
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Thanks RPS for the help on FB, about her belly.

For the other moms: Piper''s belly is an outbreak of red bumps/blotchyness. I used the Burt''s Bees lotion on her last night and now it''s all red.
(Sensitive skin of all kinds, my ass).

Again, I put diaper cream on her. GOD. I feel so bad. She''s just as happy and hungry as normally, just looks irritated. Any other tips would be welcomed.

Is the rash localized to just her belly area where you applied the cream? Clearly something in it didn''t agree with her. If you have some benadryl cream or hydrocortisone, that should help reduce the contact dermatitis. Or a warm oatmeal bath (aveeno). Poor little baby.
HH, it''s JUST where I put the lotion on her, which makes me feel a little better. I''m glad she''s not showing me how horrible it must feel because I would die. I''m already in tears.
cdt - poor babiy! he is such a love love those big toothless grins!

mandy - i am adding you to RPS status superwoman for running a marathon 5 months after having twins. and as usual the boys are heartbreakers!

blen - everytime i see a pic of george in his itty bitty glasses it makes me smile

chinacat - i was just about to post the exact same question. there is one spot that is ahrd and sore like abruise and i've been trying to work it out with massage and frequent pumping but so far no dice. i really really really do NOT want mastitis

EB - i feel like they'll never toughen! an yay for almost crawling!

mara - LOVE the froggy freakin' cute!! looks like a magazine spread.A does that arm flingy stretchy thing too and would wake himself up. i finally started swaddling him correctly and he fights it for a bit, then zonks out and stays zonked for longer than when he isn't swaddled. awww...for the smile! i really can't wait for A's first. It just kills me when i se him practicing the smile and laugh thing as he falls asleep.

rps - adorable! A does the same head flop thing. always makes me paranoid that he can't breathe.


Friday confession - i think a lot about giving up on the BFing from the boob. I have to be back at work so soon and then will be pumping anyway sometimes i think what's the point of double the work now (30 min Bfing, 30 min to pump, 10 min washing and transferring BM then its time to start again) when i can just pump exclsively now so he would still have BM, save some of the fatigue, pain and time starting now. and it makes me feel like a bad mom
Again, I''m loving the baby pics.

Amber - I use Wellskin''s GlaxalBase on Jacob''s facial eczema. It''s pretty much just a hydrating cream for extra sensitive skin, perfume-free and all. Maybe that could help for Piper''s rash?

Here''s my contribution to BPF. He was so cute, sleeping with his hands in the air! I just realised Jacob turned 9 weeks on Tuesday... Where does the time go??

aww amber... it may not feel that bad to her... if she is still sunny personality then maybe it is just a mild irritant. i'd wash it with warm water and just let it air dry if it's a rash from the cream. if it doesn't look better in a few hours maybe call your pedi's office? honestly i have found with my own skin that if a lotion gives me a rash just washing it with warm water and letting it air dry and putting nothing on it most of the time takes care of the irritation in a few hours.

speaking of baby skin, i notice that in the mornings sometimes J has a new little reddish zit or something on his face, so i just wipe his face with warm water every morning when we get up and usually within a few hours the zit and redness is totally gone. one of the other things that they told us in the baby classes was to not put LOTIONS at all on the babies skin. they said that babies skin typically doesn't need lotions and things like that but if you do want to put something on the skin, use EVOO. that it's the most pure way for moisturization. we have not put any lotions at all on J's skin, except for his diaper rash area, but that was some weird tidbit that stuck with us. ironic because we got like 15 lotions from people in gifts and who knows when/if we will ever use them.

thanks gals, i lurve the pics and how they came out. we got 50 total and i bought the entire gallery for one flat fee so now i can download the images and make my own prints etc. it was a great deal and i can't wait to frame some of them up.

oh i said this in the pregnant thread too but anyone looking for a baby memory book: i got mine from Ruby Love at Etsy and its fantastic! it is very modern, was $60 and i paid $5 to have it personalized with JD's name in the front box and it shipped same day after I paid and arrived 2 days later. LOVE IT.

