
Now I really did it :((


@missy I love trees covered with frost too, sadly its usually icy then as well. You’ll warm up before we will but you are getting more snow than us so far this year. I make cocoa brownies from scratch. I give them my highest rating, they are pretty tasty. Good luck with your appointments. Nice pictures from your outings. We saw either deer or antelope paw prints out front this morning here.

@finerthings stay safe, but the snow is pretty.

@Austina I don’t get people that get so nasty. I don’t think that way. I did get the quote today and the upgrade would cost $1070. Not bad for 1.4 ctw platinum studs. Then again, I could get the diamonds I have mounted her locally. Decisions, decisions. One of my big hesitations right now is going to FedEx and getting the two boxes, then packing them and taking them back. If the weather was nicer, I wouldn’t care. I will stew on it tonight. I like that far right response. Lasagna does last a long time. I cut up some of the leftovers in individual servings and freeze them. That is so awful about your friend’s daughter. A rough environment for her to succeed there.

We have some of that white stuff falling outside. I guess we can get up to 9” this week. And subzero temperatures. I had some groceries delivered this morning before it gets bad.

Marty’s Nespresso machine showed up today. He made several cups of coffee already. I should have moved the out of order sign to it.

I ended up working to 5 so skipped lifting today. I hesitated for another reason. I ordered a bag of cinnamon jelly hearts in I my grocery order. I darn near ate half of the bag over the day so had too much sugar. I threw the rest of the bag away so I wouldn’t finish them tomorrow. I love those things. My mom and I used to split a bag every Valentine’s Day. Now I HAVE to - ha ha - eat them all myself.

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies and happy terrific in a little bit to the city to see Greg's surgeon.
The appointment yesterday went well thanks for your good wishes.

@finerthings thank you very much. I hope you enjoyed your snowy walk yesterday. Storm #2 is coming this evening then storm #3 and then this weekend storm#4. Snow, ice and then hopefully rain will wash it all away. We are getting more snow than our neighbors to the north I believe. I cannot believe we have had more snow than @marcy !

@marcy wow, maybe we need to come to you lol. When you wrote about the deer and the antelope the song "Home on the Range" came to mind lol

Glad Marty is enjoying his Nespresso machine. I never had espresso from that machine but I love espresso and when we were in Italy we had it every day. Yummmm

Speaking of yummy I never heard of cinnamon hearts but they sound good. Like you though if I keep stuff like that in the house I might eat the whole bag lol. I'm sorry you worked til 5 yesterday and skipped lifting. I think today I have to skip working out because it's too early to do my workout now and by the time we get home it might be too late. I generally loathe working out past 11AM or noon though sometimes I force myself. That's why I do my WOs in the morning but we are leaving soon for the surgeon so no time. Oh well. We will make it up right?

Oy to the vey one 9" of snow. With all the storms we are getting here this week (one down and three to go) maybe our accumulation will be high too...IDK because the snow from the storm from Saturday evening has not all melted so it's going to add up. Stay warm and safe

@Austina glad your FT went well. I know when I zoom with my girlfriends we are talking for hours. Time flies. Sorry about your friend's DD's job...if they want her gone they will make it happen sadly no matter how good her skills are...I am sure she will find something if that happens but I know it will be stressful. Hope it all works out to her benefit.

@Slickk looks like your snow event will be a non event...we are getting the brunt of it down south here. Glad it's missing you. I hope your workweek is going smoothly

@springerspaniel hope all is well

@canuk-gal good morning. Have a wonderful day

@Jemi thinking of you

@MamaBee girl, hope all is going as smoothly as possible and I owe you a call speaking of which...

@AGBF I don't know if you read PS anymore but I am going to call you this Thursday evening around 7PM. I emailed you but just in case you missed it. As long as we have phone capabilities due to storm #3 here on Thursday...

