’d hate to have some one with too much to drink bump in to your leg. You’d have to wear bubble wrap just to be safe. Greg would probably enjoy going to see his friends but he’d miss you so I think either way it works out will be fine with both of you. It’s a tough thing on both of you. Of course now that he has some conference calls that changes everything. That sounds like Marty’s weekend too. It is really good that Greg’s schedule is flexible so he can take you to PT.

I was sorry to read you pulled a muscle. Is it feeling better yet?

Marty got home about an hour ago. He is taking a shower now and going to bed. He is in a golf tournament this weekend. He’ll probably be napping on the couch a lot too. He has a few conference calls this weekend and Monday as well. He may travel quite a bit at the end of this year too. I get used to it but I am very glad when he comes home. Good thing we can text and talk to each other online or I’d be really miserable.

I don’t have many plans for the weekend. I left work at 3 today but then got a call about 5 and had to dial in to work and do something that took me about 75 minutes. I hope it’s not a trend for the weekend. Sometimes when I get paged once it is just the beginning of a busy weekend.

Take care. Enjoy the freedom of no boot at night. :appl:


Hi Marcy, the golf tournament sounds like fun. Do you attend and watch? Maybe one day if you decide to take the sport up you will join him. :appl:

I am sorry work is getting in your way too. Hopefully Marty's calls will go well and not last too long and your work won't be needing you this holiday weekend. Right now Greg's call times are once again up in the air LOL. So many people on these deals in different time zones it can be a complicated affair arranging the times.

I am a bit sad right now as a work colleague who is also a friend called me this morning to let me know my clinic hired someone to take my place and even though the chief administrator is saying I can come back that is not for certain. As I have written before he is unpredictable and not trustworthy but it is out of my hands now. I am sad because I enjoyed working there these past 13 years and now my future is uncertain in many ways. I still am concentrating on regaining my strength and health and know that is what matters now but still I feel disappointed on so many levels right now.

My pulled muscle feels a bit better thank you for asking but I am not going to be doing any of my strengthening exercises today. It is not 100% yet so I am not risking it. During the night it was bothering me quite a bit but perhaps that is because my leg is elevated and that was straining it... One step forward two backwards but I am stubborn and will not let that slow down my resolve.

And yes, it is lovely to sleep without that heavy boot...woohoo!

I would love to hear about your purse collection Marcy. I enjoy pretty pocketbooks but know very little about them really and nothing about the high end brands. Cole Haan is my speed LOL.

Enjoy the weekend and good luck to Marty in his golf tournament! :appl: :wavey:

Jimmianne|1409408766|3741957 said:
Hi Missy - just checking in to see how you are doing. Sleeping without the boot! a landmark event!
I hope that pulled muscle is starting to behave again.

Off to babysit my grandkitty and grandbunny while my daughter is away being a bridesmaid.

Have a good weekend!


Hi Jimmianne, how are you? What a lovely weekend you have planned. I would love babysitting my nieces, their kitty and their bunny. Have fun! And thank you for checking in with me. I am hanging in there and yes it is heavenly sleeping without the boot.

Enjoy your time with your loved ones! :wavey:
I'm sorry to hear that re the job, Missy. You'll get a better one!!! Punch some pillows really HARD!!!
Hi missy! Stopping in to tell you I'm so glad you are slowly but surely making progress and you are doing things like getting out and moving forward with your PT sessions. I know things are still really tough but you're headed in the right direction! And how great that you can sleep without the boot! I'm hoping you'll soon be able to get a decent night's sleep, that will help you feel so much better. Sorry to hear about the job, but you never know, things might still work out. Personally, I think the director would be nuts not to have you back, you sound very devoted and conscientious with regard to your job! And I'm confident you'd be able to find another position when the time comes. Thinking of you!
Missy so nice to hear you are improving steadily! Very sad for you on the job nice to love a job...maybe the replacement will not hold a candle to the job you performed and they'll be anxious for your return. Saying a prayer and sending good thoughts...
Missy, glad to hear you are improving... :wavey: :appl:
azstonie|1409433258|3742078 said:
I'm sorry to hear that re the job, Missy. You'll get a better one!!! Punch some pillows really HARD!!!

