Aww thank you sweet Scandi! Hugs and hope you have good news for us soon!
Pierrebear WOW! LOVE the newest additions. So happy you have your dream OEC and dream ring.
Nope we didn't buy anything at IKEA but there is a couch I liked there...it would sure save us a lot of $$$ if we bought the sectional and love seat there for our beach house. And it comes in white leather. But we are going to shop around before we decide. How was your weekend?
OK I think we are doing the backsplash like this. A classic pattern. Do you agree? Any advice or suggestions?
Yes Ikea has a lot of options but shop around! Not that there is anything wrong with Ikea but I've found that some of there items don't last as long as other products. However, for their price if it does need replacement, you could just get another one. Take your time shopping and maybe even wait until the reno finishes so you can gauge the size and the color etc easier? I'm not talented in that way so I need to "feel" the space to make a decision. Not sure how @Scandinavian does it as she's got that design eye!!!
I love the backsplash pattern! Yes, I think our contractor offered to do it in 1/2 or 1/3 and we ended up doing something similar to the way it was set up. Just keep in mind about the color of grout you want to do. We opted for a light color to just blend in with the tile so it doesn't draw attention to the eye. Other people prefer to see that separation. Just a different look but no right or wrong! Can't wait to see the final product!!!