
Now I really did it :((

@Austina Hello! parathyroid disease is under diagnosed and my sister succumbed to it.. her death certificate said her heart was calcified, she had a calcium blockage in her pancreas, her kidneys were calcified and had she survived, she would have been on dialysis for the rest of her life, her cause of death was RT heart failure on her certificate, but her ER doctors said her heart was calcified her acute maybe chronic not sure pancreatitis which caused her so much pain at he end of her life and other symptoms of digestion and nausea then the coup de grace was the kidney failure caused by high calcium over years and years,

my sister had undetected high calcium or if when she last went to a doctor he/she told her that her calcium was elevated MANY doctors don't treat it seriously, but anyone who has kidney stones should be checked for parathyroid disease. My sister would not go to a doctor because she was a smoker and was very sick when she was 4yrs old and she just didn't trust doctors and I think she was just convinced she would get lung cancer like our mom and brother and our aunt was diagnosed right before my sister died with lung cancer. LONG story, but whenever anyone I know who has experienced a kidney stone(s) I urge the to get tested. It's easy to cure if one has their parathyroid gland(s) removed, you need one gland and most times not all 4 of the glands has gone haywire.

Yes physical therapy hurts but I can reach farther than I have been able to in 2 years, it's wonderful, I am almost finished, I think I have 4 more sessions. Austina, the house is 50% done in my book, the kitchen was in then they had to take down the upper cabinets because the electrical lines were too low for the upper lights... we had to wait and wait and wait and wait for the septic and water people beause of Austin growth and Covid, the pool is about 1/3 done but has been that way since June so I just don't know, John sent him a note today we shall see. New houses have a tendency to be made just more crappy as wood gets thinner, tile more easily broken, watered down paint and who knows what kind of pipes etc.. so I get your newest house being the biggest pain... I suppose it's all a crap shoot. Auti has evolved into EXPLORER baby, she is everywhere, she didn't sit and play with her toys here much, just kept going from room to room, grannie right behind her.. she started hide and seek with me, that was so danged precious, she was looking through a crack in the door in the study at me and all of a sudden I would look there and say There she is! and this toddler would scream run out of the room laughing her head off to John, then she would run back in and we would do it again, but she started it not me! she's getting very verbal and oh so strong willed, may I just say, you will be calling me when your day arrives to marvel! and I will marvel back at you at how LUCKY we are.. miss you and hope Colin and everyone is well and safe. xoxoxoxo

@missy hi SWEETIE! I'm sorry I am a PITA about parathyroid disease... I am sure your endocrinologist is aware, but all they have to do is test Greg's PHT. Then they will know if it is or isn't. I care Missy and you know it, and I know you are knowledgeable and everything will be okay, but I feel I need to inform as it's not well known. oooh the beautiful pix Missy, as always.. I don't mean to be nosey but what happened with your Dad, 2hours! jeeze louise Missy that is very unusual, I know he's in his 80s and maybe they just took it very slow.. I so hope he's feeling well today.. I would love to have a chilly Autumn day, but today it was 88F and tomorrow 90F.. I miss fall, but not winter per se.. miss Chris.

Glad you guys got a lot of miles on your bike this year too... Girlie I loves that Opal of yours, it's so fantastic.. I loved opals second after diamonds when I was a little girl.. the colors.. oooh so magnificent.. so tasteful and sooooooo beautiful..

How's Greg and the furbabies? we are good here.. nothing to complain about except the house being no where near done and the pool who knows! we are plugging along, lots of Halloween decorations up here as it's a started neighborhood with so many kids and couples, it's lovely that way. The guy next door has a leg monitor on, John comes tooling in and says that hey the guy next door is under house arrest, he's got a leg monitor on, but I say nah, I don't think so it's probably like some kind of fit bit for the leg or something, so Mike comes tooling in and says Ma! you guys have to move, there's a felon next door, the wife is from Sweden and she told me for the first 9 months that her husband worked overseas, then he shows and he smokes and he is louder than anyone I have ever met, and he plays darts at night starting about 9pm.. it's weird, but I think the wife and husband are both lovely and I don't judge people by their ankle bracelets unless proven to be.

No fires! we are constantly under red threat because Texas is hot and dry.. I was surprised when we moved to Maine how much drought there was there, I didn't remember the NE as being so dry for the first 38 years I lived in NY.

MISS you my dear, till the day we can have a meetup again... know that I think of you every day and Greg and send you much bunches of love girl.!!! xoxoxoxo

@marcy Cara had her operation 4 weeks ago on 9/25... she still is sore and has a hard time picking Auti up.. she had a tough visit with her mom, I dunno mothers and daughters..

Fettucine Alfredo is my favorite food, lots of parmesan, lots of garlic, and lotsa lotsa pasta.. your's looks delicious!

A new iphone, better camera! sounds like it should be yours!

100 miles to get your car checked in big sky country! it would be heaven to me because I love the open America! land of stars.. (as you know)

Hope all is well Marcy and I'm brewing up some cookies tomorrow myself!

To all the NIRDIs, sending love and hellos and caring vibes...

Here's a pix of Autumn eating lunch at grannie and grandpa's this past Thursday.


