
Now I really did it :((


NIRDI shout out!!!

Miserable cold here for the next few days. I was listening to the weather report this AM and temps across the province are miserable; up north wind chills -43C. Brutal.

Anyway I had a derm appt today for mole check and removals--nothing worry some. Drive was a bit icy. I work two days this week and next.

@missy sorry your week is so busy. And yes Sir Thomas was a handsome boy also.

Low on the thrill-o-meter here. Just as well.

Hello lovelies

I hate to tell you this @canuk-gal, but it’s been a lovely sunny 80 deg C here today. Normality has been restored :lol: Keep safe in your icy conditions.

Bobby is a very handsome boy @missy, I love his beautiful white bib! All your kitties are beautiful, and their lovely gloss coats show how well cared for they are.

We had the a/c serviced today, our usual 6 monthly visit. No issues, but the guy thinks one of the parts will need replacing next time.

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
Good morning lovely ladies and happy terrific Tuesday!

@Austina thank you. He is here right now rubbing against me purring. He is not a lap kitty and this is as close as he gets to being a lap kitty. Sort of in my lap but not fully committing lol.. Glad you got the all clear for your HVAC system. We do it every six months too. I am trying to remember what Greg said last time. Something about we should consider replacing the entire system but I don't remember anything else. Everything is working well knock wood but I think based on its age Greg wants to be proactive. IDK but I do know it will be pricey. 80F wow. Enjoy! It was in the mid 50 s here yesterday and I was warm as we were hiking because I dressed warmly despite the forecast. I did not believe the prediction lol

@canuk-gal hope you're having a good week. Relieved the Canadian tariff is put on hold and hoping it never takes effect. It's concerning but hopefully won't come to fruition though the Mexican tariff did take effect this morning sigh. Anyway, hope you enjoy a terrific day. We are getting snow here Wednesday night into no no :(

@Slickk good morning. It's so funny your exact words were the ones I shared with Greg before we spoke. The truth is clear and we both know it. So glad we are friends. Have a wonderful day and may the snow that is arriving here tomorrow not be as bad as they are predicting. Fingers crossed

Hello everyone else. We enjoyed a good hike yesterday and the weather was pretty sweet..50s F. I was warm but it was better than being cold LOL

May your day be sweet and filled with only good things XOXO

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Greg saw Sasha!!!!!!
He is still limping but eating heartily according to Greg
OMG I am so so happy but still very worried
We cannot trap Sasha and I just don't know if he can make it with that bad leg
We still have a lot of winter left here
This is the worst part of animal rescue
Praying he continues to heal and somehow that leg gets better
Thank you everyone for letting me share the good and bad here
It helps to get it out
I have been crying over Sasha daily.
Even with the grief of losing Tommy I have enough tears for them all
Please g-d please save Sasha.
I am not religious and in fact an agnostic
but in times like this I do pray to g-d
It can't hurt

@Austina my nephew is in Austin on business. Ate at Terry Blacks BBQ. Been there?

Hello lovelies

I hate to tell you this @canuk-gal, but it’s been a lovely sunny 80 deg C here today. Normality has been restored :lol: Keep safe in your icy conditions.

Bobby is a very handsome boy @missy, I love his beautiful white bib! All your kitties are beautiful, and their lovely gloss coats show how well cared for they are.

We had the a/c serviced today, our usual 6 monthly visit. No issues, but the guy thinks one of the parts will need replacing next time.

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:

More dog pictures, please!
Hello lovelies

Yes we have @canuk-gal. We also have a great BBQ place a few minutes from us, so we get it from there. It’s a long drive to the Terry Blacks from us, and honestly, it’s no better than our local place.

Yay @missy, I had a feeling that Sacha was still around, just keeping warm. What a relief. You can only do what you can do, hopefully he’s coping with his injury, and although it’s not an ideal situation, at least he’s alive and eating.

Here you go @springerspaniel these are him in his own home.

Hello lovelies

Yes we have @canuk-gal. We also have a great BBQ place a few minutes from us, so we get it from there. It’s a long drive to the Terry Blacks from us, and honestly, it’s no better than our local place.

