
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

I ditto what fiery said, but don''t I always ;).

Ginger. Girl. I got nothing but empathy and hugs for you. If I knew why these little ones seemingly need no sleep I''d be a millionaire. In fact, as I type I''m holding my little sleeping giant. Mind you I have a cold glass of vino by my side, but I''m still holding him to sleep- because that''s the way he •stays• asleep. Anyhoo I know that this is miserable right now, you are doing all of the right things and still he just won''t stop crying or go to sleep peacefully. I''ve been there what seems like a million nights in a row. You don''t know how you are possibly going to function. But you will ;) you will make 4 pots of coffee and drink them all yourself. And that is OK! Hold little a day and night if that means you can sleep too! That''s OK! I had about 7 pillows on my bed that I propped up all around me at night just so I could get 45 mins of shut eye. Have your dh take a after a feeding and have you sleep. Even if it is for an hour. And if you are bf - I swear it cured most fussy spells. Just stick him on the boob even if it''s merely to comfort suck. Whatever gets you thru this time is Ok!!
My doc told me that c was probably a little ''neurological colic'' meaning he wasn''t quite wired right and it took him a good 3 months to get passed that stage. But time heals all and you will survive and I want you to come and vent whenever you need to. Babies are hard. Also, if you really want to feel like you are not alone. Check out dr sears site particularly the ''fussy baby'' or the ''high needs baby'' good good stuff there.
kim i assume your supply is well established so i would stop waking her to feed her at night but keep going on 3 hours during the day, unless she wants to nurse sooner than every 3 hours.
puffy... no i am too chicken right now to put him in crib for the long stretch
yet butttt he is sleeping in there for all naps (so about 2-3x a day) and then after the morning wake (2-4 he went 3.5 hours before waking up which was great). i didn''t want to screw about with the program during his shots so i will prob try a long stretch for sleep in crib on sunday night and see what happens (assuming he''s ok tonite and tomorrow night).

steph... i know J looks giant in that pic with greg. it''s funny sometimes he seems big to me and other times so small!! i am totally getting nostalgic now at weird times about how he will only be this little once kind of thing. i wish i could go back and ''view'' our first few weeks with him just to remember how things were because my memory is starting to get so fuzzy!

kim... ditto what the others said. as soon as J reached his birth weight our pedi told us we didn''t have to wake to feed him---but we never really did anyway because he reached birth weight within 6 days and he was waking every ~3-4 hours anyway so we just let him keep his schedule. we could have instituted 2-3 hour feedings, but i really didn''t see the point to doing that when we just wanted him to go BACK to 3-4 hours anyway after he had gained just a bit more. with 20/20 hindsight now i am glad we kept it as is, because then we didn''t have to worry about changing it back or breaking a 2 hour habit.

J has been pretty much himself today which is great...hopefully the shots aren''t really affecting him that much. knock on wood. i went to my OB appt and she said i have a little bit of scar tissue left from last time but that it should just rub off over time and it is not bleeding anymore. my OB is 29 weeks pregnant so i love talking to her and remembering when i was there not too long ago. and she asks me Q''s ... today i recommended HSHHC and BW to her. it''s funny too because she is a first time mom and when i tell her about my BF trials and my sore boob she is like ''OH i am sooo not looking fwd to this!!'' i tell her i feel her pain, hahaa.
I''ve been a bad has been so crappy this week....hopefully it''ll be better next week but I doubt it.

My schedule got changed a bit and 1-2 days a week I might not even see Evan

I''ve also been busy trying to plan out our Easter Dinner. I volunteered to cook for 6 people...not a lot---but I''m not exactly a cook--my husband is (sous chef) but he will be at work on it''s all on me.

I haven''t even had time to get E an easter basket! I''m such a terrible mommy!

