
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Oh thank goodness. I was thinking...jeez how dense am I? To completely miss that you had a WHOLE other child :)
Tao, I looked through my pics and I don''t have any of Jacks having a meltdown after like 2-3 months. He still has them, they just aren''t cute anymore
. I''ll have to try to take a pic, but he''s so mobile now that usually his tantrums involve me trying to change his diaper or trying to hold him when he wants down.

And speaking of...any tips on diaper changing a mobile baby? Up until a few days ago he had been fine...sometimes he''d squirm a bit, but if I gave him something to play with, he''d be fine. Now, he starts trying to turn over to his belly and crawl off the changing pad as SOON as I turn him down, and I really can''t hold him down and change the diaper at the same time. I''ve tried changing him on the floor, given him every toy imaginable to hold, even tried changing him in front of the tv in hopes to keep him still, but nothing is working! We had a very messy poopy diaper changing this morning and I''m getting quite frustrated...
Hi everyone,

I have been almost totally off of PS for the last several weeks sincce Connor was born - I can''t believe that he''s already 5 weeks old! He is so much cuter now than he was when he was born & all bruised, so I''ll try to post a pic on BPF.

He is such a different baby than Andrew was - he just can''t get enough to eat, and he is SO BIG! He was born at nearly 10 pounds, and he''s already almost into size 2 diapers - which Andrew couldn''t fit into until he was crawling :) He also wants to be held all the time, so I''m really using my mei tai wrap & Baby Bjorn, which I only used a couple of times with Andrew.

Connor''s been sleeping OK as long as I put him in the swing - he actually slept for a 6 hour stretch the other night, which was great, but more often I''ll get 2 4-hour stretches during the night. Which is why, now that he''s sleeping more, I finally have the brain power to get on PS again :)

Mara, regarding building your milk supply, I''m having the same issues. With my 3 year old, I don''t have tons of time to pump (I mostly pump & bottle feed, since we are still having latch problems). So, I went from pumping 7 times a day to only about 4, and my supply has gone down, so I''ve been supplementing with formula. These past couple of days, though, I''ve been getting serious about increasing my supply, and here''s what''s been working for me:

Lactation Support capsules from Whole Foods - they contain fenugreek, blessed thistle, and fennel, and I think they are helping.

Eating a bowl of oatmeal every morning and also barley. They are said to increase milk production.

Drinking a Guinness every night to increase milk production. In Europe everyone does this, and it''s worked for me with both of my boys.

That, and I''m trying to pump more frequently. If it''s possible, you should try to pump once in the middle of the night. Prolactin levels are highest at night, and I find that I will get much during that pump and the next day if I pump at night, but it''s such a drag that I often skip the 2 am pumping session :p

Sabine, I hate it too when they squirm like that on the changing table. When Andrew starting doing that, I just leaned on him with a bunch of my body weight and strength, knowing that he wouldn''t break, if nothing else worked. That phase will pass, though!

Sorry I''m not caught up with everyone - I just had time to skim the last couple of pages. Hope you are all doing well, and all the baby pics I saw were adorable!
hi all.

sabine, i have no tips since duct tape isn''t a viable option.

tao, i have meltdown pictures. her aunt bought her a st. patty''s day outfit that will probably fit next year. had to try it on her anyways. the hat sent her over the edge. my dad called me cruel (this is a man whogot upset that i was going to walk j to my cousins'' w/o a blanket in 65 degree weather, it''s 500 ft. from their house, at most).


i think we''re headed out of the 3 mnth growth spurt. j hasn''t been sleeping much these past few days and has been fussy for her, which isn''t much but more than normal. last night she went back to only waking once between 8:30 and 6:00.

going to visit my old work today (my sub job, not the consulting job). i''ve been holding off to keep her from germy kids, but school ends next week so i need to go. will be fun to see everyone.
Quick question to those of you with more than one kid - how on earth do you find the time to nurse or pump with older kids around to attend to?

