
Now I really did it :((

marcy|1412386679|3761759 said:
Hi Missy! :wavey:

How are you doing today? Are you feeling like a “free” woman walking around? I am sure Victor will help you get your ROM back. I know you are very motivated and will continue with your exercises and PT. I am still very excited for you. Are you able to sleep okay now?

It sounds like you do need a new phone. I usually keep mine until I can get an upgrade. So you don’t like Apple products? I wasn’t sure on that. We are all Mac around here – which is surprising since Marty was in IT for a while and never wanted a Mac. He bought me one because he was sick of fixing my Windows issues. Then he liked my laptop so much he got one and eventually replaced our desktop with Mac. Both of us have iPads too.

I wish I did live close to you; we could call the diamond district and have them bring over diamonds and sapphires for us to look at. I am sure no one would mind doing that for us. I plan to try and keep myself busy while Marty is gone but it’s a challenge sometimes. I have a Snoopy puzzle to put together. I like to knit and read. Of course there are nice people like you to visit with on PS.

My bottom teeth are crooked but I never minded them. Marty was pretty self conscious about his teeth so he decided to get braces. He will have to wear a permanent brace on the bottom when they are done. He’s been working on them 2 years and they figured he’d be done by now so this time they put in some serious hardware. It seems like trail and error – move them this way then no the other way. They do look a lot straighter.

I am glad your parents are mentally tough; that always helps getting through the trying times. Hopefully you’ll get to see them, your sister and nieces SOON. They’ll be so excited to see you walking too.

Have a great weekend! Is it still nice weather there? We had snow on the ground this morning but it melted right away.


Hi Marcy, Haha don't I wish! I don't feel like a free woman yet because I am barely walking. More like hobbling about with a huge limp and still needing my walker when I first wake up or at the end of the day or after I have been sitting for a long time. I am still quite weak. And add to that my (very short!) time on the elliptical and treadmill yesterday and my whole body hurts me from being so unused to using those muscles. Basically I am a wreck physically. But I am happy to be along in the process and it is progress not to have to be in the boot and to have been given the go ahead to walk without assistance. Though I am not there yet I hope soon I will be.

The weather is depressing too. No more sunshine or lovely temps. It is raining and cold and generally yukky. I guess there will be no walking outside today for me. I cannot believe how early you get snow. Glad it is all melted and I hope you can enjoy being outside today before the real storms come!

I know you are a pro at keeping yourself occupied and happy while Marty is traveling and I do wish we lived closer because I know we would enjoy our diamond/colored gemstone shopping together. There are so many lovely places near me. But maybe it's fortunate I don't have a partner in crime to go jewelry shopping with because I am a spontaneous shopper and well I might do a lot of damage. With me not working that might not be a good idea haha. Oh but it's lovely to dream about. :love:

Good luck to Marty with his teeth project. I don't have the energy though I would like straight bottom teeth it's not worth it to me with all the other issues I am dealing with and I don't think it would ever be a priority for me though I admire the beautiful teeth others have.

I love my Macbook Pro and I really love my Macbook Air. Don't get me wrong. It's just that Apple annoys me with all their proprietary business so I don't choose at this time to own anything Apple other than their (amazing) computers. But I can see myself going over to the dark side if any more of my Samsung phones stop working before the 2 year contract is over.

Have a great weekend too Marcy! And hope your weather remains nice and calm.
Hi Missy, I am sure you are weak and need your walker in the morning and after resting but even a month ago walking without your boot seemed very far away. Just knowing you are going to work at getting better, stronger to regain ROM makes me confident you will continue to show progress from week to week and even more progress from month to month. I am sure at the end of the day even your hair hurts. You consumption of pain relief will certainly go up for the new few months too as you work on everything. I bet Victor is delighted to have you as a patient; you are willing to do what it takes to help yourself.

I hope you get some sunshine this weekend so you and Greg can stick your nose outside. It’s sunny here today but really windy. Marty and his golf buddy played golf this morning but the parking lot was only about ¼ full so not many people ventured out in the wind.

We would probably spend way too much on jewelry if we went shopping together. I’d be so tempted living where nice jewelry stores are nearby. I have to drive about 100 miles to get to decent to good jewelry stores so that keeps me from too much impulse buying but I’ve done more of that than I should. It looks pretty and is different so I buy it. I wear it a few times then I’m over it. Not a good idea if it costs more than $5.

I know I couldn’t do braces either. I’m more in to the “I like to be comfortable” stage of life. I quit wearing contacts too. Where I work is so dry those little suckers were fusing to my eyes during the day.