Here's a pix of the new water tank and other stuff... this is the view outside a window that I thought would have a bucolic view of the sky, live and learn. there will be a fence around it, it looks like pool equipment but it isn't God knows where that's going. never gonna build ever again.


the huge fan that's going in the family room area

Good morning lovely ladies!

@marcy yes indeed horsepower comes in handy. Thank you for always enjoying the pics I share. Thanks for the dad dust too. We saw another wedding yesterday while cycling lol. In Belmar this time so not Asbury. I didn't get a pic as I was too bundled up to easily get my phone and take a picture. The bride had to be freezing as she was in a sleeveless gown. It was a gorgeous day though and very sunny so a lovely day for a wedding nonetheless.

Yay for getting a haircut yesterday and enjoying the MLB playoffs. Ugh to the long days wearing on Marty and glad you made some linguini for the both of you to enjoy. And yummm to cookies. Hope you picked up your order last night and good luck getting a convenient appt for your car. Ooh to Marty ordering the iphone 12 pro and please keep us posted. I love my iPhone that you recommended I get. Sometimes I have to reset it as the camera gets stuck...I hope that isn't going to become a more serious issue. What phone does Marty have now? My friend Tom likes to get the newest tech devices as soon as they come out. Does Marty like to do that too?

Hope your Sunday is a fun one and sending you hugs and love.

@Bayek I appreciate your concern and sharing all this info with me. Our next appt with the endocrinologist is in December and Greg already retook the 24 hour urine test so hopefully we shall know what is going on soon and hopefully it isn't something that is hard to take care of...I am so sorry about your sister. What a nightmare. I am so so sorry :(

I am so glad PT is going well and your shoulder function is better than it has been for many years. Woohoo! That is wonderful. And good news about your house being more than halfway completed. That is an accomplishment during the Covid 19 pandemic. LOL to Auti being an explorer baby. I can see that. The photos you shared of her are just precious. She is a beautiful little girl. I love your family room fan and your new water tank. Sweet.

Oy to the neighbor being under house arrest. And fingers crossed there are no fires and you get rain soon to mitigate the fire risk.

Thanks for the concern about my dad. It was a tough extraction. And he was on blood thinners beforehand due to other health issues so they had to delay the extraction by almost 3 days while he discontinued the blood thinners so he wouldn't bleed too much. My poor dad but he is doing very well now and out of the horrible pain he had been in...thanks for asking.

We are OK and so are the kitties. Taking it one day at a time. I miss you too Kate and cannot wait for the pandemic to be OVER so we can get back to our "normal" lives and seeing friends and hugging in person.

Sending continued healing vibes to Cara and you and big hugs and lots of love.

@canuk-gal how are you doing sweet lovely lady? How is your tooth? Guess what? I just bought Olang Glamour boots in black. I love my red pair so much I wanted another pair and I was tempted by the white but Greg was like no get the black. He is tired of cleaning all my white clothes and coats haha so I got the black pair. The white pair had black in it anyway so it wasn't as appealing to me as if it had been all white. I just love the red pair so much though but black goes with almost everything and I have a greenish blue coat that I don't wear red with so the black will come in handy. Of course I hope by buying the second pair of Olang it will ward off the snow this winter. Hahaha a girl can dream right? Hugs and love to you Sharon and hope the winter is a mild one for all of us! XOXO.

@Austina hope you had lovely visit with Sue and Rob and are enjoying a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

@MamaBee what should I do? LOL. Check your messages I am sending one now. Hope you are having a fun weekend. XOXO.

@Slick1 thinking of you and sending continued good wishes and hugs your way.

@springerspaniel hope you are enjoying a wonderful Autumn weekend. Hugs.

Hi to everyone else. Hope life is going smoothly and you are enjoying a good weekend.

We had a good cycling day yesterday despite the brisk breeze. I was quite bundled up. Today is another windy brisk day but excited to go cycling. We ran into Butch the other day and it was so great seeing him and catching up. He had a hip injury this past summer so couldn't cycle and he is now working his way up slowly.

And in honor of Caturday Saturday yesterday and Halloween coming up here is Gracie Glowy eyes from last night.


Oooh spooky!

Have a non spooky wonderful Sunday lovelies. XOXO.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy : how exciting on the new Olang boots! I agree with Greg on your choice of colors. They are such practical boots, it is a shame they are so cute! :P2 Glad you got to ride despite the temps. And hope your Dad continues on the healing pathway. Pain sucks!!!

@marcy that is a long way to go to get tires checked and servicing. It is what it is.

@Bayek : maybe your neighbour is wearing his Halloween costume early! Some people really like to get into character!! :lol-2:

I've spent a really exciting weekend--changing from day PJ's to night PJ's. I haven't been eating much and woke up hypoglycemic this AM--chugged a cup of apple juice and felt better. I made scones and had to figure out how to eat them LOL--so I kinda "pilled" myself with the food. I've spent hours on jewellery websites this weekend--and now have a neckache from slouching over and mousing. OK I'll stop complaining now.. :)

GM ladies!

@canuk-gal how are you feeling today? I’m sorry you had a challenging weekend but glad you listened to your body and rested. PJs are good for weekends but especially when one is dealing with pain. Looking at beautiful bling is the best way to deal with it imo so nicely done❤Hope today’s a pain free day❤
Thank you for all your good wishes for my dad. Much appreciated. XOXO

@Slick1 happy Monday and hope it’s a happy day for you. And that you not only survived the weekend but enjoyed it too. Hugs.

