
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Glad I provided some entertainment! It was a wild 15 minutes full of longing, buyer's remorse, panic, and relief.

Amber, I totally watched Teen Mom all the time when I was on maternity leave. Farrah was so ick, and so was her mom. Her mom told her to lie to the father of the baby and tell him it wasn't his just to make him go away, so you knew they were likely not going to be the most functional bunch.

Mara, I watched GH back in the original Brenda days too. I don't know if I can tune in again, though. Everyone who was a baby 10 years ago will be an adult now, and five of the characters will be played by different people . . .

Awesome that J is so big! Claire was 18 lbs. 5 oz. at her appointment this week, which is chunky for her! You should see her fat little thighs. Poor girl gets that from her mama.
amber - i can no longer watch teen mom after last week and last night's water episode. i feel bad for both of them :( sad.
secondly, i completely and utterly and wholeheartedly understand your frustration/anger/resentment about being a working mom - it sucks. that said, i can not FATHOM working and having c with me. i could be somewhat productive, but don't think i would be able to focus enough at either being a mom or working. like you said, i would always be worried about the things i'm NOT doing for c while working and vice versa - it seems like a no win situation. i also understand your situation is a little more complex b/c of BF. get it get it get it. but something has got to give. that schedule makes me tired just reading about it.
if paul is home all summer he certainly can be in charge of cleaning and cooking while you are at work. and/or can he take piper during the day and bring her out to you when she needs to nurse? but i also think if you continue to work and as piper continues to get more mobile, you may have to find a more agreeable feeding situation. i know you do not want to supplement and i completely respect that. maybe your pedi will recommend adding milk into piper's diet so you can make up the difference with what you pump? or can you provide her with more solids? or nurse before work - at lunch - and then when you get home from work?? i completely get that daycare and paycheck sometimes equal each other, but let's get creative! maybe if piper isn't at the office with you you can work out a 3 day work week schedule with your boss?? more productive in less time? or maybe you can find a mommy group (or create one) where you share babysitting for free?? have you ever thought about watching someone's baby in YOUR home for $$? (just brainstorming here). ((HUGS))

PG - tee hee... i have a very similar coach bag and just toss it into whatever bag i'm using.. you won't regret it! it's awesome and so cute!
speaking of.. i've bought my 3rd flipping diaper bag... well, the first one was a 'typical' diaper bag (that i never wanted) shower gift. i don't know who the genius is that created diaper bags with handles.. really? my hands are full of a baby, how in god's green am i going to manage carrying a bag too? and the second i try to throw it on my shoulder, something drops - i bend down - and the da*n bag slides off and ends up on my elbow. bleh. so then i bought a messenger bag that i love (timbuk2) but was NOT cute for an everyday carryall/purse. so i started to hate that i had this messenger bag with my cute purse shoved inside. anyhoo, long story short i just bought this and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! perfect size (big) for all the crap i need to carry for charlie and me, and is still nice/cute enough that i feel cool and not like i'm carrying a diaper bag. cross body (for me) is a MUST - hands free is the only way to go ;) the leather is AWESOME - rivals my coach bags! and it has a handle, shoulder strap and cross body sling PLUS it was cheap! i want everyone to get one! OK? i wanted to get the brooklyn in green, but this one was such a steal i had to buy it.

hi lulu!!
hi anchor!! maybe have them visit for an after (they go to) dinner coffee??
hi everyone!!

af'us';) c is doing ok - we have our 9mth apt tomorrow. had a huge blowout this morning :appl: :appl: which normally i would curse, but instead i'm just so happy that things are working down 'there'. doc said if we found anymore blood c would have to be sent to a specialist (just the suggestion makes me think she thinks there is something amiss) - but i'm trying to think positive and give his body a chance to heal and hopefully his system will continue to mature and we will grow past this.

ok, gotta run! i have another interview today with a company i don't want to work for, but would be better hours. bleh!
So last night was not any better. Do you think it's from something other than his shots? He got them on Monday, and it's now Thursday. He also didn't seem to be just cranky, but actually in pain last night. I wish sometimes he could tell me what was wrong, instead of me just guessing and hoping what I do works. Luckily D worked from home for a bit this morning, so put him to sleep in his swing, where he seems happier, and I got an extra hour of shut eye.

