
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Yay! It''s finally Friday! I have no idea how a four day week seemed to last so long

Amber- I''m sorry Piper is having a hard time sleeping. E actually does the same thing. He wakes up in the middle of the night and just wants to be held. At first it was because he had a cold, then it was because of the teething, and now I think he just does it out of habit. The last couple of nights I have had to just let him cry it out in the crib. It takes him a while to cry himself to sleep, but then he has usually tried himself out for the rest of the night.

jcrow- I know everyone has said it already, but all babies are different in the time it takes for them to feed. When E was a newborn, I''d feed him for something like 40 minutes, just to make sure he was getting enough. I soon learned he didn''t really need that much. Now he is down to about 10-15 minutes. As for pacis, E totally lost interest in them once he found his thumb and decided to suck that instead. And he eventually stopped doing that on his own as well. I wouldn''t worry about it becoming a habit for a while.

Burk- Hope you''re enjoying your first day of summer vacation!

qtiekiki- I have no idea how to rotate the freezer stash. I had a ton stashed up, thinking that DH and I were going to take a trip for my birthday and I''d need it, and then we ended up only going away for about 36 hours. That barely made a dent. I''ve already had to throw some away because it was from when I first started working (January). I should actually probably go in and check and see if there is more I need to get rid of. I keep wondering when I am ever going to use all of it. Let me know if you come up with a system to get some use out of it.

sabine- So glad Jacks had fun at the pool! I really want to take E, but DH wants to go with me, and he''ll be working 7 days a week for at least the first part of this month. I hope E likes the pool as much as Jacks.

cdt- I love the pic of Lex! he is such a cutie. I hope you still keep us posted over here, even though he''s technically not a newborn anymore. Glad the bottle weaning has been painless for you. I actually copied and pasted one of your other posts on how you started transitioning Lex from liquids to solids. It''s been a big help!

Mara- We don''t have AC either, and I wonder how that will work with E. We do get a nice breeze, since we are only about a mile from the ocean, but I''m not sure if it will stay cool enough in his room. He has never slept with a blanket anyway, but I''m thinking we''ll probably transition from footer sleepers to the soirt sleeve sleep separates. He does have a ceiling fan, so that helps. Last summer we ended up putting a room AC in our bedroom, because I was all pregnant and sweaty, so we can always take that out of storage and put it in E''s room if need be.

As for the Pampers, we have been trying the Huggies, but I have mixed feelings on them. I''m almost done with the big box of them, and I''m not sure what I''m going to get next time...

AFM- E is a crazy crawler now. He does not sit still. He is also now pulling himself up on things to stand up, which is freaking me out! I have the feeling he is going to be a handful, just like his father

We are finally having E baptized this Sunday! He is already 8 months old, but it just hasn''t been a big priority for me. I''m really looking forward to it, mostly because DH is actually taking the day off and I''ll finally see him for more then an hour at a time. He has been working about 15 hours a day for the past 7 days (including the entire holiday weekend) on some big job, and will probably be keeping the same schedule for at least another week or two until it is done. I am really looking forward tp spending Sunday together with the whole family. My sister is having her twins baptized at the same time, so it is going to be a big family affair.
happy friday all.

quick update for last nite J went to bed at 8 and was up at 11 and could not fall back asleep. i let him moan and thrash for a while and he fell back asleep after 10 min but then kept waking up every 10 min after that, rinse and repeat. so i finally got up at like 12 and fed him 4oz. then i thought well lets put him in a sleep sack because maybe he is just ready to be out (he was fighting swaddle like mad from 11-12). well that was a big mistake, he kept wanting to pull it up to his face like the blankets i give him for naptime and he just kept futzing around with it and getting more and more alert. so i finally took him out and put him back into swaddle. then he fell asleep at about 1:30 and slept til 8. jeez.