@MamaBee I need all the numbers. Hope your trip went smoothly and your day wasn’t too exhausting. Hugs.

@Austina hope you enjoyed the rest of the weekend and it was nice seeing your dear friends. Good luck for the completion of all projects and hope Richard is on the proverbial ball. Sounds like he is. No more surprises. Hugs

@Bayek hope you enjoyed the rest of the weekend and are feeling good. XOXO

@marcy how did Monday get here so darn fast? Have a good day and hope work isn’t crazy.

Hi to everyone else. Hope y’all enjoyed a lovely weekend.

Yesterday was a great cycling day and we even got to enjoy a bit of cycling with our good friend and his son.


Lol I couldn’t get a good pic of them at the same time. This was the best I could do. This was with them posing. Lolol.
Today’s a beautiful day so looking forward to cycling. Hope everyone has a marvelous Monday. Hugs. ❤
Hello lovelies

I’m zonked!

Thanks for the info @Bayek, I haven’t had a chance to sit and read it yet, but I will. That’s such good news that you have more mobility and the PT is going well. When our friend Bill had his shoulder surgery, he said it was the first time in as long as he could remember, that he wasn’t in pain. He’d hoped to be a professional base ball player in his youth, but wrecked his shoulder and that was that! Glad to hear the house is coming along, albeit slowly, it WILL be finished and you will hopefully enjoy many, many happy years there. I read about your neighbour, I expect drone guy is just about having a s**t fit over a ‘crim’ living on ‘his’ development :lol: Sounds like Auti is keeping you on your toes playing hide and seek. How’s Cara feeling, I expect she’s still having to take it carefully?

Sorry you haven’t had a good weekend @canuk-gal I hope the week brings you a calmer time.

Your meal looks delish @Marty, 2 of my favourite things! Yay to getting a hair cut, I think I’m going to grow mine a bit, as I prefer it a bit longer, fortunately, it grows quickly. Did you manage to get your car seen to?

Your poor Dad @missy, I hope he’s feeling a lot better now. It certainly gets complicated when a patient is on blood thinners, but it was the right thing to do to delay the extraction for 3 days. How’s your Mum doing, I hope she’s taking care of herself too? I’m glad you’ve managed to get out cycling over the weekend, and even caught up with friends too. It’s certainly ‘brisk’ here, there’s been a definite drop in temperature and we’ve put the underfloor heating on in the orangery. Love little spooky Gracie.

I overdid it yesterday and my knee certainly let me know. I had PT this morning, and she said it was OK, I haven’t done any damage, and would’ve been surprised if my knee didn’t groan after walking that far. It was a relief to hear that as I was worried that the treatment hadn’t worked and I’d need surgery. She wants me to take it really easy for a couple of days, ice my knee and not do the exercises. Then start the exercises again, and go back in 2 weeks, then a final appt 3 weeks after that. I spoke to my insurance co. and they’ll pay for the extra 2 sessions so good news.

Richard has finished all the painting and put up the blinds. He’s going to come back next year and paint the ceilings and change the curtain poles then. In the meantime, I’ve cleaned up everywhere, straightened the house, and hung the new hall curtains, hence being zonked.

We have to pop in to town tomorrow, I won’t bore you with the details but suffice to say, it’s been a total faff trying to open a new account. With the amount of security we have to go through, I wonder how on earth it’s so easy for scammers to get away with ripping people off!

I hope all the NIRDIs had a lovely weekend, and are recharged for the coming week :wavey:
GM lovely ladies!

@Austina I am relieved you didn't damage your knee and that your PT session went well despite overdoing it the day before. Please take it easy as the therapist recommended and hopefully your knee will be back to "normal" or better than normal very soon. Yay for Richard finishing the painting and putting up the blinds. And to you hanging the curtains and cleaning and straightening up. That must feel good to have that all done and hopefully you had a good night's sleep after all that. Good luck today opening your new account. LOL I hear you re scammers. They can open an account for us easier than we can. o_O:P2
Dust for your knee and big hugs to you Austina.

@Bayek hope PT is continuing to go well. I have to laugh just because I can barely remember a time where one of us wasn't going to PT and now it seems many of us have been on the PT bandwagon. Such is life I guess and what matters is we keep on getting better and stronger. Continued healing dust being sent your way Great Kate and much love to you.

@canuk-gal how are you feeling? I hope yesterday was a good day and you are feeling well. Maybe even getting some cycling in...fingers crossed we can go cycling today. Looks like a chance of rain but we shall see. No sun today here though. Oh well. Hope it is bright and sunny by you. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 how was your weekend? How is your week going? Thinking of you and sending much love and hugs your way.

@marcy how is your week going? How is Marty doing? Has he received his new iPhone yet? Hope work isn't crazy and I hope everyone is doing their job so you don't have to take all of it on yourself. Sending you big hugs. And hope your weather is behaving.

@MamaBee good luck with today's appointment. It's hard to really explain to our doctors what we need and what we know and if we are lucky our physicians are open to learning because they don't know it all. It has been an uphill battle but we must never give up. Anyway good luck and I am thinking of you. XOXO.