We started Evan on veggies yesterday. We started with Carrots (We were told by the pedi to start with orange veggies). He seems to like it for about 4-5 spoonfuls and then has a huge meltdown---he starts crying so hard that he stops making noises! It''s the worst cry EVER! It breaks my heart every single time. Then I give him his bottle and some oatmeal and he''s all smiles again and will even finish up his carrots. Weirdo!

I''m going out tomorrow I think to take some pictures of Evan with a friend of mine and her 3 month old. Our courthouse has beautiful tuliips around it so we are going to try and snap some pictures over there.

My picture contribution....Evan rolled over today holding onto his blanket....where did he go???

Date: 4/2/2010 4:18:59 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Question about breastfeeding: At what point is it okay to feed her when she''s hungry rather than wake her to eat every 2-3 hours? I was told I could go 4 hours at night when she was 2 weeks old, but otherwise she needed to eat every 2-3 hours (she was early and small so getting her to eat was obviously important). Last night she slept a longer stretch than normal and I let her sleep as she was so peaceful, but I''m not sure if I can continue to let her sleep if she goes longer periods of time sleeping or if I need to wake her. She''s only breastfeeding (has had 2 small bottles to ''practice''). All information on breastfeeding states what I was told, but it''s in regard to newborns and I''m not sure when that shifts. She''s 5 weeks old today.
I was told I could start feeding on demand once he regained his birth weight, but not to let him go longer than 4 hours. I was told that once they are a little fatter you have more room to experiment because they can manage if anything is not going perfectly. But by five weeks I am pretty darned sure that I was on demand only, and he regularly slept about 4 hours in his longest stretch. Has she been gaining well? Is she healthy and vigorous? To me, if she is healthy then on demand is a-okay. If you are worried, just offer her more feeds in the daytime when she is awake
Hunter used to feed as often as every hour and a half in the day time and then go 4 hours stretches at night when he was really young.
Date: 4/2/2010 3:45:43 PM
Author: drk
We went to see the nurse/doctor yesterday. Since she''d only gained 20g in 3 days (about 2/3 of an oz), the nurse got the doc to come see us. They gave me a script for domperidone, some nipple cream, pretty much told me to continue following the LC''s advice, and when I asked about the tongue tie, suggested it might help to get it snipped. So I did, after calling DH to tell him of the developments and having him tell me I must kiss our daughter and be sure to tell her he had nothing to do with it. Thanks, hon.
I started the domperidone yesterday. And had a beer, as per the doctor''s recommendation. I think she either gave me an incorrect prescription or the pharmacy screwed it up, because she verbally told me to take 3 tablets 3 times a day, and then the script says 1 tablet 3 times daily. Will have to clarify that on Tues at our follow-up.
My LC follow-up got moved up to tomorrow morning since they had a cancellation, so I guess I''ll be able to see if her milk transfer is improving and find out what other tips they have. I need to get them to check her latch yet again, and want them to assess how I''ve got this breast pump attached, because I think even the small nipple shields I bought are too big. Pumping isn''t terribly pleasant, I have to say. Though the freestyle seems to be a good choice so far.

Did anyone else have dissolvable stitches put in for a tear? I have one that they put in one of the labia up above my urethra that''s pretty irritating to me. How long does it take for them to fall out? I''m even thinking of asking the family doc on Tuesday whether she could remove it for me if it''s not gone by then.
Mela took domperidone and it worked sonders. Interestingly, her son also had a tongue tie so seems like it may be related! Good luck and hang in there! once this period os over and BFing is established you will be so happy with how simple life is

Stitches I had disolving ones and recall it was a long time, like 4-6 weeks before they stopped being irritated. And then the scar tissue hurt
wow, so much going on!!!

Kim, congrats and welcome!!! We were all there on those first few days of not having time for anything and just stopping by for quick feel free to drop with questions any time!!!...and we love pictures too ;)

Tao, good luck on the dinner!!!!!

