
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Yeah, I've been checking back for updates too (haven''t really had time to catch up/post), and nada! It's like everyone dropped off the face of the earth since your last post! :rodent: hehe...

Well, :wavey: to everyone out there!
I'm still lurking....been on vacation from work so been out actually enjoying life..hehe. :sun:

Not a whole lot to tell on my side, so I don't feel like I can contribute much.

We just lowered Evan's crib, he's starting to pull up more and more so figured we should probably do it now instead of waiting for him to actually fall out.

He is still taking pureed jar baby food...occasionally I'll mash up something fresh for him to eat (bananas, avocados). We just started him on some yogurt products...maybe every few days he gets some mixed in with oatmeal.

He loves his puffs and yogurt melts (So does mommy when we are at keeps him occupied).

I just don't know when I can start giving him "real" food...sometimes we let him suck on different things....I've given him some potatoes at a restaurant once just to keep him quiet. It was suggested to give him cut up cooked maybe I'll go to that next....when and what kind of foods should I try next?

We also don't hardly ever give him a sippy cup to try out...ahhh! I'm going to have a highschooler still drinking from a bottle! :lol:

Anyways...there is my contribution for the day...hope everyone else is doing good!
Sounds like I am the only one who haven't given J any solids. I am waiting until 6 months, so just a couple more weeks. Poor kid is so deprived. LOL.

We are going to two "meet the baby" parties this weekend. J will look so big next to them.

Look like my supply is back up. Not sure what caused the dip. I am still thinking AF, but she is not here yet.

We are waiting for J's crib to come. We ordered it in pre-order. It was supposed to be out last week, but we haven't gotten a shipping confirmation yet. I hope it gets shipped soon.
I know, I'm sad this thread seems to be dying off a bit. Don't know if it's the new format, if people can't log in, or if it's just that time of year. I'm trying to post more just to keep it going. No one is on the toddler thread either, don't know what's going to happen to me when O moves up and I don't have this group anymore. :(sad I'm a creature of habit. And I know we can keep up on the other site, but it's not the same to me, it's much more superficial.

Tao- Sorry how old is Evan again? 8 months or so? I think around 8 or 9 months is when I started giving O real food, maybe even before. But he was grabbing for it. I just started letting him try things when we were at restaurants, so refried beans, tiny pieces of tortillas, avocado, bits of pancake and any kind of fruit. Then string cheese. Then I tried chicken nuggets (cut up in tiny pieces).

Now things he loves: peas, corn, cheese, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, macaroni & cheese, waffles, bananas, avocado, cereal, watermelon, oranges. All of these are not mashed, but either given whole (steamed peas) or cut up into tiny pieces. I have a list somewhere of foods that 8 month olds can eat, let me look for it.

Let him take it at his pace though. If he's not that interested, just keep trying and eventually he'll get there. Now it's hard to get O to eat anything he can't feed himself.

As for the sippy cup, I just would fill up a cup of water and let him "play" with it during the day. It's hard at mealtime cause he bangs it, smashes the food, and drops it on the ground.

He's so funny about food. I gave him a mix of peas, carrots, green beans and corn and he picked out all the peas and corn, ate a few carrots and gave all of the green beans to the dog. ;)) So funny to watch.

O's so grown now, I look at him and I can see the little boy he'll be and not the baby. His hair is a total mess, long and wispy. But I kinda like it that way. :tongue:
Hi everyone, sorry I've been MIA, I've been swamped with month/quarter end at work, and when I get home it's pure Piper time until 8 and I just can't muster up enough energy to post, sorry!

It's gross hot here in LA lately, so I'm just trying to survive. I can't open Piper's window because the asses next door are always yelling and laughing and talking super loud. SO I guess it'll have to be a fan for her.

