
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Okay, I am SO damn tired of people around here thinking I''m Piper''s nanny. We do not look that different but skin-tone and feature-wise, I think. WHY do people insist on asking me if I''m the nanny? GOD.

So today I got to sleep in for an extra hour, because usually we carpool with Paul who has to be in at 7 (an hour earlier than I have to be at work), but Piper woke up early and was playing in her crib and just chatting to herself (which I failed to hear on the monitor as I was sound asleep because she had woken up twice last night). Paul loves to get her in the morning and decided to get her THIS morning. She was PLAYING! She was having fun!! Leave her alone (and let me sleep!!).

Confession: On a day like today, when she''s a love, I want another one. With a night like last night, I don''t. I sometimes wish Paul would LISTEN when I say, "Can you take her??" and instead of just holding her out like she''s poopy, he''d actually PLAY with her. ugh.

Amber, maybe they think you look too well-rested, well-dressed, or sane to be a mother?

Tao, that''s a relief, right? When I thought I might be a few months ago I wasn''t upset about the prospect of two little ones so close in age, just exhausted at the thought of it.

Mara, I''m not an expert (though I do pump, so I guess that makes me a kind of expert), but my understanding is that adding a pumping session will signal your body to make more, and I think it takes a few days, not weeks. My guess would be that adding more sessions would do your supply more good than going longer at the sessions you already do. FWIW, I despise cleaning pump parts all the time, so I have 3 sets. Some days I still have to hand-wash them for a 4th pumping, but most days I just put all 3 sets in the dishwasher and run it at night so they''re clean for the next day. I''d rather lug around my 3 set of parts than have to sanitize/clean at work. There''s not a lot of privacy and I''d feel it was gross to clean those in front of everyone where people make coffee, etc.

AFM, didn''t get much sleep last night. Claire was up at 11, 1:45, 4:15, 4:45, and 6:00. She''s still refusing solids, so I''m worried about her getting enough calories. I fed her at 1:45 and 4:15 last night, so hopefully that made up for it. Good thing a long weekend is coming up!
OK, so it''s now been two days where Claire has refused her baby food. Maybe I should worry, but it''s OK for a 7 month old to be EBF, right? I assume it''s just because whatever''s not making her feel well is affecting her tummy or mouth. DH thinks maybe she has a bad association with eating now after vomiting.

Can I give her juice? I just want to make sure she''s getting enough calories. I''m glad we have a long weekend coming up because I trust that when I''m with her in person, she''ll get all the calories she needs by nursing. It seems iffier with bottles at daycare.
is anyone else getting 2.0? I''m not....just wondering...

I''m relieved about not being pregnant. We are ready for another one....we were just hoping to start trying after September. We are currently in a two bedroom and would need a three bedroom place and we are looking to move around August/September.

Layney: That was almost Evan''s stats at his 6 month appointment! Either you have a giant or I have peanut! Or, babies just grow at different speeds...
real quick.. i''ll be off for a few days with my mom and sis and nieces.. i''ll have lots - o - stories to share on tuesday ;)


PG - i can''t remember exactly when claire was born.. but i''m pretty sure it was like within a week of c right? anyhoo, c refuses ''food'' on a daily basis. i''m trying not to freak about it - and the ladies here have assured me it''s no big deal since this food is all practice anyway. so i just offer everyday and one day i get an ''on'' day - the next three not so much....

mara - it is evil isn''t it - that maternal instinct and/or short term memory ;) never say never because you NEVER know ;) ;)

have a lovely weekend ladies!

i''ve got a baby pulling on his ears - which *i think* is teething in lieu of an ear infection (b/c it''s still draining everywhere). oh joy!
one issue for another, right??
Date: 5/27/2010 9:06:39 AM
Author: vizsla

i do have a few ''developmental'' questions i''m hoping the older mommies can shed some light on:
1) c has absolutely no desire to ''hold'' his bottle - and he will be 7 months - he will hold his sippy cup, but doesn''t get that he has to tip back his head to drink from it. does this seem like something he should be doing?
2) also, no desire to crawl or even hold himself up on his hands when we do tummy time. he reaches and grabs for things but zero sign of crawling.
3) still no sign of teeth!
4) we are not thru ''first'' foods yet - his appetite is so wonky - when i do offer him food he''s never interested... what to do??
All normal!
my random concern for tonight: at 3 mnths j doesn''t laugh and che "coos" very little. she smiles, makes eye contact, but no laughter and the cooing is quiet and not very frequent. my husband is very quiet, perhaps she''s just going to be as well, but it worries me.
Happy Friday Ladies!

