
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Amber- Not sure about the colors thing, but let me know if you find out. O was constipated during and after our trip and his poop was just like that. Blackish green and hard, usually one small poop. And he really really strained to get it out. Besides trying to get more water down him, I upped up his fruit intake at every meal, especially any fruits beginning with P (pears, prunes, peaches). A few days later and all is normal again. Hope that helps.
Put a teaspoon of the baby apple-prune juice in her bottle of either water or your BM :)) That really helps.
Oh, I forgot, MP's post reminded me. I did call my pedi about it, and instead of juice they recommended giving him some caro syrup.
M was constipated after we started solids, and our pedi told us to give her half a cap of Miralax in water. He said Miralax works by helping the body absorb water, but it's not absorb into the body, so it's safe to use. You might want to check with your pedi.
Thanks China, I've given her a ton of pears today, so I'll try some prunes tonight. I heard bananas are a binder? So I'm going to put a hold on the cereal (which she loves and eats twice a day) and up the fruits. I'll let you know what I find out.

CC: I had heard about the caro syrup, too. Good to know.

MP: I would, if she would take a bottle! This baby is EXCLUSIVELY breastfed, the little piggie. I have prunes with apples at home, maybe that'll help?

Qtie: Oh, that's also really good to know! I'll pick some up today!
re: poop, ditto china.. not sure why but i would give her some fruits to help her go. pears, prunes, peaches. iron will make your poop really dark as well so she could be getting too much iron from somewhere but if you are EBF and just giving her cereal that seems like not that much 'extra' iron?

i just need to chime and say i am not loving work at all. i love my paycheck but not the stresses associated with it, and all the WASTED effort and energy that we put into things. my programs drive a lot of revenue and the scrutiny around overanalysis drives me crazy. i am always thinking of the 500 other things i need to do rather than be working on some preso for so and so to help them understand my business. UGH!!!!! ok vent over.

random Q but when do the LO's start to 'reach out' for you? J is starting to just hold his arms up and/or out sometimes when he sees us and i am taking it as a sign he wants to be picked up or moved or whatever, does that sound about right from a developmental stage? right now he just loves being with people and is super good natured when anyone wants to hold or mess with him and is hugely smiley for everyone. i am grateful he is so easy going BUT i am waiting for the day where he wants to be held by ONLY ME...yup i'm a selfish momma.

we tried cauliflower yesterday mixed with his peas and he LOVED the combo. i'd read that it could make him gassy but nope not more than usual hehe. we'll do it again tonite. green poop? not so fun.
Thanks Mara! Well, she does eat a lot of cereal, AND we just gave her some "garden veggies" which is like, peas, carrots and spinach. So perhaps it's the spinach, too? She's totally happy and normal and other than the grunting, is perfectly content.
amber - speaking from an adult doc POV -- iron makes poop black and can cause constipation; ditto the prune juice suggestion. oh and apples and bananas are supposed to also cause constipation.

mara - A loves his Mortimer the moose from Lamaze right now. and i also just got him the oball rattle that is is semi obsessed with.

miracle - hot g-ma! sorry your grand daughter isn't feeling well

charger - nico is SO CUTE.

a+a - LOVE THEM. so perfect for hot texas summer. and A loves them too. I use it to block the sun in the car and he just zones out staring at the patterns on the blankets (i ahve the papparazzi one and his fave is are the zebras). i'm now stalking babysteals for the sleep sacks

AFM - my conflictedness ( :rodent: ) re: the cio is due to the fact that he is younger than we're comfortable with. but then logically i know it's not so much the number itself but if he is ready for it developmentally. that i don't know but i seriously could not think of anyhting else to do. how is he doing now? well bedtime is def improving and he's back to being easy to put down. he's sleeping a little more consistently until 2-4 AM before waking up wanting a bottle. unfor after that it becomes a bit hairy. he keeps waking up again anywhere from 4-6:30. 630 is great, 4 not so much. i feel even less comfortable letting him cio at that point becuase lately he's been pee-ing through his diaper eversince we finished out our pampers swaddlers and switched to huggies. i don't like the dry max controversy (our prior swaddles were the old ones w/o dry max) so i am trying the pampers swaddles sensitives but he peed through that one too.

ugh. if it's not one thing it's something else.

well despite all this internal drama mama is going chunky monkey is back to his crazy sunny smiley giggly perpetually in fast fwd motion adorable self :love:

we did bananas -- so far surprisingly he's not loving it. i'm going to try combining it with avocado to see how he does with that.

