
Now I really did it :((

GM girls! Hope everyone is doing well and happy Wonderful Wednesday!

@bling_dream19 hope the week is going well. Let's catch up soon. XOXO

@Slick1 hope work is going smoothly. Big hugs.

@marcy how is your tooth/teeth? Thinking of you. XOXO

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying that opalicious ring. And doing well. Hugs.

@mrs-b see you later. XOXO

Hi everyone else.
We had a good cycling day yesterday. 55 miles. And ice cream. Beautiful day.
Today Greg is off to see my sister with 3 of the 4 kitties. It's going to be a long ride.
Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

Leaving you with a sweet treat.
May your day be filled with sweetness.

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@missy we did have a lovely dinner with our friends this weekend. My mouth is better and I put up my flashlight and mirror. I guess if something is really wrong - I’ll know it. I even ate tomatoes today - with seeds. Ooh. How awful to have a flat but handy Greg was totally able to fix it and get your both home safely. Yay. The adventures continue. I have to tell you I thought of you yesterday when the doctor was reviewing things with me and he mentioned Auto immune to me. He put off more blood work until August but we’ll see. He thought my November readings showed improvement. Right now he wants to try a lower dosage of Beta Blocker to see if my heart rate speeds up again. It’s been in the 50’s and I’m tired and freezing. I hope Greg and the kitties had a nice drive to see your sister and they got a good report card. Mmm ice cream.

@mrs-b big hugs to you and Tim! I love seeing the pictures. Too sweet you conked out at your wedding. Those are long and emotional days; ours is just a blur but I know it was fun. I don’t blame him for waiting until he has his new job before submitting his resignation. I made up one when I was quitting that had on the cover “Sorry for your loss” and inside it said - “it’s me! Consider this my 2 week notice”. I don’t think my grumpy boss found that too funny.

@Austina great picture of you and Colin. I can’t help myself from poking around - I’m like a little kid - does that hurt? Ha ha. You are getting hot already. We might hit the 70’s today. I still don’t believe it will stay warm though. More progress on your house. Sweet.

@MamaBee how is the preparation going to sell your house? Ugh that wears me out thinking of it. I remember how much @Austina and Colin did to sell theirs.

My mouth is feeling better. My jaw and other teeth seem to offer some sympathy pains now and then but overall nothing too bad.

I saw my doctor yesterday and overall he was pleased with where I’m at. My blood pressure has been great lately but my heart rate is often in the 50’s. So he cut my dosage of Metropolol and I need to monitor things for 2 weeks. He can add a small dosage of a blood pressure pill if that’s necessary. I couldn’t sleep worth a darn Monday night so I tried to sleep in. Woke up a few hours later than normal to find a please write this article and have it done by 3. My appointment was a 2 so I had to rush through that, got all stressed so by the time I got to the doctor my BP was spiked. Luckily I had recorded it during the day on Monday so I took those readings with me. I’ve been so cold lately I am almost shivering and been rather tired so he agreed with my “Dr. Google” assessment that I shouldn’t be taking that high of a dose of meds for that. Overall, I guess I passed.

Sadly I couldn’t sleep last night either. I’m hoping I’ll be so tired tonight I’ll just pass out.
I graduated to more solid food today. I occasionally slip up and chew on the side where by tooth was pulled. I know it’s okay by now but still seems weird. I’ll get used to it.

Take care.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Day off today, so we took hit the cycle paths. Chilly by the water but when the sun came out it was nice. Broody sky, so we may see rain. We need it--but not snow!! Our spring weather has been all over the place--then again it is typical. The mountains are still very white.

@missy--why did the kitties get a car ride? Anything wrong? Glad Greg is so handy that you were not stranded.

@marcy hope you are on the dental mend.

@mrs-b Healing vibes across the miles--I enjoyed your pictures!

@Austina You are a super model! Have you booked your movers? Count down is on........

Stay safe and well folks!!

Hello lovelies

Oh my goodness @missy, thank goodness Greg was able to fix the puncture and you got home safely. Wow to covering 55 miles on the bike, how long does that take you? No wonder you need to refuel with ice cream :mrgreen: I hope the kitties all get a clean bill of health from your sister today, and Greg isn’t too tired from the long trip there and back.

