
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Oh PB just LOOK at him. He''s so adorable! I''m so glad to see you back
mara, according to edd jane would be 3 months old today, actually. john asked if edd is how we should track and our ped gave a vague answer that equated to mostly yes. he is really laid back about development stuff, as a father of 5 he''s seen his own kids develop at their own pace, including his youngest who just started walking at 18 months.

in general i am a worrier, and working with the population i do adds to those concerns. my husband is more relaxed about this stuff, he sees a healthy, happy, changing baby and doesn''t examine things too closely. i''m working on relaxing and knowing the ped thinks she''s exactly where she should be. but i feel like i''ve failed a test when asked if she''s rolling over and the answer is no. very silly. and something i need to let go of, because i need to just enjoy jane for who she is where she is, which is actually very typical. and she is such a fantastic person i don''t want my anxiety to spill over onto her.
Prettyblues, he is just so handsome! Welcome! Glad you''re finally getting time to post, sounds like a crazy past few weeks!

Things are starting to pick up here with our upcoming move so I''ve been busy trying to get stuff ready. We finally got a house lined up, and I''m super excited that it''s actually a house instead of an apartment.

Here''s how crazy our life is going to be towards the end of the month...movers are coming the 28th to pack, the 29th to load the stuff, and dh''s grad. ceremony from intern year is the 30th, so we''re not leaving till the 1st, but we''ll be in our empty apartment till then. THEN our house won''t be ready for us to move in until the 5th, so we''ll take our time driving to FL, but we''ll be staying in hotels until then on the way...not going to be fun.

Also, I tried to make a pedi. appt for Jacks''s one-year well-check and get a referral to an allergist. In Fl. they can''t do the immunizations early so we can''t schedule the appt. till he''s a year, and the dr. didn''t want to refer me to the allergist before seeing Jacks first. The receptionist told me that I should bring Jacks in at the first sign of ''sniffles'' he gets once we move for a sick appt., then they can refer us to the allergist (I really wanted to see the allergist before a year to talk about transitioning to something other than formula).
for the first time during the day, e just went down for a nap in her big crib. we thought we''d start transitioning her to her crib, so last night for her big sleep stretch, we put her in her room. when she woke 5 hours later, we got her, changed her, nursed her and put her in our room in her co-sleeper next to our bed. she slept the rest of the night in the co-sleeper with nursing in between.

during the day, she use to sleep in her graco soothing sleep center swing thing in the living room. but now, i''m going to try to get her to go down for naps in her room.

at night it''s a little more difficult [for me] to get her to sleep in her room. it''s just so much easier for me to have her near me for nursing several times a night.

also, on the sleep front, she''s awesome at night. she generally goes from say 8:30 am - 8:30 pm with nursing in between. and it doesn''t take much if anything for her to fall asleep after she finishes eating. however, during the day it''s a bit different. some days she naps. some days she doesn''t. she''s 2 months old, how much napping should she be doing during the day?
Jcrow, what I''ve read is at that age she should sleep about 10 hours a night (the 12 hour stretch with wake ups to feed) and about 4 hours of naps during the day. We struggle a lot with naps. Jane is too interested in the world to be bothered! A lot of the time I end up holding her, just so she''ll get some sleep. I always attempt to put her down at least twice, but if it doesn''t work I just do what I need to for her to get some rest. Her sleep is pretty consistent at night, with some blips thrown in (like a few nights ago, but I think that was my fault!), sounds like Emily is in a similar pattern. Sounds like you''re doing everything you can to help her get the sleep she needs, hang in there.
thanks kim. for me i think it''s hard to read her sleepy queues. i''m going to keep at it and try to get her to sleep after nursing during the day.
so funny, she''s down for another nap! that makes 3 today, each about an hour. yesterday she didn''t sleep a wink during the day! i did swaddle her for these last two naps. maybe that helped? she sleeps swaddled at night but i hadn''t been swaddling her during the day.
Jcrow-I also had issues with reading Sophia''s sleep cues in the beginning. When we started doing EASY, I would put her down for a nap after 2 hours of being awake. It took some time but she got used to it. I did EASY because for me, at the time, nursing to sleep was a bad habit. I was going back to work and couldn''t have her expect to be at the breast in order to sleep since well my breasts weren''t going to be around
. Anyway, at 2 months I would say (and this is a HUGE generalization) if it''s been 3 hours, it''s probably a safe bet that she should go down for a nap. If it''s been 4 or 5, then definitely get her down for a nap. Again HUGE generalization as all babies are different. But I think naps are really important.

