
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

charger - we looked into cord blood banking, but it was so pricey and we didn''t do it. we asked at the hospital about public banking but our hospital didn''t participate in that.

mere - what consistency is the spit up? is it fresh milk? or more mucus like with a sour smell? also, does he cramp and cry in addition to the spit up? our ped recommended not laying e down flat for an hour after feeding. he also recommended inclining her crib. also, we work hard at burping her.. and patting harder than you may think is necessary.
mara, it''s so sweet that ppl are excited to meet her, but my job to keep them at bay when necessary, hard to do sometimes. my mom insisted j wasn''t tired yesterday when i knew she was, but i didn''t want to take her because we were leaving soon and my mom was upset, low and behold she was a fuss monster ten mins later. imagine that, i know my kid! ha ha

china, i hope the work situation ends up being favorable. thanks for the supportive words. i couldn''t pull over where we were, unsafe neighborhoods, and i felt so helpless. i got out of the car, got j out of her carseat and stood in the middle of the street crying, a hormones, or the maternal gene that makes it impossible to hear our baby cry and not be able to fix it. i felt so horrible for her, with spitup on her face; if i''d known she spit up, which she never does, i would have pulled over no matter what, which made me feel even worse. bleh.

burk, k sounds like a real mover. j loves to stand, she looks so proud when she does, it''s so cute.

fiery, sophia gets more and more beautifu


j ate for the fourth time and is now back to sleep. she''s stopped fussing, played for quite a bit this morning but looks like she pulled an all-nighter. her hair is even standing straight up on her head and messy everywhere else. so funny.
Date: 5/26/2010 1:45:09 PM
Author: cdt1101
Date: 5/26/2010 1:39:16 PM

Author: fiery

Just a quick hello again now that I''m finally by myself in my FREEZING room.

It is really hard to put a baby to sleep when you are in a hotel room. We decided that from now on, we are only going to stay in bedroom suites. It''s not a big deal once she''s asleep because nothing really wakes her (we watch TV once she''s asleep and have the lights on with no problem). It''s just the falling asleep that''s the issue.

Speaking of being preggo, I am TERRIFIED at the idea of another baby. Sophia is a slice of heaven. Even when she gets her teeth in, she doesn''t give me that much trouble. Her top two teeth finally broke through but we only had one night of crying. She hasn''t cried or complained since then. I feel like the second won''t be this easy. It can''t be. We aren''t that lucky lol.

Anyway, one of our major suppliers is hosting a huge event tonight at a theme park that we are really excited to go to. Free entrance, free alcohol, free food, lots of rides, no lines, it''ll be awesome.

Hope you ladies are doing well. I''m catching up with everyone via email so I''ll be ready to not be a selfish poster next week heehee

I''m terrified of this too! Lex is SUCH an easy baby, and champion sleeper that there is just NO way I''ll get this lucky the second time around. I just have to prepare myself for the worst at this point

Tao and Sha - I hope you both get the news you''d prefer

Amber - It''s a GREAT idea to have your mom take Piper for a bit. You need a break everyone once in DESERVE it!

Puffy has 2 easy kids and great can happen.
I, on the other hand, had a great sleeper in T but K is a whole different story. He is a lot easier in general,though-probably because we knew he''d have the same issues as T and were prepared.
Date: 5/26/2010 2:07:16 PM
Author: Burk

Date: 5/26/2010 1:45:09 PM
Author: cdt1101

Date: 5/26/2010 1:39:16 PM

Author: fiery

Just a quick hello again now that I'm finally by myself in my FREEZING room.

It is really hard to put a baby to sleep when you are in a hotel room. We decided that from now on, we are only going to stay in bedroom suites. It's not a big deal once she's asleep because nothing really wakes her (we watch TV once she's asleep and have the lights on with no problem). It's just the falling asleep that's the issue.