AFM: Piper is now totally creeping, and even crawling sometimes, the little munchkin (She crawled over to where I was processing invoices on the floor to be close to her and she took a bite out of one of the invoices). She is a pro at sitting up and pulling from her tummy to a sit up. I catch her in her crib sitting up wide awake because she can't remember how to lay back down, even though she does it all day at work. Lord. STILL no teeth, we feel a little bump on her bottom gums, but who knows. She loves the sippy cup, but can never remember that she has to swallow, she just keeps the water in her mouth and lets it dribble down her chin. Crazy girl.

RE: the poop issue. It's the fourth day sans cereal, and her poop, while still pretty solid, has lost the black/green color, so I think it was just too much cereal. Glad it's going away!

Okay, baby just crawled over here. Gotta run!

ETA: Qti: Hope the crib comes soon! We also waited until 6 months for solids, our pedi was like, "Why did you wait?" because I was a chicken, that's why.

CC: I'm going to miss you on this thread, I read almost every day, but I am boring and nothing new is happening. We were told we can feed P actual food now and I'm like, WHAT??? NOOOOO.
Almost 8 1/2 months!!!

Yea CC he's 8 1/2 months (how the hell did that happen!!!) I'm going to start to go the route you went...little pieces here and there I guess. We let him taste things at restaurants---lettuce, pickles, lemons, etc. (he grabbed and tasted the lettuce himself...his face was hilarious! he thought he was getting away with something good...not so much).

On Hangout--a lot of people are saying things have died down across the boards....due to not being able to log in, not liking the new format/colors, etc. Hopefully things will pick up once all the bugs have been fixed.

I also don't know what I would do without this thread....I can't imagine having to leave it come October 31st--maybe that's why I'm trying to get knocked!

Also! I started planning some of his birthday stuff. At work I help create invitations for our resident's parties....and so I started doing some mock invites for Evan's party. Having a halloween baby is going to be so much fun! Once I get some more mock ups done--I'll post them on here...
Tao- Can't believe he's 8.5 months. It FLIES by, he's going to be one before you know it. And Halloween baby, so lucky! Is Viz's Charlie a Halloween baby too? I know there were two of you. Btw, where is VIZ?

Foods for 6-8 Month Olds:
-Soft pastuerized cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese
-Iron fortified cereals (rice, barley, wheat, oats, mixed)
-Mashed fruits and veggies (bananas, peaches, pears, avocados, cooked carrots, squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes)
-Finger foods- cut up lightly toasted bagels, small pieces of bananas, well-cooked spiral pasta, low-sugar O shaped cereal)
-Small amounts of protein (egg, pureed meats, poulty, boneless fish, tofu, well-cooked and mashed beans with soft skins like lentils, split peas, pintos, black beans)

I didn't really give O all this stuff till closer to 8 months. Also, there is some debate about eggs, don't remember what, something about the protein in egg whites, so maybe do some research before you give him eggs.

This helped me start. And obviously, I didn't give him all of this at once. Hope that helps! Oh and O LOVES pickles! He makes the funniest faces.

Amber- Well maybe I'll lurk around for a bit. You know, you get a whole summer after you graduate from high school to hang with your friends before you have to leave them and go to college. So maybe I'll keep one foot here and one foot on the other thread. ::) Yay for Piper creeping and crawling! I totally waited till 6 months to give O solids and my ped said the same thing. I was like why rush it? Glad the poop is getting better!
qtie, we're waiting until 6 months to start food. we've got a month and a half to go.
QT- Ditto. Waited till 6 months on solids.
3 months

i'm here and have been reading. but when i have a free hand to type, there seems to be a thousand other things to do!

yesterday, e was doing tummy time. she let out a few frustrating wails and then there was silence...she was fast asleep. funny because she doesn't really like tummy time [though she's liking it more now it seems] and doesn't really like naps. haha.

she also slept through the night last night. my bbs were hurting so when she was hungry 30 minutes after nursing and she wasn't asleep yet, though we were trying, we gave her about 2 ounces of pumped milk and she slept until this morning :o

this of course leads me to questions my bbs and their supply. ugh. am i producing enough? double ugh. i think i'm going to try to offer her the other side after she nurses and burps before bed. maybe that will be what she needs?

