
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Don''t worry too much about Piper''s head hitting the crib. It''s not hard enough to cause injuries. Meena bangs her head against the wall all the times when she is tossing and turning. Hope she starts sleeping well again soon.

We still use the changing table with Meena, and she was 34.5 in at her 18 months well visit (so she''s probably taller than that now). Her head and legs are sticking out if she lies still, but that never happens.

Re: wiggling babies during diaper changes
It''s even harder when they are toddler and you have to chase them down for diaper changes. Well maybe I have a weirdo who isn''t bothered by wet or dirty diapers because playing is more important. Plus she kicks and wiggles much harder, and she also turns and gets up after the diaper is off. Geez my toddler is so not cooperative. LOL.

I was complaining on the toddler thread that I was having a rough time getting everything done at work with pumping and less hours, and don''t have time for PS, but it''s getting better the last couple days since I started prepping the next day instead of in the morning. I am pumping 3 times at work, so it takes a lot of time out of the day. I wonder if I would get the same amount of BM if I did 2 sessions, but I am not scared to try.

J rolled from tummy to back twice on Sunday, and goes halfway onto his side from his back. He hasn''t rolled again from tummy since, but is constantly getting onto his side. He actually slept on his side for a while last night. We have to get him a crib, so we can move him to his own room and start training him to put himself to sleep. Yesterday I put him down drowsy, and he whined. I just gave him a paci since I was getting M ready for bed while DH showered. When I went back to check on him, he was asleep. So I think he is ready for it. We''ll see.
burk...go K...woombie free! we are just talking deswaddle and sleep sack, forget totally free. hehee.

socal... thanks good to know that E didn''t grow so quickly after 4 months, i am totally paranoid he is going to outgrow everything in like 2 months or something.

oh and the reason i was posting again--i mentioned to our pedi about the 4 month wakeful and how we were paranoid and she was like..oh that is more common around 9 months. i was like GREAT... something else to look fwd to!!! but funny she didnt think 4 months was a huge deal.
Thanks Mara, I''m thinking of doing it, too many times P wakes up smashing her head into those lame ass bumpers. Although she did just wall backwards right now while sitting up and playing, so perhaps I''m not the best judge of baby head safety! I so wish i could try the paci to sleep thing, but she only uses them as a chew toy now, which is so not conducive to sleep!

china: I think she wakes because she rolls over and is uncomfortable and doesn''t remember hpw to roll back, the gets progressively unhappy. I go to rescue her because she''s screaming and when I pick her up she puts her head down on my shoulder and quiets with a few loud shrieks or fake sobs (no tears). Depending on when I got her last, I''ll feed her or just stand there until she starts making sleepy noises, then either sit in the rocker to ensure proper sleep or put her in her crib. 3/4 times she wakes up when I put her down, or wake in 10/20 minutes. After the initial bedtime sleep (7:30-12/1), Piper will sleep an hour max. She just wants to be held.


Hope you have a fabulous day!! What an awesome boy you are and you''re going to be a great big brother!! Give momma lots of hugs and kisses today
the pictures are cracking me up.

qtie, go jaron!

mara, funny how reality changes our perspective.

amber, we''ve been doing the no sleep thing, too. hang in there.

vesper, i had a discussion aout the two kids thing the other day. i imagine it''s quite difficult.


a girlfriend was supposed to fly in for a visit tomorrow, but got pink eye from her son and so she cancelled. i can''t say i''m disappointed, i''m visitored out.

john is putting jane''s closet back together, next comes painting the room. the goof tried to convince me one coat of white was enough to cover the old color in the closet because painting it was frustrating, no it''s still blue underneath, but nice try!
this weekend we had friends over with their little one who is 6 days younger than e. she also nurses him and he feeds for 10 minutes whereas e feeds for closer to 30 minutes. this made me wonder how long other babies bfeed for? 30 minutes is so time consuming, especially at night. it would be awesome if she just ate for 10 minutes.

also question about pacifiers. does anyone else here not give one to their baby? i know it''s controversial, and i don''t want to get into any of that, but i was just curious to see if most people use one? we''re on the verge of doing so but have resisted thus far.

and finally, remember how i posted a while back about e''s tummy issues? well, we talked to the pedi and she prescribed something to stop her tummy spasms. at first we saw no difference and i was completely disappointed. but the last couple of days we noticed a huge difference. it can be given every four hours, but we only give it in the morning and at night. she''s completely changed. before her awake time during the day she spent cramping + crying in pain. and she''d wake from her nap crying in pain too. now she plays during her awake period and cries when she''s hungry instead of when she is cramping. hooray!
Mara~I think K''s whole life has been "wakeful!"
K is such a crappy sleeper (now is waking twice a night to eat
) that I figured why not ditch the woombie, can''t get any worse. I was right...still crappy but no worse than before.

