
Now I really did it :((

@LLJsmom glad to hear your family is good. This is a busy time of year for you. Retail therapy is always a good distraction but I’m an enabler. I want to get a new ring for my ACA and I am really struggling deciding what to get. I guess I could just have my mount either fixed or replaced. I’ve toyed with upgrading the ring for years but getting loose prongs motivated me to start looking. Take care!

Can’t hurt to!
Good morning lovely ladies and happy Thursday!

Can’t hurt to!

Hahaha that is our problem lolol. :lol:
Thanks for asking about my mom. She is doing OK now. Just the first 36 hours she had a reaction. I am not sure how many experience such a reaction after just the first dose. I remember your mom's reaction to the antibiotic. Crazy and scary and well I get it because I have horrible severe weird reactions to meds too. That is why I am very anxious about my possible upcoming surgery but I am pushing that out of my mind right now and concentrating on the exciting and happy delivery to come oooooh I am waiting and trying to be patient but it is hard and it isn't even my delivery LOLOL. I feel it for you. Cmon already! And looking forward to your other "get your mind off the main thing" purchase. I think all great decisions. I mean that from my heart. You did/are doing good. :)

Laughing here... You're kidding, right? I'd say half my collection started out as "It can't hurt to look...."

Altho - now that I think about it - it didn't hurt at all!!


Same. :devil: 8):halo:
Hope you had a good night's sleep and wake feeling well and refreshed. Hugs.

My rings arrived today. Here are some assorted pictures of my blues!

@marcy sweet you got your bling package and I hope the rings fit better today.
Stunning. Bluelicious. Bluetiful. Bluemazing. LOVE it.

My rings vary too, well I should say my fingers vary too and it can be a challenge sometimes to get them to fit well. And good luck with the other bling decisions. You'll figure it out. My mom is doing OK now thanks. Fingers crossed you don't get DSS from your sapphire solitaire...sounds like you won't as it seems beautiful and big. Nice your sister in law stayed the night and you got to visit with her. Haha that Marty is such a jokester. Another snowy day here and for the next week plus if the meteorologists are right. Winter isn't leaving any time soon. Have a good day at work Marcy. XO.

@bling_dream19 hope all continues to go very smoothly and much progress is being made. Big hugs.

Good luck to you and Colin tonight @Austina...fingers crossed you can both get the first dose today! XOXO.

@Slick1 and @MamaBee I was doing the happy dance yesterday haha. Good luck today lovely ladies! You are on your way! Big hugs!

I guess when it's your family & supposed friends turning their backs on you it is hard & you just keep quiet & pretend.
Or just don't talk to anyone.

@Polabowla I get it and yes when loved ones (supposed friends etc) turn their backs on you they are actually doing you a favor. They are finally showing their true colors. And you are (I mean this) better off without them. I have gone through it and it is hard but in the end so much better without the dead fake weight. From my heart know I am thinking good thoughts for you and hoping easier and sweeter times are on their way for you. Sending you big hugs and lots of well wishes and I am here for you. Never forget you are a warrior and that your illness does not and never will define you. Just by showing up shows how strong and courageous you are. Bucketloads of healing vibes and big ((((HUGS))).

Hi to everyone else. Greg and I had a good walk yesterday and it was sunny and bright out. Today is stormy and snowy and looks like this will be the on off pattern for the next week plus. Winter is here to stay for a while- Mr. Groundog was right. Have a wonderful day lovely ladies and leaving you with some photos I hope will brighten your morning. Sending you all love and light.

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Just a quick check in:

@Bayek I hope your second dose is now scheduled. Thinking of you.

@MamaBee woohoo!

@Slick1 woohoo!

@Austina fingers crossed for you both.

Happy birthday to @bling_dream19 's mom. Wishing her and you all the best.

@MMtwo hope your week has been going well.

@GK2 I hope things are going as well as possible and you and your DH have been in my thoughts.

@canuk-gal how are you doing? I thought of you because yesterday I ordered another winter coat (from Canada) and it got delivered today. The Canadians know how to do the cold IMO and they have the best products. I hope you are having a decent week and feeling good.

@marcy variety is the spice of life after all. :)
Hope your BIL is doing better.

We got about 3" today and I think there is a bigger storm coming this weekend. I cannot keep track anymore with all the snow.

Greg and I ran errands and are stocked up for the next week or so. Just finished a speed Rumikub round haha because he has a 2:30 CC and I have to say I enjoy moving fast during the game. It's a fun game and PSers recommended it to us.

Hope everyone enjoys a good evening...tomorrow is FriYAY! :bigsmile:

We are ensconced in this deep freeze until Sunday, I wish the weather people were wrong! At least it didn't get to -34C overnight. Just -30C.:lol::knockout:

@missy I am happy your Mom is feeling better. Worrisome for sure.
@marcy--enjoy your loot!
@Austina I'm sure you are excited about your new house! I find making decorating choices very stressful.

I am off to the dentist and wish I weren't.

Good afternoon ladies!

@missy I have not heard from Jim yet on how the ablation procedure went, but I take that as a very good sign because I would have if something wasn't working, he has to work besides be with her at the hospital.. haven't heard from anyone about Christine yet, last I heard she was having terrible headaches. Thank you for caring Missy, truly uly it means a hell of alot to mel, Covid has made all of us feel alone I think, or at least me :)

Missy girlie! we are in a huge deep freeze, the pool has been running straight up for 24hrs now, it only comes on automatically if the pool has set times to run (I know duh) or if it's below 34F, our windows are frozen over, talked to Chris yesterday, he seemed glum, he is really blah on his job and said maybe he will look in Taiwan! I thought that would be great, but scared me too, but he's man and he's single, fancy, free and he should do what he wants in life. I so miss him. oh well.

No word on my danged 2nd shot which is due starting Sunday, another 'oh well'.

