
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

He''s perfect!! I hope the transition back to work goes well for you. It is so hard. One day at a time. What time is M going to bed?

Mara-Sounds a lot like what S went through but during her 3rd month. She was waking up multiple times at night and we were figuring out the swaddling. Hope the sleep gets back to normal soon! I''m ok, thanks for asking!

Socal-Glad the baptism went well, boo to bil

Amber-how old is P again? Did you figure out what''s the cause? Do you have a white noise machine by chance?

Has anyone seen FLSteph? Or am I missing an update. Hope you guys are doing well

Two things:

1. Birthday
Thanks for the comments on the invite and b-day dress! I''m in full on b-day planning mode
. I was kind of bummed because I didn''t want to do a ''thing'' and it has turned into a big ''thing.''


My boss and I were chatting yesterday about the plan for next fiscal year (which starts in July) and he asked if I was planning on doing the usual holidays off (we were putting together the projects schedule). I said yes and asked if I would be able to use my vacation days that I have not used this fiscal year some time in July/August. Each department can handle vacation days as they see fit but as a company policy, vacation days do not rollforward. He said sure and then asked how many I had left. I told him I haven''t taken any days at all this year.

He looked at me like this
and then sent me a long email later on in the day about how he felt horrible for not noticing that I had not taken vacation and that I need the days to spend with Sophia. So he gave me permission to to take the week of Sophia''s birthday off
. I still have another week left after that but I''ll use it in August.

Anyway, now that I have her birthday off I''m going to do my lsmall/calm/cozy b-day celebration with just the three of us
. That makes me a lot more excited for her birthday party

OH and MP, I got her dress off of Etsy. I
Etsy. The invite is from there too.

And 2. I''m off the meds. I took myself off which probably wasn''t a smart thing to do but I started to tell myself that if I just change my attitude about stuff, then maybe I''ll feel less anxious. I still have my moments but for the most part I don''t feel as paranoid as I did before. I''m not checking her 15 times before bed and I''m not getting up at all overnight to check on her anymore. I think that maybe it has to do with her not feeling like a baby baby anymore (she''ll always be my baby though).
Fiery: Forgot to mention how cute the birthday things are! I looove Pink, Green and White! I can''t believe she''s going to be a year. Oh-EMM-GEEEEE. Piper is 6.5 months, no clue what was keeping her from sleeping, I think she may have been bound up from her peas (four nights in a row), and since there was not one poop yesterday (or today so far), maybe that''s why she didn''t sleep last night, too. I plan to give her some pears tonight. We do not have the white noise machine, I''m afraid she''ll get hooked on it. Which do you recommend?

MP: I am so pissed at your company for screwing up your insurance. I took 6 weeks off at full pay (a surprise I found out on my last day at work, thank god.) Like you, we can''t afford just one income, so I had to go back, but I was lucky and got to bring the baby to work with me.
mp - he's super cute!! he looks like a little man! i find e doesn't have that grownup look yet.

re: characters on diapers, am i the only one that hates ALL the characters + froo froo. i wish they were just plain white with the pee stripe!

afm - e had her shots today. poor thing. since we've been home she's been quite fussy. sigh. she weighs 10 lbs [25 percentile] and is 22" long [50 percentile]. oh and she took the paci right before the shots. but when the shots happened she wanted nothing to do with it. i was able to nurse right after and she was super calm.
MP, I''ll be thinking of you tomorrow! My first day back was a lot better than expected/feared.

Viz, thinking of you too. I hope his ears are feeling better. And don''t feel bad about the soup -- the same thing happened with Claire this weekend . . . stuck her hand in the middle of steaming pasta sauce. It''s really impossible to keep curious hands away from everything.

Fiery, all the birthday stuff is so cute! And I love her little mop! Baby hair is my favorite thing. The first thing I said after Claire was born was, "Does she have hair?!"

OK, so my school has over 100 teachers, so it''s not tiny, but get this . . . in the last 6 weeks, TWO teachers have named their new babies Claire!!! Is that weird or what? For reference, this is out of four teachers who have given birth since me . . . two Claires!! Have you guys seen Claire popping up as a super popular name? Last year it was 54th in the U.S. or something like that . . . is it going to jump way up the list this year? We were trying to choose a classic but not super trendy name.

