
Now I really did it :((

@missy how are the cats behaving these days?

Hi Sharon, thanks for asking. Tommy and Bobby are so gentle and sweet. Oliver is a brat. He chases Tommy around (Tommy doesn't play back and he cries and runs away and Oliver chases) and when he does that we have to give Oliver a time out in the play pen. It's exhausting. We have tried spraying water on him and saying no and nothing works for more than a minute. But other than that he is a sweetheart 75% of the time. But that 25% OMG. Gracie is generally sweet and well behaved compared to Oliver. Sigh.

Remember what a sweet (even with ringworm) baby he was?


That tongue :lol:
Hi Sharon, thanks for asking. Tommy and Bobby are so gentle and sweet. Oliver is a brat. He chases Tommy around (Tommy doesn't play back and he cries and runs away and Oliver chases) and when he does that we have to give Oliver a time out in the play pen. It's exhausting. We have tried spraying water on him and saying no and nothing works for more than a minute. But other than that he is a sweetheart 75% of the time. But that 25% OMG. Gracie is generally sweet and well behaved compared to Oliver. Sigh.

Remember what a sweet (even with ringworm) baby he was?


That tongue :lol:

Oh yes. Scallywags are ALWAYS adorable! Are mealtimes still a challenge?
Oh yes. Scallywags are ALWAYS adorable! Are mealtimes still a challenge?

Yasss. Both he and his Gracie are food obsessed.

And we just had to install baby proofing on the lower cabinet because Oliver can now open the doors and get into the garbage. Oy Oy Oy. :lol:
Yasss. Both he and his Gracie are food obsessed.

And we just had to install baby proofing on the lower cabinet because Oliver can now open the doors and get into the garbage. Oy Oy Oy. :lol:


@missy thank you about my BIL. He is quite concerned about his kidney; he is seeing some doctors Tuesday but don’t know for what. He actually ate a little bit of real food today. Marty generally stays out of my jewelry decisions as well; I think he told me to stick with WF just to shut me up about “OMG - what should I do?” Ha Ha. Our guys are smart all right! Your hair is so long it probably is doing fine without a hair cut. Mine has layers and is generally chin length so it gets bushy in 6 to 8 weeks. Glad I can get my hair cut now. That is SOOOO rotten someone took the pocketbook your grandmother gave you. I have a little sugar and creamer set (floral pattern china) that I never use but she wanted me to have it so I keep it with my other company dishes. Gorgeous snow pictures - don’t you just love our camera? I am sure you are very relieved to know your parents got their first shot. Sweet. Hi Gracie!!

@mrs-b thank you for the info for my BIL. Glad you had a doctor that got you off that awful drug. Finding the right doctor can make a huge difference in your outcome. I’ve always said if I walked in to an ER with a 2x4 sticking out of my head and said “I have a headache” they’d say “it’s because you are fat”. Um you are the doctor shouldn’t you check further than that? I believe my BIL will get taken care of since my sister worked at their local hospital for years so all the doctors and staff know them. Beautiful snow pictures - how much snow have you had? I am guessing 8 to 10 inches. I definitely noticed the snow isn’t in drifts like we get here.

@canuk-gal stay warm! The next 2 days we will be above freezing then we are going in the negatives for at least a week. Thank you for thinking of my BIL. Your Superbowl menu sounds delicious. Enjoy!

@Austina are you having frigid temperatures and snow as well?

My BIL is still in quite a bit of pain but did eat a little bit of real food today. He is very tired too but hopefully his pain goes down and he gets some answers this week from his appointments.

We are in the teens again with hurricane force winds. Joy! I had Marty pick up our groceries - he took my car so he had fun and I got to stay inside. Ha!

I lifted this morning and made homemade beef noodle soup and corn bread. I could only get down one bowl of soup and 1 piece of cornbread but Marty took care of most of the rest of it.

I am going to email Whiteflash about a new solitaire for my engagement ring. I am looking at a 3.4mm cathedral mount with a 4 prong platinum head. I am going to see if the band has some heft to it (not hollow), if they can mount everything with as low of profile as possible and maybe even use a 6 prong mount? I doubt they can on that. Plus JA has a similar looking ring with 2 little diamond accents that I was going to see if they could add them to that ring.

Off to get the tablecloth washed and finish dishes.

Take care.

Band I like:
Untitled 2.jpg

Accent diamonds I'd like added
Here's a more recent snow photo, @marcy. This is on cobblestone, so it tends to melt. Down the back of the garden, tho, it's a couple of feet deep. No more visiting Murphy for now. :((

By the way, I've been not fat, then I was fat, and now I'm not fat again. The difference in the way one is treated on the basis of one's BMI is just SHAMEFUL.