Speaking of being preggo, I am TERRIFIED at the idea of another baby. Sophia is a slice of heaven. Even when she gets her teeth in, she doesn't give me that much trouble. Her top two teeth finally broke through but we only had one night of crying. She hasn't cried or complained since then. I feel like the second won't be this easy. It can't be. We aren't that lucky lol.

Anyway, one of our major suppliers is hosting a huge event tonight at a theme park that we are really excited to go to. Free entrance, free alcohol, free food, lots of rides, no lines, it'll be awesome.

Hope you ladies are doing well. I'm catching up with everyone via email so I'll be ready to not be a selfish poster next week heehee

I'm terrified of this too! Lex is SUCH an easy baby, and champion sleeper that there is just NO way I'll get this lucky the second time around. I just have to prepare myself for the worst at this point

Tao and Sha - I hope you both get the news you'd prefer

Amber - It's a GREAT idea to have your mom take Piper for a bit. You need a break everyone once in DESERVE it!

Puffy has 2 easy kids and great can happen.
I, on the other hand, had a great sleeper in T but K is a whole different story. He is a lot easier in general,though-probably because we knew he'd have the same issues as T and were prepared.
Puffy gives me hope
Lex is very easy, go w/ the flow kind of kid, but he is SUPER active. Like does.not.sit.still. So he's a "handful" in that sense. But he makes up for it by sleeping 12+ hours at night
I'm actually really looking forward to finding out the "personality" of baby #2, but a little scared as well!
Don''t want to alarm you, but I have TWO that do. not. sit. still!
Kade is 3 months old and refuses to be held like a "baby"
He must be standing/jumping at all times. T was the same way....which led to early crawler, early walker, you get the picture. I know once K is actually mobile I''m going to have my hands full (hey, maybe I''ll finally get to pre-preggo weight! ha ha). So worth it, though!
Burk - I''ll take active if he/she sleeps
Crazy thing though is that Lex did everything early but walk?? He''ll be 1 next week and no steps yet. He''s been crawling since 5 1/2 months and started standing/cruising at 7 months!! I think his legs are so chubby they''re holding him back
cdt~Maybe he just knows how fast he can be crawling so he doesn''t want to slow himself down! T was cruising by 8 months but didn''t actually walk full time until closer to 11 months-I think because like I mentioned she didn''t want to be slowed down. She slept 12 hours by 3 months....K has yet to give me more than 8 hours!
Granted, he is HUGE and just wakes to nurse and goes right back it''s 10-15 minutes once a night, sometimes twice. I can live with that since he''s kinda cute and pretty sweet!
Thanks for the comments on CM and the possible preggo situation, ladies. I guess we'll see what happens in the next two weeks, if anything....((

fiery - I have the same anxieties about the personality of a possible second baby. Dalila is very easy-going as well. I wonder if it's possible for the same thing to happen again twice.....

Mara - glad you're enjoyinig being back at work so far!

viz - yayy for C's improved sleep! I hope things go up from here.

MP - that picture of Micah is hilarious!!
What an expression!! Haha....
It's great that you were able to capture that moment.

Amber - Piper's in size 3 pampers? I find it so interesting how diaper sizes fit different children. Dalila's is in Huggies size 5, about to go into size 6. The weight guidelines say size 5 is lfor babies over 22 lbs or something like that... but I find that Dalila goes up a size each month. So strange.

It's definitely a good thing for your Mom to take Piper out once in a while! It's healthy for everyone. Perhaps you'll adust to being away from her the more you do it?

Teething - Yeah, it can be hereditary, so I don't think you and Mandy have to be concerned if there's no sign of teething yet. I think the *average* is 6-7 months, but siome babies teeth as early as 3 months and others as late as a year, so there's a pretty wide variation as well.

