
Our beloved PSer, bling_dream19, has passed away.

This is so sad! R.I.P. dear lady.
I guess the longer we are on this forum the more of us we are going to see leaving us. It’s always a heartache to have someone go. That was an absolutely love Lee tribute to a lovely woman. Condolences to you and to her family.
@bling_dream19 you will be missed. Look down on us fondly from the stars.
Our wonderful PS sister, @bling_dream19, has died.

Shelley and I became friends some years ago over a shared cancer diagnosis and a succession of symptoms that were eerily similar. I was a couple of years ahead of her in the process, so we walked the path together, my role being one of encouragement and support. We also bonded over our love of all things sparkly and referred to ourselves as bling sisters. We joked that our husbands needed to start a support group. We spoke on the phone often and texted regularly.

Shelley was a warm, witty, loving woman with a love for life and an adoration for her husband. She loved God, her family, and anything that sparkled - both jewelry and people. She was kind, funny and generous and it was impossible to hear her giggle and not join in. I remember the day on the phone where we said to each other at the end of a long conversation - "I genuinely love you!" "I genuinely love you too!" - and the joy we felt in having found another true friendship at a time in life where people don't tend to make new, significant relationships.

Shelley was endlessly supportive of everyone's projects on PriceScope, and celebrated with anyone who achieved a jewelry goal or made a new purchase. She had an enthusiasm for the successes of others that spoke to true selflessness and a goodness of spirit.

PriceScope will be less for the loss of bling_dream19. But I know I, for one, will look back fondly on her past posts and be glad she passed our way, if only for a short time.

Rest in peace, darling girl - we'll miss you.

I am so sorry for your loss. As your daughter, I've seen firsthand how much love, joy, and friendship the two of you shared as the years passed. Shelley was a light for you and I am so sad to hear of her passing.
I am so sorry for your loss. As your daughter, I've seen firsthand how much love, joy, and friendship the two of you shared as the years passed. Shelley was a light for you and I am so sad to hear of her passing.

Thank you, darling girl. <3
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