Anchor, awww, thanks for thinking of me. :)) It is a bit far of a drive though. As far as the situation with your in-laws, I struggle with this as well - although not usually the entire family inviting themselves over. They also didn't do this until we bought our place and had Miles. But then again, we moved closer to them. It is always tougher when it's the in-laws, so I feel your pain. Could you ask if they would like to go out somewhere rather than the bbq? I don't really have any other ideas, because I always just end up dealing with it (very grudgingly).

Amber, so sorry to hear you are having a hard time. You are doing an amazing job though! I can't imagine how difficult it must be to take care of Piper and do your job at the same time. Definitely don't feel bad for not doing any cooking or cleaning, you need to have *some* time that you aren't taking care of everything and everybody. I know you want to continue to breastfeed and not supplement, so is there anyway to work this out for you? How many times a day do you feed her now? What about solids? Let's try to work something out for you, it's important to have a happy momma.

Viz, yay for a blowout :bigsmile: :appl: And good luck on your interview.

And hmmm, I need a diaper bag. As in, I'm still carrying around the fugly black backpack we got from Nestle. Could I be any less stylish right now? Maybe I deserve a treat for myself after this week, haha...
re: diaper bag, we got the Not Rational one and while it was still exp though on sample sale, i love it. it doesn't look like a DB and i can use it as a work bag later. plus it has a ton of room for crap. when i told greg i was getting it while preggo he tried to give me the 'omg $300 for a diaper bag' face and i told him i was pushing a watermelon out of my crotch and was he really going to begrudge me this? :naughty:

so last nite J was a nightmare--a pretty funny nightmare. he was up like 3x...moaning and restless. paci and blankie only helped somewhat. he just seemed really alert. he has also started to try to pull the breathable bumper off--well i say try, he actually succeeded twice. and i find him CHEWING it. so i might need to remove that one panel (it's the standalone panel) because he's pretty much discovered he can do it and i am afraid if he does it at night it could wrap around his neck or something. and i see him eyeballing the video monitor too which is tethered to outside a slat. so this morning he got up at 7am (after waking at 6 and i begged him to go back to sleep for 1 more hour) and i fed him 10oz (!) and then put him back down and now he's cruising around the crib talking to himself. is there like a 6mo wakeful or something?!?!?!

PB... a few days he could still be affected by the shots. I know Mandarine's boys would be really affected, throwing them off their schedule for i think a few weeks? J typically is bugged for maybe like a few days but these last 6mo ones seemed to bother him longer, even on Monday, 6 days later, I felt under his leg there was still a knot, so I massaged it. Hang in there.!

Viz...yay for an interview. I hear all of ya'll ladies re: working situations.

PG...I know GH will be totally different but I still gotta see how they plan to work her back in. She's supposed to be a fashion design something or other in Paris so there is all this speculation around her. And UMMM the girl is as beautiful and skinny as ever. I can't even believe she had a child.

Amber...I gotta agree with the other ladies that I would not be able to have J at work with me. Even WFH one day with no help for him right now is driving me crazy. I feel like I am not doing either job 'right' on that day--I hate leaving him to play on his own for longer than 20 min but I need to work too. Can you ask for a more flexible schedule, if you can do some work from home in the evenings after P is in bed? I typically leave at 5 on the dot every day or sometimes 4:30 and go in about 9:30 and then do 1-2 hours from home in the evening. Anyway I agree with Viz on getting creative. My type of personality is that I hate thinking about stuff I can't change and dwelling on a situation that bothers me, I really want to work on fixing it. I think you can find something you will feel better about but you have to really think about what your options might be.