When Andrew was born, I had nothing to do but sit around for the first 3 months with my boob in his mouth. Now I''m lucky if I can fit in a 15 minute pumping session while Andrew''s awake, and I really only have the time/patience to try to nurse Connor at night.

Any tips/tricks for keeping your older kids occupied while you''re nursing?

Also, did any of you BF for as long with your second kid? I nursed Andrew for 3 months, but already the routine is getting old with Connor, since it''s such a time-suck. Originally I wanted to try to nurse Connor for 6 months, but now I''ll feel happy if we make it to 3 ...
Kim~have fun visiting your old school. I''m sure everyone will love J!! When I took T and K to see my students I had a "look but don''t touch" rule.

Vesper~I only BFed my first for 6 weeks (she had intolerances we couldn''t figure out) and I''m on 4 months with K. It can be a time suck for sure. I didn''t pump at all in the early weeks with K because with pumping and bottle feeding it was just too much time and K is an efficient nurser. While I nursed I would read books with my older or color or do puzzles-she just sat next to me. She is also really good at entertaining herself so a lot of times I would just say "mommy needs to feed K do you want to go play?" and she''d go play with her dolls or something until I was done. Now I am pumping/bottle feeding during the day (he started to refuse boob which was actually kind of a relief) but I''m kind of a super producer and only have to pump twice a day to get enough milk so I pump when she is down for her nap and after she goes to bed. I don''t think you should worry about it and pump as much as you can and supplement when you need to. At least he''s still getting some BM, you know?
Date: 6/2/2010 9:26:53 AM
Author: Sabine
Tao, I looked through my pics and I don''t have any of Jacks having a meltdown after like 2-3 months. He still has them, they just aren''t cute anymore
. I''ll have to try to take a pic, but he''s so mobile now that usually his tantrums involve me trying to change his diaper or trying to hold him when he wants down.

And speaking of...any tips on diaper changing a mobile baby? Up until a few days ago he had been fine...sometimes he''d squirm a bit, but if I gave him something to play with, he''d be fine. Now, he starts trying to turn over to his belly and crawl off the changing pad as SOON as I turn him down, and I really can''t hold him down and change the diaper at the same time. I''ve tried changing him on the floor, given him every toy imaginable to hold, even tried changing him in front of the tv in hopes to keep him still, but nothing is working! We had a very messy poopy diaper changing this morning and I''m getting quite frustrated...
Sabine, I was just going to come on and ask the same question. I pretty much had a meltdown last night when I was changing E''s diaper, as he was trying to crawl away with poop all over himself. I had to stand him up and wipe him that way. Thankfully it was not too big of a poop, but he crawled away from me the other day with it all up his back. E also tries to climb out of the tub while I give him a bath. This mobility thing is killing me. I told DH last night that I have not been this tired and frustrated since E was a newborn.
Mornin'' ladies

Piper is KILLING ME. She has started waking up multiple times a night lately, getting progressively more angry the longer I let her fuss. She has even started to wake up at 10pm or 11:30, which is SO not like her. Usually she''s a wake once at the most gal. Is there a 27 week growth spurt or something?? She has been rolling over in her crib and getting pissed off about it, but the one wakeup was when I''d feed her and right her back to her back, where she''d stay until the wakeup. Now for some reason she can''t seem to stay asleep! Help! Last night she was up at 10, at 2, 3, 4 and finally up for good at 5:52. This SUCKS.

She has also learned to sit up in her crib (she looks like a zombie rising), and has started pushing herself to her knees when she''s on her tummy, maybe it''s a milestone thing? She found something new and wanted to practice at night? I dunno, but it SUCKS. I''m exhausted!

Also: Piper hates avocado! I just mashed it up for her with a little water to make it thinner. What did you avo-mommies do it it? She loves peas, though.
Argh just lost my post (my fault).

Sabine and So Cal- O totally does this but has been doing it so long I''ve forgotten what it''s like for him to just lie still. You get used to it and develop octopus arms. I can pretty much change him while he''s on all fours or standing up. Not sure I have any real tricks but here''s what I do to MINIMIZE it.

