
Picky Picky

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Date: 3/1/2007 11:39:43 AM
Author: AmberWaves
Man, I haaaate carrots. As a vegetarian, it''s the worst. Also, I am the worst mexican- I HATE beans. All kinds. Garbanzo, kidney, navy, pinto.. name it, I hate it. I also can''t stand any kinds of peas. I''ve always hated them. Blaaah.
bummer cause beans and rice is such a good staple for veg!!

I love carrots but I like to put basil butter on them :)
Date: 3/1/2007 11:55:51 AM
Author: zoebartlett
I didn''t think I was that picky but I keep rememering foods I don''t like. Raw carrots -- when I was little my parents wouldn''t let me leave the dinner table one night until I had finished eating. Raw carrots were the only thing left. I still remember being like 5 or 6 and sitting there, chewing and chewing but the carrots wouldn''t go down. I still won''t eat them.
I do like cooked carrots though. Go figure.
I had that experience with both plain thick gloppy oatmeal and canned green beans (two different events) and I really hate them both still LOL
I hate orange juice. Seriously. Everytime I go to the restaurant for breakfast (my special treat with FI, we do it about once a month) and they ask me if I want orange juice, I just want to ask them What is it with orange juice?! You want to make me sick or what? Especially the one with pulp in it... *shudder* I won''t tell you what it reminds me of...

I also dislike black olives, tuna, cooked cabbage, brussels sprouts and fiddleheads. Bleh.
Date: 3/1/2007 11:54:34 AM
Author: Cehrabehra
Okay this is a weird one and it really bugs me that I''m like this... but I don''t like alcohol. Especially wine. My family has winemakers in napa and for events they bring hundreds and hundreds of dollars of wine and I am always a good sport and try it. I LOVE the idea of drinking out of beautiful glasses and being grown up and discussing the flavors and they''re always telling me I just haven''t found it yet... well the last event I did have a few glasses of reisling and I thought okay so I like that wine - and ordered it at lunch one day and could barely get it down. Apparently I liked *that one* reisling LOL An uncle who makes wine was very proud of his latest batch (red wine is the worst for me) and he said now take a sip and wait a second then tell me the first thing that comes to mind... so I did and I said, ''Sour Dirt''. Oops! Maybe I shouldn''t have been quite so quick to say what I really thought haha... and all alcohol - I have a natural aversion to it. I have to kinda force myself to have a drink or two before I can enjoy it. If I just sip at a drink I won''t even get half way through. There''ve been a couple beers I''ve liked (dark black beers like guiness) but I can only drink about 3 sips before it doesn''t taste good any more.

And I wish I could drink because some days I''d really like to get away from all this!!! LOL
My DH hates wine, too. The best part of this is that he does almost all of our grocery shopping so he picks out my wine for me. It''s quite an adventure whenever he comes home with new bottles! He reads all of the information presented, looks for those that recieve high points and picks and chooses. I''ve been exposed to a ton of new wines because of his shopping techniques. Too funny.
I''m not overly fond of oranges.....which is definitely a no-no living here in FL
I hate Mayonnaise! I''ts unbelievably foul! Fortunately Fi hates it even more than I do. I don''t understand how people can put it on everything! Plus it''s always getting sneaked into sauces and such.

I also loathe parsley, it tastes like aluminum. Fi hates cilantro and avoiding both of those can make cooking and dining out interesting.
I always feel like an idiot at restaurants being so picky.

Fi won''t eat anything with a squidgy texture like mushrooms. He used to dislike tofu but I use extra firm and stirfry it until it''s chewy, then he''ll eat it.
Green peppers, tartar sauce, any kind of skin or fat or gristle on meat
, foie gras, bacon that isn''t BURNED (or "cremated" which is how I order it
), the pith & white gunk in fresh oranges (talk about gag reflex), whole milk, lima beans, soft shell crabs, ribs, tomato juice, calimari, and ... weird, but: sweet potatoes.
Indie reminded me: I hate ALL condiments: mayo, mustard, ketchup (catsup), dressings, sauces... I will only eat mac and cheese sauce- home made of course.
I have lemon juice on my salads (goodbye enamel), but that''s it! Wait- I DO love tartar sauce and malt vinegar.

I can''t stand eggs unless it''s once in a while and scrambled to death! I despise red apples. I love green ones but can''t take the red skinned ones. I also don''t like milk. The smell of it is so gross to me. Maybe that''s why I''m only 5 feet tall with frail bones.