Missy, I think you and Greg walking on a grey, chilly, cold day in Jersey is sunshine. truly. :)

@missy I love to see pix of Greg in nature, you can tell this is a man who loves what is around him, loves nature.. you two are just so wonderful together. xoxo

So what happened to your mom? I missed that? I hope your sister and mom and dad are doing well Missy.. I know it's strange that we are getting a shot of something, while tested we really don't know, but it's the only recourse and I'm glad I've at least had one shot..and Missy you are a warrior, no doubt. :)

@Polabowla YOU are always welcome here, share, we are the best, these women, these wonderful women have helped me thru countless scenarios, pain, shoulder replacement, allergic reaction to amoxicillin, missing missing missing my sister, aunt, brother, mom and dad, etc.. PLEASE we care and I am thrilled to read the pain has lessened a bit. xo added: remember it's THEIR problem, not yours, you know you feel terrible, you have pain, I've found that the saying what goes around, comes around is often true, their day will come when they need your support, be the better woman, we are all here to support you sweetie. xo

@Luvallgems i'm sorry your mom isn't here, neither is mine, but I'm 68 and my mom would be 92, I miss her love, I miss her caring without ANY judgement, hard to find, so sorry, and I agree @MamaBee is one of the best daughters ever. xo

@MMtwo ooh what a gorgeous cat... and girl, those pearls, to die for.. Oh the old nonprofit we don't have any money to pay you MORE, altho the director makes 4X what you (actually I) made, so I went and interviewed at IBM and got 5K more a year, I know leaving is a PITA, but the value you add to this organization is probably well underpaid, I am sorry, non profits are always profitable for the higher ups imho (and I worked for 2). You are valuable. I know the feeling of being comfortable in your job, but I don't want to sound mean or bitchy but they do not value you if they are paying a p/ter that same hourly wage, change it good and change is damn scary, why we hate it.. I hope you get the job and then you can decide. sending hugs, dust and good vibes! xo

@Austina by my google search! I think it is 7:17 pm in your neck of the woods are in London, so you are probably enjoying an evening with Colin (chilly I know) but Austina it's COLD here, I'm sure Adam has let you know, sleet, icy roads, things closed down, pool running 24 hrs, hey it's like Maine! ;-) there's ONE unhappy camper here and it's not me.

Winter Storm Warning
Austin - San Antonio
2 hours ago – National Weather Service
If travel is necessary, use caution and be aware of possible ice and slick spots on area roads ... REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL ... Ice accumulations up to one quarter of an inch ...

crazy here! and eerie quiet.. since I live near a road that get's a lot of traffic during the day (in a way, here in TX sound travels because it's so danged flat and little trees, every where I've lived there has been SOMETHING ha!).. of course I'm not going outside since I don't have a need, we do have the fireplace rolling through (it's gas, I don't really LIKE gas fireplaces, but in Texas there is so little need for a real fireplace that the wood goes bad).. boy I am a complainer! sorry. I'm sending you wam hugs and stay in, watch that knee! xoxo

@mrs-b that is wonderful what you wrote to @Polabowla and you are right, and I am so glad you share your life, I share mine, this, as you say, is a wonderful group of women, I hope you are feeling okay, after the SCARE of lost rings a good shot of whiskey may have been in order, me? I'd make myself a stiff DRY martini.. sending hugs and love to you! xoxo

@marcy I am gobsmacked, OMG the sapphire, the sapphire, it is beautiful, gorgeous! I understand your conundrum with what setting to get, I think I have noticed you like thick bands, me too, and I know whatever you choose will be beautiful! and thank you re: setting my old engagement ring, I will set it in a semi-bezel in 14K white gold I think, not sure (I have a couple of white gold chains and 1 yellow gold chain hanging around somewhere) I look forward to resetting that ring more than anything, I love a diamond pendant. We are having some nasty weather ourselves here also - down in south central Texas, usually it's just hot. hope all is well otherwise, sending kate dust and love your way. xoxo

@LLJsmom aw if I was missing my jewelry @missy would be definitely someone I would bug, she is patient and makes me think rationally! Thank you re: hope we are all doing well, back at you too! I've had 2 different reactions (somewhat serious) to 2 different antibiotics so worry is always the game for me when I take a drug, when I had my first covid shot 4 weeks ago almost, they made me stay 30minutes because of previous reactions to antibiotics. looking forward to seeing your new FEDEX! package opened! xo

@canuk-gal Sharon, get that tooth looked at, I know who the eff am I to say that to you! but I care and after Slick and my jaw problems, earlier is better is getting things checked and I am very sorry your tooth still hurts, believe me I understand. What is new on the bike situation? xoxo

So we are in the deep freeze and there is ice all over my house.. our electric lines are all underground and John had recently bought a battery that we could cook off of, hope we don't have to use it!.

Supposedly my washer and dryer are coming tomorrow, with this crazy weather, probably not. The woman at the place where we bought the dishwasher (or actually the dishwasher was free due to a program Thermador was and probably still is having).. so I ordered this dishwasher 9/12/20 (hahaha), of course the ball has been dropped, I even upgraded the free model to a sapphire model! so the girl tells me that it was backordered and then it dropped of their backorders! lol (if I dont I'll cry or rather scream).. so she mentioned in her email that maybe they will get me an upgrade from the free one (cause she didn't even look to see I had already paid 300.00$ more for the upgrade hahaha) you know, ya can't make this s--t up. ugh.

So all NIRDIs wherever take care and be safe.

some pix.

my son's beautiul cat! (that is what Auti calls her CAAT!). Luna, she is beautiful and i love her!


The fireplace firing!

Hello lovelies

Just this minute got back, Colin got the Pfizer vaccine, nothing for me:( At least people have been turning up for their shots, which is a good thing. I think it’ll be another 6 weeks before it’s my turn.

We have Rummikub @missy, I’ll have to dig it out, we haven’t played it for years. Glad you‘re enjoying getting out when you can, and woohoo to getting a lovely new warm coat. Glad your Mum‘s over her vaccination reaction, seems most people do have some level of reaction, ranging from mild to severe.