oh, and she slept arms out legs swaddled... so progress on that front too.
Thanks for that list, Chinacat!
Re: 3 months

jcrow said:
my bbs were hurting so when she was hungry 30 minutes after nursing and she wasn't asleep yet, though we were trying, we gave her about 2 ounces of pumped milk and she slept until this morning :o

this of course leads me to questions my bbs and their supply. ugh. am i producing enough? double ugh. i think i'm going to try to offer her the other side after she nurses and burps before bed. maybe that will be what she needs?

jcrow, only ~3% of women have supply issues. if e has been following her growth curve, has 6 heavy diapers a day and is content you have nothing to worry about.

in the first months nursing can take a long time, or be quite frequent, (i'm repeating myself but during her 3 month growth spurt j once nursed for 3 hours straight with one break for 10 minutes). definitely offer both sides, unless you have an oversupply and are trying to block feed i'd do so at every nursing session. it wasn't until j was 3.5 months that feedings took less then an hour on a regular basis and that she wasn't hungry again for two or so hours. now, at 4.5 months it takes ~20 minutes and she goes longer stretches at night.

there's nothing wrong with offering a bottle, but your body will provide what she needs, with rare exception.

hang in there.
Ditto to Kimberly. I gave O both sides everytime. It generally took him about an hour for the first few months.

However, O had a period around 2 or 3 months where he wasn't gaining as much as the ped liked and he actually told me to limit him to 15 mins on each side because nursing is the only way babies burn calories so he was eating too much, which was actually causing him to not gain because he was burning so many calories. Crazy, right? I was scared, but tried it for a week and sure enough, he started gaining more. NOT telling you to try this, JCrow, just sharing an interesting story that also illustrates that most babies get what they need in 30 mins. And obviously not when they are newborns and need to feed on demand!
thanks for the reassurance and feedback. my bbs get really really sore sometimes. like yesterday. i've always been able to pump even if i'm not able to nurse on the hurt side, but this morning i think pumping made it super worse. so i broke out my nipple shield and was able to nurse once that bb was due a turn.

i had stopped offering both sides as i thought she was being fulfilled on one side. i'll start offering both again. i guess when my friend came over with her boy who is 6 days younger than e and he was only nursing on one side for about 10 minutes i began to wonder if what i was doing was right. that's how it always goes though, right? you hear how this baby is doing this that and the other and you wonder why yours isn't. ahh motherhood.
Claire, going on 9 months

JCrow, I also offer both sides at each feeding.

I've been settling into my "Summer All Year PG" routine, and being tired from the school year has been catching up with me, so I guess that's why I've been posting less. I don't really like the look of the new site, but not enough that I'd post less (at least consciously), and I haven't had any problems logging in, so that's not it. Claire's teething has been messing up her sleep schedule, and Momma doesn't do well with too little sleep.

Claire is getting more mobile. She can't crawl yet, but she is definitely trying to figure it out. She often goes from sitting to leaning to almost being on all fours (one leg is often stuck underneath). Then she pulls back up to sitting, then rolls to the side, then rolls to the other side, etc. She's also figuring out how to pull herself up on things, but doesn't really have her form or strength worked out in that area yet.

She hasn't really taken to a sippy cup (or maybe it's to water -- she guzzled down her pedialyte when we had to give it to her after vomiting, so DH kept trying to give her pedialyte as a beverage and I had to nix that). But I just don't want to give her juice; I'd rather give her actual fruit. A mother at Target gave me the tip yesterday of trying the sippy cup without the no leak guard, and she did seem a bit more interested in it when the water was easier to get.

She's getting really chunky around the thighs; everyone keeps commenting on it. Don't give my baby a complex!

