
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

sabine i just wanted to add that yes all babies are different and there is no reason for you to be concerned at all. my first child was super slow around 6 months or so. i too was worried about what he wasn''t doing and what other babies were doing. then before he was 10 months, he was walking and crawled soon after that, yes he did things in reverse order. and before he was even 18 months, he was speaking in full complete sentences. i mean i could carry a convo with him before he was 18 months. he never really babbled a ton but i did do sign language with him and he took to it and started to sign back. your little guy sounds like he is doing just fine.

mara oh it''s so cute when they smile at you!! as for entertaining the kid, i put noah on a play mat and he just stares around. and B totally helps me entertain him, he''ll read to him, show him pictures, shake rattles in his face. haha. whatever the little guy enjoys, maybe just sitting in a bouncy seat looking around. and tummy time. now noah is so much more fun, when he is awake, i''ll talk to him and he coos back and smiles back.

steph good to hear you got some extra sleep!! hope your boys are doing well!!

take care mommies!!
Ginger- Glad to hear the LC appt went well. And yes, the first grocery store trip is a huge milestone!!!! It''s great to get it over with and give yourself the confidence that you can handle it.

Mara- O is a TINY baby. 6th percentile in weight. But he is chubby and happy and definitely gaining weight and hitting his milestones. I really wouldn''t worry that Julian isn''t getting enough from BF. Another thing to think about is that babies burn all of their calories eating, especially BF. My ped at one point recommended limiting O to 15 minutes on each side. I had previously just let him eat for as long as he wanted. It seemed scary to limit his feeding when he was so tiny, but in fact it made a huge difference and once I started doing that O started gaining weight like a champ.

Noise- O has always slept around a lot of noise- dog, people, tv, house. Our house is really old and EVERYTHING echoes. O sleeps through everything. We personally moved him into his room pretty early b/c I just wasn''t getting any sleep but he definitely was not disturbed by noise we made.

Entertaining newborns- I remember being worried I wasn''t "stimulating" him enough. I did all of the things people mentioned. Most of the time I just propped him up in my lap (he always hated lying down) and sang to him- ABC''s, Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc. But really there isn''t much you can do and you will know when they need more stimulation. FWIW, we rarely did tummy time and he held his head up super early.

Sabine- Milestones. I know it''s hard when you are worried about something, but every baby is different. My two BFF''s have kids a week apart. One crawled at 7.5 months, the other just started crawling at 10 months. One is very verbal, the other isn''t. Another friend- her baby was pulling up and cruising around BEFORE she ever crawled. I think the development wave thing is true, seems like O is status quo and then all of a sudden makes some big leaps. For reference- O is up on his hands and knees, rocking and scooting backwards, pretty close to crawling. But he could so this rocking thing for months before he actually crawls. If your ped isn''t worried, then I wouldn''t be either. If you want specifics about what he''s doing, let me know.

Viz- CUTE pics of Charlie, love his grin. You wouldn''t know he''s a "high needs" baby from that smile!

Amber- The first few times I let someone give O a bottle (DH and my mom) I looked at it as "practice" and as a skill I wanted him to develop. I didn''t want to wait too long and then have him refuse to take a bottle. I get paranoid about stuff, and it manifested for me as what if something happened and I couldn''t get home to nurse him or something, I NEEDED to KNOW that he could take a bottle so he wouldn''t starve. So for me it was for peace of mind and also a "skill" that I wanted him to have. But if you''re not ready, then you''re not ready.

I think O is finally teething. He''s been doing the manic drooling and chewing on stuff since about 2 months, but no actual teeth or fussiness until today. I can feel one breaking through and he was super fussy this morning. OY. Poor baby. Though every time I said "chilaquiles" he started laughing.
Oh, I forgot to mention...I think I am going to try to sign up for a different FB for my PS friends, so find me if you see me. I''m putting a pic of the boys up as my profile pic!
Thanks for the rec, Viz! We did get a free Vent-Aire from Motherhood Maternity, so maybe I'll try that one, too.

I think I'm going to see if I can pump enough to have my MIL take her so we can see a movie on Sunday!

I'm attaching a picture of Piper from right now. My boss gave her a swimsuit, rash guard (for when she's body-surfing), a floppy hat and a pack of hairbows. I put the bow on her and she is TO DIE FOR.

The suit is a size 12mos, but looks tiny, I hope it stretches for her tummy!

ETA: Thanks China and Steph! Steph, LOVE the announcement. I almost wish Piper was 1 week old again (almost).

Amber I LOVE the bow!!