As for where they nap, at 2 months she was still napping in the swing and that didn''t stop until she was about 4 months
. Hey, it worked and she still fit in the swing!

Sabine-you have A LOT on your plate. I can''t even imagine
. Are you going to keep him on the formula for a little while longer?

Welcome to the thread! No worries on not having too much time to post heehee

kim-this probably doesn''t really help but Sophia was/is late at everything and she was full term. She didn''t lift her head for more than a few seconds to protest tummy time until she was about 3.5 months. She didn''t roll consistently until 7 months. She didn''t crawl until 3 days shy of 10 months. Even though she does cruise around furniture now, I don''t think she''s anywhere near walking. If I had to guess, I would say that she will be walking by 15 months. All babies do things on their own time. Your worries are totally normal though. It''s hard having someone depend on you 100% for every single thing in their life and for such a long period of time too!

drk-Sending you big hugs. I think you are doing a fabulous job with everything going on. Going back to work is hard

Viz-Sending Charlie all the healing dust in the world. I know even talking about sleep training is so tough but I promise you that there are soooo many options out there. You will find one that works for you, even if it''s a Super Duper Hybrid Viz Special Sleep Training method

PG-Sorry you are missing the graduation but a big wooooohoooooo to no more work

Burk-I love that photo!!! Ahhh summer

Hi to everyone else!!

Nothing new going on over here. NOTHING. I think we are as lazy as summer nights
. Sophia is a lot more talkative now. She gets really serious, puts one finger in the air, and then shares her wisdom with the world. Still not getting anywhere with food. I don''t understand how she can have a GOLDFISH CRACKER with no problem but then gags like someone is torturing her with fruit. GF crackers are hard and crunchy. Peaches are soft and therefore easier. What''s the deal?!

Anyway, I''m upset about her b-day party because instead of it being on July 11, it''s going to be on August 1! The only downfall of a summer baby is that places get booked ASAP. The location we had originally we did not want and so we gave up the deposit (dumb dumb dumb) and could only get this place August 1. Ugh.

We also had to CIO a few nights ago. It was getting ridiculous. It took 15 minutes, then I went in there to calm her down, then 5 more minutes of crying and she was asleep. We only did that once. Now we can put her down in the crib and she''ll complain but she won''t cry. It is still taking her a long time to fall asleep on her own (yesterday was 35 minutes even though she fell asleep while drinking her bottle and then woke up once she was in the crib) but I don''t go in there anymore.
Jcrow, Miles sleeps swaddled at night and I notice that his naps are not as long or as good if he is not swaddled for his naps.
Ladies, just popping in to hijack your thread for a moment. At the risk of sounding totally naive, did anyone read "Happiest Baby on the Block" and, if so, did you find the tips helpful? I notice a lot of talk of swaddling in the thread which is one of the few techniques for soothing newborns outlined in the book. So far, I like the book although I do think they could have narrowed the content down to about 50 pages (maybe less). I''m sure it''s not the only book of it''s kind but we''re hoping it helps us survive *baby bootcamp*!

I already have a child but she''s 15 and, to be honest, she was the EASIEST BABY EVER! I never realized how lucky I was until I heard stories from friends and family about how difficult it really is to have a newborn. We''re trying to prepare as best we can but even the best laid plans...
Glad the first day back went ok. Good luck with power pumping.

Poor C and his ear infection.
Glad you got clarification on bottles and solids. It''s something that doesn''t have to be one way. I don''t really remember what we did with M, and will just play by ear with J when we start at 6 months.
Sorry about your DH.
LOL on real poops. Puree poop is nothing compared to real food poop.

Hope Claire feels better soon.

Is J still going through 4 months wakeful? Hope it''s over soon.
Good luck with finding PT work.

Yay for babysitter and some "me" time.
Sounds like Jane is doing just fine. There''s a large normal range for the milestones. Don''t worry.

Awww Miles is adorable.

Wow that''s a crazy schedule/housing situation. Good luck.
What did the pedi say about transitioning to something other than formula? I kno s/he is not the specialist, but s/he should have some ideas. No?

Good luck with transitioning Emily to her room.
Seems like J need a nap every 3-4 hours, or else he''ll start screaming.

