
Now I really did it :((

GM ladies, happy Monday! I missed a day posting here and will try catching up.
Hope everyone had a marvelous weekend. We did. We cycled and enjoyed ice cream both days and all in all it was amazing weather and a wonderful time. Today marks the end of the Jewish New Year and it is the day of atonement. Of course I believe it's what is in our hearts that matter more than what we do for any one day. So for all of the NIRDIs know I care about you and send you lots of well wishes and hugs and all the best for a healthy and happy future filled with love and peace and joy. And lots of bling of course. :)

@marcy sounds like you enjoyed a wonderful and productive weekend. Thanks for liking the ketchup suggestion haha. Be careful of Marty. I know you are right and he will seek revenge. I am pleased you are enjoying your new dangles. Nothing beats the romance and beauty of dangles IMO. Glad you did your lifting and got to go out for lunch and hope all your chores are completed. Happy Monday. XOXO.

@Bayek Happy birthday to Michael Robert! Woohoo! Hope you all had a wonderful celebration! How is Cara doing today? Aww to Auti wanting you to stay longer. She loves you guys so much. You are part of her world. Family. It's a wonderful connection and you guys enjoy a wonderful family indeed. The house is looking good, yay! Thanks for enjoying the topic on VS. Matata wrote something about virtue signaling in another thread that made me start thinking. Most of us do it whether we realize it or not and I think it is a healthy part of the way society works TBH. I have lots of thoughts on that. Glad Luna is doing well. I try not worrying too much about the inclement seasons ahead and how the ferals will fare. We do what we can do but I always want to do more and better for the ferals. In fact now I started feeding a squirrel by Jimmy's place. Suzanna. She is skinny but I am fattening her up for the winter. The biggest issue is that construction is happening in the yard next door to Jimmy's place where Suzanna lives so I am very worried about her nut stash. Greg says there is nothing we can do. :( Sorry, didn't meant to be a downer. Just concerned about sweet Suzanna. Seeing her today and feeding her more nuts. Speaking of nuts. :P2 I am nuts about you and about all the animals too. Miss you too and Love you Kate the Great. Hugs!

@bling_dream19 happy Monday! I just saw you got those gorgeous pearl earrings. Swoon! They suit you so well. Dear girl you really wear all your beautiful bling so wonderfully. Hope the rest of your weekend was amazing and you are off to a good start this Monday. Hugs to you!

@Austina oh no, did you get the water leaking issue fixed? OY I am very sorry and hope it is all OK now or well on the way to being completely taken care of. I love the new hairdo you are getting. Very sassy and saucy and it suits you! Beautiful! How did your call with Shirley go? Hope it went smoothly. (((Hugs))) and good luck with the repairs and your hair.

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying more mild weather and cycling too. Have a wonderful Monday. XOXO.

@MamaBee how was the rest of your Sunday? How are things going? Hope you are able to chat with your DH and explain how you are feeling. It cannot hurt. Hugs to you and to David and your mom and also to Shatzie. A good man is everything and so he is quiet and doesn't express how much he loves all of you. I am sorry about that. But worth it IMO to talk about it despite him not being a talker. I know it's against who he is but I wouldn't give up. And lol yes to more diamonds. Diamonds show the love and adoration without words. For sure. (((Hugs))).

@Slick1 hope you are enjoying the long weekend. Sending you more good wishes and big hugs. Happy Monday and yay for one more day off from work.

Hi to everyone else. We had a good weekend. Cycling, ice cream, wash and repeat haha.
Leaving you with some pics. Hope you enjoy. Have a lovely day girls. XOXO.

I owe you 2 days of ice cream photos. Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday we had PB swirl and Vanilla and PB swirl combo for me.
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yesterday I had Pumpkin bourbon and oh I tasted that bourbon. YUmmmmm. And Greg had all PB swirl.
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We had some amazing clouds and skies the past 2 days.

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Have a sweet and wonderful Monday lovely ladies. XOXO.
Hello lovelies

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Glad work didn’t impinge too much on your weekend @marcy. I hope you’re keeping safe, those fires around you are really scary.

Still Oy @missy, Colin rang the water board this morning, and of course, they had no record of our call on Friday, so are ‘trying’ to get someone out tomorrow. They’re dealing with a slew of burst pipes, so we’re way down the list of priorities. The plumbers are also inundated and have a man off, so they’re hoping to get out to us on Wednesday. I need to do laundry, but am loathe to put the machine on incase there’s not enough water, and it jiggers the machine up, similarly I don’t think it’s a good idea to use the dishwasher either. We’ll continue with our ‘jungle’ showers, it’s not so bad, and at least we don’t stink :lol:

Shirley was OK, I spoke with her for about 90 minutes, and she was quite coherent.

After the gardener finished, we went out and bought new curtain poles to replace the ones we want to take, and will put them up once we’ve painted the rooms.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing OK and keeping safe and well. :wavey:

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

@Austina phooey to your water woes--too much or too little is a problem.

Had a quick ride today--way to ruin a nice new hair-do--wear a helmet! LOL.. Warm but oh so windy. I was accosted by dozens of swirling and falling leaves!!! One brave soul on the water--his little sail boat was MOVING fast!!!

Hope everyone is safe and well. Keep calm and carry on!!


@Bayek your house is coming along and looking great! Hurry up and get done, eh? I bet your shoulder ROM is going to be painful for a while but hopefully your therapy continues to improve your ROM and hurts less all the time. It will seem to take forever! I am glad to hear Cara looks like she is doing better. Key lime pie does sound really good. I like lemon meringue pie too. Awe that is so sweet Auti cried when you were leaving; she loves her grandma. Your pizza looks delicious.

