
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

How scary that he wasn''t breathing. Glad he is ok now. Hugs.
vizsla - i''ve been following your story... here''s hoping the bad is behind you and he''s on the [quick] road to recovery! and yikes about the breathing or rather the not breathing. so so scary! glad yall brought him in and monitored. also glad he''s home now and hopefully doing well! hugs.
viz, oh I''m so glad everything is well now. How scary about the sleep apnea! Thank goodness he''s ok now. FWIW, Micah does that sometimes and as far as the pedi can tell, there isn''t a reason for it. I hope he never does it again for you though!
viz, just checking in to see how everything went. What a scary experience with the apnea. I hope it doesn't happen again and I really, really hope the tubes work and you and C sleep finally get some real sleep.
aww shucks ladies - you make a girl blush with your sweetness. thanks!

ditto on the 'other site' names ;) ha "i'll show you mine"... tee hee

mandy -
sorry nap time was such a PIA today. what up lucas?? hopefully it's just another one of those 'super fun phases' babies go thru

tao - cuuuute pics! c is doing a weird thing with his bottles lately too! totally distracted... he's even biting on them and then shaking his head from side to side... weirdo!

burk! sorry the BF has been a PIA too! (hugs)!


so today was interesting... i know it's just silly ear tubes, but the pre op prep was as scary (i imagine) as if he was getting a "real" surgery. same scary talk with the surgeon and same scary talk with the anesthesiologist. sad little hospital gown
hats off to any mamma who has had to go thru real surgery. i really can't imagine how i would cope.

last night wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be - i fed him (sshhhhhh) at 1:00a - even tho i was supposed to be finished feeding him by 12:30a - and i gave him some water at 4:15a which was also a
. when he woke up at 5:00a it was a bit of a challenge to get him to calm down w/out feeding him. i got him to go back to sleep after about 30mins and didn't wake him up again until right before we left. and he was surprisingly chipper and not crying or upset.

got there, checked in, put him in his little gown and they took him away
. DH and i went back into the lobby - i sat down to txt my sister and check my email - literally 8 mins later they came to get us

had a little sit down with the surgeon, who seemed almost giddy that the infection was as bad as it was. i think surgeons like when things are extra gross or something. the surgeon who worked on my BB was the same way - seemed to take slight pleasure that the abscess was so big... weirdos....

anyhoo i could hear him crying from the hallway and he really didn't stop until we got home. (see earlier post)

tonight, while talking with DH, we think that maybe c's adenoids and or tonsils may have become slightly irritated from both the crying and the anesthesia - causing the breathing 'issue'.

that put a huge damper on the rest of the day b/c, of course, i am still slightly freaked that something wonky is going to happen. in fact, DH is sleeping with c right now - i'm sure keeping a close eye on his breathing
(more like keeping an eye on the inside of his lids).

anyhoo, i hope i can get some sleep tonight and not freak out too much about the breathing thing. i'm sure he's fine - and he totally seems fine - but there is that nagging voice in the back of my head saying "i can't believe you are doing tubes with the anesthesia risk"

he is leaking something fierce from both of his ears, which is totally gross!!! but i hope this is the beginning of something good.. and sleep........

ok, off to get some shut eye myself - yes i'm totally lame and it's 8:00 and i'm getting ready for bed... no shame in my game ;)
So I went on an internet hibernation because, well, I had to dvr Lost and I didn''t want any spoilers. And it was easier to just not look at anything than take risks. So now I''m way behind.

But I wanted to say Viz, so scary! Hopefully you are out of the woods and will have a restful night leading up to many many more restful nights!

And hugs to Mandy whose had a rough day. Hope the LOs are in bed for you!

Jacks seems to finally be over his stomach bug, but it lasted almost a week. On the worst day of it, he literally ate 6 oz. of formula and a few oz. of pedialyte and that was pretty much it for the day (well, he ate a pear too, that boy loves his pears). I was really worried about him when he wasn''t eating, but he kept having wet diapers so I don''t think he ever really got dehydrated, he was just super fussy the entire day because he seemed hungry but didn''t want to eat.

He''s gotten so much more forceful when communicating that he doesn''t want something! If I came anywhere near him with a bottle, sippy, puree, or finger food, he pushed it away and turned his head back and forth, and if that didn''t work he''d yowl!
Sabine - that''s good that Jacks is over his stomach bug!

viz - glad that scary surgery is over... but yikes! You and your DH must''ve been so scared with that breathing thing!! Maybe getting one of those angelcare monitors would help reassure you at night that he''s breathing okay? But hopefully you won''t have such a scare now that the drugs are out of his system. Hopefully, things settle down for you and your DH now. Y''all have really been through a lot these last few weeks.

drk - that lady was so rude!! My friend who also has a ''banana baby'' actually had someone tell her her baby was ugly.
I think it''s because people are accustomed to seeing chubby a long/lean baby looks strange to them, by comparison. That doesn''t justify the rude comments, though!

