
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Mara - I am still pumping, getting about 8-9oz out a day at work from 4 pumping sessions. I no longer wake her up to feed before work, just feed her around 9pm, put her to bed, wake her at 4am to eat once, and then she usually wakes around 9am. So far we bought powdered formula, but haven't had to give any yet. She just had the one taste test 1oz on Friday at the LC. I've still got 2-3oz in the freezer. I haven't given any other foods besides the two bits of avocado on Sat. I think I'll give her more in the next couple days, since she had no reaction to it. Didn't want to confuse things by giving the next food too soon. Maybe sweet potato or banana next. Or some applesauce. She couldn't take food from the spoon, but seemed eager to suck it off my finger once she got used to the taste.
Hellloooooooo ladies! :wavey: I've been gone a week, missed all of you.

Viz- Saw your update on Charlie. :appl: I KNEW he was a genius. :bigsmile: I am so happy to hear that Lil C is feeling better and YOU are getting sleep! Makes a world of difference, huh? Thanks for asking about my work schedule. I am STILL trying to figure it out. Will try to post more when I have time. How's work going for you?

Sabine- Sorry about the time change. How long are you in a hotel for? We were in Colorado for a week (1 hr time difference) and I couldn't get O to switch. If I was home, I probably would have let him cry/play in his crib until the appropriate wake up time, but couldn't do it in a house full of other people. Can you hang in there till you get in your house? How is the move otherwise?

Ginger- Hey lady! How's the nanny working out, btw? What pool did you guys go to? We have taken O to our local one and it is AMAZING. They just re-did it and there is this whole kid/toddler area that is completely covered, plus you can "walk" in gradually to only a few feet, plus water slides and all kinds of kid friendly stuff. It's heaven in this heat.

AFM- O's first plane ride was a success! I was really worried but it really wasn't so bad. He's super WIGGLY though and would not sit still so it was a full-time job of containing him. BUT he didn't cry, didn't try to get down on the floor, and was totally happy the whole time. I brought all of these toys but he played with like one of them and the rest of the time was fascinated by the window shade and flirting with everyone around him. Of course. He slept for like 30 minutes on the way out, and a whole hour on the way back. It helped having DH, I have no idea how I would have kept him contained by myself.

We went to Colorado for a week of heavenly weather. It was so fun, we hiked and biked and zip-lined and went rafting. They had this crazy parade in town and O was mesmerized and had a great time. He was up every morning at 6 am, but took LONG naps everyday (like 2 2 hour naps! ::) and was out by 6 or 6:30. The fireworks were shot off literally beside our house (we could see them being set off) and it sounded like a war zone in our house it was so loud. I CANNOT believe O didn't wake up. The kid sleeps through anything!

What else? He is just so grown to me. Won't really eat baby food unless I sneak it in. Only likes real food that he can feed himself. He eats so much it's crazy and he's still pretty tiny. He is obsessed with watermelon, peas, and string cheese. Just shovels it in. He's started weaning himself off the bottles, really only takes the morning one now, and then I'm lucky if I can get 2 more 1/2 bottles in him. He's just over it. I guess I need to start giving him milk.

So this new site is pretty cool. Have you checked out your account page? You can do "Friends" and "Foes" lists. Pretty funny. I have no "foes" but I don't think I would put anyone on it even if I did, because then I might miss the drama. :devil:
Just popping in to say :appl: to viz and C!!! yayy!!!!

viz - could you share quickly again what you did in regards to CIO? Was it cold turkey or did you feed him at 12 as you had planned to?