Kimberly~Yay for getting J''s room together. He he about your DH trying to convince you one coat was enough!

jcrow~I think it just depends on the baby. K is a very efficient nurser and only nurses for about 10 minutes. 15 max. K has a paci and T did too. I see nothing wrong with them and neither does our pedi. If it helps soothe E and gives you a break, why not? Oh, and yay for relief from tummy issues! I know firsthand how tummy issues effect the poor happy she is having relief!!
Burk- Yay for last day of school!

Mara- O is 9.5 months and so far no wakeful. He did go through it at 4 months but I think that was more of reverse cycling since that's when I went back to work and he was still nursing. Just goes to show that every baby is different! Maybe J will skip it altogether!

Amber- That's what I was afraid of. Well, you know your options.
Hopefully she will figure out how to roll back over soon. But the whole just wanting to be held thing is tough- they are so sweet and content but you don't want to get into the habit. These babies! I did buy a book that I was going to try but never ended up needing that gave other options besides CIO. More like what Fiery was talking about- putting her down, but staying beside her crib. Then moving to a chair, then out of the room kind of thing. Hope it resolves itself!

Jcrow- O always took 30 mins to eat. Funnily enough, I used to think it took too long. Then I wished it took him longer (quiet snuggly time, plus it kept him quiet and still!). Now I would LOVE to have a 30 minute snuggle time with him every 3 hours!
Does she cluster feed her baby or feed him more often? I think some babies are just quicker than others.

I actually didn't mind being up with him last night. I am reading a book and the part I read right before I went to bed, this woman's whole family except for one son (so daughter, twin brother of the surviving son and husband) are all murdered. She is grieving (obviously) about the loss but also about the things she was annoyed or worried about before they died. I had one of those moments where I could STAY in the moment with O, and just smelling his sweet head and listening to him mew contentedly against me was enough. I was just grateful to have him. That doesn't always work at 4 am !!!

ETA: Jcrow- O never took a paci when he was a baby, but we also never really pushed it. I think I offered it to him once when he was upset, he spit it out, and that was that. The funny thing is he just discovered one the other day (at 9 months!) and is obsessed with it. But he treats it like a toy, he doesn't "need" it for anything. I don't think there's anything wrong with them. You have to pick your battles and if it helps your kid, then use it. But if she is good right now and doesn't use one, I would probably not introduce one if you don't have to.
jcrow, jane nursed for over an hour at a time until a few weeks ago. the l.c. said it wasin the range of normal, that all babies are different and there's nothing you can do to make them eat faster. at 3 months she's eating much more quickly. as the worldf becomes more interesting and e gets bigger she'll eat faster.

i offer j the paci daily, most of the time she doesn't want it.

burk, my husband is nuts if he thought i'd just nod my head about the closet. it looked awful. on another notr, you've inspired me to try a sawddle-free nap. it can't get much worse, but i don't think she's ready.
thanks for all the feedback on a paci and bfeeding times.

chinacat - no, i don''t think she is cluster feeding. she feeds him roughly every two hours during the day and longer during the night. same as e.
Date: 6/3/2010 2:59:26 PM
Author: KimberlyH
jcrow, jane nursed for over an hour at a time until a few weeks ago. the l.c. said it wasin the range of normal, that all babies are different and there''s nothing you can do to make them eat faster. at 3 months she''s eating much more quickly. as the worldf becomes more interesting and e gets bigger she''ll eat faster.

i offer j the paci daily, most of the time she doesn''t want it.

burk, my husband is nuts if he thought i''d just nod my head about the closet. it looked awful. on another notr, you''ve inspired me to try a sawddle-free nap. it can''t get much worse, but i don''t think she''s ready.

interesting + good to know an hour is normal. e has fed that long before. the nurses at the hospital looked shocked when i said she was on the b00b for 50 minutes. i''d love for her to go down to 10 minutes or 15 even. it''d give my bb more downtime between feedings!
China~Thanks! I''m glad you were able to appreciate your early AM cuddles...I try to remind myself that K may be my last and to enjoy the cuddles when I can (even if it is 1am and I''m exhausted).