On the flailing thing - Dalila used to do a flailing thing at the breast from about 2-6 weeks old. I''m not sure if this is what you''re experiencing, but she would tense herself up, arch her back, pull off the nipple, kick her arms/legs and cry. I found out later it was gas pains, but at the time it was very confusing to figure out what was going on.
viz YAY for lots of stuff draining out, hopefully that means it''s working, even though i am sure it''s icky. and POOR C to have all that stuff in his little head. ugh..! i hope he sleeps like a dream...for everyone involved and it will probably help heal him faster. and boo on that little voice in your head. stamp it out willya.

scary on the a parent there is way too much you have to kind of give up control over. i hate it actually... like trusting WHAT? i just try to think positive. otherwise i''d stay up all night watching him sleep.

re: the other site... my reasoning was this way i can JUST talk about J and what is going on and ask Q''s etc whereas on my reg one, we have family on both sides, coworkers, and all our friends who most of which do not have children...they have no interest in learning about my kid''s poo or my bf''ing issues (nor do i even want ummm my male coworker knowing about that either !) for me it''s not about not trusting, but rather keeping the two ''areas'' separate. i totally respect peeps who don''t want to be buds to keep their own lives separate. i don''t take it personally. but i lurve all the bebe pics!!!

so today... J has already eaten like 22oz of milk/formula. i am trying to give him as much milk as possible but man i can''t keep up!! anchor this is making me think of your J''s 4 month growth/eating spurt. and he still has 1-2 bottles to go (depends on how hungry he is and how tired he is). he typically only eats like 23-25. and he slept his regular hours last nite AND took 3 naps today, long ones. it''s kinda crazy. i assume he is growing or maybe teething (tons of drool and a lot more crying). i am just letting him eat and sleep as much as he wants, poor baby!!! on the flip side, he is so friggin cute. i absolutely LOVE this stage he is in. he''s so much more curious, vocal, and as you said sabine, better about letting me know what he wants and doesn''t want. i can SEE him realizing that the ''bottle'' gives him food...he is starting to try to hold it and can ''see'' it coming and gets excited. it''s so amazing to get these little glimpses inside his brain of development. i really wish we could freeze time.

on a weird J managed to get the diaper rag he was clutching and playing with totally over his face and head. he was right with us on the couch but when i realized he did that i waited to see what he would do. he was kind of just babbly at first, then eventually got upset when he realized he couldn''t see and couldn''t get it off. i waited and talked to him to try to see if he would even bat at it or whatever, but he didn''t.
i ended up using his own hands to kind of brush it down/pull it off his face to hopefully make him realize he could use his hands to help himself (they were just clutching each other on his chest while he was upset). anyway, it was just yet another reminder that while he seems like such a big boy and like he''s growing so fast that he still is just a baby and he''s helpless. am i a freak for feeling so sad noticing that stuff? and of course it makes me worry for him.

and on another weird note, i don''t know if i can watch shows like CSI anymore...!! last nite we were watching one and i was getting all freaked out about how many sick people there are in the world. bah!
Viz, that is so scary!!! So I am sorry, I know C went under anesthesia, but was that to get the tubes put in or just a preliminary check-up to drain/assess? The tubes go on next week? I can''t imagine how scary the breathing thing must have been.
So glad he''s ok.

So now we''re on 6 poops today, 5 yesterday. Both days they were solid all throughout the day until the last one, which was more like an old BM only poo. And she''s fussy and a little clammy. I hope she''s ok.

Speaking of ears, Claire sometimes get a big chunk of ear wax right near the edge, which I can remove by catching it on my nail. One time it was hard to dislodge and was pencil-eraser size. That''s the kind that can affect hearing, right? I know you''re not supposed to stick anything in there, but they are right on the edge just working themselves out. I''m not really going into her ear, just sticking my nail in the middle of it and pulling.

So my baby must be unusually gross, right? Or does everyone else''s baby create giant earwax balls and poop 6x a day?
Viz- Hugs. Hope you get an easy, peaceful night and C wakes up happy.