:lol: Adam was chatting to us earlier @Bayek when he was out walking Bertie, and complaining how cold it was. Bertie was keen to go out, until he actually got outside and found it was sleeting and cold, then suddenly wasn’t so keen. I love your fire, we’re having gas too. Good to adopt the no news is good news about your friend, fingers crossed it’s been successful.

I have no problem making quick decisions on decorating choices @canuk-gal, took us less than a minute to choose the exterior brick, stucco and trim colours :mrgreen: I hope your dental appt goes well.

@LLJsmom & @mrs-b I had to :lol: Never a truer word spoken in jest!

Wowsers @marcy, just beautiful :kiss2: Did you hear from WF yet as to whether they can reset your diamond how you want?

@Polabowla I’m so sorry that people who’re meant to care about you are so insensitive and unfeeling. You’re not alone, being in pain sucks the life out of you and affects every aspect of your being. Never think we won’t listen or understand.

-2 deg F here at the moment, went down to -6 last night, brrrrrr, we’re keeping nice and toasty warm, hope you are too :wavey:

I got a new mouth guard as I am in hyper grinding and clenching mode. I had a toothache after a hell of a work day last week. I was busy and stressed and obviously clenching--I do that.

@missy what brand of coat did you get? I only have 20 coats for every season! Canadians need them ALL!

@Bayek I cannot believe you have snow! @Austina your weather is downright BALMY!! I hope Colin tolerates the vaccine well. Yours will be soon.

Great lighting at the dentist but as USUAL terrible blurry photos. Oh well.


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I got a new mouth guard as I am in hyper grinding and clenching mode. I had a toothache after a hell of a work day last week. I was busy and stressed and obviously clenching--I do that.

@missy what brand of coat did you get? I only have 20 coats for every season! Canadians need them ALL!

@Bayek I cannot believe you have snow! @Austina your weather is downright BALMY!! I hope Colin tolerates the vaccine well. Yours will be soon.

Great lighting at the dentist but as USUAL terrible blurry photos. Oh well.


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Beautiful ring @canuk-gal and glad your dentist visit is over. I hope the guard plate helps decrease your clenching and grinding.

I got the same coat I have in white in red this time. Canada Goose. It’s the warmest coat and also lightweight. It makes winter bearable. :)
Haha Oliver photobombed me :lol:
Beautiful ring @canuk-gal and glad your dentist visit is over. I hope the guard plate helps decrease your clenching and grinding.

I got the same coat I have in white in red this time. Canada Goose. It’s the warmest coat and also lightweight. It makes winter bearable. :)
Haha Oliver photobombed me :lol:

I love the way their hoods cover your face. Lifesaver in -30C weather. I love mine also!!
@canuk-gal - I've loved that ring forever! So nice to see new photos of it!

I'm sorry to be a little MIA and somewhat brief, but it's crazy time here at the moment.

My knee is still swollen and my neck is out of alignment from falling to one side and landing on my knee and my hand - sort of catapulted the pressure up my arm/neck and into my jaw. Crohn's flared badly after I thought I'd lost my rings: Crohn's is triggered by stress and, for me, cold weather, so I'm really doing it tough at the moment. Can't eat much, lots of pain, 2-3 hours sleep the last couple of nights, MANY quality hours in the bathroom. :(sad

Humira script completely screwed up by the pharmacy. Meant to come today - pharmacy has NO record of the script. When I said "So the email I got from you a week ago saying "Hi - just an email to let you know we've received your script!" was...just a tease???" Ugh. I was on the phone with them today for 1 3/4 hours all up. Looking like Tuesday delivery, and starting injections after that. I have to have a teaching appt re how to use it, and that was meant to be tomorrow. Pretty miffed that I have to push this back when I need it so very much right now. Tired, tired, tired.

My best friend (father to my god kids) has an elderly father who has Covid. He had a stroke last night, and I've been arranging...just so much stuff. It's really affected his cognitive function, and his wife (married 7 years ago after his first wife died of cancer) really doesn't know how to handle this kind of thing. She said on Zoom - after I'd organized a call for us all so we could brainstorm - that she was better with emotional issues and that medical issues really weren't her thing. I told her it was 'her thing' now, and am trying to organize a sort of training manual for her to follow, to fill in the gaps in her knowledge and plus the holes in the care he might otherwise receive. Trying to get him into hospice - which she can't afford - so also trying to coordinate a financial plan for her/him. The thing REALLY wrecking my life right now is an inability to hunt down rubber, malleable bed pans; the poor guy needs something to sit on for a while that won't break his skin and which will mold to his body a little.

I've sold a couple of rings, which I'm SO pleased about. I absolutely HATE expensive pieces of jewelry sitting around, unused. Just seems so wasteful and wrong! Running back and forth to the post office in the snow, tho, which is a bit dangerous right now, but has to be done.

Tim is thinking about switching jobs. just because life isn't complicated enough right now.

My g-d comes back in 2 weeks and I am SO looking forward to seeing her! She should be here a couple of months.

I'm thoroughly beat and need to go to bed. Please forgive me for not responding to people adequately. But just for a super quick run-through....

@missy - the OG of AGs - awesome photos, girl! And my thoughts are swinging a trifle from Greg to you, as your issues become more central. Love you!

@bling_dream19 - praying for strength, perseverance, caaaaaaalm, and healing vibes over your household!

@canuk-gal - girl, please. Get that tooth seen to! I'm glad you've got your new mouth guard, and hope this helps.

@marcy - thinking of your BIL always. And make sure you get EXACTLY the ring you want: in my experience, not getting it is always the most expensive way forward, because you never end up satisfied till you go back and buy the whole thing a second time! Good luck with it!

@Polabowla - thinking of you and sending warm, big hugs. Please always give updates. Hugs to you!

@Bayek - great Kate! - How are things progressing with the house? And any contact with Kath? Thinking of you.... ox

@MMtwo - I wish you good luck for your job interview. You sound swamped, and this might be a concrete way to set some parameters and gain some control. On the other hand - your cat sure has good taste in jewelry!

