
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

(Hah, I started writing this yesterday afternoon and never got to finish it!)

Sha, I''m sorry I missed your post about the heart murmur, too. I hope you hear good news from the doc.

Steph, since coming to FL -- even to get up in the middle of the night with E -- would involve warmer weather, I''d be tempted!
Having raging insomnia works out pretty well when there''s a newborn in the house so I''m pretty lucky in that regard.

Mara, it WILL get better. I always seem to forget how trying the newborn stage is once I''m out of it just a few months. My 4th was a serious high needs baby and wouldn''t let me put her down for more than a couple of minutes until she was 4 months old. I really did think I was going to lose my mind because I was soooo tired and frustrated. After 4 months, though, she improved significantly and was great except for when she was teething (and that was short lived). SO likes to remind me that Will was just like Ben and Will ended up being such an easy baby once he hit about 2 months or so. The first month+ can really be trying but it doesn''t mean it will always be so!

Pandora, a dip in supply is quite natural when you''re sick. Knowing that doesn''t make it any easier, unfortunately. The very best thing you could do -- if you can swing it -- it take a nursing vacation. Go to bed with Daisy and stay there except to get up to pee or get something to eat and drink. Encourage her to nurse as often as possible and you should see your supply bounce back within a day or two. It''s also a great way for you to rebound from illness! Be sure to get plenty of fluids, too, because that can make a huge difference.

Speaking of fluids...I *hate* drinking water, but I know that I should. I found these powdered drink packets at Kroger that are meant to be added to bottled water. They include vitamins/minerals, are black cherry flavoured and sugar free -- IOW awesome. I can drink several bottles of water with this stuff added and feel good about getting the vitamins/minerals (since I don''t take a prenatal) as well as plenty of water.

Anchor, I hope Jacob feels better soon, poor guy! Congrats on exercising again...but I''m so jealous you have the Wii Fit. I still haven''t been able to lay my hands on the Wii Fit Plus Bundle so I just sit here getting, um, not thin. I leak like mad, too, and it doesn''t stop for me. With the other kids, I leaked as long as I nursed them (well, except for my very extended nurser -- with her, I stopped when she dropped to 1 or 2 nursings a day, so about 2 years). It''s so ridiculous, IMHO, because I have no choice but to use nursing pads and I go through them quickly, too. One good let down and they''re soaked.

Sabine, I think what you experienced being around the little girls is pretty common. You were plunged into it whereas people that live with that chaos usually wade into it by adding a child one at a time, so they have time to get used to it. It can be really hard to get used to, but eventually you do.

China, what? 5 a.m. isn''t an acceptable time to get up? There''s so much to be seen and to do that you have to wake up early or you''ll miss it! Seriously, though, it''s awesome that O is so mobile because that''s when the real fun begins...but it''s typical for a baby who''s learning new skills to have some sleep disruptions.

Tao, I feel so horrible but I laughed about the shrunken head baby nickname. Evan''s head looks perfectly normal to me in the pics I''ve seen! I think the difference between percentiles with head size is much, much smaller than height and weight. Will''s head was 14.5" at birth, which I thought had to be huge, but when I looked at the charts, it really isn''t.

Speaking of eating him up...have you seen that Farm Rich commercial where the mom says, "When my kids were little, I just wanted to eat them up. Some days, I wish I had."? It cracks me up but also makes me cringe.

Sunkist, I''m sorry Wes wasn''t feeling well after his shots! Poor peanut. The nap sounds really good. =) I''m glad you''re not worried about his height dropping in percentiles -- kids grow in weird ways sometimes and it''s perfectly normal.

for your boobs hurting! Ok, I''m not clapping about your being in pain, but it sounds like you have a bountiful supply, which is awesome! It *will* get better! I''m glad the photo shoot went well, too -- I can''t wait to see the pics!

You''re so right about not knowing who would do all of this stuff besides a mom.


I do not know Amber''s racoon story. Was it posted in this thread or elsewhere? Can someone point me in the right direction because I feel like this is something I must read!

Nothing new here, really, except my mom''s coming this weekend and I''m feeling a bit crazy about it. We keep our apartment clean, but there are things that we slide on a bit longer than we should because there are only so many hours in a day. For example, I have been wanting to clean the bathroom floor for ages. It''s not that it''s dirty; our apartment is dusty so that and the combination of black towels, leads to lint on the baseboards. SO told me that he would do it before Ben was born, but he didn''t. Now it HAS to be taken care of because while we don''t notice it that much, Mom will. SO promised he''d do it, but, well, he''s off at a meeting and this afternoon he has to go up to our farmhouse to drop off some stuff and check on things, which will take a couple of hours. Mom will be here at 4.

