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I apologize for not going back, and reading through your threads, but I have little free time with an 11 month old, and a 3 year old.
I just wanted to say that getting your sit bones measured, while kind of ackward, can do wonders when it comes to finding the perfect saddle. Also, getting your bike fitted by a pro fitter can really increase your overall cycling comfort. It's crazy how minuscule tweaked can make such a huge impact. I apologize if you've already done this, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
For the sores, i liked to use Chamois Butt'r. I went through tons of creams before if found the one that worked best for me. I also could only wear certain cycling bibs. Some chamois worked better for me than others. If I wore the wrong pair, I would get sores in places that I didn't know I could get sores! Lol
I hope that you find something that works for you soon! Also, when trying to get my bike perfect for me, I found a cycling forum for ladies that was really helpful, and super addicting. Lol Good luck!
Ermagherd I was scared to death when we had mothball sized hail last year! They perforated all the hostas! I can't imagine the sound those snow cone sized hail made coming down!!!! The ones last year set off car alarms!Rainwood, it was scary. I just checked all of our windows again. I guess they had 17 tornadoes touch down in the area and a lot of widespread hail damage. I would say the largest hail here at the house was about 4 inches. It sounded awful hitting the roof and windows.
Missy, that link you posted sounds like it could have some helpful information. I sure hope you find something that is comfy for you. Okay - I’ll plan some other delicious meal for next weekend since you and Junebug will be joining me. I am so sorry you are still coughing and having breathing issues. Inhalers start really making me buzzy / hyper. I am glad you were able to trap 5 ferals to get to Ann. Gorgeous sunrise; love the colors. You and Greg will be posing by more tandem bikes; no worries. Both of you are determined to find something that works. I know it’s hard but try not to be discouraged.
Junebug, I hope your mom’s house moves quickly. It does sound like it’s amazing you get any sleep. When Marty was got calls or texts all night long from work at his old job I just got up and moved to the spare bedroom. Now that he isn’t on call it took me a while to adjust to not sleeping in the spare bedroom. Then I had to figure out how to share covers again. I do keep a fleece blanket close so if he steel everything I can cover up with that. How is your gorgeous EC ring and beautiful cluster ring?
I had an eventful evening. We had 2 to 4 inch hail and tornadoes very nearby. I drove home in small hail and got home before the big stones starting hitting. I thought the windows on the west side of the house were going to break. The roof was really taking a beating. They had quite a few tornadoes touch down north and east of us. I finally decided to cook supper once I could see sunshine to the west. I hated to start anything incase I had to head to the basement.
Marty still feels pretty bad. He picked up NyQuil yesterday and he said it kept him awake instead of making him sleepy. Today he picked up one of the things like Tylenol PM. I guess some of the guys he is working with has been sick too. He still went and did his heavy workout tonight. I tried to talk him out of it but I got the “well nobody said this would be easy and I would lose ground if I don’t follow my routine” - you know mansplaining stuff. Glad I’m not stubborn like he is. Ha Ha.
Take care. Have a great evening.
The hail pictures are mine. The tornado picture was on the local news website.
Good morning girls!
Marcy as I told you last night Greg said paint them purple and you will have some lovely Easter eggs LOL. Of course you know they looked like ice cream to me. Yummm. But thanks to you girls yesterday I had ice cream on the brain.
Thank goodness you (and your sister!) are safe and didn't get injured with those monster hail balls. And tornados are terrifying. All I can say is wow they do things big in Wyoming cause we never experienced that size hail.
Sorry Marty isn't feeling better. He and I are in the same boat right now. This coughing and breathing issue is just being plain stubborn. And our air quality with the 95 degree plus heat is not helping. Hoping he starts feeling better very soon.
Junie, thank you sweetie. Zoe is a sweet baby and she deserves to be spoiled for sure! And she has the perfect mommy to take care of her every need. LOVE sweet Zoe and I love her sweet mommy too!
Scandi hope F's eye is better. Thinking of you both and her upcoming appointment for surgery.
Pinto as I promised I will fill you in later. Get ready to be bored.
Jimmianne we miss you!
Rainwood I hope work gets less crazy and you start having some time to relax and enjoy. Though I know you enjoy work too.
You guys already know it was a disappointing appointment but I am not giving up. We were there a few hours and tried about 5 saddles and I was hooked up to the saddle machine and Jarrod was telling me everything I was doing wrong. It is amazing I was able to enjoy cycling for 20 years doing everything wrong.
