
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

PG - Ditto PB on the cow's milk thing (we got the same book :wink2: ). I should also add that when J was hospitalized for UTI #2, I heard a nutritionist talk to a mom who's 2-year-old was anemic, and mentioned these recommendations to assure sufficient iron-intake : formula until 1 year and iron-fortified cereal until 2.

Re: Giselle Whatsherface (don't even know who she is...) - So, what, women who fail to BF for 6 months should be thrown in jail? Fined? Made feel worse than they already do? So many women I know (including myself) have tried so hard... For most of us, it was supplement/wean, or let your child starve. What an ignorant thing to say. :angryfire:
VIs, I forgot it was only the infantinos that were recalled, but they were looking into all peanut slings. We have and Eddie Bauer and it was definitely not safe for J, but that could have had to do with her size.

Re: Giselle, I wish our country made breastfeeding easier for women as there are so many benefits (the health initiative around this ssubject is mostly unheard of) , but the idea of creating laws around it is crazy talk. On the other end I find it annoying that I get so many formula advertisements/coupons in the mail, I don't get any other baby coupons, but at least twice a week I get an advertisement/coupon for some sort of formula. My favorite is the chocolate milk for toddlers.

Split Shank, I think it's unrealistic. We're working on self soothing with J, who is 5 months old. She puts herself back to sleep at night, but she doesn't put herself down (typically nurses to sleep). I don't know many 3 month olds that are capable of doing this.

Phoenix, J doesn't love her sippy (she plays with it but doesn't quite get how to use it all the time) but she loves drinking from my cup.


My phone died, and it's what I usually use to post/read. I'm bummed as it was only 6 months old. Hopefully it will be replaced tomorrow.

J is getting all the yuck out, and man is there a lot of snot involved.
Giselle is married to Tom Brady...she can say whatever she wants....she's lucky...haha.
taovandel said:
Giselle is married to Tom Brady...she can say whatever she wants....she's lucky...haha.

I don't know how lucky I'd feel after he got another girl preggo and was like 'PEACE OUT...hey you look kinda hot! let's get married and have a baby too.' :errrr:

(I'm sure it wasn't exactly like that but yanno).

So we gave J some blueberries today and MAN does his body not like them. He apparently had projectile blueberry vomit on himself and all over my Mom and then had three bouts of BLUE of which my Mom interrupted while changing him so now one of our changing table pads has two huge blueberry circles. Then he oozed all over me too this evening. Guess blueberry is going in the freezer for another month or two!
Hi everyone! Sorry for ignoring you all, I had a bit of an issue this past week. Kind of depression, nonstop crying... yadda yadda.

Congrats Tao! I can't even imagine. Haha. :eek: Happy and Healthy 9 months!!!

It's so weird to see all the mommies moving to the toddler thread- I was with all you guys on the TTC thread, then the preggo thread, then I was here... other than Sha, I don't know if there are any mommies who are right along with me (Sunkist and November were a few weeks earlier, I think?) age-wise. I feel like a freshman with senior friends going off to college! Not that I don't love every single one of you. I think I am still a little melancholy- forgive me!

So we are now giving Piper meat. Just turkey and chicken (the Earth's Best kind), but yuck. The little piggie luuuuurves it, but she pretty much will eat anything that's not avocado (where did she come from??). We're giving her bits of apple, puffs, some pasta bits and the second foods, too. I just can't get my head around third foods- she's still a baby, right?? The dog has realized the puffs are tasty and scavenges at her high chair. It's pretty funny.

So I have a killer headache, going to go to bed. I'm thinking of all of you! Happy Birthday to Sophia and Jacks!
Mara, unfortunately the blueberry thing might continue. I have issues with them in particular even now as an adult...good luck, they're so yummy and good for you!
So we did NOT have a good night last night.

M was up half an hour after I went to bed, and then every two hours after that. Crying, which is unusual for him. I was worried about how he was feeling, so I would spend at least an hour with him, feeding, rocking, etc. I guess each time thinking after this wake up he would sleep through- silly Mom! Needless to say, this morning I am dead tired. :snore:

Fingers crossed today is a better day.
Mara - Yuck! I hope he can digest them better when he's a little older!

Amber - I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I'm thinking of you... Hang in there.

PB - Sorry you had a rough night! If I wasn't on the opposite side of town, I wouldn't have minded coming over to rock Miles for a couple of hours so you could catch some sleep!