Kimberly~I figure, what will it hurt by trying to go swaddle free (in our case woombie free)? If she''s not ready, you''ll know and you can always go back. And, if it''s no worse then you lose nothing but don''t have to worry about breaking the "habit" down the road.

jcrow~I think 50 minutes is very normal and since E is still young she will probably get faster. One of my friends got so frustrated with how long her baby was nursing she threw in the towel and started to pump and bottle feed and it actually takes her less time to pump plus feed a bottle than it was taking her to nurse. Her little guy was so slow.

15 more minutes left until we dismiss students!!!
Not every baby gets addicted to/needs the paci. Micah spits it out most of the time, but when he starts to get tired he usually lets us poke it in. He can fall asleep without it just fine, though.
Oh I love the meltdown pics! I''m going to post one either tonight or tomorrow.

jcrow - Mine is a 10 minute eater. Re: pacis - we didn''t start out using them - Dalila didn''t seem to like the orthodontic version but really loves the other kind - with the round nipple. They''ve been a lifesaver on many occasions! For example - in church, or when she''s fussing and just wants to be picked up when I''m trying to do dishes or clean the house, etc, or when we''re driving home and she get''s hungry etc. It calms her down instantly!!

Since we''re talking about pacis - when is it recommded that babies stop using them?
Is it when they''re teething or after? I need to do some research on that.

vizla - I just skimmed through the last few posts so wasn''t sure if you''d posted recently. Just wondering how you and C are doing?
re: paci..J hated it for the first 2+ months. then he started taking it and he still does but sometimes he just hates it and will spit it out or get mad when we try to give it to him. but at night he LOVES it...and he spits it out when he falls asleep. if he wakes at 3 or 5am i just go in and put it in and he calms down. it is a great way to get him to calm without having to feed him.

i never had a paci when i was little nor did any of my sisters so i was unfamiliar with it and didn''t want him to get addicted and have to wean him or have crooked teeth come in. G had one and loved it and would always offer it to him and i would be like don''t offer it! finally i kind of was like whatever because he doesn''t seem to be OBSESSED with it and still spits it out when he''s had enough of i feel ok about offering it.

i do want him to not NEED it though and i don''t plan to wait til he is 2 or 3 to do it, i am hoping by 1 he will be done.

so apparently now J is rejecting BM only bottles. JEEZ KID...way to make working mom feel worse. my sister texted me and said he was screaming when she tried to feed him so i told her to mix in formula and he ate it then passed out. and here i am killing myself to pump for him. UGH!! i am just glad he''s eating.

also re: feeding him on the boob--he was so lazy it took forever and i felt like he was never ''full'' that is why we moved more to bottles. also i really didn''t feel like sitting there for hours feeding him (and he seemed to care less if i did or didn''t). plus since i knew iwas going back to work and he''d need bottles anyway i just moved more to bottles. he rejected the boob finally totally about 3 weeks ago. i feel more liberated for sure.

i know Pandora''s daughter feeds in less than 10 min and done. J was more like 30-40 min yikes.
jcrow, it can be tiring to feed for so long. the hardest was a three hour nursing session at my parents'' when she was six weeks old. it was a combination growth spurt comfort thing (tired of being passed around to strangers), at least that''s what i gathered from her behavior. it does get easier, i promise. sometimes j is done in 20 minutes now.

burk, i totally forgot to leave her unswaddled, what a dummy! she worked her arms out last nap and woke up mad, though, so maybe not a good idea.

my mom was contemplating swaddling and figured out she didn''t have to because we slept on our bellies. i''m not looking forward to getting rid of it, too bad belly sleeping is such a no-no.
jcrow, feeding time reduces with age, so there is light at the end of the tunnel. Claire was eating for 40 minutes per session at first (and actually, I would just stop her after that long). By a month or two she was down to 30 minutes, then to 20, then to 10 . . . Plus the number of feedings per day decreases, so you go from spending literally one third of your day feeding to maybe less than an hour if you plan to do it for several months. But anyway, during the super long nursing sessions I would watch episodes of The Tudors or Grey''s Anatomy. I would look forward to nursing so I could continue watching.

So glad that the tummy issues are better!
Re: paci
We''ve given J the paci from day 2. Sometimes he doesn''t want it, and will spit it out. Sad to say, M is still using her paci at 22 months. I think I''ll try to wean at 2 yrs old. Hope it''ll go well.

