
PS Mommies Thread!

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It does sound like separation anxiety.
Hope it passes soon.
Lili--i was so busy looking at the clip in that one pic i didn''t notice the earing. Very cute. She is just a doll and i *still* can''t get over the fact that she is crawling.
And yes, i ''ll be making Celebrity cruise line work for that $600 they charged me for Cohen! Better be some damn gormet, super delux, organic fortified rice cereal they are serving up

Tacori: 3 cheers for Tessa!!!!!! That''s really exciting! You know what comes next?!! The wobbly mobile stage--eeks! (pics pleeeeze!)
We love the Celebrity Cruiseline.
I was wondering which cruise line you booked with.
Isn't this a free cruise for you because of some event?
What was the deal again?

We got a free cruise ourselves too when they had to cancel our Alaskan cruise at the last minute (a week before our sail date)
and the refund our money but gave us a free cruise to use on any itinerary. When I said us, I mean everyone who booked for that sail date.

They have exceptionally excellent doubt.
You'll be so pampered on the ship
What is your itinerary?
Date: 9/10/2008 7:26:18 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Guess what?!?!? Tessa stood on her own!!!!!
Okay, it was only for *maybe* 15 seconds and then she realized what was going on (probably when I started screaming and clapping like a crazy woman) and she grabbed back on the sofa. And DH mentioned (so glad he got to see it too!) that she was pooping at the time (we smelled it after the excitement was over) so we think she was concentrating on that so didn''t realize WHAT she was doing. I am still celebrating!

Oh Tacori how exciting!!!!!! You have to post pictures of your beautiful little girl. Too funny of her smelling of poop. Oh how I remember those smelly days, ha ha ha ha. She will be running around before you know it.
Date: 9/10/2008 7:26:18 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Guess what?!?!? Tessa stood on her own!!!!!
Okay, it was only for *maybe* 15 seconds and then she realized what was going on (probably when I started screaming and clapping like a crazy woman) and she grabbed back on the sofa. And DH mentioned (so glad he got to see it too!) that she was pooping at the time (we smelled it after the excitement was over) so we think she was concentrating on that so didn''t realize WHAT she was doing. I am still celebrating!
Yay for Tessa!!! That is so exciting!

Thanks lili, I think we'll do the one year photo. But it's so tiring tried to get a 6 months old to sit still and look at the camera, I can't imagine what it will be like when he is 1. Are you doing a six months for J?


yay for Tessa!!! You must be so proud

Burk, sorry you''re having sleep problems with Tayva. I don''t have any suggestions, but I have to say it sounds eerily familiar. That is EXACTLY what Amelia does when I try to get her down for a nap during the day. She is tired but she is not willing to sleep in her crib. I don''t understand it because she is more than happy to go there at night and sleeps through. When she wakes in the morning, she amuses herself until she gets hungry so I know we don''t have a problem with the crib. If you find a solution or anytning that helps, I would love to hear it.

If anyone can suggest how I can get her to nap in the daytime I would be very willing to give it a try. DH and I have sort of drifted into holding her all day, which is less of a problem when we''re both home, but he works three days a week and I find it a struggle to put her down for 5 minutes to do the most basic things. She just howls. Should I let her cry a little? I never have so far but then she''s maybe learning to work me already, I just don''t know. Any thoughts? She''s such a happy little thing usually, but she just hates being put down in the afternoon. For some reason, she''s ok with it for short periods in the morning, when she''ll play on her baby gym or sit in her swingchair quite happily.

Jas- the mommy preference is just something that makes me melt when Amelia does it. She''s clever- only does it when inlaws and other people I''m not a big fan of try to hold her.
Do you get on well with your MIL??

lili, the photos of your little precious are just fantastic! Gorgeous little thing. I love the action shot!

Bobo, the studio pic is amazing. I love it!

Tacori, yay for Tessa standing! What age did she start to crawl? Amelia is trying sooo hard to crawl and it frustrates her that she doesn''t move yet!

MrsS. I love that pic of Jake with your dog, they look like good buddies. Wow, I remember how HUGE that teddy was beside him in the early days. Time flies.