The job thing I keep meaning to post about, but it gives me a headache. Essentially, I sort of have an option to do a "reduced hours" schedule. But I was leaning towards NOT doing it because it basically means taking a pay cut, but not really getting much of an hours break (just the nature of a law firm). No one is really meeting the hours requirement right now, so why take a pay cut? BUT looks like management is sort of on the warpath about getting hours up, so my options are to greatly increase my billing hours (which would mean working for at least 2 hours every night and every weekend) OR go reduced. But the thing about reduced is I won't actually be working any less than I am now, and I won't get to see O any more. So I will take a pay cut for a "reduced" schedule which means basically 8:30 to 5:30. Yes, part time at a law firm just means no all nighters or weekends. While I am very grateful that I have this option at all, because if not, there is NO WAY I am willing to work that much, and even if I was willing, it's not possible with a baby and my DH's job. But I do feel like I am being forced into taking a pay cut. And on top of it, I just have had this grand realization that this job is so ill-suited for me. I am just hating it more and more, which makes being away from O all day that much harder. BUT I am grateful to have a job that pays so well, and I know I just need to suck it up. But today I just want to complain about it.
I am having one of those "clarity" moments where if I didn't have a mortgage, I would simply walk away and do something else.

Also, DH's mom sent me his baby book and they were almost identical weight-wise. DH was a total skinny baby. In fact, O is actually a little bigger at this age than DH was. I knew it was fine, but knowing it was genetic makes me feel a lot better.

O is so freaking cute right now, I can't stand it. He just cracks himself up all day long. It's hysterical. He just discovered a pacifier and thinks it's the funniest thing ever. He never took a paci and would push it away so he is not using it, more just playing with it.

ETA: Phoenix- O totally has ear wax and my confession is that I have a secret obsession with picking it out. I don't stick my finger all the way in, but do swipe it off the edge.
Quick Scroll Through:

Happy to hear that C made it through surgery so quickly...scary about the not breathing!

Mandy: I'm going to guess teething might be the culprit with the naps.

Mara: My husband is Puerto Rican and I'm plain old White Bread. I had to ask him what to check off on the census....

China/PG: I also love to pick the earwax out....I'm weird. Evan also has been pooping about 4-5 times a day (he used to just go once before solids started). We have a running joke at my house....every single time we take E to my parents house and put him in the Circle of Neglect he craps. It's crazy!

Sabine: Glad to hear that Jacks is feeling better...I'd be a hot mess if E stopped wanting food---I also would probably have the fall back of pears as that is E's favorite food.

ETA: Thanks Ladies for the compliments on my little guy.
Does anyone else have a secret fear that one of their ex-boyfriends is going to show up on the Bachelorette?

Yes I am watching it. And no I won''t apologize.
Quick drive by from me because things are crazy here -

Viz - So glad it''s over and I hope things are looking up from here on out. The breathing issue is so scary, but I am sure he''s fine now.

China - You are in the same place I was 2 years ago, and as you know I left the law firm. But I did consider the reduced hours path and talked to a lot of people about it before rejecting the idea. I decided against it for the same reasons you cite - most people I talked to ended up doing the same work for less pay. It was a little different when I was considering it because it was prior to the recession so everyone was working crazy hours, but I can see how now with things so slow it would be super annoying to get less money when you are still making the same hours as everyone else. For what it''s worth, the only person who I know that successfully did reduced hours (she actually made partner while working a reduced schedule, the first person at my biglaw firm to do so and a total superstar) did 4/5 time for 4/5 pay and she did not come in on the 5th day - Friday. I know she ended up doing some work on Fridays, but it seemed that actually being out of the office one day helped enforce the reduced hours - if you are going in every day it''s too easy to get caught up and suddenly you are there till midnight. I am not sure if that''s an option for you, but if I were going to do it that''s what I would have asked for.

Viz - It''s not just Claire - Olivia has copious amounts of ear wax and I totally pick them once they are hanging out of her ear. I thought I was the only one with a super waxy baby.
China - I wanted to add one other thing - I know some firms have moved to tiered associate tracks - i.e. you can be on the 1900, 2000 or 2100 track and paid accordingly, but if you hit the higher hours, they make the pay up to you. you could ask your firm about that - if you ended up working the full amount of hours at least you wouldn''t be out the $$$. That wouldn''t help you with seeing O more, but at least you wouldn''t be working for free!
November- THANK YOU! Good thoughts. Am working on a proposal now, so it definitely helps.
vis i hope you all get some sleep tonight.

mara, poor j for having a rough day. it is amazing how fragile and helpless they are.