MIL just stopped by for a visit. She is divorcing the rapist/felon (but has never said, "You guys were right!" or anything like that), so now she is around more. The former is a good thing; the latter is harder to swallow. I screened her call and was on the fence about having her stop by, but finally I relented, and then she asked if we could make it a weekly thing. I'm definitely not ready for that. The issue in the past wasn't really the felon; he was just a symptom of her bad judgment. And when I met her and her youngest was 14, I saw her have those inappropriate rages where she would cry and scream and spew invective, and I assume it's just sooner or later that she does that around/to Claire. So I am definitely going to be guarded about how much we see her. And since seeing her is a stressful thing, I don't think I want "weekly date with MIL" on my schedule, casting a pall over my week. I also feel like since she's DH's mom, I shouldn't be primarily responsible for hosting her and making sure she sees Claire while DH gets off scott-free. She did get out of me that my mom watched Claire while DH and I saw a movie at the beach, and I know she put it together that we do leave Claire with other people, but I assume she has to have known that all along on some level . . . we had Claire in daycare for 5 months; obviously we are OK with other (functional, trustworthy) people watching her!

In other news, I've realized that Summer All Year PG needs alone time when DH comes home. I'm an introvert, and since DH is so active, I would have a lot of alone time pre-Claire to watch bad tv and eat whatever I wanted for dinner. I just need time to lie on the couch in the basement and be mistress of my own domain for a little while sometimes. When I told DH that I needed some me time, he asked if when Claire is napping counts. :roll: No! In that case, I wouldn't need to make a point to ask for it! The point is that I can relax without worrying that I'll have to go grab a crying baby at any minute. It's just that when there are too many nights in a row of DH being gone or us doing something big (Monday we had a dinner party), I start to get irritable. DH said fair enough. So we're figuring this new arrangement out, little by little.
Hi everyone, hope all the mommies & babies are doing well!

I just had to come on here to vent about something, hope it's OK ...

One of my husband's staffmember's wives friended me on FB, since we had our babies only about a month apart. She & her husband are very nice people whom I've met a couple of times, and we sent them a baby gift when their baby was born, etc.

They have a very different parenting philosophy from us - they are extremely into attachment parenting type stuff - an attempted homebirth, they don't use diapers (elimination communication), babywearing (they refuse to own a stroller), family bed, extended BFing, etc. All great stuff if that's your parenting philosophy.

However, she has been constantly posting these manifestos on FB about, for example, the evils of vaccines. I know that this is a controversial subject for some, but we fully vaccinated our older son, and have started the process with our 11 week old boy. I usually just don't post anything back to her rants on the evils of the medical community because I know that I won't change her mind on it, and she won't change mind, so I just read it and ignore it.

Anyway, she posted something today about how ridiculous the ad campaign is for whooping cough (just trying to poison our kids), and I posted back that an acquaintance of my MIL had a baby who died this year of whooping cough, just as a reminder that many of these diseases are still fatal for infants. She posted back that as sad as that was, if the baby was breastfed (I have no idea if it was or wasn't) it probably wouldn't have died because of the immunity it would have received from the mother. :shock:

Obviously BFed kids get enhanced immunity from their mothers, but if all BFed babies were immune to every disease, then I guess no babies would have ever died before the invention of formula right? Because they were all breastfed, and according to her logic, immune to diseases? The fact is, infant mortality was much higher back then, and all kids were BFed, so it's not like it's the magic cure-all for every disease. It just steamed me that she's posting this nonsense that if you BF your kid they're not going to be able to contract all of those awful, serious, diseases, so if you're BFIng, you should just skip vaccinations. :nono:

Sorry about the long rant, I just didn't want to get into it with this woman on FB since our husbands work together and it would be uncomfortable, but I just couldn't keep it in - the lack of logic in her argument just floored me, and I had to express my exasperation. Thanks for listening!
Vespergirl, that just makes no sense. And I'm sorry, but whatever my personal beliefs are, when I hear that a baby died (!) I do not make any comments other than to express sympathy. It sounds to me like she has drunk the kool-aid and was desperately trying to come up with a retort so she wouldn't have to question her parenting and whether or not she is taking risks with her own kids. ("Oh, that couldn't possibly happen to my kids because I'm breastfeeding . . .")

