
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

sabine i thought about a room AC but then i thought well he''s going to have to get used to the heat in the house anyway since the rest of the house doesnt have AC. also his room is the coolest probably of all the gets good air flow. and it cools down within about 3 hours after the sun goes down so it''s really just getting him used to being either unswaddled or sleep sacked, and the hot weather has just made us get to that point faster you know?

thing is he seems to like the heat. his room has always been 73 at night as he seems to prefer that. when i let hte house get colder in winter he''d wake up more...and he loves to sleep with blanket on him even when house is warm! it was 77 in house yesterday and he wanted a blanket over him for naps. he gets all sweaty but he just seems to like it.

that whole 68 is ideal temp thing makes me nuts because *i* am freezing at 68 degrees!! so if he is anything like me he''d be cold and cranky hehe.

so last nite he slept fine til 5am with one arm out. he worked himself up to the edge of the crib and was snuggled into the breathable bumper. his arm was cold. so at 5am i tucked it in and gave him paci and moved him back to center. he woke up at 5:30 as paci fell out. he got both his arms out and was working on the legs. i let him cry til 6am at which point he was kind of moaning punctuated with PO''d screams. finally i got up (not like i am sleeping either !) and went in and he has totally turned himself 180 degrees and was in the corner, so he was totally PO''d. i moved him back, unswaddled him as he only had the belly on at that point and gave him his snuggly blanket at paci. he slept til 7:30. then he pounded 8oz. so he was prob hungry at 5:30, poor kid.

his habits are still good from a sleep perspective, i just am having a hard time adjusting to being back to work and him having sleep blips at the same time. so i figure lets work on the swaddle thing now so that we can all be happier in hopefully a few weeks.

random Q but those moms who use sleep sacks, do your LO''s arms gets cold? J seems to get cold limbs when they are exposed but again we are coming up on summer.

kim yeah we started on naps maybe 1.5 months ago? and it took him a while to get it and sleep longer but now he can go 2-3 hours for naps sometimes without swaddle. its really the night wakings where he doesn''t know how to put himself back to sleep yet without swaddle and totally FREE.

sabine so cute on jacks crawling through holes... i love that idea!!! sorry he''s fussy, maybe a tooth?

anyway think i''ll stick with one arm out for now and see. it is cooling off so i just hope the arm doesnt get cold.
wow! i''ve missed a lot!

sorry i''ve been MIA .. i''ve been feeling a bit sorry for myself and didn''t want to bring anyone else down. feel like a da*m broken record.

anyhoo... his ears are still oozing - although finally slowing down to just a crusty in the morning.. but he is getting increasingly hard to put down otherwise. really angry and upset - have no idea what his deal is.

and yesterday we were at lunch - i''m beating myself up because i KNOW better - but he poured an entire bowl of hot soup onto me and himself. i''m still in shock about the whole thing. would NEVER say anything to anyone IRL because i feel like such an A** that it happened in the first place. dumb, dumb, dumb. it was awful.

anyhoo.. i''m still around and reading, but waiting to get past this funk to really start posting again.

Gotta do this fast while H is napping! Today is day 2 of transitioning him into the crib for naps, and today was considerably easier than yesterday. Never know how long he'll sleep, though!

Burk and MP- Those little boys of yours are SO cute.

fiery- Sophia is such a beauty. I know I say this a lot, but she's got so much hair! All the babies with lots of hair look so much older than Henry to me. His hair is taking its sweet time to come in.

Re: Solids, Henry rejected them at first too. We just tried again and again and soon, he took to them. I think it was the texture issue, mostly- he was used to purees in the mouth, and when we wanted him to chew a chunk (a mushy one, but still) of something, he wasn't okay with first. Now, he shoves avocado into his mouth faster than we can put another piece down. Broccoli, too, which has a super weird texture. Sophia will come around soon!

jcrow- Are you BFing? I found it helped to nurse H right after his shots. He didn't scream for more than about, 15 seconds, though. I hope Emily does well!

Mara- J is such a doll. He looks so much like you (from the photos of you I've seen that you've posted here). RE: De-swaddling, it really depends on the baby. We had a rocky period of adjustment when we went from MB to Sleepsack, but some people have a much easier time. If you notice his arm(s) getting cold, you can put him in a thin cotton long-sleeved onesie under the sack and see how he does. That's what we did, but H was in the sleepsack/long-sleeved onesie in the winter (but we had the heat on, too).