:lol: @canuk-gal, you’re too kind! Even when I was young and slim, I could never be described as a super model! Yes, we’ve booked the delivery of the container contents for the 2 and 3rd June. We close at 2pm on the 31st, and are intending to spend the 1st lining shelves and cleaning up before everything arrives.

Glad to hear your tooth is feeling OK @marcy, I would think if anything was going to happen, it would’ve by now, so hopefully everything is fine. Colin only takes a half dosage of beta blockers, because the full dose slowed his heart rate too much. Hopefully your Dr can get your dosage spot on, but the good news is your BP is fine. Sounds like you had a great weekend with your friends.

We popped up to the house today, and the carpets are in, and are the colour we wanted. The ship lap on the fireplace looks like it’s been painted (it had been primed on Friday), but is NOT the colour we wanted :doh: Honestly, I’ve checked all the design notes, and it quite clearly says Gauntlet Gray, but it’s now white. The front door has been varnished, and again, it’s not what we ordered, the notes clearly state New Ebony, and it looks like it’s just a clear varnish. Lights are still in the wrong places, and one is still missing. We’ve now got our appt for the walk through, which is next Thursday morning.


Hopefully it’ll all get sorted out after our walk through next week.

It’s HOT here, in the 90’s, so we’re mainly staying in and keeping cool!

Sending big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
GM girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

@Austina I am sorry about the continued mistakes. It makes me think they aren't even reading the instructions/directions regarding paint colors, finishes, etc. Just doing the job to get it done. But hopefully it will all be corrected and remember you will be moving to your new house soon. And that is exciting. I hope your next walk through is a good experience and you are pleasantly surprised at how they fixed it all. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the furbaby good wishes. More on that below. Stay cool and take it easy. Those are dangerous temperatures. Be well and stay safe. XOXO

@canuk-gal yay for cycling and enjoying your day off. The kitties had to see their Aunt Debbie their veterinarian. Never fun for them. Tommy took it like the champ he is. But OMG Gracie was a hellion. She wouldn't get into the carrier and after 15 minutes of wrecking the house we got her. Or rather, Greg got her. But not after (Greg's) bloodshed. LOL. She is STRONG and was very determined. However Greg was more determined. I had already said let's leave her at home. When cats get like that for one's safety it is best to leave them alone. But as I said, Greg was quite determined. Hope all is going smoothly by you and you are enjoying your gorgeous opal. Hugs.

@marcy I am sorry for the health issues continuing but that is a piece of good news. That you are being weaned off your meds and on a lower beta blocker dose. I don't like that you might have AI issues. Those are no fun. But hopefully your next check up will reveal more good news and that you keep getting better. I am glad your teeth are doing OK. I am sorry you are cold so often. And hope your heart rate improves. And that your sleep improves too. Sending you well wishes. XOXO

@bling_dream19 hope all is good by you. Thinking of you. Big hugs.

@mrs-b sending you so many healing back wishes and I hope things work out with your surgeon. This has gone on for far too long and you deserve much needed relief. I am continuing to keep you and Tim in my thoughts sweet friend. Gentle hugs.

@Slick1 good morning. Hope you are having a wonderful Thursday. We have had a nice stretch of good weather finally. Be well and hugs.

Hi everyone else. Yesterday was a productive day. Waiting for Tommy's blood work. Debbie is checking his thyroid (which is proving challenging to get under control) and his kidneys. Hoping all is OK. Tommy is elderly and well we have been through the wringer many times with all our cats so I am apprehensive waiting for his results. He gained 8 oz so that is great. Gracie is OK but for blocked tear duct that Debbie said she won't operate on unless she needs to be put under for a different reason and then she would at the same time fix that. But to put her under just for that is too risky. So rewetting drops for Gracie daily. And make sure to keep her eyes wiped so she doesn't develop a stricture. Oliver unfortunately has something, He has a heart murmur. Grade 1 so could be nothing to worry about or it could be cardiomyopathy or something equally bad. She is advising we do an echocardiogram. I want to wait a bit before we rush to do more tests etc. It is very stressful for the cats. She is seeing Oliver back in 6 months and we will decide what to do then depending on how his heart murmur is at that time. I don't want to think of the consequences of the worse case scenario because it ends in death. So I won't think about that and we will take each day as it comes. I will say I realized I love Oliver just as much as the other cats. Darn, I thought I had insulated my heart to at least one of our cats. No such luck. LOL.