@Austina - I'm really sorry you didn't get the vaccine with Colin - bummer! Hoping it comes to you soon, tho, and that thoughts of your new house buoy you up in the meantime.

@MamaBee - it's so clear to those of us who know you what a great daughter, wife and mother you are! I hope things begin to improve for your mother very quickly. This is a damnable situation for all elderly people. Hugs to you!

@LLJsmom - it's lovely to see you here! Nothing else. Just lovely to see you. :))

And now I'm going to take my dodgy knee and attempt some aerobic indoor walking so I don't wake up in the middle of the night with my calf muscles in one massive charlie horse - which is what tends to happen if I miss my aerobic workouts for more than a day or two. Then I'll no doubt spend more quality time in the bathroom. And then I need to hunt down that DAMN BEDPAN.

Love to you all and apologies to those I didn't name individually.

NIRDI shout out!

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Good morning lovely ladies! Happy FriYAY!

@Bayek did you hear from Jim yet about Kathleen? I hope all went smoothly for her. My fingers are crossed for your second dose of vaccine. Did you get Moderna or Pfizer? How is Christine doing? Any word? Yes I heard about the deep freeze Texas is experiencing. This winter just won't quit. My mom is fine now thank you for asking. Her first dose of Pfizer was rough. I worry about her second dose but that won't be til the end of this month so just hoping all goes OK for everyone. We are all warriors. Of that I am sure. Hugs to you Great Kate. Love you girlie. XOXO.

@mrs-b I hope you had a great night's sleep and are feeling better today. How is your knee today? Stress definitely makes everything more challenging. You are on my mind and I am sending you so many well wishes. It really sucks how the pharmacies screw up. I could write pages and pages about the mishaps I have experienced at their hands. Wishing for you that the Humira comes without any more issues and that it relieves your pain and makes life very sweet again. That is my big wish for you and I am willing it to come true. Big hugs and much love. And how did you know I was worrying about my upcoming not yet scheduled surgery lol. Are you a mind reader? I don't feel like discussing it right now but let's just say the thought of it terrifies me and the thought of doing nothing terrifies me too knowing what it is doing to my body as we speak. OK enough of me and have a wonderful happy and feeling well FriYAY! Love you and keeping good thoughts for you. And so happy for you that your g-ddaughter is coming in two weeks. Woohoo!

@mrs-b could you please send me the heated boxes you were telling me about last week when we were chatting? I want to order them for the ferals, thank you. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 big hugs and lots of well wishes to you and your family and you remain in my thoughts. Things are going to be OK and I hope today is a wonderful FriYAY with more yay than anything else. (((HUGS))).

@Austina I am sorry they couldn't squeeze you in yesterday for the vaccine but I am relieved Colin got it and soon it will be your turn. Hope Colin has minimal or no side effects. Hugs.

Speaking of side effects @MamaBee any update? Is your arm sore now? I am guessing it is. Just took a little bit of time to get there and I hope it is only minimally sore. And woohoo you got the first dose! XOXO.

@Slick1 congrats on the first dose and I hope you had a good night's sleep and your sore arm is getting better. You're a trooper going to school after the vaccine yesterday. Big hugs. And tomorrow is the weekend!

@marcy yay it's FriYAY and tomorrow is the weekend. We have some big storm coming in Sunday and then Monday into Tuesday and then into Thursday again. Sigh. Can you please take back your winter weather? Haha. What are your weekend plans? How is your BIL doing? Keeping good thoughts for him.

@canuk-gal yes I am with you. I love the way it covers my face so during windy days I am still protected. It has saved me this winter and allowed me to enjoy our wintery walks. Greg likes to joke I can wear my CG winter coats because he is wearing is $35 Costco coat hahaha. Anyway happy FriYAY and stay warm and cozy and I am looking forward to wearing my new red coat with my red Olang boots. Canada rocks !!! And knows how to do the cold weather better than anyone else IMO. Hugs to you Sharon and stay well and stay warm and cozy. XOXO.

@Polabowla sending you more hugs and well wishes and know your worth. Those who don't can go you know deserve better. And you are a strong amazing woman who deserves to be loved and cherished and nothing less. Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping your health continues to improve and sending you big but gentle hugs.

@LLJsmom I am so impatient. More so than if it was for me I think. LOLOL. Hugs to you and soon...soon! XOXO.

@MMtwo when will you find out about the job? Sending you big hugs and hope your weekend is a good one.

@sarahb just wanted to say hi and send you ((((hugs)))). Happy FriYAY.

Hi to everyone else. Greg and I had a busy day yesterday with errands, Rumikub and work. We have a challenging weather week ahead including this weekend and today. Temps are way below normal and ice is all around. I keep telling myself spring will be here soon. Cmon Spring.

Hope everyone has a FriYAY filled with YAY and a happy weekend ahead. Sending you hugs.

Leaving you with Pepsi. Poor sweetie sinking into the snow. Love him and all the other ferals. Greg bought a heated pad for the water we have outside for them to keep it from freezing.

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Will be back later, just wanted to share that I’ve had the text to book an appointment, and I’m going next Wednesday for my first shot :appl:
I'm getting furtherer and furtherer behind here, I apologize.

@Bayek Kate, thank you so so much for your good wishes! Like @missy I bet the ablation went all right or you would have heard otherwise. It is a pretty straightforward procedure. What is the latest with your house?

I really enjoy your photos @missy. As you get ready for your next medical adventure, my thoughts are with you all the way. How are the two of you feeling? Glad your mother is feeling better.

@mrs-b that Humira cannot come fast enough! I am sure you will find the injection process easy--they should be prefilled syringes and you basically point and shoot. I have learned all sorts of expletives while counting to five, waiting for the damn needle to empty. My heart was in my mouth when I read about your losing the jewelry, and boy do I know about the digging through gross stuff to try to find things. You have been living with the pain and discomfort for far too long.