Beautiful pictures @mrs-b - a total winter wonderland. Does the snow melt fast there? Our drifts turn in to glaciers and are sometimes with us till June.
Beautiful pictures @mrs-b - a total winter wonderland. Does the snow melt fast there? Our drifts turn in to glaciers and are sometimes with us till June.

June, @marcy?? Noooooo! I couldn't stand that!

Snow of this amount will be with us till April, I'm sure. Well past when I'd like to see the end of it. Which would probably be about...Thursday. :-/
Yes @mrs-b last year the drift on our front lawn was there until about June 3rd. We had lots of storms in the spring. Marty grew up in Maryland and he doesn't like our 9 months of winter here. As my mom used to say; we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of darn cold weather. Makes us tough! Ha ha.
Yes @mrs-b last year the drift on our front lawn was there until about June 3rd. We had lots of storms in the spring. Marty grew up in Maryland and he doesn't like our 9 months of winter here. As my mom used to say; we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of darn cold weather. Makes us tough! Ha ha.

@marcy - I ALWAYS say to people about Massachusetts....

Six months of the year you ask yourself why you'd ever want to live anywhere else.

And six months of the year you're in hell.

It's extraordinary the way it swings from one extreme to the other. As for 9 months of winter...!!! I have trouble coping with the 4 months MA gets. Nine months, and I'd be swinging from the light fittings! In Australia we used to get 6 weeks...of...'cool'. Nothing like this - ever.
@Polabowla Oh I hope you are feeling better soon! please give yourself a rest! I am sending a Kate Hug and they are big (since I'm big!) :) these are indeed hard times for everyone.. sending you dust for a feel better too! I agree with MrsB, that's a lot of pain, I hope you can find out what the heck is causing this? Pain eats up your soul (or mine actually can't speak for everyone) but my whole demeanor went inside during a period of a lot of pain 2 years ago, it becomes like a fire.. you please take care of Polabowla! xoxo

@marcy yup! Whiteflash sounds great to me and we all know they do a great job and their selections are GREAT! snow! love snow and I miss it, but I talked to my son today and he said he's sick of it himself in Brooklyn.. spring is coming! and Marcy those views you have where you are make my heart go zing for longing.. big country.. have a great week! post some of your ideas for the ring if you have time. xoxoxo
oh and glad they found out what is ailing your BIL, a clot in his kidney? weird but now he has to take blood thinners and while it isn't a first course for AFib it won't hurt either.. xo

@missy hello sweetie, I will be 4 weeks this coming Saturday, haven't heard a peep from Austin Public Health but I HOPE they email by Wednesday, otherwise we will both (John and I) hunt for a 2nd dose.. :(

Not heard from Kath's husband Jim since the text Friday, supposedly she will be transferred tomorrow and will have a ventricular ablation to her heart which will hopefully stop some of the ventricular tachycardia if not all, but no guarantees, it's a long procedure, 6 hours, I sent her a text telling her I loved her, didn't want to say anything else and I doubt she will see it since Jim keeps her phone now.. no talking or moving around a lot.. Oy is right, poor Jim in the sense of the fear he must have, one thing is: they are VERYCLOSE and yingyang type of marriage, they are one.. so he's worried about work, his wife, his daughter who had kidney surgery in December, his son, everything, he's a great guy.. wish I could help him out but Alex their son comes down every weekend and stays with Jim and with Covid I can't do a damn thing. I feel so impotent. Oh well. Chris said you all got a bit of snow, I know you have had enough and frankly I've had enough for you too!.

The pictures are stupendous! I love snow scenes Missy, where you are is quite beautiful..

a triple Texan YAHOO for your mom and dad and getting their shot! that is a relief I have read that the first shot gives you about 60% immunity at least.. great news Missy, great! xoxoxo

@mrs-b well that is a bit of snow, you have a gorgeous home.. I had great fun at your house, great jewelry too, I still remember the thrill I got when I tried on your 3 stone, :) I hope you are feeling okay and your husband too, hunker down and it's Feb 7th, in your area you may not even see anymore snow, take care, be careful and hugs. xoxoxo

@Austina how's the weather in GB? I am crossing my fingers that you will be able to get the shot the same time as Colin! that would be great... love your house to be.. it's going to be awesome.. sending a Kate hug and happiness to you Austina! xoxoxo

@springerspaniel hello and how's things with you? sending a Kate hug your way too! xoxo