What''s up with all the pics?

Mp-What a cutie, smart hungry bebe!

Amber-What a sweet little lady! I love that outfit!

Here is Diva Jacky sporting her minnie hat!

Here is pic #2

mtjoya - cute!!!

Love her pretty eyes and lips, and those cheeks! She has such a beautiful smile too. That hat is really cute.

Re: pics - I think everybody's probably waiting to see if PS 2.0 is going to kick in or what...since any posts made before the change-over won't appear in the new version. Not sure why it hasn't switched over yet....
Date: 5/28/2010 11:59:25 PM
Author: KimberlyH
my random concern for tonight: at 3 mnths j doesn''t laugh and che ''coos'' very little. she smiles, makes eye contact, but no laughter and the cooing is quiet and not very frequent. my husband is very quiet, perhaps she''s just going to be as well, but it worries me.
I think that is normal too! I don''t think HUnter laughed until much older either.
thanks, dreamer. i should be thrilled with all she does rather then worrying about this, but you know, motherhood and blah blah blah.

vis, have a great weekend.

mt, gorgeous little girl!

j spent most of yesterday eating, sleeping and farting. so lady-like! :)
Kimberly-Thanks, don''t worry! J is almost 4 months and she sometimes coos and "talks" and then goes another week without doing so and then starts up again. She just started to laugh for a little bit and then stopped. I think it''s normal that your bebe is not doing it yet, they are so unpredictable maybe ur bebe will start soon!

Thanks ladies!

Sha-Thanks, I wonder when the new version will be up! They said like a couple of days ago, oh well!
Kimberly-LOL, forgot to say, they are sooo funny when they fart! LOL...J lets them rip so hard, I check if she has ripped her bottoms!
Last night I had one of those little moments with Evan that made me tear up. We put him to bed at 8 just like normal. Around 10 he was crying and screaming...this is unusual for him..I go in to check on him and he is laying across the very very top of the crib just screaming. I pick him up and start soothing and my husband grabs a bottle. I sit down in his dark room and start rocking him and feeding him and he''s instantly calm and he wraps one hand into my shirt and the other he wraps around my finger...and we just sit there in the dark rocking. When he was done with his bottle, he nuzzled his face close to my chest and fell asleep. I couldn''t bear to put him in the crib so we sat like that for 10 minutes...his face nuzzled against my chest and his hand wrapped around my finger......pure joy and happiness. What did I do to get so lucky to be his mommy?
morning PS'ers..!! i keep meaning to post but then i am like oh i'll just wait for 2.0. PSYCH. three days later...

so here i am... the last 2 days i have been fighting a cold, well rather i think i have a cold but it's stayed a little minor so i am just trying to kick it. my mom came to watch J 4 days ago so i could go to a work dinner (G had one too same night) and she was getting sick... i was SO MAD she came to watch him and didnt tell me she was getting sick so i could have decided if i wanted to stay home. anyway she ended up taking airborne and zinc and not getting sick but *I* did! so now I am trying not to get J sick.