i don't know if it's 4 month wakeful, or if he was hungry... since i know there is a growth spurt around this time too. or if he was hot/cold...again we don't have AC and his room was 77 when he went to sleep whereas normally it's 73... so i left his legs out of swaddle, but when i came in at 11 his legs were cold so i put them in swaddle. he seems to like being really warm. anyway, it sucked and it was not even that bad--aka he wasn't screaming or inconsolable, he was pretty cheery, just awake and hungry. it is so crappy when you have to try to guess yanno...story of a mom's life til kiddo can talk.

and just seeing how he was NOT doing well at all with the sleep sack makes me even more paranoid for when we deswaddle. he just is so active with hands and feet AND add into that he likes cuddling with blankie near his face...i don't think he will love it at all. for about 5 min i gave him a lovey which he was cuddling near (and ON) his face and stuff but then i just got too paranoid to leave it with him and took it away and reswaddled him.

re: diapers, thanks so cal... yeah i don't know what to try... huggies has a ton of coupons all the time so it's prob an affordable option--i have also heard good things about 7th generation and earth's best but they are more pricey and also some people really like Target's diapers. i just don't know how to try them all...!! i don't have any friends with older babies to be able to lend me one or two yanno..and i hate the idea of having to buy a pack of each.

cdt i hope you still come visit us and post pics of cutie lex...!! i love that he's a biggie baby since i feel like J is heading that way too hehee. but maybe he'll surprise me.

mtj i know i love that onesie... grandma got it for him hehee. there's no 'future' there also, he IS the man of my dreams hehe. except for the nite waking.

nb thanks for the PSA... too bad i am not using similac anymore, that would be great. there never seem to be 'deals' on the baby's only formula.

PSA... on Earths' Best Formula big can, $21.04 a can, shipped with Subscribe and Save on Amazon. Today Only.

gotta run to meetings...i had to come in for a meeting today but i am heading home soon, yay. it will be REALLY HOT this wkd so i am going to have G put J's fan up first thing tomorrow morning!

oh and real quick...
VIZ i hope you guys are doing ok and that C is getting better!! chime in soon !!
and GINGER i hope you guys are doing ok too, please update us on things!!!

and...i still miss RPS's posts!!!!
Qtie, did you go from breast to soy milk? My husband is totally opposed cow milk so I''m trying to figure out what we''re going to do. I''m a bit leary after reading some studies regarding soy milk and toddlers. Am thinking toddler formula or no milk (but know my ped will be against no milk option).

SoCal, enjoy the weekend!

Sha, D is so adorable!


Jane smiled during tummy time, hooray!
CDT- I have a friend who had a surprise pregnancy when her oldest was only 7 months old. She said it was pretty much hell for a year or two but now it''s awesome b/c they are so close in age and play together. Anyways, point for YOU is that she said if you have to do it close together, that once the first one was 20 months it got a lot easier. Something about by 20 months the older one could get in and out of the car by himself and just do a lot more things on his own. So looks like you''ll be right at that stage, so hopefully it will be more manageable than you think! And you can post over here whenever you want! We love seeing Lex''s face. Plus it''s nice to have the BTDT advice. Thanks for the update on the bottle weaning. I''ve already dropped O''s nighttime bottle and like Lex he''s really not attached to anything. He still gets 4 bottles a day, but I am letting him gradually wean himself off of them for now. Once we get down to one or two I will have to take action, but I''m not worried about it till he gets closer to 1 yr. Good to know it''s not always a battle!

So Cal- Have fun at the baptism! We still need to figure that out for O. Lazy Mom over here!

yes, Ginger, thinking of you too!!!!!
Date: 6/4/2010 3:43:14 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Qtie, did you go from breast to soy milk? My husband is totally opposed cow milk so I''m trying to figure out what we''re going to do. I''m a bit leary after reading some studies regarding soy milk and toddlers. Am thinking toddler formula or no milk (but know my ped will be against no milk option).

SoCal, enjoy the weekend!

Sha, D is so adorable!


Jane smiled during tummy time, hooray!