@Slick1 hope you are having a good week. Sending you much love and many good wishes and hope the family visit is going as well as possible. And that work is under control. Big hugs.

@springerspaniel continued good thoughts being sent your way and lots of warm wishes. Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful Autumn. Hugs.

@MJ_Mac hope all is well and sending you lots of good wishes and hugs.

Hi to everyone else.
Hope all is well.
Yesterday was a wonderful day. The weather was gorgeous. mid 60s and sunny the entire day with low wind. As in cycling perfect. It was like flying but better. I took some video for you girls and hope you enjoy. Oops I forgot to download it on youtube. OK will share later. In the meantime some photos from our cycling adventures yesterday. Hope you enjoy.

Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 6.12.27 AM.png

Screen Shot 2020-10-20 at 6.12.13 AM.png

OK just downloaded it from my computer. Let's see if this works.

Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies. XOXO.
@missy Wow those JS waves brightened my day :kiss2: Happy Tuesday to all! They've offered to remake my eternity but they are saying it will be super delicate so I'm not sure if I should remake it or return it? Ahhh. Missy I'm thinking about Greg, your parents, you and everyone's health.
Little sweet Auti is soo cute @Bayek
@Austina I hope your knee is better. It sounds like you all are very busy!
@marcy your chicken parm alfredo pasta looks amazing!! Are you still loving your sapphire ring?
Love and hugs to all!
Hello lovelies

The weather looked perfect for your ride yesterday @missy, and what lovely scenery. Loved seeing the video of the crashing waves on the beach, the nearest we’ve got to the beach all year :lol: Hope you‘ve had a good day today too.

Do you think you’ll be happy if they remake it @bling_dream19, or has the ring been ‘tainted’ now and you want something different instead?

How’re all the lovely NIRDIS doing?

How’s Chris @MamaBee, they’re talking about ‘long Covid’ here because of the lasting effects? Hope you’re all keeping safe and sane!

Hope you’re doing well @Bayek and the house is nearly ready for you to move in.

We went in to town, did what we needed to do, then came home. It’s definitely warmer today, it’s been lovely and bright. My knee is still a bit achy, but I’ve iced it and rested as much as I could, so hopefully it’ll be fine.

Nothing planned for tomorrow, so another easy day on the cards.

@Austina they are happy to remake the ring for me but they are saying they can't guarantee the ring might deform or lose a stone over time because it's so thin and delicate. so I'm thinking it through whether it's worth it.
GM girls! Happy Thursday to all.

@Austina how is Colin feeling? How is your knee doing? I hope your trip to town was enjoyable. The weather here is warmer than usual too. I don't mind it as I know winter is just around the corner. How are the kids doing? Sending you warm wishes and lots of hugs.

@bling_dream19 hope your week is going well and yay for it being Thursday. Tomorrow is FriYAY. Seems to get here quicker and quicker. I am sorry about the ring issue and I hope you are happy with whatever choice you make. I don't know which advice is best to give you and I apologize but I don't want to tell you the wrong thing. I know too delicate is risky though. Ahh part of me says to return it and wait til you find something you love and do not settle. IDK I am no help here sorry. You have such beautiful bling. I don't think you should settle and I know the right choice will make itself clear to you. Hugs and have a wonderful day sweet bling dream.

@marcy hope your week is going well. I am sad about Charlie Brown and Snoopy soon only being allowed on Apple TV. We don't have that and do not plan on adding yet another subscription service. We pay over $300 monthly in Brooklyn just for internet and cable and an additional $100 just for Verizon landline there. It's ridiculous since we are not even there. Sigh. I remember when I refused to get Cable TV and held out til 1995 when our building no longer was able to get non cable TV. It was nice getting "free" TV while it lasted lol. Has Marty been behaving himself? How are those bears and bunnies getting along? Any practical jokes in the works? Haha. I know you are keeping yourselves entertained and sending you lots of good wishes. And wishing you laughter every day. Have a good Thursday Marcy. XOXO.

@Slick1 how is your week progressing? Any updates re school decisions? And more importantly how are you holding up and is your family still visiting? I am sending good thoughts and lots of love your way. I agree with you Autumn is the most gorgeous season re colors. I do get a bit melancholy seeing bare trees once all the leaves have fallen but it's just a rebirth of sorts and looking forward to pandemic free times ahead. Hopefully sooner vs later but one day at a time and we will be OK. Hugs.

@Bayek any house updates? How is Auti doing? How are your boys doing? I hope your shoulder is getting stronger and less painful each day. And that PT is going well. Love you Kate the very Great and wise and wonderful. Hugs and love to all of you.

@MamaBee how did your appointment go yesterday and was she impressed with your gorgeous band? How is Chris doing? Hugs.

@junebug17 hope all is well for you and your lovely family and the kids are doing well. Hope it is peaceful and lovely by you and you are enjoying the mild weather. Hugs.

@springerspaniel hope you are having a wonderful and calm week and all is going smoothly. XOXO.

@canuk-gal how is your week going? How is work? How is your family doing? Hope you are enjoying a nice week and that all is well. Hugs.