mandarine...personally i think PJ's are fine all day long! i even though this before being a mom but now i really think it! hehe. and yes exactly re: soothing sometimes making it worse. i know J is young at ~5.5 weeks to let him cry for a while but sometimes i simply know it's my presence that is keeping him from settling's almost like i am activating him even more. sometimes greg can get him to go down and i can't also and vice versa. i figure whatever works WORKS...!!!

cdt...thanks so much for giving me the pep talk re: the fussiness stage..the more i hear about this from moms the more hopeful i am about him growing out of this. BUT yep i could totally see him being the same active child Lex is. that pic you have in your avatar has an expression on L that totally reminds me of's like an intense look that he gets sometimes hahha. i actually don't mind having a crazy active child...that is how i was and yep i won't be bored. and i mentioned this last week but J is already rolling over (at one month!) from belly to back and he can stand on our bellies with his legs for about a minute at a time. he held his head up the instant he came out of my belly and already can pretty much hold it up now almost constantly if he wants. it's crazy how fast he is moving already!

viz...charlie is soo cute. i just love how sweet and innocent these kids can look when they aren't fussing or screaming hahaa. i can't wait til i see that more in J.

RPS... J is rolling over too and tummy time totally pisses him off so he tends to do it way more when we try for tummy time. i just hope that he doesn't roll the other way for some time!! that is way more stressful. love the pic of Ben.. J used to sleep in the craziest neck positions in the bouncer but since he hates the bouncer right now he hasn't fallen asleep in there in weeks.

ginger... i hear you re: bf'ing and giving up. honestly i thought that too. don't feel bad about it. but i do have to say, hang in there. it might get easier a lot faster than you think. and i do have to say that being able to pop out the boob sometimes to soothe J is super helpful...aka at night when he doesn't want to go down if i am worried he is just a little hungry then i can just pop it out and stand there and feed him for 5 more min and soothe him to sleep. as opposed to G having to create a bottle and warm it and then feed him all of 1oz extra yanno? after i go back to work at 4months i will be mostly pumping but i figure as long as i can do the boob and it works, why not? and again for me it got better very quickly so i wouldn't give up yet. BUT if you do decide to pump only, don't feel guilty at all. you do what you need to do for you and the baby and that's all that matters.

blen... love the photos!!! sooo cute. ii love little man clothes!
snap! forgot to post re: mastitis.

cc - if you are weaning and you feel sore - more like your boobies are bruised - this is probably just a little engorgement and not mastitis. ice packs help.

if you are feeling hard spots in your boobs this is probably a clogged milk duct which can turn into mastitis and should be dealt with immediately. warm moist compress 5 mins before each feeding - massage during the feeding (should diminish in size) ice pack afterwards. do this EVERY feeding until it is gone - OR you can try and work it out in the shower (both are painful)

IF you start to feel feverish, like you are getting the flu, night sweats call your dr immediately! this is mastitis and needs to be treated with antibiotics right away (safe to take while bf). you will still need to do the warm compress, massage, ice until the duct unclogs.

from there you will have to keep an eye out for an abscess.

cc - my boobs still ache a little (and i've been done for almost 2 weeks)
amber - burts bees has soy in it... FWIW - she could be allergic to that.

our little charlie has some winter dry skin and our pedi recommended just aquaphor to treat skin issues.. hopefully it's clearing as i'm typing.