Mara, that picture is so cute! J has gotten so big!!! G looks so proud

Ginger, wow, sounds like you''re having a rough time....not much advice, but ((hugs))

Viz, that picture is so sweet! Sound sliek you''r comfortable with your own don''t listen to people!!!. At the 3-month mark I made a comment of FB like "ok, the magic age...start sleeping now!" (or something, meant to be a joke!). Well, it turned into a huge debate with a good friend...she said to me "they are not STTN because YOU don''t wnat them to, it''s your decision...not theirs". Whatever woman! they were peanuts and 3 months!!! I wasn''t letting my babies cry or whatever at that point...and this advice coming from a woman who cos-lept until her kid was like 7 years old. Not saying that''s wrong, but if you don''t let your 5 year old cry, what makes you think I will let my 3-month olds (36 weekers!) cry it out!

Steph, haha that was a good joke!

Fiery, love the new avatar!!!!!

Drk, did I say welcome? I can''t recall! So just in case...welcome!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok, some news for me on the STTN/CIO front...don''t want to double post, but I posted on the Sleep Thread!!!

The little ones are calling me so I guess that''s all I have time for! Will be back later!
Tao, I love that pic! Hilarious!!

Steph, is that monkey outfit a long sleeve onesie or a union suit? Do you know where it came from? I *love* it!

I''m quite irritated with MIL right now. Last night we were over there and I was talking to SIL about the babysitter that we''re meeting tomorrow. I have been really worried about how safe an in-home day care would be and whether Ben would get enough attention, so I was happy to find this woman who will only have 3 kids to watch if she takes Will and Ben. After I talked to her for an hour on the phone the other day, I felt really comfortable with her and think the boys will be in good hands.

MIL piped up and said, "I hope you''re going to do a background check." Of course I''ll check her references! Then MIL goes on to say, "Well, you never know about these in home day cares. There was this lady up on [nearby road] that killed that baby she was watching."

*^&%#*$!!! I would LOVE to know why MIL has to be a Negative Nancy about EVERYTHING. SO assures me that she simply worries enough for everyone because she thinks that''s her job, but it really annoys me. Why the hell would you say something like that?? Do I not have enough to worry about? What she seems to fail to grasp is that day care center workers have done horrific things to kids so there''s no guarantee the boys would be safer where Will goes now and MIL did home day care for YEARS herself.

I basically told her that if she wants to chip in to cover the $1600 a month that it would be if both boys go to the center, I''ll consider keeping them there. I also kind of felt like she was suggesting that it would be better for me to be a SAHM instead of working and having someone else take care of the boys. Yeah, MIL, I can''t afford that thanks to your crazy ex-DIL who took SO to the cleaners.

MIL did the same thing when we told her we were looking at houses near her. She went on and on about how the neighborhood on the other side of the main road has gotten rough and there are drug dealers and other criminals, yadda, yadda. So we quit looking near here and picked a house right near where we live now. I was too freaked out to keep looking in her area.

Ok, MIL vent over.
RPS: I was about to ask if she was fishing around that she wanted you to have her watch the kids...but if she didn''t want you guys living near her...then I guess not. I don''t have issues with the in-laws because they don''t bother to visit or anything (they''ve been to our place twice in the 2 1/2 years I''ve been with their son) Once when we moved into our apartment and once when the baby was first home.
RPS, it is a one piece outfit that covers his legs....I got it at the Gymboree outlet not too long ago. I actually got the whole line b/c it was too cute. I got that outfit, a long sleeve onesie, matching pants, socks, blanket, & bib. I love their outlet, the prices were so good I couldn''t resist!
yay Mandy!!...i hope that the boys continue to progress and only get better for you!! its funny they fell back asleep after chatter..hehe.

tao that pic is super cute hehee. and so glad E's sleep is regulating again! i def am a diff person when i am not getting enough i bet you guys are ecstatic.

viz hope that the ear infection is subsiding and you guys are getting more sleep!