Hi to everyone else. We have cycled our little hearts out this week and today if all goes according to plan will be hitting 7,000 miles woohoo. The days have been quite mild though very foggy most mornings and some of the afternoons. I will take it as it is late October and the temps are near 70F. Not too shabby.

Leaving you with a few pics of our cycling adventures. And sending love and hugs and good wishes to all of you lovely ladies.

Mornings start out like this as we begin cycling.

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And clear up hours later.

Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 3.51.04 PM.png

Have a wonderful Thursday lovely ladies and big hugs from me to you. XOXO.
Happy Thursday friends! Here's a we finally made the call to the cable people to get rid of DVR and cable and save about $60. Basically that means we just have the basic channels. Hubby says its brutal and has been in bed every night by 930pm! Upside is we are getting 9 hours of sleep during the week! We used to stay up and watch shows. So pluses and minuses. We are trying it out and seeing how we like it. I guess we will get Netflix or something at some point. I'm happy to be getting more sleep! Love and hugs to all for a good day!
Hello lovelies

Hmm, bit of a dilemma @bling_dream19, I‘ve learned from experience that it’s not worth having something you’re worried about wearing. I had a 3 stone diamond ring for our 20th anniversary. About a week after I got it, one of the diamonds fell out. Fortunately I found it and took the ring back, they fixed it, but I never felt safe wearing it again. Fast forward about 15 years, and I had it dismantled and remade in to my little bezel set studs and slider pendant. So what I’m saying, in a very roundabout way, is it’s not worth having them remake the eternity, if you’re not going to be able to wear it everyday without worrying it’ll bend or the diamonds will fall out :lol:

Glad everything is OK with you @missy, I was worried when you didn’t check in, but didn’t want to bother you in case anything was wrong (if that makes sense?). Woohoo, you’ve really been peddling, 7000 miles, what an achievement. The weather here is milder too, but certainly nowhere near 70 degs. We’re both fine, thank you for asking, my knee is still a little achy, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.

I’ve got a couple of jobs done, I repainted the mirror we had in the upstairs hall, it was green and gold, so I’ve repainted it grey and silver, goes much better with the decor. I’ve also painted the loft hatch and surround, and put up a new light in the study.
It’s LED, so lasts for ever.

I had a 2 hour conversation with Adam yesterday, he rang to say we may be getting a new member of the family. We discussed all the pros and cons, and I told him what to expect. They’ve decided to go ahead, and have applied to foster Marvin. :mrgreen:

He’s a 4 year old Pyrennean Mountain dog, and the poor thing had been living on the streets for a year. He sounds like a sweetheart, so fingers crossed they get selected to be his new parents. If it all goes well, they’d adopt him. Isn’t he handsome?


I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing OK and staying safe. Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:

@missy love the “Spooky” cat Halloween picture. Darn you camera freezes up; has it always done that? I notice things like that on my phone and iPads after software updates or in certain apps but overall they all work well. Marty has the iPhone 7; we bought them 4 years ago. Generally Marty does get the new products when they come out but he was holding out hope the phones would switch to USB-C power cords. Now he has a charging station though so he doesn’t care. His phone should arrive around the beginning of November. I hope your dad is doing well with his tooth. When I had mine pulled I was stunned at how much it bled and also the big hole it left in my teeth. I got a cheerio stuck in it once. Kind of funny but easy enough to get out. You and Greg look bundled up for cycling. Sweet. Great sky and beach pictures and video. I did watch the Great Pumpkin already. I got a free subscription for Apple TV+ with my phone and they extended it to February now. I think I’ll just buy the Peanuts set so I won’t have to worry. I honestly haven’t watched the service much. As for Marty behaving himself? Not likely. I like to put the stuffed puppy on his couch and he always puts him on the floor so I put one of Marty’s couch pillows on the floor and have the puppy on it “watching” TV. That will go over well when he gets home.

Bayek, I enjoy watching the progress on your house. Ironically our house was built between late August and finished mid December so I’ve been seeing lots of memory pictures of it on FB. It seemed so slow at the time as I am sure you are well aware of that feeling. That is awesome you can reach further now with your arm. Made me think of my reaching “short” coming - I get teased for having T-Rex arms and can’t reach anything. Marty sent me an animated gif of a cat jumping up and trying to open a door knob - he said that was me trying to get money out of the drive up ATM. I always say if I stick my tongue out I can reach another 1/2 inch. I bet it is hard on Auti and Cara that Cara can’t pick her up; it will probably be a while yet. That is not a quick recovery. I think of them and you with your recoveries. Did you make cookies? I had 2 for dessert tonight. I usually don’t mind that 100 mile drive but COVID restrictions make it less fun once I get there. Auti of course is still adorable.

@canuk-gal I agree that 100 mile round trip for my tires seems kind of silly. I always want to look at Mercedes because they will pick up and deliver your car for service. We didn’t like the ones we drove though. A weekend in PJ’s sounds lovely. I might do that this weekend - cold and snow are here.

