
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

DRK, it''s absolutely normal for BFing frequency to drop gradually . . . first 8x a day (or more!), then 7, then 6, etc. So I wouldn''t worry if she doesn''t seem hungry. On the other hand, in my experience it usually hasn''t messed things up for me to wake Claire up from a nap to feed or go for a walk or make sure she''s up so she can go to bed on time, etc. So if you''re worried, you might try keeping it at no more than 4 hours during the day.
Sha: D''s smile is so gorgeous!

MP: Super cute!

DrK: Awww!

We have the cutest babies on here! Sorry if I forgot anyone! I''ll make a real post tomorrow!

Evan taking my dad''s truck out for a spin...

I love that little boy''s head . . . I just want to run my fingers through his hair!
random stuff - but...

whoever commented on the hands free pumping bra, i completely agree. i think it's a must. i got one from target. it's wonderful.

re: playdates/mommy groups - how do you get one going if you don't know any mommies to begin with? new town means meeting new people, but it's hard!

drk - i worry about that too. a couple of times e went 5 or 6 hours at night between feedings. i seriously don't want to wake and pump to keep my supply up. shesh.
JCrow, I didn't know any mommies (or anyone really!) where I live. I moved about an hour away from my previous home when I got married, and I work from home (so it's not like I was meeting people at work!) and we got pregnant on our first year anniversary! I really didn't know many people here. Anyway, I found my group through

The first time I met up with people form the group I thought "this sucks, It's not going to work". But I gave it another chance as the first time I met with moms that had older babies. We set-up weekly dates for "new moms" on Wednesdays at one Starbucks and that's how I met our new friends!. I have been meeting them every Wednesday for the last 5 months...and we try to do a playdate every other week or so. Now we have all become closer so we do stuff without babies too but with the husbands (dinner, drinks, etc).

So I would suggest, just find a local group and give it a chance. If you find a group but it doesn't look like they have "active" meetings then I would suggest to the group to set up a weekly "coffee and talk" get together for new moms. At that stage the babies are not really doing much, so they are happy to sleep in their strollers/infant carriers while the moms chat away and get their caffeine fix!.

I'm also part of a "multiples" group, but they are not very active and I don't have that much in common with the moms there. So don't be afraid to try a couple of groups until you find one that you like. It really is the best thing I did! I truly enjoy spending time with the girls I have met and the babies!.

ETA: Evan is just so adorable!!!!!!!! I love looking at all his pictures Tao!
Damn, thank you so much you guys! You guys are truly wonderful! I feel better now! I am anxious to go back but at the same time I am sad. But, it''s okay I know that I will return to the old me once I get into the grind of things. But thank you ladies, I appreciate the words of encouragement.

drk-I know just try to enjoy each and every day, I know that you will be okay!

cdt-Thank you so much I appreciate your story and expressed how you were feeling. I am sure that I will try my best to stay focused and try to get into the groove.

I am still sick and drinking ginger ale. Everyone has been asking if I am pregnant. LOL...I tell them that it''s not possible! No intercourse for months! LOL...Tmi but whatever! lol

Hey, where is RPS? I haven''t seen her post in a long time! But, then again I can''t keep up with this board! LOL! I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
mt: She hasn''t posted since the formula/BF discussion. I tried getting her back over here by posting on the "other site" but no luck.
I also keep getting the "are you pregnant again?" question from my co-workers. The two that predicted I was pregnant the first time are the ones asking the questions---and the male co-worker said he had a dream I was pregnant just like last time....and he''s normally never wrong---he can even predict the exact day our periods come---he''s kinda strange..j/k! So I''m kinda freaking out...haha. I''ll know in a couple of days, period should be here sometime in the next three days.
hi ladies..!

tao, super cute pics!! i love his little hair...J has a longish patch like that in the front since the rest is starting to fall out. but on the flip side his little receding hairline is growing in too. he is getting a unibrow just like dad!!

for the first time in probably almost ever, we had J off his schedule last nite, we drove to SF to visit a preggo friend and her hub because she had a PTL scare and is mostly on bedrest at 25 weeks. we were just chatting and doing wine and cheese and playing with J and suddenly it was 8:30pm! he had fallen asleep in my arms and slept in the car, but we didn''t get home til about 10 and then i just hoped he''d wake up to eat a bottle but still go back to sleep. thankfully he was a champ about it, woke up when we brought him in, ate way more than i thought he would, and then went down relatively easily even though it was 2.5 hours off his normal bedtime. and he slept til 9am. it''s good to know he''s still fairly versatile.