That makes sense about Macs and Apple. I had MacBook Airs first then went to the MacBook retina when it came out. I don’t have that much music so the iTunes stuff doesn’t bother me but I know a lot of people that won’t buy iPhones for that very reason. I am so used to Macs I kind of fumble around at work for hot keys on Windows. Which is kind of funny because when we bought me my first Air I was so lost the first day I used it if Apple had been a local store I probably would have returned it. I quickly adapted though. I think the thing I hate the most on Windows is it won’t add a period automatically for me. Sometimes I boycott punctuation at work because I find that annoying.

Take care and have a great weekend.
Thank you Marcy! Yes, I feel like I am making progress though I am in quite a bit of pain today. I might have overdone as we were out for 3 hours and though we took the car I walked a good 1/2 mile at least but over a long period of time so I am trying not to overdo. It was a gorgeous autumn day and it was great to get out and I walked with the cane woohoo! And I was able to squeeze into my SW 5050 boots and that was no small task LOL. At the end of the day I couldn't get it off since my left ankle got so swollen from being on it for a few hours so Greg managed to get it off but OMG it was not easy to pull off. Anyway very thankful for being able to walk a bit and that I have made progress.

Yesterday I even tried the stairs in my building (only a few stairs) and I was able to go up them but going down I had to put the bad foot/leg first so it was one step at a time going down. First bad leg down then good leg on same step and then next step. But going up I was able to go up with either so I could do each step up with one leg so more of a natural stair climbing if you will. I am OK that I cannot go down them that way yet because I know I have to be patient. I am amazed I was able to go up them!

I hope you enjoyed the weekend and that your weather cooperated. Did Marty get to play golf today too? I hope it was less windy today and that you both got to enjoy some lovely autumn weather.

Attaching a pic when we got home right before Greg had to pull the boot off my left leg. Increase the zoom and you can see the ankle is swollen. It's the foot forward in the pic. Facing mirror so left side is the left leg.So happy I was able to wear them. Small things that really add up.

Look at you on your way back to normalcy! So glad that you are able to get out and about. I know it's hard to be patient but you are really doing so well. I feel like you missed the whole summer so please, enjoy fall!! (no pun intended - wow!)

So good to see you up and about!
Hi Missy, OMG, look at the progress you have made. On top of it you look darn good in your boots. It would seem that not now the slow and steady race begins. One step at a time, doing what you can every day. You are making great progress. Here on out it would seem it's going to be a slow and steady process to get your ROM back and the strength back in your leg as well. You are healing well so that is huge.

How can you not be beaming? Your walking in your Stuart Weitzman boots for crying out loud! I hope you can see me smiling. :angel:

It was so funny to hear Greg's viewpoint from your surgeon visit. I remember my husband telling me that the doctor said everything went well and I was going to be fine. I had a doctors appointment the following week. Two days before the doctor appt. my husband says "oh yeah did I tell you they found 2 tumors on your ovary"? I was a wreck until I was able to see the doctor and wanted to kill my husband for not finding out more. Everything turned out fine but I couldn't believe he said it like he did. Men! My husband literally hears that I will be okay and everything that is said is forgotten.

I love your dress!
Hi Missy, I hope your therapy is going well with Victor today. :wavey:
missy|1412423771|3761930 said:
azstonie|1412374948|3761678 said:
Missy, congratulations on your successful postoperative period and appointment. WELL DONE! Many patients are irresponsible in the postoperative period and further injure themselves and/or ruin the work done by the surgeon. You did not and that is huge, kudos to you and Greg :appl:

Your surgeon is qualified to evaluate the postoperative status of his work and the healing taken place thus far.

He does not have expertise in rehab of patients. His concern is surgical. Surgeons concern themselves with rehab via what not to do (risk the surgical repairs). He has no idea how to get you up and as close to your pre-accident function as can be done.

Who does?

A physiatrist. This is what they do.

Get going with a physiatrist.

You wouldn't have the manicurist cut your hair, right? Expecting your surgeon to know anything specific about your rehab status is similar.

Considerations for you to discuss with your physiatrist: bone stimulator, laser, e-stim, and ultrasound.

Thank you very much azstonie. I looked into finding a physiatrist weeks ago based on your recommendation and there was no one near me. I think my best bet would be either Rusk Institute at NYU (based on a friend's recommendation) or of course HSS. I was hoping that Victor would be able to get me in fighting shape so to speak without the added time and expense of traveling to HSS or NYU every week. I am not sure how it works. That is, can I go just once and get a treatment plan from the physiatrist and then have Victor do the therapy based on the physiatrist's treatment plan? THE PHYSIATRIST WOULD WANT TO SEE YOU BACK AT INTERVALS TO VERIFY YOUR PROGRESS AND UPDATE THE TREATMENT PLAN. Another wrinkle is that Victor's place does not have ultrasound or e-stim etc.THOSE ARE CONSIDERED PT ESSENTIALS. I'M SURPRISED THEY DON'T HAVE THEM. I asked him last session because Dr Wellman wrote something on my PT prescription having to do with ultrasound or e-stim one of those other treatments you suggested. I cannot remember but I have a copy of that Rx.