Kim - I am not QT but I have been researching this issue since my DD is allergic to milk and the type of allergy she has is not usually outgrown until after age 3. Basically what I have learned is that they really need some sort of milk/formula option for growth and brain development up until at least age 5. The options are (i) continue on formula - but most formulas are cow''s milk based, so I am not sure why this would be a better option than cow''s milk for your husband and it is much more expensive (ii) soy milk (or soy based formula), (iii) goat''s milk - not sure if your DH would feel differently about goat''s than cow''s milk? or (iv) continue breastfeeding.

Also FYI - rice milk and almond milk are not viable alternatives, they do not provide the nutritional elements present in the others mentioned above. Depending on your DD''s size, the pedi may or may not want you to stay on formula. My DD is very small, and I think Jane is too, so our pedi was fine with her staying on formula. For babies at the higher end of the spectrum, they generally want them off the formula because it is too high in calories and fat.
We tried cow milk first for three days, mixing it with BM and gradually increasing the cow milk by 1oz each day. M refused it when we got the third day and it was a 50/50 mixture. She also got red rashes/patches around her mouth. Pedi said she is probably allergic to dairy, and we asked him what we should give instead since I was pregnant again and my supply wasn't enough to continue BFing. He said we can try soymilk if we want, but most people who's allergic to dairy is also allergic to soy. He actually suggested rice milk or just calcium supplements, so your pedi might be okay with no milk. We also asked him about soy and hormones, but he said it takes a lot of soymilk.

ETA: was posting at the same time as November, but we asked pedi about the calories and fat needed for brain developement since soy is lower (rice is even lower). He said as long as M has a balanced diet, it would be fine. She can get the fat from other sources. So far, she's doing just fine with all her milestones.
Thanks for the advice on the feedings. I think that he is starting to break longer between meals now that he is doing the 4 ounces, GREAT! Hopefully this will keep up!

Here is my BPF! It was taken during our car trip to the g-parents house: 6.5 weeks

ETA: I will update my personal section

6.2.10 Roadtrip to Fort Worth. first one.jpg
Hello Ladies!

Sorry if you''ve seen this pic before, I just love it.

So last night we did a two pronged attack to get Piper to sleep- the hyland''s tablets and no more peas! She must have been exhausted from her previously crappy night''s sleep or perhaps it was the tablets, but she went to bed around 7, instead of her normal 7:45. She did wake up at 9:30, though, fussing a lot, so I went in after 15 minutes of grumps and fed her and put her back down. Unlike the last two nights, no tears, and she let me hold her in the chair instead of standing up! Then, she woke at 12am, same thing, gulped food, back down. 3am, same thing. 5am, same thing. Each time she gulped for like, 10 minutes max. It wasn''t as horrible as the previous night because she went back down without a fuss. The other nights I was up AND holding her! YAY! I''m still super freaked out at night now, though. Hahaha.

OH, and I had been wondering if it was the peas that she ate and loved, that maybe made her tummy hurt. Usually a one/two poop a day gal, she didn''t poop at all yesterday and was SUPER crabby all day, which I attributed to fatigue. Well, this morning I gave her some Lil Tummies gas relief drops and not ten minutes later she was tooting up a storm! then she pooped a big gross I eat solids poop, then two minutes later another one! This time it was like her pre-solids poop! She has been so happy today, and totally like my old baby. Love it. Who knows what tonight will bring, though!

Mara, we tried Piper on drymax babydry, swaddlers sensitive and new baby. As soon as we finish the Baby Dry we''re sticking with Swaddlers Sensitive as they were softer and smelled better. Piper has crazy skin that''s allergic to a lot of things, but hasn''t gotten a rash from any of them!

Jcrow, Piper fed for about 20 minutes on only one side when she was a newborn, now goes under 10 minutes both sides!

thanks november and qtie.

formula is typically cow milk based but processed so it''s easier to for kiddos to digest, so he is amenable to that solution. also, i haven''t had a chance to look for soy based toddler formula but assume it exists.

jane is small (falls in the first growth curve), so the fats will be important.

i''m not opposed to extended breastfeeding (past one year) but we plan on having another baby sooner rather than later so that will factor in to the decision we make.

thanks again for sharing.
cdt, please come back and update as much as possible...we''re running low on older babies here! Were you stressed for his birthday, or was it a happy day for you? So funny about the cupcake!