@Slick1 Hey, how is the weather over your way, did you all get the snow Brooklyn got? stay in, drink tea and watch a detective show! now that is my idea of a fun snow day. xoxoxo

@bling_dream19 I am sending you dust for your heart and hope whatever is going on is getting better, believe me I understand how you feel, xoxoxo

@junebug17 hey Junie, just dropping a line to say Hola! and hope you are safe and sound xoxox

@MamaBee can't wait to see your new ring MB, wowza! sending hugs xoxoxo

@canuk-gal what the heck? you have a toothache? jeeze you deserve a break, sending you dust for better weather and no teeth problems, boy do I relate! xoxo

@Scandinavian hey! how's the weather in your part of the world? xoxo

has anyone heard from Jimmianne?

So, you guys know I have my high school posse, girls I've known since 9th grade and one I went to kindergarten with.. well in the last 4 weeks, my girlfriend Debbie has had her 2nd heart ablation for AFib, she didn't even know she had it, she went for her yearly checkup and the doctor listened to her heart and sent her immediately to the ER, she tried meds, then had an ablation since the meds didn't work, she went back into AFib and had her 2nd ablation 4 weeks ago, my bestie Christine had brain surgery last week, yup, she had a meningioma, so they opened her up and took it out, one day in the hospital (brain surgery!) and she went home and was having unbelievable pain and nausea, couldn't move her head, they said it was normal (she's an RN) and gave her Narco (whatever that is, a pain reliever) and of course that make her sick and then day b4 yesterday she had 2 seizures and off to the ER where she worked(s)(she retired but does contract now for them :) ) they CT'd her and said she had an air pocket in her brain cavity and then sent her to the hospital where she had the brain surgery, so they MRI'd her and yup she has air in her brain, in the area where they removed the tumor, so this can be deadly serious or get better and it is treatable so they kept her for 2 days and she went home today, so far no seizures - she lives in LaSelvaBeach, CA right near the water, grew up in CT, I met her the first day of high school, she and I hit it off fantastically, we were in all the same classes and we almost got kicked out of mass the first day.. been friends ever since and that was 55 years ago, if you read the YaYa Sisterhood, we in our posse are a lot like that, we've all been divorced, drank, most of us have kids, from 44 down to my Chris who's 29.. bond can't broken.

Tomorrow Kathleen will have her procedure for her VTach, it's been a lot of worry lately.

Auti is good, we are all good (knock on wood, I'm turning into my Irish Ma!).. jeeze.. anyway
here's to a great week ladies, if I missed you, it's because I am old!

this morning I got up and I thought it was raining but it turned out the pool guy had been here yesterday and turned on the jets for the bubblers, 2 sheer descents, and 3 arc little waterfalls. I saw a truck pull in our driveway yesterday and we have people pulling in the driveway often to turn around because they are house looking, this truck didn't pull out right away, it must have been one of the pool guys starting the water features - They are loud, gotta figure THAT out. Happy week everyone.

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Hi everybody!

@Bayek, love the pics of Auti, so more toddler, she looks like a little girl now! The pool looks amazing. I'm glad to see you're feeling better about your conversation with Kath. I'm sure you didn't say anything wrong, I think Kath was just feeling ill and overwhelmed and you just wanted to help. You're a good friend and I'm sure she knows how much you care about her. I hope her ablation goes well. And I'm so sorry to hear about your friends' health issues, must be hard for you. They have all been through so much and I hope they recover soon.

@marcy, I've been doing some painting this winter. I've found some tutorials by an artist on youtube who does a good job of teaching the basics. I"m a total beginner! My dd has a smokless indoor grill that she really likes, I'll ask her what brand it is. I love the new settings for your sapphires and the ering setting you're thinking about is really pretty. Your diamond will look beautiful in it. I'm sorry to read about your BIL's health issues and I hope he's doing better soon.

mrs-b, your bedroom is beautiful, so warm and cozy. I'm glad Tim is better now. Murphy sounds like a lovebug and it's sweet you've developed a bond with him. Glad to hear your back is feeling better I do hope the Humira helps you. Your goddaughter's cards are wonderful, she is very talented and creative and I think she could have success if she ever decided to try her hand at selling them. Your porch looks so pretty in the snow.

@missy, I'm glad Greg's incision looks good and I hope he starts feeling less tired now that his meds are being adjusted. May does seem a long way off to do further testing but I would think the surgeon wouldn't risk Greg's health by waiting too long. It's good you and Greg are making the best of this winter weather and getting out for hikes and walks when you can. Great news about your sister and parents getting the vaccine, very glad everything worked out.

