
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

CDT: yay for a good heartbeat!! Keep positive, lady! Still thinking good thoughts about you over here.
Hello Mamas! Just popping in with a couple of questions:

- whooping cough- did any of you request that family get the vac? I just read today that cases of it are increasing here in L.A:

- blood cord banking- we've looked into this and are on the fence. we plan to ask our new potential pedi during our "meet and greet" appointment this week. did any of you do it?

THANKS for your help!
Viz I think you are doing GREAT! Laugh at the gossipy biddies it is all you can do. I had not popped in here for a while so it is great to hear that C''s surgery went well despite the scare, and also that he seems to be having some relief from it! I also think it is great you are cosleeping. You can transition him later when he is healthy and no longer in pain.
viz...YAY for sleep and waking up less!! and it''s great he kind of was putting himself back to sleep. J does do little mini wakeups thru the night, i can hear him kind of moan and mewl and thrash around for like 3-5 min then fall back asleep. if he actually works himself into a full cry i will typically wait a few min then go in and put paci but that is really rare. and sometimes he does a few of the partial wakes like before midnight and i will think gee he might have a restless night but then he sleeps normally! i hope things keep improving for you guys!! boooo on the unsolicited advice btw and ditto dreamer that when he''s better you can do more with moving him or training him.

burk...did you guys try the formula yet? oooh and thanks for the tip, 6 for less than $60 is great. esp since if he keeps oinking out i def can''t keep up with him!!

charger... re: the whooping cough/pertussis. i looked into it but once i read that even vacc''d people can still CARRY the disease i decided it was kind of pointless to make people get it before seeing the baby. also i asked anyway and both my mom and sis had already had a tet shot recently which i think if they got in the last few years, contains the pert vacc too. so when they checked, they already had it, and they were who i was most concerned with but again, people who have the vacc can still come in contact with people who have whoop cough and carry it to your baby. so i just tried not to be too paranoid. they get the first shot for it when they are 2 months.

and for blood cord banking, no we didn''t do it, almost everything i read said it was an expensive scam and that there are a TON of things you can''t even use the cord for. also i saw a thing on the news about it recently where it basically said the same thing as what i''d read. also you can sometimes use other people''s donated cords for things in the future. you can donate your cord but i totally forgot to do this beforehand so we didn''t do it, plus G was kind of weirded out about someone else using our kid''s DNA but i would have done it anyway if it would help another baby.

so going into work was kind of fun and interesting, i was away from J for about 5 hours which was really long but i also liked being back out in the world. my meeting with my Dir went great and i have a good chance of getting help for my program so fingers crossed. also he seems really cool and did not have an issue with me WFH til next week even though i''d planned it before so that was a good sign..aka he wasn''t like ''boy i really wish you were here'' kind of thing. he was really happy to have me back in general...i am one of the longest term people on the team so i was able to give him a ton of corporate history re: our teams which it seemed like not many people had. so perk for me. anyway...we''ll see how it goes.

then i went to lunch with a few friends and to nordstrom rack to get some havanianas on sale there and ummm i spent a lot of money. justification = summer work clothes but i had to get a cute little coach clutch to keep in my diaper bag and work bag for during the week and also some new kate spade sunglasses HAHA. i''m going back to work, gotta be prepared right! it felt fun to buy something OTHER Than baby clothes. oh and random but they had a sassy doorway jumper for J so i had to get it too.

he apparently did great while i was gone which was wonderful.
Charger, we heard about the whooping cough vac. for family, but didn''t request anyone to get it. If I could now, I probably would- just for the grandparents at least. I don''t know, it just seems so "bossy". But if her health was compromised I''d be pissed.

Re: cord blood banking: I heard it''s a lot of money for not so big of a guarantee that it''ll ever be used OR actually helpful if it could be used. So we decided no.
Charger, we didn''t bank cord blood, didn''t spend too much time looking into it. Both my parents and J and I have up to date tet/pers shots, we didn''t ask anyone else to get one.

Vis, shame on your MIL! My mom likes to spread news amongst family and friends and it makes it hard to talk to her sometimes. I''m so sorry she did that to you. You are doing what is best for C and your family and everyone else can go jump in a lake.

Sabine, how''s Jacks feeling?