Yay @missy, I had a feeling that Sacha was still around, just keeping warm. What a relief. You can only do what you can do, hopefully he’s coping with his injury, and although it’s not an ideal situation, at least he’s alive and eating.

Here you go @springerspaniel these are him in his own home.


so adorable! thank you!

I’m so far behind that I won’t respond to everyone, but I did read through things since my last post. I’ve been working too much and reading a lot.

Marty is better but still coughing. Poor guy is stressed from the move to the new company. It is a daily hassle with something doesn’t work. Their onboarding is pretty lame.

Big hugs to all of you.

We warmed up a bit but that means the wind is back. We noticed today the wind keeps moving our hose. Too funny. All those lines are where the hose was before it got moved.

Take care.

Good morning lovely ladies! Happy wonderful Wednesday!!!

@marcy sorry Marty is still not 100% poor guy. Sending continued healing vibes his way. Boo to working too much but yay for earning extra moola for pretty things and speaking of boo. Boo to the wind. It's fierce here too. Started yesterday afternoon and still very windy now. I think we're getting a drop in temps.

@Austina aww cannot get enough thank you for sharing. I live vicariously through and you the other doggie parents and grandparents for my doggie fix lol

@canuk-gal anything catch your eye? Luckily I am safe and didn't see anything I had to have haha

@Slickk big hugs dear friend. And big hugs to Bear too

@springerspaniel aren't we due for some doggie photos from you pretty please :)

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well. We went hiking yesterday and it was very windy but manageable as we were in the woods so the wind was partly softened. Today not sure where we are hiking but hope to be hiking. Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies. XOXO

We ended up at the beach after our hike

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Hahaha this about sums it up ;)

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I’m almost afraid to say the words (cause I can believe Its real) out loud but culture is back and it’s negative. TG!

Now I’ll share. I thought we had ringworm again. That the steroid brought it out. It’s possible. But we cultured Jasper two weeks ago and he was negative but Brian didn’t culture Bobby who was, imo, patient zero this time. They both have hair loss. So we brought Bobby back this past Saturday for blood work due to his kidneys and cancer and also to be cultured and my sister just texted me. If g-d forbid he had RW I don’t know how we could have put him through the brutal treatment. Anyway it’s a huge relief. RW is the one of the worst thing we (especially the poir kitties) ever went through and imo it hastened Fred’s death :(

And a huge thank you to @Inked who was with me the entire nerve wracking journey. I’m so glad pricescope brought us together girl ♥️

No clue why he and Jasper have hair loss but thankful it’s not RW



Ok back to the regularly scheduled programming lol
GM girls! Happy terrific (stormy) Thursday! I am up early because I have an appointment this morning and wanted to get in a workout. I know I am crazy. LOL. But also was awake so just got out of bed to get the day started. Jasper was rubbing his face all over mine in the middle of the night and I admit I love it. I missed the cuddling with the kitties because our current crew (minus Jasper) are not cuddlers. He is so soft and sweet except when he isn't :lol:
We got a coating or maybe it is just getting started because IDK what is going on with the weather but it looks very icy out there.
Lots to do today. Medical, errands, cleaning and organizing if I have time. We are almost halfway through winter and I have yet to start my closet organization. I am the Queen of Procrastination

@canuk-gal how's the weather by you? Hope all is going well and sending you hugs across the miles

@Slickk I am thankful for my true friends on and off line who are clear headed and see exactly what's going on...I am still marveling at how many cannot see what is truly happening in front of them and that includes some of the tradespeople too. I get they don't want to lose business but cmon. Anyway hope your day goes well today sweet friend...take care XOXO

@Austina hope you are enjoying a good week XOXO

@springerspaniel hugs to you and the furry babies

@marcy hope you are faring well with this winter weather XOXO

@Jemi thanks for the looks cozy Hugs

Hello everyone else. We went hiking yesterday and it was fun and we saw a friend and his two dogs. It's so funny because wherever we go (and we go different places daily) we run into Glenn much of the time lol

Have a great day girls. Be well. Enjoy. XOXO

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I’m almost afraid to say the words (cause I can believe Its real) out loud but culture is back and it’s negative. TG!