Ya, go to a movie on Sunday! You''ll love it :D
Amber- She is cracking me up how she always has 2 fingers in her mouth. Her eyes are such an unusual color- are they sort of gray blue? So pretty. And WHAT is formspring???
She''s soooo cute!!!
Thank you everyone! She's a silly little girl, if it's possible.

China: formspring is where people can ask you questions anonymously or not. Apparently, there are some a-holes who try to bring other people down on there, too.
It would hurt- if it was true. Since it isn't, they can suck it. :) It's funny because I answered something like, 300 questions and not a mean thing. All of a sudden, meanness.

ETA: Her eyes. Yeah, they're a weird bluey grey, with a bit of green in there sometimes, too. Totally crazy!
GAH!! i LOVES me a baby with hair!!!!
agreed... she is TO DIE FOR.. cuuuuttteeeee!
i''d have a hard time leaving that wittle face too.

p.s. i used to suck the SAME fingers
Eek!!! Drove home from daycare without strapping Claire in! My first mommy oops moment!
wow this thread moved a lot since last nite!! i know i will miss some stuff but here i go.

re: entertainment, thanks for all the comments. right now like you RPS i mostly keep him in his boppy next to me on the couch while i type or watch tv or whatever and talk to him or sing to him. if he fusses i take him out and put him on my shoulder or sit him in my lap and talk to him. he is really into leaning his head back on my hand and making it dead weight and looking around kind of 'upside down'. it keeps him quiet for a long time but man his head is heavy! and if i put him down he protests. i am trying to keep him from entirely needing to be held for entertainment, but right now he doesn't like his vibrating bouncer anymore (hopefully it's a stage, he used to love it), and the swing just makes him cry now too (again he used to love it) so we have the most success just keeping him near us and breaking up his crying with little cycles like you said viz.

re: feeding... i know that as long as he's gaining he is fine, but yeah it is hard not to get hung up on numbers and think..why is everyone else's kid totally gaining and ours is not. but he is very active as you said RPS...he is ALWAYS waving his arms and kicking, he is NEVER still. when i think about how crazy he was in my belly i wonder why i am surprised. so i am sure he is burning off crazy calories, part of me is like calm down so you can retain some of that right?!!

ginger... J was 2weeks+ when we had our shots done too and it was still ok. yeah he wasn't that TOTALLY tiny pliable newborn anymore but we still got some amazing pictures of him sleeping. though it took some work. oh and what is the 'new' way that the LC told you to latch that helped?

pandora...we just got a tub so we are going to start baths either tonite or tomorrow...i hope he likes it. greg is like 'do we have to bathe him daily now'...hahaa when i suggested adding it to our night time routine in the future.

viz...i read no cry sleep and i liked it too. i think that sometimes it sounds good in principle but it's harder to do it (the no cry)... we already have to let J cry it out a little because sometimes that is the ONLY WAY he will fall asleep...esp during the day now. i do the 10 min soothing though, let him cry, go in and soothe then let him cry, repeat etc. but he always passes out if he's tired and i know he needs to sleep. i also am reading HSHHC and i love the scientific nature of it.

amber... i read what you said about piper choking. J is always making noises and sometimes i can hear him kind of spitting up or coughing or sneezing or whatever but i typically don't get up to check him as i can tell his 'normal' sounds vs different or panicky sounds. if you have a monitor on her in her room, wouldn't you hear her?

re: letting them sleep with noises around them... we actually try to do that too, he is asleep right now next to me in the boppy with the tv on, but my problem is that at night i feel like the house is TOO quiet and that is what wakes him up sometimes. so we put the sheep on and all that but it's too much 'silence' then 'noise'... it's not all consistently white noise if that makes sense. the tv might be white noise, the sheep etc, during the day he gets constant noise but at night it's quiet and then there might be snoring every 2-3 min, so i feel like that is what JOLTS him out of a sleep. then again he is out of that new newborn stage so he does jolt easier with noises in general.

someone has been a HM fuss today. i have fed him like 5 times already and he keeps falling asleep for short periods, then waking up. i really wish i could nap today too as we were up a little earlier than normal today but the kid is having none of his normal 3 hour nap time today. booo. i hope it's just a growth spurt as it's a lot more tiring, hahha...esp since i know he is TIRED...he keeps yawning every time he wakes up.

last nite we put him to sleep in his bassinet in his room because greg came home from rehearsal at night and wanted to shower since he cut his hair earlier in the day. so i didnt want him to wake the fuss. kid went down at 10 and woke up at 1:30 so that was pretty good and then we left him in there since he seemed ok and he went back down at 2 and woke up at 6:30. so we might try doing that more often to get him more used to his room too. i slept like the DEAD..not having him in the room was soo much easier for me. i could actually get out of bed to pee in the bathroom without creeping slowly and peeing in the dark etc. haha. i am also trying not to be a super paranoid mom but it was a little hard last nite to not check on him constantly (our wood floors are too creaky!)...that is the one thing i missed about not having him with us. but on the flip side the video monitor is trained on his crib so when he IS in there i can just look quick to make sure that his mouth is exposed etc etc. i just couldn't get it at the right angle on the bassinet last nite.

re: fussy baby... has anyone read the dr. weissbluth fussy baby book? i was reading a chapter of it online and it is pretty good, i might have to get it. i like the style of writing.

