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milk cow #3 checking in while early morning pumping..
oh and drk that cow feeling, get used to it. it just gets more ''natural'' HAHA. last nite G said he doesn''t even notice me walking around with my boobs hanging out anymore.
viz i agree with fiery...charlie looks happy to be in your arms. i also agree people should seize life, i am actually the world''s biggest advocate for ''doing what makes you happy'', i feel like life is too short and too filled with responsibilities to not do things that give you pleasure (umm my taco bell run yesterday??). i think i am able to be a bit nazi about J''s schedule and habits because i am home with him right now. so i''ll get the morning cuddle but after he wakes up for the day. and i''m able to stand there when i put him down for a nap and watch him flirt and smile and babble to me and not pick him up and play with him or hug him because i know i''ll be there in an hour when he does get up and does the same thing. when i go back to work i will prob feel like i am missing out on more of that stuff, so that is one of the side reasons why i want our schedules to be more firmly in place.
limit temptation.
long work thing, skip if you are not interested haha. so last nite one of my coworkers/friends came over with the bumbo and a huge bag of clothes that her baby outgrew (coincidentally named Julian also, actually not coincidentally but i was considering that name before she even gave birth lol). we were chatting work stuff because there is a huge reorg going on and a ton of changes. i don''t officially have a boss right now, i was reporting directly into my VP because my function was transferred from another internal dept during ANOTHER reorg about 7 months ago, and they were hiring for a layer between me and the VP...anyways... long story short is that i don''t know if my job will still be there, if it is i will have a new boss, a new VP, and the whole reorg is affecting a lot of people i have worked with for the last 3 years. it''s a ton of change and everyone is freaking out and worrying about their jobs. if i was there i wouldn''t worry at all because i did my job solo bringing in a crazy amt of money for the company for almost 3 years BUT when i moved to this new org i hired someone and then someone else internally was tapped to fill in for me while gone. he is doing a wonderful job apparently working on this technical piece i setup before i left, TOO wonderful?? so part of me thinks well why wouldn''t they keep him and my employee as cheaper labor and get rid of me, i am already ''gone'' PLUS they could offer new blood whereas while i have a ton of historical on my program and knowledge, maybe the new VP wants fresh blood. i am not stressing out though, because whats the point? i can''t change anything anyway, and i have already let our new VP know i am avail if she wants to talk. going back earlier would change nothing. on the flip side, the last reorg a gal was laid off as part of it who was on mat leave and she got like 6 months seriously if they want to get rid of me and give me 6 months i would be fine with it!!!! who is to say that when i return in 1.5 months that i will even want to be part of this new crazy world?? i''d love to be ''paid'' to stay with my kid for 6 months or get a part time contract or something which i am considering ANYWAY.
soooo when my friend came over we talked about kids and jobs and all that. she has 2 little kids, one is 4 and one is 8 months. she said she is over working, her head is not in the game, she is right on that cusp of not wanting to work or having to work, so she was also saying she hopes they get rid of her so she can stay home with a package. however, she also runs a huge money maker for the company so doubt that will happen, but it was ironic for both of us to be like ''hmm''.
on a fun note we put J in the bumbo and he is close to being ready for it. a little too floppy on the head right now (esp when tired) but he looked so friggin cute. and uncomfortable, like what is this? lol.
today is J''s 2 month appt for shots and pedi visit. i am hoping he''s like 12 lbs but i figure he''s more like 11. keeping my fingers crossed shots go ok.
i feel like i am getting a cold or something but it might just be allergies. we had rain here the last day and with all the blooming flowers the rain would make all the pollen explode. bah.
fiery...that new pic of S is so cute. and 9 months wow!!
mtj...i was super excited when i was able to freeze too. simple pleasures!
pg...yay for spring break.
tao...glad baby is good, boo on work not so much! on 1600 for 2 in daycare but yeah it sounds par for the course. i love the idea of him talking to the ceiling fan.
drk...i wouldn''t worry too much about weight gain and lots of smaller babies have gained weight without supplementing but i know it''s hard when you are in the ''thick of it'' and trying to decide. we supplemented until my milk really came in because J had jaundice and from that point on we just couldn''t NOT give him something after the first few days of his body eating regularly. then we went to exclusive BM but then because his weight gain was so slow they suggested formula again and we did it because i don''t really have any issues giving him both. so now he is both and he is doing fine. i also don''t feel stress at all about supply issues or anything now because i know that he will always have food if something happens.