Greg took a few pics as per my request. Enjoy.
It's not Caturday Saturday but let's make believe it is. :)

Princess Gracie behaved like a little lady with Debbie and the tech. But as you can see the stress caused her hair to shed quite a bit. I think the stress is causing my hair to shed too LOL. I thought cats were supposed to be calming creatures who helped reduce stress and lower our blood pressure. HA. Not so. When they are hellions like Princess Gracie. :lol:
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Have a purrrrfectly marvelous Thursday girls. Love you. XOXO
@Austina I am sorry I just realized I forgot to answer one of your questions. Depends on the wind that day and wind direction but generally we cycle about 12-15 mph on an average day so we are usually out about 4.5 to 5 hours. That includes stopping for ice cream and furry friends and their human caretakers. Lol. It’s an enjoyable way to spend the day.
Fantastic update! Tommy’s thyroid and kidneys are great. Woohoo! It took a while but thank goodness he’s doing very well. ♥️

Fantastic update! Tommy’s thyroid and kidneys are great. Woohoo! It took a while but thank goodness he’s doing very well. ♥️


Those EYES! What a beautiful boy he is! And what great news re his thyroid and precious little kidneys. Yay Tommy! <3
Fantastic update! Tommy’s thyroid and kidneys are great. Woohoo! It took a while but thank goodness he’s doing very well. ♥️


WOT darling. I could just pop him in my jacket!!!!!
Happy FriYAY girls!

@canuk-gal any time! Sir Tommy would love to spend the day with you! XOXO

@mrs-b hope each day you are feeling better. Hugs.

@bling_dream19 yay it's FriYAY! Have a wonderful day and weekend. Hugs.

@Slick1 hope the day is a good one and you enjoy a lovely weekend.

@rainwood love the nicknames. Except Bobby should be psycholicious. Hahaha

Hi everyone else. It's a rainy dreary next few days. So today we run errands and make the best of the weather. Enjoy a Friday filled with more YAY than anything else. Big hugs.

Hope everyone enjoys a sweet sweet day. Sending you lots of love and well wishes.

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@canuk-gal I am glad you enjoyed a lovely ride. I hope the snow is behind us for the year but I’m not going to bet anyone a $1 on that. I would be delighted to get lots of rain though. Thanks, my mouth is on the mend.

@Austina that’s what I think too on my mouth - by now it should be fine. I ate normal food yesterday and today. I still have some soft food ready after my root canal part 2 on Tuesday. Glad to hear Colin does well with his beta blocker too. Sounds like you’ll have a long list for your walk through next week. The cool thing is you are getting closer to closing.

@missy I am glad Greg won the battle of wits with Gracie but she certainly has a mind of her own! Thanks for the well wishes on my health; I keep going no matter what and no sense worrying about the unknown. I hate to hear the news on the kitties but know they are in good hands with you, Greg and Debbie. Great pictures of the kitties. Woo hoo Tommy’s thyroid looks good. Mmm the ice cream looks delicious.

Not much going on today with me. I met Marty for breakfast after he was done at the gym. I don’t have anything to work on today and kind of waiting to see if they ask me to do something. I sent a text to the boss lady who wanted to show me how to do something, but I haven’t heard back.

Have a great weekend.

Here was the moon yesterday afternoon:
Gibbous moon.jpg

NIRDI shout out!!!

Day off, so I blew the wad on groceries. Eating is very $$$$, who knew?? :P2 :roll:

Cool outside, took myself for a walk and I needed gloves. My fingers were bluish like my opal ring..... Oh Spring where art thou????

@Austina I find building, renovating , etc stressful enough without making choices that are not met. I'd say good luck, but luck should have nothing to do with it!