@missy gorgeous cloud pictures and your ice cream looks delicious. Glad you got in some more miles this weekend.
@Austina hang in there until you can get your water fixed. I hope they come early on Wednesday. Our first travel trailer didn’t have a very large water tank - that was rough on me being OCD about hand washing and taking showers. I used bottled water to help get me through.

@canuk-gal how do you like your new hairdo? Glad only falling leaves were accosting you. I bet a sailboat can really get going in the wind.

As predicted our work load plummeted today. I had my work finished by about 9 am. Marty picked up our take out order at about 9 am so I was able to help carry it in and put things away. We didn’t get a few things so I may venture to the store tomorrow but wouldn’t have much to pick up.

Take care.
GM lovely ladies! Happy Wednesday.

Still Oy @missy, Colin rang the water board this morning, and of course, they had no record of our call on Friday, so are ‘trying’ to get someone out tomorrow. They’re dealing with a slew of burst pipes, so we’re way down the list of priorities. The plumbers are also inundated and have a man off, so they’re hoping to get out to us on Wednesday. I need to do laundry, but am loathe to put the machine on incase there’s not enough water, and it jiggers the machine up, similarly I don’t think it’s a good idea to use the dishwasher either. We’ll continue with our ‘jungle’ showers, it’s not so bad, and at least we don’t stink :lol:

Shirley was OK, I spoke with her for about 90 minutes, and she was quite coherent.

After the gardener finished, we went out and bought new curtain poles to replace the ones we want to take, and will put them up once we’ve painted the rooms.

I'm sorry @Austina and hope they get there today and fix it. Water issues are no fun and quite serious. I am glad Shirley is doing well and that you enjoyed a nice long conversation with her. All the sprucing up of the house and garden sounds lovely and I know the goal in mind and hope all continues smoothly. Sending good wishes across the miles.

Had a quick ride today--way to ruin a nice new hair-do--wear a helmet! LOL.. Warm but oh so windy. I was accosted by dozens of swirling and falling leaves!!! One brave soul on the water--his little sail boat was MOVING fast!!!

Yes so windy. My hair is a tangled mess. No matter what I do after our long bike rides I end up cutting some off due to knots I cannot detangle. I even tried wearing my hair up in the helmet but my curly locks get tangled no matter what. Sigh. Today is rainy so no riding and I hope you can ride for us. Whatever you do enjoy the day dear Sharon.

@marcy I am glad work pressure decreased a bit and that you got to finish so early. If you go to the store today to pick up some more things good luck. That is our plan too. To go food shopping and perhaps car shopping. Greg is thinking of trading our car in for a newer model. I am unsure as I love our car but he wants newer safety features so we shall see. It is a rainy day so not sure I want to test drive anything today but when it's nice out we cycle and there's no time. LOL. Have a good day. XO.

@Slick1 hope your day back to work goes well. Sending you lots of good wishes and hugs. Thanks for the recommendations by the way. I'll keep you posted.

@bling_dream19 hope your week is going well. Hugs.

@MamaBee how are you doing? How's the family? Sending you hugs and lots of good thoughts.

@Bayek hola girlie. Hope you had a wonderful weekend and I am sending you hugs and love.

Hi to everyone else. We had a very nice Sunday. Cycling, Ice Cream and despite the super windy day it was fun. Today is errand day due to the rain and tomorrow I have an endocrinologist appointment and I got Greg squeezed in as well due to health issues. But, and this is the kicker, last time my appointment wasn't in the system since Daisy is overwhelmed at work. My endocrinologist was in luckily and saw me anyway but with 2 appointments I am worried. If I call to make sure and there is no appt the staff will say don't come and I will have to wait another 3 months to schedule. It's been over 3 months since I saw him so I have to see him sooner and Greg needs his eyes on his blood work and urine findings as well. So therein lies the dilemma. You might say just contact the doctor but he's super busy and it's a good chance he won't even see my email til too late. SO do I call today to make sure? Or do I just show up and hope he is actually in the office? :think: No need to answer. I am just thinking out loud.

Leaving you with a few photos from yesterday. Hope you enjoy. Have a wonderful day. XOXO.

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May your Tuesday be filled with sweetness and joy.
Forgot to share the wildlife we saw yesterday. So many deer in a residential neighborhood. This made me very sad.



You could tell they were disoriented. :(

And so many beautiful birds here.


Cormorants. They were having a party yesterday lol.

And almost home and we saw our favorite Blue Heron. Hubert.

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Speaking of wild animals. Gracie in a rare calm moment.
And I do mean rare.

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LOL no it's Tuesday! Not Wednesday. Sorry! :lol:


@missy Top of the morning (here in Austin anyway) to you Missy my dear.. ice cream, we have to put in our pick up order for tomorrow and i'm going to get ice cream, that's it, final.. coffee and something else, gotta look! How's those furbabes? how's Missy? Missy you care for all animals and it's wonderful, me too but we don't encounter many here in one way because there is open land all around animals seem to be doing well, but the coyotes, you KNOW when they make a kill, makes me sick, seriously but it is also reality. In this area there is a huge feral pig problem, those pigs can eat up your whole yard in one night.. seriously, grub heaven.. where our eventual house is going to be there is someone who has a rooster and every morning it will crow.. we also had that in Maine, made me feel rural in really a suburban area, ALTHO the nosey neighbor next door to us, Mr drone flyer had a huge and ongoing fight with the couple on the other side of him, it's a young couple with 4 kids and she is a 'home schooler of the religious bent and as a school project she has chickens, an a rooster, so drone flyer guy went nuts and it has eventually segued to a point where now he has had a sign made and up in his front yard saying 'this homeowner association does NOT enforce covenants' jeezeus what a jerk, okay, nobody wants hundreds of chickens, we all have only 2 acres, but she homeschools, it's actually kind of nice that they care for their children's respect for animals and nature, the religious part meh but live and let live. so this guy was fire chief in a local town and retired early, on his 2nd marriage, huge house, wife still works, I hope he sells, jeez it's little kids, get over it.. so I'm not even living there yet but we get dragged in because we own the lot, smh.. not much else new here.. Cara getting better, Auti is a doll, I was hoping Mike would want us to watch her one day this week, but Mewmaw (ugh, am I judgemental? you betcha girl) is here and she deserves all the time she wants and Cara loves her mom and that is good.. cabinets should all be in soon, when they are all in, the floors go in then hopefully things will moooove quickly, we are going to move out of here no matter what and move our stuff either to the house or storage and stay with Mike if we HAVE to, I don't want to, but hey, what goes around comes around right ;-) enjoy your Wednesday, enjoy all.. love you! girl... hi to Greg and the kids.! xoxoxoxox (and Missy my dear, ALWAYS go for the new car! I LOVE new cars xoxoxo) also keep your endocrinologist appt, and Greg too, you have to find out why is calcium level is high Missy.. let us know how it goes. xo HAHA! Missy, I thought it was Tuesday but then maybe it was Wednesday, lol we are birds of a feather.. love you girlie.

@marcy Hi Marcy, how are you? how's da weather! we are having glorious weather but it will get hotter as the week progresses, glad your work has slowed a bit.. and our key lime pie is gone ha! my mom made the bestest ever lemon meringue pie, but she hardly made it but a few times.. such a delicious dessert... xooxo

@Austina sorry about the water problem gosh, I hate doing laundry and I do it faithfully because I am a cleanliness freak, altho honestly the clean laundry IS sitting in a basket in our bedroom ha! very glad that Shirley was doing well on your latest call Austina, that must have been nice.. I love reading that you are readying your home for the sell! hi to Colin and love to your son and future DIL.. xoxoxoxo

Hi to all our NIRDIs.. does anyone know anything about @AV_ I am concerned, everyone has OF COURSE the right to privacy but I admire her very much.. and Scandi I think can come and go with the businesses of life, everyone else I think will come back after the you know what in November (I am a beech - can't swear either) love you guys! xoxoxoxo

I took this picture yesterday and didn't take anymore because we were going over the cabinets with the rep.. happy happy joy and love to all.

Hello lovelies

Your tale of ‘Helmet Hair’ reminds me of what people used to say about Margaret Thatcher’s coiffed do @canuk-gal. Although I doubt you look anything like her! :lol: Glad you got In a quick ride, helps to blow the cobwebs away being in the great outdoors.

Wow that was a short working day @marcy, although I know you wouldn’t have slacked off the rest of the day. We popped out for a couple of things that we didn’t get with our delivery (our fault, forgot to order), but oy, big mistake, we thought going nearer lunchtime it would be quieter, wrong, big time, won’t be going at that time again.

Your tales of drone man remind me of the horrors of living on a gated community @Bayek, we thought when we moved there, people would all be of one mind about the way things were, but we were very wrong. They were all just “me, me, me”, and NIMBY’s (Not in my back yard). They wanted the covenants upheld, as long as it didn’t apply to them :roll: I would think being 2 acres apart, anything your neighbour does wouldn’t infringe on you too much. I remember reading years ago that kids brought up with animals grow up to be better adults, something about having respect and caring for other living beings. Glad to hear things are progressing on the house, and hopefully you’ll be in soon. What a relief that Cara is on the mend, it must’ve been an extremely scary time for you all.

Hopefully your appts are in the diary for tomorrow @missy, I would go, if they’re not, they’ll feel obligated to see you. You can’t wait another 3 months to find out what on earth’s going on. Glad you got to enjoy a nice ride and lots of ice cream, we’re also in for rain tomorrow, 90% chance I think, and of course the window cleaner is due, so guaranteed to rain!. Do you think the deer are getting closer to town because they’re looking for food? We have quite a lot of deer around here, because there are lots of green open areas. Grace is certainly looking chilled out there, maybe she was tired out from tormenting the others.

Well there’s good news on the water front, the water board came today, and the pressure in the street is what it should be, and with everything turned off in the house, the meter wasn’t registering any activity, so that means no leaks, but the pressure in the house still isn’t right. The plumber is coming tomorrow, so let’s hope he can fix the problem, either the stop cock under the sink, or an airlock somewhere.

Busy day tomorrow, charity coming to collect our cherry wood sleigh bed, window cleaner due, and the sealed double glazed units in the hall window are being replaced as they’ve blown, and the rug I’ve ordered for the orangery should be here too. Our new sofas are due in a couple of weeks, so I’ve gone for navy accessories, as it would be impossible to match the light blue.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are having a good day :wavey:
GM lovely ladies. Now it's Wonderful (I hope) Wednesday! I will return later because I am running late now. We have to leave in 30 minutes to drive to the endocrinologist in Manhattan and it is pouring out too. I have to vacuum and shower and get dressed before we leave lol. I decided to email my endocrinologist yesterday and he responded no problem he will take care of Greg tomorrow as well as me. So yay. He is a great guy and I am hoping he can figure it out.

@Bayek love the photo. It's looking great! I am so glad Cara is doing great and of course Auti is the bees knees. Oh my to the feral pigs. I love pigs (they are very smart animals) but that does not sound good. I am concerned about @AV_ and she has been on my mind for all these weeks she has been MIA. I don't think she would just disappear without saying something so I am concerned. Very. I do not have her contact info. Hoping she is OK. Love you Kate the Great. XOXO.