Hope falling sleep continues to get easier.
LOL on Sophia sharing her wisdom.
Sorry you have to push the bday party back until Aug. 1st. But more time to plan and get ready. I am trying to finish the invites for M''s 2nd bday party by next week, so we can send it out by first week of July.
Awe yay for M turning 2

Pupp-refresh my memory, was HBOTB the 5 s''s method?
pupp... i didnt read HBOTB but everyone told us about it and basically i just watched a youtube video on it and their demo and that was is super easy to follow. it''s basically swaddle, shhh, sing/soothe, swing, and something else i think. or something like that. we did swaddle, shhh and swing all in conjunction and it totally works. that is really all you need to know hehee. and make sure the swaddle is tight. the miracle blanket was our best friend as we had a crazy wiggle worm.

jcrow...j was also a really inconsistent napper and sometimes still is. i don''t really worry as long as he gets his TOTAL amt of sleep for that day OR within a few days. if he starts not sleeping well at night AND not napping well during the day for a few days then it can totally snowball and you end up with a horribly cranky, po''d kid. J would sleep 12 hours at night and then maybe 2 hours of naps. also yes reading cues can be hard but don''t worry you will get it. J was not consistent with his cues either until he was around 2.5 months i think. now i totally know when to put him down before he turns into a fuss.

fiery...yay for CIO working well..but sucky you had to do it...these kids are so silly ...don''t they realize sleep is GREAT? and boo on having to move the party out!!

pretty blues...welcome and what a cute pic!!!

sabine... yay for a busy move... i hope you guys get it all done with relatively little stress.

gotta run to more meetings...blah!! sorry to anyone i missed.
Kim- Milestones- FWIW, I think my pedi asks me some questions that O is obviously too young to be doing. Once I said something like "He is not doing that at all, should I be worried?" And he said nope, most babies aren''t doing that yet, we just ask to get a range. So don''t think that J should be doing everything the dr asks yet! Plus like Fiery pointed out, there is such a wide variance.

JCrow- Really 8 weeks is still pretty early, but probably a good point to start trying to figure out the sleep thing. I read all of the books that said what O "should" have been doing and all it did was drive me crazy. I wish I had relaxed more and let him lead a bit. That being said- I do think at that age you can follow EASY. From what I remember, O was doing about 8-10 hour stretches at night (no feedings) but wasn''t a great napper. But generally I found that after he''d been awake for about 1.5 hours, he was ready for a nap. It''s so hard to read the cues at first, but it gets easier I promise!

PBlues- Welcome to you and Miles!

Sabine- Wow. Lots going on. Hope you figure out the allergy thing, how annoying. Is there any real problem in just keeping him on the formula until you meet the new doctor? It''s not like he''s going to turn into a pumpkin on his 1st birthday if he doesn''t switch to milk, right?

Viz- Hey girl. Lots of love your way, as always. Found a website the other day that I thought you might enjoy, about being a working mom. Will try to dig it up and send you a link.

Fiery- Boo on the birthday thing.
BUT remember, Sophia doesn''t know or care! It''s for YOUR celebration so August will be just fine!

Pupp- I know a lot of people like that book. I can''t remember what we read, but if that is the book that does the 5 S''s then YES! My DH read it and put it into practice when I was in a fog. It worked like a charm with O. Highly recommend learning the swaddle-side-shush-suck-sway thing!!!! And who knows, you might get lucky again!
Ah ok, so yes the 5 s''s worked like a charm for us!
Date: 6/15/2010 5:41:43 PM
Author: puppmom
Ladies, just popping in to hijack your thread for a moment. At the risk of sounding totally naive, did anyone read ''Happiest Baby on the Block'' and, if so, did you find the tips helpful? I notice a lot of talk of swaddling in the thread which is one of the few techniques for soothing newborns outlined in the book. So far, I like the book although I do think they could have narrowed the content down to about 50 pages (maybe less). I''m sure it''s not the only book of it''s kind but we''re hoping it helps us survive *baby bootcamp*!