@marcy glad your mouth is in good working order. But no popcorn yet!!!

@missy hope you have a great weekend!

@mrs-b I hope things are good in your neck of the woods.

Stay safe and well folks!! You are ALL in my thoughts.

Hello lovelies

:dance: For the good news on Tommy @missy. The kitties look in such great condition, so sleek and shiny, and those eyes! Sorry the next few days are going to be dreary, it’s wall to wall sunshine here. I wish I could send you some good cycling weather so you could get out and about.

Yep, food is expensive here in Texas too @canuk-gal, but a girl‘s gotta eat, so what can you do? :D Yikes, it seems unimaginable to me that you’re having to wear gloves there, I think I’ve only had a jacket on a handful of times since we got here.

Glad your mouth is feeling almost normal @marcy, hopefully it’ll continue to improve and not cause any problems. How’s the afghan coming along?

We’re busy with house stuff, Colin’s jiggling the money around ready, and we’re trying to organise everything else for the move. We bought 2 more lamps yesterday, so I think we’re about done now :lol: We were going to go up to the house today, but heard that they hadn’t installed the a/c units yet, so no point.

No plans for the weekend, apart from FT with our friends tomorrow morning. Sending big love and hugs to all the lovely NIRDIs, hope whatever you’re doing this weekend, it’s a good one :wavey:

@canuk-gal glad you took a nice walk but darn it was that chilly for you. We are in the 70's today. Woo hoo! But still have a chilly breeze. Isn't it funny how when you can't eat something that is all you want? I was totally going to have popcorn the weekend before those root canals and I didn't. Oh well. I will crack and make some soon. Yes groceries are getting very pricey - if you can find what you want.

@Austina I am glad you are enjoying the warmer climate, I imagine it's quite different than what you had at home in the UK. When Marty used to go work in LA or Phoenix he'd be running around all the time in shorts, flip flops, setting outside and people who live there would want to set inside and had on jackets. It was warm to him no matter how cool it might get in the winter. That's great you are almost done shopping for the new house. The afghan is about 28" now. I did kind of mess up yesterday, with this delicate pattern I am making sure I tie on new skeins at the edge but missed I was that close to the end and ran out in the middle of a row. So rather than rip it back right then I thought - it'll be fine. I tied the new skein on and kept on knitting. On the next row it had kind of left a hole there so I untied the knot and tied it tighter. On the next row I decided it looked awful so then I get the brilliant idea to treat it like a dropped stitch so I drop a few rows on those 2 stitches and fix them with a crochet hook. Yep - that looked even worse. So I patiently undid stitch by stitch for a few rows and tied on the new skein at the edge. No way was I leaving something that stuck out like a sore thumb! I'll pay better attention next time.

Not much going on today. Marty is having a demo party at his new gym. The space next to his is twice the size (twice the rent too) so he is moving in to that space. They need to tear down a wall and pull up carpet, do some painting and scraping on things. He gets part of one month's rent free that way. Hopefully his clients did show up to help - but I'll go check. It's kind of a gamble going bigger with more cost but it will be nice to have more room. If he loses clients - oh oh.

There is a total lunar eclipse visible over all of North America tomorrow night. Find your local times here:

Take care.
Hello lovelies

Happy SaturYay!

Sounds like you’re getting on really well with the afghan @marcy what a pain about the join, but sounds like you’ve got it under control. I hated when that happened, and you only noticed after knitting a few rows. I think I might be acclimatising, because I’m not finding it too bad at the moment, but then again, it’s not ridiculously hot yet!

We spoke to our realtor, who actually suggested we didn’t wait until the walk through (which has now been pushed back to the week after), so we made an appt to go to the house today. The house had been cleaned (to a degree), and what a difference, it looks so different. We then went to the show house and pointed out that the fireplace and front door were the wrong colours, the lights are still in the wrong place and one is missing, and that we weren’t happy with the joint filling on the counters. Notes were made, so we look forward to seeing that all done when we have the walkway.