@canuk-gal, sorry you had such a bad week at work, I hope next week is better...and then to have your bike stolen - I can see how you'd be feeling very upset and I'm sorry it happened to you. Hope you enjoyed your Superbowl party!

@Austina, Congratulations to Adam and Kim on their marriage, I wish them every happiness! Very excited for you and Colin and glad you got to see the ceremony. Good news about Colin's appointment and I hope you can get the vaccine with him. Your sitting room looks amazing, all your hard work has paid off. And congratulations on finding a house! It's a beautiful home and I love the floor plan.

@MamaBee, I'm sorry about the high blood pressure and I hope the beta blocker helps. You are dealing with a lot and it's hard to control stress sometimes. I understand your worries about your mother. It was my experience that the patient needs to reach certain goals before they can be released so hopefully she can stay at the rehab center until she can manage at home.

I'm glad to see you're keeping the sapphire, I really don't see much of a window and the color is beautiful and I love the contrast with the white diamonds of the halo.

Hi @Scandinavian, I'm sure you are very busy between caring for your children, working, and running your house. I hope you get a chance to relax a little too. I really like that pic of the cabin.

@Polabowla, I'm sorry you're suffering so much right now and I hope your pain eases for you soon. Wish there was more I could do or say. Sending hugs and comfort.

@bling_dream19, sounds like you are dealing with something serious and I am hoping everything goes well. Please take care.

@MJ_Mac, I'm sorry you were upset by comments in a thread...I get it, some years back a few people said something lousy about me so I understand. I came to realize that this is just an internet forum and it really doesn't matter what people who don't know me think of me. PS threads come and go very quickly, so if you still think you could enjoy being on PS in the future maybe you could just take a break. But of course you have to do what feels best for you.

Things are ok with me, although my niece and her husband have covid so concerned about that. Luckily, they both have mild cases, although my niece was sicker than her husband. They are both feeling better and should be fine, thank goodness.

Sending good thoughts to everyone!
GM lovely ladies and happy Monday!

@marcy oy I am keeping good thoughts for your BIL. I am so sorry he is in considerable pain and hope relief is on his way soon. Pain is exhausting. Completely exhausting. And yes I do love our camera phone and I have mine because you convinced me so thank you for that. Hope today is a good day at work (better yet hope you can work from home!) and yay for more bling! I am very excited to see what you get from WF. Hugs to you sweet Marcy.

@bling_dream19 thinking of you and hoping the rest of your weekend went well and your mom and family are doing well...continued bucketloads of healing vibes and lots of love. (((Hugs))).

@MamaBee I know it is going to go smoothly and all will work out. Big hugs and good thoughts. How is your mom doing? Keeping her in my thoughts as well. How is David? How is your DH? How are your other sons? And, how is Winter? I can honestly say I LOVE Winter. You won't hear me saying that too often but in this case it is completely true :lol: and that is a Winter I can get behind! :) And I am glad you decided to go with the really is perfect for your setting and I think any issues will be gone once set. It is going to be a bluetiful ring. Speaking of beautiful...any bracelet updates?

@mrs-b speaking of winter it is a veritable winter wonderland by you. Picture perfect. I agree Tim and Greg have much in common. Sending you warm hugs and much love. Hope the rest of your Sunday was comfy cozy and warm and snuggly. XOXO.

@Bayek I am keeping your dear friend Kathleen in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping her ablation goes smoothly and provides her with relief. You are such a good friend. I feel for her family and I get the fear. Hoping she will recover fully. I also am hoping hard you get your second vaccine this Saturday. Hopefully they will email you soon letting you know the time. How are your kids doing? How is sweet Auti? I cannot believe how fast this last year went and how fast this year is going. Your pool is looking inviting...when shall we come over ;-) Big hugs and lots of love to you Great Kate XOXO.

@junebug17 nice you are enjoying painting. I agree it is relaxing and rejuvenating at the same time. I love art and enjoy drawing and painting though I have zero talent. I am sorry to hear your niece and her husband have Covid but I am glad they are mild cases and that they are both feeling better now. I just read a new scientific journal article stating that after one has Covid it is best to wait at least 90 days for the vaccine though previous literature suggests 10 days is sufficient new evidence shows waiting 90 days is safest. Anyway I digress. Be well and enjoy making beautiful art. It is a lovely way to pass the time. Thank you for your continued good wishes for my family. XO.

@springerspaniel how are you doing? How is your DH? How is work going? Any feedback on your research paper? Hope all is going smoothly and everyone you love is doing well. Sending you big hugs and much love.