Claire is still fussy and not sleeping that well. Last night after the third time of getting her to fall asleep in my arms in the middle of the night and then wake up when I tried to put her down, DH took over. They watched Angels and Demons until she fell asleep, and then he managed to keep her that way. It''s hard, being the shorter partner, to get her over the rail and into the crib asleep. I even have a stool to help.
PG: I could have written that exact thing about sleep/crib rail!! Piper has been waking up a ton at night, and wanting to be held until she falls asleep, then it''s either noisily bring her crib rail down (with one arm, and it''s suuuuper noisy putting it back up) with her asleep, then lay her in her crib or stand on my stepstool and try to lightly plop her in there. It''s a PAIN.
re: the white noise... my mom wants us to try to wean J off it but i love it. our house is small and we have wood floors so when it's hot or cold they either expand or contract and so they are always creaking like crazy. also our room is literally about 10 feet from his room and greg snores. AND if we want to watch TV at all when he goes to sleep he can totally hear it otherwise. so we def need it for him to sleep continuously. i feel like if there is a 'bad habit' to have, needing white noise like a fan or something is probably not that bad. aka a pacifier at age 20 is worse than a white noise habit hehee. remember that SATC episode?

MP i am so bummed you have to go back to work. even the time i had with J was not enough. they grow way too fast. while i actually like getting out of the house and having 'me' time again, its totally bittersweet because i really miss J.

eta: ITA on characters on diapers. i hate them all. i just like that the walmart SS only have little hearts and birds and they are a super soft pastel color rather than primary red and yellow like the Sesame Street. and omg Amber i would have freaked if i saw the diapers like that!!!!!

the little swimmers i got J i think have some full on underwater scene going on that covers the entire diaper...W.T.F.
amber - not sure if you have an iphone, but there is a white noise app you can download for free. that''s what i use the few times i''ve done so.
I totally understand your reasoning for the white noise, Mara, we share a wall with Piper''s room (1000 sq ft home), and I made Paul start using MY bathroom instead of his which shares a wall with her closet, and is super loud. But since I don''t have an iphone, I don''t want to have to use something else I''ll have to lug with us when we go somewhere (like the freaking bassinet we took on vacation!), because she won''t sleep without it! I don''t know, I''m annoyed with myself.

Re: Swim diapers, I am pissed we got the Dora the Explorer ones because I''m like, what a stereotype, mexican baby with mexican baby on her swim diapers. THEN I found out they have Little Mermaid ones, man! I actually reallly hate Dora.
jcrow, i posted the exact statement re .diapers in my last post. i hate that the characters show through clothes.

white noise: i don''t see the problem. most people i know sleep with some sort of noise; it''s not a harmful thing.

pg: i''ve had a claire/clare in many classes when subbing, but never more than 1.


went for a 2 hr walk today with a friend and her baby. came home starving.

had a nasty headache, so took a nap w/ j.
White Noise and Travel: I''ve found that the a/c in a hotel set to fan works, or the bathroom fan left running.
re: characters - i totally agree. why can''t they keep it simple? not to mention i''m sure it''d be cheaper!

oh and speaking of diapers... e is no longer in newborn diapers. boooooo.
Ew, I really hate the designs on diapers, too. Like the baby even gives a flying poop what he''s, well, POOPING on. So far we have gotten lucky - no elmo, just Pooh. But bleh. At least the cheapie "Premium Diapers" from the dollar store are just white (and work surprisingly well).

Fiery, Micah has only slept through the night once, but he usually goes down for the first time around 9 or 10. Not bad at all. And he is really sleepy and quiet before that. I''m glad his schedule is pretty good, it''s usually one long stretch at the beginning of the night (5-6 hours) then another three hour stretch. By then I will be up and getting ready for work.