Chinacat - I feel you on those 'what if' anxieties. Being a mom can be so worrying some times.


to everyone I missed!
hey ladies!!

i'm of the belief that i WILL get another C. and i'm totally preparing for it. so if the baby gods do smile upon me and i happen get an angel baby.... well then that's a total bonus
and if not, at least i'll be prepared. i'm half tempted to move up our second baby time line just because i don't want to finally get c sleeping, and enjoy the 'good life', only to have it come crashing down again

speaking of - last night was.... well, not so good.

i kinda blame our daycare, and i kinda blame the gross infection still leaking out of his ears (we have a f/u apt tomorrow morning with the ENT).

the reason i was a little miffed at our daycare yesterday is that his caregiver just seems not to 'get' how important sleep is to DH and me. i'm so torn b/c i really do LOVE his caregiver and she's super duper sweet with c and loves him to bits.......buuuutttttt....

when i called yesterday to check on c, she said "well, i gave him peas today
and he was just happily playing on the floor so i just let him go until he got fussy

which resulted in 2 30min naps ...... ALL DAY!! i've spoken with her before about how c doesn't 'know' he's tired, so her (and my) job is to give him some quiet/nap time about every 2-3 hours, whether he likes it or not! c is totally a sleep=sleep baby.

anyhoo, i sent a 'note' in with c today that (again) listed the OK foods and the not OK foods (peas!!
) and also said that although it's a challenge to put him down when he's 'happily' playing - he NEEDS to sleep more. sheesh!

CDT - CONGRATS LADY on the healthy heartbeat!!!! yipppeeee for babies!!

mandy - any word on the surgery?

mara - hooray for a good day yesterday.. and shopping! yes, you NEED everything you bought - a new summer post-baby wardrobe is ESSENTIAL ;)

fiery! good to see you!! have fun tonight, sounds like a GREAT time!!!!!

china - ((hugs)) thru all of this - are you also looking outside your firm?

amber - how did 'operation grandma' go??
Operation Grandma was a slight success! Piper was smiles when she came, smiles when G-ma took the stroller, tears when I stood there while she was wheeled away. More tears as I walked away. I figured g-ma would call me if P was crying uncontrollably, and had heard nothing, so I let it go. Finally I was ready to meet them and to get lunch. I call my mom, she answers and I know she''s a loud talker, so then I hear Piper crying in the background again. Heart breaks. "She just woke up" my mom said. I assume Piper just wasn''t used to not seeing me or Paul immediately upon waking. So g-ma and baby meet me downstairs and Piper starts crying again! We get her soothed enough, and go to the restaurant to eat where she is fawned over and in good spirits. I pay the bill, and we head out. Piper dropped her favorite toy in the restaurant so I run back to get it. She sees me leave and starts crying again!!
Oddly enough, when I leave her with my dad to watch to go walk the dog she''s fine?? I wonder if she''ll cry today when I do it. Anyway, not too bad, the bitches in the park thought my full hispanic mom was P''s nanny.
Just a quick post (I seem to be doing that a lot lately...End of the month is always a crazy time for me)....

Two pregnancy tests said I''m just waiting for the period to come, as it still hasn''t shown up....weird!
I was thinking reflux as well... his spit up is mainly just milk, and only at night does it sometimes seem to be thicker, like it is mixed with some mucos, but clear mucos, nothing yellow or colored. Hopefully tonight will be better, but if not, then I will put a call into the doc tomorrow. I just hate that at night, when on his back, it comes out of his nose as well, and he gets all flustered because he can''t breathe, until we suction the fluid out.

As for today, I think he is constipated. I had to give him three formula bottles yesterday, and he has yet to have a poopy diaper since last night. (He usually has poop in every diaper, no matter how long he has been wearing it.) Is there anything that I can give him to help pass what is in his tummy. I have some Mylecon (sp??)... does that relieve the block pretty quickly?
mer, we did glycerin suppositories when j was constipated, cut into thirds with lots of water-based lubricant. i would give it 24 hrs before giving him anything and talk to his ped first. as babies get older they poop less, esp bf babies. lay him down and play with his legs, do bicycle motions and push them up towards his belly, this should help get things moving naturally.
mere... when we started giving J formula his poos changed and became less frequent. he only goes about once a day and sometimes he will skip a day. if he doesn't seem like he's in pain i wouldn't worry unless he doesn't go in the next 24 hours. we give J mylecon or gripe water when we give him a formula bottle typically. J never had reflux where it would come out his nose, poor baby!!