ear wax: i pick out the stuff i can touch in the outer ear, never inner.

china, how frustrating to feel forced into such a choice.

fb: i''m not so concerned about people knowing my full name, although i can understand why someone might be; in the year i''ve had the account i''ve posted 3 status updates, i only post to friends'' statuses occasionally and have a few pictures of baby up, so being my friend on that account would be pointless. and i totally respect the other perspective. so no big deal or hard feelings.


we are having fun at my parents''. j isn''t too fond of being held by anyone but me, but warmed up a bit more today. it made me feel bad that she cried whenever my dad held her, so it was good she was more amenable today.

we go home tomorrow. the ride here was awful -- jane barely slept and screamed so much her voice actually has been horse since sunday but always in places where pulling off the freeway was unsafe -- so my amazing husband rented a cart and is driving up tomorrow, dropping the car off and joining us for the ride home. i was getting extremely anxious about tomorrow and feel better knowing he''s coming, but it also makes me feel like an incompetent fool.
Haven''t had time to fully catch up yet, so a me-centric post.

I went back to work today. Everyone came by my cube to welcome me back. My chief told me to take it easy getting back into the swing of things. So today was just checking emails, updating on what was done when I was gone, etc. I miss my babies. M was so excited to see me when I walked in, and she yelled "mommy". I love that. J was very fussy today while I was at work, but I think it''s due to teething because I can feel his tooth when he is nursing the last two days. He has a low grade fever around 99.5, and his cheeks are red and warm to touch. And on a happier note, I got 18oz from 3 pumping sessions at work. Currently I am giving J 5oz per bottle (he doesn''t usually drink the whole 5oz), and he drinks 3 bottles while I am at work.
Viz - glad he''s better. I wouln''t expect any of my kiddies to go apneic after that surgery, since I only give them tylenol and laughing gas+anesthetic gas. No IV, just hold a mask on them. So weird! Glad you didn''t totally starve him in preparation. How was the night last night?

Sabine - good to hear Jacks is finally doing better. I''d have been worried too!

Mara - weird how different kids can be. If Kara gets something over her face, she''ll flail around till it comes off. Does the same thing when I toss a napkin over her to eat while nursing. Doesn''t really cry though unless she has trouble unburying herself. I sure hope K doesn''t end up eating that much milk, or I won''t be able to keep up at all!

Phoenix - hope Clair''s feeling better or back to normal soon! I don''t scoop out ear wax (haven''t seen any yet), but I am guilty of picking off boogers that are hanging out of a nostril. Never thought I''d do that.

China - sorry for the job stress. Thankfully my job is basically 7:30-4pm, and outside of that I only have to worry about nights/weekends when I''m on call, which happens 2-3 times per month. Not bad at all. And aside from keeping up my knowledge base and going to the occasional drug dinner/talk, there''s nothing I have to do outside of work except keep up with my billing. Must find the bachelorette online later on today or when I get home next week. I have to admit, I still watch the bachelor/bachelorette each season.

I think I''ve figured out how to get my frozen milk cubes home: dry ice and a styrofoam box. I found a couple suppliers within 30 min of the airport we''re flying out of, so hopefully that will do the trick. May see if I can find anything closer to home too.

Anyone on the other site who''s linked to me: could you message me your PS ID on there so I''m totally sure I know who''s who? Steph, Mara, Kim and Tao were easy, but some others not so much.
aw ladies are making my kiddo look like a true porker here. he takes in 32 oz everyday and would prob take more.

viz - so glad c made it through ok!
on tha apnea - i can't even imagine the panic. fingers crossed that this does the trick!!!

qt - boo for going back to work. but i'm glad your work was cool about easing you in.

drk - jealous of your schedule. it'll be nice when i can have some thing more like that
Date: 5/24/2010 9:05:53 PM
Author: Mara
viz YAY for lots of stuff draining out, hopefully that means it''s working, even though i am sure it''s icky. and POOR C to have all that stuff in his little head. ugh..! i hope he sleeps like a dream...for everyone involved and it will probably help heal him faster. and boo on that little voice in your head. stamp it out willya.

scary on the a parent there is way too much you have to kind of give up control over. i hate it actually... like trusting WHAT? i just try to think positive. otherwise i''d stay up all night watching him sleep.