rps lol re MIL... that is totally how my Mom would be too, like stating the obvious. but i do it to her too with the baby ... like she was going to bathe him the other night for me and i resisted the urge to call her and tell her not to leave him alone in the bath. doh. but it was strong hehee.


so a quick sleep note! i won't elaborate too much as i feel bad for posting when so many moms are having sleep issues right now...but last nite J slept 12.5 hours in one stretch, 12 hours is our mental goal so i am very happy. not sure it will last but we'll see.

note...gymboree has a 40% sale for a lot of their spring stuff. i have gymbucks i have to use in the next week and a half so i was looking online, i think i'll get J some swim trunks for our friends' pool this summer. i love their clothes!

it's kinda sunny overcast here (raining on and off yesterday and for the next few days) so i am going to get out while i can and do some gardening, and then i have a waxing later so G will bring J and we'll go for an early dinner after. happy saturday all!!!
Woohoo for J going 12+ hours Mara. E went 9 last night so I am so happy about that and hope it continues. I am a morning person anyway, so I don''t mind if he gets up at 6:15 like today if it means I can sleep all through the night. Thanks for the sale info...I''m going to stop by next week. I think I''ve got gymbucks but I always seem to lose them...gotta go dig them out!

Well, we''re off to Andrew''s friend''s bday party...enjoy your Saturday, everyone!
yay for 9 hours steph!! i hope he keeps going for you.

re: the gymbucks, its my first time with gymbucks and the local store is so nice, they call to remind you that you have them!! i totally would have forgotten. and i tried to be sure to put them in a good place, where i keep all J''s gift cards, so i wouldn''t lose them. otherwise yep they''d be long gone.

in other random news i finally got around to buying some new lounge pants from old navy. all my existing pants were cutup to accommodate my preggo belly (i didn''t want to give them up cuz they were so comfy) so i finally ordered new normal ones, HAHHAA. and i think my hips are starting to retreat slightly... a few pairs of pants i was still able to wear now slide on much more easily. yay. more cardio.
oh and i forgot...we finally got our announcements...jeez!! i am such a slacker, but i finally got them and i am just having the vendor mail them for me, yes!! here is a copy, painted out our last name hehee.

jdt announcement a.JPG
Where are all the other baby pics?

Steph - Lovely. What a perfect little round head he has!

tavo - cute pic!

Mara - love the annoucements! Esp. that middle pic of you and your hubby looking down at Julian.

Hope everybody''s having a good Easter weekend so far. Dalila had her second trip to the beach yesterday. We had a lovely time! Sat on the beach and watched people playing volleyball, then my friend and I took her for her first dip in the sea water. She fussed a little at first but then seemed to enjoy it. Afterwards we took a nice evening stroll down the beach. It was really relaxing and fun.

Here''s a pic of her drying off on the sand:

Mara-love the announcement! J is adorable!

Sha-Dalila is beautiful! She looks so peaceful after her beach trip

We''re just sort of here, not doing much. My mom is feeling terrible so I haven''t wanted to be away from her. I went to the cemetary today to visit my dad''s grave and left Sophia with my mom after she practically threatened to punish me if I didn''t lol. I made her promise to call my cousin to come over to help take care of Sophia, she said of course, and of course she didn''t

The visit to the cemetary went really well. My cousin who just retired from the air force read his letter of recognition there. My dad was the one who made him enter the air force when he was 18 because my cousin was with the wrong crowd at the time. My cousin was very grateful and always says that his success was because of my dad. It really was a beautiful gesture and I''m glad he did it.

We were going to church tomorrow but since my mom is feeling so bad, I bought some eggs and am having my cousin over with her kids to do an egg hunt tomorrow. I would have loved to go to church but not with my mom feeling so bad.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hey Ladies,
Diapers cost way 2 much $... there is a $3 off any Huggies in this link (it was on page 3 in zip code 54313) I printed off and used a few as I have never saw a coupon for that much off Huggies!
Speaking of diapers......about a month ago my dh bought some target brand diapers and the glue that held the velcro on was brown and the tabs would fall off...anyways, he had bought two bags....I decided the other day when I was cleaning that I should open the other bag to see if the tabs were brown...they weren''t!! I''m excited that we didn''t waste our money...hehe.