1. Ignore him. He twists, turns, tries to crawl off, grab his diaper, the diaper cream, tries to flip off the side, screams bloody murder. I focus on what I''m doing and just flip him back over, take things out of his hands, whatever I need to do and just keep on. He doesn''t "win" and has to have his diaper changed. No matter what he does, he gets turned back over and I keep diapering.

2. Keep a special toy or something that he doesn''t get to play with anywhere else by the changing pad and give it to him only when he''s getting his diaper changed. Distract him with the toy or a song or something. This works about half the time.

3. Pin him down. I lean over him and put my elbow on the other side of his tummy so he''s "pinned" under me. Not hard, it doesn''t hurt him, but he can''t flip over. He has his hands free and can play with or pull my hair or whatever, but he can''t flip over and he can''t reach his diaper area (another obstacle).

4. Sometimes it''s a 2 man job and I have to yell to DH to hold him down. Obviously you both have to be home to do this.

You''ll get used to it and become a master at doing it fast and doing it while he''s moving.
Amber- Is she teething or something? O did this like 2 nights in a row, and I thought I was going to die and I was so worried it was just his new routine. But he was just teething and after 2 nights went back to his old routine. Btw, O reacts to teething BEFORE you actually see the tooth, when it's trying to break the skin is when he hurts the most.

Could it be her tummy? What does she do when you go in there? O would go back to sleep, but only on me and only if I was sitting up.

ETA: Avocado- I just mashed some on his tray and let him "play" with it. Now I just feed it to him in small chunks not mixed with anything. But I didn't give it to him until he'd been eating other stuff for awhile. Only b/c I forgot about it. She may just not like the taste.
DD is very good at playing by herself, so sometimes she''ll play in her room while I nurse DS in our room. Other times, I just nurse DS in her room while she is playing, and I''ll talk to her. It''s the same with pumping, though I rarely pump at home. I should add that she did wanted me to play when I was nursing in the beginning, but I explained to her that I can''t play because I am feeding her baby brother. It hasn''t been an issue for us since.
Tao-Here are two pics, the first one is her starting to get mad. Very serious face!

This one is her mad and crying! ugh! she still looks cute!

the visit went great. she did so well in the car both ways, hooray!

burk, i only let the kiddos who wanted to touch her feet. they''re autistic and most were afraid of her. one ran out of the room screaming "no baby" when we arrived.

so nice to see my friends, i miss my coworkers and the kids. jane napped for about 45 mins in the back of a classroom with me holding her. she''s back to sleep now and i''m ready for a nap. i managed ti clean the living room before she woke up, need to do bathroom and floors, but am thinking it can wait.
vesper like the other mommies with more than 1 kid, my little guy LOVES to entertain himself. and i usually nurse in B''s playroom so i can keep an eye on him. i usually pump when the kids are napping and before bed and when i wake up. but that said, i only nurse N 3 times a day...1 in the morning when he wakes up which is usually 3 hours after i get up, the afternoon and before bed. and i pump 3 times but 2 of the 3 times, both kids are sleeping.
China: that's it EXACTLY! She will go back down, but only if I hold her and only if I sit straight backed or stand with her head on my shoulder. I suppose it could be teething. She eats her cereal and single stage 1 veggie at 6pm, bath at 7, bedtime by 7:30. Wonder what else it could be?
Hmmm. Well it could be teething or her just not feeling well... or it could be the dreaded she''s getting up because she knows you''ll hold her and of course she''d rather be all warm and snuggly with you!

I am a bit paranoid about this happening and am always torn between wanting to comfort him if he''s not feeling well versus not wanting him to get any ideas about getting up every night!

What I would do is give her a few nights to see if it resolves itself. Once past the newborn stage, O rarely wakes up in the middle of the night so if he does I tend to think it''s for a reason. He usually goes back to normal within a night or two.

Does she show any signs of teething or not feeling well?