we also had a really weird poo from him last nite... it was really small and it was like a light beige color and almost translucent and jelly looking. and it had a tiny thread of red in it, we assume blood. from what i read online it is probably mucus poo, the blood is a little worrying even though it was literally like two pinpoints of it small. he has been a little congested, allergies we just assumed, but we''ll keep an eye on him. behavior wise he is totally normal and eating is normal too. i have been giving him this new formula (1/2 new 1/2 old when i mix it) since monday and last nite (sat) was the first time we had a weird poo so i don''t think it''s that since we prob would have seen it before it''d been 6 days, but we''ll see.

it''s a pretty sunny day... we''re so happy to have G home. fresh squeezed OJ is on our breakfast menu at home today.
So please add me to the group with the crazy bottle feeders. Evan can not go more than 2 seconds with a bottle before he gets distracted or starts laughing at weird stuff. He also keeps pulling the bottle out of his mouth and rubbing it around on his face so he has formula EVERYWHERE on his face. Now that I know that is what he is doing---I stop him of course. I just need to perma-bib him from here on out I guess...because while he is eating and laughing he winds up with formula all over his neck, chest, stomach, etc.

Seriously, I thought it was cute at first---the random laughing and squealing while eating---but seriously now

Tao-oh crap! no way! so you think that you might be? Or is it becuz ppl are telling u you might be? Wow, that''s crazy! My cousin had twins December 08, boy and girl. His wife then got pregnant and had a boy December 09. She was upset and horrified that she got pregnant but then was happy because she was going to have another baby. But to go over everything again can be kinda scary, lol.

That sux that RPS hasn''t posted. I liked reading her posts.

Oh yeah forgot to say, what a cutie Evan is Tao!
quick fly by and hopefully time for a real post later but i jsut had to comment --

mara your post had me giggling because no where else but a mommy group/forum can you post a totally straightfaced in depth analysis of poo and no one blinks an eye. and i was reading it and analyzing it in my mind along with you. then i laughed at my analyzing another baby''s poo.

that aside...hopefully it''s nothing and his poo goes back to normal
Sorry for posting more pictures...couldn''t resist.

Ha, ha....I like that look, tao! Post away!! He''s such a cutie.

Thanks for the comments on Dalila, everyone.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Tomorrow is a holiday where I live - Whit Monday. Yayy!!
Date: 5/23/2010 9:56:10 PM
Author: taovandel
Sorry for posting more pictures...couldn''t resist.

Hahaha aw! That is so cute!
wat a cutie, tao!
Evan is so sweet! I don't think I'd be brave enough to let Kara be naked on our bed. She seems to pick inopportune times to pee.

Does anyone else have a kid who flails around while BF? Kara occasionally has feeds where she won't relax at the breast, just waves her arm around, scratching my chest, pulling off the nipple, and with her whole body kind of tensed up. I wonder if it's maybe related to slow flow or something?

I'm trying to figure out a way to get extra milk home from vacation. I've had to freeze a bunch, and am planning to pack the cubes in my cooler pack from my Medela pump. Just not sure how much of them will survive the trip without totally thawing. Should be about a 10-11h journey back, between getting to and from airports, waiting for checkin and luggage, and the flight. Hmm. I wonder if they'd have a spot in a fridge for the cooler pack somewhere on the plane?

ETA: You know how most people say you've got a cute kid, or find something nice to compliment even if they don't think the baby is pretty? We went over to introduce K to the mother of an old school friend of DH's, and what does she come out with? "You can't really say this these days, but she looks like a poster child for starving African children" Guess the kiddo wasn't fat enough for her!
gah. not time to post but had to pop in and say

viz - thinking of you and c today!!!!!!!

eta: drk - ?!?! seriously.
Tao - that pic of Evan is soooooooooo cute

Viz- good luck today!!! Thinking of you and Charlie!

drk - wow! that woman is a piece of work
Tao, seriously, it's too much cuteness.

Drk, that's so ridiculous. I would have just said, "Well, the doctor says she's fine, but thanks for freaking me out."

So yesterday Claire pooped 5 times! She is eating solids and her poo has changed as predicted, but her frequency hasn't. Last night she smelled like poo while she was sleeping her in crib, and I thought, surely this girl could not have gone again . . . luckily she went back to sleep after I changed her diaper. I just couldn't leave her like that all night. Then she went again this morning sitting in her bumbo on the kitchen counter, so that was the 6th time in 24 hours. Just thought I'd throw in my own poo stories for everyone's enjoyment!