Sha: She''s gorgeous!!

Mara: Beautiful announcements!
Happy Easter! I posted some pictures on Facebook...

First feeding (oatmeal!), Easter, family photos, baby''s first know, the

But here is the best picture and I had to post it here.

This is how I found Lucas...I put them on their play mat, went to wash some bottles, heard some noises...came to see and he was laughing and looking like this!

Tao, I think Evan did something similar?...haha

Yeah, I should have cleaned him...but instead I ran to get the camera because we were both laughing and it was too funny! hehehe

Priceless Mandarine!! Evan has that same sleeper!! And yup...Evan Phantom of the Opera''d himself similar to that....I wish I had gotten the camera out!
Hi everyone, I''m going to post this in the sleep thread as well, but figured I could ask here too.

S is 12 weeks old on Wednesday (AHHHH, 3 months! Really? Where did the time go?_

We are having MAJOR issues and I need some advice.

First: S is doing this crazy thing where he randomly stiffens his back and screams his head off. Not consistent with anything really and it comes completely out of the blue. He is so inconsolable that the breast is the ONLY thing that will soothe him (and trust me, we''ve tried it all).
Second: He''s been waking up (again, not consistently) SCREAMING bloody murder. Absolutely screaming. His eyes are still closed, but he is screaming until he''s red in the face. We try rocking him, soothing him, singing, talking, walking, taking him into the bathroom to see the lights (he like them. haha), NOTHING works. Eventually he actually opens his eyes and he''s ok. But getting him to actually open them is hell on earth and he screams the whole time. It''s so sad.

Lastly: He wants to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG! I don''t know where this is coming from and he used to sleep from around 9 pm-1am then nurse. He''d have a hard time falling back asleep, but generally would be out again by 2:30 and sleep until 5. Now all he wants to do is suckle suckle suckle and he is so out of sorts.

He''s teething for sure (DH and I both got teeth pretty early. I got my first one at 4 months and I think he did too), so that might be part of it. But seriously, his sleeping and screaming is so out of sorts and I have NO IDEA what''s going on. His screaming was so bad last night when my parents were watching him so we could have a date night that they actually had to call us to come home (and my parents NEVER EVER do that).

He''s on zantac for reflux, but I really don''t think that''s the problem.
Happy Easter all!!

Mandarine first off YAY for such a great night last nite!!! Amazing! It sounds like they were really ready to let the feeding go and sleeeeeppp. Great job to all of you!

and LOL re that photo. Poor kiddo!!! Wow he really has some reach huh??

Cello I don''t really have any advice to give but it sounds like #2 might be night terrors or similiar? And re: the sucking, do you guys give the paci for sucking/soothing? It might help re: the round the clock nursing if S is just looking for some comfort.

Sha D is so cute ... the beach sounds so fun!

Fiery sorry to hear your Mom is having a hard time this Easter, but hopefully some snugglin'' from S and your visit will help.

re: random screaming or crying.. sometimes J gets like this and works himself into a state where rubbing and patting don''t work, and the only things I can do is wait for him to calm a bit so I can get an opening OR sometimes I get down close to him and do a really loud SHH or HEY to startle him a bit. if the first doesnt work the 2nd normally does and then it''s almost like he realizes ''hey why am i so upset'' and he lets me calm him at that point. i honestly don''t know what creates it either but i figure it''s one of those things.

so J went back to his 10 hour pattern last nite but it''s ok because G was up anyway getting ready for an Easter concert. so i fed and changed him but he did not want to go back down...the little stubborn guy. it took me 40 min of letting sheep play and walking in 2x to shhh him, he only actually cried for a few min but the rest was just babbling, swaddle struggling, grunting, finally he let himself drift off and then i squeaked the damn loud door on the way out and he woke up but thankfully fell back asleep within a few min and stayed down for 2.5 hours. but jeez 5.5 oz and you should be comatose boy!

