
PS Las Vegas GTG 2013....thoughts

Resonance.Of.Life said:
YT: You were an absolute blast! :) <3 Twinnie

You can't take back what you said.

The damage is done.
Ladies and gentlemen a number of photos have been removed from this thread at the request of someone in them. Please be respectful of the privacy of others and ask if they are comfortable with their photos posted on PS PRIOR to posting any photos from the GTG.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. It looks like a wonderful time was had by all! :appl:
Thanks Ella. Thought I was the only one with paranoid tendencies :lol:

For anyone interested in seeing more of Jura's work, I found a link on his page to his pave setting school which hosts a lovely gallery of his work: :eek:

Why is there no emoticon with a dropped jaw, tongue out, and drool pooling underneath? :love: :love:
So cool to see everyone on here!
So motivated to attend next year- so much bling and good people to meet.
Thanks for sharing!
WOW, its great to see pics of everyone having such a great time!!! Glad you all had so much fun!!! I would love to be there next year! :))
Skippy|1370317362|3458640 said:
I don't think I posted this here but Catmom is such a dear one. and also some eye candy! Catmom, I think that necklace would go great with your gorgeous Ring :cheeky:

Ahh, you are the dear one, beautiful inside and out!! I agree about the necklace, will you buy it for me??? PLEASE??????? :naughty:
Sarahbear621|1370304688|3458497 said:
Gypsy|1370303481|3458484 said:
diamondseeker2006|1370300821|3458459 said:
That ring that Gypsy has on is for sale, by the way. I need to alert Phoenix to this thread! I know she wanted higher color, but I am being totally honest when I say I saw no color in that diamond!

Super wonderful to finally meet you, Gypsy!!!! :wavey:

It was great to finally meet you too DS!!

I think that ring would be incredible for Pheonix. And I agree about the color! (I don't think that's my hand though. I have a similar pic on my phone of it, and it's the only pic I took all night. The ring was just that lovely).

OH. And I ran it under my ASET scope while I was there. It lights up bright red. Which was no surprise given what it looked like to the naked eye, but just in case Pheonix asks, it totally gets two thumbs up from the ASET.

Gypsy I'm sorry I missed you at the TGT :blackeye: (I missed Kenny, Catmom, and many others, ugh for leaving early!) I did talk to Erica and Grace about this ring and I think they have a very interested buyer so if someone wants to alert Phoenix I would do so ASAP.

Sarahbear, I'm so sorry I missed you as well! There are way too many people I seemed to miss plus the bling. I have to do a better job next year and yes Mr. CatMom and I are already planning next year's adventure. :lol:
Beautiful people! It sounds and looks like it was a very special evening with wonderful memories too! :appl:
kenny|1370318433|3458646 said:
Terrible technical quality but I love MayK's expression.

Awwwwwww... Andrey, Skippy and Erika.

This beautiful painting was donated as a door price by a member.
Someone please, let's credit the artist since Kenny was not alert enough to remember the name. :oops:

Here's what everyone else won.
Actually it's a very cool shirt and is exactly what I wear every day.
Thanks Andrey.

That first pic is of the room erupting when our very own dear Skippy won the diamond earring door prize. No one could have deserved it more!
What wonderful photos! Everyone looks so beautiful, and as if they were having a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing some of the experience!
I'm perfectly fine with pictures to be published here.
Diamondseeker, Kenny, everyone who contributed to this thread Thank you!!! It's been fun reading through the thread and seeing seeing the faces and the bling, for what sounds like what was a fabulous time!!!
I've never been to Las Vegas, but if I ever do, it would be great to do it during one of these get togethers.
What a great thread. Your bling and you all look like you're having a fantastic time. :appl:
Hi Kenny,

Thank you so much for asking :))

I was going to email you it's ok, but then I guess I can just say no problem in posting my picture here.

On the PS GTG, the Whiteflash Team enjoyed visiting with all the wonderful people who write on PS and it's always great fun to see Gary,John P and Erika!

The Skyloft was elegance and class beyond words!! Anyhooo - thanks PS for making such a great party. You guys really really outdid yourselves!!! :appl:
I love this thread, thanks for all the fun stories and photos everyone!
Catmom|1370350917|3458729 said:
Skippy|1370317362|3458640 said:
I don't think I posted this here but Catmom is such a dear one. and also some eye candy! Catmom, I think that necklace would go great with your gorgeous Ring :cheeky:

Ahh, you are the dear one, beautiful inside and out!! I agree about the necklace, will you buy it for me??? PLEASE??????? :naughty:
as are you my sweet beautiful friend!!! xo Sure, I just need to win the lottery or win at slots (whispers I only played a couple of dollars but no luck). lol
Is anyone else sick? I don't know if I have food poisoning or if I have the flu.

I've been throwing up and umm... other stuff nonstop and I've never felt this kind of stomach pain in my life. It feels like I'm either giving birth to an alien baby or someone is stabbing me over and over with a knife... Started Monday morning. Was totally fine the whole weekend.
I feel fine.