That means that today, I need to get my work done, get through the shower and get dressed and clean the bathroom. You all know that just doing one of those things is an accomplishment with a newborn around. =)

I''m glad that Mom''s coming, though, because she''s awesome. She can drive me up a wall, but we laugh a lot when we''re together and the kids adore her. I know she never thought she''d have 6 grandkids, but she''s fantastic with them. We don''t see her or my dad as much as we''d like because they show their dogs so they always seem to be off traveling somewhere, which I think is great because they''re retired and they should be having fun. My dad isn''t coming because he has to stay home and babysit the dogs, LOL.

Oh, the good news is that I ordered a new car seat for Ben. I don''t know if I said anything about it here, but I found out that the one he''s using (that was Will''s) was recalled! OMG, I felt horrible! We looked in a couple stores and found nothing we liked, so I ordered a Graco SnugRide from I placed the order yesterday and it will be here today! Plus, they gave me $15 off for whatever reason and the shipping was free. I think I will order from them again because I was really pleased with the customer service. I''m so excited about getting the car seat so I don''t have to worry.

I also decided to buy a small deep freeze to store breastmilk in. I found one that''s 20"x20"x20" so it won''t fit on the counter because of the cabinets, but we can put it on top of the fridge. This means that instead of only being able to keep the bm in the regular freezer for 3 months, I can keep it in the deep freeze for up to a year! Plus, we can always use more freezer space.

Hope you all have a great Friday! I''ll try to come back with a pic and a confession!
Hey ladies!

So many little peanuts you ladies have. Lex''s head is gigantic...he''s in like the 90th % for his head, it''s almost 19 inches at 9 months. He''s also in the 75% for height and weight though too, actually he''s more like 75-90% for weight

Lex is still battling this stomach virus. He''s had diarrhea now since last Thursday. Only like 2-3 times a day, but it gets EVERYWHERE! And I just want him to be 100% healthy for once..too much to ask for these days appartently

I also found out yesterday that my bonus sucks! Since I was out 7 months last year because of pregnancy complications then my extended maternity leave, I only get my bonus based on 5 months. Now I know I''m supposed to be *grateful* to get a bonus in these economic times...blah blah blah, but sorry, I''m pissed that I''m basically getting penalized for having a baby. That''s how it feels anyway. So instead of getting a really nice bonus, it''s a crummy one and I''m not happy. Just combined w/ everything going on (losing job) I''m just kinda bummed about life right now. I try to be optimistic most of the time, but it''s a real struggle for me right now. And Lex sleeps like crap....not helping my mood...AT.ALL.

The sunshine in my life though is my little man....eventhough he''s been so sick, he still just smiles and smiles
Here''s his 9 month shot (although you guys probably saw it on FB..only pic I have right now).

22.5 lb, 28.75 inches...and big ole head of 18.75 inches

ok...1 more pic I have from yesterday, since like I said he makes me I''ll post another one

Awww cdt, he''s so handsome!!!!

On head size....add me to the moms with babies with the small heads! 10% here...weight/height 50%!

Look at this happy little guy! Lucas loving his new seat!!!


look who''s happier after a nap!

Mr Alex!

last one...silly boys!

Mandy - they''re just TOO cute!! Just want to hug and kiss those little faces
OMG I want to give Lex, Alex, and Lucas a HUGE hug!!!

I keep forgetting to take a pic for Friday. Boo!

I''m also really upset that I didn''t get to see Mela while she was here

So my Friday Confession:

I have been putting off getting Sophia a convertible car seat because every time I think about it, I want to cry. Convertibles are for big girls. She''s not a big girl. She''s my little girl damn it


Loving all the pictures! Mandy, your boys are getting so big!

I have a confession... I''m pretty lucky because Jacob is not a fussy eater. He''ll take the bottle from DH while I''m right next to him, he''ll take it cold from the fridge, he''ll even take it from me (I''ve given him an ounce or so of expressed milk once or twice if he didn''t seem satisfied after an evening feeding)... but I told DH that he doesn''t. I really want the bottle to be DH''s thing.

Mandy - Sorry your boys are feeling down because of the shots. Jacob had a fever yesterday.
Sorry about all of the sickie babies. Hope they feel better soon. It appears (fingers crossed!) that G didn''t really catch the stomach bug that''s going around here, other than about a day of diahrea that cleared up on its own. DH still isn''t handling food too well, but he keeps eating stuff like salami and then getting sick and then being like "what do you mean salami is not a good thing to eat when you have a stomach bug?"
I''m past being able to bring myself to feel sorry for him.