Hi to China and everyone else!! :wavey:

will be back tomorrow...
yay site looks much better on FF.

drk... we had J suck our finger at first with the food too when he seemed confused. they are used to sucking after all. but after 2-3x of food he seemed to start to get it and now he just chomps and swallows, it's gone before i can even get the next spoonful going! it is soo fun to try the first foods...i look fwd to 'dinner' time with him.

right now we are just feeding him at 6pm consistently, but when i am home with him i try to feed him at 11:30am (before 12:30 bottle) and then at 6pm (Before 7pm bottle). he takes about 2oz of food and then his regular bottle oz, doesn't seem to be 'dropping' anything yet which is good because he only takes like 25-28oz consistently anyway per day which is not all that much for 16+lbs. but he is growing like gangbusters still so i don't worry. it blows my mind that some 4-5mo old babies take like up to 40-45oz per day but apparently that is not uncommon.

and i guess my confession should be that i am a little worried that the fact he is not taking THAT much food for his size and he is still growing means that he has a slow metabolism and he will tend towards gaining really quickly off eating not that much in the future, aka leading to having to 'manage' his weight in the future. i know that it's not a rational thought really as hello he's 5mo old and i shouldn't worry about his weight gain, as he is only 50%'s really his crazy length, but i guess mom insecurity is just as bad as mom guilt sometimes. i just don't want him to have to struggle with his weight, greg and i both have good metabolisms so there's no reason to worry and again he's only 50% but i almost prefer he was small rather than ginormous. everyone always tells us how he looks like he's 8-9mo old!

china...welcome back!!! awww i love reading about how he doesn't want baby food anymore. they grow really way too fast. i want to freeze time. sounds like you guys had a great time away.
wow i missed so much being going for a week! we're on the new site!! yay!

so we went on a long road trip with emily [6 hours] and visited friends in new orleans and then to my hometown to visit and stay with family for the week. she met her great grandparents on my side of the family for the first time. she did really well on the car ride. other than getting fussy when she was hungry, she was miss content or miss asleep!

let's see what else... oh, she found herself in the mirror and loves it! and last night she slept 10 straight hours!! 10! my boobs were pretty po'ed about it though... so i couldn't sleep and had to pump because they hurt so bad...

and she'll be 3 months old tomorrow. times-a-flyin!

now, to go play catch up on this thread...
Hey everyone! Sorry I'm so spotty here. It's getting harder and harder to have P at work and do anything other than cram work in while she's sleeping.

Hope all the fireworks for the Americans here didn't disrupt your babies! Piper slept well- but her white noise machine was cranked pretty high.

Still no teeth. I have a toothless 7.5 month old. What the heck. We are on stage 2 foods now, and mixed grain cereal (which she loves so much more than the rice cereal). but I have yet to give her finger foods. Her pincer grasp isn't too bad, but I'm going to wait until the 8 month appointment to talk to the doc.

What are your opinions on tofu?

We've had our first bout of diaper irritation. Nothing too bad, but Burts Bees and the Boudreaux's butt paste didn't help, so I picked up Triple paste and gave her a bath in Aveeno Oatmeal powder stuff. The triple paste made it better, definitely. I also gave her a few hours of naked time, which she loved AND helped.

Sorry to the Mamas with the breastfeeding woes. It's such a struggle doing what your body is SUPPOSED to do. I felt the same way when Piper never descended and I needed a c-section.

China: Yay for a great trip! Sounds like it was wonderful all around.

JCrow: I'm glad E got to see family!!

Mara: Is the pool water cool or "heated"? Piper freaked out about the cold pool water.

I need some help from the Mommies. Here it is:

Paul sees Piper first thing in the am, and when he gets home from work (anywhere from 5-6pm).When he gets home he'll take her and play with her but mostly wants to relax with her. Which Piper is not excited about. We both feed her at 6pm- I do cereal he does the fun stuff like fruits and veggies. Then we play with her until 7, when she has her bath. Paul gives her the bath and I "assist"- handing over shampoo or her scrubber. After the bath I wrap her in the towel and put her diaper on, her lotion and stuff while Paul dumps the bathwater. He comes back in and combs her hair and helps me put her pjs on. Then I'd take her into the nursery, nurse her and put her down (after turning on the white noise). Took ten minutes MAX, and she'd go down drowsy but fine. NOW Paul wants to be a part of her putting down, and decided to stand there while I nurse her, and instead of rocking her a bit like I used to, I have to hand her over and he takes her and puts her down. Instead of her going down drowsy she gets all interested because DADDY has her and she wants to play. He finally puts her down and she starts screaming because she's awake now. I no longer get in and out in ten minutes. Now it's a half an hour at least.