re: the other site... my reasoning was this way i can JUST talk about J and what is going on and ask Q''s etc whereas on my reg one, we have family on both sides, coworkers, and all our friends who most of which do not have children...they have no interest in learning about my kid''s poo or my bf''ing issues (nor do i even want ummm my male coworker knowing about that either !) for me it''s not about not trusting, but rather keeping the two ''areas'' separate. i totally respect peeps who don''t want to be buds to keep their own lives separate. i don''t take it personally. but i lurve all the bebe pics!!!

so today... J has already eaten like 22oz of milk/formula. i am trying to give him as much milk as possible but man i can''t keep up!! anchor this is making me think of your J''s 4 month growth/eating spurt. and he still has 1-2 bottles to go (depends on how hungry he is and how tired he is). he typically only eats like 23-25. and he slept his regular hours last nite AND took 3 naps today, long ones. it''s kinda crazy. i assume he is growing or maybe teething (tons of drool and a lot more crying). i am just letting him eat and sleep as much as he wants, poor baby!!! on the flip side, he is so friggin cute. i absolutely LOVE this stage he is in. he''s so much more curious, vocal, and as you said sabine, better about letting me know what he wants and doesn''t want. i can SEE him realizing that the ''bottle'' gives him food...he is starting to try to hold it and can ''see'' it coming and gets excited. it''s so amazing to get these little glimpses inside his brain of development. i really wish we could freeze time.

on a weird J managed to get the diaper rag he was clutching and playing with totally over his face and head. he was right with us on the couch but when i realized he did that i waited to see what he would do. he was kind of just babbly at first, then eventually got upset when he realized he couldn''t see and couldn''t get it off. i waited and talked to him to try to see if he would even bat at it or whatever, but he didn''t.
i ended up using his own hands to kind of brush it down/pull it off his face to hopefully make him realize he could use his hands to help himself (they were just clutching each other on his chest while he was upset). anyway, it was just yet another reminder that while he seems like such a big boy and like he''s growing so fast that he still is just a baby and he''s helpless. am i a freak for feeling so sad noticing that stuff? and of course it makes me worry for him.

and on another weird note, i don''t know if i can watch shows like CSI anymore...!! last nite we were watching one and i was getting all freaked out about how many sick people there are in the world. bah!
I tossed a wet washcloth on Dalila''s eyes yesterday (while playing) and she wasn''t sure how to get it off either. She definitely didn''t use her hands. She just kind of giggled at first. After she got annoyed, she sat up from her lying down position to see if it would fall off, I guess, which it did. At J''s age, I''m pretty sure she would''ve just started to wail, too.

China - sorry about what''s going on at work...
My lawyer friend has the same challenges. She just had a baby and is still on maternity leave, but is wondering how to negotiate her time when she gets back. She was offered partner before she left but hasn''t accepted, mostly because she knows she''d be required to work even longer hours than she was working before.

qtekiki - hope your transition back to work is fairly smooth!
Ginger, some babies just eat more. By 3.5 months, Jackson was eating 7.5-8oz bottles and 36 oz a day, which is why we started solids at 4 months, and he got up to 40 oz. a day before we added the 3rd meal at 5 months. Now, when he''s not sick, he still eats about 28-30 oz. a day plus 3 meals of solids and usually a snack.

Babies are so cute with cloths over their heads. Jacks still loves to play with blankets, burp cloths, etc.

drk, I''ll message you when I get a chance, although I warn you, all I do on the other site is post ridiculous amounts of Jacks pics and now videos =)

qt, hope the transition goes smoothly.

kim, glad you are having fun with your family, hope the ride home goes better...jacks doesn''t do well on long car rides either and he actually doesn''t sleep at ALL in the car anymore.

China, I swear you should be my tv watching buddy. We watch the same shows, and I always agree with you on your posts about tv when you make them. I dvred the bachelorette and haven''t watched it yet. Sorry about the work sitch, that stinks that you''ll be taking a pay cut for the same hours even though it''s "reduced".

tao, Evan is as cute as ever!

phoenix, jacks has days when he poops that much still. Have you been paying attention to what foods you''re feeding her in terms of whether they constipate or loosen bowels? Pears, peaches, peas (all the p''s) make them go more! Bananas and rice are good binders.

mara, yikes for the growth spurt!

ok, my little escape artist just broke through his barrier (i swear he loves doing gymnastics and tries to do somersaults!) and made it to the kitchen, I better go catch him!
Just dropping by to say hi to all of my favorite people! Things have been INSANE these past two days at our convention and I finally have a moment to stop and be lazy.