TGal, amazing - you have a nanny who cleans. I''m very deeply jealous. To be honest, I can barely get my cleaning lady to clean some weeks! I think she feels overwhelmed by the task. I need to be cleaner and neater and if anyone can tell me how to get little precious to take a nap, I''ll be on to it (or possibly napping myself now that you''ve planted that little idea LOL).


Tacori: Yay!! thats great news!!! congratulations

Bobo: thats such a cute pic of little b!!!

lili: haha...such a cutie pie that one! i really like the clips on those tiny earrings

Burk: K went thru the same thing for a while..i am not quite sure wat the reason was behind that, but it did take its time and he settled back to his old routine in a week or so..i tried to let him CIO but honestly it was so much worse that i made a personal choice that i would just let go of the ''routine'' and give him the attention he wanted/needed...they grow up so fast that i couldnt bring myself to not hold him when he was reaching up to me...

Jas12: not sure if Co is going thru the same thing T and K went thru, but hopefully he will overcome it soon..

Thanks everyone for ur kind words about the MMR far all is okay and no red spots or the like appeared!!! i am SO relieved!!

re:date nights...sigh...cant recall when was the last time we went on a date night!! we gotta get a sitter and go out...glad u ladies had a good time though :) i still havent seen the dark knight..i just cant bring myself to watch such a long movie..heheh

MrsS: u have to take a pic of jake with a sippy cup :) (love the pic u posted too..ahah)
Thanks everyone. We were very excited and proud!!!

Burk, poor T! Does sound like anxiety. I *think* anxiety can be triggered by so many things at different ages. The good thing is she will feel comfortable and begin to relax again.

Jas12, I also agree that attachment is like anxiety. Comes and gos. Sometimes T was unhappy when certain people got close or tried to hold her but then didn''t mind with others. Totally random (in OUR eyes anyways). Hopefully your MIL didn''t take it personally.

Lili, I noticed the little earrings too
I can''t believe she is crawling. SHE''LL be walking before you know it!

Bobo, boys take longer they say. I would not worry.

Linda, I know! Maybe I will FINALLY lose the rest of my baby weight chasing after her. I think she is going to love walking as she is a crusing/crawling maniac.

snlee, thanks. Hope you are feeling well.

MrsM, she started crawling (what I counted anyways as getting to point A to point B) at 6.5 months. She started pulling herself up at 8 months. Let her cry. I do the 15 minute rule. Does she show signs of being tired (rubbing her eyes, yawning, etc?) If so I would put her in her crib ASAP and LEAVE. Good luck!

msb, very good news that he has no reaction! You gotta go on a date girl! Makes you a better mommy IMHO
How''s K''s eating going?
Yay for Tessa. And yes Tacori you will lose weight chasing after her very soon!

Bobo: My now 9 year old DD didn''t sit up by herself until she was 8.5 months old, didn''t crawl until 10 months, and didn''t walk until 13 months. She was just kind of content to lay around. I finally had to stop putting her in her exersauser so she''d find some desire to change her surroundings. I think it''s funny now but I remember being concerned at the time that she wasn''t "hitting her milestones."
MMD, thanks I hope so!

Re Walking: My sister didn''t walk until 17 months and I walked at 16 months. I think we turned out okay
Quick post before I get ready for our playdate with another set of twinsies!

Jas, OK, it scares me how similar you are to a good friend of mine! You guys share a lot of the same experiences and ideas when it comes to birth and raising babies. For instance, you both went way overdue with pregnancies (she claims she was 43 weeks but I have to assume they got her EDD off by a few days!); she had a natural home birth, which I know you were interested in; she does cloth diapering (and makes her own wool soakers); is still nursing at a year; has a supercute blondie/blue eyed boy
; and she had an amber teething necklace on her boy too! It''s like when I read your posts, I can see her saying them. She is *very* passionate about home birthing and is planning on becoming a midwife; we were at book club last night, and she wants us all to read "Pushed" and then the topic turned to "The Business of Being Born". I wish I could get you guys together! :)

And something I keep meaning to mention: At our nine-month appt, my pedi mentioned that speech therapists really dislike sippy cups and recommend the ones with straws instead. I did a little research and found some relevant articles, including this one. I went to BJ''s the next day and they had a two pack of Munchkin BPA-free snack cups and sippy bottles for $10
Katelyn took about two days to get the sucking thing down - she''d put the straw in her mouth but just bite it - but Gabe took to it right away. And it''s SO cute to see them sucking away on the straw!