So for my work situ.. so my boss approved my flex schedule.I plan to do this for 3-4mo and see where I'm at--maybe then I can go PT or maybe I'll love the situation and ask to extend it. We'll see.

The one thing I have learned from this whole work situation is that if I had never asked for what I wanted (which was PT) then my boss wouldn't have been motivated to try to find a solution. Sure the flip side is he could have said 'ok peace out here's a package'...but I was prepared for that too. The irony is there is another mom on my immediate team who has 4 kids and she never alludes to needing any more time with her kids--so he doesn't offer any. And here I am with one complaining. Anyway. Early meeting gotta go.

Hugs to all the Mommas..!! Everyone is doing fabulously, hang in there.
Almost 4 months

Posting from iPhone as I'm without Internet this week :(

re: db - I also have the nr db and love it! I love that it's not structured and cumbersome. Plus it doesn't look like a db. Love that. I also have a leather coach wristlet I keep in it for my stuff. The combo works well for us.

Amber - I'm sorry you are in such a tough spot right now :( since I work from home I know how hard it is to do both work and baby watching. I find myself only working at night (exhausting!) or on the weekend while hubs watches her. And good luck finding time when we are away for the weekend! Big hugs!!

As for us - em is getting baptized Saturday and we are throwing a little celebration after so Ive been running around trying to get it all ready.

Also, I have a new obssesion - poking around at children's consigment stores. I've been finding some cute smocked dresses. Not sure if those are popular all over but they are in the south. They are expensive little suckers - like $80+ expensive. I have found a couple for $18 at the cs! Major score.

Let's see... What else? Oh, em has been sleeping much much better. I think it was yesterday she took five naps and slept well at night too! she seems to be a go baby. As in more cranky at home than out and about. Maybe she gets bored? She also seems to nap all over the place and for longer streches on the go than at home. She's also stopped eating every hour to hour and a half and is back to her usual two hours. Sometimes even more, too. So that's a big yay! She's officially sleep sacked and no mitts for sleeping!
Hi ladies.

Amber- Oh Amber. First, I think your feelings are normal. I feel like I went through a couple of episodes of "depression" which was really just despair because things weren't working and I felt so pulled in so many different directions. Some Type A personalities thrive on that, but I'm not one of them. I need lazy time to mentally unwind. Second, I really think you need to take a step back and consider some other options. I think you've gotten some great ideas already from the other ladies. We're all here to help you, so let's talk about it. Your situation does not sound sustainable to me. At all. Can Paul not watch her while he's not working? How long do you want to EBF? Till she's one or indefinitely? Third- cut yourself some slack. There is NO WAY I could work f/t WITH a baby, and then go home and play happy housewife. No way. Housework and cooking are things that I simply can't add to my plate. DH and I share, we have a cleaning lady, and we order out A LOT. Sure I wish I could cook more often, sure I wish I could make O his food, but I have to know my limits. And once I admitted that I simply couldn't do certain stuff, it got a lot easier. The other thing to think about is if you can resolve this situation, you won't feel so overwhelmed and tired and therefore you will be happier and therefore you will want to be sweet and nice with hubby. DH's have to understand, if they want us to be "happy" then they have to help us manage everything else so we aren't mad at them all the time! :devil: You are a WONDERFUL mom to Piper. Let's figure this out, ok?

Viz- Yay for blowouts! O hasa had hard poops lately, and I'm worried and trying to figure out if he's just dehydrated or if it's something else. It's always something, isn't it? Yay (maybe?????) for an interview? Something great is going to come along, I just feel it.