I''ll need to catch up with everyone a little later. We''re doing great here. Sophia pinched her finger last night and cried for a long time. I know it really hurt her. She woke up around 2-2:30am crying as well. Felt bad but she''ll be ok. Other than that she''s loving being around a bunch of people at the hotel. She and FI are enjoying their time at the pool while I work
Tooth watch 2010 report:
No tooth!
All that crying and no tooth!!!!!...Today he seems to be in slightly better spirits though. He went down easier for his first nap....but only slept for like 20 minutes. Now he''s crying but so tired

We''re off to the outlets an hour away from here this afternoon (Carters outlet, here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Viz, checking in to see how your night went? Hope C is doing better!
hey fiery!! good to see you!! thoughts on the lost finale?

drk - i don't think c was actually 'apneic' - but he had the tell tale signs that he was having trouble breathing - the gasp breaths etc. i'm sure it was just something wonky from going under?? i never worried about his breathing when he was an infant and now it's all i can think about... everything seems to be OK now - and last night he was fine.. a couple of mins of snoring, but nothing like earlier in the day.
can i just say how much i love having all of this medical knowledge ;) tee hee! my own personal anesthesiologist to ask questions to. is it possible that his adenoids could have become irritated and or lazy(
) from the gas?
love the styrofoam/dry ice solution... you are one resourceful mamma!!

sabine - glad jacks is feeling better. it's so so so nerve wracking when they won't eat! that is how i usually know that c has an ear infection
. last week when c had that little virus i was beside myself trying to figure out how to get him to eat. not fun!

hey sha! thanks lady!

mara - it's amazing what moms will pick out, clean up, wipe away sans kleenex isn't it? what would have totally grossed me out before is, like, slightly less gross now
sounds like j is going thru a little of a growth spurt.. have you tried out that new formula? just wondering how it's going/how he is tolerating it. how is work going?? when do you have to go back into the office? will you still be able to work from home a few days a week? total HA! about CSI... i'm the same way... and if i hear a news story about an ill child or worse, i have to change the channel. has the same effect as that da*n sarah mclachlan commercial for shelter dogs.

ha PG! i'm always picking ear wax out of c's ears. you should see the nasty crusty stuff i've been picking out lately....

cc - ugh ugh and triple ugh about the jobby job. you're right.. it makes no sense to work the same hours for less $$. why would they even offer that if you can't *really* work less hours? i can only offer support and hope you can find a solution. heck! i hope that every mom who is put in between a rock and a hard place can find a solution. it does feel so immediate - the need to 'fix' the working situation - doesn't it? especially when our babies are growing and doing hilarious new things every day. i often wonder when c is in school if i will feel the same way.. like, right now i feel like i'm missing something so monumental everyday. i really really really hope your firm offers up a better solution. those are crazy expectations! i will promptly stop complaining about my job. ((hugs))

kimberly - oh girl.. i'm so sorry your trip home was nerve wracking... but i'm SO happy for you that DH is making the trip back with you, what a relief! i bet if you sit in the back with jane she will handle the trip much differently. heck, i still ride in the back with C sometimes - particularly if he's being a fussy gus. p.s. you are NOT an incompetent fool!! c still doesn't like the car for more than 45mins - babies are weird!

QT - boo hiss about going back to work! (hugs) to you! but WTG on the pumping!! that awesome!! your MIL is home with the kiddos right? that has to be a little bit of a relief, no?

- last night was, ummmm, interesting.
as i mentioned before, DH went to bed the same time C did to 'watch' his breathing. 15 mins later when i went to check on them they were both passed out. it was super sweet however, b/c DH had his hand resting on C's tummy

soooooooo.. the bigger'ish news was that C only woke up to eat at 11:00p and 4:00a. now, he did stir a fair amount in between those times (and was up for the day at 5:30a) but i think it was just b/c he was sleeping w/ us that i noticed. i'm sure all babies wake up, babble, move around etc when they are in their cribs and parents just have no idea, right?
i tried to do as little intervention as i could muster in hopes that c would just reposition himself and fall back asleep - which, for the most part, he did. the best part was that when he did wake up and move around he didn't cry!! this is HUGE! and the main reason why he's been sleeping with us since this whole ear fiasco started. i can only imagine that every time he woke up in the past he HURT and needed mom and/or dad to put him back to sleep. that single difference last night was incredible! instead of waking up and immediately crying he just kinda babbled and grabbed my nose to tell me "hey, i want to eat".