PLEASE help me figure out what to do. I don't want to deny Paul that time with his daughter but it's not helping the situation. I also know he'll be offended if I say, "Hey honey, this isn't working, can we try something else?"
amber you are a better wife than me because i totally tell greg to skeedaddle when he is distracting J. daddy is sooo much more fun than mommy for sure, so whenever we are both standing at the crib, it's a gigglefest and he thinks it's playtime. and obviously that doesn't work at bedtime. so a few times in the last week i actually have said 'umm daddy, the boy wants to have funtime and not bedtime, so head on out...' you really think Paul would be offended? i let G give him a kiss or whatever then that's it.

if so maybe you can change the routine up a him a bit more time with P without you around? like can he give all her food? or do all the bathtime? i am really selfish with my J time, because i only see him like 2 hours after work before bedtime but if i was with him all day i'd prob be game on letting G do way more with J after he gets home...aka when i was home with him all the time earlier i was like 'here he is..peace out!!' hehee.

on the flip side maybe daddy would not have to be quite so 'fun' but of course that's not as fun for DADDY maybe Paul can't have it both ways?? i know G surely can't...i am like well if you want him to listen to you and not think you are just fun all the time, you gotta show some discipline! hehe.

oh i should also say that if i am NOT there at all and G has to take J and put him down, the kid kind of seems to realize it's not funtime. but if we are both there, it's different somehow.

ok so who in the 5-6month group of babes have kiddos with teeth coming through? J has none and he doesn't seem OVERLY crabby much of the time so i don't feel like he is in crazy teething mode just yet. i am wondering if that is normal..i know the range for getting first tooth is quite large, like 4-8months and we are only at 5 but just wondering.

jcrow yay for a successful trip! E seems so easygoing, which is awesome!

re: pool water... the pool we take him to is not heated or cooled and so it's colder than outside but not cold at all. so J has no issues with it.

oh and amber... what are you planning to do with P as she continues to age? your note about it being harder to work while she is there totally jives with what i think about having J with me all the time if i had to work, it's so hard to get big chunks done because he lives in 30-45 min increments. are you thinking of getting help?
Yay for such a long, good trip in the car jcrow! Micah has gotten better about being in the car the older he's gotten, but I don't know if he would tolerate a ride that long. Lucky!

Amber, personally, Paul has to see that before Piper would go right down in ten minutes and that now she doesn't. So pointing out to him that Daddy changing up her routine is not really helping, shouldn't offend him - and if he does, then now would be as good a time as any to talk about that. I agree with Mara about maybe letting him do more bath or more food instead of putting her down, at least for the time being. Maybe work up to him doing the entire night routine and then start swapping days with him so that Piper knows BOTH of you mean bedtime, not playtime. Micah has always been a champ at going down for the night for either me or his daddy, because we have shared that since he was born. It's worth a try!
amber - re: daddy time, could p do all of bath time with her? that's what hubs does. it's like their thing. also, what about having him read a bedtime book before nursing begins? re: diaper rash, nakie time is the BEST for it i've found.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to share quickly about J's 6th month appointment. He's now 17.4lbs and 26.8in! He went from 15-25th percentile from birth to 4 months to 50th+ now... Which coincides with the weaning, so it makes me wonder if my BM supply issues were even worse than I thought. :(sad He took his shots like a champ and cried for about 5 seconds; the nurse was so sweet, singing to him and making faces to distract him! He's been crabby all afternoon though... Gotta go make dinner while he's (finally) napping!
Thanks for all the help, everyone. I guess we're just going to have to talk about it tonight. I refuse to let this ruin Piper's pretty good sleep schedule. The other night I had him completely dress her and bathe her and it went well, so maybe I could make it a daily thing. I would be totally cool with him putting her to bed if I didn't have to nurse her, since she's totally not taking bottles, so I can't just hand it over to him and say "See ya".