I already have a child but she''s 15 and, to be honest, she was the EASIEST BABY EVER! I never realized how lucky I was until I heard stories from friends and family about how difficult it really is to have a newborn. We''re trying to prepare as best we can but even the best laid plans...

there is a hbotb dvd. we actually watched it this past weekend. we intended to watch it sooner, but netflix sent us the happiest toddler on the block accidentally. i thought hbotb was good. however, one of the nurses at the hospital had shown us those various techniques. had she not have, i would have found the dvd more awesome :]
fiery - i''ll look into the easy method, thanks. i think i''ll start noting how long she''s been up too. that should help me figure out a pattern or create one :]

prettyblues - at first e was sleeping swaddled with arms out during the day, but then she slept completely unswaddled in the swing thing. now that i''m transitioning to a flat surface for naps [as apposed to the inclined position of the swing] i think i''m going to try partial swaddling during the day again. maybe that will help calm her down.

qtiekiki - 3-4 hours sounds before napping sounds good. like i mentioned, i think i''m going to start noting when she wakes so that i can track how long she''s been up instead of just trying to put her down all day long.

mara - her napping has been inconsistent, but i haven''t really worried about it. there have been 2 not so fun days that she didn''t nap at all. i think i''m going to aim for her napping 2-3 times a day.

chinacat - i''m going to have to pay more attention to her sleepy signals. today i noticed she rubbed her eyes. after, i put her down for a nap and she went down easy peasy. i had never noticed her do that before.
thanks for all of the input re: milestones. as i said, i need to relax.

jcrow, j needs naps between 1.5-2 hrs after waking.

fiery, sorry about the party date. the hard part for me is not hrr, it''s managing myself!


vaccine reaction was fdelayed. sleep and fussing have ruled the day. poor little girl.
So . . . obviously I know that staying home is going to be a lot of work, but today I got a taste of what it will be like (3 more days!!!). I definitely don''t feel any more rested after a full day with Claire. But the good news is that I didn''t miss work at all!
While my coworkers are funny, most of them are not people I would befriend IRL. Yesterday at our department party, some of them were talking about "getting wasted" with students on a trip to Europe. I would NEVER get wasted with/in front of students (let''s face it, I don''t really "get wasted" all that often as it is), and I would never tolerate them doing it in front of me when I am in charge of them! They also made a lot of crude sexual jokes. There are a few people I like, but these are not the most cultured bunch . . . (sad for our children''s future, I know!). There was one funny moment, though, when the department chair was talking about how I''m more mature than she is (she''s 5 years my elder) and how people don''t really give me credit for the work I do. She said, "We should really give PG credit for . . ." and somebody else chimed in with, "Marrying a man who could take care of her so she doesn''t have to work!" It was pretty funny. Everyone was like, "We''re not happy for you, just jealous!" in their funny but crass/get wasted with students kind of way.

Kim, sorry that Jane''s shots caught up with her.
I hope she feels better soon!

Pretty Blues, what a sweetie!

Claire is still not herself (stuffy nose, fussy, clingy). I have this mild nagging feeling like, "What if this is some horrible disease?" I''ll feel a lot better once she kicks whatever she''s had for the last two or three weeks.
Thanks! The 5 S''s definitely seem to *make sense* - executing could be a whole different story.

Mara, I''m going to check out that youtube video. The book is a little wordy and repetitive.

I can''t wait to try out my skills!
Yikes, PG, that''s scary. My former teacher colleagues were big on sexual jokes, but they were sexual in a mature (and imo, hilarious) way, and they would have NEVER thought of drinking with students. I have random days where I miss teaching, but I really don''t miss the stress of it.

I was going to suggest the hbotb dvd as well.

And jcrow, I was going to suggest EASY to you as well...although nursing to sleep may not be a problem for you, it''s something to consider.

I''m amazed at the young LOs staying up so long at a time...I''m trying to remember those days, and I remember ds waking, screaming until I got the bottle in his mouth, a feeding taking 20 minutes or so, ds being happy and awake for maybe 10-15 minutes, then screaming would start and I would swaddle and rock and walk and bounce until he was asleep. This process could take a while, but it wasn''t like he had long blocks of happy awake time.

Fiery, that''s annoying about the date, but I''m sure it''ll work out great! We''re doing the group bday party this saturday, and Jacks won''t even be 11 months yet. Oh, and with the food, is the problem getting her to TRY it, or her gagging once it''s already in? We often have to force the first bite into J''s mouth, then he realizes, hey, I like this even though it FEELS really weird, and then he wants more. And he''s really temperature the fruit you''re giving cold? He still loves any sort of cracker above almost anything else.