Ladies, I need some serious help. My SIL (DH's sister) lives a couple of hours away and she offered to visit with her DH, so we agreed to have them over for the weekend. However, we are now apparently hosting a BBQ dinner for the whole family on Saturday night, including BIL's and her two kids, whom we've never met. I have to give DH some credit and say that he has made some progress standing up to his family and turned them down twice just last weekend. So, I guess now he figures if he said no last week he can't say no again, or something... Anyway, I'm not happy about this and I need some serious advice on coping skills and how to handle intrusive guests. After 7½ years I should probably be better at it, but they used to never visit... But now that we bought a house (and live further from them than we ever have... for a reason!), the home invasions never stop. Help?
split_shank said:
Hi ladies, while I am a newbie to this thread (actually I am still part of the Preggo's thread), I have been following from time to time on your great thread trying to get an idea of what to expect come November! I just had a question re: sleep training/CIO/whatever works for you. A home daycare that I am looking at has written in its 'handbook' that all infants should be able to fall asleep on their own, in a crib, and that this should be worked on before they come to the center. Some of you had mentioned that sleep training/CIO shouldn't be tried before 4 months or so (which I totally don't disagree with) , but if I'm going to be sending my 3 month old off to daycare, is this going to be possible?? I'm all for getting a routine down and self soothing, but I can't imagine that a 3 mo. old is going to be able to go to sleep on their own without CIO from time to time... don't mean to open another can a worms or beat a dead horse, but do you guys think this is unreasonable for them to expect from an infant?

SS - Just thought I would come out of lurkdom to say even though I'm not a mommy yet, that sounds pretty ridiculous. You should take a look at the Bright Horizons centers. I am not sure where you are, but they are all over the DC area, and I'm sure other places as well. While this might not be the best place for you and your LO, at least you can see what I think is a more "normal" approach to infant care, where they specifically emphasize giving your baby one-on-one attention, lots of affection (like rocking to sleep) and working around your (and the LO's) schedule. Good luck with finding quality daycare, b/c as I am learning, in big cities it is expensive and they have crazy wait lists!
AmberWaves said:
Hi everyone! Sorry for ignoring you all, I had a bit of an issue this past week. Kind of depression, nonstop crying... yadda yadda.

:(sad Want to talk about it?
Anchor I feel so badly for you. That said, I would not host the BBQ. I would say something like, we're more than happy to attend but unfortunately we can't host the BBQ this wkd. If someone else wants to have it, we'll be there. Don't even feel like you have to give a reason, you didn't ask for them to come over in the first place! Having guests can be incredibly intrusive if you are not prepared and/or want people in your house ESP with a baby. Maybe they feel like it's easier to come to you than you go anywhere else with the baby?

Uh oh re: the blueberries. I love them and never have an issue, so weird. I know berries can be a top allergic food but everything I have read says strawberries are the big one to watch for and bberries do not fall into the crazy allergen range. But yeah he might just be too young, we'll try again in a month or two. So far he's had about 15-20 diff types of foods and this and the cinnamon are the only outliers thankfully.

Amber, we missed you! Hope you are feeling better--just rub P's little tooth nub for good luck.
Kim, so sorry that little miss is expectorating but I guess it's better than not. Hope she feels better soon.

And um I started drafting this like 3 hours ago but I am just now posting it. Fail.
Fiery, thank you.

So here is what happened... lately I've been really hating work. Then, one day, my boss called me into her office to tell me she had been reading my twitter tweets for weeks and that it hurt her feelings (that morning I had complained - with no names - about my other boss being incredibly cheap- which is not news). She was like, we can legally fire you for this (although I don't know about that, I never mentioned any names), and you are LUCKY you're able to bring Piper in every day for free. Like I didn't know that, right? Previously, MONTHS ago, I mentioned how she seemed only nice to Piper when others were around. Her daughter (who I was FB friends with, since I've known her daughter since she was 2, as I baby-sat for her for like, ten years) told her about the tweets. I have since unfriended her. Anyway... that day was impossible - Piper was crawling all over, crabby from teeth pain, and I hated my job. HATED. I've always resented that I have to work. I suppose it's normal. Then this happened and I wanted SO badly to be like, Really? No need to fire me, I quit! I can't stand it!