Hope you’re all having a great weekend :wavey:
@Austina your realtor is smart to have you get a walk through now to point out things. Those last minute items are hard to get done sometimes. We had to keep bugging our contractor for a while after we moved in. Everything is looking fabulous. Yes, I was glad I didn’t leave that spot, it would have driven me crazy! Probably would have cast off and made it a lap blanket, Good deal you’ve acclimated to the weather. Hope the heat this summer isn’t too bad.
GM girls! Happy Sunday!

@Austina the house looks gorgeous and I am happy you got to do an informal walk through to make a list and hopefully have everything you want corrected. I am very excited for you. It's been a long time coming and you are in the home (haha) stretch. Glad you are enjoying sunshine this weekend.

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. Yes food is getting expensive. Everything is pricey these days. Sending you lots of gentle hugs and hoping all is going well.

@marcy ooh we are going to have an eclipse. I am over the moon about it. Hahaha. Wish we were in Utah this weekend.

@bling_dream19 hope you are enjoying a terrific weekend.

@Slick1 hope all is going well and you are looking forward to summer vacation.

Hi everyone else.
We had a productive few days. And got to go hiking yesterday. It was foggy but beautiful and a lovely hike. Today we are hoping to go cycling. Tomorrow is predicted to be very stormy here so going to take advantage of a decent weather day today. I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We did our usual 14K ride today and I did 7 km yesterday myself. Enjoying the warmish temps as it will be yucky later in the week. That's OK as I work, so it may as well rain. LOL I've been buying Zella activewear for cycling. I need some new tops--I'm not much for the traditional garb. Zella has cozy stuff and I got some bottoms discounted at Nordy's yesterday!!

@missy sorry to hear Oliver has possible murmur and I hope warm soaks helps Gracie's tear duct.

@marcy cool photos!

@Austina I'm glad you finally have your money to move around! The house is looking fabu!

@Slick1 Soon you'll be singing Alice Cooper (schools out....) do you have big plans for your summer off?

Stay well and safe folks.

Good morning from Maryland! It’s been super busy here like everyone else! I hope you are all well.
@missy How are you doing? Have you consulted any other specialists?
I’m so happy Tommy’s thyroid and kidneys are doing well! His eyes are like the color of Peridots! They are so pretty! Gracie’s eyes don’t seem to be too bad..TG One of my babies had a blocked tear duct..I had to massage the area around his eye gently..I thought I remembered doing his eyebrow but that can’t be right. I hope Oliver‘s heart murmur is okay. My oldest has had a heart murmur from birth. It’s a innocent one but I didn’t want to hear it then. He’s healthy and fine..and getting old..haha Fingers crossed Oliver’s murmur is the innocent kind. Of course you love him. ❤️
I’ve been super busy like everyone else. I pop on and off here. We’re in Maryland again..We’re still trying to get this house repaired so we can sell. The contractor is taking out rotted boards.. and installing new ones to look antique and replacing them. This is a very expensive and time consuming project. I hope he can get finished before the summer ends! That's the best time to sell. We are going back home to Pennsylvania today. We have to hire a contractor there to patch up the wall now that the leak is repaired..Then it’s carpet..I’m trying to convince my husband we need to get rid of the pool table..It would be so hard to move it to put in new carpeting..I always hated that thing.
I almost made an appointment to get the fourth vaccine. I didn’t though..I was close..It’s been 8.25 months since my last one..I’m getting worried because we are going on vacation with my son and family in two weeks. We’ll have to stop during the trip. I have a bladder of a gnat so that’s going to be a problem.
@Austina Your house is gorgeous! I hope everything is fixed prior to your move in..If not..they are things that they can do after you move in. I’m sure it’s frustrating though..Is Colin still battling with the CC company? How is Kim’s pregnancy going? Is Adam spoiling her?
@marcy I enjoyed your photo of the eclipse. It’s amazing..
I‘m so impressed with your knitting. I think if you left that tie in in the middle it would always bother you..That’s good you fixed it..I wish I learned how. At this point I don’t think I would have the patience to learn..
@canuk-gal It‘s been raining here too..I actually love the rain. I’m weird. What a treat to get some new cycling outfits. If you lived close to Missy you guys would be out together all the time!
Have you been wearing your opal? The design is so unique and beautiful.
@bling_dream19 I hope you are doing well..Do you have any projects with David in the works?
@mrs-b How’s your back feeling? Are you able to get out for walks? How’s Tim?
Thank you for your help with my reset. I don’t know how the baguette would be set near the head. I don’t like bars at all..I also don’t like when they cup it. How would a set of prongs look there?
I’m selling Ashlee..She’s with Grace now. I’m also doing my final custom setting for Winter. It’s a first and last for her though..I’m going to go with what will make be happy..but at the same time I need input so I started a thread. I’m hoping David will do it..His insurance covers up to a certain amount which is less than what Winter cost but if it’s at least covered up to that amount I’ll send it. I emailed him on Friday so I hope to confirm that and get a label from him so I can send it tomorrow. I’ll be biting my nails until he has it. Then I can relax because I have complete trust in him...I told my husband that I trust him so much I would mail it to his house if he asked me to do that..haha
I’m getting the side eye from my husband. We have lots to do before leaving the Maryland house today.
Hi to everyone else..Hugs to all.
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We’re stuck in Maryland! There are heavy storms with possible tornadoes, hail, wind, thunderstorms, etc expected around 1pm in Pennsylvania. Since this is a two hour and change drive I told my husband that it would be silly to try to beat it home. I have a Zoom call for David tomorrow but I can do that here. We can leave after that. It will also rain here. Pajama day!! :kiss2:
Hello lovelies