Have a great day girls. Be well. Enjoy. XOXO

Leaving you with Jasper late afternoon yesterday. He is so precious
He loves laying in the sun

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@missy I love trees covered with frost too, sadly its usually icy then as well. You’ll warm up before we will but you are getting more snow than us so far this year. I make cocoa brownies from scratch. I give them my highest rating, they are pretty tasty. Good luck with your appointments. Nice pictures from your outings. We saw either deer or antelope paw prints out front this morning here.

@finerthings stay safe, but the snow is pretty.

@Austina I don’t get people that get so nasty. I don’t think that way. I did get the quote today and the upgrade would cost $1070. Not bad for 1.4 ctw platinum studs. Then again, I could get the diamonds I have mounted her locally. Decisions, decisions. One of my big hesitations right now is going to FedEx and getting the two boxes, then packing them and taking them back. If the weather was nicer, I wouldn’t care. I will stew on it tonight. I like that far right response. Lasagna does last a long time. I cut up some of the leftovers in individual servings and freeze them. That is so awful about your friend’s daughter. A rough environment for her to succeed there.

We have some of that white stuff falling outside. I guess we can get up to 9” this week. And subzero temperatures. I had some groceries delivered this morning before it gets bad.

Marty’s Nespresso machine showed up today. He made several cups of coffee already. I should have moved the out of order sign to it.

I ended up working to 5 so skipped lifting today. I hesitated for another reason. I ordered a bag of cinnamon jelly hearts in I my grocery order. I darn near ate half of the bag over the day so had too much sugar. I threw the rest of the bag away so I wouldn’t finish them tomorrow. I love those things. My mom and I used to split a bag every Valentine’s Day. Now I HAVE to - ha ha - eat them all myself.

Take care.

Cinnamon hearts are the BOMB! I know how addicting they can be.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another chilly day--but not like yesterday. The sun is trying to shine and the temp is -13C. I wanted to go to the pool, but I have a couple of mole removal sites that aren't quite healed. I think by Friday I should be good to go. Speaking of moles my DH has had two spots come back as squamous CA--so he needs to go back for laser treatment. Luckily it is easily treated. We both worked out at home today.

@missy I can see making lasagne without meat--but no dairy is a stretch. I am not a great fan of sheet noodles but I like the organic tortillas instead. And throw in some eggplant for variety. Just going to sit down to some French onion soup. Yum! Stay safe and warm!

@marcy LOL to throwing out the candy. It is easy to eat--I do prefer gummy candy. This is my latest addiction. I adore pretzels. Your new earrings sound wonderful.

@MamaBee @mrs-b @Jemi hope you are all well.

@Austina enjoy your temps!!! Of course I am jealous. Sorry about your friends daughter...hope it isn't bad news.

Hello lovelies

At least we’re not -13 @canuk-gal, but I can’t say it’s warm here today. Dark, dull, miserable and rainy! Yum to French onion soup, one of my favourites, especially with a lovely cheesey crouton on top!

OMG 9” of snow @marcy, I think I’d look into getting the earrings done locally. 1.4 will be a very nice upgrade for your earrings.

Aww, look at your little black panther @missy, he looks so sleek and glossy. I’m glad your appt went well yesterday, fingers crossed Greg’s goes well today too.

Because of the weather, we’ve not done much today. I cleaned the kitchen but have mostly watched documentaries this afternoon.

Busy day tomorrow, bank and solicitors, we’ll probably have lunch out, then of course , trivia tomorrow night.

The more we hear, the more we think our friend’s daughter has been used, and they never had any intention of keeping her on. We’ll know more tomorrow, but aren’t hopeful she’ll still have a job after tomorrow.

Keep safe and warm lovely NIRIDs. :wavey:

@missy that song runs through my mind at TBE all the time. We haven’t seen antelope around for a while. Marty has seen a few deer on his way to the gym in the wee hours of the morning. Marty loves his espresso. I used to be ambitious and get up early to workout. I should do that again. I hate to lift if Marty’s working though since banging around weights is so noisy. You are definitely getting more snow than here. I hope Greg’s appointment went well.