As for diapers, we did the same as Burk...we went to Huggies when we switched to size 3? Pampers were great until H thinned out (became long and lean) and then they leaked, leaked, leaked. We've had no problems with Huggies since.

ginger- Ah, the four-month wakeful. I'm sorry. This too shall pass.

sabine- Maybe Jacks would like something like this? They have one at our local library and the babies go crazy for it during meetup.

ETA: Viz!: I'm glad the oozing is slowing down, and please don't beat yourself up about the soup. Stuff like that happens, and it can happen THAT fast, I know. I was holding Henry too close to the counter one morning and he grabbed a glass, dropped it, and it shattered ALL around us into a million pieces. Live and learn. You're a wonderful mom.

Henry turns one in less than 2 weeks! He's not walking yet, but he can *stand* for about 10 seconds at a time before he lowers himself to the ground. I think he's afraid to walk, but we'll get there when we get there.

And since I haven't shared a pic in a long time, here's my little cherry tomato. He's holding a stuffed power tool! He got a set last Christmas that he just loves.

Mara & Kimberly
Good luck with deswaddling. We went cold turkey at around week 2 because I suck at swaddling even with the MB. Now J hardly flails his arms when he sleeps. And Mara, M and J both wakes up with cold arms and legs, but I wouldn''t worry about it. From what I''ve read and experiences, the cold arms and legs are not indication of their body temperature. Check the belly if you are worried that J might be cold.

Wow you have super supply. I wish I get 40oz from 4 pump sessions.
That''s a good idea to mix frozen with fresh BM.

Don''t beat yourself up. Accidents happen.
Glad the oozing slowed down.

Love all the pics. Gorgeous babies all around.

J rolled over from back to belly. It''s still not a smooth rollover since his arm get stuck. It''s funny though because he''s been sleeping twisted with his upper body sideway and butt facing up.
oh yes i also meant to say GINGER that i am so jealous of your 40oz, woman!! i am getting like 15oz MAYBE from 3 sessions per day. and the middle one is like 3oz so i swear sometimes i feel like 'why bother!'... at this point i am over trying to get my supply up or do anything else. adding another pump in just doesn't seem to be happening, i am lucky to get that middle one in during the day. so at this point i will just keep at it as long as possible to get him close to 6mo. plus since he is rejecting BM only bottles now part of me is like 'why even keep stressing because he obviously doesn't care' hehee. even though i know rationally that makes no sense, he doesn't know what is good or bad for him. anyhoo. at this point his bottles are 1/2 formula 1/2 BM which i am fine with. but YAY for lots of milkie from you, so impressive even with your stress levels!

eB... Henry is a friggin living DOLL. he is so cute!! and am i on crack to say that i think he kind of looks a little like my J sometimes? like i can see that being kind of what J might look like as he gets older. but maybe it's that 'typical boy look'...i don't know. but whatever he is so cute and LOVE the power tool. i am totally going to have to get him something like that so he can emulate Daddy. i got a funny pic of J sitting in his bumbo around greg's power tools as he put together our dining table last wkd.

viz... ditto the others re: don't beat yourself up. i am sure we'll have some stupid parent moments at some point too, it happens to EVERYONE. and if you guys are still operating on minimal sleep, cut yourself some slack. i am so sorry to hear that things aren't better for C. i don't even know what to suggest re: where to go from here--what does the doctor say about his ears draining, how long should that take? poor little man! how is he doing during the day, is he angry and upset at daycare as well? poor everyone.

qt...aww how cute, yay for J! and yep my J has been doing the twisted body thing to play on his mat the last few days. i guess it's a precursor to getting ready to roll. i also figured out if we sit him up against a pillow in the middle of the bed he will sit for a few minutes then flop over onto his face, usually end up on his belly and then eventually roll to his back. it's a good way for him to 'practice' since the bed is soft and he doesn't care if he falls onto his face.