If I make an appointment and go to the physiatrist then would I have to find another Physical therapist because Victor doesn't offer those treatments? IT WOULD BE UP TO YOU, YOU WOULD HAVE TO DECIDE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO HAVE VICTOR VERSUS HAVING A FULL SERVICE PHYSICAL THERAPY HAPPENING. I am sorry for so many questions no prob! it would just be incredibly difficult time wise (not to mention expense wise) to go someplace where I need to take a cab back and forth 3 times a week for therapy and the place I am now going is HSS approved. There is no other PT place near me that is HSS approved. Plus and maybe even more importantly I click with Victor VERY IMPORTANT and feel comfortable with him and feel he knows what he is doing despite only having experience with one other person with a Pilon fracture. He has helped people with broken legs albeit not many with my specific injury. He seems confident he can get me back to almost pre accident condition. But of course I don't know if he can but not sure anyone else can help me more.

I guess I am hoping/thinking that Victor can and will get me up to speed with the therapies he is currently having me doing but I understand and appreciate your recommendation for a physiatrist. I am going to call HSS and make an appointment with one if it can be a one time or two time visit just to see if the treatment recommendation is radically different than what I am currently doing with Victor.

Another (and last for this post at least haha) question- do you remember how long it took you to regain much of your ankle ROM? Obviously this is my biggest obstacle to walking right now. If it is just a long process OK then no worries but in your opinion having been through something similar is it a long process or should I be further along? ITS GOING TO TAKE YOU A GOOD WHILE TO GET CLOSE TO YOUR BASELINE, IF YOU LET YOUR HEAD OVERRULE YOUR BODY YOU RUN THE RISK OF AN INJURYI cannot walk without a limp right now and that is when I am at my best. missy, you're WALKING! So what you have a limp? take a look at your x-rays and then rethink the "I have a limp" thoughts you're having now. At the end of the day or when I have been sitting for a while or sleeping and I just get up I can barely put any weight on that leg at all. And its going to be this way for a long time, your flexibility is shot and that is something you'll get back in PT and with time. In your experience is it a long recovery process for ankle ROM (i.e. months) or more like weeks? I have been weight bearing for almost 3 weeks now (albeit partial but really started full weight bearing last week) and doing all the prescribed therapies (and more) and I feel my ankle is no more flexible. Its going to take as long as it takes, this where you're going to have to suspend perfectionism and all/nothing thinking. I know it is not an exact science but I am just asking for your opinion and thoughts since you have been through this.

Thank you so much azstonie.

You're doing SO WELL! Of course you would want more and want it yesterday, LOL. It will happen for you, Missy, you'll get ROM happening with the ankle and the swelling will go down (My swelling did not completely resolve until I took Wobenzym on a regular schedule, suggest you start this up). Get your Voltaren gel out for when the ankle pain bothers you or prevents you from sleeping. At least have a consultation with a physiatrist for a treatment plan and their take on what should happen/when it should happen, that would give you a framework around which to do your PT and keep your mind working for you rather than against you. Have them generate a plan for Victor to carry out.

You look great in your pic and you are way ahead of where I was at the same time. I hope you're giving yourself props for the amazing work you've done to get yourself right here, I'm just amazed at your function!!!
Calliecake said:
Hi Missy, OMG, look at the progress you have made. On top of it you look darn good in your boots. It would seem that not now the slow and steady race begins. One step at a time, doing what you can every day. You are making great progress. Here on out it would seem it's going to be a slow and steady process to get your ROM back and the strength back in your leg as well. You are healing well so that is huge.

How can you not be beaming? Your walking in your Stuart Weitzman boots for crying out loud! I hope you can see me smiling. :angel:

It was so funny to hear Greg's viewpoint from your surgeon visit. I remember my husband telling me that the doctor said everything went well and I was going to be fine. I had a doctors appointment the following week. Two days before the doctor appt. my husband says "oh yeah did I tell you they found 2 tumors on your ovary"? I was a wreck until I was able to see the doctor and wanted to kill my husband for not finding out more. Everything turned out fine but I couldn't believe he said it like he did. Men! My husband literally hears that I will be okay and everything that is said is forgotten.

I love your dress!

Thanks Callie! It's one of the (many) dresses I bought while housebound these past few months.