Re: nursing time
J only nurses on one breast for 5-10 min. M was also that way. I think it wasn''t until 6 or 7 months that M drank from both breasts. Guess my kids are efficient. But there''s a big normal range.

Re: swaddling or deswaddling
I think not being swaddled is something that the babies get used to. I stopped swaddling J since week 2.

How do you rotate your freezer stash with fresh BM? I had a freezer stash for M that was never rotated/used, and I ended up using some to bath her and dumping most of it when we transitioned to soymilk. I am debating about rotating the stash to use this time, so would like to see what other moms do? Seems like such a waste, but I do like giving fresh BM.
Qt, glad you''re finding some more time, and hope that you can knock out a pumping session if you try! I''m no help with freezer stash questions though.

Jacks only took a paci when he was swaddled and falling asleep, and we had to force it. We stopped it when we sleep trained and he never missed it, but there were times I did wish he would take one later on, but now I''m glad we don''t have to deal with getting rid of it. No idea how/when to go about doing that.

Mara, we did hit some sleep hiccups at 9 months ish, I think it had to do with milestones and separation anxiety, but it passed quickly. And we still use the changing table. I figured his legs can just hang off when he''s too big. Up until recently, he stayed still on teh table whereas if I tried to change him on the floor he would try to get away, but now that doesn''t work anymore obviously.

Amber, sorry you''re having sleep issues. I think sometimes as they get more aware of stuff, babies just decide they''d rather be up, and that''s when you have to teach them that night time means sleep. Although it definitely could be some tummy issues or teething too.

China, Jacks always sleeps a bit worse when we have visitors...I swear they all think we''re lying when we say how good of a sleeper he usually is, but then when they''re here he doesn''t want to go to sleep and miss anything.

jcrow, do you know what you were prescribed or did the dr. tell you what the tummy spasms were from?

Burk, yay for the last day of school!!! Yay summer!

I took Jacks to the pool today for the first time! I was hoping to wait for dh so we could all go, but his schedule is insane this month, and then we move, so I just went by myself. He definitely loved it! I think we''re going to be going every day that we don''t have plans and it''s nice out.

Oh, and I don''t know if he got a bit of a cold or his allergies are getting worse, but his sneezing and nose dripping is INSANE lately! Poor guy! He''s on Zyrtec and another allergy med. for his eczema, but we''ve kept him at the minimum dosage since his skin is doing well, but if this keeps up I might ask the dr. if we can up his dosage of Zyrtec to help!
sabine - the tummy troubles are just because she has an immature tummy. when she''s working out the gas or having a bowel movement, she''d cramp and cry in pain. as soon as it passed she''d be ok. the medicine is hyoscyamine sulfate drops.
Thanks Fiery for the Birthday wishes for Lex!!!

We had family over this afternoon/ times!! Lex had absolutely NO interest in his cupcake. Wouldn''t even touch it until I cut the chocolate icing off?? Strange kid!

This is the best pic of the day IMO...I was trying to get him to taste the chocolate and this is what I got!

lol CDT love the pic of Lex!!! hope he had a fabulous bday...yay!!! funny he doesn''t like chocolate, no sweet tooth eh???

qt i wish i had a huge freezer stash, did you say you used to BATHE M in the extra milk??? i have a little stash and i have been thinking i should use it but like you i prefer using fresh milk if possible. but the freezer milk is from end of march and i feel like i should use it or lose it. i know they say like 3-5 months but i would just be so bad if it went bad and i didnt know it kind of thing.

i posted up above but did anyone''s LO just start totally rejecting your BM in a bottle? J seems to only want it mixed with formula now. i wonder if it''s this new organic formula because all the online reviews said it tasted really good -- so maybe now he doesn''t like the bland BM solo?? if so, weird!!! not like i really care but it is kind of a bummer he won''t just take anything anymore, the first stage of ''here''s my preference mom'' i guess!! it prob only gets worse from here hehe.

it''s getting hot here finally and our house doesn''t have AC. the house gets hot but it cools down quickly and we usually have a good breeze most nights. this summer will be interesting for J. we are putting a fan up in his room this wkd and he loves to watch the one in our room, it''s dark wood so it''s contrast against the ceiling is sharp. i am sure he will be similarly obsessed with the new one that goes in his room too. the rooms with fans are totally tolerable, it''s really just our front room that gets crazy hot in the summer. but yeah i think deswaddling will happen sooner if it stays hot because he won''t like being swaddled in a 75 degree room even in just a diaper! for those of you without AC and babies past J''s age, did you just put them in the crib sans blanket or sleep sack if it was really warm? i am thinking some nights he won''t want ANYTHING on him but wonder how he will sleep.