Adorable new photos, everyone!!!!
Hey PS Mommies with adorable babies

I'm jumping in because I have a baby question and figured this would be a good place to ask. I'll admit I don't follow this thread frequently as my son is a teenager and way past the baby stage!

A very good friend of mine has an 8 month old baby, whom I absolutely adore, and she isn't sitting up yet on her own. She can lift her head up and flip over but that's about it. When you put her in a sitting position, she kind of rolls over.

Do you think she should be sitting up by now? Reason I ask is my son was walking at 10 months (early, I know), so to see her not sitting up yet at this age is a bit puzzling to me. I don't want to discuss with her, as she is aware and not worried, as far as I know. She does take her to her regular pedi. appointments so I'm sure this has been discussed.

I'm sure all babies develop at different rates. She does hold her a lot, so maybe she's not getting enough alone time to strengthen her muscles. Just thought I'd throw the question out there to see what you all think. Thank you!

edit to add: Just saw MMD's response about 8.5 months. She is almost 8.5 months now so maybe any day now she will be sitting.
Date: 9/10/2008 7:41:52 PM
Author: snlee

Date: 9/10/2008 7:26:18 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Guess what?!?!? Tessa stood on her own!!!!!
Okay, it was only for *maybe* 15 seconds and then she realized what was going on (probably when I started screaming and clapping like a crazy woman) and she grabbed back on the sofa. And DH mentioned (so glad he got to see it too!) that she was pooping at the time (we smelled it after the excitement was over) so we think she was concentrating on that so didn't realize WHAT she was doing. I am still celebrating!
Yay for Tessa!!! That is so exciting!
Ahhhhh, Tacori, that is wonderful!!!!

eta: The baby pictures are so adorable, you all have the cutest babies!!!!
ella, that''s interesting about the sippy cup thing. I used them with both my girls and neither have any speech or dental issues. Of course they didn''t walk around with them 24/7 either, nor did i put them to bed with them. I think the straw cups are great and use those too but no way I''m giving up the spill proof sippy with a baby/toddler. I don''t use a paci or bottle so I''m keeping the sippy
. you''ll have to post of pic of Gabe and K drinking with the straws. I remember when my oldest was about 7-8 months old and never sucked on a straw. We went to McDonalds for lunch and she kept reaching for my Coke. I held my drink up so she could chew on the straw never thinking she''d suck and get anything out. Sure enough she did and got a nice sip of Coke. she loved it of course as it was the yummiest drink she''d every tasted, she''d only had mommies milk, formula or water still at this point. I was freaked out that my baby had just drank pop. So, no more "sharing" mommies drinks...

Burk, i bet it is some seperation anxiety with T. Especially since you''re back at work and her routine has changed recently. I''d probably give in and just cuddle her if she''s needing it. They do grow up fast and she''ll probably settle back into her normal sleeping pattern soon.

tacori- yay for Tessa standing. walking is coming soon girl!!!

jas12- i think it''s cute Cohen reaches for you. Jake will reach for my food or drink or a toy but doesn''t reach for me yet. I do think they totally know mommy at this point though. jake is fine most of the time with others but occasionally he''ll get upset and i''m the only one he wants and the only one who can calm him down.

lili- i went back and looked at the pic of J''s earring..just too cute. I love it.

bobo- don''t worry about little all develop at different rates and boys do tend to be a little slower. I''m sure he''s just fine.