LOL on your dh and him blocking out the tumor info.It seems men are similar in many ways with that being one of them. I think it's just that they don't want to even think of the possibility of something being wrong with their dw that they cannot fix or have fixed if that makes sense. So not denial so much as just matter of fact that we will be OK in the final outcome and not worrying about those pesky little details along the way lol. Glad you are OK and that those "pesky" little tumors didn't deter your recovery! Hope that is all over and done with and that you are doing well! :appl:

Believe it or not I am already obsessing over a new pair of boots I really think I need haha. The Lowland Boot by Stuart Weitzman. They are holding onto the last pair in my (new larger) size for me to try on if I can get to the store this Friday. Not sure I will be able to but I told them I am aiming for Friday and asked them to hold it till then. May be way too high a shaft length for me but I love the look on the model. Just not sure of my size now because the SW boots I wore yesterday are actually a half size bigger than my usual size because when I bought them last year I wanted to have room for an insert. Fortunately I got them in that larger size or else I would've had even more trouble squeezing out of them. I am bringing my other smaller SW pair which are my normal size to my shoemaker for him to stretch the footbed/ankle of the left boot since I am so swollen and will be for a long while.

Calliecake|1412610336|3762950 said:
Hi Missy, I hope your therapy is going well with Victor today. :wavey:

Thanks Callie. It went well today. I actually walked all the way there and back and even Victor was surprised I was able to do that. And I was walking with almost no limp once I warmed up but after therapy I had a substantial limp because my ankle was swollen and couldn't bend. Greg brought the wheelchair just in case but he wheeled it empty both ways. :appl:

I am icing because I am pretty swollen and my ankle is painful but I get why that is so I am not letting myself get down about that. It's a necessary evil and hopefully as time goes on the swelling will be less and less.
azstonie|1412611298|3762962 said:
missy|1412423771|3761930 said:
azstonie|1412374948|3761678 said:
Missy, congratulations on your successful postoperative period and appointment. WELL DONE! Many patients are irresponsible in the postoperative period and further injure themselves and/or ruin the work done by the surgeon. You did not and that is huge, kudos to you and Greg :appl:

Your surgeon is qualified to evaluate the postoperative status of his work and the healing taken place thus far.

He does not have expertise in rehab of patients. His concern is surgical. Surgeons concern themselves with rehab via what not to do (risk the surgical repairs). He has no idea how to get you up and as close to your pre-accident function as can be done.

Who does?

A physiatrist. This is what they do.

Get going with a physiatrist.

You wouldn't have the manicurist cut your hair, right? Expecting your surgeon to know anything specific about your rehab status is similar.

Considerations for you to discuss with your physiatrist: bone stimulator, laser, e-stim, and ultrasound.

Thank you very much azstonie. I looked into finding a physiatrist weeks ago based on your recommendation and there was no one near me. I think my best bet would be either Rusk Institute at NYU (based on a friend's recommendation) or of course HSS. I was hoping that Victor would be able to get me in fighting shape so to speak without the added time and expense of traveling to HSS or NYU every week. I am not sure how it works. That is, can I go just once and get a treatment plan from the physiatrist and then have Victor do the therapy based on the physiatrist's treatment plan? THE PHYSIATRIST WOULD WANT TO SEE YOU BACK AT INTERVALS TO VERIFY YOUR PROGRESS AND UPDATE THE TREATMENT PLAN. Another wrinkle is that Victor's place does not have ultrasound or e-stim etc.THOSE ARE CONSIDERED PT ESSENTIALS. I'M SURPRISED THEY DON'T HAVE THEM. I asked him last session because Dr Wellman wrote something on my PT prescription having to do with ultrasound or e-stim one of those other treatments you suggested. I cannot remember but I have a copy of that Rx.

If I make an appointment and go to the physiatrist then would I have to find another Physical therapist because Victor doesn't offer those treatments? IT WOULD BE UP TO YOU, YOU WOULD HAVE TO DECIDE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO HAVE VICTOR VERSUS HAVING A FULL SERVICE PHYSICAL THERAPY HAPPENING. I am sorry for so many questions no prob! it would just be incredibly difficult time wise (not to mention expense wise) to go someplace where I need to take a cab back and forth 3 times a week for therapy and the place I am now going is HSS approved. There is no other PT place near me that is HSS approved. Plus and maybe even more importantly I click with Victor VERY IMPORTANT and feel comfortable with him and feel he knows what he is doing despite only having experience with one other person with a Pilon fracture. He has helped people with broken legs albeit not many with my specific injury. He seems confident he can get me back to almost pre accident condition. But of course I don't know if he can but not sure anyone else can help me more.

I guess I am hoping/thinking that Victor can and will get me up to speed with the therapies he is currently having me doing but I understand and appreciate your recommendation for a physiatrist. I am going to call HSS and make an appointment with one if it can be a one time or two time visit just to see if the treatment recommendation is radically different than what I am currently doing with Victor.