Mara- Ha ha ha, the six month wakeful is called you no longer have a newborn and you are entering into the never sit still phase! 6 months on there are HUGE changes. O rolls around, walks around and plays in his crib before he falls asleep and for at least 30 mins in the morning before I get him up. YAY for flex schedules!!!!!! Should we set up a virtual coffee date on our days off? :cheeky: What will your schedule be like? Btw, the woman with 4 kids, maybe she doesn't WANT to go home! :naughty:

JCrow- Oh lordy, my mom is obsessed with smocked dresses. She was sort of disappointed when we found out O was a boy simply b/c of the clothes! And she tries to make me put O in cutesy stuff, but unfortunately for her, O wears cargo shorts and surf shoes. :devil: They are really sweet though, for GIRLS. Hope the baptism goes well. We FINALLY picked a date for ours- in October. So O will be 14 months old. ;)) And it's going to be in another state. Fun planning for me.
cc - I know what you mean. Although cute the smocked stuff has a different look on boys. Good luck with the planning. Em will be exactly four months when she's baptized. It's happening in a diff. state too so it's sorts of been an ordeal to get it all lined up.
I'm sure I've missed stuff but, I'm thinking about you all and now I just need a moment to be like ME ME ME! :oops:

Does anybody else want to just chop off all their hair because it keeps falling out and bothering the baby (and you!)? I am SO cutting mine all off this weekend, like super, super short. I don't care if I look stupid in the end, it's getting everywhere and Micah keeps getting it in his hands all around his fingers and in his little mouth, which freaks me out. Arg.

MP- I sorta did! Well not too much! I chopped off 3 1/2 inches with short layers and I kinda regretted it! My hair used to reach around where you hook your bra up but I think of it this way. J won't be tugging at my hair and it's hot and I cut off all the bad stuff! hehe! :lol:
mtjoya said:
MP- I sorta did! Well not too much! I chopped off 3 1/2 inches with short layers and I kinda regretted it! My hair used to reach around where you hook your bra up but I think of it this way. J won't be tugging at my hair and it's hot and I cut off all the bad stuff! hehe! :lol:

Lol! Micah pulls my hair ALL THE TIME so it sure will be nice for him to have less to yank. Plus it ends up in a ponytail all the time anyway to try and keep his hands away from it. I may as well cut it all off! I'll post a picture after to let you guys see :))
ooooh monkey - hair, a topic I'm very into at the moment. Can you remind me what your nature hair texture is - curly, wavy, straight, etc. I can see the allure of chopping it all off, but I think that it depends entirely on the hair. For me, being able to pull it back into a ponytail and not having the maintenance that a shorter cut requires (more frequent trims) makes medium to longer lengths easier. So I'm not at all tempted to chop my hair (though I did it last summer and it was very satisfying). I am, however, beyond excited to get my hair cut next friday for the first time in about EIGHT months. Eight months. I cannot wait! right now it just hangs. sort of drab and bulky. cannot wait for the shampoo. ahh the massage. I'm pondering something like:

jcrow - i heart smocked dresses. I don't have any for Nora yet, but know what you mean about the price. Do you have a dress for the baptism yet? any good ideas of where to find one. I'm on the hunt for one for this September.

diaper bags - i have a not rational also ::) we also have a charcoal skiphop bag (forget the exact name) that my husband can carry around (I use it too) and not feel too uncomfortable :bigsmile:

mara - too funny about the *edible* bumper. I feel like there is an every-other-week wakeful period :rolleyes:

AFM - let me just share with you the nightmare that was my postpartum follow-up dr. appointment. ironically, it had nothing to do with me or my third degree tear (which is healing beautifully so i was told), but rather my seven week old hellion. given the week we've been having (sleeping through the night, but a nightmare during the day) I was dreading the appointment. When we arrived, she was napping in her carseat so I thought that everything might work out. but the demon baby had other ideas. she woke up a few minutes after going inside. of course the dr was running late so I paced the waiting room with a crying baby. then asked for a place to go feed her. but, for the first time EVER she wouldn't settle enough to eat. well, actually she managed to eat just enough to throw up all over herself and my back. then the dr comes in, is kind enough to hold her while i awkwardly strip down. Nora's still screaming, the dr is trying to ask me questions, I'm holding the hellion and sweating profusely from all of the stress. have the fastest exam ever and am left with a hysterical baby and no pants. struggle to dress myself. by this time the dr has fled the room and literally slipped a prescription for the pill under the door no doubt in an attempt to preserve her ears from the the demon baby. crying. crying. crying. have to wait to check out. more crying. i think all of the ladies at this office are now reconsidering having babies. huge thunderstorm. get wet. FINALLY back home. first diaper blow out. in her car seat. of course. lovely.