Mandy, are you surviving the nap strike?

drk, that woman is an idiot! Kara is perfect.

Fiery, poor Sophia. Glad you''re having an enjoyable trip, even if it''s for work.

CDT, hooray for a strong hb.


We made it home in just over 2 hours. My husband was so thrilled to see Jane and she flashed him a great big smile. She did great in the car, I had a bottle for her and I was able to feed her as we drove along. It was so much easier/better being able to sit with her. She only slept for 40 minutes or so of the ride, and being able to keep her occupied made a world of difference. She only fussed once. HOORAY! It''s good to be home. Jane was overwhelmed by all the visiting/being passed around. She wasn''t making much eye contact while we were gone, but stared at me the whole car ride home. Funny girl. It''s hard to strike balance between sharing her with family and friends and keeping her from getting overwhelmed. She doesn''t like lots of noise and commotion and acts differently when that''s what she is surrounded by. She wants to nurse as soon as there is too much going on around her, hello comfort!
CDT: Yeah for a strong heartbeat!

me centric sorry!

So my period normally comes sometime during Sunday-Tuesday. It is now 11:06 p.m. on Tuesday and still no period.

I took a cheapy pregnancy test and it said negative--but the test took forever to say that....over the 2 minutes that it says it takes. Maybe all my worrying about what my co-workers said is making me stress out and is messing up my cycle?

Evan has been an angel like always....still adorable, still sleeping through the night, still having fun with new foods, still being well behaved and fun. I still love him to pieces.
Just popping in to ask a quick question:

DH and I dtd last night (sans protection). Tonight when I went to the bathroom I had highly fertile (egg-white) cervical mucus on the tissue paper. Do you think this means that I could be ovulating, or is it normal to get patches of fertile mucus before the first postpartum period???

I know I''ve said I wouldn''t be getting pregnant again right now....but the thought of it is happening again so soon is all of a sudden making me anxious....


In other news - Dalila is cutting her first tooth!
I''m so excited! Noticed it when I checked her gums yesterday. I was suprised because she hasn''t really shown many signs of teething. She''s been drooling a lot for the past two months or so, as well as grabbing everything and trying to bite it, so I didn''t think that was a teething symptom specifically. She hasn''t been fussy at all. I did notice that her appetite dropped a bit last week, though. My baby''s growing up!
Date: 5/25/2010 11:03:54 PM
Author: taovandel
CDT: Yeah for a strong heartbeat!

me centric sorry!

So my period normally comes sometime during Sunday-Tuesday. It is now 11:06 p.m. on Tuesday and still no period.

I took a cheapy pregnancy test and it said negative--but the test took forever to say that....over the 2 minutes that it says it takes. Maybe all my worrying about what my co-workers said is making me stress out and is messing up my cycle?

Evan has been an angel like always....still adorable, still sleeping through the night, still having fun with new foods, still being well behaved and fun. I still love him to pieces.
Are you on contraception, tao?

I would try with a more reliable test if AF doesn't show by tomorrow.

Happy to hear Evean is such an adorable little baby.....
aren't babies wonderful??

cdt - yayy for a good ultrasound!
I''m on the pill....which didn''t stop me from getting knocked up with Evan....haha (With the help of some antibiotics of course).

I''ve been feeling kinda crampy since posting 15 minutes ago....maybe it''s coming?
Sha - my SIL got pg before her first PPAF, but I didn''t ask about her CM situation. I''d assume you can have patches as youe body tries to ovulate.

Viz - great news on the sleep front! Hope tonight is even better.

We met up with a bunch of old friends last night at a Biergarten. K slept the first while, then was avidly looking around. Hardly seemed to eat much, since I''d start to feed her and sh''d scratch my chest, pull off, and kickfrantically, despite it having been hours since her last feed. Drove me nuts!
THANKS for your input, Mara, Amber & Kimberly!

I don''t think that we''re going to do the cord banking thing- it also seems a bit "scammy" to me.

Still looking into the whopping cough vacc. Had heard very little about it, and then today read that report I linked to. FIL is the head of a hospital lab (back east), so we may ask him for his opinion as he''s very familiar with vaccs, diseases, etc...