China, Jacks had eczema in patches, but it was really bad behind his knees and he would scratch there and his ankles all the time. The pedi. prescribed a cream, but it didn''t help, so they referred us to the pediatric derm. She gave us a different rx to use as needed and put him on the allergy meds. We also switched to CeraVe soap and can get it at a pharmacy with other lotions like cetaphil, but it is seriously wonderful and totally worth the crazy price, it makes his skin sooo soft. We barely have to use the rx cream anymore. I would try more otc stuff (you can use hydrocortizone 1% or even zinc oxide diaper cream) unless he is scratching himself.

Sorry to those having sleep troubles.

So cal, good luck with the baptism! I''m a bit ashamed to admit I''m still a bit upset that we didn''t get the baptism we wanted due to the freak snow storm.

Re milk allergy, I''m so nervous about trying cow''s milk. I have a feeling if he doesn''t do well on cow''s milk, soy will not be an option either, but I guess we''ll figure something out. But I''m soooo ready to be done paying for nutrimagen. Although dh asked me the other day if any future kids had issues if I''d try bfing and go dairy and soy free, and I can''t imagine doing that, so I might end up paying for formula again.

Here''s a pic for bpf...with his favorite toy that he is quickly outgrowing. I''ll do a confession that even though he''s probably right around the height limit, I still put him in it every day so i can shower, he still LOVES it. I figure if he''s still using it when we move next month, I''ll put it away then and maybe he won''t miss it with the move and all.

mere - he''s such a cutie! looks like we have the same car seat. what insert do you have in it? and did you take the original one that came with the car seat out to use it? i ask because i find ours makes e really really warm. and it''s sucky because what she naps in also holds her car seat as does her stroller, but we don''t leave her in her car seat because she seems to get so hot in it.
Date: 6/4/2010 3:46:25 PM
Author: ChinaCat
CDT- I have a friend who had a surprise pregnancy when her oldest was only 7 months old. She said it was pretty much hell for a year or two but now it's awesome b/c they are so close in age and play together. Anyways, point for YOU is that she said if you have to do it close together, that once the first one was 20 months it got a lot easier. Something about by 20 months the older one could get in and out of the car by himself and just do a lot more things on his own. So looks like you'll be right at that stage, so hopefully it will be more manageable than you think! And you can post over here whenever you want! We love seeing Lex's face. Plus it's nice to have the BTDT advice. Thanks for the update on the bottle weaning. I've already dropped O's nighttime bottle and like Lex he's really not attached to anything. He still gets 4 bottles a day, but I am letting him gradually wean himself off of them for now. Once we get down to one or two I will have to take action, but I'm not worried about it till he gets closer to 1 yr. Good to know it's not always a battle!

So Cal- Have fun at the baptism! We still need to figure that out for O. Lazy Mom over here!

yes, Ginger, thinking of you too!!!!!

My BFF had a surprise when her 1st was only 3 MONTHS! Her boys are 2 weeks shy of being 1 year apart....craziness! I know I'll at least have it easier then she did. I'm really just hoping that Lex keeps being the easy going kid he is and hopefully it won't be *too* crazy when the next one comes. But some days I do think to myself that my DH and I must be loonie-tunes to have planned the close age gap
Thanks for the advice from your friend!

Sabine - I wasn't stressed about Lex's b-day since we didn't do anything formal at all. Honestly we just don't have much space where we currently live and since it's a condo we have no yard, so I didn't plan a party. It was kind of last minute that my DH's family (only family that lives close) decided to come over for cupcakes and pizza. I'm actually really glad I didn't do anything too big though because Lex just gets so easily overwhelmed if too many people are in his face....or maybe that's me
Are you planning a big party for Jacks?
You''ll do fine. M and J are 18 months and 2 days apart. It''s doable.

And for BPF.

