Happy Friyay Caturday and soon to be Sunyay! I hope everyone is well and happy. My mom is healing each day. Thank you for all of the continued prayers. Each of you is in my thoughts and prayers.
Missy I am in love with the seals!!! How beautiful and amazing you got to see the seals twice! It must've been your shark leggings! Nirdi shout out and love and hugs to all!
@bling_dream19 @marcy I wore my constellation pants and ring yesterday.
The sun was trying to come through all the fog and clouds yesterday and finally did get through late in the afternoon but we enjoyed a mainly foggy walk.
My constellation ring with matching (sort of) leggings
And despite the cheapo ring I wore I did also get to enjoy MaryAnn and Ginger...
(I do wear them @LLJsmom) haha talk about mixing things up.
Earring perspective shot.
OK have a FUN Sunday lovely ladies!