THANKS again!
charger i''d be curious what he says... when i found out that people could still carry it if exposed, even if they were vacc''d i thought well unless i keep J away from EVERYONE who comes in contact with other people for 2 months then it doesn''t matter. but i was a little freaked out since i''d read online it was making a comeback.

kim..yay for a great ride home!! J also doesn''t like being around too much crazy noise and activity, i had him at my work 2 weeks ago for a shower and he got really twitchy and cranky when people were really loud and laughing and clapping. our house is pretty mellow and quiet. but take him to a restaurant where there is a lot of regular level noise and he seems to do well, i think if it''s kind of like ''white noise'' he is ok with it.

tao..yikes re a preggo test! keep us posted. i am finishing AF and I HATE IT. booo. greg was so sweet to say he could end it for me again for another 14 months. AS IF i''m falling for THAT?!

re: CM... i just got AF again this month but for the last 3 months i would get a lot of CM sometimes and i was thinking what the heck is this... but maybe it was around the time my body would want to ovulate, who knows. it was just weird!

J''s eating was back to normal today, whew!! he seemed a little more fussy/HM towards evening. but he is also doing the cutest laughing thing, we spend so much time just trying to get him to laugh. today i was showing him his image in the mirror (and mine since i was holding him) and kind of swinging him slowly towards the mirror while laughing and he LOVED it...he started full on laughing. sooo cute.

i also put him in his doorway jumper and held him off the ground since it''s not setup and he actually was kind of jumping. i can''t wait til it''s setup, i think he will love it.
I hope everyone is sleeping sweet right now! I will be shortly

Viz, shame on MIL. I''m glad your little guy is doing well, I hope he continues to do so.

Charger, I opted out of blood banking because, well, it breaks the bank for very little gain most of the time. I didn''t know I could donate it or I would have asked, though, because if it can help someone else then I am all for it.

Mara, yay for J doing well while you were out. I left Micah for the first time with my mom on Sunday when I did a photoshoot (trash the dress, it was awesome!), and I felt SO LOST without him in the backseat. He is literally attached to my hip nowadays, I don''t know what to do when he''s away from me. I am so going to hate going back to work, at least at first. Ugh. But yay for your Coach! I got a purse and wallet just today, my first from there, and I loooove it.

Kimberly, I''m glad the trip went well. Micah stared at me all day in the car, too - you have to wonder what they are thinking when they do that. Are they thinking, "Ooohh I love you!" or are they quietly ranting about being stuck in the carseat? Haha!

tao, sounds like you''re going to start tonight - fingers crossed for you!

Sha, I had tons of discharge once my PP bleeding stopped, though I only got a three day break from that before my period started. Lucky me! I''ll keep you in my thoughts either way


I just wanted to post this seriously hilarious picture of Micah. Today we went to the local outlet mall and I got him a hat that says, "I''m a little monster!" because he has a jumper that says the same thing. I don''t think he cares for it much, because when I put it on him in the car, I got this face:

cord banking - we didn''t do private because i thought it was a whole lot of money for little return. we ended up donating to a public bank -- which i highly encourage anyone not doing private banking to do. it doesn''t hurt you or your baby, the cord blood is thrown away otherwise, and if you donate and are accepted, your baby''s cord blood has a chance of giving someone else''s baby a chance at life. total win win here. when i was working the transplant unit i got to see it firsthand and was soooooo glad we did it. how devastating for a child to get leukemia and how hopeful everyone is when they find a match in the bank. powerful stuff. ok. end psa here

mp - that pi made me their little expressions! and my chunky monkey has the same onesie

sabine - sounds like A is on the same track as jacks..that make me feel better
. wonder what the doc is going to say re: solids at our 4 month.
mara, ppl are like vultures around babies. j was sleeping when two aunts came to visit and one hovered until she woke then swooped in immediately. i give her time to wake up slowly, the kid was like: what the hell just happened? oue house is quiet and we are mellow so lots of activity is strange for her i''m sure. plus some people forget she''s not yet 3 mnths old, way too young for peekaboo and other games, two ppl tried to play with her and she cried both times, poor thing.

mp, i am sorry it was hard without micah. my husband said having her gone was much worse than he expected. when we got home i put her down for a nap and he was dying for her to wake up. he bolted to her room as soon as she made a peep. it was so sweet. i think they think why aren''t you picking me up? in the carseat.