@springerspaniel those cinnamon hearts are addictive. I’ll get 3 or 4 out and swear I will leave them alone. Nope …

@canuk-gal that makes sense to stay out of the pool. Glad your DH’s spots are removed with a laser. I need to get a few spots checked myself. I’m a sucker for orange slices too (the gum drops). I can’t stop eating them. Those pretzels look good.

@Austina I heard it was rainy there. So far we’ve only got a few inches of snow. But it’s going to be snowing off and on for a few days. That is so rotten for your friend’s daughter. Good luck at trivia tomorrow night.

I keep sleeping in after a round of insomnia in the middle of the night. Glad I don’t have set hours. I did get my Monday lifting done today. I worked on videos and a lunar eclipse article.

We rarely get each other Valentine gifts but I decided to order Marty a pichana since it’s one of his favorite cuts of beef. Hopefully it shows up by Valentine’s Day. Not five minutes after I ordered it, I get a link from him to a little telescope that takes pictures of the moon, sun and deep-sky objects that he was toying with buying me for Valentine’s Day but decided to ask first. We can set it up outside or in the observatory and I can run it from my phone or iPad. Ideal for me since I am always cold. I told him he could order it.

We’re frigid and snowy here . It’s 5 now and feels like -3.

I decided to not upgrade my studs with WF. I decided it wasn’t worth the hassle of packing them up, paying up front, waiting for weeks to get the diamonds re-certified, then finally get the new studs. Plus, in the back of my mind I keep hesitating since I bought those diamonds with money from my parent’s estate, I guess I just don’t want to trade them. I can’t say I need any more jewelry.

Take care.
GM girls! Happy wonderful Wednesday!

@marcy yes and we got a few inches overnight and more tonight then ice...oy to the vey. Yesterday went well thanks. Glad you got to make up for some sleep and same here. We don't do VD gifts but I am glad this year you are both getting something you would enjoy. I don't even have a card for Greg. Well, I have a card from many months ago I bought in advance so scratch that LOL. Aww sorry you decided no on the studs but totally get the reason why. Sentimentality matters plus the hassle...I would probably have decided the same

@canuk-gal that sounds yummy. Greg has been buying noodles from the Chinese store here and he says they are amazing. They are huge and flat. I don't remember the name...not for lasagna though. OMG those ;pretzels look so good. Do you know the line "Those pretzels are making me thirsty" LOL from Seinfeld and it always comes to mind when I see pretzels. I used to LOVE the huge NYC pretzels sold on the street. Darn I cannot enjoy them anymore. Oh well. I hope your mole removal sites heal fast and you can go back to the pool soon. And yes relieved your DH's squamous ca moles are easily removed.

@Slickk we got more snow but I hope you did not. Have a good day and hope all goes smoothly

@Austina aww that's awful. She is young and will bounce back but that is not acceptable behavior. The more I get to know humans the more I dislike many. Sad but true. Hope your appointments today go smoothly. Yesterday went well. Thanks for asking

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well. So as per their MO the hospital doing my radiation called me to reschedule the mapping appointment because the oncologist won't be there. They did this last time too. Very annoying tbh as we planned the day around the appointments. And because we need a special machine of which they only have one my new appointments are 330PM and 5:30PM Monday. They are pretty far away and it's a hassle to do it that late but I have no choice because my RT are the week after so have to do them and because they are two appointments with different people and rescheduled last minute this is my only option. I wish I could just cancel but I know I should go ahead and do the next set of treatments on both hands and that necessitates the mapping has to be done first. Big pain in the butt but it's only one day then my next five RT sessions are at 8AM so it's OK. And the good news is Friday when my appointments were originally scheduled is supposed to be a nice day (only nice day of this whole week) so maybe we can go hiking and it is Valentine's Day...though that is not a big deal to us. Every day is Valentine's Day :)

Tonight I have my zoom with my girlfriends. Looking forward to seeing them

Enjoy a wonderful day girls. Be well. XOXO

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GM girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

So I actually decided to email the supervisor of the oncology department yesterday morning to ask if there was any way to move my appointments to Thursday the 13th instead of Monday the 17th and she was able to do that for me. SO today at 3 and 5PM I will be getting my hand tattoos and having the mold for RT made for my left hand and then at the end of February I will be doing my five days of RT on both hands.