Mandy - aww! I think they like their new high chairs.

CDT - sorry about the sucky bonus too.

Raccoon - did I miss something too? I''m confuzzled.

The sun is rising earlier and so G is now waking up earlier
, and my FIL SAID that if he woke up early today and we got him dressed all nice, then he''d take him into the office and try to pass him off as a clerk so that we could sleep in some more. He has since reneged on the deal. LOL.

Blen - LOVE George''s cute....he definitely looks like he''s ready for the office
Love his shoes btw..are those pedipeds? I have yet to put Lex in shoes..other than his uggs, but those are for show really
They''re too bulky for him to wear around house, so I only put them on him when we got out and about on weekends since it''s still cold here.
Awe look at George

Anchor-Sorry that J has a fever

This thread certainly makes Fridays so much sweeter. Cuuuute kiddos! I really wish I felt more comfortable posting pics of our little ham because we take so many (it’s sort of obnoxious….)


CDT- seeing your little man makes me excited for DS to get to that age. Being able to sit on his own and pull himself up. It just seems like such a fun age!

Mandy- good luck with the race tomorrow!

Mara- I was sort of neurotic when it came to naptime/ bedtime, especially when DS was only a few weeks old. We tried to stick to a pretty rigid cycle and did whatever we could to keep DS awake during the non-nap period of the day. Of course it’s much harder when they’re really little and will sleep through anything, but at 5 weeks, I personally think it’s okay to establish some structure. Sometimes I felt bad about keeping on bright lights and turning up the TV to keep him awake, but we did it, and it worked. If he started to doze off, we would also change his diaper or just lay him on the changing table- this usually would wake him up. By the time the next nap cycle came around, he would be tired enough to fall asleep. We never let him nap longer than 3 hour stretches during the day, and would wake him if needed. I was looking back at our daily logs from when DS was a few weeks old, and DS started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks…he slept 7 hours. His sleeping habits have changed a lot since then (he’s now almost 5 months) and he’s now back to waking up in the middle of the night and wants to ‘play’, but we still keep him on a pretty routine schedule and we never let him nap more than 6 hours total during the day, otherwise his sleeping gets really messed up at night. As an aside- DS was formula fed from 6 weeks on, and this may have also contributed to his sleeping pattern.


When should I start to "worry" that she isn''t crawling? She isn''t even getting on all 4s. Heck, she barely lifs up on her arms.

I know that a big reason why is because she hardly gets floor time. MIL won''t put her on the floor because of her crazy invisible ants so the only floor time she gets is at home in the evening before bed and on the weekend. When I put her on the floor, I usually tuck her legs under her so that she''s up but then she just falls to the side and rolls over

I''m usually good about letting her do her thing when she does it but I''m wondering if it''s something that I need to mention the next time we''re at the pedis.
Fiery- I don''t think it would hurt to mention it, but my impression is it''s probably not a big deal as long as the baby generally appears to be thriving. I think someone earlier mentioned a kid crawling at 10 months? And I didn''t figure it out until I was 2.5 years.
But your pedi would probably know better if you need to start doing exercises or anything like that at some point. And maybe you could convince MIL to put a blanket down or something and then do tummy time on that? Blankets could be a good invisible ant barrier.

CDT- they''re just soft-soled BRU shoes; I can''t remember the brand. We didn''t start putting him in shoes at all until he started cruising around, and now I sometimes put him down when we''re out in public and I just don''t want his socks to touch the floor in a store or something like that. It just strikes me as gross, but I might just be weird about it.

I still don''t know what''s going on with my body and just posted over in TTC.

RPS-I know you are swamped but I was wondering if you are still working from home and how that''s going. I just got a job offer last night for a new job.

Here''s where is gets complicated, we''ve been TTC and are currently in the 2ww. If I accept this job and am pregnant now, or get pregnant in the next month or so, it is very likely I will need to start working from home full-time when the baby is 2-3 weeks old and be back at work when the baby is between 6 and 8 weeks. My mom can come stay with us for 3-5 weeks to get us over the 6 week hump and through the transition to daycare but I just wanted to see how working from home was working for you. I know you''re super woman/earth mama so it will probably be harder for a mere mortal like me, but figured I''d hear what you have to say on the subject.


ETA-I know that this would not be an ideal situation, but if I accept this job we can afford childcare, it''s a big step up in my career, and there''s a fantastic daycare center literally right across the street so if we can get in to it then I would be able to go over at least 2 times a day to breastfeed which would be amazing and I think would help me feel better about being a working mom.