@Austina oy I hope the plumber can fix the issue and glad the water pressure issue is resolved. One thing at a time. But it is always (multiple) somethings isn't it? Hope your busy day today goes smoothly. XO

@Slick1 hope school is going well and you are feeling good. XO.

Hi everyone else. See you later. Have a wonderful morning. XOXO.

Leaving you with our potential new car. We shall see.

On our way. Rainy morning. Almost at the GSP.
Morning nirdi's! I hope everyone is well and happy! @missy I LOVE the potential new car! @Bayek your home is coming along beautiful!
This week has been epic! I received my beautiful BG Dream eternity band on Monday. It is gorgeous but it is thicker off of the finger than by ering and wedding band. Both are BG Dream line. So, why is the eternity thicker? Oy vey. Not sure what to do. Hubby is not giving it to me until our 1 year in Dec. Here are some pics: 782750782751775254
Pic of my wedding set, all lined up perfectly. I thought the eternity anniversary band would line up perfectly.
These last few weeks have been epic! Here are my new pearls bought preloved.
I'm working long days and we have family coming to visit this weekend, so I'm cooking and cleaning nonstop and of coarse PS when I need to escape! Love and hugs to all!
Hello lovelies

Oy, what a day!

Oooo @bling_dream19, what a lovely band. Is it bothering you that it’s thicker than your ER and WR? Face on, you can’t see any difference, it looks well matched and your pearl earrings are delicious!

It doesn’t seem like that long ago you got Loofy2 @missy. Did you decide on the new car? How did your appts go today, did you get answers, and did Greg get seen too, wow you set off really early to get in to the city? Looks like it’s rainy there, it’s been the same here because of course the window cleaner came :lol:

My new rug arrived, but with everything that’s been going on, I haven’t even had a chance to open it and lay it out. Then the plumber came, he thinks that the pressure regulator valve on the cold water intake has gone kaput, and of course it was behind the back of the sink unit, so he just ripped it apart :-o. He also looked at the toilet cistern, and it seems the over flow pipe had come adrift, that’s why it’s caused the soaked ceiling, he put that back, but the ball cock assembly still needs replacing. He left and ordered the new parts, and they rang later to say they’re coming on Friday to (hopefully) fix it all.:pray:

Then the window cleaner came, followed by the glaziers, who replaced the 3 blown sealed double glazed units in the upstairs hall windows, and finally the charity came and collected the sleigh bed. I felt bad because one of the window guys asked to use the toilet, and I said no, unless he was absolutely desperate. He said he understood and could wait. In normal circumstances I wouldn’t mind, but I don’t want anyone in the house any longer than necessary, or using the facilities.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are safe and well, I’m absolutely zonked, it’s been a really busy day cleaning and sanitising after all the comings and goings.

GM ladies! How is everyone? I have good news for you. @AV_ is A OK. She is taking a break that is all. Thanks to Ella for finding out for us. Really appreciate that!

This week has been epic! I received my beautiful BG Dream eternity band on Monday. It is gorgeous but it is thicker off of the finger than by ering and wedding band. Both are BG Dream line. So, why is the eternity thicker? Oy vey. Not sure what to do. Hubby is not giving it to me until our 1 year in Dec. Here are some
Pic of my wedding set, all lined up perfectly. I thought the eternity anniversary band would line up perfectly.
These last few weeks have been epic! Here are my new pearls bought preloved.
I'm working long days and we have family coming to visit this weekend, so I'm cooking and cleaning nonstop and of coarse PS when I need to escape! Love and hugs to all!

STUNNING. Absolutely stunning on you. So glad your blingy dreams are being realized and no one wears them as well as you. LOVE. Your anniversary will soon be here. So fast time is flying by. I am glad the weekend is here soon and you will get a much needed break. Enjoy and see you on PS where blingy dreams come true. XOXO.

@Bayek how are you feeling? How is your shoulder? Continued healing vibes to you and Cara and big hugs and much love. Kate the very great and wonderful. XOXO.

@MamaBee hey there. Hope you are having a good week my bling sister. Hugs to you and hope you and your family are all doing well.

t doesn’t seem like that long ago you got Loofy2 @missy. Did you decide on the new car? How did your appts go today, did you get answers, and did Greg get seen too, wow you set off really early to get in to the city? Looks like it’s rainy there, it’s been the same here because of course the window cleaner came :lol:

You are so right Austina. We got Loofy 2 in December 2017. Time is going way too fast. Looks like we are getting this new car. It's super pretty and the ride is smooth. Greg wants the newer safety features and the warranty too so I am happy if it makes him happy. Personally I am more than happy with Loofy two as is Greg but for his desire for a newer model. So be it. We also ordered a new generator. Our Generac now is from 2012 and we wanted a newer (supposedly better) model for peace of mind. It's only money right? LOL.

Of course your window cleaners came and then it rained. Always the case. It was rainy only in the morning yesterday but we could go cycling as Greg had a conference call in the middle of the day but it worked out as we did a test drive so we got that accomplished.

I understand why you didn't want the window guys to use your restroom. I probably would have let him but I would have disinfected it all over again when he left. IDK. I hate when the urge strikes and you have to go. Don't worry though I am sure he got to use a bathroom soon after your delivery and men can go anywhere anyway so it isn't much of a hardship. No worries! You have to stay safe.

You had a day filled with lots of cleaning and activities and good for you having accomplished so much! Hugs.

@Slick1 hope your work days are getting a bit less hectic. Hugs.