We went hiking yesterday and it was cold and windy and snowy but pretty. Today since my appointments are late we are probably going hiking again. It's going to be a long day because it will take at least 2 hours to get home at that time of day. So I expect I won't be home til closer to 8:30PM tonight. @AGBF I don't think you are reading this but I probably cannot call you this evening but will call you another evening...I am sorry. I am also messing up Greg's schedule as he has a board meeting at 7PM he will be very late for unless he does it in the car on the way home which I told him is fine with me

@Slickk happy Thursday
Hello @Austina @canuk-gal @finerthings @springerspaniel @Jemi @MamaBee @mrs-b @marcy and everyone else
Hope you are all well.

Leaving you with photos of our hike yesterday

We have a new feral...oy. I named him/her Cream Soda because of their gorgeous creamy colored coat
Look at that face...Swoon!

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Enjoying the heated wet food

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Once spring comes we have a lot of TNR to do for the new additions to our feral family

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Enjoy a terrific Thursday lovely ladies XOXO
Hello lovelies

What a pain having to go at that time @missy, but at least it’s getting done. Awww what a pretty kitty, the word’s got round there’s good food to be had at your place :lol: The deer look to be in good condition, so hopefully they’re finding plenty of food around.

Our weather is crazy here ATM @marcy, it was 80+ the other day and 40 degrees colder today. I don’t remember it being like this last year, I’ll have to check, I’m sure we were using the pool in February.

We did pretty well at trivia last year night, but didn’t win, I think we came second again, but it was fun.

Have to take Colin to get his ears vacuumed tomorrow, he’s been permanently bunged up for a few weeks. Thankfully there’s a new place close by that does it instead of the syringing.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are safe and warm :wavey:
GM girls! Happy Valentine's Day FriYAY!!!!

@Austina sweet! Impressive. I don't think I am good at trivia at all but haven't played for decades. I would love doing much fun. Good luck at Colin's medical appointment tomorrow. The weather is crazy here too. Freezing one minute and in the 50s the next (yesterday) and this weekend another winter storm. Make this weather stop please lol. Happy VD day my sweet friend. Sending you love and hugs and only good things

@Slickk happy FriYAY and happy VD day...sending love and hugs and all good things your way

Hello @canuk-gal @Jemi @marcy @MamaBee @springerspaniel @finerthings @Inked @mrs-b and everyone reading...hope all is well

Yesterday went very well and the oncologist (and entire staff) apologized to me for having to rearrange my appointments. And that went a long way making me feel better about the entire situation. The oncologist told me the hospital told him he had to go to the other hospital today (today was the day of my original mapping and simulation appointments) and he really appreciated my willingness to change the appointments to yesterday. Of course I had no choice LOL but I appreciated his apology. He told me they said his colleague can see me for the mapping and simulation appointments but Dr W prefers to see his patients all the way through so that also was a plus.

We also had a good hike yesterday before we left for my appointments but we ran into 4!!!! people (friends and strangers) with whom we stopped to chat and after the fourth stop and chat I told my DH we couldn't continue stopping lol because I wanted to get the full hike in and be on time for my appointments. It's so funny because we never run into that many people while hiking. Only when we are on a strict time schedule hahaha.

Today is decent (before another weekend storm of snow and icy rain) and we plan on hiking though I am out of groceries so have to send Greg out this morning to get some or later after the hike depending on his preference.