@Austina I am so excited for you getting to move closer to family! It must be fun to follow along as Auti learns new things.

@Polabowla I hope you find some comfort from the fine ladies on this thread. They are very wise and caring, and it sounds as if you could certainly use the support.

I took some time off from "real" work so I can catch up on research, so I'll be outlining a couple of papers today, rewriting a budget, and revising that damn 6 year paper I submitted. Out of 4 reviewers, only 1 still had issues, and I can't figure out what those issues actually are, since the person seems to have changed what they don't like about the paper. (@mrs-b if you are really interested, I would be happy to send a draft. At the very least it could serve as great kindling for a nice warm fire...)

Ellie the Wonder Dog is still hanging in there, but I fear the winter is too much for her old bones.

Hello and Happy Valentine's Weekend to all the NIRDIs! Sorry if I didn't mention you by name, but I am faithfully reading each day.
Hello lovelies

I’m glad the dentist has sorted you out with a new mouth guard @canuk-gal, it’s really common for people to grind their teeth when they’re under stress. I love your ring, it’s the perfect proportions as a stand alone piece :kiss2:

Ugh don’t you just hate it when people try to push their mistakes back on you @mrs-b.? I’m so sorry that you’re in pain from your fall, and all this stress is aggravating your Crohns. I used to get terrible IBS, mainly menstrually related but being stressed didn’t help either, and spent many hours in the loo, not a lot of fun! Oh no to your poor friend‘s father, what a lot to deal with. I did look for silicone bedpans, but of course, could only find UK based suppliers which isn’t any help to you. Jeez, what a response from his wife, none of us enjoy dealing with medical issues, but when we sign on with a partner, it’s for whatever life brings. Oy to Tim thinking of changing his job, let’s hope everything works out. Sending gentle hugs and good thoughts your way.

Keeping you in my thoughts @bling_dream19 and hoping life is treating you better.

Poor Ellie @springerspaniel, hopefully she’ll stay in and stay warm to help her old bones. Good luck with all the work you’ve got to do on your papers, it’s maddening that the person who had issues didn’t actually let you know what they were.

How did your jab go @Slick1, did you have any reaction? What a relief you’ve finally had your first dose.

How was the interview @MMtwo, do you think it went well?

Are you all feeling ok after your shots @MamaBee, did David cope OK with the process?

Pepsi looks pretty well fed @missy, and how sweet that Greg is organising heating to stop their water freezing. I did see a video of converting polystyrene boxes in to winter homes for cats, such a shame we’re not closer, because we have several from our meat deliveries. Your weather is sounding pretty brutal, it’s cold here, but fortunately no more snow. I’m absolutely thrilled that my appointment has come through so quickly. They announced today that from Monday the over 65’s would get their call, so I really wasn’t expecting to hear so soon. I was actually FT Tracey when the text came, so I asked her to excuse me while I got on the site and booked. Roll on Wednesday. I wish you and Greg could get an appointment so easily, but I know you’re staying safe until you can. I’m sorry your medical issues are weighing heavily on your mind, you’ve both been through so much, and it’s awful that everything has been a battle for you.

Have you heard anything from Jim @Bayek, hopefully Kath is doing well?

I hope work was OK @marcy, and you have a uninterrupted weekend ahead.

Is it sad to be this excited about a jab? For the first time in a very long time, I’m feeling like there will be a time when we can have some kind of normal life again. I don’t care if it means wearing masks and maintaining some social distancing, as long as we can see our friends, and hopefully travel.

Take care lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

@Austina I agree those ferals look in pretty good shape!! Glad you have an appt for your vaccination.
@missy I hope you and Greg are feeling well. It wasn't quite so cold here today....and temps are predicted to be dropping. Thank goodness.
@mrs-b I am sorry you are not feeling well. My nephew was recently diagnosed with UC and his meds are helping him--Humira, etc. Inflammatory bowel disease is just rotten. Healing vibes your way.
@marcy I got the same email from Tiffany! My sister recently got the all diamond new Tiffany T ring in rose gold and it is gorgeous! Hope you are enjoying your new loot!
@springerspaniel good luck on your paper revisions! Stay safe and well.

Had lunch out today and it felt really "special". Wow. Crazy times.

@Austina Hello, have you spoken with Adam today? Yes it is very cold here, up here today our high was 0C, tomorrow -1C and Sunday 1C then Monday! 08C and 4-5 inches of snow, as God is my witness (or yahweh, budha, allah, etc you get it :) ) I have never seen these temps here in the Austin area, now the temps I typed are in my town, which is 56 kilometers north of where Adam is, maybe a bit more, but close enough, so it could be warmer down south, but jeeze louise never, I received a FB msg from Mike's SIL, she said "what! did you bring this weather down here from Maine?" she is a wonderful woman and she was joking - she also said she had never seen it this cold and rainy, sleet and snowy as now, she's native Texan. So when you all come you can bring British weather! I'm handing that baton to you and Colin! ;-) I texted Jim last night asking how Kath was, but no reply, so I called the hospital and she is still in there as of this morning, since it was a heart ablation for VTach that isn't unusual, Jim is obviously waiting till he has something to report, I love Jim, he LOVES Kathleen, his heart and soul are hers, so I am an down the line on the list, he and John have been friends for 40 years, Kath and I 35.. so I wait. My gf with the brain surgery is having less pain, and her seizures are only in her legs moving crazily, I suppose that is good also, Monday she sees the neurologist.. TODAY! they were to deliver my washer and dryer and didn't show up of course, no call, the cleaners called 15minutes after they were due to say due to weather they can't make it, now on the other hand John has driven 35 miles south to the Delco Ctr to have his #2 shot, which leads me to I am scheduled tomorrow at another place to have my 2nd shot, but I will have to stand outside for an hour or more most probably, I have a great winter coat but cannot FIND ANY BOOTS! I did donate several pairs when I left Maine last year BUT I know I kept 2 pairs, John said I threw them away hah!

