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Date: 5/10/2007 12:33:15 PM
Author: VegasAngel
She bugged this kitty enough that the cat was nursing from my dog. My dog produced milk to nurse this cat I couldnt believe it.
Even though the dog wasn''t pregnant?
He''s so cute Rainbow!! You are taking such excellent care of him. Have you thought of a name yet??
Date: 5/10/2007 12:35:31 PM
Author: FireGoddess

Date: 5/10/2007 12:33:15 PM
Author: VegasAngel
She bugged this kitty enough that the cat was nursing from my dog. My dog produced milk to nurse this cat I couldnt believe it.
Even though the dog wasn''t pregnant?
Nope, not pregnant. Motherly instinct kicked in I guess & she just produced milk.
Wow, VegasAngel, that''s awesome. What a sweet puppy.

RainbowTrout, I hope that natural remedy worked for the kitten and those pesky fleas and ticks stay off of the baby. You''re so nice to take care of it.
Hey, cat and I just had a nap...I sort of fell over and he decided it would be a good time for him to nap as well. it's fairly good timing since I'm between fieldwork bouts and can stay home with him during the day.

Going to try feeding him again in a few. I think I might name him MC Solaar, one of my friends joked about it and it seems to have stuck.

RE: keeping him. I'm going to keep him at least until I go back home, at which point I will bring him with me and let him meet Chen and see if they get along and if we have enough space. If not I'll foster him until someone can take him.

The regs are fairly calm, I just have to make sure he's healthy, get a vet cert to that effect, and a statement he isn't old enough for the rabies vaccine. I think he'll be juuuust old enough for his 3-month vaccines in August before I leave, so.
Sheesh, Vegas, that''s crazy! But very sweet
Date: 5/10/2007 11:06:35 AM
Author: rainbowtrout
after bath...
OMG...How cute is that little guy!!
I tried the eyedropper and got in a little, but he''s turning his head away and backing away from me. He hasn''t eaten since 2 and only a little, and now it''s 7:30....this is worrisome. I''m not doing anything different than I did yesterday!
Try something else. If you have any wet food.. can you mix it with a little of the milk and some water?
Tried it...I have some food and some liver pate, he won''t take either, mushed or otherwise. Also he''s having some loose stools, I''m hoping he doesn''t have some sort of bowel infection. I may take him to the vet tommorrow if he isn''t quite hungrey in the morning
Hmm. Did you manage to get the goat milk? I wish we could just mail you some kitten or even cat milk. I would leave out some water so at least he stays hydrated and try to tempt him with some food every so often.
I asked, but didn''t find it. They have goat *cheese,* there must be goat milk, there''s a store I will try tommorrow, plus pick up some pediatric vitamins, they''ll have to do without pet vitamins.
Wow. The challenges of pet ownership overseas.

Makes you appreicate the conveniences of home.

You are doing a FABULOUS job in the absence of the comforts we take for granted out here.

If there''s anyway I can help, let me know.
Thank you so much Gypsey, you guys all already helped a lot. If his appetite doesn't perk up in the morning I'll go right to the vet, of course now I'm worried that he'll just die during the night. I know, he probably won't, but still. He's just SO thin. I'm trying very hard not to get too attached until he gets older and out of the danger zone, but it doesn't seem to be working.

You guys should have seen this vet. There was me, a little street child with a pigeon he found in a box, a man with a cat who had its eyes gouged out, and....*9* purebred German shepard puppies with mom. Plus several donkeys and some blood of dubious origin on the floor. Wild.
Date: 5/10/2007 4:56:59 PM
Author: rainbowtrout
Thank you so much Gypsey, you guys all already helped a lot. If his appetite doesn''t perk up in the morning I''ll go right to the vet, of course now I''m worried that he''ll just die during the night. I know, he probably won''t, but still. He''s just SO thin. I''m trying very hard not to get too attached until he gets older and out of the danger zone, but it doesn''t seem to be working.

You guys should have seen this vet. There was me, a little street child with a pigeon he found in a box, a man with a cat who had its eyes gouged out, and....*9* purebred German shepard puppies with mom. Plus several donkeys and some blood of dubious origin on the floor. Wild.


I can''t even imagine what it''s like living over there and dealing with that.

He sounds fairly perky so far... so I think he''ll make it through the night. I REALLY wish there was a way to get your kitten milk. Is your family able to send you care packages? If so... can you ask them to go to Petsmart and put some in the mail?
Yes, but they take 3 weeks to arrive, by which point he should be weaned. I may go over to the Rabat vet tomorrow and just ask, this is the capital (a bigger city than where I found him) so MAYBE there is some here or in Casablanca.

Or, I may ask FI to make my birthday present a fedex package of kitten would get here by Monday (hopefully) and cost about 90 dollars it looks like...eeesh.
90 bucks.

Um... DHL???

Try the other, larger, cities. Good luck.
"I can't even imagine what it's like living over there and dealing with that.

He sounds fairly perky so far... so I think he'll make it through the night. I REALLY wish there was a way to get your kitten milk. Is your family able to send you care packages? If so... can you ask them to go to Petsmart and put some in the mail?"