mrsM-i think you may just have to let amelia cry a bit at naptime. maybe start out by only letting her go 5 minutes and gradually up it. babies are smart and can figure out pretty quick if they cry you''ll come so it will become a cycle. you can also learn to tell the difference between her crys when she''s really in pain or upset or if she''s just tired and kind of singsong crying herself to sleep. it''s so hard for me to let Jake cry but it really is important for kids to learn how to comfort themselves.
diamondsrock- i know it''s hard to sit back and watch but really babies do develop at different rates. I''d just leave it between your friend and her pediatrician. If there are true developmental delay''s they will catch it. Babies that are help a lot do tend to be on the slower side b/c they don''t get the chance to really practice and strenghthen. I had a friend who was worried about her son b/c he wasn''t crawling at the "normal" age. She went to her dr. and the dr. concluded that she was holding him too much and she had to put him down. She did and he started crawling pretty soon after.
diamondsrock, the rule of thumb I go by is if the doctor isn''t worried than I am not going to worry. Some kids just do things on their own time line.

MrsS, I know! She just stood by herself again for a few secs. She started to wobble a bit so she grabbed back on to the sofa. It is going to be so funny watching her shaky walk.

Skippy, thanks! She''s growing up for sure!

So I am watching my friend''s 2 year old son and he is calling me mommy. Kind of funny. I keep telling him my name but he ignores me. He will go up to Tessa and say "Hi Tessa." And he is sharing his goldfish with her. Good to see since he is going to be a big brother in Feb.
Thanks ladies! I think it''s a little form of separation anxiety, as she normally is a very good sleeper and rarely cries. I had to wake her at 7:30 like usual this morning. It does make my heart hurt, though, knowing that it may have something to do with me being back at work!
However, I read a lot about babies her age going through separation anxiety at this age so it may just be a timing thing.

Tacori~YAY for Tessa!! We will, of course, need pictures of the standing Miss T in action! so exciting!

MrsM~I am so sorry Amelia doesn''t want to take an afternoon nap still. T went through a phase where she was sort of on a "nap strike" but it was just a phase and she is a very good napper now (aside from the Sunday weird thing). I think you may have to let her cry, as hard as it sounds. Like MrsS said, do it little at a time.

msb~Glad to hear someone else has been here. She rarely cries (doesn''t even fuss when we put her down for sleep usually) so I knew something was up and I didn''t want to let her cry. I am hoping it will pass. But, selfishly, I enjoyed cuddling with her yesterday morning!
OH, and get yourself out for a date night, girl. You deserve it!

diamondsrock~I can see why you''re worried for your friend, however I am sure if there is truly a developmental problem, the pedi will intervene. All babies do things at different rates and I''m sure being held often isn''t exactly helping her.
Tacori~Too cute about your friends'' 2 year-old calling you mommy! My T loves the two little 2 year-olds at daycare and they love her. They rush to the door when we get there in the morning. So cute!
Thanks MrsM & msb.

Thanks Tacori, MMMD & Mrs.S for the reassurance...

diamondsrock, that is my concern too. since at day time while he is with my MIL they hold him a lot and when we go home DH hold him instead of tummy time. I do think this hold back on him hitting his milestone. But like other mommies said, each baby is different.
Lili--i haven''t cruised with Celebrity before but i have heard good things. What ship did you go on? Yes, it is a free cruise. Our honeymoon cruise was cancelled the night before it was schedules to sail (we had alreay been in Italy for a week and it was supposed to sail from venice) We were refunded and also given a large ''future use'' credit. I was impressed with the customer service i just wished i could of used the cridit to pay for Cohen. We are spending several days in Spain then sailing from Barcelona to Nice, Provence and Corsica France, Rome and Florence Italy, Gibraltar, Casablanca and Tangier Morroco and back to Barcelona.
I am really looking forawrd too it but i was hoping Cohen and I would be sleeping a lot more by now.... I still have a month, so here''s hoping....

Burk--glad T seems to be back on track today.