Thanks azstonie. I don't have enough energy to punch even pillows lol (anyway I would rather punch the clinic director (jk) haha) but when I get some strength back I surely will or better yet I would rather take any aggression I still have about the whole job thing and cycle or walk the energy off when I can! :appl: I don't blame them for wanting to hire someone in my absence but I see the writing on the wall. More about that below.

junebug17 said:
Hi missy! Stopping in to tell you I'm so glad you are slowly but surely making progress and you are doing things like getting out and moving forward with your PT sessions. I know things are still really tough but you're headed in the right direction! And how great that you can sleep without the boot! I'm hoping you'll soon be able to get a decent night's sleep, that will help you feel so much better. Sorry to hear about the job, but you never know, things might still work out. Personally, I think the director would be nuts not to have you back, you sound very devoted and conscientious with regard to your job! And I'm confident you'd be able to find another position when the time comes. Thinking of you!

Thank you Junebug. The director is nuts LOL so there's that haha. They really don't care about me being devoted or conscientious (which is all true and thank you for saying so) they just care about the bottom line which is fair. I know she will not make way for me to come back. I have no doubt she will be good at the position because she has been in the position at a different clinic for much longer than I have. I wrote more about that below in my reply to MayK.

About getting another position in the same area that is not possible. With budget cuts all the non profits that work with this patient population are closing and there are only 2 clinics left in my area. One that I have been working in and the other is where the person they just hired has been working in so there you go.

I will say that the clinic director made it clear to the colleague who called me with this news (the clinic director has no idea we are friendly) that they intend for me to return to my normal workdays when I am ready and this person will stay on (only) one day when I return. But before I start rejoicing I know how this clinic works and I know how the director thinks and if I had to give it odds I would say I have less than a 20% chance of being able to return but it's OK.

Another wrinkle in this situation for me is that our clinic is currently getting EHR ready and the person they hired to take over/fill in for me is EHR savvy and has been doing it at her other clinic for years. Our clinic was slow to go to EHR and was preparing for this for over a year and it was going to be taught to us this summer/autumn. So I am way behind as I have no clue how to do anything with EHR and was planning on learning at the clinic with the IT experts. So now why would the clinic administration expend all the time and energy and dealing with the inevitable learning curve when the person they hired is an expert on this very important issue. Breaking my leg did a lot more to me than just breaking my leg sadly. It threw a big wrench into my career future.

Whatever happens will happen and I will deal with it when I am stronger. I refuse to let this get me down (too much). I was so happy at my position and no matter what happens that will have all changed even if I get back because she will be staying on and I will have to share my clinic with her. Not looking forward to that prospect even if I do get to return. She is quite unpleasant an individual and very strange. That will not matter to the administration though as there are plenty of strange people there haha so she will fit right in. :eh:

Mayk said:
Missy so nice to hear you are improving steadily! Very sad for you on the job nice to love a job...maybe the replacement will not hold a candle to the job you performed and they'll be anxious for your return. Saying a prayer and sending good thoughts...

Thank you Mary. I do (did) love my job and I am happy my patients are going to be seen but I know the person they hired and she actually held this very job before me at my clinic for 3 months thirteen plus years ago and quit and then a month later a friend called me about this job and the rest is history.

I was new to this patient population at the time so I learned on my feet (so to speak pardon the pun lol) and that was 13 years ago. This woman they hired has more experience than me and in fact was a professor at my school when I was a student. So I think she will have no problem excelling at the job. I just wonder why she is taking the position and I think it might be because her current position is under water with budget cuts so not good news for me.

Dancing Fire said:
Missy, glad to hear you are improving... :wavey: :appl:

Thank you Dancing Fire and truthfully that is the only important thing I need to be focusing on right now so pushing unhappy thoughts out of my mind and moving forward.

Sorry to all if my post sounds negative. This is just how I am feeling right now and I am sure I will bounce back. I don't get my self worth from my career so I have that going for me but it is a blow right now because I truly enjoyed what I did and it gave me satisfaction to be able to serve this particular patient population. But that is selfish of me and as long as they are being cared for well is all that matters now.