Get well soon, YT. :wavey:
I'll say it again...I'm so incredibly jealous to have missed all the fun...and well, the door prizes. :lol: Counting the days until next year!!
madelise|1370279647|3458229 said:
Can I not have my photos posted? I was fine with taking photos with members for memories' sake, but for safety reasons I would rather not have my pieces posted publicly with a link to my face. I just flagged MayK's post to have my photo deleted. I'm so sorry if the others in group photos wanted to be posted-- I have tried to keep a somewhat neutral, slightly anonymous persona here on PS so that I am safe from the creepies and also safe from being "discovered" by people from my "real life". I am just a little more leery than your usual person about posting luxury items, then having a face to mark who owns these items. I really did battle my stance on this, as I would have loved to see the photo of myself next to Andrey from the raffle, and feel like I owe it to the PS community to at least allow that photo to be public.. but I really really don't like knowing I'm adding risk of being "discovered", or worse, targeted.

I'm so sorry, I should have said something instead of joining in group photos.. I don't mind the photos be shared in a more private manner, but not here in a very public space. :blackeye:

Madelise, it was so nice to meet you.
I wish we had more time to talk, but I was 'working' taking pics all evening.
Maybe next year I'll leave the camera at home and just spend my time relaxing and getting to know people.
I'll certainly get there a day early to have more people time.

I fully understand your security concern and how it is at odds with wanting to join in the fun of sharing the camaraderie of the GTG with other members, especially those who could not join us.
Ironically I took the most pics, but don't want mine posted for your same security reasons.
Some are comfortable, some not, people vary and that's fine.

I hope there will be thorough discussion on photography before next years GTG, so a policy can be widely communicated to prevent any hurt feelings.
I plan to start a thread soon on all aspects of this sensitive and important subject.
If a consensus is reached that the discomfort caused by a candid photographer walking around outweighs the benefit of the results then lets just nix it and ban all cameras unless we hand model releases.
One woman told me not to photograph her because she is a model and she didn't know me and didn't trust what I'd do with the pics.
So I respected that and didn't photograph her.
Later in the evening she complained I didn't photograph her.
I just hope the sensitivity of one or two does not outweigh the enjoyment of the vast majority.
Surely a policy and a procedure can be arrived at that satisfies all.

Pics can do so much good, but also so much harm, in this Internet age.

If anyone does not like a pic of them that I have posted don't be shy, ask admin to delete it.
I did my best to make everyone look good, but have apparently failed in one case.

I spent all day Monday culling 356 pics down to about 45.
I deleted for bad focus, lighting, exposure, unflattering facial expressions, spinach in teeth, and people who don't want their pics posted.
Then on the winning 45 I spent hours, cropping, adjusting exposure, sharpness, and very minor retouching to make every person and pic as good as possible .... as good IMO, which is the only one I have.

Salvaging ANY of the pics taken of people on the stair landing was a little technological miracle.
That was the darkest spot in the room and there was light BEHIND the people.
I hate flash but resorted to it with a napkin held over the flash to enlarge the light source to soften the shadows.
Eventually after much processing some were usable but yucky technically.
Then much more time researching which names go with which faces, since I have a horrid memory and didn't meet everyone.

Even then, without naming a name, the results did not make everyone happy.
People SURE vary when it comes to pics of themselves.
Anyone know if they took individual pics of everyone's jewelry pieces like last year for the special blingathon edition of the PS GTG "Jewel of the Week"?
A GIANT thank you to the Andrey and the PS administration for organizing a fabulous evening and a GIANT thank you to all the PSers and tradepeople who attended!!!! It was fantastic to meet so many of the wonderful people I've come to know on here over the years ::)

DS, finally! You and Dreamer are the reason I started posting in RT in the first place, and your real-world personality comes through so well in your posts - meeting you was like meeting an old friend ::)

Yenny, it was lovely to meet you, your rings, and your cabs in jackets :bigsmile: I don't know how it's possible that your oval is somehow even more striking in-person than in photos - it's truly that one in a million!!! And I also don't know how it's possible that your SS settings are even more delicate and refined in-person...And I think the cabs in IDJ's scalloped jackets is one of the classiest and most elegant earrings looks I've ever seen...

Sarahbear!! Thank you for taking me out with your friends to celebrate! It was the best sort of birthday night :bigsmile: and tell S3 that I'll be sure to practice declaring my get-away-from-me disease :bigsmile:

Your cushion looks perfect in the VC halo and good lord it's HUGE in-person!!

Mayk it was great to meet you and Mr. Mayk and your DBL EC ring is unbelievably beautiful! Your new OEC bracelet will look fabulous with that french cut band :naughty:

FK my date with your ring was cut short. I want a do-over. She wants a do-over too, promise.

Kenny, there's nothing I could say about your collection that you haven't heard probably dozens of times now! Those little stones are nature's prizes, and your collection of them - colours so carefully chosen and arranged - is poetic justice. I'll miss the orange pear, especially, but knowing you, I'm confident the replacements will be even more stunning and complementary!