Wise decision @MamaBee, better stay put and be safe till it’s over. Sounds like lots going on with both houses, I hope you get the work done quickly so you can get one house sold and concentrate on the other one. Thanks for the house love, and no, we still haven’t got the BA refund debacle sorted yet. Lots going on ATM, so Colin’s having a break on that to deal with other things. Kim’s fine, they went for an anatomical scan last week and everything’s in the right place.

Sorry your weather is going to be yucky @canuk-gal, I won’t rub it in by telling you it’s wall to wall sunshine here! Yes, the money is all lined up for closing, Colin wants to transfer it piecemeal in to the escrow account rather than doing the whole lot at once.

Wow, fabulous picture @marcy, we were up and about early so could still see the moon this morning.

I hope the weather hasn’t been too bad in your area today @missy, and you’ve at least had some respite from all the medical worries.

We went to the dog park early, it was 75 deg at 8am, with a lovely breeze. Bertie had fun running around with the other dogs, but he’s a devil for trying to hump everything in sight :lol:

We went to order our games room furniture, we were waiting to see if the sofa we wanted would be in the Memorial Day sales, and it was. We also ordered the breakfast room table. I’ll get the chairs from somewhere else, because despite being white, the chairs they had were off white. Ordering was another story, the guy was new and was very unsure what to do, so eventually had to call the manager to walk him through it. Anyway, it‘s done for delivery the week after we get the house.



Sending big love and hugs to all the NIRDI, hope you’ve had a good weekend, and a great start to the new week :wavey:

NIRDI shout out!!!!!

Had a brief ride today--was blustery. My DH went golfing early before the wind picked up. It was warm today 20C.

@MamaBee good day to stay in PJ's!!!

@Austina nice furniture!!! YAY for sales.

Stay safe and well folks!!


The lunar eclipse photo was taken by one of our astronomy club members. Mine didn’t turn out too good. My new teleconverter made the images too dark. I did see the eclipse during totality. It was dark and red.

@missy ha ha you are over the moon. Good one! Great pictures from your hike. Hope the weather cooperates for cycling.

@canuk-gal you and your DH put in a lot of miles on your bikes this weekend. Sweet. Glad you found some cozy cycling clothes on sale at Nordy’s. I’m in sweats and a t shirt today - you know dressing comfortably since I’m retired.

@MamaBee sounds like you are really busy especially with repairs on 2 house. Good luck! You are quite right - that little mistake in my afghan that probably only I would notice - would drive me crazy. I almost thought of casting off right there and making it a lap blanket. It would be like a big old black inclusion in a diamond - you’d always see it. I learned to knit in grade school so I’ve been knitting for a long time. Your new jewelry projects sound great. I’ll have to find your other thread. I hope the bad storms didn’t materialize. We had dark clouds and thunder and all we got was a few raindrops.