hubbs stuck him in a walker that great g'ma gave us without my approval when i wasn't looking. he KNEW i ddin't want A in it as we have a three story townhome and slippery hardwood floors. he also knew i would not be able to resist A's absolute JOY at being mobile. the look of pure amazement and glee as he scrambles around is T.D.F. love love LOVE. so now hubbs is under STRICT instructions that no one gets to put him in it but us and ONLY if that person is doing nothing else but 100% keeping near A. sigh. i hate it when he manipulates me and ends up getting his way. :rolleyes:
lol ginger re: the walker... get ready to be manipulated by another cutie man..we women can't win!! we just got J a walker and he seems to like it but i can tell he isnt QUITE sure what to do with it yet.

re: nighttime diapers, we swear by the pampers baby dry. they DO NOT HAVE DRY MAX which is why we are still using them. they are 12 hour diapers and they go all 12 hours with J...even with a nighttime bottle from time to time. in the morning it's disgusting and like 10 lbs and gross but he doesn't get diaper rash and his clothes don't get wet. we have been using them for J since he was i think 7 weeks old.

thanks for the feedback re: the toys, i think we'll get him the learning table and one of the lamaze toys. today on his walk we gave him his new sippy cup.. (day 2 and he already has totally picked up on it!!) and he played with it for most of his walk, who needs TOYS?!?!?
mara - is it the regular baby dry or the overnight version?
Mara, Micah already does the lean and reach when someone else is holding him and he wants to go with me. When either of his grandmas have him for the day and I come to pick him up in the afternoon, he lights up and leans in my direction. He will reach, too, but sometimes isn't coordinated enough for it lol. And he only does it for me. I think it depends on the baby - J sounds really independent so he may have simply not wanted to do the lean and reach yet!

I'm curious about which diaper you use too Mara. I think Micah would wake up less if he were more dry.
yup J is pretty independent unless he 'needs' you to do something for him like hold a bottle or get him to a new situation. i applaud it and hate it at the same time, hehee. when i hold him he hardly ever does the wrap around the neck thing unless he is sleepy, he'd rather kind of lean out and look around and take it all in. funny greg's mom said he was the same way, if she removed her arms he'd drop...he was so not interested in whoever had him, but his sister was like a little monkey and would just wrap herself around the mom so she could even use her hands freely! no bjorn required. hehee.

not everyone believes in astrology but he's an aquarius and one of the things i read about them is that they are very independent and they have a problem connecting emotionally at times. they noted as a parent to an aq child you really had to try to teach them how to be affectionate and connect emotionally or else they could have issues with it when they were older. it's funny because now that his personality is gelling...he totally seems like that, but he is crazy super smiley and giggly OR really PO'd so he's very 'expressive' but i don't know much about his 'emotions' yet. he doesn't seem overly sensitive either which i am happy about. but i guess we'll see as he gets older.

anyway we are really affectionate and lovey with him and he is a passive acceptor of it thus far but at least he doesn't shove us away! and when i smoosh kisses on his cheeks he smiles and/or laughs.

the diapers we use are the regular baby dry, i see they have 'extra protection' also, which i have never tried...the regular ones are made to go 12 hours but i imagine if you have a heavy leaker then try the EP. this is the mondo pack but i get ours at longs or cvs or whatever in jumbo pack because since we only use one a night, i only feel comfortable buying about 30-60 diapers at a time so he doesn't hit some crazy growth spurt and then suddenly we can't use the rest of them. also if you have a heavy leaker, you can go up one size in the diaper to make sure there's the extra material to grab the liquid.

someone else in FHH made the suggest too, if you have boys, when you diaper them for the night make sure their wee is not pointing straight up so it doesn't soak the top of the diaper first and could lead to leaks. ... 697&sr=8-1

AFM...still plugging along. work is crazy busy, but J seems to be doing well. i might have the opp to do a nanny share with a coworker who lives really close to me which would be great but i am also talking to a few people who have PT contracts in my field. in the meantime i really do need to start looking for a nanny in case the share doesn't work out and i have about a month til mom goes back to work. i really am struggling with the thought of someone totally new watching J, it's diff when it's someone you know. but i guess i have to get over it or make a work decision soon.
Re: walkers. I was surprised to see posts about them because they are banned in Canada. I thought I'd post a link to the Health Canada study done in 2004 (that also includes data from the US and Australia) so everyone can make an informed decision. ... ex-eng.php