anyway last nite he went to bed at 7:30 as normal, i went to bed at 8:30 since i am sick, and he woke up at midnight fussing. i went in and noticed he had a big wet spot near his head, i foggily thought it was strange for him to throw up after 4.5 hours since he last ate, but i gave his paci and he went back to sleep. i went back to bed. he woke up 30 min later and i looked at the monitor in time to see a huge stream of barf come out. so we go get him...he is not crying or anything, just low grade fussing (little moans). i was really concerned, but he seemed fine, all smiley like 'hey this is fun'.... we took his temp, normal. gave him 3oz in a bottle, he ate 2oz, and spit up maybe about 1/2oz. we held him for a while then put him back to sleep, he threw up a little more but not much and then fell asleep. he slept til 7am, no more barf. we fed him and he slept til 10am.

has anyone had that happen where everything seems fine, but random throwup almost 5 hours after eating? he has NEVER done that before, throw up so far afterwards. anyway i was all paranoid because i was sick and also i had a weird stomach ache earlier and diaharrea (TMI) so i was thinking maybe we had some weird stomach bug, but he seems ok now. oh i also wondered if it was the crazy amts of vitamins i was taking to not get sick that affected him through

i'll keep an eye on him..but ugh!! i am so irritated at my mom...irrational maybe but my LAST WEEKEND with him and a long one to boot where we had lots of fun things planned and now i am trying to get better so i can go to WORK and not get my baby sick. ugh ugh ugh.

woe is me. ok enough venting. i really hope he's ok and i get better fast. i slept ~12 hours last nite and almost 11 the night before. come on body!!

anyway... CUTE PICS. i totally want to post one soon.

mtj, J is soo adorable, that first pic is SO Cute.

viz, hope you are having a good wkd and C is doing better!

tao, your story about the night feeding... i totally hear you re: melting sometimes and thinking you are so lucky. J is not that affectionate but sometimes he really is and i just cherish it.

kim, don't worry about the dev items and J being slower... my J hardly ever smiled til almost 8-9 weeks, he would grace us with once in a blue moon but everyone else's babes seemed to do it all the time. now he smiles all the time and giggles like crazy too. i just think babe's do some stuff earlier and some stuff later.

oh and i forgot to mention, J has a tooth! it broke through in his bottom left and is two little white sharp bumps. he's been droolier than usual this week and maybe a little more fussy but nothing crazy, he's such a good boy. and he has been biting his hands like crazy yesterday and we see another little white bump on the bottom middle. so we'll see.
Tao, I have those moments frequently; the other day I told DH I wish I didn''t have to sleep so I could just hold her constantly, he laughed at me. I promise not to post them on FB though, China!

Mara, poor J! Jane has only spit up 4 times and hasn''t ever thrown up, so no words of wisdom. Logically I know kiddos develop at different rates, I just forget that sometimes. She smiles like crazy, she''s just not much of a "cooer" and no giggles as of yet, but I read yesterday they come between 3-4 months typically, and she was early so it will probably take her a bit longer. Hope you feel better.

Went for a long walk yesterday. No big plans today, perhaps tomorrow we''ll venture out for breakfast, a first for us since she was born. She hates the carseat, so not sure how we''ll do this, but we''re going to try.
Kim, it''s definitely just one of those ''babies do things at different times'' things, I''m sure. Jacks was really late to smile, but a few days after I got a smile or two out of him, he started laughing (which was then early) and he was always easy to make laugh. And he was MUCH more of a screacher than a cooer.

Mara, don''t know what''s up with the throwing up. The only times Jacks has thrown up were when he was eating solids and swallowed a piece that was too big, or when he was sick. He used to spit up plenty, and around the clock regardless of when he ate though.

mtj, very cute!

tao, how sweet! When Jacks was sick, he actually let me rock him to sleep for the first time in over 4 months (it was early morning), and instead of even trying to put him down, I just held him. I loved it.

So, I survived leaving Jacks for the night for the first time! I''ve been having trouble sleeping and since Jacks gets up so early (and I always wake up once he''s up and can''t go back to sleep, even if dh gets up with him), I''ve really been craving just a little break. So my mom managed to come down for the weekend, and last night dh and I got a hotel room just to have a night to ourselves, and this afternoon we went to a movie (Iron Man 2, very good!). We had a blast, but the universe must not want me to get caught up on sleep. In the room to one side of us, a baby was crying as we went to sleep and early in the morning. And in the room on the other side, the people came to the room around midnight and were SUPER loud, banging the door multiple times, yelling and laughing, and then put their tv on really loudly. I didn''t end up falling asleep for good until 1:30, and I was up at 6:45, so I''m still super tired. I''m going to head to bed soon I think.