Sorry you didn't get in under the line to get your shot yesterday but 6 weeks will go by Austina, like THAT! (snapping my fingers :) ) take care and tell Colin Hola from my part of Texas. xoxo and xoxoxo again.

@canuk-gal Mouth guard is a great plan and I should have had one eons ago because I grind in my sleep and just sitting here.. Sharon your ring is magnificent! beautiful.. a real fireball..

@missy Oh love the red coat, I remember those style coats back in the 70s, I so loved mine, but it's gone on to the the fill years ago.. yours is contoured and is beautiful Missy, you look warm and about 18! Hey!! if I haven't told you lately (which I doubt) I LOVE you Missy, I love Greg and I love how you take care of ferals, your babies and each other, if the world were full of Missy and Greg's it would be heaven, TRUTH..

@mrs-b oh nor worries on being missing a bit, I think I was missing for 2 months, and I miss Jimmianne mucho. Sorry about your knee, and neck, winter can really stink.. My SIL has had Crohn's all her life (or at least since I've known her 30+ years) she had her entire bowel removed 25 years ago and has a colostomy bag since then, she really hates to travel due to this impediment, all the SILs tell her NO ONE CARES, we want you to come.. Nancy one of my sister in law is an M.D. they are all great women but especially this one Peggy who has the Crohns, just a lovely woman.. Is Tim thinking of moving around in his current position or brand new company? I know how exciting to have this while in a Pandemic. He's very nice as you know. I enjoyed talking with him. I am sorry about your bestie's Dad, a stroke can be devastating, or like my brother, he's had 3 and he's fine, just weakness on his left side, lucky him that these strokes haven't affected his mind. MrsB, I admire your ability to sell off rings that you no longer use, I am lazy katie, but I really don't have many rings and have lost 2 in the last 3 years as a matter of fact so it's sort of moot, but looking forward to seeing your newest creations, DK is the BEST. Take care and sorry about the damn Humira, insurance sucks seriously as Missy knows, life saving drugs and you have to fight for them.. my DIL's job at Walgreen's is to fight (of course) for Walgreens to fill scripts that are needed by customers for their health. sucks. take care and rest. xoxo

@springerspaniel I send healing and loving dust for Ellie SS, I look at my Salley girl right now and I KNOW life is so much better with her, I'm here and let's all throw you dust for Ellie, you take care, all love to you. Kate

@Austina John just called at 5:10 pm here and said the delivery truck will be here in 20 minutes, lazy katie is too lazy to go up and fix my post to you because EVERYTIME I try to fix a post, the damn post disappears! POOF! so again, sending hugs to you and you stay warm! xoxo

Okay all NIRDI's I gotta go, but I send love to you all, @bling_dream19 sending you dust for happy days and healthy days ahead, @MamaBear sending love, sending a Kate hug to you all, and girls Ima big girl so remember that when you meet me.. I hope.. xoxoxo
@missy sorry Missy I wrote to Austina what is new with my friend Kathleen, basically she is still in the hospital, Jim hasn't texted me back - what can I say.. dunno why.. I suppose cause he's a big executive at IBM and he's busy and his live revolves around his wife.. John said he's busy and if there was anything bad or wrong he WOULD tell me.. so she's in hospital and I'm fine with that.. xoxoxo

@missy that is good your mom is doing okay now. Thanks - I was all blue today - I wore my oval sapphire RHR, my sapphire studs and my sapphire and diamond Danielle band with a round sapphire ring I have for my ering. I put my diamond away; I can’t stand seeing it crooked and still nervous I can hear it rattling. Great pictures from your walk. I love the trees with the sun in the background. Is that a giant gun Greg is looking at? My BIL ate more and is in less pain; so that is good. I wish I could take my weather back - it seems I am sharing this crap with the entire United State, Canada and the UK. Misery loves company!

@canuk-gal thanks, I am enjoying my loot. I bet your friends Tiffany ring is gorgeous. I feel your pain on this brutal cold. Your -C sounds more cold than my -F today. It was stinking cold though. How is your tooth / mouth doing today? I hope you are feeling better and the new mouth guard helps. I love your ring. Sweet you had lunch out today.

@LLJsmom - you have an ACA now? It’s gorgeous.

@Bayek I hope your friends are doing well. Mega dust to them. I heard the deep freeze is headed your way too. That is scary about ice on your house but glad your electric lines are underground. My niece and her husband just planted a bunch of new trees near Houston and are worried they will loose some from the hard freeze. I saw videos of that horrible accident in Fort Worth. I hate to hear Chris sounded glum; hopefully he is doing better now. Thank you for the compliments on my sapphire. Yes, I too am gravitating towards thick bands; I used to go for thin bands but now I like chunky, solid feeling jewelry. A semi-bezel will be great for your old diamond. And you’ll enjoy a diamond pendant. Thank you for sending some dust my way; I can always use it. Sending mega dust your way as well. I hope your washer and dryer show up soon and even better if you get a free upgrade. Your fireplace looks cozy; think I’ll turn mine on. Phooey you gave away all of your winter clothes; I swear other than Myrtle Beach in August and Phoenix in July I have always been cold on our trips to warmer places. Sweet to get shot #2 tomorrow.

@Austina that’s great Colin got his vaccine; and that’s great your turn will be soon. Too cute Bertie didn’t like going out in the sleet and cold. That’s good you have no problem making quick decorating decisions. Marty and I are pretty quick as well and we generally like the same thing which helps. Thank you - I will enjoy my sapphires. I have swapped a few emails with Whiteflash and didn’t hear back today but I think I have decided what I want but it will be a custom piece and pretty basic so they should be able to do it for me. We are about the same temperatures; it was -8 heading to work today with wind chill -27. Stay warm!