so j woke at 1, it''s time to put up dark curtains as she slept so much longer at my parents'' and it is much darker in their spare bdrm. i am rocking her back to sleep, she''s almost passed out.
viz - yay for steps forward! hoping things continue to move in a positive direction. and a big ole'
for unsolicited advice. i get it on a nearly constant basis re: A's sleeping alos. and i'm like seriously? half the things you don't think i've tried? and the other half have been banned by the AAP (tummy sleep before he knows how to roll, pillow, etc...)

kim - awwww...smitten daddies are the best!
Thanks for all of your input on our situation. I didn't realize how much a baby really does change your relationship. You have to work at it from day 1. DH and I actually have really good communication skills and I had expressed some issues, I think he was just having a hard time *understanding* since he hadn't been in my shoes yet... like a few of you indicated.
I did sit him down on Thursday night, and we had a very straight forward talk about what was upsetting me and things have gotten much better. I think it also helped that he had C all by himself most of Saturday. Finally got it thru his head that you can't just throw the baby in the car and head out... (hence, why he was 30 minutes late to the wedding!)

We had a great weekend as a family, and things are much better between DH and I. Woohoo!

I am in need of some baby advice...

C is having lots of spit up. I can't change his diaper within 30 minutes of feeding him because he will spit up. Not that that matters all that much, becuase he will randomly spit up throut the day as well, no matter when he ate. Also, when I lay him down at night, he spits up. Last night was the worst, and I ended up having him sleep on my chest. He slept the best he has in days, but I am just not ok with doing that. I have him sleeping at a little bit of an incline, but it isn't working.
I also worry that with BF'ing, I have no idea hwo much he is getting. Am I overfeeding him? Should I try to only pump and use bottles so that I can control his eating?
Any advice ladies?

ETA- MP, that pic is priceless. LOL!
he may suffer from reflux. My guys did too (a mild case), but you may wnat to ask the Dr...he may benefit from taking Zantac. For us, what worked was making sure we burped them very well and eventually switching to a thicker formula (with rice starch). Also trying to keep them at an angle after eating (boppy, bouncy seat, etc). At night time, I had the crib elevated by using really thick books under two of the legs.

If darker curtains worked I would definitely try it at your house!!!.
I''m surviving teh nap strike....just barely! hehe. I feel terrible because I know something is bothering them, but sometimes there is only so much I can do for them!.

That pic is too funny!!!!

My guys are jumperoo FREAKS. Lucas loves to jump so much he gets blisters in his toes!!!. We finally put down some padding and that seemed to work...but seriously, how much do you have to jump to get blisters! They love their little circle of neglect ;)

You''re making me anxious for you!!

Yayyy for HB!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yay for a first tooth!!! My guys are still toothless at 7.5 months!!!.


Sorry missing more people!!!

We went to the Carters outlet yesterday and I got the boys the cutest outfits!!!!!!!!! I got everything in 18 months since they are wearing 12 month stuff now. These guys are so tall (and chunky!! hehe). I got SO much stuff and spent $65!. I had a 25% coupon off entire purchase and just got one for 30% for memorial day!. Oh well, 25% was still pretty awesome :)
meresal... J had reflux and I don't think it was related to eating too much because he really never ate a lot. Sometimes he still has reflux... from what I read it's just a sign of immaturity still in their systems. I'd try the incline when feeding him, when changing him and when sleeping him. Also I left J kind of upright but not in a tummy squished position after feeding for about 10 min. And when we burped him we'd do the sit up in our lap & lean fwd, but not squish the belly burp. Over the shoulder burp almost always got us spit up. Also we try to wait about 10-15 min after feeding him to change him.

the funny thing about his reflux is that now he throws up more often LATER ... like he will eat a bottle and maybe just a little spitup and then he will go to nap or something for an hour and then when he gets up he will have some spitup if i sit him up. or like 2 hours later. it def takes some time in his belly.

we just removed J's incline in his crib because he seemed to dislike it, but it was in there for about 2 months. also we gave him gripe water in his bottles but since you are bf'ing, you can use the dropper. i felt like it 'kind' of helped but not always.