Another (and last for this post at least haha) question- do you remember how long it took you to regain much of your ankle ROM? Obviously this is my biggest obstacle to walking right now. If it is just a long process OK then no worries but in your opinion having been through something similar is it a long process or should I be further along? ITS GOING TO TAKE YOU A GOOD WHILE TO GET CLOSE TO YOUR BASELINE, IF YOU LET YOUR HEAD OVERRULE YOUR BODY YOU RUN THE RISK OF AN INJURYI cannot walk without a limp right now and that is when I am at my best. missy, you're WALKING! So what you have a limp? take a look at your x-rays and then rethink the "I have a limp" thoughts you're having now. At the end of the day or when I have been sitting for a while or sleeping and I just get up I can barely put any weight on that leg at all. And its going to be this way for a long time, your flexibility is shot and that is something you'll get back in PT and with time. In your experience is it a long recovery process for ankle ROM (i.e. months) or more like weeks? I have been weight bearing for almost 3 weeks now (albeit partial but really started full weight bearing last week) and doing all the prescribed therapies (and more) and I feel my ankle is no more flexible. Its going to take as long as it takes, this where you're going to have to suspend perfectionism and all/nothing thinking. I know it is not an exact science but I am just asking for your opinion and thoughts since you have been through this.

Thank you so much azstonie.

You're doing SO WELL! Of course you would want more and want it yesterday, LOL. It will happen for you, Missy, you'll get ROM happening with the ankle and the swelling will go down (My swelling did not completely resolve until I took Wobenzym on a regular schedule, suggest you start this up). Get your Voltaren gel out for when the ankle pain bothers you or prevents you from sleeping. At least have a consultation with a physiatrist for a treatment plan and their take on what should happen/when it should happen, that would give you a framework around which to do your PT and keep your mind working for you rather than against you. Have them generate a plan for Victor to carry out.

You look great in your pic and you are way ahead of where I was at the same time. I hope you're giving yourself props for the amazing work you've done to get yourself right here, I'm just amazed at your function!!!

THANK YOU so much azstonie for that detailed and very helpful reply.
I have been taking the Wobenzyme on your recommendation for the last few weeks so hoping that is helping.

I have contacted HSS (again) to see who I can make the physiatry evaluation with and will take it from there. I am aggravated that Victor's place doesn't have the ultrasound now that you wrote it is important. I asked Victor this morning about the ultrasound- if it was necessary- and he said no but the fact that you feel it is important (and important enough for my surgeon to write it down on the script) is concerning to me. I really do not want to find another physical therapist and wonder if I can go somewhere else just for the ultrasound or if my insurance is going to refuse that. I have a feeling I can only go one place for my therapy and they are already being difficult with visit approvals. My copay is $30 a visit and I wonder how much a visit would be for ultrasound if I private paid for just that somewhere else. I will see what the physiatrist has to say once I get an appointment.

You are so right about not letting my head supersede my injury azstonie. I have to keep remembering that because I tend to be an overachiever and perfectionist despite all my hard work all these past years not to be one anymore. It seems as much as I internalize not being overly hard on myself as soon as something happens I revert back to my old perfectionist ways which is definitely risky to my overall recovery. Thank you for the reminder. Now I really have to take that to heart. I overdid this weekend and today because when I got home I did a full hour workout on the elliptical which was crazy because my ankle was hurting and very swollen and then I did the recumbent. But I did skip the treadmill haha. I figured walking to and back from PT was good enough and by the time I was done with the elliptical there was no way I could have done the treadmill. My ankle cannot bend when it is so swollen as I know you know having been there and done that. ;(

And thank you for the encouragement. I tend to be pessimistic or very cautiously optimistic but I know you are right in that I have made a lot of progress recently and yes I am walking woohoo! Limp or no limp no matter because it beats being confined to the wheelchair and not being able to put weight on my leg. Thank you for putting it into that much needed perspective. Though Greg has been saying the same sometimes it takes someone else who has been through a similar experience saying it to have it really resonate.

I am taking all your advice to heart and as you know but it's worth repeating- I really appreciate all your advice and help. Thank you.
Hi Missy, We are so much alike at times it's a little freaky. I laughed out loud when I read you are already working on your next pair of Stuart Weitzman boots. Bring your boots with you to the store They will help you figure out what will work best! What town is the Stuart Weitzman Store in? I've always found them at Nordstrom. I'm so glad your doing this. It serve a couple of purposes. You get out of the house and walk around, you get a great pair of boots and something to look forward to. Believe me I'd be so happy walking into a full store of Stuart Weitzman shoes and boots! Think of how great the new pair will be with all those cute clothes you have purchased the past few months.

You are doing so well with your recovery. I'm sure Victor is also proud of you! You are an inspiration!

I know what you mean about men. My husband did tell me that once he heard the doctor say I was okay that was all he pretty much heard. I also agree they do not like feeling that they are unable to fix the problem. It is so funny how men and woman can hear the same conversation and come away with some entirely different.
Haha, I know Callie. That's so true. Though I suspect many women would feel the same way. I mean it's Autumn (my favorite time of year) and it is boot season and with such a challenging summer what woman wouldn't want some pretty new boots? :cheeky: I wish you lived nearby so we could go SW shopping together.