@Austina nice to have the money ready for transfer at closing. Always good to be prepared! Sweet you saw the full moon this morning. It always looks so huge on the western horizon the following morning. Great furniture for the game room and even better some of it was on sale.

This old retired lady worked over 6 hours today. What was I thinking? I lifted and also managed to cook my lunch and supper plus do dishes. Now I’m goofing off and plan on knitting while watching TV next.

BTW I watched the new movie “Uncharted” this weekend. It was pretty good. Kind of a fun adventure treasure hunt story.

Take care.
Thank you @MamaBee. This one is mine :)
GM girls! Happy terrific Tuesday!

@marcy gorgeous afghan and glad to hear you are keeping it for you. We did get to go cycling yesterday and just made sure to get home early ahead of the predicted storms. Hope you are having a good week and your storms weren't too awful yesterday. I am not a fan of thunder and lightning but as long as no one gets hurt and our power remains on I am a happy camper. And you are not old Marcy. And I am not sure you can be considered retired either. LOL. Maybe semi-retired. :)

@MamaBee we had some strong storms predicted for yesterday afternoon too but thankfully besides a short period of time with thunder and lightning and a few downpours we escaped most of it and it was calm for the rest of the evening. Safe trip back home and hope you accomplished a lot. Good luck with the telemedicine call for David this morning.

@mrs-b thinking of you. And sending healing vibes. Hope Tim is doing well and you are feeling good.

@bling_dream19 happy Tuesday sweet friend. Hope you are doing well.

@Slick1 hope the week is going smoothly for you and all is good. Please hug Bear from me.

@canuk-gal we hit 1K on the bike for this year so far. It's been spotty regarding riding for us with so much rain etc. but not too shabby for the beginning of our cycling season. Hope you get to enjoy lots of cycling days this year. Hope we both do. And I hope you are doing well and life is treating you kindly.

@Austina I love furniture shopping and with 4 cats we get to do it often haha as they ruin all our couches. We have white leather couches and it looked so pretty until the cats decided to use them as scratching posts lol. I mean if you don't look too closely it still looks nice. Good luck and keep us posted. Decorating is so much fun. Transformative.

@springerspaniel how's the new job going? I hope you are well respected and working with nice people and you are in a good situation. Thinking of you and your sweet furry babies.

Hi everyone else. We had a good cycling day yesterday and left early to get back early ahead of predicted thunderstorms and we lucked out as it wasn't very stormy at all. Today I have a hematology appointment later afternoon so we are going cycling still and will get home early enough to be ready to go to my hematologist later. It's a lot to pack into one day but I refuse to let doctor appointments ruin the day. I know I will be tired by the time I see the hematologist. I hope he can help me figure out my high iron low ferritin situation but truthfully am not that optimistic. We shall see.

Leaving you with a photo of the pretty plant we got my mom. It's blooming.
The promise of Spring and the summer to come...
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Oh and our ice cream of course.
May your week be as sweet as you. XOXO.

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And @Austina here's a photo of our white furniture when it was new. Oh if only everything could remain shiny and new. If you look closely you can see our dear darling Fred. May he RIP. He never bothered our furniture. He was a very very good boy. The best. Love him and miss him so much.

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Good morning! Well the storms were a bust. We just had a little bit of rain…I think Pa had the same. We did get a lot accomplished though.. We cleaned out part of the laundry room storage area. I’m a rug collector…not in a good way. I get bored with rugs so I keep changing them. I had tons of them rolled up in the corner of the laundry room stored for the changing seasons..:lol: We’re going to bring them to Pa. I’ll have to decide which ones to donate when I’m there. I felt bad for S because he will be 71 and he was lugging heavy rugs. He did ask David to help him with the larger one..but David gets stressed so we don’t ask him to do too much helping. Now if @marcy was here..she would be able to do them all by herself! They were heavy!
I‘m getting the fish eye again from the hubby. :roll2:
I hope everyone has a great day!