Now I’ll share. I thought we had ringworm again. That the steroid brought it out. It’s possible. But we cultured Jasper two weeks ago and he was negative but Brian didn’t culture Bobby who was, imo, patient zero this time. They both have hair loss. So we brought Bobby back this past Saturday for blood work due to his kidneys and cancer and also to be cultured and my sister just texted me. If g-d forbid he had RW I don’t know how we could have put him through the brutal treatment. Anyway it’s a huge relief. RW is the one of the worst thing we (especially the poir kitties) ever went through and imo it hastened Fred’s death :(

And a huge thank you to @Inked who was with me the entire nerve wracking journey. I’m so glad pricescope brought us together girl ♥️

No clue why he and Jasper have hair loss but thankful it’s not RW



Ok back to the regularly scheduled programming lol

Good morning!! We are all here for each other when we need!! I'm SO GLAD it's not RW!!! Hope you have a great day and we're supposed to get some more "weather" on Saturday night!
Hello lovelies

I’m sorry to hear Marty is still suffering @marcy, there’re so many nasty things about this time of year. I hope he starts to feel better soon. Also sorry to hear the job is causing his stress to. How’re you doing?

Good news the kitties (and you) are clear of the dreaded ringworm @missy. I hope your Drs appt went well today. Keep safe out there with the crazy weather. I’m avoiding threads that will affect my BP!

We decided to go out for lunch yesterday, went to the Thai place we like, and always come back with enough for lunch the following day!

Had fun at trivia last night, we came a respectable 2nd, but at least the sour pusses didn’t win :lol: The same woman accused the winning team of having a ringer this week, they deserved to win, they only missed 3 answers.

Brightened up here today after a dull start, it’s a respectable 75 here today - sorry @canuk-gal!

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are safe and well :wavey:
Good morning lovely ladies and happy friYAY!!!

After a dusting of snow and ice it all melted and became a not too awful weather day. Today is blustery especially later. Winds 35mph. There will be power outages for sure

@Austina nice you enjoyed trivia night and second place doesn't suck. Glad the sore losers did not win last night. Wow to the winners only missing 3 answers. Sweet. Haha avoiding threads that will raise your blood pressure is always a good idea. If I read something that makes my blood boil responding is the only way I can go. That calms me TBH. I don't like confrontation but for the sake of what is right and good and true I never shy away. It's not a fair fight per se since it's about 95% of PSers against me but I will never back down from what is right. Though sometimes I wish I could. What amazes me is those spewing half truths and lies are so convinced they are right. They are on the wrong side of history and I truly don't get how they don't see that. It's a shame. People who I like and care about. Mind boggling how the truth isn't obvious to them. :( I wish we could discuss freely here because this half measure isn't satisfying at all. I cannot go into depth about why and how I feel the way I do and I wish I could. I wish everyone who wanted to discuss this at length away from the superficial could. This half measure makes it harder IMO

For example look at all Israel has done and continues to do for people who want them d e a d. It's unbelievable.

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@Slickk happy almost weekend...looks like tomorrow is stormy into Sunday? Not sure but IIRC that is what I saw yesterday AM on the forecast. Hoping that changes and we have a not too stormy or cold winter weekend ahead

@canuk-gal good morning dear girl. Hope there is no snow in your forecast and the rest of winter treats you very well.

@marcy hope you have no aches and pains and Marty is all better

@springerspaniel hope your week is going well

Hello everyone else. We had a good day yesterday. No hiking but I had a rheumatologist appointment and then we ran errands and before we knew it the day was over. Goes super fast. Today is very cold and blustery but we plan on hiking. Enjoy a fantastic FriYAY all. Be well. XOXO

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May your FriYAY be filed with more YAY than anything
Good morning lovely ladies and happy Caturday Saturday!