Enjoy a wonderful Valentine's Day dear NIRDIs.
Here is my love poem to you

Happy Valentine's Day
to all my sweet NIRDI girls
You are each more valuable to me
than diamonds or pearls

It is winter here still
And the weather is cold
But in our hearts

There is love that we hold

NIRDIs are the best
Stand above the rest

Supportive and kind
The sharpest of minds

The rarest of jewels
The coolest of cool

May this year bring all the best
to each and everyone of you
May health, happiness, joy and prosperity
come to each of you

May you have happiness
and no more sorrow
May sweetness be with you

for every tomorrow

Sending so many hugs and kisses
to my sweet NIRDI misses

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I remembered to take this photo yesterday (forgot to take it for my right hand in December)
This was in between my appointments yesterday..after the tattooing but before the simulated treatment getting ready for Feb 24-28th

Radiation treatment area is outlined..basically the entire hand
Cannot wait to be done...mid May I will be finished with all the treaments. Right now I have15 days of treatment left. End of February and mid May then I am finished woohoo

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Thanks for your kind wishes @missy, you are always so thoughtful. Glad to hear that your mapping went well yesterday. Sending you good vibes for your radiation treatments starting soon.

All is well here. Lots of rain yesterday melted tons of snow, but freezing temperatures returned overnight we have a skating rink for a driveway. Argh, hope we have enough salt to treat it.

Happy ❤️ Day everyone.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another cold day with light snow. It is getting very tiring, LOL. GET LOST winter!! At least we aren't getting hammered like our Eastern Canadian peeps--35 cms of snow and more to come!! Busy week working. I went to acqua-size this AM then the gym. My legs are a bit sore LOL. Quiet weekend ahead.

@missy a new feral! They do keep you busy! And they all look so healthy, they are doing alright. That was a cute picture of your Mom--hugging the flowers! What a stunning arrangement!!! Is your Christmas tree still up? Mine is LOL.

@Austina I was on the treadmill watching a TV show about restaurants..and they showed a place that served great lasagna. The sauce was intriguing ...they put in red wine, grainy mustard and balsamic vinegar. I sure don't make my sauce like that!

@marcy I hope you are not too disappointed about not getting new diamond earrings. Yours are lovely at any rate.

Speaking of diamond studs, I wish I could find a great pair at a great price. I still haven't spent a penny of the $$$$ my DH gave me for Christmas.

Hello lovelies

Happy Galentines!

Thank you for the lovely words @ Missy - right back at you! I’m glad there were no hiccups with you getting the mapping done, sounds like a lot of treatments to come, but if time goes by as quickly as it has so far, May will be here before we know and the treatment will be done. Your hike sounds like our trips with Dottie, always took far longer than we anticipated, stopping to talk to so many people.

Ugh to the cold weather @canuk-gal, I know it’s a lot worse elsewhere, but enough already! I could’ve stayed in England for this. lol: I use bechemel for my lasagna, why mess with perfection?

I checked @marcy, and we were in the pool starting 23rd February last year, I don’t think that’ll be happening this year!

Be careful @finerthings, a slippery driveway sounds scary.

Took Colin for his appt this morning, the Dr was very good and suggested other ways to keep his ears clear. Another cold, dull day here, and looks like the same over the weekend.

Have a good one lovely NIRIDis

GM girls!!! Happy Caturday Saturday!!!

We are in for a HUGE storm today. SNOW. ICE. Torrential downpours and thunderstorms too tonight and all day Sunday. The thunderstorms scare me and power outages here are a given. Praying our generator holds as I have literally $12,000 worth of medication in the fridge that must be temperature controlled.

@canuk-gal hahaha yes our tree is still up lol. I wanted it down by February and here we are..darn winter I am with you. I am so SICK of this weather.We are getting a huge storm this entire weekend starting at noon today. I am just over winter and now the poor ferals have some more awful weather to contend with this weekend. SNOW and ICE and thunderstorms oy to the vey

@Austina I always say if one has a dog one must be social lol. We are always stopping to say hi to other people's dogs lol. Dottie was such a sweet girl. Glad Colin's appointment went well and he got some good suggestions to prevent this from continuing to happen

@Slickk happy weekend. Be careful because I think you are getting more snow than us this time. But the thunderstorms and ice are what really make me anxious. Stay safe

@finerthings aww thank you and right back at ya...I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day and enjoy a wonderful weekend

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well and y'all had a lovely VD

We went hiking yesterday and it was very windy. NO hiking this weekend. Very bad weather will be here soon and the windchills are single digit again. Boo.