No excited plans for tomorrow, my mom is leaving and dh has to work, but glad dh and I got to spend some quality time together!
Date: 5/27/2010 7:44:14 PM
Author: Sabine
Add Jacks to the list of babies who show no interest in holding his bottle! He actually can for a bit now (dh has him do it the rare occasions he feeds him), but I like holding it for him and not making a mess and making sure he eats continuously, plus I think it will be easier to stop with the bottle if it''s not something he ever really has ''control'' of. He does just fine with any kind of sippy now, so I''m not worried about it.

This is a post I saved from the ''other'' site on sunblock...found it very helpful!!!

It seems everyday someone asks about sunscreen. So I thought I would give my 2 cents since well skin is my profession. I am a dermatology Nurse Practitioner and have been practicing dermatology for 12 years thus I see children and adults everyday in regards to skin, skin cancer etc and this includes being in the know in regards to the safety of sunscreen.

First let me start by saying there is a big difference between Sunscreen and Sunblock

Suncreen is 100% NOT safe for infants under 6 months old. Honestly I would never put sunscreen on my child at any age Period. Sunscreen is a chemical blocker that use simply gets absorbed into the top of the skin in a chemical thus reflecting the suns rays and not allowing them to penetrate. These chemicals however are not safe for infants.

Sunblock is a Physical sunblocker which is 100% safe from the day your child is born up to the very elderly. Sunblock is a product that literally creates a shield on the top of your skin and get absorbed and will block out the harmful rays.

Many companies Mislabel their products calling themselves sunscreen and sunblock interchangebly. You need to look for the active ingredient.

Avobenzont; Homosalate; Octisalate, Octocrylene and Oxybenzone, : ARE CHEMICAL BLOCKERS aka Sunscreen. NEVER use this on your child this is what pediatricians do not want you to use on your children.

Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide as the active ingredients is a PHYSICAL BLOCKER and this is absolutely safe for your child at birth. As noted with the American Academy of Dermatology. THe active ingredients are actually pretty much the same as diaper rash paste.

The key is putting it on 30 minutes before going outside. Physical blockers need time to get absorbed into the top layers of the skin. ALso you must reapply every 2 hours of continuous sun exposure. Long sleeve shirts, wide brim hats and sunglasses are also recommended. They sell bathing suit coverups and bathing suits with a UV protection.

Recommended Sunblocks by the AAD are as Follows:

Neutrogena Sensitive Skin

Neutrogena Pure and Free

Blue Lizard

California Baby

That is pretty much it and its a short list. Most of the issue with sunscreen and babies origionally came from PABA however that is rarely if ever used. The use of chemical sunscreens nowadays can cause your child to develop a contact allergy.

ETA: I am currently a SAHM for the next year or two so I actually have not worked in derm since my daughter was born.

Sorry for the long post, I just found it so informative and helpful!

We figured out that Jacks was definitely suffering from his reflux because I had left the prilosec out overnight a while ago. We got him a new batch, and it''s like having a new baby again.

My dh is not being sentimental at ALL for father''s day...I shot some ideas by him, but he said, can you just buy me x instead (i honestly forget what x is...I''ll have to re-ask him, I was annoyed at the time that he didn''t want anything sentimental). We''ll be getting ready to move right around then, so I guess it''s good that I won''t have to plan something big.

And has ps 2.0 up for anyone? It''s definitely not for me!

Sabine, thanks for the info! I will be having an October baby but our winters tend to be VERY sunny but cool so I know I will need to sunblock the baby.