ETA..amber that is the cutest pic!!
Sha: Hope everything is okay. I don''t have any experience with this though.

Viz: Sooo cute!

Amber: We also use Vent Aire and loooove them. Skinny or wide we love them both (that''s what she said...hehe).

Re: Playmate: We have a bright stars playmate that Evan loooves. It''s not that interesting for tummy time just has some noisy leaves on it for that. But he loves the toys that dangle from it. It also came with extra toys for when he is older.

Re: Age....I''m confused now because of stupid February and it''s stupid amount of days! Evan was born on the He would have been 4 months on the 31st....but since there wasn''t 31 days or even 30 days...I was like okay, march 3 would be 31 then do I continue to April 3, etc....I figure I''m just going to call it a night and he turned 4 months on February

Re: Sleep....Evan normally sleeps through anything and everything (thankfully) but last night he had a terrible night of sleep (up like every 2 hours!) We also had a bad storm, kept switching from rain to snow...and we are on the 4th floor so the wind is really bad and his room for some reason attracts all outside I''m thinking the storm had something to do with it. We use one nightlight to basically light our way. You can''t be a noise nazi or it will just backfire and you won''t be able to move around your own house...We made sure that Evan was always around noise during naps and what not to get him to learn to sleep through it''s worked out pretty well.

Steph: Yah on sleep!! Great choice on the announcement.

PG: Everytime I''m driving, I always get really panicky and think I didn''t strap Evan in....I haven''t done it yet...but I''m sure it''s coming!

We have our Ped visit tomorrow...can''t wait to see how he''s doing...he is getting shots again---but he took it like a champ last time so I think he''ll be fine this time around also.

Like I said above...bad night last night with Evan and right when he was starting to get back to his old routine he took like 12 steps back....I think it was our crazy weather last night though.

Okay, now my panicky news of the day.....My period was supposed to be here on Sunday. It is now Wednesday and nada. I know my period has been all out of whack since the baby so I''m holding off on getting a pregnancy test until Friday. Last month it was a week early...this week I''m thinking I might be a week late. I know I said I wanted a baby...but I was hoping E would be over a year before I actually gave birth. If I were pregnant (I don''t think I am...), They would probably have the same birhday!
steph - LOVE the announcement

amber - her eyes are just gorgeous!! and yay for a movie! i bet you''ll feel like a new woman after

chinacat - thanks! i''m really happy i found someone who i believe can help us work through this. and the girls at the store are all really nice.

tao - good luck at the pedi tomorrow! yeesh on the tardy AF. can''t believe you have the will power to wait until friday!

mara - well new for me. the LCs at the hospital had me tickling his nose and upper lip with the nipple then shoving his head onto the boob as fast as i could once he opened wide. yeah, not working so much. he would get so mad (who wouldn''t having your head shoved?) and would cry, release breast tissue and just grab at nipple and CHOMP. the new LC is having me bring him in super duper close until his chin touches the boob and the nipple touches his nose, at which point he tilts his head back and grabs the nipple and most of the areola which forces his tongue in the correct postion. and ditto on the weight/workinghard BFing thing. poops out after being on the boob even though he''s geting less milk so it''s not that milk drunk thing he gets with BM from the bottle. i bet that''s partially why he''s gaining so much weight is he''s not expending the calories "working" for his food as the bottle makes it so easy. oh, and waiting impatiently for J''s pics!!!

so mixed progress on the BFing front.

good news: A seems to be able to latch on to the right boobie like a champ. i don''t even have to position him very much anymore. if i bring him close to the vicinity he grabs on and adjusts himself. so super big yay for that!

bad news: 1) he''s hating the left boob, which is also my much more sore boob. he latches correctly (although it''s still painful) but i think my let down/MER is much slower on the left, he gets frustrated and pushes off within 5 minutes. 2) even though he is OK with the right boob, he doesn''t tolerate it more than 10-15 minutes or so before he pushes off and wants the bottle -- which adds up to 3) i think he''s figured out the bottle is waaaaay easier and i''m worried he may start rejecting the boob althogether

the LC asked me to call her today to update her, which i did. she''s going to call me back later after she''s thought about it. for now she told me to limit it to baby steps, so just try gently, but don''t force him and limit cryign time at the boob so he doesn''t associate it with badness. i wonder if switching to preemie nipples to slow the flow even more from the bottle might help. anyway. i guess i''ll see what she says.