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May all the animals and humans remain safe from the impending storms

Enjoy the weekend and be well. XOXO
@canuk-gal we (Greg) finally took the Christmas tree down. This is the earliest we ever took it down

@canuk-gal we (Greg) finally took the Christmas tree down. This is the earliest we ever took it down


LOL My DS said it is time but I'll wait a bit longer. Our days are longer, so that is an impetus to take it down.
LOL My DS said it is time but I'll wait a bit longer. Our days are longer, so that is an impetus to take it down.

I just had to put on more light because it’s too dark here without the tree lit up now

Keep yours up for a bit longer I agree!

Bloody hell. Getting take out then my car wouldn't start! It is COLD here. CAA to the rescue--battery boosted and started instantly. Lucky I was close to home. Scary in these temps. Enough excitement for the day.

@canuk-gal we (Greg) finally took the Christmas tree down. This is the earliest we ever took it down


@missy we just took ours down this week too. It had been up since before Thanksgiving until this week... good thing for artificial trees! The room looks bare, but I'm sure we'll get used to it again. I do miss all the twinkly lights!
GM girls. Happy big and small dog very very rainy Sunday,

So we wake up to the cats fighting and Bobby is once again bleeding profusely. We separate them all day but open the bedroom at night because Jasper and Oliver like to sleep with us as does Bobby. Now poor Bobby is bleeding and while we put the powder on his ear I think he is also bleeding from his head and he is hiding under the bed. He did eat though so that's a good sign. But man the blood is everywhere once again and we have to drag him out from under the bed to reinspect if we missed an area. I am waiting 10 minutes to see if he will come out on his own. It's so disheartening because he is an innocent and the other cats just attack him. UGH.

@finerthings yes I miss the Christmas lights too but I guess if we keep it up all year it's not as special during the holidays. We love our artificial's very pretty and better for the environment when you use it for a number of years. Otherwise real trees are better. I cannot wait til spring and longer days and warmer weather

@canuk-gal oh no I am sorry about the car and thank goodness help came fast. It's no joke these cold temps and being outside. Warm hugs to you

@Slickk good morning. Hope you didn't get too much snow. We are getting torrential downpours all day today and from what I understand another storm is heading our way mid week...oy to the vey

Hello everyone else. Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend

We ran errands yesterday and just had an easy Saturday and were home before the snow started. It snowed from mid afternoon to evening and then the downpours started. Pepsi however was waiting for us outside this AM despite the downpours. She is one determined kitty. It is pretty wet out there and yet she braved the weather. We have a hard food feeder always filled and then two other feeders where we put wet food (two bowls that are heated) and dry treats. We have another new kitty..all black. Haven't named her yet. We only saw Pepsi this AM but not surprising as the rain is really coming down

Have a wonderful Sunday lovely ladies. XOXO

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We had to get him out from under the bed because he came out on his own but as soon as we approached he ran back under the bed...and it took us 40 minutes of applying the stop bleeding powder continuously to his ear to stop the bleeding. Not even sure it stoped entirely but it slowed it down at least. Poor Bobby. :(

Who knew the ear would bleed so darn much. He is eating again so I do think that's a good sign but he is aery anemic and this is not helping. Geez Louise never a dull moment here. I would welcome some boring moments. Or as @marcy would say..a zero on the thrill-o-meter would be very welcome .

And on top of it all the meteorologists are predicting 50 mph wind gusts starting this evening through Tuesday then a Nor'easter Wednesday into Thursday. The fun never ends.

Photo from last night

Our sweet Bobby

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Oh no @missy, poor dear Bobby! :cry2:
GM girls and happy how did you get here so fast Monday!
It is frigid out with very high winds.
Cold week ahead and more snow on the way Wednesday night into Thursday...a Nor'easter.
All our snow is currently gone due to the rain we've had but not for long lol