@Slick1 how are you? How was the rest of your weekend? What is going on with school? Sending you continued well wishes and lots of love and hugs.

@Scandinavian hope you are enjoying the snow with the kids and all is well. Hugs to you sweet friend.

@Keeliamira hoping all is going well. Hugs.

@MJ_Mac we both enjoy winter from inside much of the time haha. The rest of our Sunday was cozy and warm and hope the rest of yours was too. Lots of love and hugs.

@Polabowla I hope you are doing better and that things are getting easier. It has been a helluva year plus. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending so many good wishes your way. Hugs to you. And we are here for you in any way we can be...sometimes it helps to vent and get it out. I always say...happiness shared is happiness doubled and sadness shared is sadness halved...(((HUGS))).

On that note I will say hey to everyone else and hope all is going well. Sending you big hugs and lots of love. Be safe and stay well.

Leaving you with Gracie this morning. Wishing you all a Purrrrrrrrrrfectly sweet Monday.

Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 5.48.01 AM.png
Doing a new platinum cluster ring. I don't currently have a platinum diamond ring, and I need one to round out that collection. This should be very nice. I hope.

@mrs-b you will probably love platinum. I like the weight of it. I only have 2 platinum rings and if I didn’t already have quite a collection I’d be buying some more platinum rings. Can’t wait to see what you get. LOL to debating why you live there 6 months of the year. I must hear from Marty the same thing about why we live here. Ha Ha. Sounds like the weather there is way different than Australia.

@Bayek I bet Chris is sick of snow they are getting lots of snow for sure. I have a few test pictures I’ll post - opinions welcome. I think my BIL is seeing the kidney doctor Wednesday. Right now they don’t want him taking any over the counter pain meds. He is slightly better today. I hope Kath’s procedure went well. I am sure the lack of communication with you is they are preoccupied. Best you can do is let them know you are thinking of them; they’ll get with you when they are ready. I hate to hear your friends from school are having health issues too; I hope all of them are on the mend soon. How fun to see your pool in action!

@junebug17 that’s great you found some YouTube videos with art tutorials. How fun! If you think of asking your DD about that grill; that would be great. That is too bad your niece and her DH caught COVID, glad to hear their cases are mild. Wishing them a speedy recovery.

@missy yes pain is exhausting. I think we’ve all had more than enough pain. How are you and Greg doing? Gracie looks purrfect.

My BIL ate a bit more. He sees his family doctor tomorrow, then the cardiologist and kidney doctor later this week. Pain is still pretty bad but they told him not to take over the counter pain meds just yet.

I’m all over the place about what to get for my new ering. I wore my Tiffany band today and thought Marty is right - I should get another ering made from a 4mm scattered band but then I’d have the same worry - putting a head on a band with little to no protection around it. I emailed Brittany at WF several times. She sent me some pictures and I like the solitaire better than I thought I would. So opinions welcome. See below. BTW I noticed today the lady that tightened my prongs definitely bent my mounting. It's kind of crooked. Glad I'm sending it off to WF no matter what I decide.

My SIL is here for the night.

Take care.

Pictures: The solitaire with my .55 ctw band and the solitaire with a 3mm scattered diamond band (the one I have is the Tiffany 4mm but it gives your the idea).

Sorry those are the giant version of photos.

@mrs-b you will probably love platinum. I like the weight of it. I only have 2 platinum rings and if I didn’t already have quite a collection I’d be buying some more platinum rings. Can’t wait to see what you get. LOL to debating why you live there 6 months of the year. I must hear from Marty the same thing about why we live here. Ha Ha. Sounds like the weather there is way different than Australia.

@Bayek I bet Chris is sick of snow they are getting lots of snow for sure. I have a few test pictures I’ll post - opinions welcome. I think my BIL is seeing the kidney doctor Wednesday. Right now they don’t want him taking any over the counter pain meds. He is slightly better today. I hope Kath’s procedure went well. I am sure the lack of communication with you is they are preoccupied. Best you can do is let them know you are thinking of them; they’ll get with you when they are ready. I hate to hear your friends from school are having health issues too; I hope all of them are on the mend soon. How fun to see your pool in action!

@junebug17 that’s great you found some YouTube videos with art tutorials. How fun! If you think of asking your DD about that grill; that would be great. That is too bad your niece and her DH caught COVID, glad to hear their cases are mild. Wishing them a speedy recovery.

@missy yes pain is exhausting. I think we’ve all had more than enough pain. How are you and Greg doing? Gracie looks purrfect.