So, are you still working from home, and how is that going?


P.S. Ben is adorable, actually all the PS babies are just so gorgeous I can''t even believe it


Thanks guys!!!

Bella, I''m working from home (5 hours/week now and starting part time in 2 weeks!). I will have a babysitter at home while I work...I think it''s going to work out well!. I''ve wroked from home for a long time (over 2 years) and I love it!!!
The raccoons:
Funny how Evan's room attracts noise- Piper has a tree outside her window with a family of raccoons in it. LITERALLY. They fight like bastards, I'm telling you. Before the baby was born they picked fights with Woofie. Now they sit outside her window and chitter, while looking into her window. Creepy bastards. My dad joked that the raccoons were going to break in with their dexterous hands and snatch her and make her live with them as a Human Raccoon. I hate those jerks.

I'd post a picture but Piper is sleeping and we all know I'm a sleep/noise nazi and do not wish to wake the sleeping demon.

Mommy confession: I put Burt's Bees diaper cream on everything. It's like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and Windex.

Piper has these little red bumps on her belly, the last time it happened I had used the Burts Buttermilk lotion, like I did again last night. Usually we use Johnsons Baby Sleep Lotion, but I noticed her skin was a little dry and wanted to use the BB lotion because it's supposed to be for "Sensitive" skin. I guess there is something in it that her skin doesn't like? How is that possible if it's sensitive? So I put aquaphor on the bumps and dressed her as per usual. There are no other changes- not diapers, detergents, foods (obviously), the only difference is the lotion. She also had the redness on her neck again, and a little under her armpits, could it be a heat rash? I've been putting apricot oil and diaper rash cream on it. It worked pretty well on her armpit. I also noticed a bit of redness in her "baby bits", but not ON the actual bit, just the sides where it meets the leg. I don't think it's the usual redness from being squeezed together, because it seemed a bit spotty. I also slathered it with diaper cream. It didn't seem to hurt when I wiped her, though. Any other advice?

Ugh, I fed her from the same (not as productive) side, and now my fuller boob is getting tight. She's not due to wake for at least another hour. Ow.

To all the mommies with peanut heads: Piper's head was 38.5cm at her 3 month appointment. 25%? She's at 90% for weight and 50% for height, so her head just looks tiny. I think her cheeks are 95%, hahaha.

Sunkist, I haven't gotten her a mat yet! I was going to look when I pick up diapers for her. Thanks for the sale tip.

ETA: LOVE the pics!!
Did anyone watch The Office last night??? Oh my how I laughed. My mom called me laughing saying that Jim and Pam were just like me and DH, particularly when the nurse tried to take the baby and Pam said something to the effect of "Oh no, I''ve been doing tons of research and we don''t want any bottles and we don''t want you to take her to the nursery because we want her to have great self-esteem." At which point the nurse rolled her eyes and said "Oh good, then you know everything." INSERT ICON OF SMILEY FACE ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING. It was so realistic, I loved it. I won''t spoil the funniest part in case people haven''t seen it yet.

Mara- Sleep begets sleep. Generally, try to keep him on a "schedule" but in the beginning you kind of have to let them do their thing. Sounds like a growth spurt. Believe me he won''t sleep this much everyday, so try to enjoy it! O never got up at night because he had too much sleep during the day. But sometimes you have to experiment and be willing to see if he does wake up at night, then you know for next time.

Calimama- Welcome!

CDT- Sorry Lex is so sick. Gosh, sounds like something terrible is going around.
So far O has avoided it but he stays home so he has little contact with the outside world right now. Sucks about the bonus.

Mandarine- Your guys look like little men already. I can totally "see" what they are going to look like! Unlike O, I can''t tell what he''s going to end up looking like.

Blen- Love the George pics!

Fiery- I wouldn''t worry. My friend''s daughter just started crawling (sort of) and she is 10 months. Georgia is a very girly girl and I tease her mom that she isn''t crawling b/c it''s dirty.
Girls often are physically slower than boys. My other friend''s daughter also didn''t crawl till 10 months, but was pulling up and "cruising" before then. Obviously ask your ped, but she''ll crawl when she''s ready. Btw, invisible ants???? Do tell!!! Your MIL cracks me up, I think you need to write a book.

So I have a sore spot on one of my boobs. Doesn''t hurt like when I am engorged or anything, more like a tender bruised feeling if I push on it. How do you know if you have mastitis? I don''t think it''s that YET but trying to avoid. Any thoughts? Could just be one of those things, but thought I''d ask here.