@mrs-b I hope you are feeling better soon. What a week you’ve had; mega dust coming your way! Oh no the pharmacy screwed up your delivery. That is pretty poor. I am so sorry your friend’s father had a stroke, I hope they can get him in to hospice. Sending her and him mega dust as well. Nice to sell some of your rings; I do that too. I see no sense in leaving jewelry just left in my jewelry box; someone should enjoy it. My sisters, nieces and friends have benefited over the years from my hand me downs. When I was teaching they had a campus swap and I sold previously loved pieces there. I hope Tim decides what he wants to do about his job; tell him I’ve been considering it myself. Nice that your g-d is coming for a visit. I hope you get a decent night’s sleep. You are so right to get exactly what you want in jewelry (or anything) or else you’ll keep buying it again. It took me a while to learn that; Marty always told me the same thing.

@springerspaniel nice to catch up on some research and it sounds like you are busy. Darn you have to revise your 6 year long paper. Good luck with that. Glad to hear Ellie is hanging in there, I am sorry the cold weather bothers her.

My car said -8 on the way to work with a wind chill of —27. Saturday and Sunday are going to be colder then it will be in the teens on Monday - flip flops here we come!

My motivation0meter seemed broken at work today but I did get all my work done including finding a few mistakes my team missed. I sent them out a hopefully well received email of mistakes I’ve been finding and to please follow our processes, procedures and check lists. I hope they realize I’m on their side and trying to keep my boss from getting involved.

I think I’ve figured out what ring I want for my ACA. I dug out my box of rings last night trying on different styles, mounts and widths. I have ruled out the cathedral mount because I am so klutzy. I believe I want to get the WF Broadway solitaire but I asked them if they could use a 3mm band on it. That shouldn’t be too much of a problem to customize it. It’s a real basic setting.

Take care.

Here is the Broadway setting
GM lovely ladies! Happy Caturday Saturday!

@marcy I love you were bluetifiul all day yesterday. Sweet. And even happier your BIL is feeling better and eating. May that continue. Woohoo it's the weekend. And I like your setting and band ideas. I think that will look smashing. Not literally but figuratively and very cool. Hugs.

@canuk-gal our temps keep dropping and the storms keep coming...I know we are not alone but I am glad your weather is behaving. Sweet your sister got the new Tiffany ring in rose gold. We try keeping our ferals well fed. Poor sweeties enduring these freezing temps and winds and snow storms. I wish we could take them all in and we would if they would let us. Anyway hope the mouth guard is doing what it needs to be doing and the teeth clenching and grinding have abated. I do that sometimes too...grind my teeth without realizing it. Warm hugs being sent your way.

@Bayek YAY! So happy you are getting dose two and good luck today!
Thank you for your always kind and generous comments. And right back at ya. You make the world a better place to be Great Kate. XOXO.

@mrs-b hope you had a good day yesterday and are feeling better and the Humira delivery gets straightened out. Sending lots of well wishes your way and hugs.

@Austina so happy for you getting your first dose next Wednesday. Woohoo. Hope the weekend is a happy one with many good things to look forward to. Hugs to you.

@bling_dream19 hoping everything is getting easier now and going smoothly and I am continuing to send big hugs and good wishes your and your family's way. XOXO.

I took some time off from "real" work so I can catch up on research, so I'll be outlining a couple of papers today, rewriting a budget, and revising that damn 6 year paper I submitted.

@springerspaniel Wishing you all the best in this undertaking...I know it can be a bear but I also know it is a labor of love and I hope it goes very smoothly for you. We are feeling OK thank you for asking. Like Ellie I cannot wait for winter to be over. I enjoy the four seasons I truly do but winter is being a bit brutal this year. And it is much colder than usual and staying around longer than usual. I don't know where we are comparing snowfall for last year and this but this one definitely feels like we are getting more snow. Enough about winter though and sending Ellie and you warm hugs and well wishes and good luck. XOXO.

@Slick1 hope you are feeling 100% better now. One down and one to go. Big hugs.

@MamaBee hope your mom is getting stronger each day and things keep getting better. And woohoo you are halfway there to being done with the vaccine doses. Hang in there. Hoping D and S get it very soon and close to home. XOXO.

Hi to everyone else. We managed a nice walk yesterday despite the freezing (literally freezing) temps. No one else was around haha. Wimps. I love being outside with not another soul but Greg there. Something so peaceful and beautiful about the solitude. Not sure what is on the agenda today but wishing everyone a happy Caturday Saturday. XOXO.

There was no sun yesterday but we wore our matching (not on purpose haha) orange/red coats and that brightened the dark skies. :)


Aww I have to share this photo of him smiling.

Love the way the hood keeps my face warm and protected.
@bling_dream19 thought of you when I wore these leggings. :)

May everyone's Caturday Saturday be bright and cheery.
I'm not sure if you girls saw this but it is worth sharing again. This is truth.


Eat the yummy food and walk in the sunshine and swim in the ocean. Be kind and silly and weird. I love you girls and these words touched my heart and I wanted to share them with you. ❤️❤️❤️

@missy thank you for my BIL thoughts and LOL to that ring looking smashing - after my recent prong incident (which I more than likely caused) I sure hope not! But then again I have difficulty walking and chewing gum at the same time. LOL. Sorry to hear you are sick of winter already or more the brutal cold you are having. Based on an article I read about the Polar Vortex on once it gets knocked out of wack it can take a while to go back to normal which means it will continue to push cold air in to the jet stream giving everyone unusual weather. It was an interesting article. LOL to your comment about “wimps” staying indoors. Glad you and Greg had that winter wonderland to yourselves. Love those words of wisdom you shared - they are so true.

Our house smells really good right now; I baked a batch of homemade rolls. I started a roast in the crock pot this morning. Next on tap is getting a batch of scalloped potatoes ready to bake then get some cocoa brownies brewed up to bake while we eat dinner. Marty’s Valentine dinner a day early. I have some cherry chocolate chunk ice cream we can have with brownies.

I slept in a bit and considered starting laundry but since I took a vacation day on Monday I might do laundry that day.

Shockingly even to myself I am still leaning towards that solitaire I posted with a 3mm band. That’s a good sign my gut tells me that is the way to go.