The Stuart Weitzman store I go to is in Soho (Manhattan) and the manager is actually on vacation this week so I hope the salesperson I spoke with this morning does put that last pair on hold for me so I can try it on. He knows I cannot be sure I am purchasing it before I try it on as I made that clear from the get go since he is putting it aside for me. I can always order online but need to try it on to see 1. what size is best since my left foot is now different and 2. if it is too high a shaft for even me. I have a 32 inch inseam so I am hoping it will look nice but you never know. I have never worn any boot as long as this one and it might not look good on me. And it looks to be very fitted so that might not work with my ankle. All good reasons to try it before I buy because I dislike returning things.

Here's a pic of the Lowland. It comes in many different color but the Soho store only has black. Which of course is a staple. Though I am tempted by the colors. I was thinking I might get the 5050 boot in nice blue suede. I have it in black nappa and black suede and I have been dreaming of the nice blue suede but not sure I really need a third pair of the 5050 with the Lowland boot calling my name...
Missy, Those boots are so cute! Are they as comfortable as they look? I'd get the black and another color. No one deserve new boots more than you do and they look great on you. I'm sure the sales associate will hold them for you if you explain your situation.

I just called my niece and asked if she remembered seeing a Stuart Weitzman store when we went shopping in Chicago. I guess there is one right by the hotel we stayed at. I asked her why we didn't go in. Her response was because you couldn't wait to get to Nordstrom and she forgot to mention it when we were leaving. Something tells me we will be staying downtown again real soon! She is texting me a list of weekends she's not working later tonight. It's so much fun to stay on Michigan Avenue. It's also a great reward for them doing well in school.
Missy, I'd wager $ that you won't be limping when all is said and done.

Can I ask, how much Wobenzym you're taking and it's schedule?

Use of laser and ultrasound is done at the PT session to minimize swelling, which you could use, right? It's a hand-held wand.
Calliecake|1412628872|3763167 said:
Missy, Those boots are so cute! Are they as comfortable as they look? I'd get the black and another color. No one deserve new boots more than you do and they look great on you. I'm sure the sales associate will hold them for you if you explain your situation.

I just called my niece and asked if she remembered seeing a Stuart Weitzman store when we went shopping in Chicago. I guess there is one right by the hotel we stayed at. I asked her why we didn't go in. Her response was because you couldn't wait to get to Nordstrom and she forgot to mention it when we were leaving. Something tells me we will be staying downtown again real soon! She is texting me a list of weekends she's not working later tonight. It's so much fun to stay on Michigan Avenue. It's also a great reward for them doing well in school.

Sounds like fun Callie. And how nice you get to spend time doing things like that with your niece. Definitely check out the SW store when you are there again. And try on their boots. I think you and your niece will enjoy that.
azstonie|1412640731|3763344 said:
Missy, I'd wager $ that you won't be limping when all is said and done.

Can I ask, how much Wobenzym you're taking and it's schedule?

Use of laser and ultrasound is done at the PT session to minimize swelling, which you could use, right? It's a hand-held wand.

Thanks azstonie. I hope you are right. I just got up from the couch and it took a while to be able to put any weight on that leg let alone walk. But I know it will take time.

The laser and ultrasound sound very helpful. I wonder why my PT place doesn't offer it. Is it very expensive to buy? I am thinking something crazy now lol but you are right- it sounds like it would be very helpful.

I am taking 3 pills of the Wobenzyme first thing in the AM so on an empty stomach and then 3 more pills an hour or so before dinner. Would you suggest something different?
I would try to get more going, maybe another 2 or 3 if you don't have diarrhea with the increase.

're the e-stim, ultrasound and laser: my dog's PT vet had those!!!! They are not expensive and they are considered to be part of a basic PT session and facility. I can't imagine why Victor's outfit doesn't have them.
azstonie|1412658399|3763463 said:
I would try to get more going, maybe another 2 or 3 if you don't have diarrhea with the increase.

're the e-stim, ultrasound and laser: my dog's PT vet had those!!!! They are not expensive and they are considered to be part of a basic PT session and facility. I can't imagine why Victor's outfit doesn't have them.

OK I will increase the Wobenzym N to another 3 pills a day. The problem is taking them when my stomach is empty since I basically snack (on healthy foods) much of the day.

Can you recommend a specific e-stim and ultrasound for me to check out and see if I can purchase? If it isn't too expensive that might be my best option because I want to stick with Victor and for whatever reason they do not have either of these. Thanks.
MissGotRocks|1412548711|3762639 said:
Look at you on your way back to normalcy! So glad that you are able to get out and about. I know it's hard to be patient but you are really doing so well. I feel like you missed the whole summer so please, enjoy fall!! (no pun intended - wow!)

So good to see you up and about!

Hi MissGotRocks!!! So sorry I missed your last post somehow and Thank you! And haha I know the puns just keep coming accidentally (LOL see how that happened-not intended either lol).