@Inked yes, thank you so much! You are not only a bling sister you are a soul sister. I hope the storms that are coming aren't too hard on our furry babies including the deer...praying for their safety. This winter has been unrelenting for the outdoor animals. I think 6" is predicted here overnight. And thank you again. You are so thoughtful and kind and wonderful. I never even knew something like that existed. LOL. It eerily looks just like him. I was so startled. LOL. But my adrenals are probably shot so that explains that reaction :lol: Stay warm and cozy during the storm and be safe. XOXO

@Slickk @marcy @canuk-gal @springerspaniel @Austina @MamaBee @Jemi @finerthings @mrs-b Good morning and hope you had a good week and are looking forward to an even better weekend

In honor of Caturday Saturday here is a photo from last night. Oliver and Jasper snuggling in front of the fire. Wonders never cease. Of course 20 minutes later Jasper was chasing Oliver harassing him but it was so sweet while it lasted and they do snuggle in bed. So a work in progress. Gracie however screams at Jasper whenever he gets too close. LOL. Cats. Weird

I mean how sweet is this?
Look at Jasper's arm around Oliver :kiss2:

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We went hiking yesterday and it was a challenging hike. I am thankful I did not fall. Lots of potential risky areas. I was very careful but man it was slippery with mud and leaves and even ice still in some areas and very very hilly rocky terrain. It was fun though and we hope to hike today as well. We have a snowstorm coming this evening into Sunday morning and then again (according to a friend of mine I have not yet checked) another snowstorm Tuesday into Wednesday. The winter that keeps on giving. Stay warm and cozy girls and enjoy a wonderful weekend XOXO

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another chilly day--temps have improved but -9c is still cold. Night hover around -20c. So far Feb has been yucky for cold weather. Had a gorgeous lunch out with my DH and we really enjoyed our food. Place was hopping as usual!!!!! I brought home some lasagne for supper but I can't see either of us eating it. DH had veal and pasta for lunch! Will make super bowl food for tomorrow. (l'll buy pizza)

@missy nice to see the kitties at peace....albeit temporary. LOL. I saw Jasper and Gracie yesterday. Two people left the vet clinic with their kitty containers--and I saw Jasper in one and a black and white kitty aka Gracie in the other. Young fella had Gracie and an elderly lady had Jasper.

@Austina I am happy you are enjoying your fine weather!!!

Well work was stressful on Thursday--upset colleagues and heavy workload. Glad it isn't like that everyday. Not nice to see people cry. Luckily that doesn't happen often.

Hello lovelies

Awwww lovely to see the kitties having a peaceful moment together @missy. Your weather sounds brutal, we’re enjoying 80 degs and wall to wall sunshine here, keep safe and warm. Honestly, the saying that there are none so blind than those that will not see couldn’t be truer!

Sounds like work is pretty stressful @canuk-gal, not fun at all. Yay for having a nice lunch out - funny you should mention lasagna, I made a big one yesterday so guess what we’re having tonight ? :lol:

How’s the little Bear @Slickk ?

I hope Marty is feeling better by the day @marcy, and that you’re not working too hard.

Thinking of you @MamaBee and hopefully you’re feeling ok.

Big love and hugs to all the lovely NIRDIs. :wavey:

@Austina I am glad you are enjoying lovely weather. We are bouncing all over the place, rain, snow, and of course crazy wind. Marty is still coughing but better. Poor guy is so stressed with work though, I feel bad. The other day he said if he had hair he’d pull it out. Sweet for second place in trivia. You guys are becoming trivia legends.

@canuk-gal our weather is typical February too. I’m glad you enjoyed a lovely lunch out. We went out for breakfast. I hate to hear work was so stressful and sadly there are probably plenty of tears in your line of work.

@missy I feel your pain, I’ve always been in the 5% on here and I’ve been tempted to quit many times from some of the vile things people said about “my kind”. A former NIRDI even wished my kind to die because my kind was so stupid. I wish we both had no aches and pains, but I wish I was rich and thin too. Like you, we plug along one day at a time. OMG to the evil RW. I am glad it wasn’t true.

I finished another book - 8 out of.a series of 10 - so I decided to hold off on starting book 9 today so I can actually get something done this weekend. Work has kept me busy. Making videos is taking more time than I thought, I’m doing 3-5 a week plus other work. I did get Marty’s January bookkeeping done yesterday. I am doing it in a spreadsheet and it took me less than 10 minutes once i figured out a system.

A guy from our astronomy club came over for supper today. He and Marty are in the man cave now talking nerd. Marty grilled steak and I made rice and brownies. Simple dinner. He brought wine and it was awful so I kept pouring mine down the sink while doing dishes. It was way too sweet for me.