My BIL ate a bit more. He sees his family doctor tomorrow, then the cardiologist and kidney doctor later this week. Pain is still pretty bad but they told him not to take over the counter pain meds just yet.

I’m all over the place about what to get for my new ering. I wore my Tiffany band today and thought Marty is right - I should get another ering made from a 4mm scattered band but then I’d have the same worry - putting a head on a band with little to no protection around it. I emailed Brittany at WF several times. She sent me some pictures and I like the solitaire better than I thought I would. So opinions welcome. See below. BTW I noticed today the lady that tightened my prongs definitely bent my mounting. It's kind of crooked. Glad I'm sending it off to WF no matter what I decide.

My SIL is here for the night.

Take care.

Pictures: The solitaire with my .55 ctw band and the solitaire with a 3mm scattered diamond band (the one I have is the Tiffany 4mm but it gives your the idea).


Sorry @marcy . Do I have brain freeze from our weather?

Is your setting damaged?
@Canuck-gsl my head is definitely bent. I had loose prongs and a lady at the mall tightened them and I am pretty sure she did that. I’ve been wanting a wider band anyway so may as well get something else.
GM lovely ladies!

@marcy oh no and thank goodness you are getting a new setting from WF. Sorry she bent your setting. The diamond looks fabulous though. I am no help about what to get but to say get what your heart wants or you won't be satiated.

Ugh I am sorry your BIL is in such pain and I hope he starts feeling better and am glad he is eating a bit. I hope his doctor appointments go well.

Doing a new platinum cluster ring. I don't currently have a platinum diamond ring, and I need one to round out that collection. This should be very nice. I hope.

I love platinum rings too and that is always my first choice. Are you doing modern cuts in a cluster ring or old cuts? I am sure it is going to be gorgeous @mrs-b.

Hi @Slick1 hope the week is going well. Hugs.

@bling_dream19 so happy and hope the recovery continues to go smoothly.XOXO.

@MamaBee how is your mom doing? Hope she heals quickly from the latest issue. Hugs.

@sarahb hope you are enjoying 2021 as best as possible and soon we will be out of this I hope. Big hugs.

@MJ_Mac glad you are staying and enjoying a small break. Hugs to you.

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is going well.

We are enjoying the weather outside when we can. It is an arctic landscape here. Greg called me Mrs Edmund Hillary yesterday lol.
Yesterday was a gorgeous day albeit cold because it was sunny and very little wind. We spent the afternoon walking on a snowy beach. It was glorious.
There was more snow on the beach than we had ever seen. Usually snow doesn't fall on the beach here.

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I took videos of the ocean and the sounds are amazing...and I took a video of the sandpipers on the beach as well. They are so adorable. I posted the videos on IG so if you want to hear and see relaxing waves check it out. Here's the link. The videos are on the second and fifth photos.

Have a wonderful day lovely ladies. Sending you big hugs.
So I got the CADs from Amy - very happy with them.

Wore the solitaire for the last time yesterday before sending it back to GOG to upgrade the stone to a new, beautiful F VVS2 1.38ct to go into the center of the cluster.

Wore it with my asscher band - which I love.

Got the shipping label yesterday evening.

Noticed my rings were not on my hand. Started looking, briefly. Thought "They'll be around somewhere." Went to bed early.

Woke up at 11.45pm, with a cold sense of dread. Got up and started looking in earnest. Looked till 4am. Tore the house apart. Nothing.

Went back to the store I was in yesterday, this morning. Nothing. Looked around where we'd parked. Nothing.

Going back to the PO in 20 minutes, where I also went yesterday, but which isn't open yet. If it's not there, I have no idea where they are. Tim and I have torn this place apart.

Unbelievably upset. I mean I was shipping it back - TODAY. And my asscher band is the white metal ring I wear whenever I'm wearing a white metal ring. What are the odds on this??

Just unbelievably, incredibly upset. And exhausted.
So I got the CADs from Amy - very happy with them.

Wore the solitaire for the last time yesterday before sending it back to GOG to upgrade the stone to a new, beautiful F VVS2 1.38ct to go into the center of the cluster.

Wore it with my asscher band - which I love.

Got the shipping label yesterday evening.

Noticed my rings were not on my hand. Started looking, briefly. Thought "They'll be around somewhere." Went to bed early.

Woke up at 11.45pm, with a cold sense of dread. Got up and started looking in earnest. Looked till 4am. Tore the house apart. Nothing.

Went back to the store I was in yesterday, this morning. Nothing. Looked around where we'd parked. Nothing.