The smell of melting butter makes me gag.

I am a total food freak.

Yeah, I said it!

California rolls are okay, but I''m not a big fish fan in general.

I''m also not a fan of whole tomatoes or big fat tomato slices, but I looove salsa. As long as the tomato is pureed, I''m fine.
I cannot stand bacon. Even looking at it grosses me out. All that fat...

Other than that, I don''t like lima beans and peas, but I don''t think that''s too unusual.
Date: 3/1/2007 12:28:12 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
I love nuts.. well, more specifically walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pnuts, but.. don''t ruin my food with them. Ew. Not in stuffing, not in jello, not in cakes and not in cookies most of all.
I like them in stuffing but not any of that other stuff but the worst for me is ice cream. I hate nuts in ice cream. Except tin roof sundae LOL
I absolutely hate:
-Mayo & ANYTHING that has it in it!
-Salad Dressing - literally ANY of them!
-Cream Cheese (unless made into something else!)
-Lobster/Crab/Oysters/Shrimp/Clams/Scallops etc!
-Eggs when NOT mixed together... the yolk separate is gross to me

Yeah, I know I am SUPER picky... my FI teases me about some, but we actually share some of those quirks

Are you ready for my list?

Blueberries-I gag thinking of them!
Honeydew Melon
Black Olives
Yogurt that is not smooth
Water chestnuts-EW!
Pulpy Orange Juice
Any Breakfast Item-Like Sausage, eggs, toast, biscuits, etc....
Raisons (But Love grapes--only green seedless grapes!)
Sweet Potatos
Anything with the texture of Jello, YUCK!
Granola bars with fruit preserves in them, or just fruit pieces

Milk, except when eating warm cookies, then I can drink it by the buckets
Cereal, except when I eat it with cinnamon yogurt (I know-weird!)
Cherries, but like cherry flavored things
Cheese, except melted or on a ritz cracker
Jams/Jellies/Preserves, except Pims
Honey, except if it is mixed in-like tea
Cranberries, except I like it in mixed juices
Snowpeas, except if cooked until limp
Oatmeal, but LOVE oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips, walnuts, and NO raisons
Marshmallows, except in S''mores

Bananas, but not banana flavored things

Needless to say, it took a while for my poor fiance to learn all my picky food choices!!

That''s all I can think of for now.. I know more will come to me later!
Oh boy, I hate a lot.

I don't eat
--- ANYthing that swims, this includes any kind of fish, shellfish, you name it.
If it lives in the sea, I don't EAT IT! Caviar? Nope.
--- Ham or bacon
--- Okra
--- Cauliflower
--- Most if not all game (duck, venison, etc)
--- organ meat
--- chicken skin or chicken wings
--- honey
--- cabbage
--- chewy mushrooms (shiitake, etc)
--- sweet potatoes or yams
--- orange juice, UNLESS it is fresh squeezed

There's more, but I can't think of 'em right now.
I hate mussels.. awful tasting rubbery shellfish..
I''m not too picky, but the things I don''t eat, I really hate.

#1 Broccoli - EEWWW! It smells just like a paper mill or a nasty fart. And it contaminates so many things by spewing it''s little green buds all into perfectly good veggie mixes, stir fries, salads, etc.

#2 Bananas - UGH! Again, the smell of rotten feet and the texture of a slime mold. When fiance eats these, he has to throw the skins away outside, or else they stink up the house for days. And he must brush his teeth and use mouthwash before he kisses me again. Hate it when people put bananas in a fruit salad and they get all mushy and dissolve and end up flavoring the whole thing. And I hate it when there is "mystery" bread that may be zucchini or pumpkin or banana, but you can''t really tell. I''ll never take a chance on this stuff.

#3 Meat with skins, bones, fat, grizzle, membrane - Makes me feel like barfing. A nice chicken breast or a filet mignon is fine, but I never understood the appeal of fried chicken, when you have to take all the skin off (and lose the coating), what''s the point? I don''t like dark meat chicken because it often has fat and grizzle on it. I hate it when you get General Gao''s chicken at a Chinese place, and it''s all dark meat and you can''t even see the chicken past the coating to pick off the fat and membrane. I can make myself sick just watching someone eat a chicken wing.