hope everyone is enjoying Easter!! it''s overcast and supposed to rain here and i didn''t get J a basket or anything (he''s 2 months!) but i do have a cute outfit for him and we are going to my Mom''s to celebrate with the family.
happy easter!!

cello hmmm, is he over tired? and try the paci for the all night nursing. are you nursing him enough during the day? when he nurses at night, is he actually getting anything or he just wants to suck? whatever the problem is, i hope it gets better for you guys.

mandy i laughed out loud when i saw that funny.

mara super cute announcements!

have a great sunday mommies. it''s starting to sprinkle...hope we can still have the egg hunt.

we''re off to vegas tomorrow with the kids, that should be fun. haha. have a wonderful week!!!
Date: 4/4/2010 10:49:03 AM
Author: cellososweet
Hi everyone, I''m going to post this in the sleep thread as well, but figured I could ask here too.

S is 12 weeks old on Wednesday (AHHHH, 3 months! Really? Where did the time go?_

We are having MAJOR issues and I need some advice.

First: S is doing this crazy thing where he randomly stiffens his back and screams his head off. Not consistent with anything really and it comes completely out of the blue. He is so inconsolable that the breast is the ONLY thing that will soothe him (and trust me, we''ve tried it all).
Second: He''s been waking up (again, not consistently) SCREAMING bloody murder. Absolutely screaming. His eyes are still closed, but he is screaming until he''s red in the face. We try rocking him, soothing him, singing, talking, walking, taking him into the bathroom to see the lights (he like them. haha), NOTHING works. Eventually he actually opens his eyes and he''s ok. But getting him to actually open them is hell on earth and he screams the whole time. It''s so sad.

Lastly: He wants to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG! I don''t know where this is coming from and he used to sleep from around 9 pm-1am then nurse. He''d have a hard time falling back asleep, but generally would be out again by 2:30 and sleep until 5. Now all he wants to do is suckle suckle suckle and he is so out of sorts.

He''s teething for sure (DH and I both got teeth pretty early. I got my first one at 4 months and I think he did too), so that might be part of it. But seriously, his sleeping and screaming is so out of sorts and I have NO IDEA what''s going on. His screaming was so bad last night when my parents were watching him so we could have a date night that they actually had to call us to come home (and my parents NEVER EVER do that).

He''s on zantac for reflux, but I really don''t think that''s the problem.
Cello, I''ve gone through all of these and I think teething has a lot to do with it.

The screaming sounds very like the ''night terrors'' that Daisy has and she seems to get them either with teething (which seems to be a few weeks before the teeth actually appear) or big growth spurts/milestones. There isn''t much you can do about them except make sure they can''t hurt themselves.

On the first, does he have a hard stomach at the same time, or wind? Daisy will sometimes start screaming and stiffen her back - the only thing that calms her down is boob, at which point I''ll massage her tummy and that tends to help. It''s worse in the evening than any other time. I''m seeing the doctor on Wednesday for a check-up and I''m going to ask him what I can do as it happens quite often.

Finally, anytime that D is going through a growth spurt she eats all blooming night... I can''t remember if you are co-sleeping or not, if so, then I just let her get on with it. After 2 or 3 days she tends to stop.
Hi!!! We''ve been busy, busy, busy this weekend, which would normally stress me out, but with spring break coming up, I didn''t mind being on the go every second. I''m going to catch up on sleep/things/life this week.

