
One consumer’s journey to the trade

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Thanks for that Andrey!

Karl, you know what I think, that its a great idea and article and I think this is fantastic in order for new members to read about your incredible journey, congrats on your new status and I wish you the best of everything friend!!!!
Fantastic article. Well done you! It is very inspiring to see how an interest becomes a career when you are passionate about it. Hopefully, lots of us will have one of your Octavias one day!
Date: 11/1/2009 5:09:19 AM
Author: Lorelei
Thanks for that Andrey!

Karl, you know what I think, that its a great idea and article and I think this is fantastic in order for new members to read about your incredible journey, congrats on your new status and I wish you the best of everything friend!!!!
Thanks friend!!!

LisaLondon, thank you :}

Andrey, thank you!!!

Very nicely developed article, very personal.

Many thanks, and the very best of wishes to you in these and all ventures,
Yay Karl, yay Octavia! Thank you for the touching glimpse of your journey together.
Great article Karl. I am beyond thrilled for you. You put your heart and soul into becoming a diamond designer. I am so blessed to have you as my dear friend. You have taught us so much, have been so patient in doing so. You have given of your time, you are what PS is all about. Now you've crossed over to the other side and are a part of the trade, a very special group.

And you've been welcomed with open arms, well as far as I can see. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. You deserve all the respect that has been given or shown to you. I am glad I knew you when... Thanks for the mention.
Karl, I enjoyed reading about your journey (you are such an inspiration to all), you are an incredible friend and you have such passion for diamonds so it is only natural you are in the trade, wooohoo!!! Many congrats to you and Wifey!!! I am so proud and happy for you!!! Cheers (raising a Pepsi to you) dear Karl
The Octavia is truly incredible!!!!!
thank you for your sweet words!
Thanks RG, glitterata, Kaleigh, skip skip skippy!
Date: 11/2/2009 5:59:32 PM
Author: Judah Gutwein

Nice read..thanks
Thank you.
Congratulations, Karl! I loved reading your story. I wish you and Octavia great success; it is well-deserved.

When I joined PS, you were one of the people who replied to my posts, patiently answered my questions, and helped me sort through a number of stones to find the perfect stone (and you also helped me discover my inner cut fanatic!)

Your tireless advocacy for consumers and your enthusiasm for diamonds comes through in your every post.

I am thrilled to have helped you in naming Octavia, and honored that you chose my suggestion for the name.

And, like many other PS'ers, I'm saving my pennies for an Octavia of my own. Until then, I am hoping we can see photos of Octavia on wifey2b's hand -- that will be a very special day.
Thank you sarap333!!!
You rock!

Thanks for the kind mentions in the piece - and you're very welcome. Something we can all learn from Pricescope is that we can all learn; whether it's seasoned vets showing laymen the ropes - or laymen communicating different perspectives to vets. Your contributions have always been offered with no nonsense. Thank YOU for that.

Yours is a cool story and I feel a kinship to it since I started on that side of the counter too. In fact I'm typing this from Beijing, preparing to give my presentration at the 09 China Intl Jewellery Fair - so as a former "guy looking for a diamond" who got pulled into the trade by my fascination with "all of it" I'm with you 100%!

Cheers and congrats.
Thank you sir John!
Enjoy China and we want pictures!!!!
Great story! Best of luck to you in all of your endeavors
Great article, Karl. A wonderful look into the evolution of your invovlment with diamonds. Best of luck with future designs.
Thanks Jet and Madam Bijoux
Congratulations Karl! Inspiring article.
Date: 11/5/2009 5:44:44 PM
Author: Hest88
Congratulations Karl! Inspiring article.
Thank you!
Fantastic article. Very inspiring. I can''t wait to see what the Octavia looks like set. Congratulations on making the jump!
Date: 11/6/2009 4:47:16 PM
Author: emeraldlover1
Fantastic article. Very inspiring. I can''t wait to see what the Octavia looks like set. Congratulations on making the jump!
I really enjoyed your article, Karl. Best wishes in your new venture
Karl- you are such an inspiration, and what an accomplishment! I am honored to be a part of this forum and for the many trade members and prosumers that share their vast knowledge and help so many consumers
Congratulations on Octavia, and I hope to own one soon
Thank you risingsun and D&T
Congrats Karl :) you have helped so many people on this forum it is so nice to see your story come full circle :) congrats again :)
Date: 11/9/2009 3:23:31 AM
Author: Deelight
Congrats Karl :) you have helped so many people on this forum it is so nice to see your story come full circle :) congrats again :)
Way to go Karl!!!
I''m saving up for my Octavia.....

I''m still waiting for your autograph!

Date: 11/15/2009 4:34:25 AM
Author: loriken214
Way to go Karl!!!
I''m saving up for my Octavia.....

I''m still waiting for your autograph!

thanks!!! :}
I thought about doing that getting a printer and including signed pictures of the diamond with each one.
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