Date: 6/4/2010 7:30:47 PM
Author: cdt1101
Date: 6/4/2010 3:46:25 PM

Sabine - I wasn''t stressed about Lex''s b-day since we didn''t do anything formal at all. Honestly we just don''t have much space where we currently live and since it''s a condo we have no yard, so I didn''t plan a party. It was kind of last minute that my DH''s family (only family that lives close) decided to come over for cupcakes and pizza. I''m actually really glad I didn''t do anything too big though because Lex just gets so easily overwhelmed if too many people are in his face....or maybe that''s me
Are you planning a big party for Jacks?

I can''t remember if I posted about this yet or not, but the other Navy spouse moms whose LOs are all within a month of Jacks and I are going to have a party for all our babies (just us and maybe dh''s if they are not working) on June 19th. I''m soooo excited for it! It''s just going to be at a park, and one girl made crowns for the babies, I''m making cupcakes, etc. I think it''s going to be a chaotic mess of fun!

We''re moving June 30th (Jacks''s bday is July 31st) to florida, so I''m going to see if any family will be able to come into town for his actual bday, but it''ll be ok if they can''t. It would be nice to be able to go home for his bday, but with the move it will just be too crazy.
CDT: You might be leaving us (please don''t) but at least we will see you back here in January!

moving too quickly to keep up right now....but hi to all the mommies!!!

Took E to the park today for the first time...he could care less. Just kinda sat there. We also have graduated to using just the stroller without the infant carrier in it. He looks sooooo tiny in it!

Ohhh, Sha! Your picture of D is so funny! She is so
and yet so adorable!
mara-Wtf? I am tripping, I thought it had future there! hehe! Very funny! what a cutie!

Beautiful bebes everyone!
Opps! Forgot to post pic! Here is J!

Sabine repost in case you don''t see it in the other thread: At 10 months old Hunter was taking 2 naps. He woke at 6am and then had his first nap at around 9:30 until about 10:30 or 11. Then he would have his second nap around 2pm or even 2:30. So it sounds to me like Jackson can go longer before nap 2. In my experience, we would sometimes think Hunter was sleepy at that time when what he needed was a snack. I would aim to give Jackson lunch around 12 and then it should give him enough energy to make it until 2:30 or so for nap 2. At 10 months, Hunter was having breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and also milk in the am and before each nap and before bed. So basically something to eat/drink about every 2 hours.
Date: 6/3/2010 11:05:55 PM
Author: meresal
I find it so hard to keep up with this thread...

re: pacifier- We give it to C uses when he begins to get fussy before calming down to fall asleep at naps and for the night. Like Mara, it falls out of his mouth once he is asleep. We use the big ones with the round nipple, not the contoured ones.

Jcrow- I feed for between 15-25 minutes. He is usually full at 20 minutes, and anything less I can just be sure that he will be hungry short of his normal 3 hour span.

HOWEVER, that ALL changed today. We had a really rough morning, so when his 1 o''clock feeding came around I tried a bit more food. He ate 4 WHOLE ounces. He pretty much jumped from 2.5 to 4 ounces! I just don''t produce that much... especially not every 3 hours. Theorhetically I don''t see any problem with switching to formula, but I like the C *needs* the BM from me, and like a few of you, I really like that quiet time where I can just stare at him and he is pretty much forced to look at me
. Call me selfish, but I also like that I am the only one that can feed him... for now anyway. It''s our thing.