Tomorrow I am tackling rounding up tax documents.

I did find my diamond certificates so I am looking in to upgrading my WF 1 ctw studs to 1.4 ctw range. I want platinum studs and the ones I have are in YG. I asked WF about moving them to platinum and the fees were ridiculous (they wanted to charge me mounting fees even though the diamonds and studs were from them originally) so I decided upgrading makes it cheaper to do and I’ll get larger diamonds. I have small earlobes and the right one curves down a bit so I don’t like too big of studs on my ears. It’ll be my early birthday present if it works out. I emailed my choices today to see what the difference would be.

Take care.
GM girls and happy SNOWY Sunday.
Sadly this is not our last storm of the upcoming week..LOTS more snow expected Tuesday.
The poor ferals :(
And we have an appointment with Greg's surgeon for follow up (thyroid cancer and HPT) which we really cannot miss so we will see what happens. Never a dull moment lol.

@canuk-gal LOL I see a lot of Gracies and Jaspers too. I told Greg if we ever adopt again I want only black cats because people are least likely to adopt the black kitties :( So sad. Anyway I am not sure I want more cats. We have really paid our dues with rescuing kitties and doing our best and this has been such a challenging time. I miss Tommy SO SO MUCH. I am sorry to go on about it but whenever I think of him (all the time) I feel like I have been gut punched. They say it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. But I am questioning that quote at the moment. Anyway, we have SNOW!!! Girl,. can you and Marcy please take it back LOL

@Austina oh wow what amazing weather you are having...we will be right over. All 15 of us (Greg, me, our 4 cats and the 9 ferals lol)..I'll bring whisky and home baked cookies :)

A former NIRDI even wished my kind to die because my kind was so stupid.

I am so sorry you experienced that and all I can say is I understand.
There is a member here (I think you know who I am talking about) who used to post in the NIRDI thread who I thought was nice. Turns out she is toxic. Took a few years before she showed her true colors. Sadly she is a very small minded nasty person but some here think she is amazing because she hides her true self very very well. It's impressive actually though she is very solicitous too (fake of course) which I absolutely abhor. Bad news. So yes I get it. PS is a reflection of some of the population at large. And those extremists? They are the very very ignorant ones. Willful ignorance. Absolutely no redeeming qualities about keeping your eyes and mind closed to the facts because they don't fit your narrative.

How is Mr Marty feeling? Hope you are both well.

Sounds very lovely having your friend over for dinner and men love to grill haha. Yummm dessert. We cannot get started on taxes yet because we have not received everything. They never make the deadline. So we always end up doing taxes near the end. Our accountant is pretty flexible but needs everything before getting started which is understandable.

Good for you reading all those books. I am trying to get into reading just one lol.
Making videos does seem to be labor intensive...hope it goes smoothly albeit more work than anticipated

Ooh yay to upgrading studs and happy early birthday marcy

Hope your weather is behaving. Ours is not. Two storms in less than 3 days are expected and I am not a happy camper. Cmon Spring!!!!

@Slickk how much snow did you get? I bet Bear is LOVING the snow

@Inked awww Luka is so beautiful. Majestic. I am guessing she is enjoying the snow. Glad someone is LOL. How much did you end up getting? Our bigger storm is coming Tuesday and well I'm worried of course but hoping it doesn't cause too much disruption for us or the ferals and wildlife. I am hoping the deer are OK because there doesn't seem much to eat around here in winter. Fingers crossed everyone comes through it well

Hey everyone else. We had a good hike yesterday. Today we hope to go out but if it's too icy I may want to stay inside. I have a lot coming up..radiation last five days of february but mapping this week and Morristown Medical where I get the RT got a LOT of snow and is predicted to get a lot more. The mapping appointment is hard to get because their one machine has to be available so it's tricky getting the appointment. Hoping for the best. I am on a time frame because session one (five days) cannot be more than 12 weeks after session two (another five days). Winter. GO away please

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Enjoy a super marvelous Sunday lovely ladies.
I dedicate this post to Luka. A sweet sweet girl whose momma is very dear to me.