re: deswaddling, thanks for the additional tips. i know it totally depends on the babe, it's total trial and error. and i was thinking last nite too that i am really inconsistent with my nighttime stuff for him. like sometimes i will get up and put paci back in. and other times i will think well lets just see if he will cry it out. and like last nite when i got up at 5am and deswaddled (since he was really 'out' anyway) and gave him his nap blanket, i thought...why am i trying something totally new for night. maybe he's confused haha. i don't know. anyway, we'll stick with one arm out for now.

and yup re: cold arms and legs, i am prob worrying over nothing. i just know it sucks when you wake up cold and can't imagine not pulling the blankets over you!

oh and of course after he ate his 8oz this morning he went back to bed and slept for like 2.5 hours. thanks kid!!

and one more thing. I AM TIRED OF HAVING A BABY GUT. my old jeans are fitting me again but i have a ROLL over them when i button them. W.T.F. ok i know it's only been 4 months but i just am tired of it...i'm not used to it and i don't like how it feels. and when i sit down i can literally GRAB it and flap it around. LIPO!!!! when i tell G he goes 'well are you really doing the right amt of cardio that you need to be to get rid of it'...THANKS for the sympathy man! and i thank J daily for my little 'souvenir' of his time in my belly. hehee.
E B - what a cutie little man you have!!
Seriously! He has such a cherubic little face!

Mara - I know! I hate my little pouch too.
Granted, it''s not as bad as some I''ve seen...but still! I look like I''m about 10 weeks pregnant a lot of the time. I''ve started to do crunches here and there in an effort to get things under control but I need to be more disciplined about it to get things back to normal. I feel ike my body shape has changed - my belly is bigger and my hips and bum have gotten smaller. I don''t look like myself.

viz - so sorry that you and C are still struggling with that ear infection.
I was hoping that things had eased up some...... Hopefully soon. Yikes about the soup! I hope you guys didn''t get burned too badly? Babeis can be swift. Yesterday when I was bathing Dalila I stupidly placed a jug of warm water next to the tub, thinking it would be too heavy for her to turn over. Well my girl pushed it over! Spilling the water all over the changing table, toiletries, tissues etc. Ugh!
Not as bad/messy as a bowl of soup, but still.... accidents of all kind seem to happen with babies. Esp. the ones we don''t expect.

qtekiki - that''s great that J is rolling over!
What an advanced little man!

Love all the recent pics.
Thanks for the comments on Dalila. fiery - sophia is getting to be such a big girl!


first time using that expression) - solids are going well - much easier/better than I thought. So far we''ve tried sweet peas, carrots, and green beans. She especially loves the carrots and beans. We''re trying sweet potatoes and squash next, which I know she''ll love. She seems to have my sweet tooth.

I don''t think I''m going to have time to make homemade baby food like I thought. There''s no time to do anything these days.
I''ve been buying the Gerber baby foods and they''re quite convenient and cheap, so I think we''ll just continue with them for now.

By the way - baby poop on breastmilk and formula is wonderful compared to solid poop!!!

Another random note - Now that D''s teeth are coming in she keeps biting me on my nipple during feeds. It really hurts!! I don''t think she knows what she''s doing, but it''s painful. And her teeth aren''t even fully in yet!

P.S - Talking about homemade baby food made me think of Mandy. Haven''t seen her and the twins around in a while.....

Viz: Seriously, don't beat yourself up. I was holding my decaf vanilla latte and Piper, and well, slappy-hands baby swatted it and spilled it all over herself and me. So yeah. Been there, only mine smelled like coffee.


EB: Albicocca is pregnant, btw! She's expecting a little boy in November! Just thought you'd like to hear it. She had a terrible miscarriage last year and a D&C that took her almost a year to get pregnant again. Still, a boy!!
eb - thanks for the tip on bfeeding after the shots! i''m going to have to give that a go as well.

also, henry is so cute!

afm - today e is 2 months old! confession - she woke this morning with a scratch on her little face. we forgot to mitt her last night and her arms came out of the swaddle. we had filed her nails a bit yesterday, but i guess not enough. so i tackled that again today. poor thing!
jcrow ... oh girllllll. J always has self-mutilation marks all over his little body. i keep his nails super short and filed but somehow he still manages to get a big rake across the belly or leg!!