AFM - I started baby sign language with J yesterday. It's so much fun to show him, we'll see how it goes!
Mara- Like J, O is super super independent and not a cuddler. Even as a little guy. I don't think he started lifting his arms up to me till later when he wanted something- like maybe even 6 or 7 months? Now he does it all the time, but it's a "I want up, pick me up" thing, not necessarily a cuddly thing. Speaking of, I am really working on teaching him to say "Up". Obviously he's not saying anything now, but anytime he puts his arms up I say "UP? You want up?" before I pick him up. I have 2 friends with babies exactly 3 months ahead of O. One taught her daughter up and the other didn't. Now when her daughter is finished eating or whatever she says "up" while the other kiddo just whines and screeches. So we'll see!

Also, I love astrology. O's a Leo, which is really independent as well. I have to say, I dated an Aquarius for a looooong time, and your description is exactly what he was like, and one of our major issues (I'm an Aries, I need attention :cheeky:). But on the flip side, he was very forward-thinking, always on the cutting edge, super-independent and a go-getter. Aquarians are very cool, just hard to date. :devil:

As for the work thing, it's a never-ending struggle. I will say I love our nanny and O loves her. I feel 100% comfortable leaving him with her. I hope you find something that works for you- sounds like the P/T thing would be a great option?

Where IS everyone? I don't have much time left on this thread! :((

AFM- All is status quo. Work is still a problem, for lots of reasons I haven't gone into. Looks like there might be a solution in sight, should know more soon. Will definitely update with details when/if it happens. O is just a joy right now, this is a good age for him. He's happy, he's fun, but he's still a baby enough. He just cracks himself up all day long. I am fascinated watching him starting to figure stuff out. It's crazy how all of a sudden I can see the wheels turning. Anyone know when the right/left hand thing develops? I feel like I read it's way later, like 2 or 3. O uses his left hand A LOT, though he definitely uses his right too. He's thisclose to walking. This morning he actually took a step towards me before he realized what he was doing. So cute. Trying to figure out his birthday plans, plus a baptism/christening and a trip out to California.

ETA: Anchor- We are sort of trying to teach O sign language but so far he's too distracted to really pay attention. Right now I'm just focusing on "More" and "All Done" because I can't ever figure out if he's still hungry or just playing with his food. Let me know if you have any good tricks, other than just sheer repetition. Also, can't open that link- what is the danger? I have heard that but have never figured out what was so dangerous about them. I remember Pandora saying something similar about the UK.
I might have to try those, Mara. We use Huggies and I really like them (especially the Pure and Natural ones, but they only come in these tiny little packs, grrr), but I'd be willing to try Pampers if they don't leak and hold quite a bit. Micah pees like a racehorse, with extreme force, so sometimes the diapers can't absorb quickly enough and leak, but I have mostly fixed that problem by buying them a little bit big.

anchor, are you fluent in sign language or are you just teaching him the basics, like "more milk?" (That sign cracks me up, btw.) I'd love to try this with Micah, but a friend did it and despite also talking to her a lot, she was slow to actually speak because she could just sign what she wanted. I don't want that to happen at all!
Re: walkers - Hm, let's see if I can figure out how to post a link on PS2... Walkers studyIf that still doesn't work, try searching "walker" at It's a very interesting read.

Basically it says that walkers are a serious safety hazard and that baby walker injuries and deaths have been attributed to:
- fall down stairs;
- mechanical injuries as a result of children pulling furniture over, pulling down small appliances, or colliding with objects;
- ingestion of foreign objects, potential poisons, cigarettes;
- burns from stoves, fireplaces, heaters, irons;
- drowning (in a pool or toilet);
- suffocation (compression of the neck against the feeding tray); and,
- scalds as a result of children being able to reach and pull down items (e.g., hot tea or soup, electric kettles, deep fryers, electric fry pans) either directly or by pulling on a cord or table cloth.

It also mentions that most injuries occur while the child is being surpervised and that there is no evidence of it being a developmental aid. It recommends stationary alternatives such as "exersaucers" and "jumperoos". Interesting fact about use in the US: Ban recommendations have been issued in the US by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1993 and 2001. The AAP also issue a Fact Sheet called "Baby walkers are dangerous!" is 2003. Obviously however, it is still being sold and used.