If I cannot return to my career/job I hope to focus my energy on another worthwhile cause once I regain my health and become physically capable. Perhaps that will be volunteer based (i.e. working with rescue animals). Whatever it is I hope I can find something where I can make a difference. I just hope we can take the financial hit that we will be taking if I go to something on a volunteer basis.
I hear you missy, and I understand your concerns - and I don't think you're being negative at all, this is a situation that is upsetting you, and that's ok - Sometimes I think it's good to vent a bit and just give into being bummed instead of trying to fight it lol. It's understandable you'd feel a bit down about it. But at the same time you're trying to keep things in perspective and that's good to do too. I have a few worrying things going on in my life too, and there are times I'm overwhelmed by it all, but then I just try to snap out of it and realize fretting too much is not going to change anything and is damaging to me. Easier said than done but I try. I've been reading where anxiety can be detrimental to a person's physical health. Of course, now I'm worried about that haha! :wall:
junebug17 said:
I hear you missy, and I understand your concerns - and I don't think you're being negative at all, this is a situation that is upsetting you, and that's ok - Sometimes I think it's good to vent a bit and just give into being bummed instead of trying to fight it lol. It's understandable you'd feel a bit down about it. But at the same time you're trying to keep things in perspective and that's good to do too. I have a few worrying things going on in my life too, and there are times I'm overwhelmed by it all, but then I just try to snap out of it and realize fretting too much is not going to change anything and is damaging to me. Easier said than done but I try. I've been reading where anxiety can be detrimental to a person's physical health. Of course, now I'm worried about that haha! :wall:

Thank you dear Junebug and (((hugs))). You are so right. Anxiety is unhealthy and anxiety about one's health doubly so lol. But I am trying to follow my own advice that I posted in Gypsy's thread and living in the moment and trying to enjoy each day and not focus on what is to be. At least not anymore than just planning for different contingencies. It never hurts to be prepared and then be zen about it and be grateful for all the good in one's life. Though it can be easier to write than to live. But I am doing my best to walk the walk (haha there I go again :cheeky: ) and not just talk the talk. And I wish the same for you. Peace and zen and may all your worries prove to have no foundation. :wavey:
Thanks missy! And hugs back atcha - yep, I'm trying to just focus on each day as it comes, and not borrow trouble as the saying goes! Tomorrow I'm heading up to my mother's and who knows what stress-inducing stuff awaits me there lol - but tonight I'm going out to eat with my dh and kids and am looking forward to just relaxing a bit and spending time with my family. I hope you have a great Sunday!
Thank you Junebug. Have a great day too and enjoy your family! And good luck tomorrow. I will be thinking good thoughts for you.
Hi Missy, I'm so sorry about the work situation. I apologize for not responding yesterday. We were gone most of the day and I only had a few minutes to check in. I was hoping I could come up with something to make you feel a little better. I have to admit it felt very strange reading you post. The friend of our we were out to dinner with had a very similar situation going on. She's been off work since April due to back surgery and now just found out she needs her knee replaced. The place she worked for basically told her they have created a new position and hired someone to fill the position. About 75% of the new position job responsibilities are what she handles for the company. The writing is pretty much on the wall and they were not very nice about any of it when they told her. She knows there are office politics playing a part as well. Needless to say my friend is feeling down about the situation. She knows that her main focus has to be getting her health back. After we talked for an hour yesterday I think she's come to the realization that she doubts she would be happy going back to work there. She's decided to just wait everything out and see where things are at when she's ready to work again. As with many businesses, things can change quickly and while both the companies you and her work for may be moving In a certain direction, things can also be different 6 months from now. You may also come to the realization that this is not the company you want to work for.

I'm sorry for the long post. It sounds that even though you are disappointed, you are handling it well. You are doing well in your recovery and you have such a good head on your shoulders. If the job situation doesn't work out there will be something better around the corner. It does no good to stress about the things that are out of our control.

How has the pulled muscle in your leg feeling? Have you been able to go back to doing your exercises?
Calliecake said:
Hi Missy, I'm so sorry about the work situation. I apologize for not responding yesterday. We were gone most of the day and I only had a few minutes to check in. I was hoping I could come up with something to make you feel a little better. I have to admit it felt very strange reading you post. The friend of our we were out to dinner with had a very similar situation going on. She's been off work since April due to back surgery and now just found out she needs her knee replaced. The place she worked for basically told her they have created a new position and hired someone to fill the position. About 75% of the new position job responsibilities are what she handles for the company. The writing is pretty much on the wall and they were not very nice about any of it when they told her. She knows there are office politics playing a part as well. Needless to say my friend is feeling down about the situation. She knows that her main focus has to be getting her health back. After we talked for an hour yesterday I think she's come to the realization that she doubts she would be happy going back to work there. She's decided to just wait everything out and see where things are at when she's ready to work again. As with many businesses, things can change quickly and while both the companies you and her work for may be moving In a certain direction, things can also be different 6 months from now. You may also come to the realization that this is not the company you want to work for.