O definitely drooled more and chewed on his hands and was generally a bit more fussy than usual. BUT he was perfectly happy during the days and kept napping well, it was just at night that he needed extra comforting. Of course.
China, her schedule is totally normal otherwise (pooping, eating and the like) and her attitude is the same, if not MORE cheerier during the day. She''s not taking too many naps (about three a day each one 45 minutes or more), either. Hm, she IS chewing on a lot of things, drooly, tugs on her ear a bit, which is kind of normal since she''s tugged on her ear since she could work her hands). She is chewing on her pacifier now that she doesn''t use it, she bites down on it. She also chews fingers and blankets. This weekend I tried to make her take a nap because she was visibly exhausted and we tried to make her cry it out- MAN that was a massive fail!! I think you''re right, I''ll give it a few more days then see if I need to treat it more as a new routine. She''s also a once a night waker at MOST, so this is way different, she didn''t even wake up this much when she was a newborn!!
Amber, she totally sounds like she''s teething. Take a peek at her gums and see if you notice anything, but the excessive drooling and chewing sort of gives it away
At least if it''s teething you know it will end eventually! I hope she does better tonight.

I have a meltdown picture, though it really isn''t a true meltdown - he was mad because I took the pacifier out of his mouth when I tried to get a picture the first time I wore him in the Bjorn. He loved it once I put the paci back in, and I was able to clean the kitchen. Double score.

Loving the melt down pictures!

Here is one of Evan flipping out because he wanted to eat.

Date: 6/2/2010 8:58:05 PM
Author: taovandel
Loving the melt down pictures!

Here is one of Evan flipping out because he wanted to eat.

LOL! He looks like he wants to fly out of that chair.
lol the pics are great..! the babies are still adorable even when PO''d.

when j is made he gets SUPER red and makes a horrible face. my sister calls it ''the ugly face''. and he looks like he''s holding his breath too. crazy man.

i am totally behind today... it was my first day back at the office and ugh i certainly forgot how chaotic it is. so many meetings and i didn''t even have time to work out, i just grabbed a sandwich from our cafe in between meetings! and i could only find time to pump at 3. whew! i came home at 4:30 though since i was on calls with europe at home this morning at 7am!

it wasn''t too bad being away from J but i kept wondering what he was doing, my sister sent me the world''s cutest photos of him which made me really miss him. when i got home he was napping and then when he woke up he was sunny for all of 5 seconds then cranky til bedtime--typical for late afternoon/evening. it bums me out to think i only get his crabby times for 5 days in a row ...!!

we also had J''s 4 month appt yesterday and some of you gals already know this but he''s a giant babe! he is 14lbs 8oz and 26.5 inches...95% for length! i took him out of the car seat and the nurse said he looked like a 6 month old.
no wonder his onesies are all giving him camel toe.

also our pedi is so funny, she said solids anytime we wanted to, she said he was SO SUPER STRONG she could just laugh when she was testing him...he basically almost pulls himself up if you hold his hands and he''s in a laying down position.

oh one other thing she said that made me laugh is that we shouldn''t go to him if he cries at night. she said to just ''bink him and walk out''... it took me a few min to realize she meant pacifier. and when i asked about the paci being a habit and when to wean him she goes ''oh when he''s about 5 years old'' haha. that is actually what i do anyway (bink him and walk out) but it was funny to hear her say we shouldn''t do anything else.

i love her because she''s old school and so matter of fact. it''s nothing like ''oh well if he is ready for solids'' or ''well you can tell if he is ready by''...she is like ''yeah he''s ready have fun and just make sure to feed him some plums or prunes or else he will never poo again.'' hahaa. she''s refreshing.

kim, so great you took J in to see your kids! i took J to see my mom''s kids last week and of course everyone wanted to crowd around and breath on him. and a few kids touched him before i could squeal--but when i did i was like DONT TOUCH HIM. then my mom paraded him around all her coworkers and one was touching him and wanted to hold him. i am not a real freak about that stuff with people i know but with strangers i am like seriously i don''t know your general hygiene habits..!!! but i let her hold him. and we joked that we needed a purell mist to put him and portia through on our way out hehe. of course the next day is when i started feeling sick so HMM. but thankfully he was ok.