Amber, I wish I could take Micah to work with me
That would be SO great. How lucky you are!

jcrow, aw, poor baby! I hate the shots, I am dreading Micah''s. I am considering making his dad take him since I will be back at work by then...sigh. Yeah, I''m a wuss.

phoenix, Micah does that to us too! He''s usually ok for a minute or two after I lay him down but he is totally aware that I did it. A friend suggested that I put some piece of clothing I have worn in the bassinet/crib under his head so he thinks I am still holding him when he smells me. I''m super short, too, so the scent thing may really help.

Mara, I think you and I live in the same house. Creaky wooden floors, tiny, and old. We run a fan in the bedroom all the time but Micah is a pretty good sleeper and doesn''t get bothered by noise. But I have never been quiet for him because I was convinced that making noise around him all the time would make him a better sleeper when he didn''t have his "usual" scenario. It seems to have helped!

AFM, my mom is taking the baby tonight so I can sleep before my first day back, and then keeping him tomorrow so DH can sleep. We go see Cirque du Soleil tomorrow night (OMG YAY!), so it will be so much time without the baby. I''m already sad about it but trying not to think about it. I am wishing I had gotten some Tylenol PM or something so I would sleep better tonight, but I know the anxiety of the whole thing is going to keep me up. Blarg. I need to win the lottery.
re: the white noise... it was the only thing that worked for us when J was fussy at night as a newborn. he LOVED the loud stove fan and our bathroom fans. so we used the sheep but i wanted something that we could play low continuously at night to drown out our noise. he actually can sleep in a quiet room just fine, but he 'prefers' noise in general. when we take him other places thankfully he seems to sleep well, in the carseat at restaurants, at my mom's house, the car with the radio on, etc. but at night i always have the white noise for him and the machine fiery recommended is tiny so it's easy to just pop into a bag. i do want to hopefully wean him off it, maybe when we move to a bigger house, and we do turn it down low at night (or leave his room fan on), but it's just something to drown out our house noises.

and also the other thing is it'd be diff if our house noises were 'consistent' but we aren't loud people. so it's really quiet for a while aka if greg is working on his laptop and i'm reading, and then there will be a lot of noise when greg cleans the kitchen. so it was the punctuated loud noises after periods of silence that seemed to wake him up.

amber, what about a tiny little fan? i think mandarine said her boys have those in their rooms. i got one for him and it is an extremely low white noise kind of thing. then again if you don't think she will be soothed by it, i wouldn't start a new habit. we just knew it worked for J since he was newborn and it seems to soothe him so we stick with it.

re: diapers... i would imagine that the diaper companies sell space for using sesame street or dora or whatever on their diapers, like marketing dollars. i almost think i'd pay more for pure white HA.

MP, i love our house but yeah it's not baby friendly with creaky noises. it was built in the 50s. at least it's ranch style so it's all one level, no stairs with him or for him to fall down! hope you have a good day at work tomorrow and fun at cirque.

Kim hope you feel better ... a 2 hour walk sounds great!!

AFM .. J has been really hard to feed during the afternoons lately. he has been doing this for over a week now. his first bottle and usually his 2nd he takes really easily. but 3rd and 4th he doesn't want to eat or he will struggle or get easily distracted. today my sis said he only ate 2oz between 1pm and 6pm. when i came home he didn't want to eat using the bottle she made and a #2 so i finally made a new bottle and used a #3 and he drank it. so he had 7oz between 6pm and 7:30pm and then was crazy spitting up...which was really weird as he has been great with spitup lately. it was all mucusy. i finally put him down to bed at 7:45 because he flat out did not want to eat anymore (and was spitting up so prob not smart anyway) but he didn't get his total amt to eat today so not sure how he will do tonite.

i did sleep sack again tonite and didn't swaddle either arm so let's see how he does. if he wakes up and cries i'll swaddle one arm again.
Amber-I have the homedics lullaby sound n spa machine. As Mara described, it''s very small. When we travel I either pack it in with our clothes or put it in her diaper bag.

As for getting addicted to it, it''s definitely possible since I cannot sleep without white noise. Even during the winter, the fan is on just for the noise. FI was not like that before he and I met and now he needs the white noise as well. As for Sophia though, she can sleep with or without it. When we went to Orlando for a week, we brought it with us but for whatever reason we never took it out. She slept fine in the hotel and in my mom''s house. We use it mainly to block out the background noises since our place is small and she shares a wall with the living room TV.