viz... boo on daycare!! and HELLO as childcare givers wouldn't you know when to put a kid down for a nap? esp one you take care of every day? ugh that would bother me big time...esp since i am such a sleep nazi with J hehe.

amber...yay for a great outing with g'ma!!

re: 2nd babies. i could def see how people would want one, i do look back at J's first days and get all wistful thinking about them and knowing he is only in each stage once etc... i could see wanting a baby again BUTTTTT i would not want to carry or birth that baby. or sleep train them. soooo unless someone drops off a cute newborn sleep trained bebe on my doorstep, chances are EXTREMELY good that J is an only child.

oh and umm yeah i'd get a terror next time too. though J is amazingly good natured and thankfully likes to sleep... he is a total mover and shaker and is never still and never easily entertained. two of those just might do me in.
B was a super easy baby and i thought it would never get any easier than him until i had N. that kid is happy as can be just hanging out but i also have B to thank for that. B keeps N really entertained. he has even mastered the art of putting N ''down for a nap.'' all it really takes is a blankie...N falls asleep anywhere as long as he is tired. B was STTN by 6 weeks and N by 7 weeks. N is down for the night no later than 8 and will 98% of the time go until at least 9 am and the pother 2% of the time he will wake up at 830. i am very blessed.

i only say they are easy compared to a lot of other babies i have been around. N doesn''t cry much, only when he is hungry. he doesn''t get bored too often and if he is, B keeps him busy or he just rolls around to a different corner to amuse himself.

BUT, N does not keep still at all. he is quite the roller now. he is ALMOST''s pretty crazy. i don''t have to do much to entertain the kids, but they are both always on the go. and it is funny that N tries to follow B around...a special bond already.

so yes, it can happen. and i am so thankful it happened to me!

hope all the mommies are doing great!!
Just have a second to pop in...gotta go get ready for A''s preschool graduation.

Mere, I would take him in. Sounds like a bad case of reflux. Andrew had the same thing and baby Zantac helped him SO much. He was also put on rice cereal at 8 weeks and it seemed to help the spit up a bit, but it was still projectile spit up after every bottle. Evan has it too, but not quite as bad as A. We have gotten to the point where we just keep a bib on him at all times or he just wears a diaper around the house since I was changing him 6-7 times a day
Second baby: it seems most feel their first is easy, and i think there is something to be said for that; i find that the challenging things about jane, which is really only the lack of sleep, not so difficult because she is mine. of course i'd prefer 8 hrs solid sleep, but i'm okay getting up with her, it's just part of my responsibility. i know there is more to come, with discipline and such, but day to day i so enjoy her and imagine it would be the same with a second baby, although i expect the balancing act to ber quite challenging. i was also prepared for sleep issues, because she is on the small side it's harder for her but i approach it from the perspective that she wants to sleep, she just has a hard time getting and staying asleep and it's my job to help her. i'm not sure about the timing of #2, but we do plan on having another. my husband would prefer sooner rather than later, having another around the time that j turns 2. it would mean i'd miss the 35 while pregnant mark, which would be nice. we shall see.


poor girl was so sleepy yesterday, and so good for having been up so much. she slept from 8:45-4:30, and is on her way back to sleep now. not sure if from being so tired or dh putting up the new, dark curtains, or both, which is probably the case. she took one good nap, one short nap and was up the rest of the day. poor little monkey! she is so good natured though, hardly fussed at all, was just very serious all day.
da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

c slept from 8p until 2a!

i won't get into what he did after 2a, instead i choose to focus on the first half of the night
- i also won't get into the emergency bath at 5:30a.

getting him to sleep last night, however, was a total challenge... he's so weird... screams bloody murder when he's ready for bed and bottle, drifts into to sleep while eating but the second i lay him down BAM!!! he's awake!
rolling around

rolling around

playing with his took him a solid hour of these shenanigans before he finally fell asleep - weirdo. i just kinda hung out at the edge of the bed trying not to intervene. tonight i'll stand at the door and when he's 100% better we will move him to his crib and start the whole process over

anyhoo, where he finally ended up in the bed didn't leave much room for DH (and i dare not move him b/c he wakes up - jealous ladies??) so poor DH curled up at the end of the bed all night ... the crap we do for our kiddos.