vesper, earlire when i was trying to build supply i would drink a Lambic at night, oatmeal in the mornings and the MM tea from whole foods. i think it all worked but i felt like you had to be super religious about it and honestly now i am totally over it since J is 4 months. i just don''t have the mental wherewithal to be all devoted about upping it anymore. i am like..great he''s getting 15oz a day in BM and the rest in formula, fabulous. i just want to make it to 6 months now with ''some BM'' in his diet. my first goal was 4 months and he''s that now.

sorry this is so mecentric but i''m tired and have to pump then bed!!
The bebe pics are so kute! I love them! lol! J gets super fuming and pissed when she doesn''t get her food asap! Lil Diva!

Mara-Everyone thinks that J is 6months hehe! She is a big girl! Glad that your J is doing great!
Just wanted to pop back in and say thanks for all of the *bringing home baby* clothing suggestions. I think we''ll just keep it pretty simple.

and love. love. love. all the pictures.
Hi ladies!

I haven''t been posting updates or responding because I keep thinking PS will disappear!

The meltdown pics are awesome!! haha I have a recent one of S but it''s on my phone which is at home. Boo.

We had to do a little CIO last night. Sophia sttn and once she''s asleep, not much wakes her up. Previously she had no problems falling to sleep either but now she fights it with everything she has. She started doing this about a month ago and it slowly started getting worse. It went from needing a couple of pats on her back, to rubbing her back for a few minutes, and finally to being held which I was not going to do.

So last night I gav her a little bear, turned on her projector and left the room. She cried for 9 minutes and then got quiet. So I went in to check and she was sitting, playing with her bear. She took one look at me and lost it. Stupid Mommy! So I calmed her down and walked out again but at that point I felt so bad that I just went back in and sat next to her crib. It was so pathetic. She was on her knees touching my face and staring at me with big puppy eyes
. Once she calmed down, I helped her lay down and she fell asleep but would periodically wake up and glance over to see if I was still there. I''m going to do that again tonight and slowly make my way over to the door.

Re diaper changes: we are going through the same thing here. I''ve learned to wipe a moving booty and how to put her diaper while she is standing up
. For poopy diapers, I hold her legs up and when she starts to try to turn I firmly say no and fix her. If she''s being a real PITB, I''ll call over FI.
Hey all.

Another terrible night. This time she slept until 12:45, then woke up hourly until before five, when she stayed up for good. I''m going to stop giving her peas just because it''s one thing I can control- and she really started sleeping badly around the time I gave them to her. Also- the big issue is the fact that she doesn''t STAY asleep. She wakes and rolls around, and ends up on her tummy- which she hates- or she winds up hitting the crib bars (I am SO wanting a regular bumper, those mesh ones do not cushion for a head hitting it). I don''t even know what to do. I''m exhausted and frustrated and she''s driving me crazy.
Amber, I would put the old bumper back. P seems to be able to move around quite easily and get away from danger, AND she obviously has no problem letting you know when she is PO'd about something. Both of those are my pre-req's for putting J's bumper back and I can't wait til we can. He always moves over to the slats and then ends up either horizontal across the crib or right next to the slat and either way he bangs his head or face into it. And those breathable bumper things suck for any head protection. He ends up waking up pissed because of the slats.

I know that I will still worry but if he was more mobile (aka unswaddled which he isnt yet) then I wouldn't worry as much because he also has no prob letting me know when he's in a situation he can't get out of and PO'd. Plus it seems like lately his sleep is not as deep after the first 3-4 hours anymore..he may not wake up all the time but I can see him moving around in the monitor a lot more than he used to and 'earlier' than he used to.

The other night he slept his regular 12 hours but last nite he got up at 3am and 5am and both times I paci'd him and left and he was fine. At 7am he wanted up--I was crying inside for 15 more min of sleep, I know it's so sad but now that I am back at the office it's like EVERY MINUTE COUNTS. So I fed him and put him back down. I think also he is wanting to be unswaddled we might try starting the process this wkd.