And O clearly realized that 5 am is much too early, and woke up at a respectable 6:30 am this morning. That''s more like it. I miss him waking up in the middle of the night to nurse.
China - we watched it this morning and I was LOL the entire time. Hysterical!

Confession - I''m not convinced that George has ever figured out the front to back roll. But from his front he is able to crawl, stand up, fall onto his butt, and then further roll backwards so that he''s laying down on his back. Does that count?
Happy Friday, everyone! Since this thread always moves so quickly, I've decided to start from the most current post and go as far as I can backward until baby needs me. We'll see how it goes.

GingerB- Yay for increased production, and boo for pain from engorgement. I've been there. Your nips should toughen up pretty soon and your supply will regulate, sometimes much more quickly than you'd expect!

CaliMama- Welcome and congratulations on your baby boy!

RPS- I hope you have a great time with your mom!

cdt- Poor Lex. He's as adorable as ever, though. That sucks about the bonus.

Mandarine- Lucas and Alex are such handsome little guys. And congrats on the weight loss!

fiery- I wouldn't worry at all. Sophia's what, just under 8 months? I've mentioned it before, but both my husband and I didn't crawl until right before we walked at a year old. A friend's son didn't start crawling until a year and didn't start walking until 14 months, and he's perfectly normal. Henry didn't seem interested in crawling (would get frustrated, just roll) until very recently, and BAM! Now it's all he wants to try.

Blen- I peeked over in TTC, and it's hard to say, esp. since you've been having normal cycles. I know I get EWCM every now and then, but I haven't had a postpartum period yet. It could just be an odd cycle. When I was active over at FertilityFriend, I remember seeing anovulation charts that had multiple patches of EWCM (and all other O signs) but no obvious shift, so maybe that's the case? If you aren't getting a positive test, that's what I'd guess. I've read that it's perfectly normal to have one anovulatory cycle a year. Oh, and I love the photo of dressy George!

I think Henry is *this close* to (real) crawling. He can army crawl, and he can now go from sitting to the crawling position without face-planting. Yay! And this morning, he pulled up onto a tub of packed stuff all by himself! (My husband held it down so it wouldn't topple over.)

Did anyone else get a little teary at the end of The Office last night? I'm such a nerd.

ETA: Three new posts since I started this one! Blerg!
Okay, I am ridiculously behind. Work has been crazy lately. We are scrambling to get ready for a test that we now has been coming up for like years. I don''t know why everyone leaves everything until the last minute. I mean, people have been working until like 10:00 at night this week. I refuse to stay past 5:30, since I have to go home and see E. Alright, work rant over

Lex, Alex, Lucas, and George are all so cute! I''ll have to see what picture I can find for BPF...

It''s funny how different in size everyone''s babies are. I have no clue how much E weighs or how long he is right now. But I swear he is bigger than my sister''s 8 month old son, even though he is only 5 months old. We''ll see how gigantic he is at his 6 month appointment at the end of the month.

I have no idea how some of you ladies find time to exercise. With working all day, and coming home and spending time with E, I feel like I have no time or energy to get my butt in gear. And I really need to. I went to the gyno on Wednesday, and I am still 10 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight (which also happens to be 10 more lbs above my normal weight)! I would really like to start a diet, but with breastfeeding, I feel like I am STARVING all the time!

I have a Friday confession, but it''s not really baby related. E is 5 months old, and I still have absolutely no sex drive. I am pretty much interested in it 0% of the time. We still do it once a week, but it is still uncomfortable for me, and I just don''t see the point in doing something that I take no joy in. Blah.

In better news, I put together E''s exercauser two weeks ago, and he is really started to get the hang of it. He turns himself around and plays with all the toys. He''s even finally mastered pushing the buttons to make it make noise. He looks so freaking cute in it, I can''t help it. Maybe I will take a picture of him in it this weekend, and save it for BPF next week.

As for this week, I thought I''d post a pic of E''s first "playdate". We went to visit some friends of ours down in Oceanside (about an hours drive from us) since they just bought a house down there, and so that our kids could meet eachother. Their son is 2 and a half months older than E, so he is a lot more active, and he kept trying to "play" with E, even though E isn''t quite old enough to play with other babies yet. In this picture, our friend''s baby was trying to play with the stacking cups with E, but it pretty much turned into E getting wacked in the head with the cups. It wasn''t hard, and he didn''t seem to mind, but this picture just makes me laugh.

China: I totally laughed at the Office, when Pam said "Nipple confusion". Paul sings a song about it all the time, "It was a nipple confusion...".

EB: I totally cried, too. I want to be pregnant again!
I know I am going to miss a bunch of stuff but here we go.