we're nearly recovered from the trauma. baby and mama bathed. baby napping. mama wishing there was wine in the house :devil:
MP, I think a short do would be cute! I wish my hair would fall out is thicker than ever, I have to get it thinned out at the salon and it is still a poofball!
oh lulu, i know that was NOT a funny day for you, but I can't help laughing a bit. These babes have their own ideas and I swear act up at the WORST possible times. The good news is a) it's over, and b) you were at an OB office, of all of the places where people understand or at least SHOULD, you were in a "safe" zone.

Btw, I LOVE that hair pic you posted. But I don't look like Helena Christensen, no matter how hard I squint and EVERYTIME I try and give myself a "style" I look 12. But oh how I'm tempted to take that picture in! I don't have thick hair though, so don't think it's for me.

Oh and I'll give you more background on the flex thing tonight. At work and trying to wrap things up so don't want to linger too long.

MP- I'm the opposite, I so don't want to cut my hair, a ponytail for me is a MUST. Though I'm also a bit afraid of the "mom" cut, to be honest. :cheeky: But I am a big enabler for people that are braver than me! What are you thinking?
lovelylulu . . . note to self; ALWAYS keep wine in the house! ;) Yikes, what a day! Here's to a better night!

Viz, I just ordered a new diaper bag and got it today, but it's probably more functional than cute. It's still a lot cuter and more functional than the one I registered for on BRU. I got it for @ $50 including shipping from MamaBargains:

I guess purses are something I can get into now that I'm kind of diamonded out. Is that blasphemy? But I have the studs, the solitaire pendant, the anniversary band, the baby bling, huggies, a journey pendant . . . I even have this ridiculously fabulous YG Omega watch with diamonds that I inherited from my grandma. Now on to purses!

I went into Claire's room today and she was sitting up in her crib! She has hitherto been unable to get to a sitting position from lying down. Time to lower the crib! We are hitting a lot of milestones here! She's building up her scooting muscles; today she explored the foyer for the first time.

Hair . . . I need serious help here. Just like my history of owning only functional purses, I have always only had super easy, functional hair. The one time I got crazy, I cut my hair into a little bob, but when I grew it out I got helmet head. My hair is a lot thinner now post-baby, so maybe we can avoid that in the future. Now that I'm in my 30s, I want to do something more exciting/grown-up.
omg lulu i know that it sucked for you but your story was really funny. i hope the rest of the day works out..hugs!

mp you are a brave girl, from one curly haired monkey to another...i would be skerred to cut my hair short. i have curly hair and it isn't cute curly like meg's 'i'm really straight but i was curled for this photo shoot' hair picture but if i cut it would turn into an unruly mop. one note too is when you cut it, go just a little longer than you are thinking because remember curls go up so you don't want it to be TOO Short.

i just put my hair back in a pony or a bun when i am with the baby. i am also going to get the brazilian blowout this wkd, i am so excited! i might actually have almost straight hair with not too much work. fingers crossed.