Ella--I would love to meet your friend
. We have SO much in commmon. So neat. Actually i read ''Pushed'' not too long ago. Similar message to The Business of Being Born (questions why the US has the most medicalized births and yet one of the highest infant and maternal death rates in all developed nations). It was well written. And strangely enough i seriously considered midwifery and actually went through the application process after my 5th year of university. At that point i just could not commit to 4 more years of university (and couldn''t afford it) but about a month ago i actually contacted a friend who is graduating from a midwifery program this year, jsut to get her thoughts and insight into the profession, and i may entertain the idea again.! Ask your friend if she likes the show "house of babies"? It''s one of my faves

gotta pack for the weekend--off to Toronto again
OMG! What the heck am I doing wrong? I put Amelia in her crib at the first signs of tiredness, got her settled and left. She cried, so I went back and comforted her without picking her up. So far so good. I left again. Wiithin three minutes she wasn''t just crying, she was shrieking, a serious ''help me now I''m in pain'' cry. I picked her up to see what was wrong and she stopped immediately. She actually chuckled. So back she went. Few minutes later she was shrieking again. This time I sat with her after making sure there wasn''t a real problem. She cried like that until she vomited then she actually stopped breathing for a few moments, her lips turned blue.

I have never been so scared. She got hysterical so quickly. How do I get past that? DH admitted that she''s done that every time he''s tried CIO when I''ve been out.
Sorry to hear that your CIO session with Amelia didn''t go well.
I''ve been there and that session ended 15 minutes w/ J throwing up all over when I went to pick her up.
The upchuck didn''t even phase her because as soon as she knows I was there, she flashed a big ole smile.

I have no advice to offer you since I''ve postponed CIO until she''s a bit older.
Figure I let her get through her first 2 teeth first.

Do let me know what works with you though since Amelia seems to have the same behavior when it comes to sleep.
Date: 9/11/2008 2:07:59 PM
Author: Mrs Mitchell
OMG! What the heck am I doing wrong? I put Amelia in her crib at the first signs of tiredness, got her settled and left. She cried, so I went back and comforted her without picking her up. So far so good. I left again. Wiithin three minutes she wasn''t just crying, she was shrieking, a serious ''help me now I''m in pain'' cry. I picked her up to see what was wrong and she stopped immediately. She actually chuckled. So back she went. Few minutes later she was shrieking again. This time I sat with her after making sure there wasn''t a real problem. She cried like that until she vomited then she actually stopped breathing for a few moments, her lips turned blue.

I have never been so scared. She got hysterical so quickly. How do I get past that? DH admitted that she''s done that every time he''s tried CIO when I''ve been out.

I have 2 kids, and while my son was able to soothe himself to sleep eventually, and cio, my daughter never could. She would vomit until we were out of sheets and patience and sanity. Her cry was a different cry than my son''s though, and she still is an anxiety kid. Her brother, who is 3 years younger, was sleeping through the night before she was. she didn''t sleep through til 4 years!
They are all different, and sometimes I think you just *know*. Turning blue would sure scare the heck out of me! I hope I am not discouraging you. Just wanted to say your not doing anything wrong What works for some doesn''t work for others. Good luck!
She sounds like a real smarty pants though! You''ll admire her tenacity later!
MM-- Cohen does he same thing to me occasionally when i try to leave him for a while. It is scary, and frankly i don''t think it is good to put a kid thru that. I am on the fence about CIO. I think it is okay sometimes past a certain age, but even tho babies are smart i don''t think they fully understand why mom or dad won''t comfort them when they need it. I like the ''middle road'' approach. I don''t want Cohen to start depending on nursing or rocking to sleep, but i don''t like to leave him alone to scream so what has worked for me is stroking his forehead. This seems to really calm him (while remaining in his bed). Sometimes when he wakes at night all i have to do is stroke his head once or twice and he''s back out (of course sometimes he just goes on
I don''t think u are doing anything ''wrong'' i think it''s naural for some babies to need some sort of parent assisted sleep--it''s finding the right balance that''s the hard part.
(sorry if that was a ramble, i should be packing.....)
Date: 9/11/2008 2:07:59 PM
Author: Mrs Mitchell
OMG! What the heck am I doing wrong? I put Amelia in her crib at the first signs of tiredness, got her settled and left. She cried, so I went back and comforted her without picking her up. So far so good. I left again. Wiithin three minutes she wasn''t just crying, she was shrieking, a serious ''help me now I''m in pain'' cry. I picked her up to see what was wrong and she stopped immediately. She actually chuckled. So back she went. Few minutes later she was shrieking again. This time I sat with her after making sure there wasn''t a real problem. She cried like that until she vomited then she actually stopped breathing for a few moments, her lips turned blue.