Sugarpie yeah I try not to be nazi about what he does, since he IS so young...we are just trying to go with the flow. But I do want to try working him into a schedule that fits what he seems to like to do maybe in another 2-3 weeks. Since I have about another 6 weeks at home after those 2-3 weeks.

caliMom...welcome!! thanks for the info on the fussiness...! I figure it's a growth spurt... or just something weird happening in his body, he is only 5+ weeks ...I have to remember that. and re the liquids, sooo correct!!

Ginger...yay for lots of boob production and great sleepy pictures!! The engorgement is something I am NOT a fan of. I hate being a 'slave' to my body (in any way... pregnancy or breast feeding!) but I have a pretty good schedule going now. During the day he pretty much solely gets the boobs and I pump once at night before bed and once in the middle of the night (or else at 8am they are killing me and I am leaking like crazy!), and sometimes once during the day if people came over and we had to give him a bottle or something instead of boob feeding him. Eventually you'll get a better schedule going once he is feeding on the boob more and you have to pump less.

CDT i love Lex's pics!! that first pic he looks SOO happy. I can't wait til J smiles like that. and lol re the large head. I think his head looks fine!

Mand... thanks for chiming in re: CIO...sometimes I know he is fed and changed and he wants to sleep SO BADLY but all of our soothing won't do it. His eyes are so wide and interested and every time he tries to let himself fall asleep he bolts out of it like WHAT AM I MISSING. Then it's like a 10 min routine again. So it seems like when I do a little CIO if he really needs a nap or to fall asleep he will cry himself to sleep within 10 min. But the struggle is crazy!! I love snuggling him but he's not totally there yet that he likes it yet. He will usually use arms and legs to fight against me and just end up upsetting himself and waking himself up even more. I do feel a little guilty though doing CIO at night, I don't wnat him to think I have abandoned him. I do go in once or twice but if I know he just wants the company and I need the sleep, I just let him have at it. I know for me I am a happier Mom for him the entire next day if I can get my precious sleep.

Oh and Mandarine... I tell Greg that J has a love hate relationship with the swing. It's like I put him in and he starts I HATE THIS. But it NEVER FAILS to put him to sleep or at least in a coma quiet alert state. It's like the temptation of the swing is too much haha. And he hates it. But it is effective eventually!

fiery...LOL re the invisible ants and your MIL. I love reading your stories.

Amber... your tight boob made me think of your note about pumping and the bottle feeding you want to do. Now seems like it'd be a great time to put some of the milk from the tight boob into a bottle if you wanted to get going on that?? LOL the racoons are pretty creepalicious!

oh and PS...RPS i think you are superwoman. it's amazing that you work from home and all your kids have so many things going on and you manage it all plus find time for your fab SO! also i will never forget how you home labored on your own practically 95% thru the whole thing. my heroine.


I think I got my first smile out of J this morning! It was when I came into his room to get him at 8am and he was awake but just making noises not crying yet and he saw me and smiled at me! Or that is what I think anyway.
Of course after that he kind of puckered up and then cried so maybe the smile was so crazy that his face was like LET'S CRY NOW who knows.

Oh so last nite shortly after I posted J woke up out of his light sleep, and did his typical evening fuss til 8:45 when we started his sleepytime routine. He went down at 10:30 after fussing and fighting sleep (after ~4.5oz of food, this boy is crazy!) and cried to sleep after 10 min (and 45 min of me trying to soothe him and put him down). He slept 4 hours, at 2:30am Greg fed him and thankfully he went down ok at 3:15am and slept til 8:15. So I was glad to see that his 6+ hours of naps yesterday didn't seem to have an effect on him other than maybe making it harder for him to go down at 10pm.

In a funny note...he is getting great at pushing out his own poo and gas which is fabulous, who knew I'd be so excited. It is friggin hilarious when he is doing it because sometimes he's on the boob and he like chomps down and gets this super intense and angry look on his face and grunts a few times and then we hear all this poo exploding out. We can't stop laughing. Poor kid.

Confession...Sometimes I let him sit in his own poo if I know he went BUT he is quiet within a few minutes afterwards because I don't want to disrupt the silence.

and here are the vertical images that I loved from our gallery. The frog and picture one are taken in his nursery. I really love the one of Greg and J...I am going to blow that one up and frame it in his nursery.

ETA damn sorry this is wide again...collaging is not my forte with MS PPT.
I need me some photoshop!

j prof verticals.jpg
Love the pics! Such cute kids here!