At the art museum this weekend, we ran into DH's friend's mother, who had a friend with her from out of town. That friend proceeded to get all in Claire's face and even let Claire put her (Claire's) finger in her (the lady's) mouth. I guess I am too laid-back, because DH's family (the non-crazy side) who are all pretty even-keeled and stoic were like, "OMG! That woman was practically exchanging saliva with Claire! Did you know her?" I mean, yeah, I thought it was weird, but as long as the woman's finger wasn't in Claire's mouth, I figured Claire wasn't any more "dirty" than normal after the exchange (as in, I just assume Claire's hands are dirty all the time), so I just let it go. The woman was a New Yorker . . . maybe that's how they roll in NYC?

first off...drk... um who says something like that?? seriously! don''t try to be all imaginative and end up insulting!!

speaking of cute kids... we saw a friend who is preggo this wkd...she went into PTL so we went up to visit them in SF vs them driving down to visit us...and she and i have been friends for 10+ years. i love her because she is similar to me, really frank and honest, stubborn, but great personality overall. anyway she was like...''you know how some babies are born looking kind of weird, well J was actually CUTE when he came out and i was so surprised''. i just laughed because i knew what she meant, and i remember thinking damn you were stuck in there for 1.5 hours and your head is all wonky and you are all swollen but you are still really friggin cute.

it''s funny too because for YEARS i remember wondering what our kid would look like... and we had this stupid computer generated image thing drawn up at some fair we went to and both the boy and the girl were fugly. their only options to ''merge'' were basic like black, white, hispanic. so we chose hispanic and white and they gave us total stereotypical images. anyway, we used to joke we hoped our kid didn''t look like those images.

and since i am on the topic of race, for all of you with mixed babies...and i mean MIXED (J has like 4-5 diff things going on in his little body), did you have a hard time with the census?? it came when J was born so we were all overwhelmed and didn''t do it so they sent someone and when we were telling her his mix even SHE was like ''hmm what do i check, OTHER?''...and i remember thinking, seriously i hope the next one they do takes all these mixes into account and gives more options than just the basics because so many kids are mixed now. greg read an article that said probably within the next generation a ''full'' white or asian or hispanic kid will be a minority and mixes will be the majority. i thought it was pretty interesting and spot on, almost everyone we know who is having kids will have a mixed child. anyway random derail.

J had a normal poo yesterday, YAY ! i was never so happy to see a brownish yellow poo before hehe. and i have been trying to squeeze out every little drop of BM i can, so i am able to go back to giving him the 2:1 ratio again with formula. though he pounded 9oz this morning so if he keeps eating like that it might be hard haha. and LOL ginger re: the poo dissection, yep this is my life...haha!! stressing out over my kid''s poo.

tao, love that naked pic...!! and agree you are brave, J would decide to spray the bed haha.

viz...YAY for MONDAY. wishing you guys and C the best best best of luck with the surgery and tubes and hope to hear in a few days that C is giving you hours and hours of miracle sleep. a girl can dream right?!?!

AFM... while i am working and going to give going back a chance, i am also looking for a new gig just in case. if i can find something that has a lot more flexibility, i will prob take it. being home and working with J along with my sis helping me has shown me this is really what i want, a more ideal situation. i don''t need to be home ALL the time but i really want to work from home more than my current gig would allow (esp with the reorg and all the changes going on, everyone is bent on proving themselves which would not include ''slacking'' at home). sooo we''ll see how things go but i''m putting my feelers out. the area we live in is small and my market is niche, and i have a fair amt of contacts so we''ll see.

Tao: OMG how cute! He almost looks like, "Seriously Mom, this is private time here, and there you go with the camera. Sigh." Like DRK, I''d never leave Piper on our bed naked, she also is a fan of "open air whizzing", to put it oh, so classy.

DrK: That woman is a moron. I don''t know if she was TRYING to compliment, if so, massive fail. MASSIVE. Like, so bad you need to go sit in the corner. Ugh.

Mara: Luckily for us, Piper is 3/4 hispanic, 1/4 white, so we just marked "mexican" I think. Piper is the most hispanic of all our nieces and nephews- my brother and I are half-breeds with white and hispanic, and my husband and siblings are all full spanish. Paul is the only one who married someone with a bit of hispanic in them, and my brother married a white Australian. Viva los multibreeds!

PG: Wow, 5 poops in one day? Good lord! Speaking of, oh my god, Piper. Okay, SO not liking the solids poop. WHEW.

Yes, today is Piper''s 6 month birthday, and we celebrated it by giving her green beans on Friday/Saturday/Sunday (Today). A.) She hates them. B.) Mixing them with her rice cereal makes her shudder and gag. It''s hilarious. Oh man, she smells. Gotta change her.
Just wanted to jump pn real quick and say Viz- I hope everything went great today with the tubes!

