Happy Birthday Sophia!!!
to fiery for being such a great mom!
Pg - thanks for letting me know about Mandy.
to sunkist and FL Steph and all the others recently MIA!
Re: breastfeeding - Sorry to hear so many people have struggles witih BF. I actually love nursing and am not looking forward to stopping. Thankfully, I haven''t any major issues, though.
viz - Sorry to hear C cried longer last night, but on the up side - sounds like he slept for a pretty long stretch - from bedtime to 4:30 am, right? That''s not too bad at all. Please don''t feel bad about needing to do CIO. You have to take care of you too! As you said, you''ve had to be on the backburner for so long because of C''s sickness - now that C is healthy it''s time to make sure your basic needs are met as well - and sleep is a BASIC need. You can''t function properly without it, and the longer it goes the more it''s going to affect you. It''s not being selfish at all to make sure you get sleep or take care of you - it''s just basic self-preservation. And even if you don''t want to focus on you/your needs - remember that taking care of you also ensures that you have the energy to take care of everybody else. If you''re feel tired and run-down all the time - how are you going to have the energy to be a good mom to C and a good wife to the DH? We moms give and give all the time - to our children, our husband, our work, our community, etc. We can''t keep on giving and giving if our ''reservoirs'' are empty. We need to take time to fill our tanks (taking care of us), so that we can actually have something to offer to others.
I decided to do CIO last week because I realized that my tiredness was really affecting the most important areas of my life. I barely had energy to interact with Dalila, I was cranky with DH and wasn''t spending any time with him because I was always trying to catch up on my sleep, and I was hardly able to concentrate at work. One afternoon last week I''ve closed my office door and snoozed on the desk for a good two hours. (How productive is that?) I just wasn''t any good to myself or anybody/thing else. Now that I started CIO and am getting more sleep - I feel better and have the energy to be the kind of person/mother/wife/employee I need to be. And Dalila is just as happy in the mornings as she was before (she was a bit standoffish the first morning after, though
). I''m sure if you keep at it things will settle down soon.

Pg - thanks for letting me know about Mandy.

Re: breastfeeding - Sorry to hear so many people have struggles witih BF. I actually love nursing and am not looking forward to stopping. Thankfully, I haven''t any major issues, though.
viz - Sorry to hear C cried longer last night, but on the up side - sounds like he slept for a pretty long stretch - from bedtime to 4:30 am, right? That''s not too bad at all. Please don''t feel bad about needing to do CIO. You have to take care of you too! As you said, you''ve had to be on the backburner for so long because of C''s sickness - now that C is healthy it''s time to make sure your basic needs are met as well - and sleep is a BASIC need. You can''t function properly without it, and the longer it goes the more it''s going to affect you. It''s not being selfish at all to make sure you get sleep or take care of you - it''s just basic self-preservation. And even if you don''t want to focus on you/your needs - remember that taking care of you also ensures that you have the energy to take care of everybody else. If you''re feel tired and run-down all the time - how are you going to have the energy to be a good mom to C and a good wife to the DH? We moms give and give all the time - to our children, our husband, our work, our community, etc. We can''t keep on giving and giving if our ''reservoirs'' are empty. We need to take time to fill our tanks (taking care of us), so that we can actually have something to offer to others.
I decided to do CIO last week because I realized that my tiredness was really affecting the most important areas of my life. I barely had energy to interact with Dalila, I was cranky with DH and wasn''t spending any time with him because I was always trying to catch up on my sleep, and I was hardly able to concentrate at work. One afternoon last week I''ve closed my office door and snoozed on the desk for a good two hours. (How productive is that?) I just wasn''t any good to myself or anybody/thing else. Now that I started CIO and am getting more sleep - I feel better and have the energy to be the kind of person/mother/wife/employee I need to be. And Dalila is just as happy in the mornings as she was before (she was a bit standoffish the first morning after, though