PG-I am not that short but I have a hard time putting Sophia down into her crib. Have you guys tried to lay her down awake so that she can learn to sleep on her own? With the exception of this new phase that Sophia is in right now, we have been putting her down awake for a while. It helps with the lowering in to the crib.

MP-Best of luck to you today!! Hope everything goes smooth!

Mara-how did it go last night? Also, how often is J eating during the day? We transitioned from every 3 hours to every 4 when we noticed that she was just refusing her bottles.
Hi ladies!!!

I been MIA...just sort of needed a break...and I feel like I just can''t keep up and I''m getting so busy with work!!
. We''re going through a bit of sleep regression (I think someone may be putting coffee in their afternoon bottles!)...but other than that everything is going well!.

I''m having my surgery tomorrow (for the hernia) so wish me luck!. I''m going to MILK it (meaning I''ll tell DH I need to rest more than I may actually need to! heehee!!)

Just wanted to stop by and say hello!
Fiery, luckily for us, Claire rarely needs to be held when going to sleep. Most of the time she rubs her eyes, I plunk her down in the crib, and she falls asleep some time after. But recently she''s been waking up shrieking when she''s really tired and wants to sleep but can''t for some reason . . . teething, maybe? She''s still getting over her virus too, so I think that not being to breathe as well through her nose bothers her. She''s regressed to waking up 1x per night, but at least last night she went right back to sleep after eating.

Mandy, thinking of you during your surgery. Definitely milk it!

MP, how is your day going? Hang in there!
Re: diapers - yeah, I don't think the babies really care about the designs much. It's not like they can really appreciate the designs when they're wearing the diapers, either. That said - I like the Huggies Diapers the most. I tried Pampers and another brand for a while but didn't like them much. I found the Pampers softer than Huggies but also smaller and with less coverage at the sides and top (above the waist). I also didn't like the Elmo characters much, for some reason. I do like the Mickey Mouse characters on the Huggies and the fact that you get different designs in different packages.

fiery - love the party invitation and dress! sophia's going to look so cute! Glad to hear you've been feeling better lately.

MP - Cute pic of Micah! I think he looks a lot like his Daddy, from that pic you posted some time ago. So sad that you have to leave him already.
Hope your transition back to work goes well.

socal girl - glad the made the baptism and that it went well!

Amber - sorry about the recent sleep troubles. Dalila also wakes about 2-3 times a night on average - usually at 12 am and 4 am, and then sometimes again at 6 am. For the past few nights she's been waking every couple hours. I think it's because she's teething. It can be really tiring not get a good uninterrupted stretch of sleep.

Mandy - Hi!
Nice to hear from you. Hope your surgery goes well tomorrow!


AFM - I went with a friend of mine to see 'Sex & the City 2' yesterday. Did anyone else see it, and what did you think? I wasn't expecting it to be horrible based on the reviews I saw, but it wasn't too bad. I found it fairly entertaining, actually. It was WONDERFUL to dress up and have a nice girly evening out with my friend. I really enjoyed that. I think every mother should have that a girly evening out (sans baby) every so often, to help keep that balance. When I came home DH had baked bread and brewed some ice tea, and was lovingly and dutifully rubbing some Vicks on Dalila's chest as she was a bit congested. It was cute to see.

On another note - I'm wondering if AF is going to come this week or not. I'm thinking I MAY have ovulated two weeks ago, based on those two days of egg-white cm that I saw, following immediately by sticky/creamy cm. I think today would be around 14-15 dpo if I did ovulate then...... I feel a slight bit of crampiness today, so we'll see what happens..... I'm still breastfeeding about 4 times a day and night so really have no idea whether my fertility is returning yet, or not.
Kimberly and fiery- Thank you both so much!

fiery- Your birthday party theme is so cute! H's first birthday party is going to have exactly 4 guests (we're still pretty new to the area), not including himself, so I'm not sure having a theme is worth it. But maybe it is, for photos and memories? I'm making gum paste monkeys for the top of his cake (fluffy banana bread cake) and I'm going to search Etsy today for a first birthday shirt, possibly with a monkey or monkeys on it. I'll try to pull something together, and hopefully it'll look cute and cohesive.