Enerchi I gotta say, you're just as I guessed! Just as bubbly and welcoming IRL as you are on PS :bigsmile: and just as much of an enabler, LOL!! I'm SO glad to hear that the issue will be addressed :appl: I can't wait to hear about it!

YT, oh, where was I without you, love? I can't believe I won't see you for another year. How am I supposed to cope? Long distance sucks!

The obvious solution is for you to move here.
Flights are pretty good right now.
Get cracking.

thing the Sholdt turned out AMAZINGLY well!! No wonder you were so disappointed the first time and so happy the second - it is PERFECTION!!! I was so excited to see it, after all the drama :cheeky: talk about happy endings!

Kroshka, I'm so happy I got to meet you and your DH and spend some more time together Sunday ::) you're both such lovely people! Your taste in jewellery is spectacular and your cushion is absolutely exquisite :love: :love: :love:

I'm pretty sure I squealed out loud when I tried it on... And oh, it really did fit perfectly!! :bigsmile: I'm really glad you didn't dismantle the setting - it works so well with the stone! And did I mention how well it worked on my finger?

Hah, yeah, yeah, I know! I owe you an email and I want to see some pics of Greenie ::)

PinkJewel OMG our RDGs really are works of art!!!! Most definitely worth the wait! I can't believe I *almost* missed you and your DH - I'm so glad we managed to get together for breakfast. It was nice to actually spend some time with you both - I think we got thirty seconds at the GTG itself - and I owe you some pics too, and you owe me an update! :bigsmile:

I don't actually think I'm in any of the pics from the GTG at all... How'd I manage that? And it must be said: Garry, Mike R., and Sheerah are super cute :devil:

Oh, I hope you feel better soon. "Digestive upset" (no matter how it manifests itself) is awful.

I don't actually think I'm in any of the pics from the GTG at all... How'd I manage that? And it must be said: Garry, Mike R., and Sheerah are super cute :devil:

Don't worry if you were not in any of the GTG pics. Mr. Kroshka took some "nice" photos of you - and he is asking permission to post :lol:

It was great getting to spend some one on one time with you and all of your sparklies! The time just flew by till we got kicked Will send you an email.
kroshka said:
I don't actually think I'm in any of the pics from the GTG at all... How'd I manage that? And it must be said: Garry, Mike R., and Sheerah are super cute :devil:

Don't worry if you were not in any of the GTG pics. Mr. Kroshka took some "nice" photos of you - and he is asking permission to post :lol:

It was great getting to spend some one on one time with you and all of your sparklies! The time just flew by till we got kicked Will send you an email.
Did he take any of me?
YT|1370393045|3459097 said:
kroshka said:
I don't actually think I'm in any of the pics from the GTG at all... How'd I manage that? And it must be said: Garry, Mike R., and Sheerah are super cute :devil:

Don't worry if you were not in any of the GTG pics. Mr. Kroshka took some "nice" photos of you - and he is asking permission to post :lol:

It was great getting to spend some one on one time with you and all of your sparklies! The time just flew by till we got kicked Will send you an email.
Did he take any of me?

Hey YT! I hope you feel better soon! I felt pretty nauseous today for some reason, but fortunately I am not having many issues other than that. I think Mr. Kroshka might have taken a few pics of you - I know he got one of you when you won a prize and there is one group photo of you when Matata got her new name, but Madelise is in that photo, so I can't post that. If I can get your email, I can send it to you. I think he also got one pic of you at the dinner :)
kroshka|1370392211|3459089 said:
I don't actually think I'm in any of the pics from the GTG at all... How'd I manage that? And it must be said: Garry, Mike R., and Sheerah are super cute :devil:

Don't worry if you were not in any of the GTG pics. Mr. Kroshka took some "nice" photos of you - and he is asking permission to post :lol:

It was great getting to spend some one on one time with you and all of your sparklies! The time just flew by till we got kicked Will send you an email.

Delete. Delete!!!
Mr. Kroshka said to tell you they will remain in memory only and not posted :)
kroshka|1370394163|3459114 said:
Mr. Kroshka said to tell you they will remain in memory only and not posted :)

kroshka said:
YT|1370393045|3459097 said:
kroshka said:
I don't actually think I'm in any of the pics from the GTG at all... How'd I manage that? And it must be said: Garry, Mike R., and Sheerah are super cute :devil:

Don't worry if you were not in any of the GTG pics. Mr. Kroshka took some "nice" photos of you - and he is asking permission to post :lol:

It was great getting to spend some one on one time with you and all of your sparklies! The time just flew by till we got kicked Will send you an email.
Did he take any of me?

Hey YT! I hope you feel better soon! I felt pretty nauseous today for some reason, but fortunately I am not having many issues other than that. I think Mr. Kroshka might have taken a few pics of you - I know he got one of you when you won a prize and there is one group photo of you when Matata got her new name, but Madelise is in that photo, so I can't post that. If I can get your email, I can send it to you. I think he also got one pic of you at the dinner :)

Ooh! Pictures!

You have my email!
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