You can "hide" her updates so she doesn't appear on your homepage when you log in. Just hover the mouse to the right of her post and it should pop up as an option.

Speaking of drinking the kool-aid, a few weeks ago I was at playgroup at this coffee shop for parents and little kids (the same one where the nanny scooped up Claire and didn't return her for too long of a period), and this weird man was leering at me and my friends. He probably lives in this group home for the disturbed nearby. But anyway, the staff asked him to leave since only parents with small children are welcome, although they might make exceptions if you weren't some weird 55 year old man staring at women breastfeed, and as he we leaving he walked over to me, looked me straight in the eye, and said, "You should read up on Jonestown." You know, the one where 900 people drank poisoned kool-aid and killed all the little kids? I was the only person in the group who knew what the reference was, so maybe he thought he was being clever by making some veiled reference to killing little kids :confused: that we would only figure out later. I didn't respond, but I did glare at him with all the mama bear in me.
qt- Iam with you on not giving J any solids yet. Does giving cereal count? I don't know but I am waiting for her doc to give me the green light at our next appt. Aug. 18th. I don't know where to start! :errrr:

I have been lurking like I always do. Just admiring everyone's bebes hehe!

I was at the store bathroom waiting for a lady to finish diapering her bebe and I said, "Cute, how old is your baby?" She said, "Oh, two and a half months." She asked about J and I responded with 5 months. She said "She is so small." I was like wtf? I didn't know what to say. My mom was like what a bitch. I can't believe she told you that! J is not small! If anything her baby is too fat to be 2 and a half. I don't understand haters. I am giving her a compliement and she replys back with a dumb comment. Whatever! :lol:
phoenixgirl - wow! talk about crazy kool-aid!

anyone else get the notice email that pampers is now selling diapers with designs on them by Cynthia Rowley? too bad they're with the new dry max stuff.
Phoenixgirl, thanks for the tip on hiding FB updates - I didn't know that you could do that, but I think I'm going to have to with this woman :roll:

Sorry to hear about the issues with your MIL. It sounds like she is not a good influence to have around Claire - I think it's best if your DH deals with her though - it shouldn't be your sole responsibility to turn her down if she wants to spend time alone with your baby.

BTW, that is so creepy about that guy in your local cafe. You really handled that well - I would have been totally freaked out.

MTJoya, try not to take it personally about that stranger's comments on J being small. Some people just have no idea of what a normal size baby is supposed to look like, and babies all grow at different rates anyway. My older son was (and still is) very skinny for his length, and people were always telling me he was skinny. My 11 week old was born off the charts huge (which is weird because I gained the same amount with each pregnancy). Anyway, he went from being 95% height and weight at birth, to now he's 90% height and 75% weight - still way bigger than most 11 weeks old - he wears 6 month clothes! Yet of course as soon as my mother saw the pics I sent her, she's telling me that he's too skinny because he doesn't have as many fat rolls as he used to, so I must not be feeding him enough. He grew 3 and a half inches in 8 weeks, but still she has to find something to criticize :roll:
Thanks vesper, I understand. She barely even looked at her and made that comment. Mind you J has rolls galore! J wears 9-12 month clothing. hehe! but whatever! hehe thanks!
phoenix-WTF? ARE U F***** KIDDDING ME? What a creep? I would be scared! I get leered at from time to time. Some weirdo perv was looking at me bf J from far away once at the mall. What is up with creeps like that?!!?? That comment made me get goosebumps!
China I adore the new avatar :love:
Aww thanks Fiery. It's kinda old, from Christmas time when he was only 4 months old. My cousin's fiance is a photographer and was practicing with O. He was obsessed with the orange and wouldn't look up!