Going back to the PO in 20 minutes, where I also went yesterday, but which isn't open yet. If it's not there, I have no idea where they are. Tim and I have torn this place apart.

Unbelievably upset. I mean I was shipping it back - TODAY. And my asscher band is the white metal ring I wear whenever I'm wearing a white metal ring. What are the odds on this??

Just unbelievably, incredibly upset. And exhausted.

Oh no! :(
I am sending you bucketloads of good luck vibes @mrs-b all my positive energy is going to you to find your rings!!! :pray:

I am sorry if this isn't helpful but did you check all your pockets? Coat and clothing pockets? Pocketbook?
So I got the CADs from Amy - very happy with them.

Wore the solitaire for the last time yesterday before sending it back to GOG to upgrade the stone to a new, beautiful F VVS2 1.38ct to go into the center of the cluster.

Wore it with my asscher band - which I love.

Got the shipping label yesterday evening.

Noticed my rings were not on my hand. Started looking, briefly. Thought "They'll be around somewhere." Went to bed early.

Woke up at 11.45pm, with a cold sense of dread. Got up and started looking in earnest. Looked till 4am. Tore the house apart. Nothing.

Went back to the store I was in yesterday, this morning. Nothing. Looked around where we'd parked. Nothing.

Going back to the PO in 20 minutes, where I also went yesterday, but which isn't open yet. If it's not there, I have no idea where they are. Tim and I have torn this place apart.

Unbelievably upset. I mean I was shipping it back - TODAY. And my asscher band is the white metal ring I wear whenever I'm wearing a white metal ring. What are the odds on this??

Just unbelievably, incredibly upset. And exhausted.

Oh no! I hope you find it...chances are still great they are at home...maybe swiped off a table by a pet, by a sink. Sending wishes for a fast locating so you don't worry!

Just got back from the PO. They open at 8.30am and I was standing at the counter at 8.31am. It's a little PO - we're a small pocket of a larger town and everything here is pitched to that 'small town' persona - despite only being 15 minutes outside of downtown Boston.

I walked in and said to the man who runs the PO - "I was in yesterday. Did I happen to leave 2 rings here?" He said "Yes! The man who was filling in for me yesterday found them - here they are!"

And that was that.

When I look for things, I search every single place as tho what I've lost *is* there - I just have to find it. To give you an idea, at 2am this morning - knowing there was more snow coming this morning, I was parked outside my PO digging through the snow in case I'd dropped them somewhere, pulling my gloves on and off, when getting into or out of the car. Pitch black, 9 degrees, alone - me, in the car headlights, on my knees, digging through snow where we'd parked. At 3am this morning, I was sieving the 1/2 cup or so of yoghurt I threw into the trash yesterday afternoon, in between going through every piece of vegetable peel, wet,shredded teabags, and food soaked empty envelopes and cans in my kitchen trash bin. Tim used a UV light to look down all the drains. This morning, before 7am, we were knee deep in snow, down near where I meet Murphy at the fence, in case I'd taken them off, put them in my pocket, then accidentally pulled them out of my pocket when giving him treats. (I had a nasty fall, getting to the fence down a slope, through a foot of fluffy snow, which fell on Sunday, over another foot of frozen snow - twisted my ankle and banged up my knee, but that doesn't matter!) We had done all the obvious things - like - pull out every cushion on all our chairs and sofas, gone through every pocket of anything we'd worn - or thought about wearing - yesterday. Washer, dryer. We'd gone through the wood basket in the family room pulling out the wood one piece at a time. Every window sill. Every cupboard. Every shoe (and I've got a lot of shoes!) Swept all the floors and gone over every rug, lifting the edges, and looking with a UV light. Listen, if I'm STUPID enough to leave my rings on the PO counter, I know for a FACT that I could have left my rings in a cupboard, dumped them accidentally into a pot plant, or dropped them down the toilet. So I look everywhere. We looked, together, for hours and hours last night. It was exhausting.

My hope was always on the PO - and sure enough. But I have to tell you, this morning I'm thinking about not wearing my jewelry anymore. Menopause has made me vague and forgetful, and I don't EVER want to go through this again.

Since I reached adulthood, I've never lost a piece of jewelry. But as I get older, I can see that time coming, and it would break my heart.

And now I'm going to go have a cup of coffee. Up till now, my stomach has been churning, and I couldn't even keep down water. Stress + Crohn's = not a good thing.

But...rings! We have RINGS!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!
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Just got back from the PO. THey open at 8.30am and I was standing at the counter at 8.31am. It's a little PO - we're a small pocket of a larger town and everything here is pitched to that 'small town' persona - despite only being 15 minutes outside of downtown Boston.