Mara: I have no idea how I'm going to handle an older more mobile Piper. Right now it's okay, because I do my work in short bursts (which is kind of what I always have done, but now I don't have internet time with her around) but I don't know how long I can do it. One of my bosses wants to be able to take her to the bank with him (a walk) and stuff, so I think he's expecting her to be here for awhile? At least until preschool? Yikes. I'm thinking 1 year or so, then I'll have my mom watch her, maybe.
Amber I would also suggest having him do just one piece of the bedtime routine alone so that he feels like he gets that alone time and then have you do just the putting to sleep part. FI has taken over bedtime as with me it is sometimes 1.5 hours but with him, 15 mins tops. It just doesn't make sense to have her screaming for 1.5 hours.

Anchor I wouldn't let mommy guilt get to you. You are doing a great job!

I'm supposed to graduate to the big girl thread :sick:. I'm in complete denial. I was thinking yesterday that I feel like I missed out on so much. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm working? IDK. But I remember her first days being home and now bam she's one.

OH and you know what FI did totally on accident? Deleted her birth video :(sad Well, not the birth itself but he had recorded all of the newborn procedures, getting her first bath, her hair cut with the funny statements made by the nurse. It was all such a blur and I loved having those videos to watch. We tried to see them on her b-day but they're all gone :(sad
oh no fiery! and it's okay for you to be in denial! that just means we get you around a little longer :praise:

drk - huge hugs!

cc! hey girlie!!!

it's been and will be a crazy week at work - so i have like zero time to post, but i just wanted to take a min to talk about about our sleeping situation.

since friday night c-dog has been

wait for it...
wait for it...

he's gotten so awesome at sleeping that he just lets out a slight whimper when i put him down then rolls to his belly and passes out.
he typically wakes up once or twice a night and lets out cry or two then goes back to sleep.
the ONE caveat is that he is slowly waking up for the day earlier and earlier. today it was 5a! i really don't want to have to do any type of CIO at 5 in the morning.

sha - as far as what we did. regular bedtime routine (bath, diaper, book, bottle, rock, cuddle) when he closes his eyes and seems to finally relax i put him in his crib, give him a kiss and leave. at first he didn't cry until later on in the evening.. then he started crying right when i laid him in his crib - this was the hardest! the first night he cried for maybe 1 hour, 2nd (or so night b/c he got sick during our CIO) maybe 35mins, 3rd night 20mins and then wimper.

i let him cry each time he woke up until 6am - but he is 8 months and i know he could go all night w/out eating AND (big 'and') he can find his paci and put it back in his mouth now - this makes all the difference in the world!

at first, if he woke up anytime after 12a - i fed him.. then one night he went all night so i decided to cut out that feeding the next night and let him cry.. which he only did (for an extended period of time) for 1 night.

what was interesting about CIO to me is that you let them cry if they start when you put them down, AND each time they wake up during the night... guess i wasn't expecting 2 or 3 or 4 cry sessions a night...

just jinxed myself.. he's crying now!
viz - wow! that's awesome. :appl:

as for us, we're working on operation deswaddle. last night we tried only one arm out. she woke after about 6 hours and was thrashing about with her arm flailing and woke herself up. we tried for a while to get her to go back down [which we haven't had to do in ages] and finally gave in and swaddled her arm in. little bug is still sleeping now swaddled.