Right now it’s -2 and snowing. Marty is watching golf and playing online poker. Some of his poker buddies want to start a game online for money - I did my wifely comment that may not be a good idea to play for money; if you aren’t pulling it out of your wallet people won’t keep track of how much they are putting in to the pot. Oh well right now he is practicing not playing his buddies.

Take care.
GM lovely ladies! Happy Caturday Saturday!

@marcy I love you were bluetifiul all day yesterday. Sweet. And even happier your BIL is feeling better and eating. May that continue. Woohoo it's the weekend. And I like your setting and band ideas. I think that will look smashing. Not literally but figuratively and very cool. Hugs.

@canuk-gal our temps keep dropping and the storms keep coming...I know we are not alone but I am glad your weather is behaving. Sweet your sister got the new Tiffany ring in rose gold. We try keeping our ferals well fed. Poor sweeties enduring these freezing temps and winds and snow storms. I wish we could take them all in and we would if they would let us. Anyway hope the mouth guard is doing what it needs to be doing and the teeth clenching and grinding have abated. I do that sometimes too...grind my teeth without realizing it. Warm hugs being sent your way.

@Bayek YAY! So happy you are getting dose two and good luck today!
Thank you for your always kind and generous comments. And right back at ya. You make the world a better place to be Great Kate. XOXO.

@mrs-b hope you had a good day yesterday and are feeling better and the Humira delivery gets straightened out. Sending lots of well wishes your way and hugs.

@Austina so happy for you getting your first dose next Wednesday. Woohoo. Hope the weekend is a happy one with many good things to look forward to. Hugs to you.

@bling_dream19 hoping everything is getting easier now and going smoothly and I am continuing to send big hugs and good wishes your and your family's way. XOXO.

@springerspaniel Wishing you all the best in this undertaking...I know it can be a bear but I also know it is a labor of love and I hope it goes very smoothly for you. We are feeling OK thank you for asking. Like Ellie I cannot wait for winter to be over. I enjoy the four seasons I truly do but winter is being a bit brutal this year. And it is much colder than usual and staying around longer than usual. I don't know where we are comparing snowfall for last year and this but this one definitely feels like we are getting more snow. Enough about winter though and sending Ellie and you warm hugs and well wishes and good luck. XOXO.

@Slick1 hope you are feeling 100% better now. One down and one to go. Big hugs.

@MamaBee hope your mom is getting stronger each day and things keep getting better. And woohoo you are halfway there to being done with the vaccine doses. Hang in there. Hoping D and S get it very soon and close to home. XOXO.

Hi to everyone else. We managed a nice walk yesterday despite the freezing (literally freezing) temps. No one else was around haha. Wimps. I love being outside with not another soul but Greg there. Something so peaceful and beautiful about the solitude. Not sure what is on the agenda today but wishing everyone a happy Caturday Saturday. XOXO.

There was no sun yesterday but we wore our matching (not on purpose haha) orange/red coats and that brightened the dark skies. :)


Aww I have to share this photo of him smiling.

Love the way the hood keeps my face warm and protected.
@bling_dream19 thought of you when I wore these leggings. :)

May everyone's Caturday Saturday be bright and cheery.

Love the leggings, hood protecting you and Gregs smile!
Nirdi shout out! Thank you to each of you for the kind words, prayers, dust and love. My mom is much better. Love and hugs to all and much love!

@bling_dream19 I am delighted to hear you mom is doing better. Mega dust to both of you.
Happy Valentine's Day lovely ladies!

@bling_dream19 I am thrilled your mom is doing so much better. This puts into laser focus what is important in life. As if we needed more lessons but it's OK because she is going to be fully recovered and back to her beautiful self. Like mother like daughter beautiful inside and out. And happy Valentine's day to you both. XOXO.

@marcy I am super excited for your new bling and cannot wait. I can almost smell the yummy cooking smells from here. Yummmm. Oh no about that article you read stating it's going to be cold for a while. OK well we are not wimpy :) and we will persevere. Wow -2 and snowing. That is cold but a little winter isn't going to get us down though this meme made me LOL.


More healing vibes to your BIL and hope he continues to get better and better each day. Hugs and happy Valentine's Sunday Marcy.

@Bayek how are you feeling after the vaccine yesterday? Woohoo you got both doses and now it is just a waiting game for immunity to take hold. Big hugs Kate the great and much love. Happy Valentine's Sunday to you and your wonderful warm family. HUGS.

@canuk-gal happy Valentine's Day to you and your loved ones. Big hugs.

@MMtwo hope you are having a good weekend and happy VD XOXO.

@mrs-b do you have the Humira yet? You are on my mind and I am fervently hoping the med is with you or on the way and you are soon to experience complete and thorough relief. Sending you much love on this Valentine's Day and many hugs. To both you and Tim. This day is all about true love. Love between soulmates and also between friends. But every day is Valentine's Day in NIRDI land IMO and I love you girls with all my heart. XOXO.

@Slick1 you have a beautiful family and I am touched by how smart and talented they are...and beautiful inside and out like their momma. Thank you for sharing and I am so pleased for all their hard earned achievements. They are the best and the brightest. XOXO.

@MamaBee how are you feeling? Any updates re D and S's vaccine appts? Hope you can get them the doses closer to home and my fingers are crossed for you. Big hugs and happy Valentine's Day my sweet friend. XOXO.

@Austina happy VD...hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend. Big hugs.

@springerspaniel happy weekend and happy VD and hope all is going well and the research is a labor of love more than anything else. Big hugs to you and your DH and Ellie.

Hi to everyone else.
We had a great walk yesterday and it wasn't as cold as the day before. It is so good to be outside in nature even in the cold. I feel alive and rejuvenated when I can walk outside in nature with my DH. I truly love all the seasons for different reasons.

Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 6.25.52 AM.png

Hope everyone is enjoying a warm weekend filled with love and joy. Happy Valentine's Day to you all. You are loved and cherished.