And I'm SO glad to hear you get the week of Sophia's birthday off!

jcrow- How's E feeling today?

Amber- My husband downloaded some rain sounds to an old iPod we had and weren't using anymore, so we put it in some speakers in H's room and he has that going all night (which is great, because it masks the sounds of dog barking, or us talking/walking around after he's gone to bed). We can't sleep without white noise either, and we listen to the same rain sounds.

phoenix- It's so hard to tell with names. The classics seem to be gaining popularity. Claire is my husband's absolute favorite name for a girl, but family friends named their new daughter the exact first and middle we would have used if we were to have a daughter (and name her Claire) so I don't know that we will now. But I haven't run across too many other baby Claires that I can think of.

Mandarine- Good luck tomorrow!

MP- Good luck to you, too! I hope today goes smoothly for both you and Micah. He's such a cutie.
Mandy, i was wondering where you''d been but kept forgetting to ask! Good luck with the surgery tomorrow, and the sleep regression!

We use the Lullabye machine too and I love it. I honestly don''t think it really helps him sleep better or anything (he''s had a few nights without it and slept fine), but I see it as a good sleep cue telling him it''s time to sleep (he starts yawning as soon as I turn it on) and it helps block noise

I forget who asked about the baby snack foods...we''ve done them all (puffs, mum mums, crunchies, yogurt melts, etc) and they are all good practice finger foods, but just be careful...ds definitely prefers them to "real" food adn they don''t contain much nutritional value, so it can be a bad habit to start. Now he usually only gets them when we''re out and he''s in the stroller.

And can I get some good luck dust? Jacks has had increasing amounts of allergic reactions to different types of dairy, so we''re taking him today to get a blood test done, and will hopefully be referred to an allergist after that.
Sha- How many months pp are you? Mine returned at ~10m pp. Before it started, my CM was all over the place.

Sabine- Major dust headed Jack's way. I'm dealing with possible dairy allergies (for me, not Henry), so I feel your frustration.

So here's a (loose) theme for H's first birthday I threw together in paint. What do you all think? I found the shirt on Etsy and it got a big thumbs up from my husband. I think the cupcakes are so cute.

EB-it''s perfect!! I love, love it!!
eb, i love the theme.

mara, how did last night go? i''m feeling better, thanks. the weather change was the cause, i think.

walking with someone is so pleasant, makes the time fly.

mandt, hope today goes well.


going walking again today. not much else going on.
kim...i agree walking with someone is great. i loved when i went out walking with my mom or sis or greg rather than solo.

eb... LOVE LOVE LOVE the monkey theme. that is so friggin cute and out of the box.

mandarine...good luck on the surgery..and i agree, take your time healing up and make DH work. hehe.

re: getting AF back. i got mine back last month and i was PO''d but i have to say that now i am not that upset...reason being is that i feel more like ''myself'' than i have since pregnant. also my lady parts seem to be more normalized as well since the return. i would assume that the AF hormones basically say ''hey things are back to normal''... i know my milk has decreased a bit but i am just so happy to feel more and more like myself. on a weird note, does anyone get way more discharge post-birth/pregnancy than before? i never used to really get any but now i get a lot of CM (clear) and don''t know if that is something that i am stuck with forever or if it''ll change later or what. not a fan.

deswaddlig update: last nite J went from 7:45pm to 3:15am totally unswaddled and just sleep sacked (with a sleeper on underneath). i was impressed he went so long totally free. i didn''t even do an arm. at 3:15, gave him paci. at 3:50, gave him paci. determined if he woke up again i would not go to him. he woke up at 5:30. i ignored him, G gave him paci. then he woke up at 8:30.