ALSO something really super duper interesting my pedi told me today.
charlie has milk protein intolerance - of the kids that are allergic to milk protein 30% are also allergic to soy. so when i was BF i just went ahead and eliminated soy as well as dairy -- i didn't want to take any chances. now we are on pre-digested formula which is way expensive - soy formula is not. at the pedi today we asked about trying soy to see if charlie had a reaction. (long story short) there are some new studies out about how bad soy is (in any form) to babies. it turns into estrogen in their system and can cause things like breast buds (on males and females) and a host of other problems. she basically said that soy has no place in a child's diet. just thought i'd share.

have a lovely weekend ladies.

good luck tomorrow mandy! and i will be thinking of you when we are on our mutual girl's night! ;)
Thanks everyone. She''s sleeping right now, I plan to do a lot of naked time today, get some air on her body. I feel really guilty.
Thanks Viz and RPS. I can''t tell what it is. Viz, I don''t really feel engorged anymore, it doesn''t feel like that kind of pain. I feel like I''ve had it before in the early days and it was probably just a clogged duct that worked itself out with nursing. Only reason I''m concerned is 1) I haven''t been feeling well the past few days, feel like I''m coming down with something; and 2) I''m going to be OOT so not nursing only pumping and harder to do all of those things. Plus what dr do I call???? I don''t have a regular dr right now, just the OB or the pedi. It "hurts" when I press on it, but it''s not so painful I can''t touch it. I will do the stuff that Viz mentioned and cross my fingers.

Viz- That pic of Charlie is so cute, that smile is to die for!!!! Have fun on your girls night out!

Amber- Poor Piper! Don''t feel guilty, look at it this way, now you know she has a reaction to that lotion. Better to discover it by you putting it on her and being with her than someone else later! She''ll be ok. Probably looks worse than it feels.

Ginger- I LOVE when the newborns laugh in their sleep. Oh so so so sweet. O laughs out loud in his sleep now, so cute. He also does this mewing/bleating thing when he''s upset and starts nursing, it''s so freaking cute. Re: BF. You really just have to do what''s best for you. I so remember wanting to quit and just wanting someone to tell me it was ok to quit. Even though people did, I couldn''t quit for some weird reason. And I will say that I am so glad I did it, I really came to love nursing. BUT plenty of babies are formula fed and are doing great! And if it helps your sanity and makes you a better mom then so be it. How soon do you have to return to work?

Mara- I think O started rolling over like that around 5 or 6 weeks. Sounds like you''ve got an active monkey!!!! Weird thing is O is very easy going personality-wise, very sweet and smiley, flirts with everyone, isn''t afraid of strangers, doesn''t throw temper tantrums or anything (yet) BUT he''s a super active devil child for sure. He HATED being held like a baby or having his head down even from the first weeks. He could hold his head up really early just b/c he tried so hard so early. So for O it''s just a physical thing, not personality. But geez I wish he''d slow down a bit. It''s like he''s on speed sometimes when you try to play with him. I have sort of a funny question for you. Are you SURE he''s a fussy baby? I only ask b/c I kept telling my mom how exhausting and "fussy" O was and she just laughed at me and told me that he''s a really EASY baby and what I thought of as "fussy" was just = newborn baby. Now that I''ve been around other babies, I realized she''s right.
sounds like a clogged duct and not just engorgement.. because the pain is localized - but if you do feel like you are coming down with something i would call the OB before they close for the weekend and see if they can write you a script for an antibiotic JIC. but if you start to feel sick, even in the slightest i would worry that it might be mastitis... but i'm a freak about it now.
you will feel sick.. it will get AWFUL 24 hours from now.. and 24 hours after starting the antibiotic you will feel better.

re: definitions of fussy.. yeah, i have to laugh sometimes when one of my friends says their baby is fussy ....... i'm like "grrrrrrlll you haven't *seen* fussy - 24hrs with charlie if he's not being held ... i'll show you fussy"
Thanks VIZ!!! See, at least you can put all of your wisdom to good use. In a few months you are going to be the resident QUEEN MOMMA of the newborn thread b/c you''ve been through it all. My BFF went through almost everything you''ve gone through and her daughter is great now! The colic/reflux/food issues all went away around 6 months.
not the expert i want to be
i keed, i keed....

although, all i want to do is laugh.... i'm the expert on bleeding bowels, breastfeeding woes, mastitis, fussy babies.. wait wait wait.. forgot to add also a baby that has yet to STTN... or, heck.. i was thinking today .. charlie has never slept for more than 3 hours.. never, ever. gone 5 hours between feedings, but never slept more than 3.