viz i agree with fiery...charlie looks happy to be in your arms. i also agree people should seize life, i am actually the world''s biggest advocate for ''doing what makes you happy'', i feel like life is too short and too filled with responsibilities to not do things that give you pleasure (umm my taco bell run yesterday??). i think i am able to be a bit nazi about J''s schedule and habits because i am home with him right now. so i''ll get the morning cuddle but after he wakes up for the day. and i''m able to stand there when i put him down for a nap and watch him flirt and smile and babble to me and not pick him up and play with him or hug him because i know i''ll be there in an hour when he does get up and does the same thing. when i go back to work i will prob feel like i am missing out on more of that stuff, so that is one of the side reasons why i want our schedules to be more firmly in place.

long work thing, skip if you are not interested haha. so last nite one of my coworkers/friends came over with the bumbo and a huge bag of clothes that her baby outgrew (coincidentally named Julian also, actually not coincidentally but i was considering that name before she even gave birth lol). we were chatting work stuff because there is a huge reorg going on and a ton of changes. i don''t officially have a boss right now, i was reporting directly into my VP because my function was transferred from another internal dept during ANOTHER reorg about 7 months ago, and they were hiring for a layer between me and the VP...anyways... long story short is that i don''t know if my job will still be there, if it is i will have a new boss, a new VP, and the whole reorg is affecting a lot of people i have worked with for the last 3 years. it''s a ton of change and everyone is freaking out and worrying about their jobs. if i was there i wouldn''t worry at all because i did my job solo bringing in a crazy amt of money for the company for almost 3 years BUT when i moved to this new org i hired someone and then someone else internally was tapped to fill in for me while gone. he is doing a wonderful job apparently working on this technical piece i setup before i left, TOO wonderful?? so part of me thinks well why wouldn''t they keep him and my employee as cheaper labor and get rid of me, i am already ''gone'' PLUS they could offer new blood whereas while i have a ton of historical on my program and knowledge, maybe the new VP wants fresh blood. i am not stressing out though, because whats the point? i can''t change anything anyway, and i have already let our new VP know i am avail if she wants to talk. going back earlier would change nothing. on the flip side, the last reorg a gal was laid off as part of it who was on mat leave and she got like 6 months seriously if they want to get rid of me and give me 6 months i would be fine with it!!!! who is to say that when i return in 1.5 months that i will even want to be part of this new crazy world?? i''d love to be ''paid'' to stay with my kid for 6 months or get a part time contract or something which i am considering ANYWAY.
soooo when my friend came over we talked about kids and jobs and all that. she has 2 little kids, one is 4 and one is 8 months. she said she is over working, her head is not in the game, she is right on that cusp of not wanting to work or having to work, so she was also saying she hopes they get rid of her so she can stay home with a package. however, she also runs a huge money maker for the company so doubt that will happen, but it was ironic for both of us to be like ''hmm''.
on a fun note we put J in the bumbo and he is close to being ready for it. a little too floppy on the head right now (esp when tired) but he looked so friggin cute. and uncomfortable, like what is this? lol.
today is J''s 2 month appt for shots and pedi visit. i am hoping he''s like 12 lbs but i figure he''s more like 11. keeping my fingers crossed shots go ok.
i feel like i am getting a cold or something but it might just be allergies. we had rain here the last day and with all the blooming flowers the rain would make all the pollen explode. bah.
fiery...that new pic of S is so cute. and 9 months wow!!
mtj...i was super excited when i was able to freeze too. simple pleasures!
pg...yay for spring break.
tao...glad baby is good, boo on work not so much! on 1600 for 2 in daycare but yeah it sounds par for the course. i love the idea of him talking to the ceiling fan.
drk...i wouldn''t worry too much about weight gain and lots of smaller babies have gained weight without supplementing but i know it''s hard when you are in the ''thick of it'' and trying to decide. we supplemented until my milk really came in because J had jaundice and from that point on we just couldn''t NOT give him something after the first few days of his body eating regularly. then we went to exclusive BM but then because his weight gain was so slow they suggested formula again and we did it because i don''t really have any issues giving him both. so now he is both and he is doing fine. i also don''t feel stress at all about supply issues or anything now because i know that he will always have food if something happens.