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Thank you. I appreciate having a safe place to share it.
I went to the Optometrist today--a lovely French Canadian Dr. All is good, I just hadn't been in 5 years. I might need some stronger readers...... She said she liked my rings!! LOL (sapphire and spess)
Bright sunny day here--again windy but +4C is OK with me. People are out in shorts and cycling. Well, no. @missy those white out snow storms give me goosebumps.
I made some homemade chicken soup--and roasted the bones like @Asscherhalo_lover ! We learn a lot on PS!!
My ring box is still in Memphis. Poor little ACA is out there in the dark, scared and alone thinking I’ve abandoned it just because the head it all bent and crooked. Soon it will know I’ve picked a pretty new house for it and we will be together again some day at the local FedEx store. #Martysaysiamweird
@Daisys and Diamonds I have been thinking of you and sending many hugs and much love your way. I am so sorry for your loss and there are no words to begin to touch the pain I know you are in right now. I have only gentle hugs and good thoughts for you. Tibby was a beloved baby and had the best life possible. I hope that brings you some comfort. He is with your mom and dad and Tinky now. (((HUGS))).
GM girls and happy Tuesday.
Any bling updates? And yes to sapphires. Sapphires are always bluetiful. Hope work is going A OK. And that those hurricane winds have calmed down. I don't like high winds. They scare me and take out power lines. Big hugs to you.
@Austina speaking of power lines hope Adam and Kim are back to normal and that Texas is recovering. Hugs to you and Colin and thank you again for thinking of me. I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you are my friend. XOXO.
@bling_dream19 makes me happy seeing you wear your bling so joyfully. Big hugs and continued recovery dust to your mom.
@MMtwo thank you for your good luck wishes and right back at ya. I am still excited for all your good news and cannot wait to hear more. Big hugs and lots of good luck with your new job. XOXO.
@Polabowla how are you feeling today? What tests are they running to rule out MS? How is your DH doing? Keeping you both in my thoughts and sending warm hugs your way.
@mrs-b big warm hugs to you dear lady. You are such a sweetheart. What is the update re Humira. I am continuing to send you lots of good vibes and hoping hard the medicine gets to you ASAP. And that it is a miracle drug. I am obsessed with it helping you and to that end sending so many powerful vibes your way. I am sorry I haven't been in a more upbeat mood. Sometimes I just have to let it wash over me and then I snap out of it. The surgery is weighing heavily on my mind but equally upsetting is my other diagnosis and well I worry about the future. Will I be incapacitated? Will my life as I know it over? It's hard to think about that as a possibility given how active Greg and I are and I know it is best not to think too far ahead in the future and just take it one day at a time. Thank you sweet friend. XOXO.
@canuk-gal our temps are finally warming up here. For a bit at least. What a long haul winter has been. How is work going this week? How are you feeling? How is your family? Big hugs and lots of love being sent your way.
@Bayek you remain in my thoughts. Hugs and love.
@junebug17 hope the week is going well. When are you guys heading back to SC? I am excited we might be getting some nice weather this week. Fingers crossed. XOXO.
@MamaBee your good news buoyed me yesterday thank you. It really did. Sending you so many good wishes and big hugs. You are a wonderful DD, wife, mother, friend and more. (((HUGS))).
@Slick1 continued well wishes being sent your way and your family's way. Hoping for good news soon. XOXO.
@springerspaniel hi there, hope all is going smoothly. (((Hugs))).
@Daisys and Diamonds more gentle (((hugs))).
Hi to everyone else. Hope all is well.
Lots on the agenda today. Morning telemedicine with my first opinion surgeon. Not sure what can be done during an initial for hyperparathyroidism on the telemedicine visit but this is his protocol during Covid. I will have to go in for scans (with dye), more blood work etc.
Then late this afternoon I have another telemedicine call with my friend who is a gynecologist for further eval of my BHRT regime. My original gynecologist actually came through late afternoon yesterday and prescribed what I wanted but I decided it couldn't hurt to get my friend's opinion. She is very smart. We have been friends since college and I know she will do her best for me.
In between we might run errands or not. I don't know. I woke up tired lol. The weather isn't helping as yesterday it rained and snowed all day. The temps are warming up though so that is something.
I hope all you lovely ladies have a wonderful day. Sending you much love and well wishes.
Leaving you with our sunset last night.
@Daisys and Diamonds big hugs to you. I am so sorry for your loss.
@missy sorry you are dealing with these health issues. Hope your appointments went well today, that’s nice of your friend to give you a second opinion too. Big hugs to you. One day at a day; it’s hard to not worry about what can happen. Glad your weather has improved. Beautiful sunset.
@MamaBee thinking of you and your mom. I hope you had a lovely day.
@Austina oh no to smelling gas. Glad you had it checked out. I left one of our burners on our gas stove on low all night; Marty saw it when he walked out in the morning and the lights weren’t on yet. Luckily our house is big enough it didn’t “gas” up the house but I sure check those knobs when I do dishes and before going to bed. Sweet your car got a good report card. I am with you on no mayo on my BLT. I also am not a mayo fan.
@canuk-gal happy birthday to your DH! Darn that white stuff came out and made a big mess around there. Our white stuff is mostly melted until of course Mother Nature decides to replenish it. Come on by I’ve got more bacon; I’ll make you a BLT.
My ACA has arrived at Whiteflash. Apparently the next step is they inspect it probably to make sure and confirm it’s my diamond. I haven’t got the bill for my ring yet either. I am sure this will all be resolved this week.
Take care. Sending hugs and comforting thoughts to you lovely ladies.