which brings me to this little ditty courtesy of my MIL, who can not keep her thoughts to herself. DH is from a fairly small town and his parents are friends with a tight group of people (basically, all of DH's friend's parents). i attended a wedding shower this sunday for a girl in this group and what really got my goat was that EVERY.SINGLE.PERSON asked me how c's sleeping was going (i know they already knew the answer b/c MIL is an exaggerator AND has a huge mouth) - anyhoo, they then proceeded to give me their own advice on how to get him to sleep longer. you should have seen their faces when i said we co-sleep.
the whole situation was be-YOND annoying. #1 i don't like to be the fodder of their weekly friday night get togethers - especially when they all have the 'answer' to our problems and #2 i can only IMAGINE how MIL has spun our situation. by the way they were talking to me you would have thought c was having open heart surgery this monday. let ME be the one to freak out.. i don't need candles lit in church, and i don't need the condescending advice like DH and i are just not doing the 'right' thing to get c to sleep. i kinda blew up on DH and told him to politely ask his mom (once again!) to keep her mouth zipped when it comes to issues that involve DH and i. we have purposefully kept her in the dark about a few issues b/c she tends to exaggerate to everyone and makes mountains out of molehills. anyhoo, it's just annoying and i was annoyed and am still annoyed.

ok, off to actually work
Glad you checked in Viz!!!

YAy for Charlie!!!!!!!!!!
. That is huge improvement and I am sure it''s only going to get better!!!.

Now for the unsolicited advice...........
UGHHHHH!!!. What is it with ILs sticking their heads (not just their noses) in other people''s business!!!!. I would have been mad too and I think you did the right thing by asking DH to tell them again to stop it. I hope they listen this time.

My MIL is a piece of work, but at least I don''t have to deal with other family members or friends that she talks to!. That would drive me nuts.

Anyway, just ignore all those people. You have ABSOLUTELY always done the right thing for C. Heck, even beyond what''s humanly possible for most people!!!!. You have always known that he''s need to be held has a reason...and you were RIGHT!. So don''t listen to anyone but yourself...because up until now you have done a great freaking job!
hi ladies, just a quick one from me this morning as i have to go into the office to meet with the new director.

re: the cloth over J''s face... yeah it was the first time i think he''s really had anything like that and i was surprised he just cried too since he''s typically such a flailer... but he just laid there and clenched his hands, my poor baby. he was kind of ''off'' yesterday in general so maybe i shouldn''t judge by that entirely. i do find him curled up for naps with the blanket halfway over his face and when he wakes up he will dislodge it and bring it down, but it''s never been TOTALLY over his face so maybe that is what threw him. who knows. but yeah sha, hopefully when he can sit up he will if that happens!

also i am starting to wonder when to deswaddle. he is great with naps unswaddled now, i just put him down with a snuggly blanket my mom made for him and tuck it around him and put it near his cheek since he likes to cuddle with it and for naps i can see him in the monitor. he will sleep 1-2.5 hours unswaddled at this point but we haven''t tried for nighttime yet. the other night he got his arms out of his miracle blanket (i blame my lazy swaddling since he hasn''t been fighting it at all so i wasn''t making it as tight anymore) and he kind of woke himself up so i just did a quickie fix and gave him the paci at 5am and he slept til 8am. so i am wondering if he is starting to maybe be more ready... he wakes up a few times a night and moans and turns his head and kind of mewls for a few min then goes back to sleep so he is doing pretty well with self-soothing so that he doesn''t typically wake up and scream anymore. *knock on wood* anyway we''ll see... he is sleeping so great now and we are right at 4 month wakeful period so i might wait 3-4 more weeks to see if he gets affected by that and if not then we''ll try deswaddling at 5 months. he doesn''t even appear to try to roll at ALL when sleeping at night so i am less worried about waiting too.

also funny but now that i removed his wedge from under his sheet he totally stays put in bed now!! he used to travel all over but then the last 2 weeks he would just move to the bottom of the wedge and lay flat (horizontally) in the crib all night, so i thought maybe he wanted to be flat. well i guess so because now i put him down and while he might move a little by the morning he pretty much is still where i set him.

china.. re: the work situ..i totally hear you re working the same for less pay on PT. one of my coworkers did this and she said she was still working about 40 hours (50 before) but only getting paid 1/2 her original salary. so she came back FT and just worked from home once a week, she was like why make 1/2 when i am still doing 3/4 of the job. so it''s not really 1/2 the work for us either. i did think as somone else said, out of hte office makes it easier to not do the work, so i will see and if i can have option to go PT and work 3 days a week 8 hours then be off 2 days it WILL make it easier to only do ~25 hours of work. i also refuse to have a blackberry for work... even though everyone else does. i am like really i don''t need to be THAT available. anyway i meet with my new Director today and he wants to talk about the future so we''ll see what he says. i am so torn between saying ''yes i can do more!!''...that whole ''i built my career'' thing you know, and saying ''well actually at least for the next 9 months i will not want to be too overstrained''. i mean who says that to their new boss in a revenue generating position! HA. we shall see.