I am a little confused and sorry if this has already been answered...but you have a daughter? I always thought just a son. Sorry if this was insensitive in some way.
Allie, nope, you were right, just a son! That whole post was copy and pasted from something someone else posted on another baby site, and I had bookmarked it because I found it so helpful and then pasted it here when people were asking about sunscreen.
ok this PS2.0 thing is kind of funny now. plus no one is posting!!!

anyway my quickie update... J was fine yesterday, and i took him to my friend''s pool, first time ever in the water and he loved it. she got the best picture of him, so i am posting it here for my BPF.

and i put the sunblock on him and he seemed fine. i got the neutrogena pure and free baby.

oh and i know i said throw up but maybe it was spitup, how do you tell the diff? it was just a lot and it was 4-5 hours later which again has never happened before. it was so odd.

he IS teething and has been a little mucousy too (allergies) so who knows maybe it was just a minor stomach upset. everything seems more worrying at midnight, yanno.

we have his 4 month shots tomorrow, i can''t wait to see how he grew and also hope he does well with his shots.

happy memorial day all. we had a friends BBQ but they just cancelled it, kinda weird, so we are going to bbq with a few people who were going to go. it''s beautiful and sunny here..yay..finally!! THIS is why we pay the crazy CA taxes!

happy baby pool sm.jpg
Mara, J is getting so big! He''s adorable :)

Happy Memorial Day, Everyone!!!!
Awww Mara....J is so squishy and adorable!!! Look at that little chinny-chin!
He's getting so big. Is he really teething already? Wow. Teething really varies, eh? I was sitting next to a lady in church who was there with her little 8 month old granddaughter, who was just getting her first tooth, same as Dalila. Dalila's second tooth is also beginning to poke through. I feel excited that she's growing up...yet sad.
It's all going by so fast. Soon she won't want to sit on my lap for cuddles....
Honestly, I think I can now understand why people have lots of children. It's like as soon as they start growing up you get that yearning for 'just one more'.

I get all ga-ga over babies now too.
All of them! It's funny....I hardly looked or cared about them much before...even though I'm a maternal sort of person. It's strange. My friend is bringing her 2 month old baby by work in a minute and I just can't wait to see and hold him.

I agree that is PS 2.0 thing is getting strange. All of these new posts that won't make it through..... Hm.

Hope you guys in the U.S have a good holiday!
thanks sunkist... he is growing SO fast!!

sha..YES he is teething! my poor baby. and yes it totally makes me feel like wow where is the time going??? he is pretty early i think, he is just 4 months end of last week!

on his bottom left he has three little white bumps that have broken through the skin, they are sharp edged to the feel and i can see another little white bump under the gum in the middle bottom.

up until this morning they have not seemed to bother him too much, but this morning he had fits of screaming and chewing like crazy on his hand. a cold washcloth didn''t help. so we finally gave him a teething tablet after feeding him and put him down for a nap after rocking him a little til he was pretty mellow. he just moaned to himself for a while (does anyone else''s LO do this? it''s like a repetitive low rythymic sound that i think he does to calm himself), mouth closed, with paci in and eventually fell asleep. he''s slept for over 1.5 hours now, i don''t want to wake him but i also don''t want him sleeping too much, poor thing.

and with shots tomorrow, yikes. teething and shots. i am WFH, last day, tomorrow and i am so glad. i hope wed he is not feeling too will be hard to be at work.

i also think it''s maybe good he started rejecting the boob a few weeks ago cuz now that he is getting teeth, yikes!

hope everyone is enjoying their day!