sha... owie re: biting..!! re: making baby of my friends had a good tip that i might use if i can''t do total from scratch. she said she buys those organic bags of veggies from like whole foods or wherever, just tosses them into a pot to steam, purees and freezes. instead of having to clean and peel veggies etc.

also another few quickie food tips--plum organics (sold at WF and and online elsewhere) makes all organic and no preservative baby foods in pouches. i think babyuniverse had them for 10 for $10 the other day. i know a few moms who use them for travel when they can''t bring homemade food with them. they are no sugar, no salt (or really low) etc etc. just an idea if you want to try.

also nonsweetened applesauce is awesome, and cheaper than baby food jars.

time to work my baby belly on the treadie for 20 min.
Hehe. Our boys are just practicing for the perfect rollover. It’s so exciting to see them do new things.
I hear you on the “baby” gut. But I don’t think it’s just extra fat. It’s a combo of fat and stretched out skin that lost elasticity, making it hard to get rid of. Anyways, yay for working out. I really need to get on it.
Yay for solids going well. I think babies are born with sweet tooth; that’s why BM is so sweet.
Are you teaching D not to bite when she is nursing?
J has scratches all over his forehead. He likes to rub his forehead when he is sleepy. No biggie. Their skin heals so fast. I’ll be gone in a few days.
Mara- Thank you so much! No, you're not crazy- I've noticed some definite similarities between H and J as well: the big, dark, expressive eyes, the gloriously chubby cheeks.

This is the 'tool kit' he got from a family member. He looks so funny crawling around with a plush screwdriver in his hands. It actually vibrates when you pull a cord at the bottom. He likes the little "nails" too, because they're the perfect size for him to grip.

Melissa & Doug Fill and Spill Tool Kit

qti- Yay on the rolling, J!

Sha- Thank you!
I'm glad to hear D's taking to solids well! If she's anything like H, she'll love the sweet potatoes and squash. RE: The biting, it happened to us too. I'd let out a loud OUCH and it'd startle him, and after a while, he didn't do it anymore. Every once in a while he slips, but he doesn't do it on purpose.

Amber- Thank you, love! And thank you for sharing the news about Albi! One of our original engagement/wedding planning buddies! I was wondering what she was up to. A BOY! That's fabulous news!

jcrow- Thank you!
The scratches on the face and body will definitely happen, so don't worry too much. H has a tiny one on his eyelid right now because I let his nails grow a little too long. Confession: I was going to cut them two nights ago, but we haven't been able to find the clippers, so I've let it go. Bad E B. Will clip tomorrow.
My husband and I each have a chore with the baby. His is cleaning up boogers and mine is clipping his nails.....I hardly ever do it...I''m terrible!

This might be the stupidest question but I have to ask it.

How do you start giving your baby table it just whatever you are eating just cut up really small/mashed up? I don''t want a baby hating texture because I see the trouble that Fiery is having with beautiful Sophia. The other day I gave E some potatoes that I was eating because he was so mad that we were eating and he wasn''t. He also loves his puffs (like is obsessed with them). He is 7 months now if that helps out at all--with 1 1/2 teeth (hehe). What are some good table foods to start with?
thanks for making me feel better about her scratch. i had woken up and it was red and with dried blood. broke my little heart.

eb - love that tool kit. i''m going to bookmark it to gift it to my nephew for xmas!

taovandel - so i''ve seen puffs mentioned a few times... is that the cereal yall are talking about?
jcrow, puffs are like our version of 'cheese puffs' basically but they come in diff flavors for babies. they are mostly like cheerios size. i don't know anything about their nutrition...i just have seen them at the store. they come in like a pringles style container.

tao, when j wants something we are eating, we plan to give him a little bit to try, obviously when he's older hehe. and only give him whatever is soft enough for him to eat and/or if it's something bigger something he can gum. and our friend was telling us that her pal got his kids to eat veggies by giving them frozen veggies to knaw on. they ended up loving them.

thanks for the link EB. i am totally going to get those for J.

so J went down for sleep in a sleep sack with one arm swaddled (just a small blanket folded and one arm tucked under like miracle blanket style), he went down pretty easily...he was really tired. i figure since we want him in a sleep sack lets put him in it and see how he does, i can always swaddle him if he wakesup. i guess we'll see.
ah, ok! i couldn''t imagine it was that sugary cereal! thanks for the clarification.
Jcrow, they supposedly dissolve really quickly to stop them from being able to choke on them. Has anyone tried the yogurt drop meltaways?
Puffs melt in their mouth. Not much nutritional value but good distraction and easy thing for them to learn to chew on.