I''m not a big fan of mayonnaise either, but I''ll tolerate it when it''s mixed into a salad or whatever. I also don''t like pears, but they don''t seem to contaminate things the way bananas do, so I can generally pick aroung them. It''s tricky how they pretend to be apples, though.
Date: 3/1/2007 2:02:40 PM
Author: basil

I''m not a big fan of mayonnaise either, but I''ll tolerate it when it''s mixed into a salad or whatever. I also don''t like pears, but they don''t seem to contaminate things the way bananas do, so I can generally pick aroung them. It''s tricky how they pretend to be apples, though.
HAHAHAH!!! That actually made me laugh out loud!
Sneaky little buggers, those pears.

Oh I forgot to mention one other food that I despise. SHRIMP. The thought of putting a whole body in my mouth just makes me queasy. And the texture makes me gag.
I am actually pretty picky but my two big things is I hate seafood (except lox on bagels...wierd) and tomatoes. I will eat pizza and ketchup, but never anything with a tomato sauce or diced tomatoes. Yuck!
Wow, I must be the unpickiest eater in the world. With the exception of organs (which I have never tried) and gefilte fish (don''t know what that is), I will eat everything that everyone mentioned, and like it. I just love food! But I am sure there is something I won''t eat or don''t like. I''ll have to think of it....

Oh yeah, I don''t like vegemite (an australian thing).

So are you the picky eater of the family? Do you find it hard to put up with picky eaters? It''s actually kind of a pet peeve of mine (I understand why people don''t like certain things, but sometimes I''m just not very sympathetic, unfortunately
). TGuy is an adventurous eater, which is helpful in eating my cooking!
I honestly truly without hesitation will eat anything. It is so weird... I have tried for years to name one thing that truly grosses me out, to no avail. The only thing I can ever come up with is black licorice... I don''t mind it, I just don''t love it.

But I''ll eat any kind of fish... raw, cooked, caviar, whatever. LOVE every condiment out there... horseradish, vinegar, relish, mayo, tartar sauce... I pile it on, usually all together. Anything pickled... give me more. Prunes... got a stash in the fridge right now. Lima beans, brussel sprouts, cabbage... no problem. I''ll happily drink any beer, wine or liquor (though I stay away from straight Jager... again the black licorice thing). And finally, to fiance''s total horror, my brother and I grew up fighting over the giblets at Thanksgiving each year (liver and kidney and heart... mmmmm).

Basically, if you''ve ever seen something on a menu or in a grocery store and asked yourself "who really EATS that?" The answer is: me.
Date: 3/1/2007 11:07:56 AM
Author: Matata
Sour dough bread & salmon. As a resident of the Pacific Northwest, I can''t admit in public that I don''t like these because I''d be tarred & feathered.

I *can* eat sourdough... but not if there is another choice. And I was raised, and now live in San Fran Bay Area. And I dislike Salmon... unless its drowing in my home made Piccata sauce... and even then I can''t eat more than 2 or 3 ounces!

Not from the Pacific Northwest... though... just Cali... but still. It''s sacrilege out here.
OMG I'm LMAO at work you guys are a riot!!!

I also don't like pears, but they don't seem to contaminate things the way bananas do, so I can generally pick aroung them. It's tricky how they pretend to be apples, though.

I'm not generally picky either. With the exception of the gristle, fat, skin thing which I share (except for Peking or Chinese Duck... I'll eat EVERTHING on one of those except the head)... I like the things the others have said they dont' like.

Have to agree with the vegemite too. Vegemite is nasty.... and I wasn't impressed with Damper Bread either. Oh... Pot pies. I don't like pot pies. They're pretending to be pastry... but harboring stew. Ick.

OH... and I forgot a MAJOR dislike.

Flat Water. Everyonce in a while a REALLY cold Dassani is good. But for the most part if it's not flavored or carbonated, I'm not drinking it.
Date: 3/1/2007 2:27:16 PM
Author: ephemery1
I honestly truly without hesitation will eat anything. It is so weird... I have tried for years to name one thing that truly grosses me out, to no avail. The only thing I can ever come up with is black licorice... I don't mind it, I just don't love it.

But I'll eat any kind of fish... raw, cooked, caviar, whatever. LOVE every condiment out there... horseradish, vinegar, relish, mayo, tartar sauce... I pile it on, usually all together. Anything pickled... give me more. Prunes... got a stash in the fridge right now. Lima beans, brussel sprouts, cabbage... no problem. I'll happily drink any beer, wine or liquor (though I stay away from straight Jager... again the black licorice thing). And finally, to fiance's total horror, my brother and I grew up fighting over the giblets at Thanksgiving each year (liver and kidney and heart... mmmmm).