super excited about our photog session tomorrow!! i hope A cooperates to give us a few good shots.
ginger don't despair! i know you don't have the time or inclination to go back and read my BF'ing posts hehe...but i had the same issue. we had no latch. then we had latch issues. then we had latch with shield. then we had latch without shield on one boob only. then we had latch on both without shield. but one of my boobs for whatever reason, the nipple is diff and it curves a bit and it was WAY WAY more painful for me. so i just would pump that boob and feed on the other for a little while. don't worry just hang in there and remember even SMALL steps are steps!!! i was just happy to get him (a) latched. then (b) with shield on both, etc. Rome was not built in a day. and now he takes both boobs like a champ and I can just stand at his CRIB and put on him on the boob and hold him in football for up to 5-10 min if I need to. so you both totally will learn!!

re: J's pictures, there are so many i love, i have to collage them--someone is a fuss today and keeps napping in 45 min stretches so hopefully i will get to them this evening or tomorow.

speaking of this evening... my friend is having a jewelry party and i am so excited to go for just an hour and see friends and drink some sangria and eat some tacos! nevermind that nothing fits me. i did manage to get out to the store yesterday and bought some new gladiator heels and a few cute tops for the summer so i feel a bit better about my lack of wardrobe. whee!
Mommies with Boys
What are some brands you like for boys'' clothes (besides the usual ON, Gap, Carter''s, Gymboree, etc)? I don''t know if it''s b/c I have a DD, but I just don''t find boys'' clothes as fun to shop for. So I am looking to see what else is out there. Thanks a lot.
Viz: yeah, out of nowhere she hooked onto those fingers! I kept thinking of Tao''s Evan and his sucking the two middles, and I just wonder how they choose which are more "comfortable" to suck?

PG: Yikes! Hope you''re not beating yourself up too much, it seems to be a popular mistake!

Mara: I remember Piper kicked the crap out of me the WHOLE 3rd tri, in the morning, afternoon and her favorite- late at night. Now she''s mellowed a bit, but continuously kicks her legs. At night I hear a grunt and slam- her legs just drop. It''s hilarious. Does J suck on his hands to soothe himself yet? Maybe once he can do that in naps he won''t be quite as jerky/hit myself in the face. Did you say you "mitt" him during naps? We do have a monitor (we actually have two), but I am so panicky I think what if I don''t get her soon enough? It''s totally ridiculous nonsense. I also don''t bother checking on her unless she''s crying (or choking, since she doesn''t usually choke in her sleep), because she is quite the faker. It''s kind of funny. She just goes "Unnnnh. UUUNNNNNHHHH!" Pause. "UNH?" And two seconds later she''s asleep. Have you tried turning the sheep on before you start the nighttime routine so it''s already going? That''s what I do with her humidifier. I turn it on and then I start the feeding (her routine is bath/nurse/bed). Also, Paul is a snorer. So loud. It''s horrible because not only that, but he''s a very sound sleeper, so I kick him and it does nothing.

Tao, thanks for another vent aire rec (and the Office joke- Jim and Pam have their baby tomorrow!), also, thanks for the mat rec, too. The age thing kills me. According to my FB LilyPie thing, she''s three months and a week (exactly). Funny how Evan''s room attracts noise- Piper has a tree outside her window with a family of raccoons in it. LITERALLY. They fight like bastards, I''m telling you. Before the baby was born they picked fights with Woofie. Now they sit outside her window and chitter, while looking into her window. Creepy bastards. My dad joked that the raccoons were going to break in with their dexterous hands and snatch her and make her live with them as a Human Raccoon. I hate those jerks. Yikes about your period! I forgot my birth control pill again the other night. I need to start carrying an alarm.
Date: 3/3/2010 6:29:59 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Mommies with Boys

What are some brands you like for boys'' clothes (besides the usual ON, Gap, Carter''s, Gymboree, etc)? I don''t know if it''s b/c I have a DD, but I just don''t find boys'' clothes as fun to shop for. So I am looking to see what else is out there. Thanks a lot.
QT - I saw a few cute boys things at H&M!
Viz awwwwwww, Charlie is so adorable!!!!!! Which Platex bottles do you use? teh drop ins or the ones with the screw on bottoms?. I have the ones that screw on the bottom and mine leak like crazy! (form the bottom). I have over 20 so I''m sticking with them though. I just can''t pre-fill them with water because they always leak. I used to do it and would get so annoyed when 5 hours later the bottle had leaked an entire ounce!.