It doesn't help that I am no longer using the shoes that clip into the pedal since after my accident because now my foot position is all wrong. Toe has to be straight and heel even down at times. My toe was pointing all wrong. And my knees. OMG. Don't get me started. Plus I was too far back in the saddle. But the way he wants me to sit just HURTS.
He said I should (need to) get back to the clip in shoes to get my form right again but it isn't worth it to me. One Pilon fracture a lifetime is more than enough for me. My surgeon said I could return to cycling but he also warned me NOT to go back to those cycling shoes.
Jarrod was nice but yes arrogant as in everything he says is right, no room for interpretation etc and it is all black and white and not an art as much as a science. Well I disagree a bit with that because not everything including cycling is a science. And there is a bit of what works for you might not work for me but heck what do I know.
It was 99 degrees yesterday and today is going to be just as hot with continuing air quality problems. So I don't think we are going to attempt a morning ride. Hopefully tomorrow. Though truth be told I no longer feel excited about cycling and it is quickly becoming unpleasant in more ways than one.
The set up was impressive during the testing. A machine measured my movements in the saddle and showed the pressure points and it was sort of cool.
OK pics because I know you want them. LOL Jarrod was a willing participant in the mini photo session at the end that we took just for you girls.
First up the cycling set up. Looks painful right? It was.I did get a saddle on the machine but the photo is not downloading right now. Will try again later. But this gives you the idea of what it was like yesterday.
Then the computer monitors that were set up during my testing session.
And lastly Jarrod and Greg. 2 handsome but very different men. Though both enjoy a passion and love for cycling.
Greg waiting patiently. I feel like he does a lot of that for me.
Have a great day girls and stay cool!![]()
New source of income?when we will actually begin tricking
Good morning girls!
I started having the trifecta of pain like you might be experiencing...saddle sores, soft tissue pain and sit bone pain and this started for me at the end of last cycling season after 20 plus years of (relatively)comfortable cycling. We used to cycle from 50-70 miles without major issues. Of course after long rides I had discomfort but nothing like I am experiencing now and I cannot even go 10 miles now without pain and sores.
I tried over 15 new saddles and nothing worked and then read about the Precision Fit and luckily it was offered at one of our bike shoppes here. Trial and error re saddle comfort might work but it didn't for me. So I searched for something more comprehensive and less of a random trial and error. I hope the info below helps you and let me know if you have any other questions. Happy to do whatever I can to help you get back on the bike comfortably.
Google Precision Fit testing and see if they offer it around you. There are 2 places near us. One at the shore and one in NYC within walking distance of our home there. But I don't know where you live so not sure it is available. It is pricey but if it could help you it would be worth it. I don't think it helped me but I have not been able to cycle yet so I will update this thread either way once I know. Today we are trying to cycle and I am very nervous. I so badly want this to work for us.
Sorry you had a cycling accident but glad you didn't injure yourself. I did break a few bones in 2014 and that was the impetus for this thread. The day of the accident I was in so much pain and looking for comfort and positive thoughts to get me through and these girls came through times a million. I owe so much to the girls who stayed by me here all these years. Truly love them and they are close friends.
OK so this brings me to another piece of news. Some of you might be worried for me but I promise we will be as safe as possible and we are hoping this will be added to our Calfee racing tandem routine and not in place of but we wanted options. We just ordered the tandem recumbent trike. LOL we are crazy I know! Anyway not sure when it will be delivered (from the midwest) to the trike shop that is 90 minutes away from our beach house. Once it is delivered to the bike shop the trike guy has to build it and we have to go for a fitting and then he has to deliver it to us 90 minutes away since it will not fit into a car. It needs a trailer LOL. It is huge. And the turning radius is 36 feet. That is not a typo. Greg was not pleased with that but it is the way it is and we will just need plenty of room if we need to turn around. So not sure how long all this will take and when we will actually begin tricking but we are excited. It is hopefully in addition to Calfee and not a replacement. Fingers crossed.
We went cycling short shopping for me yesterday and I got some sweet shorts. Striped and polka dots to name a few. Jarrod had told me my cycling pants and other bottoms didn't have enough padding so he wanted me to get another few pairs to try. These are expensive but hoping they will work for me.
That's it for the news update today. Hoping it doesn't rain and we can actually go cycling today and I am looking forward to hearing from you girls and seeing what is new with all of you.
Have a lovely Wednesday.![]()