kim...ditto peeps with the baby. at my work towards the end, people were like oh why is he upset and i said he was really tired so i put him in his carseat and covered him with his hood and rocked him under the table and people were STILL trying to bend over and see him and inform me he 'wasn't sleeping''s like hello well stop peeking your head into the carseat then!!! he's TRYING to sleep! or they'd peek in and be like squealing about how cute he is. i was like really people. it's obvious i am trying to chill him out.

mandy... lol i have a feeling J will be the same way. literally he has been standing on us since the first week he was born and now i only have to use one hand to hold him up. but rolling over, nope! he just loves being on his feet. so i think the CON will make him REALLY happy. i was going to get him the cheapo $19 evenflo one on amazon but at NR they had this sassy one and it has toys on it. it was $35 but i figured well if he likes it its worth it. plus no tray to crunch his fingers on. so we'll see!! G is going to put it up tonite. oh and LOVE carters!!! they have the best sales.

mp...yay for a new purse and wallet!! i have been meaning to get something forever but just haven't had the time to SHOP in forever either. though as much as i love this little clutch, once i put my cards in it then i tried my phone and car key and it is a little too fat to snap now. it will close but it is all bulgy. UGH!!! so i wanted something that was big enough to hold cards, cash, phone and key in one so i could just grab and i dont know if i will keep it. BUT ITS SO CUTE. i will have to give it a day and we'll see.

speaking of returning to work...i realized yesterday that i will need to be better about preparing stuff so that i am not worrying about what to wear or what to make for breakfast etc when i go back to beingin the office. i hate getting up super early and since J sleeps ok i don't really need to acct for that (YET, we'll see when he's teething!), but it's like i just want to get up, do my routine and go. and hopefully see him for like 5 min in the morning. so over the next week while i am still WFH i need to organize my closet, stock the pantry with cereals/oatmeal etc and just generally get ready. ugh...i liked being in denial.

OH and here's a vent for today. i just got a coupon for 15% off something at BUT it excludes ...of course diapers, formula and somthing else. it's like those are the only things i want to buy!! AND it excludes a ton of brands too. so irritating. as an ecommerce person... i know how irritated customers get when you put a ton of restrictions on what they can buy and HELLO i see it in effect right now. BOO.
mer - sounds like your c could have a touch of reflux. my c has/had reflux as well. you can try these non-medicated techniques to see if they work first before calling the pedi.
is he arching his back? does he get stiff as a board?

try inclining all surfaces; crib, changing table etc.
put him in the bouncy seat after a feeding in lieu of laying him flat on his back for at least 30 mins after each feeding (a total PIA in the middle of the night, but so is changing 4 times ;)
i actually never laid my c flat b/c he would always spit up when i did
frequent burps
frequent feedings may help to control reflux

i know it''s so so so hard to be at ease with how much food your LO is getting while BF - my best advice is not to worry about it
- easier said than done right?
the way i thought about BF was that as long as he was gaining and thriving etc, i was doing everything right - and it was almost a relief that i didn''t have to be concerned with how many oz c was getting. plus i always defaulted to the boob to calm fussy spells etc. it''s hard to be so ''available'' to them in the beginning especially when BF, but you are setting yourself up for success later on!

keep on keeping on mamma!!! you are doing GREAT!!!!
mandy, you have my symapthy. we actually have dark curtains that were never put up at our old house in the linen closet, they will be hung today.

mere, you can''t overfeed a bf baby, they will only take what they need. he may suck for comfort, but will change the pattern to more fluttery sucks so as to avoid letdown. i find jane eats more from the bottle, based on diaper output, because she chugs too quickly to allow herself to feel full. i take it away but she still eats too fast, even with a newborn nipple. she also spits up more with the bottle due to more air taken in, and eating faster.


poor kid isn''t sleeping. she''s been up since 5 is stuffy, still horse and really fussy. she''s only slept for about 5.5 hours. no fever but i think she has a cold, or something. who really knows, it''s a guessing game and i feel so bad for her. good thing we''re home and not trying to travel today.
Sha- Same thing happened to me. DTD unprotected (don''t ask) and then had mucho ovulation symptoms. Hadn''t gotten my PP AF yet so had no idea if ovulating or not. But got AF about a month later, so all is ok. Just saying been there, scary, but doesn''t necessarily mean anything.