DH took him back to the ENT today who cleaned out his ears again - we are having trouble getting his drops in b/c his ears are soo crusted over - sorry that was gross. i guess the doc made mention again to how bad his infections were - poor little baby!! the healing process seems like it is taking forever, but i know it's only been a few days... it's like i was looking for some overnight miracle
. although i have noticed that he is SIGNIFICANTLY less congested and not at all snotty anymore! crazy!!

i do have a few 'developmental' questions i'm hoping the older mommies can shed some light on:
1) c has absolutely no desire to 'hold' his bottle - and he will be 7 months - he will hold his sippy cup, but doesn't get that he has to tip back his head to drink from it. does this seem like something he should be doing?
2) also, no desire to crawl or even hold himself up on his hands when we do tummy time. he reaches and grabs for things but zero sign of crawling.
3) still no sign of teeth!
4) we are not thru 'first' foods yet - his appetite is so wonky - when i do offer him food he's never interested... what to do??

okay, those are my current freak-outs

kim - so sorry jane is not napping - lack of sleep is panic inducing for me - always has been. granted, c is an awful sleeper - so it's an extra hot button issue for DH and i - anyhoo, you are doing an awesome job mamma! ((hugs))

amber - yeah, that's a toughie. on the weekends c cries when i leave a room at home, even tho he's not with me all day during the week. but when we are home and i leave - watch out
. i bet piper "knows" where she is during the day and knows she is typically with you - so when she's not with you, she gets upset? (thinking out loud here). this past weekend (when i was at the wedding shower with MIL) MIL took c most of the time shoving him in people's faces (
) anyhoo, when he would see me he would start to cry - and MIL would cover his eyes and say 'if he can't see you he won't be upset'
totally annoying b/c i think he was overstimulated, but she was probably a tiiiinnnyy bit correct

mere - around the age that your C is - their digestive systems become more 'efficient' - and they can go 5 to 7 days w/out a BM. if you are really concerned you can submerge his lower half (up to chest) in warm water and add some epsom salts to the bath water (this stimulates their, ummmm... yanno
) and/or if you are not opposed, you can give him a tiny bit of water or white grape juice mixed with water. all and all, however, c would regularly go 5 to 7 days w/out a BM the first three months of his life - and he is a very regular pooper otherwise - nothing to worry about.

i think people who have really good first kids, typically end up having 2 of the same - it's in their DNA or something
Quick question -

What did you dress your baby in to bring them home from the hospital? It will be warm when this little one makes her debut.

Date: 5/27/2010 9:06:39 AM
Author: vizsla

i do have a few ''developmental'' questions i''m hoping the older mommies can shed some light on:
1) c has absolutely no desire to ''hold'' his bottle - and he will be 7 months - he will hold his sippy cup, but doesn''t get that he has to tip back his head to drink from it. does this seem like something he should be doing?
2) also, no desire to crawl or even hold himself up on his hands when we do tummy time. he reaches and grabs for things but zero sign of crawling.
3) still no sign of teeth!
4) we are not thru ''first'' foods yet - his appetite is so wonky - when i do offer him food he''s never interested... what to do??
First - yay for better sleep!!!
Glad his ears are on the mend!