oh and HH posted a PSA about CVS sale--check your local CVS for some great diaper deals depending your LO''s sizing. i got some sensitive swaddlers in NB for $2.99 each (great shower gifts!), orajel for $1.49 (marked down from $6), there were things like avent nipples on clearance, playtex bottles for 75% off, wipes, lotions etc. i am brand specific so i didn''t go crazy but i also managed to score some Swaddler diapers (pre dry max, i think they are clearancing them out) in size 2 for J, 120 for $13! and they go up to size 18 so between these and the big 150 pack i got online from with a $10 coupon i think we might be good til he actually grows out of them.

speaking of diapers--what are Pampers moms doing when your LO goes into size 3? i am leery of the dry max because of ALL the reviews that i have seen re: rashes. i guess if it doesn''t cause J one we are fine but on the flip side it makes you go HMM like why do so many kids have rashes and i really don''t want to subject him to something that could be THAT chemical. but i also don''t want to find a new diaper and have to go through trial and error. we have some time...hopefully a few months before we have to deal with this so maybe Pampers will change back?!?!
I find it so hard to keep up with this thread...

re: pacifier- We give it to C uses when he begins to get fussy before calming down to fall asleep at naps and for the night. Like Mara, it falls out of his mouth once he is asleep. We use the big ones with the round nipple, not the contoured ones.

Jcrow- I feed for between 15-25 minutes. He is usually full at 20 minutes, and anything less I can just be sure that he will be hungry short of his normal 3 hour span.

HOWEVER, that ALL changed today. We had a really rough morning, so when his 1 o''clock feeding came around I tried a bit more food. He ate 4 WHOLE ounces. He pretty much jumped from 2.5 to 4 ounces! I just don''t produce that much... especially not every 3 hours. Theorhetically I don''t see any problem with switching to formula, but I like the C *needs* the BM from me, and like a few of you, I really like that quiet time where I can just stare at him and he is pretty much forced to look at me
. Call me selfish, but I also like that I am the only one that can feed him... for now anyway. It''s our thing.

Did anyone experience this? We are at 6.5 weeks. I had to feed him for a whole hour earlier, and I still don''t think he got everything he needed. Also, his bowels don''t process formula as well as the BM. He pretty much stops pooping if I give him formula bottles for two or more feedings in a row.
Is there a specific formula that some of you ladies use to help with this? or do you add anything to their regular formula bottles?
meresal - I agree it's hard to keep up with the thread. Don't feel like you have to respond to everyone, though...... Sometimes I just pop in and out with a few comments. I'd love to be able to respond to everyone, but yeah, the thread moves really quickly!

On another note, Me thinks it's time to change your signature, young lady!

I love the bonding during breastfeeding too. I'm not looking forward to weaning, to tell you the truth.


Just popping in to leave a 'meltdown' pic. This was actually over a month ago, on Easter Sunday, after church. I was trying to sit Dalila up to take a 'pretty' picture in her Easter dress, and got this:

cdt - how could Lex not like cupcakes???
Cute photo!

fiery - how are you feeling these days?
mere it's normal for them to poop less with formula... actually around 5 weeks J started pooping once a day instead of 3-4x, and then now it's actually more like once every other day (and huge)...he farts all the time so we know he's never obstructed and watching him go a big poop is hilarious as he gets all red and serious and then pushes it out.

they have growth spurts almost all the time so if you keep feeding him then your body will keep making more milk as he needs it. not sure how often you bottle vs BF but if you want to keep BF'ing just make sure you put him on enough to tell your body more more more.

we've had J on a mix of formula and BM since i think week 4 or 5. i actually LOVED when he stopped pooping as much because it also coincided with him sleeping longer..! finally no poop at night (hardly ever anyway). he can sit in pee forever but poop and all bets are off!

sha... LOVE the pic. i need to get a good one of J...they are priceless.

we just had a hilarious bedtime's hot here so it's kind of a summery feel. so we let J stay up a little longer as he had a catnap in the swing and he was really mellow and cheery. feeding time he wanted to eat, cry, screech, smile, laugh...rinse and repeat. when i took the bottle out because he'd let his mouth go slack and dribble all over, he'd laugh. i told greg he is totally feeling out what he can control vs not...that's what it seems like anyway. then we had a giggle session while changing his tshirt (his neck is ticklist) and then swaddling him he kept trying to get his arms out but once swaddled he just laid there and kicked his legs madly like a little bicycle and smiled at us. SO friggin cute and makes up for mr. cranky pickle attitude last nite. i love my baby. i wish he was always so fabulous but then maybe i wouldn't appreciate it as much!!

so in the spirit of my so happy baby tonite... here's an early BPF... my sis sent this to me yesterday at work...i LOVE it.

j so happy auntie.jpg
cdt-what a cutie!!!!!