Amber- I just bought some yogurt melts (banana mango) and O loved them. But there really hasn't been any food that O hasn't liked yet, so who knows. My DH thought they tasted pretty good.

Table food- We just cut up in tiny pieces whatever seems doable. Cheese is a huge hit. Chicken, turkey, banana, oranges, avocado, plain pancakes, stuff like that. O doesn't really like purees anymore, so I just buy tons of fresh fruit and veggies and give him whatever is around.
jcrow, e and j are close in age. j cut her ear w/ her fingernail and there was a lot of blood, or so it seemed at the time. it happens. don''t feel bad.


j did great w/ dh. he fed her, took her for a long walk and got her to nap without swaddle for 50 minutes. leaving her was hard, but good for me and them.

the cutest thing was that he asked me to tell him if her diaper was on right (he does all the cleaning as a trade off for diapers, so he''s only changed three). it was backwards. i giggled to myself for a bit then debated telling him. when i did he asked if it hurt her. he cracks me up. i still don''t get how he took a dirty one off and didn''t think the clean one should go on the same way.
lol kim..i totally put J''s diapers on backwards sometimes BUT i notice before i close them because, HELLO the cartoon characters are not on the back hehee. that is funny.

speaking of diapers--we are still using Pampers SS and i hate the sesame street ones. i must be the only person who hates SS characters on kiddie stuff. the ones we have gotten from walmart in the giant box/case usually have cute little animals on them like birdies and hearts. i love those! hate the Sesame Street!

and on the diapers again--so the last 3 poops J has had have leaked out the sides. right after i was like ''gee we never have any issues with leaking''...we don''t have PEE issues, just poo. i wonder if it''s because he is pretty much long n''lean now and i have read that more kids have probs with Pampers than Huggies. now that i just bought a trough of size 2''s on sale at CVS too...ugh!! oh well we''ll have to deal til he fits into 3''s and we can try Huggies.
Kim, hahaha, that's great that he put them on backwards.I made fun of Paul for doing it, then did it myself by accident.

China: I would so taste those yogurt things, too, haha. Can I give them to Piper even though she has no teeth and is only 6.5 months? Her pincer grasp isn't so great.

Mara: I HATE the Sesame Street diapers. I CAN'T STAND ELMO. Paul messed with me because I said every single diaper was Elmo and I hate him so. Then he actually stacked the diapers so every other diaper was Elmo. I almost had a coronary.
i couldn''t make fun, he was too serious about it possibly having hurt her somehow. i just think it''s hysterical that it wasn''t obvious to him that the tabs go in the front. it would be hard to close them in the back with her laying flat.

re: characters, i wish diapers were plain so nothing showed through clothing but white.
OMG EB, Henry is soooo adorable! We don''t see enough pics of him

re: hair-Sophia''s hair (or mop as Mara put it) is OUT OF CONTROL. I cannot wait to get it cut for her birthday. She also has a habit of needing to touch her hair so after I wrestle with her to get it nice and combed, 5 mins later she''s running her hands through it. That''s why I don''t even bother lol. FI is upset that I want to cut her hair but it now reaches past her nose. Plus, it''s all uneven. I love that I can put in little clips though (and am a little obsessed with clips on Etsy

Mara-those are really cute pictures of J! Sophia is the complete opposite when it comes to temp. She absolutely hates being warm/hot. I think that''s why she hated sleep sacks.

Viz- ((((hugs)))) We''re here when you need us. Take all the time you need laying low.

QT-yay to J rolling

Sha-Yay for solids! We had jarred food pretty much until she started eating meats. Something about meat in a jar doesn''t sit well with me. But she gets homemade stuff for lunch (MIL makes it) and she sends whatever remains for dinner. The jars are really convenient, especially when traveling.

Jcrow-Happy 2 months to E!
You''re free from official growth spurts for another 4 weeks haha. No worries about the scratches. It happens. Sophia ends up with scratches around her nose because she likes to rub her face. And now it''s bruises since she apparently doesn''t see the HUGE wall in front of her when crawling around

Kim-that is hilarious about your DH! Hilarious!