who's jealous?
I know but with great power comes great responsibility. Or some such crap. Well I for one am glad to have you around!
no, i''m a cad.. i know nothing

i''d much rather just come and read about someone else than have to be the one to take one for the team

i can''t wait for the 12-24 month thread.. i''ll let someone else take the potty training h e double hockey sticks... charlie is going to be pooping in the potty at 20 months ;)

CC... honestly this is my only baby experience and i don't have experience with kids or newborns in general. sooo i didn't really think that J was 'fussy' but my MOM is like 'why is he crying?'... 'why is he so fussy?'...'you girls were never like that'...!

i also have a few friends who have newborns the same age as J (KT and another local friend) and both of them say their kids are so mellow, they just sit and look out the window or whatever for a few hours after a feeding and between napping. J is mostly crying or 'fussing' between feedings and naps.

THEN i was reading about 'extremely fussy' babies and they define it as babies who cry more than 3 hours a day or WOULD CRY if you didn't soothe them for 3 hours or more. greg said he doesn't think J cries 3 hours but we do spend a fair amt of time soothing him so it might end up being about 3+ hours if we actually scrutinized it.

SO then i thought maybe he is a FUSSY BABY?

on the flip side i do think well he IS a newborn no matter how badly he wants to be older! and we tend to want to put him down somewhere after feeding or changing rather than hold him for 1-2 hours while watching TV or rocking or whatever so then he DOES fuss at being alone. so maybe if we were more attentive (read carried him around everywhere) maybe he'd fuss less. one of my cousins told me her baby 'NEVER FUSSED' but she also admitted they really NEVER put her down, they literally carried her all over all the time and coslept with her so maybe she didn't have an opportunity to fuss? that sounds so exceptionally tiring to me.

though that even though this 'non mellow' thing is hard for me, i KNOW that J is a great baby overall. during my days home with him i am able to make breakfast, do laundry, shower, do my hair, paint my nails, watch TV, play on PS...etc all while he naps or 'lightly fusses' near me. he sleeps great, eats great, the only thing is his awake time is not quiet, mellow, relaxing but instead it's always active, overactive, crying, etc. but when i hear about some other babies, i do think gee why am i even complaining. HOWEVER, knowing that its not AS BAD as it could be doesn't keep me from wishing he'd be a little better.
am i that overachieving mom already? DAMN i always swore i wouldn't be!!!!

however i am just so grateful he sleeps at night that i can't really be a hater about during the day. plus he's so cute.

actually as i am typing this i feel kind of like a whiner! maybe i shouldn't whine so much???

why is it when people come over and the baby is always feel like you have to offer a reason or explanation for it? it's so irritating! next time i am going to say HE'S A BABY.
Hey, girls. So Evan slept pretty well last night. He was only up 2 times during the night, at 1am and 4am, so not too bad! And he was up all morning until about 1pm, but has slept except to eat and get his diaper changed since then, so I may have to keep him awake here soon until he goes to bed or he might not sleep well for me tonight.

We got our announcements in the mail today. I am so excited, they turned out so great. I ordered them Monday morning, and they printed and shipped the same day, can''t beat that! So during his nap, I got them address and went to the post office to mail them out! Yea! Hope everyone''s having a great Friday!

Sabine, that was sweet of you to drop off dinner. Haha, I can only image with 3...two is hard enough!

CC, aww now the fun really begins now that he is on the move!

Tao, yea for a good appt...that is great he does so well with shots!

Mara, does J have reflux issues? Andrew was a VERY fussy screaming 12+ hours a the point I had to leave him with Adam and just leave the house and go drive around and cry in my car! Anyway, after about 8 weeks, he was a different baby and so happy...he did have to get on baby Zantac though for his issues...I think he was just hurting so bad. But from that point on, he has been the happiest, sweetest child, so just know it does get easier after these first few trying weeks. Go have some you time this weekend if you can! Oh the pics are soooo sweet! Love the one of J with Greg!!