Here's another one from the same shoot that kills me. He was such a little cuddly bug peanut.

I remember those photos now! I love them!!
I saw the email about the Target exclusive designs Pampers, and I thought who cares. :lol:
Always offer the other breast, even if she doesn't always take it. I am not sure if I totally agree with our pedi on this one, but he said to only let Jaron drinks for 10 mins on one side then switch to the other side because doubling the time of sucking on one breast doesn't equal double the milk. Just something else to think about.

Cereal is considered solid. Our pedi already told us "no solids until 6 months", but I would've waited until 6 months even if he ok'ed it.
Sorry about that lady in the restroom, but I agree with vesper that people don't know how a baby of a certain age looks like. People says J looks big all the time, but he is only 50% tile.

OMG... weirdo.
Yay for working out some alone time for you. You deserve it.

Wow. That's really judgemental of her. :roll: I would hide all her status updates.

CC, KimberlyH and Amber
Yeah we waited until 6 months with Meena, and we are doing the same with Jaron. Our pedi is also on the "no solids until 6 months" camp. A lot of people were telling that we are waiting 'til 6 months with M because she is our first and we are scared, and that we'll give our second kids solids earlier. It's really not that I was scared, but the fact that I understand that food are for practice at this age. My view haven't changed, so no reasons to feed Jaron solids earlier.

Gives your baby the yolk first because egg whites have proteins that are highly allergenic. It's often recommended to wait to try egg whites. The yolk doesn't contain the proteins, although of egg white proteins can be stuck on the yolk.
omg so i post about no posts and then there are like 500 posts and i can't remember who said what..!! but yay for revival hehe.

i think some people are having issues posting as well...but glad to know peeps are just busy and not thinking this thread sucks or something. :D

don't remember it all and have been in 500 meetings today (we also had a small RIF that is the end of a reorg and a few of my friends were given packages, so it's all drama today)...but here's what i do remember.

PG...weirdo alert, WTF. that is creepy. glad summerPG is catching up..!

mtj... as a mom i know it's easy to take offense when people say small or large but i do it too without meaning to... like if i ask someone how old their baby is and i am just mentally surprised i might blurt it out but not as judgement just surprise. on the flip side, i know J is a ginormous baby because EVERYONE tells me, even down to the waitress at the diner who asks what i am feeding him...MIRACLE GROW? :confused: so i figure i just try not to take offense, he is super healthy, he is bright and happy and that's all that matters.

vesper..omg i would have had a hard time holding my tongue. i would totally hide her in FB...why have to look at that stuff all day, ugh. and that was a totally inappropriate response. i know a lot of EBF kids who got a lot of colds and stuff and one of my friends daughters got pneumonia on EBF, so obviously EBF isn't like some magical solution that protects kids from everything.

jcrow i saw those diapers, i think it's just a way to get people to overlook the dry max thing. and a bunch of peeps were like just get cloth diaper covers if you want patterned diapers!

re: solids, i wasn't that into it at first because since just going back to work i felt like i didn't want to be dealing with anything new, but when we tried it a few times J seemed to like it and i enjoy making food for him and now he is LOVING eating...and we are still doing it just for fun too so no pressure, i feed him once a day and sometimes 2x depending and we plan to keep going like this for a few more months.

re: sippy we started him on it this week and so far he loves it! he is getting pretty good with it and i also will just give it to him with a little water when he's on his play mat or in his stroller and he just occupies himself looking at it or trying to put it in his mouth etc. so far he's been really good about not banging himself with it on the head or anything, but i'm sure it'll happen! those pics!!! and i hear ya re the babe getting big, it literally feels like yesterday J was born and now he's almost 6 months. i can't believe it.