Of course, this job is the best case scenario. I can't stay at home with her- it's not feasible in any which way I try to work it. If I find another job, I'll have to leave her which defeats the purpose of quitting, since it's only stressful because she's here- but I WANT her to be here? KWIM? I am miserable. I feel like such a horrible wife and mother. I never cook, never clean. During the day, I'm torn between doing my work and leaving Piper to sit in her PnP or on the floor with her toys- I feel guilty if I play with her at all, then they make me feel guilty for always having her playing with her toys. Of course, in the same breath they ask for something to be done ASAP. I'm not a magician- I can't do everything at once. I'm trying to figure out things to do from home, since this job isn't one of them. I have no actual skills (ha)- like my friends who stay home. I even contemplated surrogacy, as my cousin has seemed interested (and I was so good at being pregnant, ha ha). At night when Piper (finally) goes down for bed, I still can't relax. I'm always snapping at Paul for making a slight bit of noise, and if she cries my stomach drops.

Sometimes I feel guilty that I'm not putting her in daycare (which would negate my paycheck anyway) because at least there she'd probably get more attention than she does here. And then, for that, I cry. I sometimes resent my husband for not being able to allow me to stay home, which I HATE HATE HATE. I knew what I was going into when I got pregnant, so really. I dunno, it's just a crappy situation all around.
Amber..I think what you are feeling is normal on a lot of different levels. I have also been in that job situ where you literally want to just say FU and walk out. And it's so emotional too, it can really mess with you. We spend so much time at our jobs that regardless of if you want to relate to it or let it become who you are--it really is a big part of our psyche IMO.

I would keep investigating what you can do from home-- but if not then you might have to seriously think about what you plan to do for the future. There's no point in thinking about what CAN'T be done on the work situ (aka stay at home Mom if you guys can't afford it), so maybe try to focus on what can be done to alleviate the pain points of the situation. That said--it might make you feel better if you could talk to your boss and let her know how you feel. I am not a fan of work confrontation and it always upsets me, but if it keeps bothering you, you may need to say something about how that conversation made you feel. I know you work in a small company and it's hard because typically HR is sucky in those types of places--aka there's no remediation.

Can you also investigate maybe having her in daycare or some other situation for a day or two a week? It might take some of the pressure off you at work and also give you more peace of mind with Piper and the interaction and care she's getting elsewhere? And maybe 1-2 days wouldn't break the bank. Or is there a friend who has a kid or two who might be open to watching Piper for a day or two--it would be cheaper than a daycare but again maybe give a break for you both?

Other than the above, big hugs because it is hard to feel like you are not doing everything the way you WOULD want to, aka a star employee. A star mom. A star wife. But you are doing the BEST YOU CAN and that's all you can offer right now. I feel the same way a lot of times but you have to be easier on yourself. It's impossible to be 'super everything'. Piper appears to be a super happy, fun little girl and that is attributed you and Paul and how you are as's always possible to be better but it's not realistic. Hang in there lady. You are doing fabulously.
Amber-hugs. Big hugs.

The resentment you are feeling towards Paul and not being able to SAH is completely normal. We were having this discussion on Hangout the other day. You can go through all of your options in your head of how you want your life to be-whether work outside of home, work from home, or be a SAHM-but until the baby arrives and really until you have a couple of months with the baby, you just don’t know how you are going to feel.

I think you have too much on your plate. Even the majority of moms who do work from home have a nanny to help them out. Being responsible to a boss at the same time that you are responsible for Piper is just too much.

I ditto Mara’s suggestion on maybe putting Piper in a day care or perhaps even a nanny share a couple of times a week. Can we run down a list of all the options you have considered and see how we can help you figure things out?

You are doing a beautiful job with Piper and are so far from horrible mother and wife.
Amber - I was thinking about you just the other day, wondering how this arrangement was going. When they're very little and all they do is sleep, you have time for other things, but when they're older and get mobile, they get into things and all that, and you can't get much work done unless they're napping... My kid is a great napper and naps 4 hours a day, but you still need more than that to get through an actual work day! If you really have to work to pay the bills, but daycare and work-related expenses (car, gas, etc.) negate your paycheck, it's one heck of a position to be in. I wish I had advice for you, but I'm currently trying to work things out myself, not sure if getting an entry level job is even worth it after my maternity leave is over... But while what I'm getting now on mat leave isn't much, it still helps a lot with the bills... Gah. I'll keep thinking about you, and I hope you can find a solution to this! There is so much pressure put on moms, we have to raise kids, keep house, work, and do it all perfectly, of course! But in reality, we just make-do with what we have. Try not to feel guilty, we all know you're doing your best!