As for the above
1) Lex still doesn''t hold his bottle, never had any desire to do so. He is a champ at the sippy, but he didn''t really master that until he was 10 months, so I think Charlie is just fine

2) I have friends w/ babies that didn''t crawl until 10 months, all babies are different I wouldn''t worry at all.
3) Amber asked about this yesterday, he could just be a "late" teether, I didn''t get my 1st tooth until 12 months
Don''t worry he''ll have his teeth in no time!
4) I''d just keep offering. Honestly because he hasn''t been feeling well that could have a lot to do w/ his appetite. Just give it some time.

Hang in there! Charlie is doing GREAT and cute as can be!!
Date: 5/27/2010 9:15:00 AM
Author: lovelylulu
Quick question -

What did you dress your baby in to bring them home from the hospital? It will be warm when this little one makes her debut.

I had a June baby, so we had him in a little short sleeve onsie w/ light cotton pants. We still put a thin blanket over him in the carseat as well.
thanks CDT!!! i know it all probably all falls into the realm of 'fine' - but i was just wondering if maybe i could be doing something else to encourage these developments? (aside from the tooth

lulu - since itty bitty babies can't regulate their temp - the general rule of thumb for newborns is to dress them in what you would wear for the weather - plus a layer (that layer can be a light blanket over the car seat - i'd recommend the muslin aden and anise big 'ol swaddle blankets, they are fantastic!).

i still keep c in light cotton pants and short sleeve onsies (from American Apparel - love them!!) and it's warm here. i had him in just a onsie the other day outside, but then i got freaked out about the sun and put some pants on him.

American Apparel
Viz - I hear you. I was worried that Lex didn''t hold his bottle so I would "force" him to. And yeah he would hold it, but a minute later he would drop it and it just made the whole process so much longer. I like to get things done, so it was just easier for both of us that I hold it. Charlie is still really young so I don''t think he''s behind at all, especially w/ the sippy cup thing. Lex could hold one at 7 months, but had no idea how to actually tip his head back to drink from it. That came w/ age. As for crawling, I don''t really think there is anything you can do other than tummy time. Maybe put his favorite toy out of reach and see if he goes for it? Eventually he will. Try not to worry mama
lulu-Sophia came home in pjs and a hat. It was July so it was very warm out but she went from the hospital where it was cold, to our car that had A/C, to our home that was cool.

Viz-That is AWESOME that he slept for 6 hours!!! And now you know he can go that long without needing to eat. Little by little girl! Little by little

Date: 5/27/2010 9:06:39 AM
Author: vizsla

i do have a few ''developmental'' questions i''m hoping the older mommies can shed some light on:
1) c has absolutely no desire to ''hold'' his bottle - and he will be 7 months - he will hold his sippy cup, but doesn''t get that he has to tip back his head to drink from it. does this seem like something he should be doing?
2) also, no desire to crawl or even hold himself up on his hands when we do tummy time. he reaches and grabs for things but zero sign of crawling.
3) still no sign of teeth!
4) we are not thru ''first'' foods yet - his appetite is so wonky - when i do offer him food he''s never interested... what to do??
1). Sophia doesn''t really hold her bottle either. The only way she''ll hold her own bottle is if I lay her against the boppy. Otherwise, she doesn''t get that she has to tilt her head in order to drink.

2) Sophia was a late crawler. She was 9m4w (a few days shy of 10m) before she started crawling. She didn''t get up on all 4s until 9m and once she started rocking, crawling came a few days after. Crawling is not an "official" milestone so I wouldn''t worry about it.

3) We didn''t get the first teeth until 7m and her second set (the top 2) at 10m.

4) At his age, food is really for practice. If he hasn''t gone through them all yet I wouldn''t worry about it. Just offer some food to him every day and if he eats great, if not it''s ok too.

You guys are doing great

I know I missed a bunch of people. I''m waiting to get an empty room again to read through everything
Viz, yea for a good chunck of sleep, that''s progress!!!!!!!!!!