Was it you that said you resented babies that STTN?...hehe...I totally get what you''re saying. While I love you all that have great sleepers, I secretly resent you...hehe ;)

Amber Piper is such a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!! And those eyes!!!!
. I read your blog and I can''t believe people are so freaking rude and don''t have anything better to do. Don''t even give them the time of the day...losers! You look great and Piper is absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!

Steph I just added you on FB!

PG I''ve done that once too....forgot to strap them BOTH in!!!

Mara I moved the boys to their room at 4 weeks and OMG what a difference it made! I started to sleep MUCH better!!!! it also all linked nicely with us trying to start the bedtime routine. It seemed they also slept better in there!!!

Tao I hope E goes back to sleeping good!!!...and uh-oh...could you be??? OMG, I would be dying to know!!!!

Ginger I commend you for keeping up with BFing!!! You''re doing a great job!!!. Can''t wait to see your pics!!!

Qti Boys clothes is really just not as exciting...that''s why 75% of the stores carry girls stuff!. The other day I went to a playdate and the little girl my boys were "playing" with had a tutu! ....a TUTU!!!!


My poor chunky monkeys...they got a fever and didn''t eat well at all today. I gave them Tylenol. Question for you guys that already did the 4-month often and how much tylenol can I give them? I did like 0.6 at 5pm...

On swaddle rehab news...we''re finally getting the hang of naps (after what, 4 weeks?)...Alex is doing good, Lucas struggles but he''s trying!. I''ve started to swaddle Alex with one arm out for far it''s going ok (night #3 today)...he has a harder time falling sleep but seems to sleep the same as when he is fully waddled. I''m thinking maybe next week I''ll try no arms, but still tie the swaddle on his belly...we''ll see!.

Let''s see what else.....

Ohh, they finally started to like the pacis...just not the way most babies do! They chew on them and then blow bubbles with it on, it''s pretty funny.

Ok, time to finish dinner!!!!
omg QT i absolutely LURVE boys clothes!! i find them WAY more fun to shop for than girls. i think it''s because i love blue and green, they are my favorite colors, and obviously like 90% of the boys clothes are blue, green and brown (i love brown too)...sooo that is prob why. who i think has the cutest clothes so far is Carters, Gymboree and Baby Gap. also Circo has some really cute stuff from time to time. oh and i think it''s Cherokee at Target has some cute toddler clothes depending on season. but I can sit here and online window shop Gymboree and BG all day long. and surprisingly enough Kohls has some cute stuff but i dont know the brand, i got the worlds cutest little madras print button down for J the other day in 12 months for like $3.99!

i am sure you Moms already know about Gymboree but I just have to say I love them. i joined their rewards club while preggo and they send me a bunch of discounts in the mail plus the gymbucks plus the online clearance sales...i got like 8 things the other day for $60 including shipping. i tend to buy J more toddler items, or 6-12 months like pants because we don''t have much of that stuff (only ''cute outfits'')but only if it''s season intercheangeable since i don''t know how fast he will grow. but yes LOVE Gymboree.

oh and i think i have mentioned this before but re: shopping for baby stuff, MARSHALLS, TJMAXX and ROSS if you have them near you. the other day was at Marshalls and i got J a 2 piece set of Carters rompers for $6.99 that i saw at Kohls for $10.99 just the other day. they have GREAT deals at these places and it''s just overstock.

oh and someone gave us a gift card for Old Navy but i read online that most parents just like their stuff for ''one season'' as it doesnt seem that durable.

Amber..yeah we mitt him when he sleeps but he is getting better about not stabbing his eye out at times. but sometimes we also swaddle his arms in depending on how fussy he is. today he would not nap all day and finally i swaddled his arms in and walked him around and now he is passed out for almost 3 hours. but some days he just won''t take it. but yep he does suck on his mitts already, his arm, whatever is closest. when his fingers are exposed he is starting to stick them in his mouth and sucks on 1-2 also. and yep we turn the sheep on when we start the routine, the prob is it only lasts 45 min and sometimes it can take like 15-20 to get him to go down without a fight so then the sheep is only on 20 min and he can take longer sometimes to be really deep so he doesnt notice it go off. so then i have to creep in and turn it back on and he HAS woken up a bunch of times in that ''lull'' of no sheep noise. so i might have to look into this white noise thing fiery mentioned if we can leave it on all night. on the FLIP side greg is like ''well i dont want to create a kid that can only sleep with white noise''..but HELLO dad you SNORE. or i just say ''whatever who cares if he wakes up'' and stop freaking out about it but somehow the other options seem better.

the rational side of me is like ''just make lots of noise and let him get used to greg''s snoring'' but the side that LOVES SLEEP is like someone said they did about nighttime... i am nazi about getting him down and out so that we know we have at least 4 hours of sleep and god forbid anyone get in the way of that. so we tend to creep around at night because we don''t want him to wake up, even though we prob shouldnt.