I'm sorry for the long post. It sounds that even though you are disappointed, you are handling it well. You are doing well in your recovery and you have such a good head on your shoulders. If the job situation doesn't work out there will be something better around the corner. It does no good to stress about the things that are out of our control.

How has the pulled muscle in your leg feeling? Have you been able to go back to doing your exercises?

Hi Callie, I am so sorry about your friend and I hope she is recovering well from her back surgery and I hope her upcoming knee surgery goes smoothly. Poor dear having 2 major things like this so close together. I understand how she feels about what is happening at her job and my heart goes out to her. As you say focusing on our physical healing and emotional well being is most important. Tell her I am thinking good thoughts for her and sending her virtual hugs from NYC.

I hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend and there is absolutely no need to apologize! OMG I know people have lives and fortunately most are not housebound like me LOL. Please don't feel like it is an obligation to check in all the time. I value your company when you do but totally understand you have lots of things going on that are front and center. I will be here when you have time. (((Hugs))) to you.

I am feeling better re the pulled muscle though not 100% yet so I am doing a modified strengthening exercise schedule. Doing a bit less until I am back to baseline. And I am still doing all my ankle ROM's. My ankle is still quite stiff and I don't see any improvement regarding moving my ankle towards me which is critical for walking but I know I must be patient and it is a slow process. But this is really slow LOL.

Thanks for checking in and also for sharing your friend's story. Have a lovely evening. :wavey:
Job update: I reached out to the clinic director this weekend via email about designing the EHR template for my clinic and he emailed me back this morning. He wrote they hired Dr. E* one day a week on a permanent basis but that in his exact words: "this will have absolutely no impact on your schedule when you are able to return".

So if he is true to his word I will be able to return if I can/want. I still have very conflicting feelings about this whole affair as the work climate will be different with Dr. E* working there albeit on a different schedule because there is only one exam room for my clinic.

I am not sure how this will impact me in reality and if it will be as good as it was for me before she started working there. As I wrote before she is a difficult personality and can be unpleasant and strange. I am confident however that she is clinically excellent and I am sure empathetic and kind with the patients and that is what really matters no doubt about it.

I am pleased my patients will be taken care of in my absence however I wish that Dr E* would not be working there on a permanent basis i.e. after my return. Purely selfish of me I know but again I appreciate the opportunity to return if he is being honest with me. It seems based on what he wrote that the clinic director is welcoming me back and for that I am happy and grateful.
And it does take the pressure off me about when I can return now that someone is taking care of my patients in my absence.
Hi Missy, Would it possible for you to work 4 days a week and not be in the office the day this woman works? Is this something that you would even want to do? You could always spin it as cost savings to the clinic. Just a thought. Maybe the reason I'm suggesting it is because know I would love having a three day a week job. Just enough to get me out of house and it would be easier to not feel like my life was becoming my job. You may feel totally different.

I forgot to add that this must make you feel better even if it's not exactly what you want at least you have more options. You have to know that your valued.
Hi Missy, I'm going to ask you a totally off topic question. Do you by any chance know who could make a bracelet that looks like a Cartier live bracelet in shape and thickness but that could be removed daily? I don't need the rivets or whatever you would call them. This way its not like it would be a copy infringement. Bracelets have to be small for me. My wrist is only 5 inches which is such a pain. Everything always falls right off my wrist.

Do you think I could post this question on Rockytalk? I feel strange because it's not a diamond question.
Calliecake|1409672972|3743389 said:
Hi Missy, Would it possible for you to work 4 days a week and not be in the office the day this woman works? Is this something that you would even want to do? You could always spin it as cost savings to the clinic. Just a thought. Maybe the reason I'm suggesting it is because know I would love having a three day a week job. Just enough to get me out of house and it would be easier to not feel like my life was becoming my job. You may feel totally different.

I forgot to add that this must make you feel better even if it's not exactly what you want at least you have more options. You have to know that your valued.

Hi Callie, thank you so much for helping me come up with some good options. The thing is I would not be working the day she is working because there is only one clinic room for our clinic with our equipment. In any case I don't work there Mondays or Fridays so it is not a problem because I believe it will be Friday that she will be working when/if I return.