It feels good to be up and about and I am trying to be patient and mainly trying to quiet my worries about healing well and recovering my ankle ROM. It's so swollen that no matter all the ROM exercises I do movement is very limited so I am hoping time and healing helps that aspect.

Thanks for all your encouragement and support all these months and I hope you enjoyed the summer and are enjoying autumn (my preferred word especially now lol) too. :wavey:
Hi Missy checking in, how are you today? I have been meaning to ask is there a hydrotherapy pool nearby or do you have a heated indoor pool where you live or near you and a therapist that could come to you? Have you considered pools as part of your therapy?
arkieb1|1412682762|3763525 said:
Hi Missy checking in, how are you today? I have been meaning to ask is there a hydrotherapy pool nearby or do you have a heated indoor pool where you live or near you and a therapist that could come to you? Have you considered pools as part of your therapy?

Hi arkieb, I did consider hydrotherapy and swimming also as part of my therapy from the very beginning and was planning to do it as soon as my incisions healed enough but it took so long for my incisions to get to the point where it was safe that at that juncture I was already doing conventional PT.

Last week though I did ask my surgeon and his PA about hydrotherapy and they said it isn't necessary. If it was easier to get to one I would definitely do it because it could be helpful but they said I can do fine without hydrotherapy and since it wouldn't be convenient I guess I am passing on it for now. It's complicated because where I get therapy now is the only therapy place that will be covered unless I quit it and start somewhere else. And I feel I am doing well with Victor and I trust him.

Thank you for checking in with me and I hope your family is doing well.
Hydro would be for your comfort, right now. Weightlifting builds/maintains bone.
azstonie|1412742664|3764086 said:
Hydro would be for your comfort, right now. Weightlifting builds/maintains bone.

I am weightlifting upper body and doing the Pilates Reformer lower body/legs at PT as well as my elliptical and treadmill now so hopefully getting increasing my bone density with these activities.

I spoke with Victor yesterday as I have PT Monday/Tues/Wednesday this week because he is running the Chicago Marathon Sunday and so no Friday PT session this week. Anyway, when I saw him yesterday I asked him about the ultrasound and e-stim again. He said that because of all the metal hardware in my leg (3 metal plates and over 21 screws) he is surprised my surgeon wrote that down as a treatment because it can cause the plates to warm up and screws to loosen though he did emphasize that the screws loosening would be very rare. However he still doesn't think I would get any permanent benefit from the ultrasound because while it would reduce inflammation temporarily it would swell back up as soon as I put weight on my leg. They actually do have an e-stim machine there and he said if I wanted he would use it on me but again he feels there would be no benefit. Perhaps pain relief but only temporarily.

But, azstonie, if you have any recommendations for a home ultrasound machine I would welcome hearing them and I would check it out. I did email my surgeon's PA yesterday about recommendations but no response so I suspect he has no recommendations as to home ultrasound machines.

Thanks. :wavey:
Argh autocorrect, in my response to water therapy I wrote "weightBEARING" rather than "weightLIFTING."

Weightbearing will get the bone healing happening.

Home ultrasound/laser, I don't know about that, if they are sold to nonpractitioners.

BUT, I understand that many CHIROPRACTORS have ultrasound and/or laser so you could call chiropractors in your area or check their websites for what they offer.

Missy, feel free to call me Kristie 8-) "azstonie" is cumbersome!
Hi Kristie! :wavey: Love your name. Two of my good friends share that name albeit with different spellings.

That's great info about chiropractors, thank you. I am going to look into that because it cannot hurt.
When I looked online there seemed to be many home ultrasound units mainly from Tens but I am going to see if I can get more accurate info as to what might be the best for home. I am still waiting for the PA to email me back with some info but if not I will contact him again.

Today was my 3rd day in a row of PT because of Victor's schedule change this week but it was pretty good despite the 3 days in a row. He said my foot's almost looking like a foot again LOLOL. And I walked there and back again for the last 3 days so woohoo for that. It's about 10 blocks each way so not nothing (at least for me now not the old me of course where 10 blocks was nothing!) and I am very happy to be able to walk there. Greg is still going with me both ways because Victor doesn't want me walking there alone yet as I am unsteady and it's not safe yet. But I know I am making progress and take heart in that.