Does anyone else's LO like to sleep with a ton of crap around their faces? When we nap him, we give him 2 blankets now because he gathers them all up around his head and sleeps in a cocoon of blankets. I don't worry about him for naps because someone is always up and checking the monitor to make sure we can see things are ok. But at night I wouldn't do this becuase I'd be too stressed. When we unswaddle at night, we'll move to sleep sack and I just hope he likes it. I still sleep with the blankets up around my face too, so maybe it's genetic hehe.

Fiery...awww S is soo cute. Is it wrong to hope that J goes through something like that too just so he will actually ACT like he needs me?? I swear the boy could give anyone a complex. I am always feeling like 'does he really know me, does he really love me'... since he's not that affectionate. And now that by the time I come home, he's cranky since it's end of day, I feel like I will never get to see his sweet smiles again. I know, woe is me, every Mom prob goes through this when they return to work.

re: mobile baby diapering, you guys are scaring me!! Are you all still using changing tables? Since J is so long he seems like he will outgrow his within the next 3 months, it's only like 30 long I think and I am wondering where we move to change him then???

oh and my early confession is that from time to time when J wakes up at night and does his little whiney moan thing, my heart of steel realizes it would be so friggin super hard to let him do real CIO...and I hope I never have to. it's one thing when he is screaming and PO'd because i know he's MAD, actually that I am ok with because hey we all get mad sometimes! But it's when he sounds all small and sad that I really want to go and hug him. But I try to never pick him up from the crib at night..unless something is really wrong (aka that weird barfy night) since I don't want him to start to want that. But it's so hard sometimes.
Date: 6/3/2010 11:17:06 AM
Author: Mara

re: mobile baby diapering, you guys are scaring me!! Are you all still using changing tables? Since J is so long he seems like he will outgrow his within the next 3 months, it''s only like 30 long I think and I am wondering where we move to change him then???
Mara - I have been changing E on the floor for a couple of months now. In his room I put the changing pad that was on the table down on the floor, and downstairs I removed the changing table from the Pack N Play and change him on that on the floor. As for the length, his growth will slow down, so he probably won''t outgrow the changing pad too soon. E was 26" at his 4 month appointment, and I think he is only about 28-29" now, at 8 months. So you''ve still got some time that you can use the changing table for J.
I changed O in his crib for the longest time until I had to lower it. Also, changing him on a bed is much easier for some reason, less afraid of him falling off while wriggling.

Amber- Ugh that sucks. So sorry!!! If it makes you feel any better, O got up at 4 am last night and wouldn''t go back to sleep. I seriously cannot remember the last time he didn''t sleep through the night- a few months ago when he was teething? EVERY time I say he sleeps well on this thread, that very night he wakes up. I should learn my lesson!
I normally would have let him cry in his crib for a bit and put himself back to sleep (once I got up and knew that nothing was wrong) but we have house guests and I didn''t want them kept up by O''s screeching. He did go back to sleep from 6:30 to 7:30.
Tonight they can just deal. That''s what you get if you stay at a house with a baby!!!!

Can you tell if something''s wrong or if she just wants to play?
Today is the last day of school!!
I really shouldn''t be on PS and instead working on my grades but oh well I''m just so happy for summer break!

LOVE the meltdown pics. I should see if I can find one of K and post tomorrow.

Amber~Sorry about your sleep issues. K is not a great sleeper and it is no fun (especially becaus eI compare to T who was a great sleeper). I would guess teething. Maybe try some teething tablets or tylenol before you put her down for the night?

Mara~K LOVES to hold his blankets by his face when he sleeps! During the day I let him and many times when he won''t go to sleep all I need to do is cover his head with a blanket and bounce him for a minute. Weirdo. We did our first night "woombie free" last night and since his hands were free I was really wishing I could give him a blanket to hold but was too scared!

China~sorry for the rough night!!

fiery~Sorry Sophia has decided she doesn''t like sleep!
I think it''s a phase most babies go through. My T was a sleep terror (after being AMAZING for so long) from 17-18 months. Miserable. But now she''s if K would just get with the program!!