@Austina it is a lasagne weekend apparently; two of my sister made it and my DH DID eat his portion last night. LOL Must have been hungry!!

Its super bowl food here today--wings, nachos and Little Caesars stuffed crust pizza pizza!


@missy I saw another snow storm was heading your way. I hope you and Greg can easily and safely get to your appointments. So far, we’ve only had enough snow to make it nasty, not one that accumulates much. But snow scenes do make pretty pictures. Mother Nature giving us compensation for horrid weather? And yep, I know and agree.

@canu-gal lasagna does sound good. We’re having baked potatoes and some grilled sirloins. I think we’ll indulge in another brownie with a scoop of ice cream too.

I only worked 60 minutes this weekend. Yay me. I got some Valentine cards in the mail for the family and successfully avoided getting our tax documents out. I SWEAR I’ll do that tomorrow.

Our friend from the astronomy club ruined my fun last night. He and Marty were downstairs chatting and it was getting close to 10 p.m. When Marty used to have poker games, at 10 p.m. I’d yell down the stairs “Marty, are your little friends staying past 10?” It worked GREAT on people who didn’t know me. Those who did - never suckered for it. Just my luck, Marty and the guy came upstairs at 9:45. They still talked up here for about an hour but it wouldn’t have been the same …

I rented Juror #2 to watch today. It was a good movie. I liked it anyway.

Take care.
GM girls and happy how did you get here so fast marvelous Monday!

@marcy yes two more snowstorms tired of winter. I am glad you haven't had much accumulation. We are predicted to get 6" or more here tomorrow which is a big deal here. And the snow never seems to melt. You are right in that it makes for a very pretty picture though. Thanks for your kind wishes..fingers crossed. Did you say ice cream and brownies...yummmmm. Enjoy a marvelous Monday and a lovely week

@canuk-gal I love lasagna and in fact requested last week that Greg make a veggie lasagna for us soon..just have to get the ingredients and get imaginative as no dairy or meat. He made one a few years ago that was yummy so I have confidence he can make us another. We are expecting a very snowy week here. Hope your weather is calm and you have a good week

@Slickk looks like some snow days will be coming your way..enjoy. I know Bear must love the snow...have a great week

@Austina enjoy your beautiful warm sunny weather...delightful and have a wonderful week

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well. We went hiking yesterday and it was good. A bit icy but I was very careful. This week doesn't look promising in terms of outdoor activities but it is what it is. Today I have an afternoon appointment with a new doc and tomorrow Greg has his follow up with the surgeon who removed his thyroid and parathyroid and Friday I get my mapping done for radiation planned end of this month. Fingers crossed the weather doesn't mess it up. Have a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. Be well. Enjoy. XOXO

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Happy Marvelous Monday @missy, hope your kitties are doing well. Good luck with all your medical appointments this week.

Lots of snow here too. At least today is beautiful with sunshine. Looking forward to a nice walk later today.

Take care everyone.
Hello lovelies

Ugh @marcy, don’t you just love those ‘tolerant’ people with a superiority complex? I’m sorry you had to experience such vile hate. Woohoo on the earring upgrades, I can’t wait to hear all about them. I hope Marty is feeling better each day.

Nooooo to snow @finerthings, keep safe and well.

The snow looks lovely @missy, but I know how treacherous it can be. I hope your appt went well this afternoon, and Greg’s goes well tomorrow. It’s cooled down here after such lovely weather on Saturday. I saw a great response to someone being called “so far right” they simply said “no, just right so far!” :lol:

Finally finished the lasagna yesterday @canuk-gal, good job Colin likes leftovers :lol-2:

We had a long FT with our friends yesterday, 2 1/2 hrs, which just flew by. We’re getting really excited for their visit in just over 5 weeks now. Their daughter is working in a not very nice environment, and as expected she was notified this morning that she has a review. She’s done everything they’ve asked of her, but it looks like she’s for the chop. Our friends sent us a copy of the formal letter she’s received and wanted our opinions, so we spent a while this afternoon discussing what she should do at the meeting. Totally unfair situation as she’s done everything asked of her, but her manager expects her to do things that she hasn’t been asked to, or shown, how to do. Seems like there could be a merger on the cards and they’re just looking to shed staff.