CDT, I''m sorry Lex is still stick. It amazes me that a little kid can be so sick, yet act so happy! I''m sorry, too, about your bonus. It sucks when you think something''s going to happen and it doesn''t quite. BTW, Lex reminds me of my friend''s little girl because she has very short dark hair and those huge brown eyes, too.

Blen, darn your FIL for not taking George! George certainly looks like he could pass as a clerk! =) I''m such a sucker for babies dressed up like little adults.

Fiery, I would not spend one minute worrying about Sophia not crawling. Some kids don''t crawl at all! I think my ped told me that''s not considered a developmental step (but I could be mis-remembering, too). I thought Will would never crawl and then he did the army crawl for the longest time. His true crawling phase was really short. My friend''s little girl barely crawled either -- she went straight to walking.

Bella, working at home has been working out great for me. I think I got really lucky because Ben doesn''t fuss much during the day -- he saves it for the late evening, which is hard because that''s when I''m tired, but it''s better than when I''m on the phone. I think flexibility is key to being able to swing working with an infant. If Ben has a bad afternoon, I can spend time soothing him and then catch up on work later or on the weekends. I''m very lucky because my boss is more focused on what work gets done rather than exactly how many hours someone is "at work." There are some days, btw, that I don''t bother getting showered and dressed until late afternoon because I choose to sleep as late as I can instead of getting humanized.

for the job offer!! That''s always good news is this economy. Second, if I were you, I''d take the job in a heartbeat. After it took us 15 months to get pregnant with Ben, I realized that you can''t put your life on hold for TTC or you will go crazy. If you''re pregnant, you''ll have 9 months to make a great impression and show your employer that you are dependable, so working at home won''t be an issue. If you''re not pregnant soon, you have even more time.

Having your mom there, provided she''s a good help
, will be a big bonus. I have SO here during the day, so if I''m on a call and Ben gets fussy, SO takes him for a while. I would love to do like Mandarine and have a babysitter come here so the boys could be home with us every day, but there''s just not enough room in our apartment.

You can do it! And congrats again!

Amber, OMG, those raccoons would drive me crazy! The way you describe them is hilarious, though! And LOL at the Burt''s Bees diaper cream used like Windex. The red bumps sound exactly like heat rash. My kids seem to get it when I think there''s no way they could be hot. As for her head -- it looks absolutely fine to me and not small at all.

China, that sore spot is probably a plugged duct. If you don''t get it worked out, it can lead to mastitis, so you have time before you have to worry. You can massage it while working your fingers toward the nipple, and if you have O nurse on that side, point his chin toward the spot. This may require some serious gymnastics -- I''ve put a baby on the floor and hovered over in order to get the chin toward the spot so it would empty. You can also try warm compresses or taking a warm shower with the water aimed at the spot. Are you wearing underwire bras at all? Check whatever bra you''re wearing to see if it''s hitting that spot because that could be the cause.

If you start feeling feverish and achy, that can be a sign that it''s turned into mastitis so you might need antibiotics. I hope you can get it feeling better -- I know how bad a plugged hurts. Ugh!


Ben''s sitting in his swing and I swear this thing is like crack for babies. He calms right down most of the time when I put him in it. He loves to turn his head at really odd angles to sleep, though, which drives me crazy because I don''t see how that can be comfortable! Please notice that the swing has pink flowers on it. Target only had the girl version and it was on sale so I bought it, figuring it probably wouldn''t scar him forever.

Confession: The first time I put Ben in the swing, I cranked it up and it freaked him out. This thing swings fast on the higher settings! He likes it on 3 and I think it was on 5 when he freaked out, plus there are 2 more levels after that. I''m going to have to see how fast it goes when he''s not in it.

SO is being my cleaning boy now and I''m happy.

Oh, and the car seat got here at 10:40!! That was less than 24 hours after I ordered it. It''s kind of snazzy since it''s red and black and it looks comfy, but I haven''t put Ben in it yet.

And finally, I forgot to post this yesterday -- Ben rolled over from his back to his front when I was changing his diaper! He was all sorts of mad, as usual, and just flipped right over. No more leaving him to lie on the couch alone. That''s one bad thing about lean babies -- mine have all tended to do things early, I think by accident, because there''s not much to hold them down.

that picture!! O used to do the exact same thing with his head in the swing and in the carseat too and it drove me crazy. I used to try to push it back, but he would flop it right down again. Such a sweet picture. Thanks for the tips. O refused to nurse on that side this morning- I am assuming b/c he''s teething and for some reason that side hurts? I did pump, but will watch out for it. Only problem is that I have to go OOT tomorrow and tomorrow night and so I won''t be nursing, only pumping.
I really hope it doesn''t turn into mastitis.
he looks so cute all scrunched over in his swing! Thank you so much for posting, I know you are super busy.