@Austina I hope you got in a lot of naps. Good idea to grow your hair out. Now that I am pinning my bangs to the side I can stretch out visits. Oh no to overdoing it on your knee, glad your therapist said it was okay. I hope it is doing better now. Good deal your insurance will pay for 2 more therapy sessions. Marty keeps having issues with his insurance who won’t pay for a MRI - his shoulder is still got an issue and he has been going in for therapy for months and his insurance rejected his MRI because they wanted him to do more therapy. Still hasn’t happened yet. Nice go have the painting done and the blinds up. I bet it looks fabulous. We have a wooden shade on the big picture window by where I set and the weight of it when it’s pulled up must be getting to the cords because the right side starts creeping down. I think it would be a major pain to get it fixed though. Marvin is a cutie.

@bling_dream19 I too would pass on having the eternity band remade if it will be high maintenance. Yes, I still enjoying my new halo sapphire ring. I still see it as a lot of bling but that’s not a bad thing. Sweet for saving $60 a month by cancelling cable & DVR. Too funny about going to bed earlier. I’ve become a YouTube addict recently and there is more free stuff on there than you can possibly watch. I get free TV from my job including all channels and free PPV so I was very slow to get on the streaming train but Marty signed us up for Prime and Disney Plus. I got Apple TV+ free for a year with my phone last year and it has been extended to February. I will probably cancel it then. I generally have TV on for noise.

I finished and sent off my November astronomy article for the paper tonight. Work has been crazy or non-existent this week. My senior manager and I are taking care of last minute updates for that day. I swear it was amateur hour today for me. We had just sat down to eat lunch and I got a text this needs done NOW. Usually when I do that much editing I work at the desk and use my mouse instead of the touch pad - first my mouse needs a battery so I skipped it. Then I forwarded the schedule to my iPad to print and it was too tiny to see. Couldn’t find my computer glasses, then edited the wrong channel, then did something at the wrong time. And since I was using the touch pad I kept closing myself out of my application. It was all good though - I took a deep breathe and started over. I must need retraining or maybe shouldn’t get fluster and rush.

I did run my car to a tire service center yesterday. All tires did read a bit low so I had him top them off to the high range for them then drove around for about 20 minutes to get the sensor readings going. They showed up lower than what he put in them but haven’t tried it since. If the car is squawking still tomorrow I’ll make an appointment. While I was warming up my tires and did spot and pick up a donut and 3 donut holes. Ha!!

We saw snow flakes today and it is cold. It says it feels like -3 now. Sunday night our low is 1. We could get snow this weekend. Winter has returned.

Take care.
GM lovely ladies and happy FriYAY!

Glad everything is OK with you @missy, I was worried when you didn’t check in, but didn’t want to bother you in case anything was wrong (if that makes sense?). Woohoo, you’ve really been peddling, 7000 miles, what an achievement. The weather here is milder too, but certainly nowhere near 70 degs. We’re both fine, thank you for asking, my knee is still a little achy, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.

Hi @Austina I am sorry I didn't check in that one day. The days go so fast and sometimes they get away from me. I figure since I posted on PS that day you girls would know I was OK. You can contact me *any*time I mean that! It is never a bother. Always a pleasure to hear from you. Always. I am sorry your knee is a bit achy still but I am relieved you know it will be fine and you are doing well.

Woohoo to getting some jobs accomplished. Sweet. Our experience re LEDs is that they don't last forever but they do last a long time.

Congrats on your new grandson to be! What a gorgeous baby he is. :kiss2: How wonderful Adam and Kim are rescuing him. Really warms my heart. Your son and DIL to be are wonderful people.:appl:Fingers crossed it goes through and all works out!

Good luck with your invisalign appt today. And thanks for the cycling congrats. Hugs.

Happy Thursday friends! Here's a we finally made the call to the cable people to get rid of DVR and cable and save about $60. Basically that means we just have the basic channels. Hubby says its brutal and has been in bed every night by 930pm! Upside is we are getting 9 hours of sleep during the week! We used to stay up and watch shows. So pluses and minuses. We are trying it out and seeing how we like it. I guess we will get Netflix or something at some point. I'm happy to be getting more sleep! Love and hugs to all for a good day!

You are smart @bling_dream19! I need TV to fall asleep so paying too much for it and I know it is ultimately bad to watch TV to fall asleep but I am stuck. In a rut. And not willing to take the TV out of the bedroom nor decrease our channel capacity lol. Poor Greg. He never had a TV in the bedroom before we got together and he did it to make me happy but he doesn't need it to fall asleep like I do. Netflix rocks and it is reasonably priced per month so I say go for it. They have some good shows and if you get it check out the Netflix thread.

Have you made any decisions re your ring?
Yay it's FriYAY today woohoo. Hope you have fun plans for the weekend. XOXO.

@marcy No it just started freezing up recently. I have too many things open on it I think. I have that happen with my computer too. Yay for getting your free Apple TV subscription extended through February. That is sweet. I like the idea of buying the Peanuts set. That way you can watch it anytime you want and for free. Worth the initial cost. Oh no to bleeding a lot after your tooth was pulled. I had my wisdom teeth pulled years ago and there was a lot of blood. Oh no to getting a cheerio stuck there too. Ugh. LOL to having the puppy on Marty's pillow on the floor watching TV. Haha he might not like that but the puppy is comfy at least. ;-)

Wonderful you got the November Astronomy article done already. Sorry work is either crazy or dead. Always feast or famine. And your day sounded crazy and hectic re work but glad it ultimately worked out and you found what you needed to and did what you needed to. But Oy. Retirement is looking better and better I think lol. Yes for getting those tires better inflated and I hope that is all that is wrong with the car and that it is all fixed and you don't need to do any other service for the car. I think one of the reasons Greg wanted a new car was for another warranty lol.

