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I can''t believe he''s so light he doesn''t even press the keys down! What a sweetie pie!!!
Oooooooh. He''s too precious. I''m glad to hear he''s doing better and has more energy. THe pic with him riding your back was so cute! He looks like a little love. And I LOVE the belly and they way he just lets it all hang out when he''s napping!

Let us know what happens with his ears and the vet next week. And Bless you for looking out for this little guy!
He is so adorable!
Awww...SO CUTE!!!!!

Thank you so much for the update and the new pictures. He looks like he is doing really well - I''ll keep my fingers crossed on the ringworm - it can be incredibly stubborn. He doesn''t sound feral anymore - he sounds like he''s really bonded nicely and is adjusting well to interaction with humans
Love him! He looks like he has a shag haircut, ala the early Beatles! VERY cute!!!

We also had a cat that was weaned too early and he never grew out of the sucking thing... he used to suck on my ear. EWW.
Late to this thread, but the kitten is adorable and it is so wonderful of you to have taken him in. He''s lucky he found you!
Awww, thanks! He is a cute little guy. Like sumbride said, he is sort of shaggy--not quiiiite a longhair or a shorthair.

Dee: he *used* to be that light, now he turns off my sound or even the computer when he sits on it! A no sitting rule has to be instigated..

SDL and sumbride: Oh my...he sucks on mom''s ear sometimes, it''s def. an "ick!"

Ambergretchen: have you had a kitty with ringworm? I was so excited that it seemed to have cleared up, but now there is this suspicious new red patch...

Gypsy: it''s my mom''s back, actually, but he does it to both of us
Got it. Mom''s back. Very cute either way though.

I''ve dealt with ringworm. Spreads like wildfire. Take him back to the vet when you can.
yeah...she gave me the iodine to put on it this time, he goes back this weekend.

Lucikly none of the humans have got it!
I got it from from visiting a different shelter from ours. Was SHOCKED. Looked like little cigarette burns. I was TERRIFIED the cats (three of them!!!) would get it. Fortunately they didn''t... but boy was I worried.

Be careful. And good luck.
RT - I''ve never had to deal with ringworm (thank goodness!) but I know people who have. I feel like a bad person for it but I won''t even visit the animals at the shelter where I volunteer who have it because I''m paranoid about getting it myself (and knowing me and my tendency to get bad versions of all things skin irritation related it would probably be BAD), or giving it to my sweet babies. I really hope you can get rid of it soon on the little one and that none of the people get it!

Be careful with the wispy in-between fur - that''s what our Oliver had when we got him and we thought he''d be a short hair. 10 months later we have a giant furry monster LOL
But I guess with Chen at home you know all about giant furry monsters

Gypsy - I''m so sorry you had to deal with that, it sounds dreadful!
Amber it wasn''t painful, and I got over it pretty quickly, it was mostly just really surprising... but I was seriously worried about hte cats getting it... and then not kicking it. Especially Hally and her depressed immune system. Thanks for the sympathy though.
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