Sunkist, hi! Sorry about the shots.

Ginger, sorry about the pain but yea for increased production.

Welcome, Cali!

Mandi, sorry about the shots. They are so super cute though in their new chairs!!

RPS, I need to go look for those packets, I hate drinking water too but I know I need to force myself. Aww, cute pic! E does that with his head in the swing too!

CDT, awww he''s SO cute and happy!

Fiery, awww I know how you feel about S growing up. I can''t believe I have a 5 year old! They grow up too fast!

Anchor, sweet picture!

Blen, he is too adorable and LOVE his big boy outfit!

Hi, Sugarpie!

Bella, good luck with the job situation.

Amber, I agree the raccoon story is funny but creepy! Sorry about the rash, hope it goes away quickly.

EB, yea for Henry starting to crawl. We DVRed the Office and am going to watch it tonight.

Socal, cute pic!

Viz, precious pic! Zantac worked wonders for Andrew''s reflux...hope it works.
Amber - poor Piper! Lex used to get a rash on his belly, but not as bad, I used to just use either A&D or Aquaphor. We still use Aquaphor on his cheeks from time to time becuase they get so dry and scaley.

Mara - Yup, J & L are long lost brothers
I can remember Lex being REALLY young, he woke up from a nap crying, I went into his room and he was on his back (he used to sleep on his belly)
And he always had GREAT head control and used to stand on our belly all the time too. You''re right though, you''ll never be bored
One other thing I didn''t mention, I noticed when Lex was really young he would get overstimulated REALLY easily. At around 5 weeks or so I started doing EASY and just not having much TV/music whatever on and he stared to calm down. Once I got him on a good nap schedule he was much happier during his wakeful periods. The downside to my approach though, was that I guess I got him used to a quiet environment (because that''s what I like). Once he started daycare at 6 months, the poor guy could never adjust to napping there (too noisy). He''s been in daycare for over 3 months now and the most he naps in a WHOLE day is 1 - 1 1/2 hours. If he were home it''d be more like 3-4 hours. It''s tough to find the balance when trying to get them on a routine and establish *good* habits. But even now, I have to do about 30 minutes of quiet play/read time w/ Lex before bedtime for him to unwind. I can''t have TV/computer/music going or he''ll never get into that bedtime mode.

Anchor - Jacob is SO cute sleeping like that

Ginger - You''re not a bad mommy at all. The fact that you''re doing all you can w/ BF is GREAT! Keep up the great work mommy
Can''t do a full post....

But, I can definitely say CUTE BABIES!!

I don''t have any new pictures to post....Such a bad mommy...will have to take some tomorrow I guess and post a bit late.

Well--I think I spoke too soon about Evan taking his shots like a champ. Last night felt like the first night we brought him home! He woke up at 12:00, 3:00, 6:00...and it would take FOREVER to soothe him back to sleep. Everything else in the day was completely normal except for the shots---so I''m assuming the weird sleep was from that.....or maybe he just has the crazies from being 4 months old now. Who knows. Hopefully tonight will be a bit better.
I am still here...lurking...I''m sick again and utterly frustrated with the whole thing. Horrible mood, blergh.

Congrats to all the new moms! You guys are in for a great ride! And I swear, the first six weeks are just plain difficult. Easy baby, hard baby - and it is rewarding - but it is hard. hard.hard.hard.

Calvin is great, got solids for the first time - avocado and breast milk. He seemed to like it. Tomorrow is sweet potatoes. Just took ''em out of the oven.

Calvin also has a giant head. 90%. Apparently I did too. In my baby book it notes that my head was in the 88% at six months.