Hi to everyone else. I explained some stuff in my comments to Austina so won't repeat them here. All is well. Hoping to cycle today. We are waiting for the results of our visit yesterday so don't know anything yet. Thanks for your concern and caring. It means a lot to me always.

Bubbalah approves of the new car choice. That, of course, was an important consideration.
During the test drive yesterday. We will not take possession right away but probably next week sometime. They are OK waiting for the title of our current car and we can take the new one before we give them the title to Loofy two.


And I wore my new Dolphin necklace yesterday. With my seahorse dress. LOL.
My nose is sunburned. We had to take the canopy off the bike the other day due to the high winds and despite the sunscreen my nose always gets sunburned if there is no canopy and it is sunny. One plus for the masks is it hides my sunburned nose haha.

Taking the mask on and off really leaves my lips super dry as I don't moisturize them in between mask usage.

And I was also wearing my "blue" studs from Berricle.

Not a good pic. It's hard to take earring selfies.

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I was in a blue frame of mind what can I say haha.
Hope everyone has a bluetiful Thursday. Be well and be happy. XOXO.
Congratulations on your new beautiful car @missy and I LOVE your new dolphin necklace! Can we see more pics? Thanks for all of the bling love everyone. the eternity band is thicker than my ering and the prongs are not as smooth. So its probably going to have to be redone. I hope everyone has a wonderful thrilling Thursday! Love and hugs to all!

@missy your new car is very pretty. Does it go fast? Of course I'd want to know that. And yes BUbbalah looks fabulous in the car. Love your dolphin necklace and pretty blue earrings. Oh no for a sunburnt nose. I bet your long hair does tangle in the wind. Good luck to you and Greg on test results. Great pictures from your outings and mmm to ice cream.

@Bayek glad to hear Cara is doing better. Sweet your house continues to move along. I am sure you'll be glad to see it finished and get to move in. If your garage is finsihed when you need to move that would be great to store things in there. Hope that transition time works smoothly for you. Sending painfree vibes to your shoulder.

@Austina real early or real late seems to be the best times around here to go to the store. Sadly with shortages those are the worst times now - only a few customers but bare shelfs. I need to go shopping agian this weekend but it won't be a big order. I need more bread and stuff to make cheesecake. For Marty being a non-carb / low carb guy he can sure eat a lot of bread. You have a busy time with new rugs and furniture plus repairs. I bet you are anxious to get your rug and furniture.

@bling_dream19 your eternity band is gorgeous. I think it matches your ering perfectly. Your pearl earrings are lovely. Have fun cooking and with company this weekend.

Not much new going on with me. Our work load as predicted has plummeted so I'm bored at work. I'm in the office today so I'm chilly. We are still pretty warm during the days here. It's also dry and windy so that fire has continued to grow and expanded in to Colorado. There is a big fire in Colorado about 35 miles from this fire; I sure hope they don't end up merging. We aren't too smoky today but Colorado is really smoky.

Marty and I did our early voting this week. Marty said he wrote me in on a few things so if I get elected to be something like the county sewer inspector he's in trouble. I did that to him the first year we were married where I wrote him in a few places and totally cracked up when I saw it listed in voting results. So many of our positions locally never have as many people running as you can vote for so they have write in spots.

I guess the St. Jude's bears are out at Kays. One of my employees bought one last weekend when she was in there buying a ring. She and another one of my employees have the bear setting up in a blank desk with a sign "Abuse a Bear". It's kind of funny. Why would my employees pick on my bears? I might be the instigator there - I used to make them talk to them and other obnoxious things. I might stop on my way home and buy the bears and puppy to donate and of course get a bear to take home with me.

Marty has this week off. Tomorrow he has to take my rack and another extra rack he has plus pack up all his weights and weight trees to drop off for the meet this weekend. Get this the national group that hosts meets has a state rep about 150 miles from here who is supposed to bring all the equipment for any meets in the state. He won't bring his trailer here because it might snow. First it might snow any day of the year here - it's WYoming and second if that is your reponsibilty why is my husband having to set all of this up for you? If Marty hadn't offered they would not have a place for the 50 or so lifters to warm up before their competition. Several of Marty's clients have offered to help him haul everything and set up. They'll have to tear it all down Saturday night as well.

I might go to Kays after work and eat something at the mall for supper while I'm there. I need to find a baby present too and something for the baby's big brother. I was thinking Wyoming t-shirts or sweatshirts would be cute.

Take care.

NIRDI shout out!!!

@missy congrats on the new wheels!!
@marcy LOL "does it go fast?" Sounds like something my DH would say.

Hope everyone is safe and well. Had a nice walk today--lovely warm weather. Felt tired today after a busy work week and a fun retirement party, last night, for a colleague.

@canuk-gal glad you had lovely weather for a walk today. How fun to attend a retirement party. Our weather was quite decent today as well.
GM lovely ladies and happy FriYAY!

Congratulations on your new beautiful car @missy and I LOVE your new dolphin necklace! Can we see more pics? Thanks for all of the bling love everyone. the eternity band is thicker than my ering and the prongs are not as smooth. So its probably going to have to be redone. I hope everyone has a wonderful thrilling Thursday! Love and hugs to all!

Hi @bling_dream19 happy FriYAY. I will take more photos for you. It's a sweet little necklace. I also bought another ring from Berricle. It's fun purchases only. Whimsical. Here's my bluetiful new Berricle ring.


Yay one more day for the weekend and much needed R and R for you and the other lovely ladies here who worked hard this week. Have a fabulous weekend sweet friend. XOXO.

@marcy oh no, that poor bear. I don't like abusing anyone or anything including stuffed animals but I can see where it's sort of amusing. Hug that poor bear from me please, OK?