so it seems like between ~3-5am is really when his brain wants to be the most ''active''. i am assuming it''s 4 mo wakeful since he was doing this before we tried unswaddling anyway. i figure we just stay consistent with what we do and hopefully it will pass. i am torn between letting him CIO and giving him''s only like 2-3x a night i have to do it. it seems like a lot but until he can FIND it himself and get used to being out of swaddle, i feel like it''s kind of not fair to just let him CIO. it''s not like he has been doing this for 2 months and has been unswaddled etc. this is new to him so i figure i can deal with him for another week or so and see how he is doing then.

but anyway i am jazzed he went for 7 hours with no swaddle at all. i think the sleeper + sleep sack helped him feel warm and cozy, his room got to 70 degrees last nite and his hands were FREEZING. he def likes being warm like me.

anyway progress, we''ll keep at it and hopefully within a week or two he will be sleeping closer to his original stretch of 11-12. i know 7 hours is great, but obviously i want him to be back to ''normal'' sooner rather than later esp since i am working now. when i get up in the mornings the last few days i feel so tired!! even though i am getting a good amt of sleep, going to bed at 10:30pm, it''s still hard to get up and have to ''do something'' at 3am. thankfully no feedings really.

in other ME news, last nite i was feeling sooo weird, sick to my stomach. i had upset stomach most of the evening and had to keep going to the bathroom (TMI). i thought i hope i am not getting some weird stomach flu, ugh! today i feel better, so maybe it''s something i ate. hmm maybe i shouldn''t be eating this flax seed high fiber muffin. hehee.
E B - I''m 6 months post partum. You got AF back at 10 months? I guess it all depends on type and frequency of feedings, plus the mother''s own make-up. My supply has been slowly dropping..... At 4 months I started supplementing in preparation for going back to work, and then I stopped pumping at around 5 months (pump broke), and then we also recently started solids, so AF may likely be on her way. We''ll see. Mara - interesting that you feel better now that AF has returned. I guess the hormones are nicely in balance now.
Sha, I did a Sex and the City 2 girls'' night this weekend too (saw the movie at 4 p.m., then had dinner). Then I got an email from another friend this week with the same idea . . . I think everyone should do it! I had also read bad reviews (vacuous women, conspicuous consumption, etc.) but it was the same old Carrie and crew. If you liked the show and first movie, you won''t be disappointed.

EB, Claire is such a great name, I saw use it anyway if you have a daughter. But anyway, so that''s two more people naming or thinking of naming their babies Claire . . . We just didn''t want it to always be "Claire B. and Claire F. and Claire H. and Claire L. and Claire P. . . " in school. I''m sure nobody picks a baby name thinking there will be five other little Claires or what have you, though. We''ll just have to wait and see.

AF and hormones . . . no AF for me yet. I''m taking the mini-pill, but I''m planning to stop at the end of this pack (Friday). I''d rather use a barrier method. I just don''t feel like myself, which I figure the pill isn''t helping but could be the BFing, I suppose. Only one way to find out . . .
Hey mommies!! Gonna try and catch up at least a bit...

re: white noise. I see nothing wrong with it. T sleeps with music still. It''s part of her routine and she''s a pretty light sleeper so I think it helps down out all the other household sounds and it allows me to do laundry when she''s sleeping (laundry room is across the hall from her room). She has no problems sleeping other places without sound. No big deal in my opinion.

Monkeypie~Hope going back to work went as smoothly as possible!

Mandarine~Good luck!!

Mara~Yay for sleep progress!! 3-5am is K''s rough time as well...not sure if it has to do with their sleep cycles at that time?

EB~Cute theme!! Will you bake the cupcakes yourself?

Tayva skipped her nap this afternoon
but at least K is taking his usual long afternoon nap. His 4 month check-up is in an hour. Can''t wait to see how big he is!

In other news, my pump is broke!!!
I called Medela and they''re sending me some new parts (they were very nice to work with and the parts are free) hoping that will get it working. Good news is I am now renting a Medela Symphony and it is amazing bad news is my supply took a major dip which I''m sure is a combo of pump breaking and 4 month growth spurt. Oh well.

Thanks for all the white noise recs, I think I''ll do it!