@finerthings thank you. He's fine now. He is laying beside me purring this morning. Yesterday we finally stopped the bleeding and did not allow any of the other cats in to the bedroom last night. Bobby always sleeps on his little bed beside our bed and even with the other cats out of the bedroom that's where he slept last night. I did miss Jasper and Oliver sleeping with us but it needs to be this way as I do not see any other way to protect Bobby. The biggest issue is Bobby doesn't want to be in the bedroom all day. I ordered a cat gate but we sent it back because it was too dangerous IMO with the bottom bar on the stairs and ugly. Yesterday I ordered an Asian screen that is large and will see if I can make that work.. I want to allow Bobby to be able to go in and out of the bedroom and to his third floor landing safely. So while he cannot come downstairs due to the other cats at least we are trying to figure out a solution where he can go to and from the second floor and bedroom and third floor landing. I also bought another playpen but I do not think Bobby will tolerate that.Worth a try though low probablilty it'll be a good solution. We are trying to let Bobby be around us more so at least with the screen he can come and go with some freedom and still be able to hear us vs being in the bedroom with the door closed. I always have music or tv on for him but I think he needs human more. One day at a time. Hope your weekend went well and you are looking forward to a good week

@Slickk more snow..not sure you will be getting any but we sure are. The winter that never you had a good weekend and your week ahead goes smoothly

@marcy hope you enjoyed a lovely and snow free weekend

@Austina I hope your temps are nice and warm so I can vicariously live through you

@canuk-gal happy Monday

@springerspaniel spring will be here soon hopefully...have a good week

Hello everyone else.Happy Monday. Be well. Enjoy XOXO

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@missy sounds like you are working on finding a happy solution for Bobby . ❤️ One day at a time, for sure. (((Hugs))) and sending you support, you are an awesome cat mom.

The storm yesterday brought us 7 inches of new snow and then rain and freezing rain. Our driveway is a ice rink again!!! What a winter.

Hope everyone is healthy, take care all.
Hello lovelies

Oh no @missy, poor little Bobby. I hope there’s been no more bleeding, what a horrible situation. Hopefully, you can keep them apart, and a truce upheld. We are in for another cold week, but at least it’s sunny, which helps. We actually went out for a walk yesterday, if it hadn’t been for the wind, it’d have been really pleasant.

Yikes @canuk-gal I hope you didn’t have to wait too long for the CAA to get to you.

Oh no @finerthings, that sounds brutal, keep safe and warm.

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but after a childhood injury, (I got hit with a cricket bat!) my left eye gets droopy from the scar tissue, so I went and had some Botox on Saturday around my eyes. It helps lift my eyelid, and even better, helps rid of my crows feet :lol:

That’s all the excitement we’ve had this weekend. Nothing on the cards planned for this week, I’m hoping to get my hair cut, that’s all.

GM girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@finerthings wow 7" that's a lot at once. Cmon winter be over please. It's too much. We are getting snow Wednesday night into Thursday and it looks like it might not be a small amount. Thanks for your kind words. I don't feel like an awesome cat mom at all. But I know we are doing our best. It's just not feeling like it's good enough but as Matata wrote to me it has to be good enough. I appreciate your support and kindness very much. I am taking life one day at a time and there are other challenges we are dealing with (stupid health insurance and not being able to get a critical med of mine on time I am so frustrated) but it all takes a back seat to the cat situation and also how much I am missing my very sweet Tommy boy. The sweetest cat ever and all this feels magnified because of his loss if that makes sense. Hope you are having a good week and I hope you get no more snow...fingers crossed

@Austina thanks so much. So far Bobby is OK and we are keeping all the cats separated from him. It happens so fast we cannot protect him even while home if we let them near him. We also have a very bitterly cold week here and more snow Thursday. The windchills are in the single to negative digits. And all I can think of are the poor feral cats. I am glad the Botox went smoothly for you. And glad you are already seeing (hahaha pun intended) improvements...Hope your week continues to go smoothly.

@Slickk good morning...I think you were off yesterday but not totally sure. My niece came in for the long weekend but she is back at school. Hope your week goes very well

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well by you. We went hiking yesterday and it was cold. Today I want to stay in and just take care of a few things and maybe play cards with Greg. Tomorrow I have my nephrology appointment but I didn't do the labs. I just haven't felt like getting labs and fasting and just didn't so tomorrow will be a waste but I did not reschedule because this appointment was rescheduled from December when I also didn't do labs or feel like going. I am tired. Have a great day girls. Be well. Stay warm. Enjoy. XOXO

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Hello lovelies from a cold and snowy Tx!