Haha not sure how fast the " new" car can go but I will keep you posted. Might pick it up Monday now as Greg is excited to get it. Hope Marty is enjoying his week off. Greg took off next week and maybe the week after. Autumn is settling in here and we know that means winter is not far behind. I would like this entire year to be very far behind all of us. A girl can dream right? Sorry work is slow. Always nerve wracking if it is too slow. Too hectic, too slow, how about just right? Wow to potential snow. Safe trip to Marty to bring all the equipment to the meet. I hope you do go to Kays and perhaps pick up a little pick me up? I think a Wyoming T is a great gift for the baby's brother. Good luck finding gifts for both of the kids. Hugs.

@canuk-gal glad your busy week at work is almost over and that you enjoyed a sweet retirement party for a colleague. Nice you enjoyed a lovely weather walk. Today we have not lovely weather. Rain and wind this AM. Happy FriYAY. Hugs.

@Slick1 finally it's Friday. Hope you are feeling good and happy the weekend is soon here. Hugs to you sweet friend.

@Bayek hey there, hope your shoulder is continuing to mend well and you are feeling well and lots of continued well wishes to Cara. Hugs to all of you! Kate the Great.

@MamaBee how is Chris doing? Has he completely recuperated from Covid 19? Sending all of you lots of well wishes. Your diamond studs are my dream size studs. They look amazbling on your ears by the way. Not sure if I told you that before. LOVE them. Hugs and have a good FriYAY.

@AV_ if you are reading know we are continuing to send you lots of good wishes and virtual hugs and my offer to help any way I can stands. Please do not hesitate to ask. (((Hugs))).

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is going well this week.

So we are supposed to be getting delivery of our new Generac generator this afternoon. I don't know what we are going to do with our old one as there might not be room to keep both but that is my vote. A backup to the backup thank you very much lol.

And it is raining this AM. So probably cannot go cycling today. The weekend is looking good however so yay for that. We enjoyed a nice long ride yesterday and of course ice cream too as Jimmy was kind enough to leave us 2 yummy pints.

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Took 2 quick pics as we were cycling. Bluetiful day yesterday.
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Screen Shot 2020-10-02 at 6.04.55 AM.png

Enjoy a wonderful FriYAY lovely ladies. Hugs to you all.
@Austina this is a gated community but why I have no idea, I suppose to attract a higher end buyer, but I would put this community squarely in middle of the road people.. So it's gotten much worse Austina, drone guy put up a sign in his front saying 'this community does NOT enforce covenants!' he he, I thought it was stupid and uncaring but hey this is AMERIKA, the developer dropped out of the homeowners association after the last meeting where 'chickengate' was the topic, he received virtrol from a 'neighbor' about the chickens, with curse words, so he said 'you people are not responsible' okay the new sign by the drone guy, so the latest email is from a 'friend' of the developer who is trying to bring the homeowners together and pass this association to us, there's a meeting on 10/18 that I won't be going to but John will. In this email the 'friend' said that we should get a lawyer, okay... this is getting crazy. so one of the houses is owned by a couple from New Hampshire that were going to winter here, but it's on the market, they've only owned it since January.. this is ridiculous.. the chickens are for the home school mom, give her a break. blah. Austina, the nice older guy (and that is saying something since i'm 67) has chickens, and ROOSTERs, I like hearing the animals.. the idiot next door says next up will be goats, really? we all have 2 acres only.. sheesh.. Oh good news on the waterfront Austina, it's got to be a airlock somewhere. Will be watching to see what the plumber does.. miss you, can't wait to see you guys.. sending kate hugs galore! xoxo

Okay! read your post on the what is going on with the plumber, it's the same old thing, houses need repairs, just life, sounds like when it's totally fixed you would have plenty of water pressure AND you can feel 100% on the leak, I hate leaks, but I told you before..

@bling_dream19 wow gorgeous, just gorgeous bling.. the pearls are wonderful, they look so perfect on your ear!!! love 'em. have fun with the fam this weekend.. I can't clean anymore due to my shoulder (at least I say that) and I do clean but not as much as I should, oh to be young again!like you! xoxoxo sending Kate hugs.

@missy So glad AV is good and not suffering covid somewhere! I was worried, but she's very young so I understand taking a break, aside really from our NIRIDIs I don't frequent the boards much unless I think I have some words of Kate wisdom, the way I was treated by people - owners - etc. left a real sour taste in my mouth, so I just come to see the new things NIRDIs have! These times are very dark so maybe in a year or so when we have a vaccine and can go out and be ourselves again I may have a change of heart, the only constant thing in life is CHANGE!

Thank you for asking about my shoulder, it hurts, I went to p/t yesterday and so today I am sooo sore, it's hard to do the exercises - I told the therapist this and she said for me slow down, do them much slower, it doesn't help that I get tennis elbow doing the cane exercises and then even my stupid elbow hurts.. ugh.. but we trek on! miss you missy, Chris will be 29 in a week.. can't believe it.. his hair is soo long.. looks like 1970! Auti is talking up a storm! Cara told me yesterday that all of a sudden she is talking saying tons of words, I knew that Autumn could understand everything because I would ask her if she wanted juice or milk and she'd point, any question I asked her she would nod or point the way etc.. so now the words are coming out! she does say no no no very well! love that munchkin..

Oy! the house, they had to take down all the upper cabs in the kitchen because the electricians put in the light lines too low, it's just a pita never everah everah etc again Marvelous Missy! never.

Missy a friend of mine has the same vehicle and all I can say is the ride is luxe total luxe, I love her car! you will be very happy I am sure.. just love it, I've had em all and my fav is this one..