Mand/Viz..i hear you re babies that STTN. i would be bitter too..don''t worry! hehee.

i am ecstatic i got a 2 hour nap in since i was up with J at 6:30 and he didn''t want to go back down for his customary 3 hours after that wakeup, so now i feel slightly normal. just slightly.
Mara, I''m also bitter about babies that take naps longer than 45 minutes! hehehehe
Mine never did...they''ve never been big nappers...they are more the catnap type of guy

Oh and I agree, Marshalls and TJMAxx have such great deals!!!!. I got the boys a set of PJs from a brand called "vitamin baby" or something silly like that...anyway, I LOVE the fabric! Much more than carters. It''s a little thicker and so soft!!! Plus it came on a pack of 2 PJs that coordinate but are not exactly the they''re perfect for the boys!
real quick before i have to go get the fuss from his crib, here is a collage of some of the horizontal prints we liked. there are 3 vertical ones i will collage next, maybe tomorrow. we are def doing the one of us 3 for the announcement but i want one of just J by himself too. so tough to choose! most of my friends love the one of him in the blue hat but i love the belly shot and the one in the blue pashmina, that is HIS expression to a tee while he is sleeping. and the blue spandex tube thing one is just funny, she said most newborns collapse into it but he just looked like 'help me??'...!! hope you guys like.

eta sorry it's so big...i was trying to get each image to be visible.

j prof horizontals.jpg
Oh Mara, they are all precious! I love the hat one and the three of you. Beautiful!
QT- I love boy clothes, they will grow on you. Besides all of the ones you mentioned and the ones others have mentioned, I personally love Kissy Kissy for newborn and the early months. So so soft and they have great gowns that can also be snapped into footies. Very subtle patterns. Then my favorite little boy clothes (like actual pants and shirts) is a brand called Zutano. I
this line, really cute and bright patterns and colors. It''s expensive though, but luckily a friend gave me all of her stuff and she had a lot of it. I also love the Gap, I can''t go in there without buying something. Also, Dwell has a line at Target that I like.

Mara- I love the belly one, so cute. The one in the spandex is hysterical. But yes, the one in the hat is probably a good one for the announcement.
Amber, Piper is so darn cute with those fingers in her mouth. Adorable! And thanks for the compliment on the announcement. And if you want her to be a week old again, just visit my house at night when E is up every hour and you will change your mind really quickly

PG, don''t get too down about the car happens to the best of us.

Tao, wow keep us posted on any news!

Ginger, thank you! Have fun at the photo session tomorrow!

QT, we live in Gap and Gymboree b/c I love the quality and softness. Also, like other have said, I have found great deals on Polo and other cute things at TJ Maxx. Oh and sometimes BRU will have some cute little outfits for boys.

Mandi, sorry about the fevers, poor little guys.
Mara and Steph - Love the newborn pics. You both have such beautiful boys. Mara, I am going to go with your friends and say the one in the hat - but I am a sucker for infants in hats.

Mara - A lot of my friends with boys love Janie and Jack - it''s owned by the same company that owns Gymboree, but is a little more pricey. I also love gymboree, but I have a girl. Do an internet search on gymboree some time - there are people that are complete nuts for that store - entire message boards dedicated to their new lines, what''s coming out next, etc. It''s a little nuts. Although I guess some people would say that about PS.

Amber - Don''t feel bad about keeping Piper in your room if that''s what you want to do. Olivia is still in our room and will be until around 6 months. The American Academy of Pediatrics actually recommends that the baby sleep in the parents room until 6 months. I think everyone has to do what''s right for them, but just wanted to point out that there''s nothing wrong with keeping her in with you if that''s what you are comfortable with. I love having her in my room, so I see no reason to move her right now. Also, love that photo of Piper, she''s such a cutie.

Re FB: I choose to keep my facebook only to people I know in real life because I post photos and videos of my family and am a more private person, but for those of you that have friended each other, please, please be careful friending people you haven''t met in real life and what you post on there. Friends of mine IRL were robbed while they were on vacation. It may just be coincidence, but they both had posted status updates about going out of town. Once you know someone''s real name and hometown, it''s not hard to find their address.
Oh, i''m so glad I popped into here tonite. The baby pics are too precious! Cute LO''s, mamas!
Is there something wrong with me because sometimes I *love* when I have to get up way early? It''s so nice to be able to enjoy the peace and quiet!