AF/MiniPill: I got mine back at 6w pp!! And I''m ONLY breastfeeding, not one bottle! What the hell!! Now I''m on the mini pill, and I get a period every month (give or take a week or two).

Mara: great about J sleeping!!
Thanks for all the well wishes today, ladies! Work has gone really well - I am outta here in about 45 minutes and the day has flown by. They had a ton of work for me to do and I had my headphones on listing to salsa all day, so I didn''t have time to get sad. I did put Micah''s picture on my wallpaper though

I am jealous of all you ladies that got a long break from AF. I had 5 weeks post-partum bleeding, got three days off, and then got AF. It was not lovely, either, it was way worse than I remember...then again, 10 months did make me forget, hah. Oh well. I was supposed to fill out a script for the mini-pill but I sort of don''t want to. I wasn''t on any birth control at all for four years before Micah arrived, and it was sort of intentional that he "occurred", so I think I may wait. I have the worst memory for pills but nothing else worked for me than the pill. Yuck. DH keeps taunting me that we will get pregnant again right away and then I can just tie my tubes and be done with it. Pfft!

EB, I of course love the monkey theme SO MUCH! It''s super cute, and even though sock monkeys have always freaked me out for some reason, I really love this. The cupcakes are the best part, where on earth did you find that design?
fiery, Kimberly, Mara, Burk, Amber, and MP- Thanks, ladies!
I went ahead and ordered the shirt once the seller said she could make it in time. Man, is Etsy dangerous. Tons of cute options. I haven't decided on cupcakes or a cake, but I'll be doing the baking.

MP- I found it on Etsy! I was so happy to find something cute that's FLAT. Much easier for me to attempt, having never worked with gum paste before. I'm glad your first day at work went quickly!

Kimberly- I always ask my husband go on long walks with H and I because I prefer the company.

phoenix- I know what you mean. The name Henry keeps creeeeping up the social security name list. Claire is such a lovely, classic name, however, and we may still use it despite its SS rank. Who knows. Girl names are so much harder for us to decide on than boy names.

Mara- I'm glad to hear the de-swaddling went well last night/this morning! I'll keep my fingers crossed that it continues.

Sha- It definitely depends on the woman. Some at 6 weeks, some at well past a year. I suspected mine was coming a couple of months before it actually did, so that may be the case with you too- or it may be just around the corner.

Burk- What did K weigh in at? I'm sorry about your pump!

AFH, he said his second clear word today! Ball. He makes a ton of other sounds, but so far only says MAMA and BALL clearly.
Fiery & EB
Love both of your party themes. CUTE CUTE CUTE. I am starting to plan M''s 2nd birthday party.

Glad the first day back went well.

I am curious to see K''s stats. People must think he is older than he is because people says J is a big baby, but he is only 50%tile for height and 25%tile for weight.

Yay on progress with deswaddling.

BFing has no effect on fertility, I don''t think. I got pregnant while I was still BFing. Getting AF was good for me last time because at least I kind of know when I was ovulating.

Re: White noises
I don''t see anything wrong with it. There are adults who need white noises. And it''s not like something you have to do; it''s just the machine or a fan or whatever. White noises didn''t calm M or J, so we don''t use it but we would if it did.

Re: characters on diapers & Elmo
Characters on diapers are pointless at infancy, but they will notice at toddler age (well at least M does, don''t know about other toddlers). Oh and I didn''t like Elmo or Sesame Street for that matter, but M obviously love Elmo and it''s just so cute hearing her say Elmo and seeing her smile with Elmo. He really grew on me. Just a head up on the possible future for some of you.

We finally went to J''s 4 months well visit yesterday. His stats: 25.25in, 14lbs 2oz. An average size guy. He took the shots well, only cried for a few minutes and no extra fussiness afterward. Totally different than his sister who still sniffles after a while. Sleep is going very well for us. He goes from 9:30pm-ish to 6am-ish, with most day going back to sleep after nursing.

I start adding defrost frozen BM to fresh BM today. I''ll have to see if it matters to J when I get home. I freeze BM in 5oz bag, so I divided that among 3 bottles (about 1.7 oz of frozen BM in each bottle).