Did anyone experience this? We are at 6.5 weeks. I had to feed him for a whole hour earlier, and I still don''t think he got everything he needed. Also, his bowels don''t process formula as well as the BM. He pretty much stops pooping if I give him formula bottles for two or more feedings in a row.
Is there a specific formula that some of you ladies use to help with this? or do you add anything to their regular formula bottles?
I felt the same way about BFing, I really enjoyed it a lot! Mere I don''t know if you are BFing exclusively or what, but it is normal for a baby to nurse more when he wants more milk. Growth spurts when the baby will nurse a LOT happen every 2 weeks or so in the begninng, and there are big ones at 6 weeks and 8 weeks. Constant nursing is how he will increase your supply, which will continue to grow until baby is about 12 weeks old. So if he wants to nurse for an hour, if you can bear it, let him!
It will last for a few days and then your supply will increase and meet his needs and he will nurse for less time. He may also want to nurse every hour rather than every 3. Hunter nursed about every 1.5-2 hours at that age, and was an every 2.5 hour nurser until he was close to 10 months. The rule of thumb about feeding every 3 hours is not really valid for BF babies and it is much easier to just nurse them when they seem hungry and not worry about frequency. It is normal for a BF baby to nurse more often in the daytime that at night too, when they might go a longer stretch. Unless you want to tyransition to bottles for some reason, I would not recommend supplementing with formula right now -- this is the time when your supply is being established so as much as possible it is best to let your baby be on the boob. As long as he is having at least 6 heavy wet diapers in 12 hours he is getting enough nutrients. Don''t worry about poops. BF babies can go weeks without pooping! Hunter pooped once a week from about 6 weeks until he started solids. It was awesome!
Date: 6/3/2010 2:22:54 PM
Author: jcrow
this weekend we had friends over with their little one who is 6 days younger than e. she also nurses him and he feeds for 10 minutes whereas e feeds for closer to 30 minutes. this made me wonder how long other babies bfeed for? 30 minutes is so time consuming, especially at night. it would be awesome if she just ate for 10 minutes.

also question about pacifiers. does anyone else here not give one to their baby? i know it''s controversial, and i don''t want to get into any of that, but i was just curious to see if most people use one? we''re on the verge of doing so but have resisted thus far.
Speed of the feed depends a lot on your baby''s suck power and the rate your body lets down! Your freind might have a strong milk let down. It will get faster though, as e gets older and her mouth gets bigger and her suck stronger. Once Hunter was about 3-4 months old feedings never took longer than about 10 minutes, often less.

We used a paci with Hunter. I think as long as your baby is breast feeding well then I would not worry about it one little bit. I might hesitate about using one in the early weeks or if BFing was problematic, but as long as things are going well go for it. We introduced one at 4 weeks and it was awesome!
i understood/stand the guideline to be 8 soiled diapers in a 24 hr period, doesn''t matter if it''s urine or feces after the first 6 weeks.
burk...thanks for posting that tip that has the baby''s only formula for 6 cans for under $60. i just ordered a case, it''s the best deal i could find!

hoping J sleeps well tonite, we''ll see. it is hot again today so i put him down without swaddle and just did a ''wing'' miracle blanket half swaddle thing on him where his body is exposed but his arms are swaddled. once his room cools off a bit we''ll see if we swaddle or not... i am almost thinking now is a good time to wean *IF* he is already going to wake up at night. we''ll see i guess.

we have a fledgling crow in our yard, when we called wildlife control they told us the parents push it out of the nest and try to encourage it to fly. it''s hopping around and hiding in the bushes...we can''t really let P out there and the parent crows are totally hanging out on the power and phone lines and sqwaking up a storm anytime they see us in the''s so obnoxious!! and since the windows are open in the house, ugh its echoing through. they told us they typically fly within 1-2 days so hopefully tomorrow. we can see him hopping around and he makes it to the top of a bush then slowly sinks down, it''s sadly comical. his little squeak is cute too. but someday he''ll be a big yucky crow being obnoxious and pooping in our yard. anyway.

mtj..sorry YES the tshirt says ''future man of your dreams''...i just meant that there''s no future required for him to be the man of my dreams, he already is hehee.

sha...i think i said it but not sure ,love the pic!!

tao...yay for graduating to just the stroller. i take J out for walks in it and he already seems giant in it!! and if i don''t strap him in he kicks and wiggles his way down, so silly.
mara-LOL duh I get it! what a dork!
Date: 6/4/2010 11:08:33 PM
Author: KimberlyH
i understood/stand the guideline to be 8 soiled diapers in a 24 hr period, doesn''t matter if it''s urine or feces after the first 6 weeks.
There seems to be variation in this advice. Health Canada and the BC Health guide (Canadian gov''t publications) gave the rule of thumb of 4-6 heavy wet diapers per day for babies that are over 6 weeks old, and no rule for BMs since they can be so variable once the baby is over 6 weeks.
Date: 6/5/2010 3:02:40 AM
Author: dreamer_d
Date: 6/4/2010 11:08:33 PM

Author: KimberlyH

i understood/stand the guideline to be 8 soiled diapers in a 24 hr period, doesn''t matter if it''s urine or feces after the first 6 weeks.