Oh my to your temps and yes winter has returned to you. I am not looking forward to the colder weather here. I have been enjoying our super mild temps but know they are on the way out soon. Hugs to you and yay tomorrow is the weekend. Or as HRH Francesca used to love to say. What is a weekend? Hahaha.

Hi @Slick1 thinking of you and hoping all is well.Hugs.

@springerspaniel have a wonderful Friday and a good weekend. XOXO.

@Bayek hope your shoulder keeps improving and you are feeling well and all the family is well too. Big hugs and lots of love.

@canuk-gal hope your week is going smoothly and all is well. Hope the weather is mild for you too. Hugs.

@MamaBee I hope your delicious ring sells and you can put the money towards what you are longing for. My mind is going wild with all the wonderful bling possibilities for me but I am just dreaming. For you I want it to be a reality and I think it is very much within your reach. Hugs.

Hi to everyone else. Hugs to all of you.
We hit 7000 miles yesterday on the bike since starting cycling this year in May. Not bad. The weather remained cloudy and foggy all day but mild so perfect for us for cycling. Low wind made it a sweet cycling day indeed. We also saw Dolphins in the ocean. I tried getting photos but it was very hazy. I will share what I did get though.

Today Greg has a few imaging appointments. To see if his bones are OK due to possible hyperparathyroidism because if he has that calcium is being leeched out of his bones. Not good :(
And also to see where his kidney stones are as he has 2 huge ones in his kidneys and we have to see if they moved and what needs to be done about them. Sigh. And then another imaging but I don't remember what that one is for. Lots of tests today for him. And afterwards hoping we can still salvage some of the day to cycle. We shall see.

Enjoy a wonderful FriYAY lovely ladies. Hugs and love to all of you. Be well and stay safe.

The Dolphins. Keep in mind it was a foggy and hazy day all day so this was the best I could do. The dolphins were having a grand time in the ocean frolicking and playing and enjoying themselves. Made me so happy to see.

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Oh and the momentous hitting 7K miles yesterday.



Woohoo! Happy FriYAY!
@missy how exciting to see the whales. That’s on my bucket list.
Happy FriYay lovelies

There’s something to be said for having a local garage, 100 mile round trip to get your tyres fixed is something else @marcy. One of my tyres was a bit low recently, and the tyre pressure warning, whilst useful, is annoying when it keeps on pinging. Fortunately, we could just go to the local petrol station to top it up. I‘d forgotten that you need to drive a bit before the warning light goes out, so when we left the garage I thought we hadn’t inflated it enough :lol: Oy to the white stuff, are the fires under control now, and the smoke lessened? Sounds like work was challenging and a faff!

I hope Greg’s appointments went well today, sounds like a pretty full on day with all the medical visits. It’ll be good to know the status of the stones, and what’s going on with his parathyroid. Knowledge is power. How lovely seeing the dolphins, they’re such intelligent creatures and always look happy leaping out of the water. We’ve been on many cruises where they’ve appeared from nowhere and starting swimming along side the ship, it’s such a beautiful sight. Oy to the flat tyre, good job Greg is so handy.

How’re things with you @MamaBee, hope Chris is continuing to do well and you’re all keeping safe and well.

Hola @Bayek, how’s your week been? Are you ready to move in yet? How’s Cara doing? Hope your shoulders feeling better every day.

I had to go and get the ‘bumps’ put on my teeth today, they’re tiny but necessary in order to get the teeth to move. I also collected my next 4 sets of aligners. Everything was fine till I tried to take them out to eat lunch. I really didn’t think they were going to shift, and I even broke both thumb nails trying to get them out. :shock:

We’re going to start painting tomorrow, starting with the bathroom at the top of the house, and then we’ll work our way down.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are looking forward to a restful and relaxing weekend :wavey:
GM lovely ladies and happy Caturday Saturday.

@missy how exciting to see the whales. That’s on my bucket list.

It is truly amazing and wonderful to see @marcy. I hope you get to realize this bucket list wish soon. After the pandemic you are more than welcome to come here and we can enjoy it together. Hope you have a wonderful Caturday Saturday. XOXO.

@Austina it's good you are taking care of your teeth and making 2020 worth while even with missing all your trips. You are making the best of it. Ouch to breaking your thumbnails though and hope it is easier to remove once you get used to it. Good luck with painting today. Have a good weekend. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 woohoo it's the weekend. Have a lovely time. Hugs.

@Slick1 a much needed break for you. Enjoy a wonderful weekend. XOXO.

Hi to everyone else. Happy Caturday Saturday. It was a cloudy damp day yesterday but that didn't stop us. The mild temps and low winds have been quite lovely while cycling and sadly they are coming to an end but we did make the most of it. Planning on cycling today despite it being cooler. I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful day. XOXO.