Mara - Thanks for the advice. I find that having people visit is easier with J than going to visit, but the whole family? Why is it that it always has to be all of them? It's like you can't have a nice quiet dinner with one of them, it always has to be the whole clan (+1s). And sadly, the more numerous they are, the ruder they get. I'm also starting to wonder if I'm the abnormal one, because I can't wrap my brain around how they all seem to think it's ok to invite yourself (and other people!) in someone else's home. And they won't even consult you first, they'll just call you up and say "hey, we're all coming down for a party this weekend!" Um, what?
Anchor it is NOT you that is abnormal! Even in the closest of families IMO! I see my Mom and sister every day (well they watch J right now but even during normal times we see or talk to each other like every other day) but my entire family would not just be like 'hey we're all coming over for you to host us during a BBQ'. My Mom typically tries to get me to host stuff if she does not want to (before baby actually) but it was more like 'hey you should have this at your house this year'... it wasn't like 'Hey we're HAVING this at your house this year'..! It's ridiculous you don't even get a say...well you DO get a say but maybe you don't feel comfortable saying it, KWIM?

Maybe you're just such a fabulous hostess and you don't even know it? :naughty:
dcgator said:
split_shank said:
Hi ladies, while I am a newbie to this thread (actually I am still part of the Preggo's thread), I have been following from time to time on your great thread trying to get an idea of what to expect come November! I just had a question re: sleep training/CIO/whatever works for you. A home daycare that I am looking at has written in its 'handbook' that all infants should be able to fall asleep on their own, in a crib, and that this should be worked on before they come to the center. Some of you had mentioned that sleep training/CIO shouldn't be tried before 4 months or so (which I totally don't disagree with) , but if I'm going to be sending my 3 month old off to daycare, is this going to be possible?? I'm all for getting a routine down and self soothing, but I can't imagine that a 3 mo. old is going to be able to go to sleep on their own without CIO from time to time... don't mean to open another can a worms or beat a dead horse, but do you guys think this is unreasonable for them to expect from an infant?

SS - Just thought I would come out of lurkdom to say even though I'm not a mommy yet, that sounds pretty ridiculous. You should take a look at the Bright Horizons centers. I am not sure where you are, but they are all over the DC area, and I'm sure other places as well. While this might not be the best place for you and your LO, at least you can see what I think is a more "normal" approach to infant care, where they specifically emphasize giving your baby one-on-one attention, lots of affection (like rocking to sleep) and working around your (and the LO's) schedule. Good luck with finding quality daycare, b/c as I am learning, in big cities it is expensive and they have crazy wait lists!

Bright Horizons is a great center, we'd love to send Aidan there. Unfortunately in the Boston area tuition for an infant is upwards of $2800/MONTH!
hello mamas.

I am definitely behind in this thread, but am trying to catch up as there is so much information in all these posts . . .

from my skimming I want to say,

Happy Birthday Sophia!

Mer, congratulations on deciding to stay home

china: I'm interested to know how you came to a decision about work - I'm considering a reduced schedule when I go back (likely four days a week) but am still undecided.

amber - sorry that the current situation is pulling you in all directions. I think that mara's suggestion about daycare once or twince a week is a really great idea.

a law mandating breast feeding is just crazy :rolleyes: but, I am glad that there is more positive information abou tit out so that more and more women are at least trying.

ETA - slings/carriers - we have a baby k'tan and I love it!!! use it all the time and highly recommend. we also inherited an ergo that we'll surely use when N's a bit older and it's not sooooo hot.

AFM - we have been doing all sorts of things that are pushing me out of my comfort zone. We had friends visit from out of town, so Nora took in her museum (can't start too early with the culture ;)) ), first visit to the pool, first couple of restuarants (one decidedly not that kid friendly, but we went for lunch and babe slept. phew.), trip to the farmers market, etc. It was a great four days, but tough when trying to get on a bit of a schedule. As for sleeping, Nora slept for 8.5 hours last night and 9 hours the two nights before :appl: :appl: I would be beside myself with happiness, but for the fact that for each day following this full night slumber she has been a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y the most cranky, fussy baby all day long. I never thought I would say that I'd trade late night wakings for a contented day baby, but I'm getting close.

This new longer sleeping stretch also means that she's wanting to eat about every two hours during the day when she used to be on a closer to three hour schedule. Anyone else have this happen?
Amber, ((hugs)). I definitely see how having Piper at work would cause stress because you are trying to do two full-time jobs simultaneously. That said, my belief is that people like you who work hard at their jobs could probably put in 50% of the effort and still be 80% as good. If you can't change your work or childcare situation, then maybe the thing to change is the pressure you put on yourself. And maybe give yourself a certain amount of Piper time per day -- maybe one hour total broken into four 15 minute periods where you pay attention to her and nothing else.