Yep, we got a sprinkling of snow last night! This weather is just ridiculous.

Staying in and keeping warm is the way to go @missy. Hope all is well with the kitties behaving themselves and leaving poor Bobby alone.

Nothing going on here, we’re keeping warm and wishing this weather would finally end!

I hope you’re all safe and well.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to predictions our weather it is supposed to be lifting from the deep freeze overnight. I thought it was predicted this afternoon but NO I walked home in -18C. Eyiyiyi. I picked up another shift for tomorrow. I guess those $700 battery exchanges don't pay for themselves. LOL. But really, two sick calls is difficult to manage.

@missy keep well and carry on! So far the kitty supply chain management has been working. The situation evolves and you are keeping up. Good, but tough work. Hope your folks are OK!

@Austina I'm sure this snow and cold weather is a surprise to ya'll down South. FWIW we HATE it also and we have the geography to suggest we should love it! YA NO.

@marcy hope you are keeping warm and dry. Don't work too hard

@Slickk does Bear like your snow???

where is texkate? mamabee? mrs-bee? jemi? hope where ever in the world you are you are well.

GM girls! Happy terrific Thursday! I will admit I have been having difficulty remembering what day of the week it is and almost all day yesterday I kept thinking it was Thursday despite having my nephrology appointment which I knew was Wednesday lol. Anyway yesterday went smoothly and fingers crossed I think finally Greg helped fix an issue I was having with Accredo a specialty pharmacy for my biologic injections. Wow it's hard to get what we need at times isn't it. Anyway I won't know for sure til tomorrow when it is supposed to be delivered fingers and toes crossed

@Austina wow to snow by you. That is insane. Yes please let spring come and bring some mild weather pretty please...thank you for your continued good wishes for the kitties and yes Bobby is doing fine at the moment. Sitting on the bed against me purring. This is all I ask for..peace for all of us. Contentment and peace. I don't need anything fancy. Never did. I mean yes I enjoy bling but it's just extra and not central to my joy or happiness or peace of mind. In fact when Greg proposed all those years ago I said to him I want a peaceful life (because his SIL and my MIL were being drama queens through most the time we were dating though Greg did put a stop to it early on I was afraid if we got married it would start up again) and he agreed. And while our life is not as peaceful as I want it we are doing the best we can and as always it's a work in-progress.

@canuk-gal thank you so much and I hope the rest of your week goes smoothly and I remember those tough work days. Felt good to have accomplished challenges at work and succeeded but also could be emotionally and physically exhausting. You rock. As for deep freeze that's now coming our way oy oy oy....windhcills are in the single digits but Pepsi was waiting for us this morning. And last night at 8PM I saw our new feral Cream Soda and I don't remember if I told you we have a new black feral kitty. I named her/him Cola. OMG they keep coming but I am so very thankful we can afford to feed them. Chewy loves us and we get at least two large deliveries a week from Chewy. Hope your warmer weather is there to stay and I think next week we will be experiencing a warm up woohoo

@Slickk fingers crossed the snow is a non event...right now they are predicting the majority of the storm is going to miss us but we are getting fierce winds here later and all day tomorrow with frigid temps...but a warm up next week...cannot wait. Hope your week is going well

Good morning @marcy @finerthings @springerspaniel and everyone else. I am pretty tired. It's been a stressful few months. But doing OK at the moment and grateful for some peace for now. As long as it lasts. Today is COLD and tomorrow is COLD but I think we may dare hiking today because we didn't get to go the past two days due to weather and other obligations. But we will see. Not looking to be a weather hero LOL. Enjoy a terrific Thursday lovely ladies. Be well. XOXO

It's so cold here the bay has been iced over for days...not the entire bay but a good portion of it.

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Stay warm and cozy all!!!
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