Ginger, sounds like the visit with the LC was really positive! Do you know the brand of the bottles she prefers?

I feel for you on the hatred for the left side. It''s funny how such a little baby can develop a preference like that! And one baby can develop a preference for the side that the previous child hated -- go figure. We were doing great with the latch, but now I''m fighting with Ben a bit because he''s mostly fine on the left side, but is treating the right side like it''s his enemy. Will was the complete opposite! It''s also great when the preferred side ends up producing more because the baby is on that side you end up lopsided. Good look! =) Just keep trying and you guys will get things figured out. Remember -- if you had to use only 1 side 100% of the time, your baby could get everything he needs that way.

for the trip to the grocery store. It IS a big deal to do that because now you have to figure out the logistics of dealing with the baby. Of course, 3 months down the line, you''ll be doing it like an old pro and wondering why you worried at all about taking him out.

Amber, I think I understand why you haven''t moved Piper. I''m totally paranoid about something happening to Ben if he''d be in a crib, which is why he sleeps with us. I hate that feeling -- you''d think by now at my age, I would understand that statistically, it''s unlikely that anything will happen. I give in to my paranoia because otherwise, I''d never get any sleep.

Piper''s bow is adorable! I love her eyes too -- I think unusually colored eyes are really cool.

I read your response to the formspring stuff, too, btw, and have to say:
I''ll never understand why some people have to be mean just to be mean (''cause you know, when I''m mean, it''s with PURPOSE!).

Steph, the announcement is beautiful!

Puffy, you''re totally right about when babies hit milestones. It''s really hard not to compare because you want the assurances that your child is normal, but there''s a HUGE range of normal. I haven''t worried about too much with my kids except for Kate and Will and their speech. At 2 years, neither of them was saying much. I talked to the ped about Kate and was assured that she was fine...and shortly after that, she started talking up a blue streak -- and she hasn''t shut up for the past 7 years! It was the same with Will -- he went from saying very little to speaking in complete sentences in just a couple of weeks.

I''ve noticed that most boys tend to hit physical milestones before verbal ones while girls are the opposite. My friend has a little girl that''s 2 weeks younger than Will and her daughter was talking up a blue streak before a year but not close to walking, while Will was walking but not saying anything.

BTW, I love teaching babies to sign! Will''s the only one so far that I was able to do it with consistently because day care was also teaching it. It was wonderful to be able to communicate with him before he could use words.

China, I love that there''s another tiny baby on here to keep Ben company. =) The thing about limiting O''s feeds is really interesting to me because it''s an approach that I haven''t heard before; instead, I''ve always heard that with a slow gainer, you should offer as much as possible. It makes sense, though, because bfing is a lot of work.

I don''t know what percentile Ben''s in because I haven''t plotted it, but he''s a total string bean. He has definitely grown lengthwise because he''s pushing the limits of some of the newborn clothes we bought, but he''s still skinny. It''s hilarious to look at him when he does his stiff as a board thing because you can see that he''s not height/weight proportional. He has NO fat rolls -- in fact, I keep telling him he needs to lay down a little bit of fat on his butt and legs. Will was the same way.

PG, OMG, isn''t that the worst feeling? I''ve done it as well as strapped the kid in, but didn''t have the car seat strapped in.

Mara, yep, I think the same thing about Ben -- if he''d calm down and maybe sleep more and quit with the moving around, he''d probably gain more weight. But then he looks like he''s having so much fun!

I don''t know if this helps, but Ben has been pretty fussy the past couple of days, too. He naps in the morning fine -- in fact, maybe a little too well because he''ll pass out for a couple of hours! -- but then the afternoon comes and he''s wide awake. Nothing I do will get him back to sleep, but he acts like he''s tired. He nurses sloppily, with a lot of breaks to complain about the general state of things, but if I put him down, it''s like I totally offended him. It''s the same way when I''m trying to get him down for the night. Last night, I got very frustrated because he didn''t want to nurse right -- he was being very sloppy with his latch and then he''d pull off after just a minute and fuss. I finally took him into bed and nursed him lying down with the light off -- he settled much better that way.

LOVE the pics -- my favorite is the top right. J looks like he''s thinking hard in that one! The one with that blue thing is hilarious -- what an expression! And the one of you three together is sweet.

Mandarine, have you asked the ped about giving the boys Motrin? That seems to work so much better for my kids than tylenol. I know you can also alternate between the two, but I have no clue when it''s safe to start giving the ibuprofen. I hope the boys feel better very soon!