In fact as we were walking to PT this morning at 7:15 a woman I had never seen before approached us and said excuse me, are you the young lady I saw in the wheelchair last week? I was so concerned about you and hoped you would get better and it is so great to see you walking! Well, that just was so touching that someone took the time out of their morning commute to cheer on someone they don't even know. It's not the first time this has happened but for some reason this really touched me. Plus I loved her use of the term young lady HAHAHA. Those days are gone but hey the words are no less sweet even if I am sure they are not entirely accurate. This woman was no more than 40 herself so not even in comparison am I a "young lady" LOL. She's the young lady. :lol:

And I just love the Pilates Reformer at PT or as I refer to it (and I am sure I am not the first to call it this) the Pilates torturer haha. But seriously I love that thing. I get to work my leg and ankle and not get bored and it also works arms but not there yet. Just doing the legs so far. I wish I had room for it at home because I would forgo a jewelry present for the Pilates Reformer. In fact it would cost less than a certain pair of earrings I am drooling over but there is just no more room for exercise equipment in our home. I mean there is if Greg would let me take over the Library room but he is being quite unreasonable in that regard. 8) :devil:

That's my update for today. Pretty tired from all that PT and I keep thinking it's Friday now because my schedule is all off. All day today I keep thinking hey it's Friday cause I just had my 3 days of PT this week and tomorrow's the weekend but no such luck. Soon enough.

Have a good day!
Hi Missy:

That lady on the street, she was like a high five from the universe, when you thought your rehab was dragging and you weren't getting very far, BOOM!

You walked 10 blocks to PT? FanfreakingTASTIC!

Re the e-stim: In my experience, e-stim is used to wake up muscles/soft tissue that have not been used or used much, and you start above or near the injury site. For example, I broke my knee and leg---the e-stim took place on my thigh, it was never used ON my knee.

Can Victor show Greg how to massage your upper leg? it'll help with swelling and just give you some comfort. Massage and then ice or heat, or ice/heat.
Hi Kristie, another great idea, thanks. I will ask Victor to show Greg how to massage my leg when I see him next week. Greg had been massaging my foot in the months after my surgery to get the swelling down (but stopped once I became weight bearing) so no reason he cannot massage my leg and come to think of it my foot too. The foot is still pretty swollen including my toes. I still cannot see most of my blood vessels in the foot.

I have only been icing but will look into heat. It's just with the swelling and feeling of heat that is constantly emanating from my foot/ankle already I am not sure about applying heat but will ask Victor next week. And thanks for the info re e-stim. The PA didn't get back to me today so I will contact him again tomorrow to see if he has any ultrasound recs.

I like how you put that- "like a high five from the universe"! :appl:
I still have a ways to go but you are right. Each positive step no matter how small is great and even when I have setbacks I have to realize it is all part of the process. Another sign from the universe that I forgot till I read your post was that yesterday on our way home from PT we passed a man on crutches with his left leg gone below the knee. That's a dose of reality and how grateful I am that it is only this I am dealing with. ::)
I have to say that man was doing great with his crutches though. Really moving!
Hi Missy, I'm so happy the woman commented on how well you are doing. That had to make you feel good. Also, you look 35. I'm sure she thought you were the same age!

I had to laugh when you were talking about Greg giving up his library. A friend had both hip and back surgery in the last few years, She turned her husband's floor office into her exercise equipment room. She had her sons move all her exercise equipment to the office when her husband was out of town on business. He came how to find his office furniture now located in the basement. Do you want me to ask her if you can borrow her kids! They are all very strong.
My DH heard on NPR that ice is for acute injury and heat is for a chronic situation.

I'm going to see if that is right. Ask Victor too at your next appointment...
Heat is not good for inflammation. I bet Victor will tell you no heat.

When I had PT it was laser or ultrasound (when it was early in the injury rehab) followed by recumbent bike etc then massage with ice last.

I still ice my knee...heaven.
Calliecake|1412813510|3764580 said:
Hi Missy, I'm so happy the woman commented on how well you are doing. That had to make you feel good. Also, you look 35. I'm sure she thought you were the same age!

I had to laugh when you were talking about Greg giving up his library. A friend had both hip and back surgery in the last few years, She turned her husband's floor office into her exercise equipment room. She had her sons move all her exercise equipment to the office when her husband was out of town on business. He came how to find his office furniture now located in the basement. Do you want me to ask her if you can borrow her kids! They are all very strong.

Haha Callie, send those strong young men over here. I've got plenty of heavy exercise equipment for them to show off with moving. :bigsmile: And to be fair, Greg has his home office and I have the exercise room (which I am more than happy for him to use) so the library is shared space and IMO perfect for a new Pilates Reformer and then I can move the recumbent bike there too as right now it is in the middle of our living room! There is no more room in our exercise room lol.

Thanks for the compliment. I have no clue how old I look (though I think the cane is making me look younger because people do a double take not expecting to see someone in my age range using a cane so the contrast makes the age difference of how I look vs how old I really am seem even more highlighted if that makes sense...hey new ad campaign for using walking accessories-use our cane and look that much younger hahaha...)
but today is Greg's birthday and he does not look his age IMO.

Isn't your birthday this month- did I miss it? Please let me know and if I did happy Belated Birthday Callie! Sorry I missed it and if not Happy upcoming Birthday!!! Sending you big birthday (((Hugs)))!!!