Personally, I have purchased a Fisher-Price jumperoo for J and he LOVES it. I would be terrified if the thing had wheels! I've also heard quite a few injury stories from relatives who had walkers before the ban.
Re: sign language. I'm not fluent in sign language, although I would love to learn! My goal would be to have him be able to tell me about his basic needs as soon as possible, like "milk", "more", "all done", "diaper", that sort of thing. I hope it could lead to less fussing and less guesswork!
re sisters and i all had them and we just LOVED them and we were in them the minute we could sit up. i have read that study and others and IMO its common sense. do you give a child a walker and be like 'peace out' see ya later. heck no. our walker even has a warning that says don't leave child unattended in it. aka don't put kid in the walker and go take a nap in a 3 story house with electric cords everywhere. at some point you have to child proof anyway, so a walker just means it should be done earlier. we put J on a rug so he can't go anywhere, and also we could take the wheels off and then he can just sit there and play if we wanted to.

also we live in a ranch style house with no stairs. we have wood floors so nothing to catch and/or trip him. we don't use our fireplace, i don't EVER iron, our stove is WAY out of his reach, etc etc. the only thing i could see us having to do is not leave our laptop cords hanging low, but also our kitchen has all the plugs way up top near the countertop so that is where we plug in all our appliances anyway.

lastly, we plan to confine him to one area of the house (aka living room) in the walker when he IS finally mobile. we'll do that with baby gates in two areas.

the whole 'walkers are so dangerous' thing is a bit of an irritant for me because i feel like it's common sense. to ban them because people are careless... it's like oh the product is dangerous but it's really user error. and people will still use them anyway--the only thing banning does it ensure that only OLD and out of date walkers will be used like handed down through generations which is even MORE unsafe. the new walkers actually are pretty good, most of them are not the old X style (Which can collapse on the baby)...and are all plastic and not metal, don't pinch baby fingers, etc. also there are so many things that can be 'unsafe' for a baby if they are used incorrectly so IMO walkers just got the short end of the stick.

also i think the report i read said it delays actual something like a MONTH. if J doesn't walk solo for an extra month because of the fun he has in his walker, i am ok with it. anyway sorry for the vent. 8)

we looked at those jumperoo things and greg didn't like them. it was like the ultimate in crazy busy toys and noise makers, so he vetoed it. i do realize that we are giving him the option to be mobile and it's early, but if he enjoys it and we are with him anyway, i figure it doesn't matter whether he's in a swing or a walker.

MP... yeah we use pampers sensitive swaddlers for daytime still but after he outgrows these we'll have to find new diapers since i don't want to use drymax, was going to look into huggies pure and natural anyway, glad to hear you guys like them.
Anchor- Yep, those are the main signals we are working with O on. Just basic communication. I have a Baby Einstein DVD but he doesn't really pay attention yet. I read you have to repeat something like over 500 times to get a baby to understand, so all I'm doing now is repeating the same words/hand motions but not trying to get him to repeat anything.

As for the walkers- that's interesting. I didn't realize people were using them for non-mobile, 6 month olds. That would make me uncomfortable. However, O is pretty much already able to reach any of those things now so it seems less applicable to older babies, or babies that are walking. I tried to find age info in the study and I did see a reference to 15 months and younger. Surprised by that a little bit, as if your baby is walking, then all of those hazards would apply with or without a walker. I do have a cousin that has a 3 year old with mild cerebral palsy and she uses a walker and it provides her with a huge sense of freedom. So not all walkers are bad, it's just for the little ones. But it's obviously something to keep in mind. We have a push toy/walker but we don't really use it too much as we have hardwoods and it's just too slippery. He can only use it if someone is walking right behind him the whole time.

ETA: Forgot to update on the diaper reaction. It's been awhile so we tried a Huggies and a Pampers on O again. Instant terrible diaper rash. :(( So we are stuck with the Kirkland's brand, which are fine just not as soft as the Pampers.