Mandy-thanks for the feedback re working from home.

So, we''re finalizing negotiations today or Monday, but I''m going to take the job. If we''re PG now (which I really hope we are) then we''ll figure it out at work in the fall if not, then hopefully we will be soon

My mom will be super helpful, and this will be the first grandchild for my parents when we get PG. My mom and I don''t always do so well in the same house for more than 5 days (leading to an epic battle over whether I knew how to make stuffing in 2002:-), but I do love her, she was a fantastic mom, is great with babies, and I figure I''ll be so tired that if all I have to do is nurse, sleep, cuddle, and work from home and she and DH can take care of everything else (and maybe some of the night feedings
) then I''ll be so grateful that I won''t get very stressed
holy cow.. i've missed so much!

i only have a few mins before lunch break is over so i'm going to do a selfish post.

we had our 4 month apt today and charlie is 13.3 lbs (25%) and 26" long (64%) - a total string bean. his head is in the 25%, but his dad can wear children's hats ;)

my mommy confession is that about 3 weeks ago we took charlie off of his reflux meds b/c it seemed to be getting better. today when we were talking with the pedi and explaining his sleeping/eating habits she asked if we were still giving him zantac. nooooooooooo.....
apparently the antibiotics c has been on for his ear infections can really upset babies tummies and particularly more so in babies who have reflux. so she thinks he may be waking up so much to eat, and not eating a lot at each feeding b/c he is in pain
DH both looked at each other with our big bottom lip out. poor thing. i feel so bad. anyhoo, we put him back on the zantac so i *hope* this does the trick to get him to sleep more soundly. our main problem is not even that he wakes up at 12 and 3 to eat... but that he is loud and whining and fussy between those times.. and since he's smack dab in the middle of DH and i it's hard not to hear him.

good news is that i *think* he's almost rolling from back to front! AND he's mostly sleeping unswaddled.

mara - charlie's hands and legs moved/move ALL OF THE TIME! our pedi called it 'neurological colic' - swaddling really helped calm him even if he fought it for the first few mins... also, if you watch him, sleeping him on his tummy might help keep those arms from waking him up....

here is my peanut from his apt this am.

Love all the new pics!! Where are our little girls though

Mara - I just had to comment on your pics...LOVE them..seriously what great keepsakes. I so wish we had done the newborn pics. And everytime you describe J, it reminds me exactly of Lex at his age. Even how active J was while you were preggo was the same for me. So, I can tell you that it does get better
Lex was such a fuss..oh man, it was seriously annoying..hehehe......but after 6 weeks things really started to turn around and by 3 months he was such a happy baby. We get comments ALL the time about how happy he is, he just loves people and anyone who will look his way gets a huge open mouth smile
Even our DR comments that as sick as he's been, it almost never effects his happy mood. I've said this before, but I didn't REALLY fall in love w/ him until after those 1st 6 weeks and probably more like 8 weeks, but now I just think he's the best thing ever
Also, about the constant movement w/ J, Lex did the same thing...he'd actually kick so much he'd kick off the swaddle no matter how tight we made it. He was crawling (army) at 5 1/2 months, crawling on hands and knees by 6 1/2, and the day he turned 7 months started pulling up to stand. And he NEVER sits still....even when he sleeps, he moves. Just wanted to give you some insight into all the fun you have to look forward to
awesome pictures Mara!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J is so adorable!!!. Sometimes with my guys soothing makes it worse (when they''re fighting sleep) so I know what you mean. MIL doesn''t get this so she wants to keep going in to soothe them!...when I know if we leave them alone they would self soothe within minutes. Speaking of it was Lucas''s turn since he was about to wake Alex from his nap...he got upset when I put him in and now he''s dreaming away.....babies!

Viz, Charlie is just so cute! You would never know by that afce that he gives you a hard time
I have a girls night in tomorrow!. It was you that said you were having a girls night...right? Sorry, my memory is just gone!. of the moms from the mommy group is having a bunch of girls over at her house. I''m excited, but slightly embarrassed that I will probably start yawning by like 8pm.

Fiery, Your MIL is just too much!


It''s 2:25pm....I''m still on my PJs...and yes, I know they are not newborns anymore....but I''m exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!. Went to bed at 10pm. Alex woke up at 12...then Lucas woke up at 3, then Alex at 5am and then Lucas at 6am for the day. So yeah, it''s like having a newborn...5 months after the fact!

I hope tonight is better because otherwise I will fall sleep while running tomorrow at the race!.