we decided it was time to try to break the swaddle habit because this past week while we were out of town, she would come out of her swaddle SO easily no matter how we tried to do it. we figured she's just getting too strong for it and took it as a sign that this might be a good time to try.
Yay Viz!! So are you guys resting well now? I know that when S started STTN, it took me about 2 weeks to STTN myself :bigsmile:

Jcrow-good luck!
YAY VIZ!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
yay for STTN viz...great job!

jcrow...that is when we started deswaddling J too, when he started breaking out and he would wake up anyway. it's great E slept for 6 hours deswaddled... it's ok that you had to reswaddle her to get her to sleep the rest of the time, but it's a good start. we did the same thing with J...trying diff things, aka one arm, or both arms, or sleep sack etc. it took him a little while to get it, maybe 2 weeks ? and it was hard on me since i kept getting up, but eventually he got it and now he sleeps just sacked. one note though is that as she starts to get used to being free, she might start rolling, that is what J would do and he got all freaked out. anyway hang in there and good luck! i am so sorry about the loss of the video! and i hope you come to visit us still on this thread... no total defection!

AFM...last nite J again went his 12 hours without waking at all, AND was in the SAME exact spot and position all night long, how weird is that?!??! i think he hasn't done that since he was like 4 weeks old! normally he moves all over the crib.

oh and my giant super boy child is out of control. i put him in a 12month just one year unionsuit i got from target which is so flippin adorable BUT just fits him!! what the heck. his length is so long. this kid is going to eat us out of house and home.

hope the other mama's are doing well. PS2 is taking some getting used to, it doesn't seem to keep me logged in so i have to go find how to log in and then i get distracted and am like 'well i didn't really have time to post anyway'...haha.
Viz - that's great!

I tried banana and EBM with K yesterday. She seemed to like it, and was even able to eat it off a spoon! Only took two tries of sucking avocado off my finger, and this shot with the banana. The banana just kept slipping off my finger, which is why I decided to try the spoon again. Plus Mara had said it didn't take long for J to figure it out.

She's not keen on her evening naps now. I wonder if she's starting to consolidate into more of a morning and afternoon nap, with a catnap later in the day. So far she eats at 9pm, goes down just before 10pm, sleeps through till I wake her at 4am for a change and feed (she is soaking wet and hungry at that point). Then she puts herself back to sleep fairly easily until either 9am or DH has to wake her sometime before 9:30am. She's up for about 2h, then has a nap, and the cycle repeats. By the time I get home from work around 4pm, she's up from her second nap, and isn't too interested in sleeping again. At least yesterday she turned into a fussbucket when I tried to put her down around 5-5:30pm. Eventually I laid down with her in our bed and let her have a little snack and pass out. She seemed a bit overtired, since before I tried to put her in her crib, she went from playing happily on her mat to screaming in no time flat. She's gotten really good at rolling from back to stomach, and can even get the second arm out from under her. Just hasn't figured out back to front. I think that might have been part of the problem with the evening nap - I put her in without the positioner, and DH went up when she wouldn't stop fussing to find that she'd turned herself 90 degrees and rolled onto her stomach. She did the same when I went up a second time after he'd put her back in the original position. Hope she learns to roll herself back soon! Now I'm dreading the 4mo wakeful...

Mara - Can't believe he's in 12mo already! K would be in bigger sleepers solely for her length if it weren't too hot for anything but onesies. Even with the A/C on in our house, her room made it to 27C last night. I had her sleeping in her diaper.
DRK- How old is K again? If she seems like she doesn't want an evening nap, I would follow her lead. But then I would try putting her down earlier for bedtime. For example, O's bedtime is 7 pm now and I don't let him nap past 4 or 4:30 so he will be ready for bed. 4 to 9 seems like a long stretch, so you could try keeping her up till 7, put her down, let her wake up at 9, feed her and put her right back down. Most likely her next move will be to drop that 9 pm feeding eventually. O took longer to go to 2 real naps, but it was pretty obvious when he did. I really think you should follow her leads, babies tell you when they are ready for a change.