Second baby: A had a horrible time with reflux, would scream for hours on end, wouldn''t sleep, etc. After medicine, he was a new baby and has pretty much been an angel of a child ever since. E has been such a good baby. Always happy and smiling and sleeps really well. Adam said if A had been such an easy baby, we probably would have had a second sooner. They play so well together and really entertain each other. I
having 2!
Went out with two friends last nights for pedis and drinks (in one place, gotta love that idea!)...Had one too many glasses of wine and now have a headache...but I swear I haven''t laughed that hard in a LONG time!. A few times I may have even cried from laughing!. Good times.

So, I can''t read everything because I have a monster headache (all worth it...but wanted to respond to Viz on this:

1) c has absolutely no desire to ''hold'' his bottle - and he will be 7 months - he will hold his sippy cup, but doesn''t get that he has to tip back his head to drink from it. does this seem like something he should be doing?
Mine don''t hold their bottle OR their sippy and are over 7.5 months. They hold their bottle only when I sort of prop it and in the morning because they are so hungry and excited to eat! hehehe
2) also, no desire to crawl or even hold himself up on his hands when we do tummy time. he reaches and grabs for things but zero sign of crawling.
Mine are not even close. As a matter of fact, Alex hasn''t even rolled from back to belly. So if you''re worried then I should be REALLY worried!...and I''m not. I figured they would do these things when they are ready!
3) still no sign of teeth!
zero teeth here...but sings of teething (or so I keep telling myself)
4) we are not thru ''first'' foods yet - his appetite is so wonky - when i do offer him food he''s never interested... what to do??
I read that you just keep offering them different foods, don''t force them or make it a whole production to eat (the book I read "Feeding baby green", doesn''t recommend parents do "games" to get babies to eat). Again, he may not be totally ready and all babies are I would say keep offering him a variety of things, but if he doesn''t want them then that''s fine. He''s still getting most of his nutrition from formula.

So relax. Charlie is TOTALLY normal and on track with his developments!!!.

Does he do the crazy side to side head thing while screaming yet?. If not, it looks funny and kinda freaky...but don''t freak out. It''s totally normal to do the Stevie Wonder move...hehehe
aww shucks ladies! thanks!!! i feel a ton better!!!

mandy!!! OMG YES YES AND YES!! i flip video''d c the other day b/c i was laughing so hard! he was trying to fall asleep and when his eyes would close he would start shaking his head from side to side as if he was trying to keep himself awake... so funny!!!

LOVE the mani and wine combo.. like love love love this idea! wish we had a place like that around me!! so fun!! jealous!
It's the best idea ever isn't it?
It's open late, so moms can go after the kiddos are in bed. It's a full blown salon. They bring you the drinks wherever you're sitting and they do the nails at the bar!...So you can sit and have your nails done, or just sit by your girlfriend and chat with a glass of wine while she gets her nails done.

I wish we could all get pedis and cocktails together! So fun!

The last two nights I had to hold and bounce Claire to fall asleep at night. I hope we are not establishing a new pattern here. I''m so logical in most parts of my life (an INTJ), but when Claire cries, I just can''t leave here there in the crib. Maybe if she did it all the time, that would be a different story . . . Also when I''m Summer All Year PG, I figure I won''t have the working mom guilt that makes me want to hold her all I can.

Claire LOVES fruit but not any other foods. She chows down on apples, bananas, pears, etc., but peas or squash or even sweet potato, no . . .

No teeth for Claire either, but I do wonder if that is causing the night fussiness.

The good news is that she is "officially" (please don''t bite me, universe!) STTN. I think she goes to bed later than most babies at this point (8 p.m.), but now she''s sleeping until past 6. I''m still sleep deprived ("ish" -- nothing compared to you, Viz!) because I stay up too late watching Dexter (we''re catching up on the last season On Demand) and pumping.

We got our Mutsy, and it''s pretty awesome, but we haven''t taken it out yet. I don''t think we''ll get to until next week because we''re visiting my mom this weekend.
YAY VIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6 hours is awesome and such a big step already!!!! I am so glad C is feeling better!