This is as total drive by - but Amber - We had problems with Calvin developing a pin prick type rash on his belly. He got it right before his 4 month appointment. Doc said it was eczema and recommended Baby Aquaphor. We used it, but it didn''t help at all. I did some research and found that Mustela makes a eczema cream. It is called Stelatopia and it worked like magic. Seriously, in two days his skin was back to normal. At his 6 month visit, his doc commented that his skin looked great. Just an idea.

Alrigt, I''m reading and I suck and I''m thinking about all.

Going back to my stuffy, sinus head ache-y, popping ear-y, runny nose-y, exhausted-y world. Sniff.
Thanks for the good wishes about the heart murmur, guys. I called the doctor yesterday and he said the X-ray looks fine! Yayyyyyy!!!
Such a relief! I was soo happy to hear that!

Amber - sorry to hear about Piper's rash. I hope it clears up soon.

- Sorry to hear you're not feeling well.

Mara - the 'holding thing' might be part of it. Someone posted yesterday that newborns have a high 'cuddling' need - I agree! I had to hold Dalila lots from birth to about 8 weeks or so. Everytime I would put her down she would bawl and bawl....
She loved being held and taking naps on us. Now she's older (13 weeks), it seems she can regulate her emotions a lot more. She's taken to sucking her fists to entertain/distract herself, or poking at things in her carseat. She can now sit for a while in contented mode without us nearby. I think her getting older and feeling more secure has a lot to do with it as well. We did also practice putting her down for short periods (where she could see and interact with us) to reinforce that sense of security.

Perhaps Julian just likes having you guys nearby. I know the constant holding/soothing can be tiring...
but on the up-side, you do seem to be able to get lots done during the day!

IN other news: Dalila slept for 3-hour stretches last night instead of 2-hour stretches!! Yayyyy!!!
I know that doesn't sound like much, what with all the STTN babies around here....
..but that extra hour made a world of difference to me!! I feel soooooo much more rested today than the last few weeks! I hope this continues and that she stretches it to 4 hours soon.

Cute baby pics yesterday! Blen - George's glasses are so cute!

In honour of Dalila's good results yesterday, think I'll post a recent pic. I was experimenting with her headband to see if I liked it. I find that people assume she's a boy when she's without it (usually), just rocking her little low-cut afro....
- even though she's dressed in pinks and pastels most times. Strange....They keep calling her 'he' and 'your son'.
Oh well. She has some discolouration about her scalp - not sure if it's because of the cradle cap or what.

Sha- That is great news about Dalila. And for what it''s worth, she def doesn''t look like a boy, actually she looks like my favorite doll I had when I was a kid. So perfect and dainty!
I''m biracial (African American & Irish) and I used to carry around a little black doll because that''s what I wanted my ''future'' daughter to look like. Instead, I ended up with a son that looks like a little Irishman.
Mara, those pictures are beautiful! The black and white is really cool, and I love the one of the guys together. I''ve never had professional newborn pics done and some days wish I had because they invariably make babies look like little angels.

I laughed at your confession because what mom doesn''t do things to get a few more moments of peace? My diaper fail is that I *never* change Ben in the middle of the night unless I''m actually out of bed, wide awake and he''s pooping loudly. He''s kind of weird because 99% of the time, he doesn''t poop between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. After that, it''s a poop party, though.

I think it''s likely that the smile you saw was a REAL smile! This is the age when they start doing it on purpose. J probably tried it, did it but then just couldn''t hold it -- I''d guess that he will start smiling more and more in the next few days. Those first smiles are sooo sweet and I lurve them.

It''s sweet that you think I''m superwoman, but I''m totally not. I can juggle so much only because I have a lot of help (SO, exH and his wife) and the responsibilities grew gradually. When I first became a mom, I was very unsure of myself and had many days when I was convinced that I wasn''t doing the right things. Heck, I still have days like that! My friends tell me they don''t know how I do it, but I say that I wouldn''t know what to do with myself if I went back to only having one or two kids because this is what I''m used to. I''m going to be so screwed when I''m an empty-nester.