We are a small clinic but I guess we are growing enough to warrant hiring someone permanently for an extra day. And you are right. I do/did love working the schedule I had as it gave us extra time to enjoy our hobbies. Greg works full time but can work from home and during the cycling weather months we took full advantage and enjoyed long weekends most of the time at the beach house. Hoping we can get back to that someday not too far into the future but one day at a time right now for me. Trying not to get my hopes up too much about returning to all the activities I loved.

As for being valued I am not so sure. He might be just hedging his bets as Dr E* quit 13 plus years ago after only 3 months at the clinic. Or it could just be good sense on his part realizing it is smart to have more than one clinician sharing the duties just in case one of us gets sick or hurt like I did. My clinic was the only clinic with just one person (me) and all the other professions there have many clinicians within their specialty so I can see where that might be a problem given what happened to me. I don't like it but I see the wisdom in having more than one clinician running our clinic.

Calliecake said:
Hi Missy, I'm going to ask you a totally off topic question. Do you by any chance know who could make a bracelet that looks like a Cartier live bracelet in shape and thickness but that could be removed daily? I don't need the rivets or whatever you would call them. This way its not like it would be a copy infringement. Bracelets have to be small for me. My wrist is only 5 inches which is such a pain. Everything always falls right off my wrist.

Do you think I could post this question on Rockytalk? I feel strange because it's not a diamond question.

Callie, I would definitely recommend posting this in Rocky Talk as it is exactly the kind of question PSers would be able to help you answer. Rocky Talk is for all bling diamonds or not. :appl: Offhand I would say try:
Brian Gavin


I don't know how much you want to spend on this project as there are some heavy hitters you can ask as well like Victor Canera. I believe he did a gorgeous bracelet for a PSer here. I cannot remember if it was Cookie for whom he did the gorgeous piece for but it might be worth giving him a call. He is a lovely person and so easy to talk with and very kind. I really got a good feeling when I spoke with him over a year ago. I would have gone with him if I had kept my original ER diamond and not upgraded with an OEC.

Victor Canera would probably be my top choice though there are a lot of good options. Post in Rocky talk and I cannot wait to see what you decide! Good luck!

ETA: Who said I don't have a good memory! I found Cookie's thread with her gorgeous VC bracelet. :love:
Hi Missy, I remember cookies post. If I'm remembering correctly she tried to sell the bracelet a week later. Unfortunately It is more than I want to spend. I think the bracelet cost close to the Cartier with 4 diamonds. I keep going back and forth between the old cut diamond and the bracelet. I' would use the old cut in a ring.

Everything makes sense regarding your job now. I never realized you were working 3 days a week. I'm POSITIVE they hired an additional person for instances like the one your going thru right now. It makes perfect business sense to have a second person at each location. I'm sure they realize how your patients feel about you. If their customers are happy you are helping their bottom line. I know you have described the person in charge as not the nicest person, but unless he's a complete idiot, I doubt it's in his best interest to let you go. I can tell by your posts that you love your job. It's been my experience that people who love their jobs seem to do a better job.' Trust me when I say if they were not happy with your job performance, he would have let you go a long time ago. Nowadays if an employee is not adding value and helping the bottom line they don't keep them. Everything comes down to the bottom line when running a business. I'm sure they value and appreciate the job you do Missy. Whether you decide to continue working there will be your decision and only you can decide if it's the right thing for you.
Thanks Callie. I appreciate that and time will tell how this all plays out. Ultimately I want it to be my decision and if I am well enough/strong enough I want to go back to work. I'm just not sure of the final outcome and of the timetable for all that to occur so it is good they have another clinician which will take the pressure off me in the short term.

I don't think Cookie sold the bracelet because she was unhappy with the workmanship but didn't realize she wasn't comfortable with a bangle since she never had one before. But I could be wrong. And her bracelet was so expensive because it was a lot of platinum if I remember correctly. It was heavy and platinum is expensive. Anyway you will get a lot of good recs in rocky talk. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful and I am looking forward to seeing what you decide. I am also excited for you to find the perfect OEC if that is still what your heart desires. That would be my vote but ofc it depends on what you really want and will love wearing. I always look at expensive items as cost per wear if that makes sense. So the more you will enjoy and wear something the less expensive it becomes with time. :appl:
Hi Missy, I really feel the job situation will play out the way you want it to. I have a hard time believing they wouldn't want you to return to the job. Just from what I know of you on this forum you are such a kind person. I think you would be wonderful with patients and a great comfort if they were upset or confused. Your kind nature comes thru in all your posts.