I have never been so scared. She got hysterical so quickly. How do I get past that? DH admitted that she''s done that every time he''s tried CIO when I''ve been out.
MrsM, I was reading the posts today but haven''t gotten a chance to post today but wanted to respond once you posted this.

You''re not doing anything wrong, IMHO. Truly truly, all babies are different.

You say she is happy...perhaps then she is getting enough sleep at night and is OK in the day? Ask her ped what he thinks.

We as moms try to be helpful and give advice (I know I do). It can be CIO, putting her down at the first signs of tiredness, rock her, don''t let her CIO, etc. It''s hard not to feel like something is wrong when you read about others here doing things so differently and their babies doing things differently. But no matter what the method, it seems everyone''s babies are doing fine. Some sleep better than others. Some crawl faster than others. The list goes on and on.

I wish I had advice on how to get past the hysterical stage. I don''t. I can only say as a mom that you will figure it out...somehow, we all do. Hang in there...your daughter is a doll and you are doing great with her!!!
Mrs.M, I'm so sorry to hear Amelia is having a hard time napping on her own. little B won't sleep on his own too, we had to rock him to sleep because at my MIL's they push him in a stroller until he falls asleep.

After many trial and error including letting him CIO which he cried so hard he vomited and look like he was going to pass out. Now every night when it's time for his bed time I put him down and just sit next to his bed and start singing to him to calm him down and stroking his face and head.

He'll play in his bed and after a while will rolled back to where I'm sitting and start the pick me up cry. I'll just start singing again and start patting his stomach and rubbing his head then he'll be happy and rolled back out and play and after 30 minutes to an hour of him rolling back to me to get comfort and rolled back out he'll fall asleep. I know it seems a long time but this is what work for us and at least I don't need to break my back and rock him to sleep every night.

ETA: I hope you guys will find a way that work for both of you!
Date: 9/10/2008 4:28:29 PM
Author: Jas12
Tgal--Ha, you are right ''skinny'' mat jeans are an oxymoron. But ya, leave it to H&M to make em. They are actually my fave jean. They aren''t skin tight and not ultra-tapered so i guess they are not a true skinny jean (i am trying too hard to justify them aren''t I?)

Burk--i''ve read in a few different books that babies often wake in the night when their moms have gone back to work --almost like they are getting in the cuddles when they know you are around, so maybe you are right about that. I think that typically ends in a few weeks once they are adjusted to the new routine.

Speaking of moms and attachment. Cohen is beginning to get ''momified''--sheesh. My MIL comes over each day for a quick visit and for the past 3 days he has put up a big fuss and reached for me after she has been holding him for a while. Once he gets in my arms he''s all smiles again. I thought it was a bit early for this?? He seems to be fine when i am out of the house or in another room--it''s mostly just if i am in the room and someone else has him. he''s around so many ppl all the time i am surprised he''s doing this already.
Amelia doesn''t reach for me, nor does she smile only for me, but she is definitely showing a preference for who she is scared of! She had not been around a ton of people so I thought it was that. So I started to go to more get togethers and she seemed fine. However, when my brother came around again, she cried. It seems like at the moment she is only afraid of my brother! Sad!

Babies are funny. My mom said I freaked out every time I saw a certain man. No telling what is going on in their brains.
Date: 9/10/2008 2:11:04 PM
Author: Bobo ^__*

MrsS, Jake sits better than little B and he turn 7 months tomorrow...I''m worry now...
I agree with the others...I wouldn''t worry. My friend''s child is 11 months. He sprouted teeth at 4 months, rolled over both ways before 5, crawled at 7, but could not sit up well until 9 months. Just plop him down and lean him up against you. It''ll click before ya know it.
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