As for J''s behavior: I think he''s just a regular active baby. It''s really hard to have one like that as your first because you don''t know if he''s normal fussy or unusually fussy. Kids like him can be really tiring because they seem to want to go go go (and they don''t seem to grow out of that!) but they''re also really interesting and make sure you rarely have a dull moment. =) My kids were all like this and OMG they do drive me nuts some days with their constant talking and busyness, but I have a blast with them too.

What your mom said is hilarious because I think momnesia has set in and she''s forgotten how newborns cry. The other day, I was getting frustrated because Ben was going through his nighttime fussy period and it didn''t help that I was really tired. SO said, "You felt the same way when Will did this." Um...Will did this? I totally don''t remember. Will was like China''s O -- he was super busy all of the time, but by the time he was just a couple of months old, he was the sweetest little boy and so easy going. I tend to forget this now that he''s 3 and has been a little less sweet as he''s been asserting his independence.

Bella, I hope all goes well with the job and I hope you''re either pregnant now or will be very soon. Your mom sounds like a pretty typical mom, although you do have me wondering about the stuffing incident, LOL! You''ll have to find your own way as a mom and hopefully, she will be supportive and helpful. If she''s not, you''ll figure out how to handle her, too.

Viz, it''s funny -- Charlie doesn''t look small at all! I hope he starts sleeping better now that he''s back on the Zantac, and you should not feel bad for taking him off it. It''s totally understandable why you would if you thought he was doing better because most kids do outgrow reflux.

I had never heard the term neurolical colic but it''s really interesting. All of my kids did the same thing with waving their arms and legs around -- it''s as if from birth, they were all just raring to go. I don''t know what it''s like to have a peaceful, laid back baby!

Amber, I''m so glad that Piper''s rash is improving. Please, please don''t be upset about this because there''s NO WAY you could have known. You probably feel 1000x worse than she does.

Ginger, your feelings about bf are *totally* normal. I''ve had moments where I was so frustrated that I considered giving up (but I''m so stubborn that I won''t). With my older kids, I did give up and regretted it later, so remembering that is sometimes the only thing that keeps me going. Mara''s right that it does get easier. With my 4th, I had to set small goals -- first it was 2 weeks, then 6 weeks, then 3 months, etc. Once I hit 3 months, I was pretty much good to go, but those early days were really rough.

Working and pumping can be hard at first but you''ll get the hang of it and soon fall into a routine. When I was pumping with Will, I had days when I wondered why I bothered when it would have been so much easier to give him formula instead of planning my day around pumping. At the end of the year, though, the feeling of accomplishment from meeting my goal was great. But I won''t lie to you and tell you that year was all rainbows, roses and fluffy bunnies.

Anchor, I love the pic of Jacob sleeping with his hands up! OMG, how cute! I can''t believe he''s 9 weeks either. Ben is 5 weeks old today and I keep wondering how the past 5 weeks has gone by so quickly.

China, I know you''re out of town, but if you see this, you can call your OB about mastitis if that''s what the plugged duct turns into. They''re familiar with it and you may not even have to go be seen. When I had mastitis (ugh, twice!), my OB prescribed Keflex, and it''s perfectly fine for breastfeeding. I hope you''re feeling better already.

Steph, it''s interesting that Andrew was so trying as a little baby because in his pics, he looks like he has the sunniest disposition now like you describe. BTW, how old is he now? I''m wondering how close he and Will are in age -- Will turned 3 in October.

Sha, I''m so glad the heart murmur turned out to be nothing to worry about! How can anyone mistake Dalila for a boy??? She looks so feminine to me. I love her little headband! The picture you posted the other day made me laugh because it looks like already she''s not going to take any crap from anyone.


My mom seems to be having a good visit so far. Last night, we just hung out at home and I cooked dinner -- london broil, couscous and corn. Thank heavens the london broil turned out really well and I didn''t burn it like I usually do.
The kids were thrilled to see her so they were all over her. I worry that it''s a bit too chaotic for her because she only had me and my brother and we''re 7 years apart so our house never came close to the noise level that we sometimes reach around here. I guess the good thing is that my mom''s partially deaf so it evens out.