It can be hard, but on the other hand I was heartened to see that someone had taken the trouble to put the kitten and the dove in a box, which I imagine was all they could afford, and pay the cab fare to take it to the vet. If you grow up here it's hard to have compassion for animals when you see so much human suffering around as well I think, animals sort of have to fend for themselves. I actually don't know if it is even a lack of compassion as much as the inability to really do something. Kind of like there's only so much caring to spare.
Date: 5/10/2007 3:26:04 PM
Author: rainbowtrout
I tried the eyedropper and got in a little, but he's turning his head away and backing away from me. He hasn't eaten since 2 and only a little, and now it's 7:30....this is worrisome. I'm not doing anything different than I did yesterday!

I know that my cousin fed a kitten milk through a pen.
How is he today?
He''s a bit perkier and he''s meowing and purring again, thank goodness.
He ate a nice helping of dry kitten food this morning!

Although, I am apparently world''s worst cat mommy, I just realized that the bites of liver pate I have been giving him contain ONIONS. It''s pretty far down on the ingredient list so I am hoping I haven''t poisoned him irrevocably by giving him anemia. I can''t believe I didn''t check the list--I thought pate was just liver.

I think he has had about two tablespoons of it over three days. It also has *lactose* in it. It''s currently in the trash.

I just drug him to the vet, who apparently is only open from 1PM to 3PM. So at 1PM back I go.
Oh I am pleased to hear he has eaten. I just love cats
Thats good news, thanks for the update!

My thoughts are with you. The story of how you removed the fleas, then bleached the bedding was particularly descriptive. That is a beautiful little kitten. I hope s/he becomes strong and healthy and has a long life with you.

Date: 5/10/2007 12:33:15 PM
Author: VegasAngel
I aquired my cat as a tiny wild kitten not ready to be away from her momma. She wouldnt take kitten formula so I just shoved wet cat food in her mouth. Once she got a few bites she started eating it like a champ The first few weeks she would go around my house hissing at everything it was so funny. My Boston terrier who loves cats decided she was going to mother this kitten. She bugged this kitty enough that the cat was nursing from my dog. My dog produced milk to nurse this cat I couldnt believe it.
Wow! What luck! That is really amazing.

Rainbowtrout, what a darling kitten. So glad it's working out well -- I'm sure there would have been zero chance of survival without you.
Date: 5/11/2007 8:36:06 AM
Author: lumpkin

Date: 5/10/2007 12:33:15 PM
Author: VegasAngel
I aquired my cat as a tiny wild kitten not ready to be away from her momma. She wouldnt take kitten formula so I just shoved wet cat food in her mouth. Once she got a few bites she started eating it like a champ The first few weeks she would go around my house hissing at everything it was so funny. My Boston terrier who loves cats decided she was going to mother this kitten. She bugged this kitty enough that the cat was nursing from my dog. My dog produced milk to nurse this cat I couldnt believe it.
Wow! What luck! That is really amazing.

Rainbowtrout, what a darling kitten. So glad it''s working out well -- I''m sure there would have been zero chance of survival without you.
I seem to attract animals that are crazy/weird.

Seems like kitty is doing ok today. RT have you tried soaking the dry cat food in some water then mushing it up?
Just took him to the vet to be safe. He gave him three subcut saline shots since he was apparently quite dehydrated, and told me to give him liver mushed up with rice (which, thankfully, he seems to be wild about. I also have to go get some anti-diarrheal meds and somehow convince him to drink from his bowl...
Liver and rice... Hmm... sounds familiar!

Here''s what I''m feeding my cats right now: The chicken recipe would work well for you if you have a blender. Substitute basmatti rice (easy to find out there) and chicken thighs if breasts are hard to come by:

You are NOT the worlds worst cat mommy. Heck I KNOW pate has liver in it (I make some at home sometimes)-- and I forgot to ask you about it too. Hopefully it''s just a little bit and won''t have any adverse effects.

You are right about having only so much compassion to go around. I was quick to judge, and that was wrong.

I''m so happy to hear he''s better! Between you and vet-- he''s going to be just fine!
RT, I just wanto to say I have been following this story and it is so sad, but wonderful to hear how you are taking care of him! I have no pet advice, as I am not a pet owner, except for babysitting my canine nephew... But I have to say that I am just inspired by how much you are putting into helping this poor kitten...I love reading about him and his progress...

What a wonderful thing to do!
Date: 5/11/2007 11:56:56 AM
Author: Gypsy
Liver and rice... Hmm... sounds familiar!

Here''s what I''m feeding my cats right now: The chicken recipe would work well for you if you have a blender. Substitute basmatti rice (easy to find out there) and chicken thighs if breasts are hard to come by:

You are NOT the worlds worst cat mommy. Heck I KNOW pate has liver in it (I make some at home sometimes)-- and I forgot to ask you about it too. Hopefully it''s just a little bit and won''t have any adverse effects.

You are right about having only so much compassion to go around. I was quick to judge, and that was wrong.

I''m so happy to hear he''s better! Between you and vet-- he''s going to be just fine!
Thanks, I went and read the whole thread. I have one question though, will they get enough of the vitamins they need from a long term diet like that? I wasn''t clear from the thread if you were feeding them homemade long term or what.

Some recipies I''ve seen have bone meal, fish oil, carrots added to a mix of organ meats and muscle meat.

Thank you (and everyone!) for the support, it really has helped. I have to say if a human baby is say 100x more stressful than a baby animal, I don''t know if I can make it!
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