Charger- We did do the cord blood banking for reasons that were probably too emotional and don''t really apply to anyone here. I do think it''s expensive and probably not worth it. I just couldn''t shake the "what if" factor. BUT if I was to do it again, I would DEFINITELY donate it. Please think about it, it''s easy, free and can definitely help someone out.

Kim- Don''t feel bad! I didn''t drive long distances with O alone for months and months. It was way too overwhelming. If DH couldn''t do it, my mom or brother or dad actually flew down to drive back with me. Granted it was a 5 hour drive with little to no places to stop in between, but still. Now I have no problem, but don''t feel bad that DH had to help. It will get easier and you will feel more comfortable soon. Just do what you have to do!

QT- Hope your back to work goes smoothly. Was it easier the 2nd time around?

Sabine- Jacks is starting to sound like O!!!! O does spin moves, somersaults, flips off the couch (while I grab him of course). I am so putting him in some sort of gymnastics class when he gets older. I love Jackson''s "so big"! I totally watch what Jacks, Des, Henry and Sophia do since they are all right ahead of O. I went home and told him that Jacks can do "so big" so he needs to learn. He just stares at me like I''m crazy!
I think TV watching can be elevated to an art, if done right.
I used to hate the Bachelor/Bachelorette (against reality tv in principle) BUT once I stopped watching it like it was "real" and started watching it like entertainment, I am so into it. It''s soooo ridiculous and I just wait for people to say stupid things. So fun. Perfect summer TV.

Viz- 11 and 4!!!!!!
Improvement! How was last night???? And yes, all babies have periodic wake ups, mumbles, movements, squawks, etc. That''s why I ended up turning off my monitor once I felt O was sleeping ok. I wake up and turn it on to look at him, but he definitely moves, sits up, "talks", screeches and goes back to sleep a few times a night. My rule is I don''t go in there unless he''s actually crying.

Mara- We didn''t deswaddle O until 4.5 or 5 months. He was definitely already rolling over but he was still in his Moses basket so couldn''t do it at night.
I had just gone back to work and wasn''t willing to chance it. BUT once we deswaddled, he took it like a champ, didn''t disrupt his sleeping at all. I don''t know if that''s because it''s his nature (he isn''t really attached to things and is really easy-going) OR if it''s because we waited so long he had just outgrown the swaddle. You might want to give it a try one night and just see what he does. We started deswaddling for naps, and then moved to nighttime. No problems. Though he immediately started rolling over and sleeping on his stomach.

CDT- Yay for a heartbeat!

Meresal- O never spit up but I know a bunch of babies had this issue so I know you''ll get good advice. Nice to see you!

Ginger- Been thinking of you. How''s it going?

MonkeyPie- Great pic.

So I''m a mom wreck today. My nanny has to go to her son''s "graduation" at school (like 6th grade or something). Of course we want her to go and normally either DH or I could easily go relieve her for a few hours. But neither of us really can today so she offered to take him with her. It''s really close and I trust our nanny, she''s really careful and safe and has 3 kids of her own. She''s probably more responsible and better driver than I am. I know I can''t keep him home forever, but I just started crying this morning when I left. I am not worried about HER driving, I am worried about all the other crazies. And what if someone tries to kidnap him? Or buy him? I know these are crazy thoughts, but it comes down to me just being scared to let him out into the world.
I know a lot of you wouldn''t let your nanny take him, but I''m pretty comfortable with it. I just hate not being able to control his world. The what ifs are invading my brain today.

I have been thinking about letting her take him places- there''s a story-time at the local library that I''d know he''d love. So it''s a good thing but makes me sad.

Also, I turned in an "alternative schedule" request. Not sure how I feel about it. It still has to get approved and I am sure they will find some issues with it. I thought I would feel some relief at the prospect, but I really don''t. It''s not really giving me any more free time, and I actually feel like there is more pressure on me now to be here at certain times.
Oh well, hopefully it will work out.