So I feel totally at peace with my decision to stay home. The daycare director was upset as we predicted -- she said she hoped we would change our minds. She said this to DH so I wasn''t there to sense the tone, but even if it was meant well like DH said, I still think that''s an inappropriate sentiment to express. What if my work had said that to me when I tendered my resignation? You''re just supposed to say, well, we''re sorry to lose you, but congratulations on [whatever]. I want to maintain a good relationship with them because I''d like to send Claire there part time for preschool when she''s two and a half, so I''m going to do some groveling when I go to pick her up tomorrow. I noted when we signed up that the director only mentioned people leaving unexpectedly for reasons like moving out of the country or having a parent laid off in the bad economy -- not one example of somebody choosing to stay home -- and I think she really does take it personally. Weird, right?

I''ve decided that instead of calling myself a SAHM, I''m going to call myself "Summer All Year PG." DH and I always love "Summer PG," who is not too stressed out to sit out on the porch shooting the breeze with neighbors, who has time to work out and cook and plan trips. I also think that having had a summer break every year will help me transition out of working -- I''m used to needing to structure my day and to find a reason to get dressed and out of the house and all that.
Peonix I think Summer PG sounds like a cool lady too
Have fun!
Hi everyone!

I hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful Easter, and for those who don''t I hope you had a great weekend!

I can finally return to normal now that Easter is over....the dinner went really well and I had to scrap part of my dessert but the part that came out looked and tasted yummy!

Evan must have had a busy busy day because he fell asleep yesterday at 7:30 and he still isn''t awake at 7:30 a.m.!

My brother''s 4 month old godson came over for Easter and Evan tried to stick his foot in the baby''s mouth!!! But he also held hands with him...super cute! Now I know a small amount of the cuteness that Mandy goes through!

This is the week where my schedule changes on Tuesday and Thursdays---so I might not get to see Evan on those days except for like 10 minutes in the morning....I''m hoping I can do it...I don''t really have a choice.

Well off to go wake up the little one for daycare!
Hello ladies!!!!

Hope you all had a great Easter!

I have some good news: Night 3 of "CIO for wimps"...NO CRYING!. STTN from 7:30pm to 6:20am! There was some coughing at 4am, but they went back to sleep. At 6:20am, they chatted it up in Alex''s crib until 7am....they were all smiles

I think the little guys were definitely ready!!!

Now if I could only make MYSELF STTN!!!!!!! How long does that take?. I''m so used to waking up at least twice per night that I can''t sleep straight!
Hello mommies! We've been busy around here since we sold our house (close in a month and our new house will not be done for at least 4 more months
). Love all the pics. Happy to read about so many babies with sleep progress. Hope everyone has a great Monday. Hopefully I can get back around here to properly catch up soon!
Mand.. CIO for 'wimps' sounds like it works just fine! Congrats...!! And re: the how long til YOU sleep...I still wake up and listen a few times a night, but now I am able to roll over and go back to sleep whereas for a few days I just laid there for like 30 min each time! last nite J did 10 hours which is turning into his norm (knock on wood), but typically i have to get up and pump or something at like 7 hours, well last nite i slept from 10:30 to 8am and i wasn't too engorged at 8am. i was so happy.

Tao... boo on less E time but hopefully it works out for you guys. Schedule changes can be rough.

PG... i wouldn't read anything into what the daycare gal said. of course she hopes you change your mind. i would if that was my business and a valued client was leaving. it's prob a PITA to bring someone new in. i would just be honest with her and say you hope to return and hope you can keep a good relationship moving fwd. Summer PG sounds like my mom when she was on summer leave... way more relaxed and mellow for sure.

Hey Burk! hope K is doing better for you.
Puffy have fun in both kids!! you're brave, woman! I can barely get J to the supermarket, hehe.


so J has stopped (mostly) fighting the bottle and boob but i think when he does it that his stomach bothers him...allergies maybe. what he has started to do more is fight sleeping! when we walk him into his bedroom and the lights are off he totally starts to struggle and cry. last nite it took an hour for us to get him down (with repeated going into the room and one diaper change), but eventually he goes down for the count. he just is sooo interested in the world. and yesterday for Easter he had so much excitement and he missed a nap so he was super tired come bedtime and really fighting.