and sooo true re the mortgae. sometimes i wish we had never moved to our house. i love it but our old TH...the mort is like 1/2 and we still own it (and rent it). sometimes i wish we could sell this place and just move back to the TH so i could stay home. one salary here would be doable but super tight but if we moved back it would be very easy. boo.

qt...yay for 18oz that is great!!
re: eating and chunkers... i don''t know why but J seems giant to me but he typically only drinks like 23-25oz a day MAX. yesterday was the anomaly (or spurt). if he drank 30-35 right now i def would not keep up..yikes. it will prob get there.

re: the new formula... yes i started J on it last monday and did 1/2 and 1/2 for about 4 days. we had that one weird mucus poo 6 days later (not related IMO) but other than that, nothing weird. well he does have a little very faint tiny abdomen kinda spotty thing but i think it''s more sweat/heat than the formula, he has had something similar before. the interesting thing is that his poos are more breast milk looking than formula looking now and i really wonder if its the formula, like it produces less ''waste'' for him to expel than the similac? i don''t really know, but he seems totally fine on it and he seems to like drinking it. i haven''t tried it but the reviews said parents really liked how it smelled and tasted. we are about 2/3 through the can as it''s a little smaller, but i really like it. i plan to order more through amazon, it''s $10 a can if you buy 3 online so really not much more at all than the regular stuff (which is $25 for the equivalent of 2 cans) and actually kind of cheaper if you buy 3.

gotta go get ready...have a great day!
Hey Mommies:

I''m super tired today (Pipes woke up a few times last night, I blame the jag in the place next to us and his house party. Yes, I am now the woman who notices it''s 9:45pm and says, "IT IS TOO LATE FOR THAT KIND OF NOISE". I am so old), so it might be me-centric.

Viz: yay for the decent night last night. I can only imagine the relief your whole family feels. The MIL sitch is sucky, though. I really prefer to mind my business and keep our stuff to just us. If I need advice I''ll ask for it, meanwhile, don''t even try, people (or I just come here

I think Piper is constipated. One poop yesterday, and it was a different consistency, thicker? (I can''t believe I am talking about this). Lately, since feeding her rice cereal, she starts kind of clenching her body and turning red then stops, but doesn''t seem in pain. I have food here to give her during lunch, but I don''t want to make it worse, and the pears are at home. Do you guys think she''s constipated?
Viz~Yay for a good night!! I can totally relate to MIL exaggerations...NOT cool. My MIL insists T should be potty trained by now (she''s TWO
) because my nephew was by this time. Uhhh, no, he wasn''t. He wasn''t even close as a matter of fact, but in my MIL''s head he was. Soooo tired of having that conversation over. And over. And over. Hoping C continues to get better quickly!!

QT~Yay for a successful first day back!! How do you find time to pump 3 times?!?! Super woman!
I am only at work for about 5 hours so I guess that makes a difference but I only pump once and for 15 minutes max.
Luckily I''m like some crazy super-producer, though, so I get at least 10 oz in those 10-15 min.

Mara~I don''t know if you saw a few pages back I commented on that new formula and thanked you for mentioning it because I ended up buying some b/c it doesn''t contain corn syrup (like every other formula). Anyway, I bought it from and I ordered it around 3pm Friday and it was on my doorstep before 3pm the next day!! I have such great experiences with them and they have 6 packs for less than $60. Just FYI.

Kimberly~How sweet is your husband!!! That is so great he''s going to come ride back with you. Way easier with both of you!! Have a safe trip.

Ginger~My baby is a super chunk, too. He''s only bottle fed from after his morning feed on, but he takes at least 25 oz in bottles and then nurses 1-2 times at night and once in the a.m so I assume he gets at least 30 plus ozes.

Hi everyone else!
Viz, just popping by to say I''m glad that things are looking up. I really hope that the ENT fixed the issue and you will have smooth sailing ahead. You''re a trooper!
Hello Mamas

Viz - yay for Charlie!!
That''s great that he''s already improving in the sleep department! And ignore all those crazy people!! I''ve gotten really good at ignoring advice I don''t like

AFM - had an u/s yesterday and HB was strong
Wish I could say it put my mind at ease, but I''m just so so nervous this time around.