It's so weird how quickly you forget all of the newborn things. I remember some moms on this thread saying that when their little ones were almost 1 and I just couldn't understand how you could forget all of this stuff, you live and breathe it for so long. But it's true! All of a sudden they fall into their patterns and it just becomes the norm. O goes down at 6:30 or 7 pm, sleeps until 6:30 or 7 am and takes two long naps a day, one around 9 or 9:30, and one around 1:30 or 2. Of course, some days he takes short naps and some days long ones, but they don't really mess him up like they used to. It's weird how much I used to stress about his naps and stuff and now I know he will sleep at night pretty much no matter what, and so I don't sweat it like I used to. I really need to go back and copy and paste all of my posts. I remember his sleeping at night patterns for sure, but I can't remember when he got his first tooth! :o How is that possible?

So question about milk- any moms that are still around with older babies or lurking? When did you start giving them milk? And did you totally transition off formula when you did it, or just add in the milk? I don't remember if my ped said to wait till 1 year or start at 10 months. I am going to call him and ask, obviously, but even if he says to wait till 1, I may go ahead and start offering it. O is starting to not be interested in his bottles and he's had a few tastes of milk already with no sign of allergy or reactions.

Seems like there aren't as many posts on v.2, no?

What else? Thnking ahead to O's first birthday. :eek: Not going to do a big thing, but want to celebrate it. Am thinking of just having a sort of "open house" with snacks (and cupcakes obviously!) I was thinking of doing a "time capsule" thing, but not sure how to go about it. Any thoughts????? The idea would be to have people bring something and then I would put it in a time capsule and put it away, and give to him when he's older. Just not sure what to tell people??? Maybe I should just do it myself. Hmmm. Thoughts?

Can't believe he's almost a toddler. My two BFF's have kiddos 3 months older and BOTH are preggo with their second, due in December and March. I just can't fathom it yet!
Hi all. Last night Paul grudgingly asked if I wanted to put her down by myself and I said it was best. Of course, getting her ready for bed last night Paul didn't fasten her diaper tight enough and she leaked through her sleeper to the sheet to the mattress pad (I had taken the sheet saver off to wash it) and that may have attributed to her 2:45am wakeup, as she has stopped waking in the middle of the night now. Although she'll probably start up again now that I mentioned it. Sigh.

Viz: Yay for STTN! Go Charlie, go!!

Jcrow: Good luck with the deswaddle! I hope it's relatively painless.
China, I love the idea of a time capsule! Just say you're trying to make memories for O, and would like some help- please bring an item you think would be a good addition to a time capsule for little O!
CC - Many nutritionists recommend waiting until 1 year before introducing milk, the main reason is to prevent iron deficiency. The second time J was hospitalized for a UTI, his "roommate" was a two-year-old admitted for pneumonia and they discovered while doing his bloodwork that he had anemia. A nutritionist came to talk to the mom and mentioned these two guidelines when it comes to iron: Formula until 1 year and iron-fortified cereal until 2-years.
10 Months, 3 Weeks

Amber- I think you should tell Paul that as long as you are nursing, putting Piper to bed is your job and you will gladly let him have his own job! :cheeky: Also, was wondering how it's going having P at work so thanks for your update! I just can't imagine having O here, he's so busy and into everything it would never work. You are lucky she's been so easy so far!

That's a good idea. Just need to think of how to word it so people don't have to put so much thought into it. LIke it could be about him, or it could just be something that is going on in the world when he was one.

Also, I was typing the top part of this post and before I could submit, I got a little "post review" message alerting me that you (Amber) had posted more in case I wanted to revise my post. Pretty cool!!!!

Also, saw this on the preggo thread, but I guess you can put a "subject" on your post, and someone over there suggested putting how far they were in the subject line. It would be oh so helpful if we could put how old our little ones were! Makes it so much easier to reply with help.