PSA...redeem your gymbucks now..!! i was just at Gymboree a week or two ago and of course i found more stuff online. OMG i can't stop.

oh one more thing. a rant. re: whooping cough. so we have this BBQ on sunday we have been looking fwd to for months. it's a good friend's bday and a bunch of our friends we haven't seen in a while are going and about 1/2 of them haven't met J yet so we were excited about bringing him. and one of our friends who moved to another country a year ago is visiting with her new husband and his kids, so we were super excited about bringing J to meet them etc. so i find out that one of my friends going was exposed to whooping cough at her office. two cases of it. so i emailed her to ask she going to the party? (her reply to evite was 'maybe we might be out of town')... and i tell her why. her response is 'oh when is the latest i can tell you'. really? so we have said YES to this party like 3 months ago and you aren't even sure you want to come but i tell you that potential exposure to J might be harmful and you are still trying to figure out if you can come meaning WE can't? AND she typically flakes on a bunch of events even after saying YES--it drives us all chances are good she'd say she is coming then just wouldn't show. so anyway i just said well sooner is better so we can plan. and i emailed the party planner to let her know we might not come and why. so the party planner said she can tell this gal not to come--also because she has other kids coming to the party. and i was like well i don't want to be the WEIRDO MOM... you know? plus it turns out the exposed gal's bf met with another party goer for drinks so its not like the party planner can be like SORRY now you both can't come. so i just said no big deal we won't come (but was really disappointed). and i also told the planner to let the other kids parents know just so they are informed and can make a decision on their own. FWIW the party planner said she totally understood why we weren't coming and would miss us.

anyway i felt like a total paranoid mom for not wanting us to go but just reading about it more online made me totally sure about our decision. J has only had 2 shots out of 5 total I think and he won't even be 'fully covered' til age 4 or something but apparently 75% of the deaths that occur from pertussis are to kids under 1 year of we would not even take the chance.

and i am still really irritated our supposed 'friend' didn't just say 'oh no worries you RSVP'd a few months ago that you were coming and we still aren't sure so don't worry we'll catch you guys another time so your kid doesn't potentially contract a deadly virus.'. Yes--mom hormones in full effect here. rant over.
ARGH...I had a whole long reply typed out, tried to add a pic, and it was too big and I lost my post.

Quick recap...dh is driving me nuts and not helping out a lot...I'm actually looking forward to him starting flight classes so we can get back to our normal routine.

Tao, we've loved doing finger foods, much more fun than purees. Jacks went to all finger foods at 9 months.

China, Jacks loves that mix of veggies too, and picks out the carrots to eat first, then some corn and peas, then spits out any green beans, but it works out well because I share it with him and I don't like carrots and do like peas =).

Vesper, PG, and Mara, sorry you are all dealing with freaky or annoying/frustrating people.

Hi everyone else!

Here's an early contribution to bpf since it's become impossible to post while Jacks is awake during the day. Even when dh is playing with him, he still crawls over to grab my computer, my phone, my book, etc. (part of my dh annoyance). He's into everything. He's also teething again, and today at dinner he SCREAMED at the pasta I gave him, so I busted this out and he loved it!

qtie, no fear of food on our part, and our ped said whenever we want at the 4 m mark, but if he was the parent he'd wait, so i researched a bit and decided to wait. for now j holds a spoon at dinner and sticks it in and out of her mouth.

mt, ppl tell us j is small all of the time, and she is. it really bugs my husband, in part because so many ppl tend to treat percentiles like test scores, and baby girl gets an f if that's true (: . she's a perfectly healthy pixie of a girl, though, and he wishes other, more creative adjectives were used. i don't mind, but understand why it might get old to hear.

jcrow, it's hard not to compare but babies are so different. my friends' son is 5wks younger than jane and they are total opposites in every way. it's amazing how different they are.
Sabine, that baby is ridonkulous! How cute is he digging into his watermelon, nom nom!

Mara, I can feel your frustration for you. That's so irritating about that flaky girl and the party. I bet she doesn't even show up, but she's ruining it for everyone with kids. Boo on her.