ETAA: After reading Mara's post, I tend to agree. BUT it also seems unnecessary to give a non-mobile kid mobility. Trust me, it is so wonderful to have a non-mobile baby that JUST STAYS IN ONE PLACE! :cheeky: It doesn't last long. I think I got like a month out of O where he could sit up and play by himself but not move. But we also don't have a house that lends itself to shutting off rooms, so if you can keep him in one room, that might not be such a PITA.
It just looks like all of the risks of walkers apply to children who become mobile. Any of those things could threaten children walking on their own, not just in walkers. Sort of silly to ban them -- there should just be a ban placed on children learning to walk and getting into things. :))
China--sometimes I think we are insane to want to give him more freedom so early...he doesn't even realize he can walk in it yet!! He just likes the toys. But I just remember all the joyous pictures I had in my walker and how my youngest sister LOVED cruising around in hers. And we were all early walkers in spite of the horrible developmental setbacks. :naughty: Anyway... I just feel like the poor walkers are vilified as so horrible but in reality most items have to be used with common sense and a parents understanding of the pros and cons. Parents still place babies on beds and walk away and oops baby falls off--what product will be banned to prevent that?

It's definitely up to the parent to become educated and figure out what's best for them, but just because a study from 1999 or 2003 (~10 years ago) says one thing doesn't IMO mean it's gospel.

Anchor also my post was not directed at you or anything--it's just the overall feeling of judgement that people give sometimes when you mention you got the kid a walker. And it's mostly the younger generations that feel that way, all the g'parents and everyone are like 'what do you mean walkers are bad?!'...I think back on what we used as walkers and almost do have to cringe. hehe!
Re: walkers - I didn't post this as a judgement of those who use them, I hope that this is not what came across. As I said, I wanted to post the link as a heads up and let people make an informed decision, that's it. I agree that all those risks apply to mobile children. But like China said, I'm thoroughly enjoying my last weeks with a non-mobile baby and find it a bit unnecessary to give non-mobile children mobility. If anyone wants to start running around behind the kid extra early... I say "have fun"! :loopy: :wink2:
Sign language: MP mentioned speech delay. I work with several SLPs who shared that it often does delay speech and have seen a fair amount of antecdotal evidence that proves that point. Not harmful or detrimental that this may occur, just no need for kiddo to use words when he/she already has them through sign so it takes a bit longer to develop that skill. A way to help that a bit is to always say whatever you and the child are signing to reinforce the spoken language. I've seen sign work wonders for older children who struggle with expressive language and babies/toddlers, it's such an amazing tool.

eta: just read an article about this and went and reviewed it. the article states some study showed long term babies who sign have more words at 36 months than those who don't. and that talking and signing is really important. interesting, especially as it conflicts with what i've heard from SLPs and what i've observed with friends/family who signed with their babies.

edit #2 to clarify previous eta: it's important to speak while signing so baby makes a connection between words and sign
Almost 8 1/2 months!!!

Hey Mommies!

We have a walker for Evan but we do not live in a place with stairs (not that I would use it on the second floor even if I did). We only leave him in it for a little bit of time and he is always supervised. Like other's have said---use common sense---and buy from a known company. I doubt they would keep selling them if they were that dangerous.


Starting on Baby Number 2 journey...ahh. We started this I guess I'm in the 2 week wait right now.

Evan can now crawl like a normal baby (haha)...very slowly but he's getting there! And he also figured out how to go from a laying down position to sitting up!! So proud of my little boy. :praise:

I'm sure most have already seen my pictures but we took him to the Aquarium the other day also, which is also where we got married a year ago and some change. He of course was still a bit young for it but did like some things, the big fish tanks and the harbour seals were his favorite. He mainly just people watched though.
walkers - wasn't planning on getting one due to the warnings and the fact that our home isn't walker friendly -- but hubbs g'ma gave us one and hubbs put A in it against my known wishes, which i WAS unhappy about, but seriously A LOVES it. he's getting really good at scrambling about and the pure joy and glee on his face is def worth the extra time and effort to VERY closely monitor him in it.

sign language - had high hopes i'd be organized enough to be more consistent with it. so far not yet. like the thought of it though :bigsmile:

solids update - did the banana/avocado mash...A LOVED it. couldn't spoon the stuff in fast enough. i htink the banana alone may havevbeen too sweet and goopy. the avocade mellowed out the sweetness and made it kind of creamy rather than goopy. A seems to like his foods on the thick side and with texture so i just mashed them together with a fork and didn't add any BM. honestly i tasted the mash myself and liked it. who'dve thunk bananas and avocado would taste so good together? :lickout:
yay for banana and avocado ginger..!! i totally give J what i think are weird combos but he loves them. yesterday it was peas, cauliflower and oatmeal and he gobbled it up like a crazy man.

tao...keeping fingers crossed for you guys!! still think you are crazy but in a fun loving way..hehe.

anchor... no worries, i am just sensitive to the walker thing because i think a lot of people have heard they are dangerous and judgement sucks. oh and re: putting them in them all the time--i think old school parents used to leave the kid in there a lot but so far we are only putting J in there like maybe 10-20 min a day...and what i have read say don't leave them in it all day or anything, so we plan to limit his time in there.