I had some other stuff that I was going to post, but I can''t remember what it was. SO keeps talking to me so my train of thought just completely jumped the track.

Hope everyone''s having a great Saturday!
Date: 3/6/2010 8:52:45 AM
Author: sugarpie honeybun
Sha- That is great news about Dalila. And for what it's worth, she def doesn't look like a boy, actually she looks like my favorite doll I had when I was a kid. So perfect and dainty!
I'm biracial (African American & Irish) and I used to carry around a little black doll because that's what I wanted my 'future' daughter to look like. Instead, I ended up with a son that looks like a little Irishman.
That's funny! Thanks.

RPS - yes, she's a feisty one! You should hear her scream, hehe...

Glad your mom's having a good visit.
Sha, people are crazy!!! She looks like SUCH a girl!!!!!!! She's absolutely adorable!!!!!!

Just super quick drive by...I DIT IT!!!!

Under an hour too! 59'21'', (9.32 mins/mile)...I'm so happy!!!. I thought I was going to do horribly because last night was tough...up 3 times between 10pm and 5 am...NOT FUN!. I hope these guys start feeling better soon...and remind me to don't do shots and races on the same week next time!!! hehehe

My cheering squad at mile 4 (for those of you not on FB!)...not sure why the DH chose hats that didn't fit well...hehehe

Sha-D is beautiful! Sophia gets confused for a boy all the time, even in pink dresses with ruffles. I once had a JC Penny cashier tell me that I should pierce her ears so that people don''t get confused. Oh and at the pedi''s office, a man says "Excuse me is THAT a boy or a girl?" People are crazy.

Mansy-That photo is awesome! Good for you girl!

Speaking of crazies, I met a real winner last night during dinner.

Her son is the same age as Sophia but Sophia is much bigger. He looked tiny in comparison which wasn''t a surprise. She''s chunky, has really thick legs, and is long. She hovers over most babies her age.

Anyway, I don''t know how we got on the conversation of food but she told me that she started giving him cereal at a month old because he was always hungry. By two months he was eating all purees. I didn''t know whether to be horrified at the thought of a 2 month old eating solids or laugh at the thought that she may be exaggerating. She also said that he doesn''t like formula so she either gives him whole milk or juice throughout the day.

But then it made me wonder if ignorance truly is bliss. I spend all my time reading on what she can and can''t have, stressing over what MIL is feeding her, and following all these rules. This lady gives her son everything and he''s just the happiest little thing. He was also in love with Sophia and any time she moved, he''d squeal. Sophia on the other hand didn''t pay attention to him at all lol.
ha dad was telling me that in the town they live in COsta Rica, people give their 1-2 month olds beans, rice, etc. BEANS....and here I worry if I change formulas they my get some gas! haha

ETA: Thanks :)
thanks RPS!!!! I took the job
and I should know in a week if I am pregnant yet, if not, then there''s always next month
thanks so much for your advice!

Mandy--you are amazing!!!!!!! congrats on running the race (and in a very respectable time

I''m going back to lurking now, but hopefully will be back here before you now it
Date: 3/6/2010 10:54:20 AM
Author: Mandarine
ha dad was telling me that in the town they live in COsta Rica, people give their 1-2 month olds beans, rice, etc. BEANS....and here I worry if I change formulas they my get some gas! haha

ETA: Thanks :)

Exactly! Lol
Mandy- Just had to pop in with a huge CONGRATS to you for running the race- that''s a great time!

You''re a total inspiration to me. I did a 5k last weekend and was bummed that I was only able to run for 1/2 mile- had to do the rest while rubbing the belly and then speedwalking. I ended up with a time of 45m. Didn''t really know what to expect going in (after all I am at 24 weeks), but overall i''m happy I gave it a shot!

I LOVE this particular race and plan to be back next year- pushing bebe in the BOB