I didn't realize the bracelet was platinum. I'm sure Victor's workmanship was impeccable. I thought her husband wanted her to have something more intricate and delicate. I've also made purchases where I thought this is exactly what I want, only to find out a few weeks later I really want something completely different. It's always a girls prerogative to change her mind.

Speaking of purchases I love your new earrings! Were these the ones you have had your eye on for a while?
Oh I definitely agree it is a girl's prerogative to change her mind. And I exercise that prerogative quite often. :cheeky:

Yes, that is the pair I had my eyes on for a few months. It always takes a leap of faith when buying jewelry online and so far I have never returned anything. I am still not 100% sure I will love them in person and fortunately there is a return period though I hope I won't need to use it. I will definitely post pics when they arrive either way.

What are your thoughts re your OEC vs bracelet? Which do you feel will give you the most pleasure and wear? It's a fun dilemma to have in any case and take your time.

The thing about the OEC is the search can take a long time or not too long at all as it all depends what is in inventory in your price and requirement range. If you haven't started already I would just to get an idea of what is out there and I would definitely suggest contacting Adam as he has a good inventory (one of the best for old cuts I think) and fair prices. That might help your decision process too.

For me, the search for whatever jewelry piece I am looking for is a big part of the fun. I enjoy the whole process. I hope you do too!
Funny you should mention an OEC bracelet. I was thinking about that as well. The problem I have is I already have 2 diamond bracelets that I don't wear. I have gold bangles that I wear quite often. My husband tried to buy me diamond earrings a couple years ago but I really don't want them. I'm prone to losing earrings so I'd much rather put the money toward another ring. I have to be patient and just save for the OEC ring or just have a couple gold bracelets made and be done with it. I still also keep going back and forth regarding the Love bracelets. As you can see I'm all over the place. Talk about changing my mind.
That's part of the fun I think. Imagining what you might get and all your options and daydreaming about each one of them. Or that could just be me being weird LOL. :cheeky:

I would say no on the OEC bracelet if you wear your gold bangles more often over the diamond bracelets you already have. So that leaves you with OEC for ring (my personal fave :love: ) or the custom LOVE bracelet that you can easily remove. You cannot really go wrong. I would get quotes for the bracelet and see what OEC's are around that might entice you and go from there. Not that I am trying to enable you or anything. :halo:
Hi Missy, You are so not weird. I also feel the same way about the imagining what I'll get. The hunt is sometimes just as much fun as the purchasing. I need to buckle down and save. I know I really want the OEC. I mentioned to my husband that I'd like a 3.50 carat size. He gave me a look and said you know you are not going to be happy unless it a 4.00 carat. He knows me so well. I keep checking Jewels by Grace to get an idea of how much money I'll need. I felt a lot less guilty about these purchases when I was working.
Calliecake|1409704097|3743719 said:
Hi Missy, You are so not weird. I also feel the same way about the imagining what I'll get. The hunt is sometimes just as much fun as the purchasing. I need to buckle down and save. I know I really want the OEC. I mentioned to my husband that I'd like a 3.50 carat size. He gave me a look and said you know you are not going to be happy unless it a 4.00 carat. He knows me so well. I keep checking Jewels by Grace to get an idea of how much money I'll need. I felt a lot less guilty about these purchases when I was working.

OMG Callie. Our dhs are so similar LOLOL. That is almost exactly what Greg said to me when I was looking. Haha we better listen to our men because they are oh so wise at least when it comes to "happy wife happy life"! :bigsmile:

And YAY for 4+ carat OEC!!! All the better to be able to enjoy their chunky chunky facets. :love:

You should call or email Grace and tell her what you want and see what she can find for you and ditto Adam at OWD. So excited for you!
Don't get too excited just yet. I'm going to try and do this without asking him for extra money so it may take awhile. He has been unbelievably generous with bling money the past year so I really can't push this one. Although I was so encouraged when he made the comment about the 4 carat. I know if I told him I was getting a 3.5 would talk me out of it. He also said he doesn't want to settle and I don't want DSS to strike. Did you have any problem with going to a lower colored stone? Was your previous stone a higher color? I don't think It will be bother me too much. I love antique jewelry and have since is was young.