China, we are just going to keep him on formula until further notice, and there''s no issue with that (although I AM really looking forward to the price cut of whatever we switch to), I think my issue is just that I''m a BIG planner, and I really want to know what we WILL be doing when the time comes so I can mentally prepare for it.
planner and mother are two words that are super hard to put together a lot of the time! i know because i am one and i am constantly feeling like i am flying by the seat of my pants with this mom thing! sorry you have to wait, sabine.

re: naps... J was never a good napper. maybe the first 2 weeks but that doesn't even count because he was comatose half the time in the beginning! once he hit his alert stage he didn't want to nap at all and it was like a fruitless exercise half the time. i felt like i was always trying to get him to go down for a nap but it wouldn't work. but since he has so far luckily been a pretty good night sleeper, always going 3-4 hours at a time almost immediately for a total of about 11-12 hours....i never really stressed too much about naps since he got so much sleep at night. he never really seemed to want to be awake at night, um til lately anyway.

i also have met other moms in real life who said the same thing, kids were better night sleepers and crap nappers. so i figured well why force the issue... as long as he is getting his 15 hours and he's not a crank the whole time. also i think i tried scheduling him for naps too early, i had to relax and kind of follow his lead a bit and let him show me cues.

re: cues though...for J he didnt truly start showing all the ones they put in the book til way later i though. rubbing of the eyes and yawning for him wasn't until almost 8-10 weeks! so i was always like umm he doesnt do any of that, how do i know?! they don't mention the LO's can take a while to show cues!

when in doubt, EASY is great. for us it was more like AES, rinse and repeat. the Y was always kind of dangling around somewhere else. but i try to feed J then put him to sleep. i find he naps better on a full tummy. if he is remotely hungry he won't settle easily. so for daytime i feed him then give him about 10 min of quiet time and put him down. about 70% of the time it works.

re: when to start training... i know some people say it's too early at 6 or 8 weeks but i have a few friends who started early like we tried to, and really consistency is the key. like even if J wouldn't 'nap'...if he laid in the crib for 5 min and didn't cry i figured it a success. and just tried again next time. and i figured even if it doesn't work entirely how you want it, it's good training for the parents to learn what works for them vs not re scheduling.

PG... i don't find being home all day with J remotely RELAXING hehe. but it's diff than being at work for sure. one thing i really did enjoy was walking with him in the stroller when i was off. hope C feels better soon.

kim...poor J ! hope she feels better soon.

J was a total crankster this evening when i got home...he only had a 2hour nap all day long so i really need to tell my mom he needs one more nap in there, even 45 min. either that or he is growing or teething or something because he kept making crazy grunting noises and chewing his hands like a maniac. when i put him down to sleep he'd get all stiff and red and then let out weird grunts. i did a little rocking to soothe him.

i also found this website that sells breathable muslin loveys... since i don't feel comfortable with the ones J has by his face (they are all fleece) while he sleeps. it's and it's called snuggrugg. i ordered one for J and one for my gf who is preggo. the gal who emailed me was really sweet. if you mention 'the shopping mama' (some site i found it on) you get free ship too.

viz ...hope you guys are hanging in.

mtj...are you out there? we need more pictures of J!
Date: 6/15/2010 3:29:52 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Jcrow, what I''ve read is at that age she should sleep about 10 hours a night (the 12 hour stretch with wake ups to feed) and about 4 hours of naps during the day. We struggle a lot with naps. Jane is too interested in the world to be bothered! A lot of the time I end up holding her, just so she''ll get some sleep. I always attempt to put her down at least twice, but if it doesn''t work I just do what I need to for her to get some rest. Her sleep is pretty consistent at night, with some blips thrown in (like a few nights ago, but I think that was my fault!), sounds like Emily is in a similar pattern. Sounds like you''re doing everything you can to help her get the sleep she needs, hang in there.

Just wanted to tell you that Aaron was the same way at Jane''s age. He would not nap unless held. Even as a newborn!! It got a lot better after ~4 months when he could roll over and choose his own sleep position, which was often on his stomach. Hang in there! I read a ton of books while holding him for naps :)
sabine, i keep meaning to say that sounds rough!

sleep training: consistency is what j to sleep in her bed instead of on me at night. i just kept trying until it caught on. now i'm doing the same with naps and we'll get there eventually and are headed in the right direction. finding what works and is comfortable can be challenging. it's such a puzzle and kids are all so different. no matter how many times i put j down drowsy but awake she ends up eyes wide open and crying. i'm fine w/ rocking or feeding her to sleep, both work, for now after trying the other first and i just hope it will eventually catch on. it worked in transitioning her from only sleeping on me, so i'm hopeful because i'm not comfortable with letting her cry at this point.


she's much better after a very long nap. hopefully it won't mean not sleeping tonight, my poor little crab apple.

eta: tdm, i'm okay with it, even though not much else gets done. i feel like my responsibility right now is to meet her needs, and sometimes that means doing things a bit differently then i thought i might. it's why i never committed to being x type of parent, it presupposes that my kiddo would be like y which is impossible. i have overarching goals and desires for her, but how we get there is flexible.
Date: 6/15/2010 11:52:13 PM
Author: KimberlyH

eta: tdm, i''m okay with it, even though not much else gets done. i feel like my responsibility right now is to meet her needs, and sometimes that means doing things a bit differently then i thought i might. it''s why i never committed to being x type of parent, it presupposes that my kiddo would be like y which is impossible. i have overarching goals and desires for her, but how we get there is flexible.