SWOON on Bubbalah! gosh gosh almighty that is a stunning ring. glad she likes the new ride too!

How are you and the furkids feeling? Greg? John is sailing today or rather they are hoping to sail, most times they can't even ge the boat engine to come on, the 3rd owner who died a few years ago was the one who kept that boat running.. of course we lived in Maine so we did nothing for 5 years.. oh well I always said to John, rename the boat 'the blonde' because she is more expensive than a blonde!

Generac, I love them, we definitely need them today in these times of storms etc.

Missy darling what gorgeous pix.. love the berricle.. I would love a 5ct blue diamond, ya know, just for daily wear! hee hee. LOVE YOU! 2021 is our year Missy.. most def.

well I only took a few pix of the house lately so I'll post it.. miss all the NIRDIs, miss our old lives, but looking forward to continued happiness and health to everyone.

I probably put one of these up sorry - before, but basically this is the light grey I picked for the main areas and I picked white for all the bathrooms except mine of course!

The WELL! going in finally.

Latest of the luder stone on the front.
Hello lovelies

Thanks for finding out about AV @missy, good to hear she’s OK. How exciting to be getting Loofy 3 so soon. I hope the new generator install goes to plan, and yes, I think it’s a good idea to have a back up back up :mrgreen: Glad you both got seen at your medical appt yesterday and hopefully some news soon. Lovely views as always on your ride, and yes, it’s definitely feeling autumnal here too. Wet and miserable today, and much, much cooler.

That seems pretty typical of people ‘volunteering’ to do things and then getting others to do it @marcy. Aww poor bear being battered and poked, what did he do to deserve that? :lol: Hoping the fire don’t merge and become a super fire, if I could send some of our rain your way to put it out, I would. I don’t know if it’s worse sitting around being bored or rushed off your feet, why is there no happy medium? Enjoy your trip to the mall, and I hope you find something suitable for the bub and big brother.

Hopefully they’ll get your ring absolutely perfect @bling_dream19 so you can enjoy it for many years to come. Have a fabulous weekend.

Yay to a good walk in fine weather @canuk-gal and being able to enjoy a little bit of ‘normal’ at your colleagues retirement party.

Hope Cara is improving day by day @Bayek, and your shoulder is easing up. Hopefully you now have a beautiful kitchen in your lovely new home, and are nearer to moving in. Just seen your update, oy, oy, oy. Whatever you do, DON’T volunteer to be involved with the management of the development, from bitter experience I can tell you it’s a poison chalice!!!!

I hope all is well with you @MamaBee, and join Missy in wishing Chris well on his Covid recovery journey.

Well the big news is, we have water :dance: It’s like a torrent now instead of a dribble, although there was much muttering and cursing during the repair, and we were getting seriously worried it wasn’t going to happen. He’s left the toilet for now, it’s completely turned off so can’t cause any leaks, and he’s coming back next week to fix that.

I’ve had my hair cut and coloured, had quite a lot chopped off, but it feels better and makes a change. I’ve also got my first set of Invisalign, and well, they’re invisible :mrgreen:

Waiting for our food delivery, but have to go and clean up all the mess plumber has left, sanitise everywhere he’s been, including the toilet he used, we couldn’t say no, he was here hours, oy, the bill is going to be enormous!

Good morning NIRDIs! Trying to keep up with all of your news and taking a few days off from work as well. It's not as much fun to take vacation when we can't really travel anywhere. We will manage to get some hiking in next week, fortunately. We're also both trying to make a little extra money doing side gigs, even though it's vacation...

I love how your house is shaping up @Bayek. What is "luder stone?" How is your shoulder doing? I do love how you describe your relationship with Autumn. There is no way you are 67, by the way. You seem much younger on paper (or I guess electrons?) We don't have a gated community but supposedly there is an association that no one really follows, since all of the OGs have moved away and the rules were stupid, as well. My husband however, tried mightily to hide that we put in a backyard fence for a couple of years because he was afraid someone would ?tell on us? put it in our permanent record? Bad enough that our neighbors have a huge political campaign sign in their yard, but is there something in the association rules about that? Of course not. But I am not above putting on some dark camo clothing and making a raid in the middle of the night. I digress, however, and this is not a political forum...

@bling_dream19, those pearl earrings! What a score. They are lovely. And I think your new band looks terrific with your e-ring.

@missy aka "the NIRDI glue" I am glad to see you are enjoying the cycling opportunities and taking such wonderful pictures of New Jersey. Your kind and generous footprint is all over PS, and I appreciate it! Thanks for letting us know @AV_ is hanging in there. I hope you and the handsome Greg get your medical issues sorted.

Hi @canuk-gal, @marcy, @Slick1, @MamaBee, @junebug17, and all the other NIRDIs!

@Austina I am so jealous of your trip to the Isle of Wight. I really miss traveling. You guys are a wonderful looking couple!

@Jimmianne (how is the cute and cuddly Kine?)

Ellie the bionic wonder dog is alert and hopping around on her arthritic legs. It is so weird how much David and I get excited when she goes up and down the little stairs to get outside. Just like when they are puppies. Big goofy Clyde is a great foil, running around in his big fluffy liver and white pajamas every day. We won first prize for the following picture of us on a fund raising walk for the local SPCA (aka "Pope Memorial SPCA" hence the name of our doggie buggy for Ellie. David bought a Pope's hat but I said it might be a bit tacky to include that, so we did not.)

Been baking up a storm for the Holidays, even though it's just the 2 two-leggeds and 2 four-leggeds. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and a sweet New Year!


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@missy I forgot to ask if you would send pics of your OEC studs, please? Would love to see them!

NIRDI shout out!!!!