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Happy Caturday!
@Austina @marcy @missy Thanks for your help with the eternity band. You all are right and I really appreciate your opinion. I've decided to return it instead of remaking it. It would be too delicate as a remake. I think I'm just not an eternity girl. I Have always dreamed of one, as I think it's very romantic but I might be able to tolerate the between the fingers. It has to line up with height as the ering. Oh well, not a problem, put that money towards a larger stone! A larger diamond someday, that I can handle! :lol:
I'm just grateful they are doing a return.
Missy I love those dolphins! They are so beautiful and magical.
Marcy I love that your puppy is cozy on the sofa where he belongs :lol:
Love and hugs to all for a relaxing weekend!
Wearing my spooky Halloween dress today! Thought you'd get a giggle Missy! I'm sure you've got Halloween leggings! And to everyone let's see your Halloween clothes! 787989

NIRDI shout out!

So happy (NOT) to report we got 7.6 cms of snow overnight---and it has been snowing all week. Ugh. Icy and I almost fell--even with my spiky boots! Just doesn't get any better than this. :(

My tooth is achy and I cannot put any pressure on it. I'll have to touch base with the Dentist on Monday as I thought it would be better by now.

@missy wonderful pics (as usual) and congrats on your cycling milestone!! I hope Greg's tests provide some good news.

Hope folks are staying safe and well.

Just a quick post. Got back from cycling and going take a shower and make dinner.

@bling_dream19 gorgeous bling! And yes I have Halloween leggings and dresses. Please share yours if you are comfortable doing so and I will share mine when I get a chance. Hugs to you and have a wonderful rest of the day.

@canuk-gal oh no dear Sharon! I am sorry you have a toothache. Those are so painful. Sending you bucketloads of healing dust and gentle hugs. Can you take Tylenol? Those help my toothaches. And NO to snow! Ugh. Hope it melts and you remain safe and standing. I hear you on almost falling and I fall lots in the ice too. I cannot do that anymore due to my OP diagnosis so I am going to be ultra careful. You too please. I wish I could take you away from the snow and place you in a warm beautiful climate til the snow has all gone. Hugs to you.

OK girls see you mañana. Hugs.
I am speechless!!! What a beautiful dog, Austina.

He’s a 4 year old Pyrennean Mountain dog, and the poor thing had been living on the streets for a year. He sounds like a sweetheart, so fingers crossed they get selected to be his new parents. If it all goes well, they’d adopt him. Isn’t he handsome?


Also, can I please see what the new LED light looks like on? It looks really cool!
GM lovely ladies! Off in a moment. It’s quite chilly here but determined to get a ride in no matter how cold lol. Rain is due here early afternoon so we’re heading out. Just wanted to say a good morning to all. And (((hugs))).

@canuk-gal how are you feeling? Thinking of you and sending continued healing vibes.
@springerspaniel hello!
@Austina any dog updates? I’m with springerspaniel. He’s a beauty. ❤️ Hope your knee is better.
@bling_dream19 hope you’re enjoying a wonderful weekend sweet friend.
@marcy enjoy a relaxing Sunday.
@Bayek hope you’re feeling well and you’re house is coming along so beautifully!
@Slick1 hope you are having a lovely weekend and relaxing.

Hi to everyone else and hugs to all.
Enjoy a Super Sunday. XOXO ❤️

Leaving you with a photo of a yummy pizza pie. Yummmmm

@missy good morning! There's frost here this morning and even Clyde the dog is reluctant to go out to get the paper. So kudos to you for getting out for a ride! It sounds as if you and Greg are hanging in there, despite your medical issues. I know you have access to a lot of medical advice (@Bayek 's was terrific by the way!), but if you ever need more, feel free to email me. How is your father feeling? How are your lovely felines doing?

Happy Sunday to all of the NIRDIs! I am sorry I have been distracted, but I am committed to finishing and submitting a paper I started writing for publication 6 years ago. I will forego the long story. Suffice it to say, I am looking forward to letting everyone know when I am done and can get on with other things. Sword of Damocles and all that. Love and hugs to everyone and their furry and nonfurry families (Autumn is so so cute @Bayek !)
Hope everyone is having great Sunday funday! Went to Macys to do some slipper returns and came out with 2 new pairs of ballet flats! Super cute and comfy.20201025_175348.jpg
I'm ready for the fall!


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Hope everyone is having great Sunday funday! Went to Macys to do some slipper returns and came out with 2 new pairs of ballet flats! Super cute and comfy.20201025_175348.jpg
I'm ready for the fall!

they look absolutely styish and chic on you!! i love them. i adore leopard as it is quite versatile and practically looks good with almost everything
Hope everyone is having great Sunday funday! Went to Macys to do some slipper returns and came out with 2 new pairs of ballet flats! Super cute and comfy.20201025_175348.jpg
I'm ready for the fall!

You certainly are. And you rock them. We’re leopard twins ❤️
they look absolutely styish and chic on you!! i love them. i adore leopard as it is quite versatile and practically looks good with almost everything

Thanks @Big Fat Facets I love leopard too! I think these will be fun with some leggings and pink or red sweater!
The red pair will be great for Christmas this year!
You certainly are. And you rock them. We’re leopard twins ❤

As usual we are twins :kiss2: I figured you had a pair! I have leopard dresses and shirts but this is my first pair of shoes!