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Good morning everyone! For some reason I do not receive alerts on updates (or sometimes when I am tagged) in this particular thread! I'm not sure why that is going on. Anyway, I want to pop back in here and read more extensively, but @missy I am so sorry to read all the updates on Greg!! Oh my goodness you two have been through so much. I know you are giving him all the love and support he needs. He is a strong man and I know he is going to do awesome with surgery and recovery. I'm so happy that you are so dedicated to working out as I think that is the very best thing for you to manage your stress at this time. Please know I am thinking of you and Greg.
@mrs-b I am so sorry to hear the news regarding your husband's eyes as well as your back. You too have been so many health battles. I'm hoping and praying that 2021 brings wonderful updates and news for you. I know you are a strong couple and will weather every storm together.
@MamaBee I'm so sorry that they mixed up the medicine. That is scary!!! Completely unacceptable. I hope it never happens again. Can your son be on the lookout in case the pills looks slightly different?
Have to run now (busy household), but will be back later.
@OdetteOdile Thank you..Yes C’s doctors told him to check every single time they give him his meds. To be honest I never checked what the nurse gave me when I was in the hospital. I will from now on.