Re: Characters on diapers-I don''t know if this is just my kid but the most annoying part of diaper changes are how interesting the characters are. She snatches (yes, she''s rude) the diaper out of my hand to point at the characters. In order to keep her still, I have to give her two swimming diapers with dora the explorer on it (because regular toys aren''t good enough

Re: solids

We have a bit of improvement. I found that if I eat something and offer it to her, she''ll eat! But I have to eat it too. I can''t pretend and I can''t cut a piece to give to her. No, I have to bite it first and then let her bite the same piece. Sharing is caring! As a snack I usually like to eat rolled up deli turket and cheese. She was staring at me so I gave her some and she ate it with no problem. Didn''t gag or anything. So I just kept offering her cheese and turkey
I forgot to ask: EB anything special for H''s b-day? Can''t believe it''s coming up already!

We were doing a ladybug theme but now we''re doing butterflies. It''s really going to be a color theme (pink/green/white) with a couple of butterfly accessories. This invite was the inspiration for it (only we''re not doing the photo invite):

And I ordered her this dress but it''ll have a butterfly on it instead of the ladybug (and her name obviously hehe):

eb, henry is so cute! those eyes....

fiery, my husband is a funny man. he kept checking on her when i got home and told me he was making sure she was breathing. he also discovered for himself that she fights sleep. i''ve told him many times, but now he gets it. he had a few other revelations. this really is good for him/them even though it''s hard for me. love the b-day party theme!

temp: the sids risks associated with overheating freak me out, so i do everything i can to keep her cool. temperature seems to have little effect on her.
i keep forgetting, vis, i miss your posts and am sorry you''re struggling. looking forward to your return.
last nite''s update for anyone interested:
-slept from 7:15pm to 1:45am with one arm swaddled (with a little blanket tucked under him).
-gave him paci and reswaddled arm.
-did it again at 2:30. figured if he woke up again i would just let him fuss.
-he slept til 5:30am (greg''s alarm went off which i am convinced his crazy ears hear).
-removed arm blanket, gave paci and snuggly nap blanket...figured if he slept 45 more min i was happy.
-he slept til 7:30.
so, partial success. i was surprised he did so well with sleep sack and the one arm from 7 to 1:45--because i feel like the pressure from the MB used to help lull him but the sleep sack is all loose. however, it was 72 in his room last nite and i used the fleece SS so i think he felt snuggly and it kept him more calm. we''ll do the same tonite--i am thankful for the cooler weather for this week because it''s easier to regulate warmth than it is to keep the house cool. he also was really tired last nite when we put him down (meltdown right before bed) so i think that might have helped his deep sleep til 1:45am.

kim...i read a fair amt about sids. it''s very scary and i am still freaked out about it and prob will be for a long time. for us the video monitor is priceless because when i wake up at night if he makes a peep i can just look in there to see what''s going on and determine course of action. the other thing that makes me feel better about him now is that he is not as deep of a sleeper as he used to be in the early months. right now when i go into his room at 10:30 at night he stirs and moves around and might even open his eyes but goes back to sleep. so i feel like he''s not SO deep he wouldn''t notice.

fiery... i love sophia''s mop hehee.!! it''s so cute. but prob not when you are trying to keep it contained. that dress is adorable!! can''t wait to see pics. how are you feeling BTW?
I haven''t had time to keep up, but I just wanted to jump in and say Fiery- I love those invites and the dress! Sophia is going to look so cute for her birthday!

AFM- Baptism went well Sunday, except that we were running so late we almost didn''t make it
. Oh, and my BIL is a complete pain in the neck. He told my mom he didn''t want a lot of people coming, so we barely invited anyone (even a lot of our family got left out), and then he sat outside the church for half of the baptism and missed most of the party afterward. I was super annoyed.

Okay, back to work. I''ll try and catch up later!
Fiery, I love the dress! Where on earth did you find it?

I go back to work tomorrow and I am SO SAD to leave this little face behind.

Soo tired.

Piper got up three times again last night. I let her cry it out at 3am, then had to get her at 5. Ugh.