Basically, if you've ever seen something on a menu or in a grocery store and asked yourself 'who really EATS that?' The answer is: me.

You are my twin. I was reading this thread, and trying to think of something that really grosses me out, but I really couldn't! I love all the forementioned dislikes of everyone else, and I especially LOVE mayonnaise, and anything that contains mayo. A couple of things that I'm not fond of are black licorice, or citrus desserts (key lime pie, lemon meringue pie etc) those I could do without. Occassionally a badly cooked egg will have too much of an "eggy" taste, but other than that, I eat EVERYTHING, and love about 99% of what I eat. Everytime I rave about some new food I tried, dh just laughs, and says: "What DON'T you like?"
TG, gefilte fish is jewish and it is ground up and seasoned carp or koi (I think they are the same fish but I might be wrong). The funny thing is I love almost all fish for the most part, but something about having seen a carp big and orange swimming around and then thinking about it ground up NAUSEATES me. Then they put this bright magenta horshradish on it and it is spicy! My mother in law refuses to believe that I DO NOT LIKE IT and will insist that I just haven''t had GOOD gefilte fish. I am here to tell you unless Wolfang, Emeril, the Barefoot Contessa, Martha Stewart or someone like that comes up with the most fabulous recipe, it will never cross my lips, EVER. I think now my issue is almost more mental than anything else but I can lead a full life without eating gefilte fish!
This is a very funny thread!

I am a pretty picky eater and yes, I am the picky one in my family! But I''m pretty good about picking things out of what I eat and I am all about ordering things my way vs. the standard menu item.

Things I don''t like: mushrooms, onions (unless completely cooked so I don''t taste or feel them). A lot of my food dislikes are regarding textures, I''ve found. My FI finds that kind of funny.. whatever! I don''t like slimy, mushy foods, don''t even like to look at them sometimes... cooked veggies unless they''re still crisp, eggs unless the slimy part is gone, okra is
Don''t like mayo at all and can just tolerate that other stuff..can''t think of the name of it right now.
I really dislike grape juice but love grapes. I love cranberries but don''t like the canned stuff.
Don''t like red apples or grapes but love the green ones, that''s definitely a sour thing. I like sour foods but don''t like bitter ones.
I know, I''m weird! I know there''s plenty more but can''t think of them at the moment.
I also HATE peanut butter ansd jelly sandwiches...i don''t like either...i hate jelly in cookies---especially those gross fig newtons...i''ll eat peanut butter on carrots, but thats it. i was scarred for life after my mom brought home that goober grape stuff when i was DH can''t get enough of the stuff.
I dislike brussel sprouts with a burning passion. My mom used to make them when I was growing up and I would practically gag trying to eat them. Haven''t tried one since. The only way I''ll eat coconut is in a seven layer bar. My DH loves frosting with coconut in it, which I loathe. I with Deco because I also can''t stand fat or gristle on meat. I always surgically dissect anything I''m preparing or eating.
This is the funniest thread to read! I like a lot of different foods and I''ll try just about anything. Many of your "most hateds" are my faves and it''s so funny to read the descriptions. Like bananas -- my coworker''s laugh at how I have to have a banana at lunch every single day and the truth is that I *limit* myself to one; I could easily eat 3! Now every time I crack open a peel I''m going to think of moldy feet, LOL!

But -- I''m right there with the canteloupe haters. I really want to like it. It looks like it should be good, with its fresh succulent mellow orange color. But then it smells so gross and tastes like soap. I can''t even stand the smell of one being cut open near me. I also hate when they put it in a fruit cup and ruin all the other good fruit. Watermelon doesn''t offend me but I don''t understand the allure. The taste/texture is like styrofoam dipped into pink sugar water -- with the occasional seed thrown in!
Funny, I never thought there would be so many cantelope hatin folk.

Pickles or mustard. Can''t even have them on the same plate as my food. Won''t eat raw fish of any kind. Everyone I know who has become super sick w/ gastro problems traces it to raw fish.
one of my biggest fears in life is tomato ketchup!! I cant go near it and if any of it gets on me...ughhhhhhh!!

I also hate carrots, unless they''re raw

Hate any organs, steaks, lamb, pork etc. Dont mind beef so long as its minced and I will eat it in things like lasagna and spaghetti.

Dont like celery or brussel sprouts.
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