AFM...J's sleeping has normalized pretty much totally recovering from his 2-3 week blip of lots more waking, thank goodness. it was so hard to be working and getting up 1-3x a night for a while. i am a lazy spoiled girl, i admit it. he goes down about 7:30 or 8pm depending on our schedule, wakes up pretty much at around 5-6am right now and i just bink him and give him his holey knitted blankie and he rolls on his side and sleeps for another 1-2 hours.

his naps are crap right now though, i think being away from the house really messes with him during the week. he takes maybe two thirty minute naps a day if my mom is lucky...but sometimes he will just take like one 2 hour nap. when i am home with him i can get about two 45min-1hour naps and that's about it. but he's not overly crabby til the last hour or so of the day and since he is back to sleeping his 12 hours pretty much straight i don't stress out. he's growing too so he's obviously doing ok. speaking of growing, my child is getting GIANT. as in heavy and sooo long!!!!! i am dying to see how the 6mo appt goes in another 1.5 weeks. everyone says he looks like an 8month old. yikes!

i hope this nanny share works out but again i have to figure out the best 'nap' situ for him. it might be best if i can split the nanny share and then also have j with someone at home for 2x a he at least would have 5x at home for naps. anyway have to still figure it out. and still looking at PT..talked to someone promising this week, it's a startup and would only be a few hours to start but could be much more if they get funding and it's an interesting business model that i think could actually go somewhere. i might even do it with my regular job right now and then if it works out i can see if i can go PT at my regular job or leave entirely. keeping fingers crossed this thing works out anyway.

J's eating is so fun right now too. he loves solids and totally opens up so wide now and makes the crazy noises til i get the spoon in there. when we are done i let him hold the spoon for a few minutes (and watch him so he doesn't poke the eye!)...he totally sticks it in his mouth but it's all crooked, its so cute. also he is finally getting better with the paci and trying to stick it in...the other day i saw him find it in his crib during a nap and spend 5 min trying to get it in. but he didn't cry and fuss and was just absorbed with that so i think it's great.

oh and i am ordering that learning table. thanks ladies!
Ginger- FWIW, the sign language DVD is for 1 year plus. I got it early and was planning on doing it but never got around to it. He's just now really paying attention to me and my words so I'm not sure that he would have picked up on the sign language stuff earlier. I am sure there are some babies out there that can learn, with lots of time and patience, but I have none of that right now! Anyways, all this to say that I think you can still do the sign language when A's older, not like if you don't do it now he won't ever learn.

Mara- Remind me why your situation with J is changing soon? I'm with you on the sleep thing, I am lazy and highly protective of my sleep. I'm pretty sure O's naps were all over the place till 6 or 7 months. Now they are pretty regular. As long as he slept at night, I wasn't too worried about the naps.

Did we miss Des's birthday? I know Robbie isn't around anymore, but still think of her and Des as part of this thread. Fiery???
China-I'm snooping :bigsmile:

Yes, I did "forget" to send a b-day shout out to Des on here. She is a regular on another baby site that I am also a regular on so I did a post there but forgot to do one here :blackeye: He turned one on June 28!!
happy birthday Des...belated!!

China... my Mom has been watching J since I went back to work (well Mom/Sis combo) and she is returning to work (she's a teacher) third week of August so I have to find new care for J by then. My sis can watch him up to the last week in August before she heads off to London to do the overseas student thing, but I am trying to have it all pinned down before then.

Now that it is coming down to it, I really hate the idea of a complete stranger watching J since he's always been with someone he knows, but I know parents do it all the time. I am just hoping the nanny share works out or a combo of that plus my friend's aunt or similar (who does nanny'ing and I am meeting this wkd) because then it's like someone who is already vetted and approved and I won't worry as much.

On a fun note, my coworker just brought me a huge bag of plums from his tree and I plan to go on a crazy baby food making spree this wkd. What can pears be combo'd with hmmm?!?!

Oh and I need to start figuring out a convertible car seat soon..since my giant child is almost outgrowing his infant seat in length. I am hoping we'll eke out another month or maybe two in it. Yikes.
where IS everyone!?!?!?! the last post was ME yesterday morning. how SAD!