There seems to be variation in this advice. Health Canada and the BC Health guide (Canadian gov''t publications) gave the rule of thumb of 4-6 heavy wet diapers per day for babies that are over 6 weeks old, and no rule for BMs since they can be so variable once the baby is over 6 weeks.

i''m still confused. six wet diapers a day or in a 12 hr period? which would mean 12 wet diapers a day.

i think i''m reading too much into this!
Hi everyone!

Claire is still sick. Her fever is down but she''s really stuffy, so we keep having to attack her with the bulb syringe and saline drops. Poor girl!

Our A/C isn''t working upstairs, so she''s asleep in the pack n play in the dining room right now taking her morning nap.

Only two more weeks of work for me!
kim i think it's 4-6 in a 24 hour period (which would mean per day?). i don't even count J's but it's prob around 5ish.
pg sorry that C is still sick, poor thing!!

i also started giving him water or camo tea on hot days where he's outside--like last weekend at the pool. he just drank 1.5oz and he seemed to like it.

so last nite he went down at 8 and woke up at 10:30 prob because of realizing hey i am totally exposed to the world. so greg swaddled him and gave him paci. he slept til 3am. at that point i could see him and he was crying but not PO'd so i let him CIO. he cried for about 10min on and off. then he totally passed out. slept til 6am. i went in and closed his window shade and gave him paci. slept til 8, woke up, moved around and made noises. gave him paci so i could make his bottle but he fell back asleep.

anyway i am just glad i had to get up only once, so i feel more human today. and i think he might def be doing some of the wakeful thing since this is way out of the ordinary for him. and he's not pain fussy, just more awake. and even HE doesn't seem to like it when he wakes up haha.

the birds slept til 5:30am.

in other stupid me news i somehow tore one of my little white suction things on the pump so now i have one (i have others but haven't felt like cleaning one to put on it) so i started pumping with just one and then switching it every 5 min and it's actually seemingly just as effective! and the machine pull is stronger with just one and then i just have to clean one! since i am only pumping like 4-5oz per session now this works for now.

its hot here today, we are going to a greek festival this afternoon, J in the bjorn. i am going to lather him up with sunblock and he has a big hat, but i hope we both don't get overheated sharing body temp! happy sat all.
Hey all!

Last night, Piper slept well until 3am (she had a bit of a cry-out at 10:30, but went right back to sleep) when she woke up and ate, then went back down until 6 (the usual time we wake up during the week) when I fed her again and she slept until 10:15!! I think she was exhausted from the previous nights of not sleeping. We both enjoyed the sleep-in. :)
mara, i''ve only heard at least 6 or 8 in a 24 hr period never 12 hrs. at 4 am everything seems scarier, including diaper output! jane has between 8 and 10 wet diapers a day and my brain was goinG: that''s not enough?

enjoy the festival. we took j to an art festival a few weeks back in the bjorn, she did great. the only bad part was when we got near one of the stages, it was just too loud for her sensitive ears.

pg, poor claire!

our washing machine broke yesterday, so dh spent the morning shopping, i stayed home with the baby. quiet morning.

yesterday j smiled during tummy time, hooray! did i say this already? she also is more delibrately reaching for the toys on her playmat. so amazing to watch her develop. and she''s been shoving her whole fist in her mouth.
It is true, PS''ers have the most beautiful babies. I love the baby pics.

Date: 6/4/2010 4:24:41 PM
Author: meresal
Thanks for the advice on the feedings. I think that he is starting to break longer between meals now that he is doing the 4 ounces, GREAT! Hopefully this will keep up!

Here is my BPF! It was taken during our car trip to the g-parents house: 6.5 weeks

ETA: I will update my personal section

Mer: Chris is so handsome, I think this is the 1st pic I have seen.