ETA: Thanks Anchor, that is VERY helpful! I have no problem waiting till 1 then.
8 Months 1 week

Sooooooo....this is going to be completely all about me...sorry!

We are thinking of trying for number 2...... :errrr:

Somedays I'm all about it...other days I just can't imagine another little one right now.

We are fine financially--we would have to move to a larger place (2 bedroom 2 bath apartment currently) but we were planning on doing that anyway within the year--with or without being pregnant.

But I can't imagine having to split my attention from my wonderful little Evan. He's just a complete joy practically all the time and I just can't imagine loving someone else just as much....

I loved being wouldn't mind going through it all over again.

I don't know what I'm really asking really.....just typing I guess.

How do you know when you are really ready for baby number 2?
craps, the old ps would allow me to hit the back button without losing the message if i got an error when trying to submit. phooey. my message got erased..

mara - thanks for the swaddle feedback. i just put her down for a nap swaddled :[ i never use to put her down for a nap swaddled because she slept cozy in a newborn soothing swing and she didn't have much arm + leg freedom. now we're putting her down in her crib/co-sleeper where there's lots of room for her to move around. she thrashes around and her arms go flailing waking her up or not allowing her to go down to sleep. so i swaddled. she sleeps so peacefully swaddled... i figured we would first try working on deswaddling her during the night then tackle the day naps after a few nights of her going one arm out at night.

ps. grr... apparently i accidentally hit the save button instead of submit. BOO. took me a while to figure out where the heck this thing saved to...
3months 3wks

K is a little over a week shy of her 4th month bday. By due date, she's just over 4 months. I think when we finally get blackout blinds in her room, we'll have an easier time transitioning to an earlier bedtime. For now, she really only seems to get sleepy in the evening after it starts to get darker out around 9pm. DH likes the 9pm-9am sleep schedule since he's home looking after her and he doesn't go to bed till late, so wants to sleep in. I don't mind it because she's sleeping lots, and because it gives me more time with her when I get home from work. I'm sure we'll shift it earlier soon enough.
Micah - 3 months

CC, I like the idea about the subject change! I'm going to start doing that now :praise:
7 Months 2 weeks

Me, too. Subject change is awesome!
4 months 3 weeks

cc - :wavey: that is such a cute idea about the time capsule! as for the nanny, things are going well i think. def some things i would like to work on, but so glad we were in a position to have a nanny.

jcrow - good luck with deswaddling. we did it a few weeks back and did the gradual 1 arm thing too. it took about 2ish weeks. but ditto to what mara said. he became a rolling maniac with the extra freedom and even though the wake ups due to whacking himself in the face slowed, he now wakes because he gets stuck on his belly somewhere and hasn't figured out how to roll himself back.

drk - A caught on to the spoon pretty quick -- after 2 sessions or so he was a pro.

mara - re: spices i was thinking the opposite -- i wanted to make sure he is able to tolerate all sorts of flavors and foods and so wanted him to have a broad palate from early on. we did plain sweet potatoes first, then once he seemed ok after a few sessions we added the cinnamon etc.. and observed. don't think there's a right or wrong way here and there may be a good chance nothing we do will influence them in adulthood wither way!

fiery - happy belated birthday to the lovely sophia!!!

tao - exciting!! i didn't understand what it meant when moms posted not knowing if they could love the second baby as much as their first which i thought pre-mommyhood was silly...of course you can! ...until i had A and now i occ wonder if i can love another baby as much. rationally i know of course, that's the way it works... but he emotional part of me is, well not rational sometimes! ok...rambling now, but i'm just trying to say i get where you're coming from.

AFM -- hating the huggies. he has pee leaks everynight with them. ugh. but we got a ton as gifts. wonder if i can return or exchange them somehow.
3 months

checking out the subject line. wonder if it's just for this thread + post that it's visible?

this subject thing is SUPER helpful!!! yay!