I think your attitude is perfect! I will admit I was frustrated that A was not a napper. I was working from home to wrap up loose ends, and was COUNTING on him to nap a little so I could work. Even with that pressure aside, is helpful when they will nap so that you get a little break or get things done. Hopefully she will get there soon. In the meantime your flexibility is awesome!
Just popping in to say hi.

K was up 8, yes EIGHT, times last night between 7pm and 6:30am. I typed out the misery in the toddler thread but needless to say I''m exhausted!
Ouch, Burk!
That''s awful, I hope tonight is better.

Anybody else mommy blog? I started one when I was PG trying to log my pregnancy but my goldfish memory kept making me forget. Now I have rediscovered it and I am enjoying it tons. I want to eventually make a book out of the posts from the first year
Burk-that sounds terrible! I''ll have to pop over and read up. Is it just a growth spurt or was he not feeling well? Hope you can at least nap today!

Sabine-W/ S, she gags once she has the food in. She won''t pick up food herself unless it''s something she recognizes (like puffs and now cheese) but she will take a bite of something if she seems me eat it first. From that point it just depends on her mood. For example, I gave her some bread and she ate it without a problem. Then I gave her strawberries, which were sweet and she loves sweet, and she threw up everywhere. Same thing with rice.

MP-I started taking my posts out of the pregnancy thread and into a ''blog'' although I don''t use it as a blog. I''m just updating it so that I can also order a small book for her to read in the future. Once I''m done with the preggo thread, I''ll do this one. If you can remember to update it though it is really helpful and I think it''ll make for a great gift to M in the future!
burk, what a rough night, and poor k! j was up something like 6 times between 7:30 and 11:30 one day last week, i felt so helpless and quit counting. i hope the pedi appt is helpful, the house is livable again soon and that t feels better!

tdm, the fact that my husband is so helpful and i''m not working yet (waiting to be assigned a case) makes it easy to have that attitude. i don''t know how my girlfriend, who is a single mom with a 6 month old does it. i''m in complete awe of her. w all just do what we have to, but all my husband''s help provides me with the freedom to focus on her. when we were talking about what i''d do when the babysitter comes, like organizing and cleaning, and he''s telling me to go for a run. i really am very lucky.


my parents are coming to visit saturday, hooray! i don''t have to make the trip for a while that means.

i need to get a letter written to my husband, 2 actually, one for father''s day and one for birthday. he hates cards so letters it is. we''ll go to lunch one day to celebrate. he insisted no gifts and meant it.
burk i am so sorry about K's wakefulness!! poor thing, both of you.

mp i used to have a baking blog but i stopped while preggo. i kind of use PS as my blog, and FB. hehee. no time for anything else! i do want to go back and print out the few pages from the preggo thread during the last few days and the birth and all the well wishes from everyone for him...and maybe some of the newborn days...but i also think...well does he really want to read all that hahaa. like 'damn the child he won't sleep'...DELETE.

i love reading people's stuff though.

TDM i can't imagine having to hold the kid the whole time for naps. j's big head totally puts my arm to sleep during feedings, and i have to prop it and i swear i am getting carpal tunnel from carrying him.

not much to report here other than J decided to take pity on me and sleep through the night last nite from 7:45pm to 6:30am. i totally was out like a light...i woke up a few times going ... um its quiet and then suddenly Greg's alarm was going off at 5:30. i hope it continues but i'm not holding my breath...his little brain was prob just tired. of course i had my first europe call at 7am so no time to really appreciate it hehe... i just had to feed him and get him back down before i had to get on the phone and sound coherent.

anyone else's boobs look like deflated airbags as your milk slowly dries up? i am getting 8oz a day at 2 pumpings now...hoping to do that for a while longer, aka 2-3 weeks and get us closer to 6 month mark but we'll see. bb's are not lookin' pretty thats for sure.