I''m apparently a week behind on the difficult DH/SO schedule, but now I''m annoyed with SO. I know I shouldn''t be because he does so much. Right now he''s really busy with work; he has several projects due very soon so he''s got his nose to the grindstone all day and some of the evening. I understand how it is to be self-employed and take almost all work that comes your way because you never know when it might suddenly dry up.

But he''s focusing on work to the exclusion of other things. Last evening, he went to pick up Will and then get the kids from their dad''s house, and was going to swing by the grocery store on the way home. I made chicken curry for dinner but needed some tomato sauce to add to it. Basically, dinner was 99% ready when they all got here. And what did SO buy? Spaghetti sauce. Not tomato sauce. Fortunately, the grocery store is right across the street, so my older son ran there and got tomato sauce. It wouldn''t be so bad if I hadn''t dictated a list earlier to SO and he had that list right in front of his face!

I was really tired by dinner time, so that didn''t sit very well with me, even though on a more rational day, it wouldn''t be an issue. I''m feeling like Ms. Crankypants because I''m so used to him being there and present and right now he''s there, but much of the time, may as well not be because he''s in his own little world.

Grrr. I know it will get better. I hope it''s before I pick a really bad argument because of my frustration. I have no patience.
mara - aaaaaah! SO cute! love the hat and belly pic. the belly pic makes me want to just reach in and just squishy squish! please post your announcements one you''re done.

qt - ditto on janie and jack. love their stuff. carzy 8 is really cute also. and there are usually a few coupons online floating around.


wish us luck! today is A big photo day. and i''m going to be motoring on 4 hours of sleep. wheee!
Mara - LOVE the pics!! So cute! I can't get over how much he looks like you...I'm jealous...I wish Lex looked more like me
It's funny though, J looks fair which Lex is too even though my DH is hispanic. So I say at least Lex has my skintone
I love all the pics, but my 2 favs are the very 1st one and the one w/ the blue hat.

QT - I hear ya! I STILL wish I could buy girl clothes
I look over at the girls clothes every time and wish I could shop in that section...hehehe....I think because my fav color is HOT pink. My DH likes that I can't buy girl clothes because he says we'd go broke
I have no suggestions really, my favs are GAP and Gymboree. Although, we also shop at Children's Place for cheapy clothes he can wear at daycare...not sure if they have that store by you. I also really love Janie and Jack, but it's pretty pricey (I think anyway) so I don't buy much there. Recently I went shopping for Lex and they do have absolutely ADORABLE plaid shorts for boys at both GAP and Gymboree. And I also really like Carter's.

ETA - China - I just took a look at the Zutano line...SUPER CUTE!! You just cost me lots of money
Thanks for the suggestion!!
QT- i'm with you.. i hate boys clothes! i wish they would make more of them in oranges and yellows and tans - everything is blue... and i like blue, but not that much blue;) it also totally bugs me that EVERYTHING has a sports, construction or bug theme too - while girls clothes have fun things like polka dots and swirls... admittedly, i'm super duper picky about c clothes and REFUSE to put him in anything that has words on it (i know i know) especially when it's like the baby is supposed to be talking "mommys little troublemaker" "i love trucks" ANYHOO... i put charlie in american apparel baby clothes most days - i also like boden and tea brand clothes. i do buy stuff from children's place and gymboree, old navy ... but i get out the seam ripper and take off any hokey patches or appliques ;) and i eagle eye for stripes, or 'plain' items and then buy a bunch in different sizes... like the rugby one piece outfits from old navy.. when they were on sale for $6 i bought 5 in different colors and sizes.

mandy - yeah the vent aire with the screw off bottoms. they leak for you? SNAP!!! i wonder if they are going to wear out then? i prefill them with water too but they haven't leaked for me. only a matter of time i guess.
boo hiss!

and yes, it was me who resented babies who STTN.. all in jest of course...

my TTT :) since my lovely son is still waking up 2x-3x a night to eat we prefill bottles with water and sort out formula for easy nighttime feeding.. my TTT is that we put the bottles on a heating pad in our room, that way the water is warm and we didn't have to invest in a bottle warmer that can take a while to warm said bottles. this way they are ready to go when we need them.

i have a girls night this saturday. i'm getting a mani! and then hitting the town for din din with my friends. i'm sooo looking forward to it (not the getting dressed for it part, but that's a different story). anyhoo, i just wonder if i'm going to totally crash at 9 since that is when i go to bed

mara- absolute cuteness!!!! luvs them!

amber- your raccoon story has me crying over here.. i won't even tell you the visual i have ;)