We really liked our daycare, and the structure was nice, but when I think back on it, her little form would have maybe two things listed each day which appeared to be one on one interaction from the staff (helped her practice sitting up, read a book, etc.). Most days Claire was strapped into a seat when I came to pick her up even though she was old enough to sit up by herself while a fussier baby was being held by the staff. When I first stopped working I was intimidated by the thought of providing her with as much purposeful stimulation as she got at daycare, but then I realized, hey, it's not that hard to "squeeze in" reading a book or practicing crawling for a few minutes in between the stuff I have to get done. So just remember that even if you were a SAHM, you'd still have a list of things to do and Piper would need to learn to entertain herself. I think you just get only child/first child syndrome with the child expecting the world to revolve around her if all you do is play patty-cake all day long.

That said, I do not believe anybody could expect a working mother who is ALSO providing full time child care to cook and clean! I'm sure your husband gets that. Me being me, I just announced when I went back to work that I would not be cooking any more and that if he wanted us to eat, he'd better figure it out (well, I said it more nicely than that, but it was definitely non-negotiable). And then the two or three times I actually did cook, I demanded gratitude. (I know we get on my DH for his crazy go-go-go biking schedule, but he is a saint to put up with She Who Must Not Be Crossed.) So I'm just saying . . . you shouldn't feel guilty!!! You should feel proud of yourself that you are making the situation work!

Anchor, maybe you guys can just say that the house is [being fumigated/a total mess/suspected of having asbestos/etc.] and say, hey, everyone meet at the Olive Garden at 6. That way you can see everyone without the headache of having to play host and clean up and all that. Plus you can always leave when J gets fussy. If that won't work, then I'd just tell DH that it's his family and he has to deal with getting/coordinating the food and all the cleaning. That's our deal -- when DH springs unexpected guests on me, he has to do all the cooking. And I *try* to be OK with our house being messy when we have guests because, hey, I didn't invite them anyway!

So the doctor prescribed Claire a multi-vitamin with iron and some other stuff, and the first night she took it (mixed in to dinner) fine, but last night she threw it all up right after DH gave her the last spoonful of dinner. So we attempted the implement the soothe without BFing technique in the middle of the night, but I think she was hungrier than usual and I was worried about her hydration. Still, our failed attempts meant we were up for an hour and and a half. :? On to try another night!

Hey, my SIL was still BFing every two hours over night at 1 year with my nephew, so at least it could be worse!
Thank you everyone. It was an eye-opening experience to realize I'm kind of trapped, haha. I'm still exclusively- like, not one bottle ever- breastfeeding Piper, which is my other job. I can't even pump enough to make a full bottle- using AM boobs yields like, 3oz. :( So I can't really leave her for awhile unless I decide on switching to formula for the next few months, which I don't think I can do.

I don't know, really. I'm just kind of taking every day as it comes. Right now it's just Piper and I and the baby-loving boss in the office, so the guilt isn't here at all for two weeks. Paul is super supportive and has been taking her for a bit while school is out, so that I can get a break at work. He does a lot of the cooking, and ALL of the cleaning, which is wonderful. He used to get kind of "What are you making for dinner?" Then I broke down sobbing and he was like, OH GOD. So now it's 99/1% him vs me. :twirl:
Lulu, Nora eating more is totally normal. She's getting all her food in to store up for nighttime. Jane eats every 2 hours or so during the day at 5 months old, typically sleeps on long stretch and some shorter stretches at night.

Baby needs a nap....
thanks kim,

I've assumed that it's because she's going longer and longer stretches at night, but was also wondering if maybe she might start eating more at each feeding instead of increasing the frequency. we shall see.

back to the fuss. what is actually funny is that she's even cranky in her sleep. she's taking a nap and let out a couple of mournful cries despite being completely knocked out. I do hope this *mood* passes ever so quickly.
Lulu, they get more efficient as they get bigger/older/more aware and interested in the world around them. Jane went from eating for no less than an hour at a time to 10-15 minutes and she's done, except her last nursing session before bed which can last an hour (lots of comfort sucking, I'm sure).

Amber, sorry you're struggling.

Mara, thanks. It's good she's headed toward recovery.