O is such a funny baby. He has never taken a paci and in fact would push it away. The other day there was one sitting on the counter and he grabbed it and popped it into his mouth. He thinks it''s so funny and now crawls around with it in his mouth. But it''s like it''s a toy for him, he only "plays" with it like his other toys. He is also obsessed with the toothbrush. If I walk out of my bathroom brushing my teeth he stops whatever he''s doing and crawls as fast as he can over to me and then wants to put it in his mouth. If I don''t let him he SCREAMS like a banshee. So now we have to get "his" toothbrush and let him suck on it or we can''t brush our teeth in peace. Babies are so funny.
Yikes about the DTD unprotected and preggo fears! I have a heart attack when we do it even though I''m on the pill!

I never knew about cord donating, I will definitely do that next time.

We are on our third pack of pampers size 3 diapers, after trying swaddlers sensitive then baby dry, now cruisers, I think I''m going to pick up the swaddlers. These cruisers have scary ass Sesame Street characters that I''m not too fond of. We''ve also been lucky thus far with having had no reactions to the Dry Max.

Piper is now on her second veggie, the green beans were a massive FAIL, but she does love that squash!! Yesterday I didn''t have milk for her cereal so I thought I''d use formula. I tasted it and
. Then I thought, well, if she has a reaction I won''t know if it''s the squash or formula, so I dumped it and used water with a squeeze of BM. She hated it. Luckily, I pumped a few ounces before work today to use for her cereal today.

Mom is taking her for a bit today.
I''ve never been away from her for more than ten minutes. TOTALLY my issue. I know it''s good for everyone- Piper isn''t cooped up in the office, Mom gets to see her Grandbaby, and I get a break to do nothing but work. Sigh. TELL ME THIS IS GOOD, people. Tell me I''m not being a jerk by worrying, also.
Mer, does he seem in pain at all when he spits up? If not, he could just be a happy spitter, in which case you''ll have lots of laundry to do, but won''t have to worry too much about meds or anything.

Speaking of reflux, I left Jackson''s prilosec on the counter overnight a week or so ago (it''s supposed to be refridgerated), and lately he seems to really be suffering again, so I''m worried that it''s not working now that it got warm. We have another week or so until I can get a new refill.

Today Jacks actually refused his morning nap (I let him cio, and he''d cry off and on but never went to sleep, just played in his crib when he wasn''t crying, so after 45 minutes I gave up). He''s also gone back to the 30 minute naps he used to take the past few days. I don''t know if his nap issues stemmed from beign thrown off from being sick, from reflux issues, or just normal 9-10 month developmental issues, but it''s driving me batty!

Other than that he''s doing much better though. We had some random hives yesterday, but it doesn''t appear to be from something he ate, maybe just from being sick.

Tao, yikes...hope it turns out however you want it! Same with you Sha! and yay for teeth! Jacks is a terrible teether, his move toward the gum and away again (you can see it look really close, then it goes away) a LOT before they actually break through so they bother him a LOT.

drk, feeding in public is always harder once they are distractable. Jacks never took a bottle well if we were out.

mara and mandy, we have a jumpaholic here too. He STILL loves the jumperoo even though he''s almost too big for it
and he''ll also now stand and try to jump on his own! And there was a long period where he''d jump in our arms while we held him...all he wanted to do.

cute pic mp!

kim, hope dark curtains work for you!

viz, any other updates?

china, jacks started lifting his hands up on his own. So when he did it, I started saying "jackson is sooo big", then asking "how big is jackson" and he eventually started doing it again. Now he does it on demand, and he''ll still lift his hands without us asking too. And Jacks has gotten attached to a rubber spatula I let him play with when we''re in the kitchen. Now he takes it around with him all day.

Amber, your mom taking her for a bit is DEFINITELY a good thing!!! Stay strong! But yes, it''s normal too.
I still can''t forget the time my mom was visiting, and I had to go to the dentist, so she watched Jacks. I asked her if she wanted me to show her how to put him in the infant seat and put that on the stroller to go for a walk, and she said they''d be fine staying in. I came home to see her walking with him in the stroller WITHOUT the infant seat (he was almost 3 months), and even though the big part was reclined, she didn''t even have the shoulder straps on, and I FLIPPED out at her. He was totally fine, but when YOUR the mommy, it''s hard to let other people do things with your LO.