oh and PG i meant to say that i have read it is fine for babies to be EBF or exist solely on milk or formula til 1 year old. solids are a nice to have IMO but if she is getting enough milk then she is totally fine...i personally wouldn''t give her juice if she is drinking milk or formula ok, i wouldn''t want to give empty calories with no real nutrition behind them.
Mara how old is J now? When Hunter hit about 3/4 months he spit up ALL THE TIME all day long. It was so gross
Lasted about 6-8 weeks? It is just spit up when they have no other bad symptoms and the got *barf* and are totally not bothered or upset about it. We have some hilarious videos. The dogs loved it... blech!!! Basically we had bibs on him all the time and then after a feeding, when it was most likely to happen, we carried him with a spit cloth. The valve that closes the tummy takes a while to fuly develop so when they get older and start drinking more they spit up more. We just fed as usualy and ignored it, but man it was gross.
That pic of J is soooooo cute. You need to get it blown up and frame it!!! Good luck on the teething. I know it can be a PITA, hoping you find what works for J. I have read here about teething tablets, well we surely didn''t have anything like that back in the day. Do they work??
Date: 5/31/2010 4:54:54 PM
Author: dreamer_d
Mara how old is J now? When Hunter hit about 3/4 months he spit up ALL THE TIME all day long. It was so gross
Lasted about 6-8 weeks? It is just spit up when they have no other bad symptoms and the got *barf* and are totally not bothered or upset about it. We have some hilarious videos. The dogs loved it... blech!!! Basically we had bibs on him all the time and then after a feeding, when it was most likely to happen, we carried him with a spit cloth. The valve that closes the tummy takes a while to fuly develop so when they get older and start drinking more they spit up more. We just fed as usualy and ignored it, but man it was gross.
This is exactly Evan. The pedi just said as long as they are gaining weight, it is just more of a hassle (changing them and cleaning them constantly) than anything else. We just have E in his diaper or onesie around the house most of the time, and if we go out it is a bib the whole time! The ped also said it peaks around 4 months. Can't wait for him to grow out of it!
J is just 4 months as of a few days ago. He actually has had light reflux since about 2 months if not a little earlier so we are used to him spitting up after eating, usually more about an hour after eating or sometimes ~2 hours afterwards. But he DOESNT spit up at night which is so interesting...we also give him rice cereal in his bottle to help since 2 months and I assumed that''s why he didn''t spit up at night so the other night when he did, it was really out of the ordinary for him. Some days now he will go without spitting up at all-- I think it is allergy related as the days he does spit up now it''s usually really phlegmy.

and Yup...we keep bibs on him esp if it''s a cute outfit we want him to wear all day...haha. I will be so happy when that stops because sometimes I am like whats the point of dressing him if he has a BIB on all day over it! Esp since most bibs aren''t solid nice colors--they are always like primary colors with patterns or sayings hehee. So most days I just put a tshirt on him though he is getting better thankfully.

LOL dreamer re :the dogs liking it-- P sniffs it then walks away.

I just got back from Carters where I used my coupon -- I saved $20 and got 2 outfits for a preggo gf and about 12 things in 9 and 12 months for J! It was great!
I know Mela doesn''t post here anymore but today is her gorgeous Romy''s birthday so a big Happy Birthday to him!!!

I love all the baby pics! They''re wonderful!!

MTJ-you have such a beautiful little girl!!! Mara-that photo of J is just too much! Love it!

So tomorrow Sophia will be 11 months old. We have 31 more days until she turns one
. Incredible. I am so amazed by her every day, especially now. I''m so excited to see what''s in store over the next few months with her. She''s growing so fast! Her new thing is to repeat things we say. This weekend I was trying to get my brother''s dog to sleep so I would say "Hayden...Bed" while pointing to the bed. I was holding Sophia so she started going "beh" and pointing at the same time. So cute. I also say "oh wow" whenever I''m pointing out something cute to her and now she says it whenever she finds something interesting. She loves to "read" and will flip through pages of her books before she goes after her toys. She blows kisses and gives hugs when you ask for one. She''s so much fun

It''s weird to me to think about the moment that I found out I was preggers and how I was just NOT happy about it. Now I look at her and can''t understand why I would ever think I would not be happy. She''s a bundle of happiness (although today she did make me re-evaluate my strong desire to be a SAHM
Fiery: I''m going to miss you when you jump to the other thread
I hope you will still find the time to come over here and post a bit.

Mara and Mtj: Super cute pictures.

We all have such happy babies in the pictures...they all look like little Angels. We should all post a picture of them having a melt down just to remind us that it isn''t always sunshine and rainbows with our little ones!