Wonderful weather and had a lovely ride. Except for the million aphids that stuck to my lip gloss and flew up my nose. LOL

Hope everyone is safe and well!


NIRDI shout out!!!!

Wonderful weather and had a lovely ride. Except for the million aphids that stuck to my lip gloss and flew up my nose. LOL

Hope everyone is safe and well!


Yuck @canuk-gal! I would be in the psych ward if aphids did that to me! :oops2:
Good morning NIRDIs! Trying to keep up with all of your news and taking a few days off from work as well. It's not as much fun to take vacation when we can't really travel anywhere. We will manage to get some hiking in next week, fortunately. We're also both trying to make a little extra money doing side gigs, even though it's vacation...

I love how your house is shaping up @Bayek. What is "luder stone?" How is your shoulder doing? I do love how you describe your relationship with Autumn. There is no way you are 67, by the way. You seem much younger on paper (or I guess electrons?) We don't have a gated community but supposedly there is an association that no one really follows, since all of the OGs have moved away and the rules were stupid, as well. My husband however, tried mightily to hide that we put in a backyard fence for a couple of years because he was afraid someone would ?tell on us? put it in our permanent record? Bad enough that our neighbors have a huge political campaign sign in their yard, but is there something in the association rules about that? Of course not. But I am not above putting on some dark camo clothing and making a raid in the middle of the night. I digress, however, and this is not a political forum...

@bling_dream19, those pearl earrings! What a score. They are lovely. And I think your new band looks terrific with your e-ring.

@missy aka "the NIRDI glue" I am glad to see you are enjoying the cycling opportunities and taking such wonderful pictures of New Jersey. Your kind and generous footprint is all over PS, and I appreciate it! Thanks for letting us know @AV_ is hanging in there. I hope you and the handsome Greg get your medical issues sorted.

Hi @canuk-gal, @marcy, @Slick1, @MamaBee, @junebug17, and all the other NIRDIs!

@Austina I am so jealous of your trip to the Isle of Wight. I really miss traveling. You guys are a wonderful looking couple!

@Jimmianne (how is the cute and cuddly Kine?)

Ellie the bionic wonder dog is alert and hopping around on her arthritic legs. It is so weird how much David and I get excited when she goes up and down the little stairs to get outside. Just like when they are puppies. Big goofy Clyde is a great foil, running around in his big fluffy liver and white pajamas every day. We won first prize for the following picture of us on a fund raising walk for the local SPCA (aka "Pope Memorial SPCA" hence the name of our doggie buggy for Ellie. David bought a Pope's hat but I said it might be a bit tacky to include that, so we did not.)

Been baking up a storm for the Holidays, even though it's just the 2 two-leggeds and 2 four-leggeds. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and a sweet New Year!

@springerspaniel Congratulations! Ellie and Clyde are adorable! I love Ellie’s Pope Mobile! That’s hysterical!
Good morning NIRDIs! Trying to keep up with all of your news and taking a few days off from work as well. It's not as much fun to take vacation when we can't really travel anywhere. We will manage to get some hiking in next week, fortunately. We're also both trying to make a little extra money doing side gigs, even though it's vacation...

I love how your house is shaping up @Bayek. What is "luder stone?" How is your shoulder doing? I do love how you describe your relationship with Autumn. There is no way you are 67, by the way. You seem much younger on paper (or I guess electrons?) We don't have a gated community but supposedly there is an association that no one really follows, since all of the OGs have moved away and the rules were stupid, as well. My husband however, tried mightily to hide that we put in a backyard fence for a couple of years because he was afraid someone would ?tell on us? put it in our permanent record? Bad enough that our neighbors have a huge political campaign sign in their yard, but is there something in the association rules about that? Of course not. But I am not above putting on some dark camo clothing and making a raid in the middle of the night. I digress, however, and this is not a political forum...

@bling_dream19, those pearl earrings! What a score. They are lovely. And I think your new band looks terrific with your e-ring.

@missy aka "the NIRDI glue" I am glad to see you are enjoying the cycling opportunities and taking such wonderful pictures of New Jersey. Your kind and generous footprint is all over PS, and I appreciate it! Thanks for letting us know @AV_ is hanging in there. I hope you and the handsome Greg get your medical issues sorted.

Hi @canuk-gal, @marcy, @Slick1, @MamaBee, @junebug17, and all the other NIRDIs!

@Austina I am so jealous of your trip to the Isle of Wight. I really miss traveling. You guys are a wonderful looking couple!

@Jimmianne (how is the cute and cuddly Kine?)

Ellie the bionic wonder dog is alert and hopping around on her arthritic legs. It is so weird how much David and I get excited when she goes up and down the little stairs to get outside. Just like when they are puppies. Big goofy Clyde is a great foil, running around in his big fluffy liver and white pajamas every day. We won first prize for the following picture of us on a fund raising walk for the local SPCA (aka "Pope Memorial SPCA" hence the name of our doggie buggy for Ellie. David bought a Pope's hat but I said it might be a bit tacky to include that, so we did not.)

Been baking up a storm for the Holidays, even though it's just the 2 two-leggeds and 2 four-leggeds. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and a sweet New Year!

Adorable!!!! :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:
And congratulations!!! Woohoo!!!!

NIRDI shout out!!!!

Wonderful weather and had a lovely ride. Except for the million aphids that stuck to my lip gloss and flew up my nose. LOL

Hope everyone is safe and well!


Yay! So glad you got to ride! We actually did too! The guys delivered the generator early (so nice and I will explain tomorrow) and the rain stopped and we went for a wonderful ride!! Just got home and about to make dinner. Enjoy the rest of the day!