I bought Jacks a little inflatable pool and blew it up today, so we''ll see if he''s in the mood to use it. He HATED the one at my friend''s house a few weeks ago, but the water was also cold, so we''ll see. I''m hoping to take him to either the beach or the pool sometime this weekend!
Mara~Tried the new was a disaster...I typed it all out in the toddler thread if you need something to read while pumping.
Sounds like J and K are a lot alike...never like to sit, always want to stand. I started putting K in the jumperoo a couple weeks back and he LOVES it. Funny thing is that he''s only 3.5 months and I could probably adjust the height b/c he''s probably too tall!

Kimberly~Sorry J isn''t feeling well. SO hard that there''s nothing you can do for them really. Hope she feels better soon!

All this preggo talk is making me nervous...I forgot to refill my prescription for the mini pill the past two weeks and we DTD a few times within that time. I am soooo not ready for number 3!!! I read that the chances of getting preggo while EBF are so slim (especially in the first 6 months) so I''m hoping that holds true for me even though we "beat the odds" the past two pregnancies.


MP~Cute pic!!
Just a quick hello again now that I''m finally by myself in my FREEZING room.

It is really hard to put a baby to sleep when you are in a hotel room. We decided that from now on, we are only going to stay in bedroom suites. It''s not a big deal once she''s asleep because nothing really wakes her (we watch TV once she''s asleep and have the lights on with no problem). It''s just the falling asleep that''s the issue.

Speaking of being preggo, I am TERRIFIED at the idea of another baby. Sophia is a slice of heaven. Even when she gets her teeth in, she doesn''t give me that much trouble. Her top two teeth finally broke through but we only had one night of crying. She hasn''t cried or complained since then. I feel like the second won''t be this easy. It can''t be. We aren''t that lucky lol.

Anyway, one of our major suppliers is hosting a huge event tonight at a theme park that we are really excited to go to. Free entrance, free alcohol, free food, lots of rides, no lines, it''ll be awesome.

Hope you ladies are doing well. I''m catching up with everyone via email so I''ll be ready to not be a selfish poster next week heehee
Date: 5/26/2010 1:39:16 PM
Author: fiery
Just a quick hello again now that I''m finally by myself in my FREEZING room.

It is really hard to put a baby to sleep when you are in a hotel room. We decided that from now on, we are only going to stay in bedroom suites. It''s not a big deal once she''s asleep because nothing really wakes her (we watch TV once she''s asleep and have the lights on with no problem). It''s just the falling asleep that''s the issue.

Speaking of being preggo, I am TERRIFIED at the idea of another baby. Sophia is a slice of heaven. Even when she gets her teeth in, she doesn''t give me that much trouble. Her top two teeth finally broke through but we only had one night of crying. She hasn''t cried or complained since then. I feel like the second won''t be this easy. It can''t be. We aren''t that lucky lol.

Anyway, one of our major suppliers is hosting a huge event tonight at a theme park that we are really excited to go to. Free entrance, free alcohol, free food, lots of rides, no lines, it''ll be awesome.

Hope you ladies are doing well. I''m catching up with everyone via email so I''ll be ready to not be a selfish poster next week heehee
I''m terrified of this too! Lex is SUCH an easy baby, and champion sleeper that there is just NO way I''ll get this lucky the second time around. I just have to prepare myself for the worst at this point

Tao and Sha - I hope you both get the news you''d prefer

Amber - It''s a GREAT idea to have your mom take Piper for a bit. You need a break everyone once in DESERVE it!
Thanks everyone, I know it''s a good thing.

Should I be worried we have no teeth or teething signs here? She''s 6 months old. Paul''s mom told me he cut his first tooth at 1.
"That''s why I nursed him so long!" i don''t want to have to feed her purees forever!!!!!!!!
Date: 5/26/2010 1:57:02 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Thanks everyone, I know it's a good thing.

Should I be worried we have no teeth or teething signs here? She's 6 months old. Paul's mom told me he cut his first tooth at 1.
'That's why I nursed him so long!' i don't want to have to feed her purees forever!!!!!!!!
I didn't cut my first tooth until 1 either. Piper is fine, wouldn't worry especially since your DH was a "late" teether as well.

ETA - babies don't need their teeth to eat food anyway. So I wouldn't hold back if you feel she's ready just because she has no teeth yet.