I walked in and said to the man who runs the PO - "I was in yesteray. Did I happen to leave 2 rings here?" He said "Yes! The man who was filling in for me yesterday found them - here they are!"

And that was that.

When I look for things, I search every single place as tho what I've lost *is* there - I just have to find it. To give you an idea, at 3am this morning, I was sieving the 1/2 cup or so of yoghurt I threw into the trash yesterday afternoon, in between going through every piece of vegetable peel, wet,shredded teabags, and food soaked empty envelopes and cans in my kitchen trash bin. Tim used a UV light to look down all the drains. This morning, before 7am, we were knee deep in snow, down near where I meet Murphy at the fence, in case I'd taken them off, put them in my pocket, then accidentally pulled them out of my pocket when giving him treats. (I had a nasty fall, getting to the fence down a slope threw a foot of fluffy snow which fell on Sunday over another foot od frozen snow - twisted my ankle and banged up my knee, but that doesn't matter!) We had done all the obvious things - like - pull out every cushion on all our chairs and sofas, gone through every pocket of anything we'd worn - or thought about wearing - yesterday. Washer, dryer. We'd gone through the wood basket in the family room pulling out the wood one piece at a time. Every window sill. Every cupboard. Listen, if I'm STUPID enough to leave my rings on the PO counter, I know for a FACT that I could have left my rings in a cupboard, dumped them accidentally into a pot plant, or dropped them down he toilet. We looked, together, for hours and hours last night. It was exhausting.

My hope was always on the PO - and sure enough. But I have to tell you, this morning I'm thinking about not wearing my jewelry anymore. Menopause has made me vague and forgetful, and I don't EVER want to go through this again.

Since I reached adulthood, I've never lost a piece of jewelry. But as I get older, I can see that time coming, and it would break my heart.

And now I'm going to go have a cup of coffee. Up till now, my stomach has been churning, and I couldn't even keep down water. Stress + Crohn's = not a good thing.

But...rings! We have RINGS!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

Thank goodness!!!!!!!!!

Yay....that is such a stressful situation. Glad you found them! Talk about a thorough search! Love the UV light solution!
@Bayek thank you so much!

I'm in terrible pain & weak all day, i hope it doesn't keep me up at night again.

I don’t want to like this @Polabowla...As I told @missy It’s just a way for me to know I’ve read the post..I’m so sorry you are in so much pain. I hope it lets up and you start feeling better...
Thank goodness!!!!!!!!!


I'm pretty sure NIRDI positive energy found them. :))

Thank you, my friends. ox

PS And when I lose something, ANY suggestions are good suggestions. I mean - losing something implies it's somewhere you're not looking. So all suggestions are worthwhile.

Love you all!

ETA And my apologies for this storm in a teacup, when others are battling some much more difficult situations. @Polabowla - I'm worried about you. Hugs to you, girl!
@mrs-b I‘m so happy you found your rings! I had my hand over my mouth reading your posts! I’ve done that before looking for something I lost. I’ve gone into the trash can in the garage to sift through grounds, etc..My heart has to calm down. I felt your panic reading through it all..
@mrs-b I‘m so happy you found your rings! I had my hand over my mouth reading your posts! I’ve done that before looking for something I lost. I’ve gone into the trash can in the garage to sift through grounds, etc..My heart has to calm down. I felt your panic reading through it all..

I've upgraded this one twice over the last 3 months, @MamaBee, and knew I would again. So OF COURSE - this one wasn't insured.

I'm normally calm in a crisis, but this has really rattled me. It's going to take me a day or so to get my equilibrium back, I think. I've also had 2 hours sleep, of course. So bed is somewhere in my future, too.

And I hear you on the wet coffee grounds. The worst search I ever had to do was when I was nursing my friend, David, after he had some surgery. He was sent home same day (which was absolutely negligent, in my opinion!) - and he was still bleeding. He misplaced his wallet some time between leaving the hospital and being back home, but didn't realize for about 2 days, as he was bed ridden, in a lot of pain, and just generally out of it. So we reached a stage where I had to go through the trash - which was full of blood soaked bandages etc that hadn't dried because they were in plastic, but had sort of 'sweated' all over the inside of the bin liner. At some point, I was on my hands and knees surrounded by blood soaked dressings, with semi congealed monster clots sticking to my hands, covered in blood streaks up to my elbows, with that salty, metallic blood smell stuck in my nostrils.

It was honestly the most disgusting thing I've EVER had to do. If it happened again, I truly think I'd just say "Your wallet is gone. Bummer."