Sha-She is still very very beautiful although she is fuming!

Mara-What a handsome bebe! So cute! I love the shirt! Future man of YOUR dreams! Luff it!
Mara- Not all babies have reactions to the dry max, but O had a terrible reaction. We tried Huggies which worked for about a week and then those gave him a rash too.
We did Seventh Generation for a few weeks which was great, but more expensive. Now we use the Costco brand (Kirkland?) and they are great. But O has weirdo sensitive skin, no idea where he got it from. As for being hot, I would just put him down without a blanket or sleep sack. They don''t need them. Last summer O just slept in a onesie at night (but was still swaddled) but we have super A/C here.

Mer- I couldn''t keep up when O was born either. I read but don''t think I posted much unless I needed help. I started posting again regularly when I went back to work. Just pop in when you can! We''ve all been there. As far as nursing- sometimes the babes cluster feed when they have a growth spurt. I remember when O was like 7 or 8 weeks and he started eating every 2 or 2.5 hours instead of 3. If you want to nurse, I would just nurse him as often as he wants to eat. I really don''t think you need to give him formula, I promise you are producing more than you think. If you want to give him formula for other reasons, go for it, but if you nurse him whenever he''s hungry, your supply will compensate.

Sabine- O loves the pool too! How fun. PITA getting and keeping sunscreen on him though. Ugh. How bad is Jacks''s excema? How did you know to put him on something? I ask because O has crazy sensitive skin, it''s dry and has rough patches all the time. My pedi mentions it, but has never said anything to do other than use mild soaps and lotions like Aquaphor or Aveeno. Just curious!

Viz- You out there?
Thinking of you and C. We need an update! Miss your posts.

CDT- Lex looks like a football player in that pic! So funny about the chocolate. Trying to remember, you are preggo with number 2 again, right? When are you due? How old will Lex be?

I can NEVER remember to upload a pic for BPF.

Happy Friday.
Thanks for the comments on the pic ladies! He was so weird w/ the cupcake...he just wasn''t having it, the only reason he has the chocolate on his face is because I tried to get him to taste it and he turned his head...then proceeded to smear what little bit I got on his face.

Love the baby pics everyone!!

So I guess I''m not *really* supposed to post here anymore since I no longer have a newborn
But a few things ...

China - Yup I''m due January 6th and Lex will be 19 months then
So yeah, it''ll be tough for a few years but I''m super excited to have them so close in age.

A few weeks ago I posted about bottle weaning and wanted to give an update, I was going to wait until 2.0, but at this rate my 2nd kid will be here by the time that happens

So about 3 weeks ago I began to tackle the nighttime bottle since I figured of the 2 he was still having this would be the most difficult. So I did a gradual wean and (surprisingly) he did great! It takes a little longer to get him to fall asleep these days, and I do still give him about 4 oz of milk in a sippy before bed. But I really had ZERO issues dropping that bottle.

Today is the last day he''ll have his morning bottle. Tomorrow I''m going cold turkey w/ that one

I''m not sure if it''s Lex''s temperment or because I did it early, but bottle weaning was really painless! He had no attachment to it really (other then nightime, but maybe I had more of an attachment then he did?). I definitely will look to do early weaning w/ number 2 because I just think the longer they have it the more they become attached. Lex never got to the age where he would ask for a bottle so we had ZERO issues taking bottles away over time.

Again, I do wonder though if some of it is his nature because he has yet to form an attachment to a *thing.* He''s super attached to DH and I though

I''m super sad I can''t really post here anymore
I''m not ready to grow up (stomps feet)
Moms - has a great sale going on right now. Formula is buy 3, get one free, and it applies to specialty formulas like alimentum and nutramigen which are never on sale. Diapers are also on a huge sale, the largest packs of pampers that are usually $40.99 at most places are $30.99 and there is free shipping over $99.