Now my husband is sick, but my phone has been replaced. Apperantly it had water damage. The only thing I can think of is that I accidentally brought it in the bathroom during one of our many recent steam baths. The sales guy acted like my husband was trying to cheat them out of a phone when he went in. I feel terrible.
Claire scooted/dragged herself from her bedroom to the top of the stairs! I thought she was trying to get to me in the bathroom where I was preparing her bath, but then she took a turn and lunged for the (uncarpeted) stairs! Luckily she was shocked into stopping by my yelling, "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" as I flew through the air.

Now time to get baby gates! But there are 70 million different kinds on Amazon. Ugh. Anyone have any recommendations? Our bannister is 100 years old, and the gate will have to have some kind of adjustor or adaptor because it will have to affix to the curved part of the leg. Also I need one for the bottom of the stairs. Our bannister only goes down to the second stair. Is it OK to put the gate there? Will that drive me crazy? Do you hop over it, or do you open/close it? I'm guessing I want one that's easy for adults to open. Lastly, we'll need one for the entrance to the kitchen. I plan to baby-proof and rearrange the kitchen some so she can be in there if the oven isn't on, but the door to the (unfinished with concrete floor!) basement is in the back of the kitchen, and I want to know she won't be able to make a dash for the basement stairs if I accidentally leave the door open.

DH got a $75 gift certificate to Amazon for doing some survey at work, and he passed it on to me for play money. What should I get? I was thinking about getting this purse, which, yes, I realize costs more than $75! But I have $100 in my old checking account from when DH and I used to have separate accounts, and I keep trying to remember to close it, and DH keeps saying to make sure I spend the $ on myself. I was never a purse person before. I've had some pretty hideous, super functional purses (think travel wallet with strap). But then my friend gave me a Coach wristlet last year for my birthday, and I was like, oh, um, what I am supposed to do with this? and I stuck in the back of some drawer. But then I started I using a diaper bag all the time and not needing/wanting a whole purse, so I started using the wristlet, but it's just a tad bit too small to hold my wallet, cell phone, keys, and the tampon I keep carrying around for the still-not-to-be seen AF!

But then I think about how I should get some replacement bags for my new vacuum or some baby gates (!!!) instead. Obviously, I'll get the baby gates either way, so I should get the purse, right?
OK, so I just ordered it and then cancelled the order. I ordered it because I saw that it said there was only one in stock and I realized that when you post a link to something cute, sometimes it gets ordered by somebody else! But then I cancelled it because I realized that it's probably not any bigger than my wristlet????
OK, so I just ordered it again, after having a heart attack because it said it was unavailable while the computer was trying to catch up with itself. It's definitely a tad bigger than the wristlet. Yay!
Phx, you are cracking me UP here, talking to yourself!

But glad you got the wristlet. I have a small clutch that I keep everything in and I just move it from work purse to diaper bag to regular purse. It's the best thing I've done, organization-wise. Plus mine is bright green so I can see it in any bag!
OMG PG you cracked me up too.

Ditto CC that I am doing the same thing. I actually have a Coach wallet with a wristlet on it that I got recently since I just shuffle that from either diaper bag to work bag and back again... it looks a lot like this but is tan brown and is more accordion style so I can put my iPhone in it: ... irectorCmd

It's a little small for my stuff, however I MAKE it work HA. I should have gotten something more like you did, slightly bigger, but oh well! I am sure you will love it. They had a sweet looking pearly blue one like yours that I was eyeballing when I looked at your link. Enjoy!
Am I the only loser who watch Teen Mom? I'm watching the most recent episode and that girl Farrah left her daughter in the sink having a bath and the little one turned on the faucet to HOT. Then stuck her hand in it. Seconds pass and she holds her hand and started crying. Farrah walks over and says "Was that too hot?" WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT?? God. It literally chilled me and made me sick. She didn't even console her, or put cold water on her hand! UGH.
Ewww Amber that sounds horrific!!! Watch something more chipper, will ya?!?

Speaking of watching something more chipper--I just discovered that Brenda Barrett is returning to General Hospital on August 11. Yes I watch soaps (sometimes!!) and I have always watched Brenda...I was in college when she came on and someone told me I looked like her and I got hooked on the soap. It's been like 10 years since she has been back. I am SO EXCITED. Just had to share. :naughty:

Anndd we weighed J tonite and he is 17.1 lbs. He was 16.5 last Tues at his appt. So he has gained about 1/2 a lb. Yay!