Also, DRK- That woman is an idiot! Kara is adorable!!!

As for the poop talk, hahahahaha. DH and I also went through this when we got our dog. Whoever didn''t walk the dog that day asked if he had pooped. Now we do it with the baby. I''m wondering when we will be done talking about poop every day
Quick pop in as I have to get the baby fed and changed before running some errands....

Just wanted to say DRK, don''t listen to the silly lady. You are a doctor for goodness sake, you are not going to let your child starve! How rude!

Tao, cute neekid baby pics!

Viz, thinking of you and C!

Everyone else, have a great day!!
Viz, thinking of you! Update us when you can!!!


OMG...What in the world is up with Lucas???????????? He will NOT nap!...and if he does is for like 20 minutes and that''s after getting him to the exhaustion point!

Is there a 7 or 8 month wakeful period I''m not aware of??? This is nuts! Teething? He''s screaming right now...will try (AGAIN) to console him...poor guy
Look at all the cute babies! I just want to cuddle them all! Real quick, things are busy around here with end of the year stuff (only 8 more school days counting today!!
) and house stuff. Our basement passed all the inspections today so drywall tomorrow and hopefully it''ll be finished in the next week/week and a half. Hurray!

Viz~Thinking of you!!

Mara~Good luck with the job search!! I''m by no means super mom but it is def. easier with two pairs of hands. Some things have to take a back-burner when I''m by myself (which is a lot of the time). Thank goodness for my cleaning lady!

Mandarine~Boo for nap strike!!

drk~Sorry about the ridiculous comment...I should no longer be surprised by the lack of filter some people have!

My news for the week is that we''ve pretty much eliminated all day time nursing sessions. I''m just pumping for daytime feedings. K has become so crazy at the breast during the day (some times because his belly hurts but usually just because he''s too busy and just doesn''t concentrate) that it''s a total PITA to nurse and I still have cracks on my right side so his spaz nursing tactics are NOT helping. I''m able to pump enough to keep up with him by just pumping twice a day and I am actually quite happy with the freedom this new schedule has given me.
hey ladies! i haven't read the last few pages, but i wanted to give you all a quick update on my little man.

everything went well - the doc said that his infection was "impressive for such a little guy." apparently there was quite a bit of yucky stuff in each ear. the doc even made the comment of "i couldn't sleep with ears like that, i think you will see some immediate improvement." the only real snafu came after we got home. he was pretty upset after coming out of anesthesia and it took until we got home for him to calm down and stop crying. when he finally fell asleep he began a series of apnea type breathing. he would only breathe in giant gasps and not in between gasps. DH and i got super freaked out and called both our pedi and our ENT - who offered us no real answer. we then tried to lay him down twice, and each time he stopped breathing completely! it was a bit of a whirlwind after we tried to wake him up and he was super lethargic and wouldn't fully wake up. we were running about the house like crazy people!! all the while DH and i were arguing if we were going to take him to the children's hospital or back to the ENT office.
since we had spoken with the anesthesiologist at the ENT office only a few mins prior we decided to take him there. they hooked him up to a pulse oxygen machine once we got there and they surveyed his levels for about an hour. the anesthesiologist just kept saying that all the drugs 'should' be out of his system by now.

long story short - i think they weren't out of his system until much later. so we brought him back home, and he took a nap for a whole hour and a half!! while i watched his belly to make sure he was breathing. everything *seems* to be ok now.. except for the gross infection draining out of his ears... it's soooo icky! poor thing.. i can't imagine how uncomfortable that had to be.

ok, i'm going to go back and read the last few pages now. thanks again for thinking about us today!!! you all are so super duper sweet!!!
Quick pop in to wish Viz and little C good luck, but just saw your report.
that it''s done but omg how scary with the not breathing.
I would have panicked too. But so so so happy that it went well (otherwise) and sending you buckets of dust and prayers that little C will finally feel better.

Hi girls. I HATE my job today. Just saying. Will be back later, just wanted to check in on Viz. Hope everyone else is having a better day.
vis, so glad surgery is over. hope this means great strides in sleep for c.


still at my parents, going home tmrw. the ride here was pretty awful, wish me luck that going home is easier. my mom offered to come anf take the traib home, but john is so done with company, not fair to him.
Viz: so glad to hear the surgery went well, but good lord about the apnea, how terrifying. I hope C improves immensely!
Viz, how scary with the not breathing!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the update!!! Now I wish a speedy recovery so that you all can start getting some sleep!!!!!!! Yayy!!!