CC the flex sched is me working from home on Tuesdays, Thursdays after 2:30 and Fridays after 1pm. I am excited as we'll have care the whole time so it will free me up to work in our home office but I can come out and take breaks, take J for a walk, feed him his food, whatever. I can't wait to see how it goes. And he will go to a nanny share the 2 full days I am int he office , which I am happy about as it will teach him to play with another kid, share toys, etc. Plus be in a 'different' surrounding. The other 5 days of the week he will be home. So I am also really excited to see if his napping and all that solidifies once he's more on a routine schedule and in the same place 80% of the time.
don't worry. laugh all you want. once we were beyond the moment, i had to laugh too. otherwise, i might have cried. alright maybe i did cry a little. but then i laughed. until i discovered the blow out.

and phoenix. believe me. that note to self is being fully internalized. we recently had friends staying with us and cooked some great dinners - it was then that i rekindled my love of the vino. that relationship had been on hiatus since last september.

china - sigh. i don't look like helena either, but maybe my hair can :bigsmile: it is slightly wavy (used to be pin straight until hormones changed it up) and fine, but I have a lot of it. I was growing out my bangs and now they are down to about my chin, but I'm realizing that my face might look better with some longerish bangs like helena's got going on with that cut.

what kind of hair do you have phoenix?
Lulu- Hmm, interesting. I too have slightly wavy hair, thin but a lot of it. Maybe you should cut yours and let me know how it goes. :devil:
yikes lulu! What an appointment!! ::) And a diaper blowout to top it off too....?! Of course! Lovely. :knockout:

Amber - sorry you're feeling stressed and depressed. LIke the other ladies said - I don't know how you do it having to concentrate on work and Piper at the same time. Especially a much more mobile Piper. I was sitting at the computer last Sunday trying to edit a paper for work.. .Dalila was sitting next to me in her carseat playing...but I just couldn't focus enough to do any anything! I couldn't get into 'work mode' because I knew that at any minute she would start fussing for my attention and I'd have to stop in the middle of writing, anyway. So I just stopped. I can't imagine trying to balance those two things together every day. Hats off to you for doing it so far! But it sounds like something has to give soon. Hope you guys figure out something soon that doesn't leave you feeling so frustrated.

Re: cooking and cleaning - thank God DH can cook. And WELL. I have NO IDEA how working women who do the majority of cooking, cleaning, and childcare in their homes manage it! My schedule is so hectic at the moment doing most of the childcare and regular tidying from time to time. Not to mention work and other commitments. There's NO WAY I could cook as well. I don't think that's fair to women, anyway, to have to do EVERYTHING, while the men twiddle their thumbs and wait for their dinners to be served. Sometmes DH gets bitchy about having to cook all the time, and I have to remind him about all the stuff that I do that he never does. He's never cleaned the bathroom or swept the whole house or dusted - and while he plays with Dalila often - I do most everything for her on a daily basis (changing, bathing, feeding etc). I mean, am I supposed to cook on top of all that? :evil: There's just NO WAY.

AFM - Dalila has a new skill - clapping- :appl: - which she absolutely loves to practice. It's so cute! I have to teach her to do 'bye bye' next. Still no crawling yet - just scooting around. She loves pulling up to stand and is babbling a lot more now, too. :))
Oh you poor thing Lulu! Yes, you should always have wine on hand for days like this!

I had totally forgotten (blocked out?) my 6 week pp appointment. They put me in the room to wait on the doctor, and I got undressed. E was sleeping away in his carseat on the floor next to me. Well I waited and waited and of course E woke up and went into a screaming fit. I was like "crap, I'm totally undressed, what do I do now?" so I shushed the baby and rocked his carseat with my foot. Ugh, the things us moms go through!
PB - Have you checked Miles' temperature? I get a bit paranoid when J acts out of character and it's the first thing I check. Hope he gets better soon!

Re: Saturday's BBQ - It seems like SIL's DH, MIL and FIL decided not to come after all, so it shouldn't be as difficult to handle (though I'm still weary of BIL's and her two boys I've never met). Of course, they tell us that after we bought veggie burgers for SIL's DH (who is vegetarian)... Ah well. Thank you ladies for the suggestions.

lulu - OMG! I was lucky and my mom came with me at my 6-weeks PP appointment to take care of J while I was getting checked out. The only time I went for an appointment with him on my own was his 4-months appointment, and of course he had to throw a tantrum! :rolleyes:
Oh Lulu, you poor thing. Those dr.s and all their staff are totally used to it though!

Re: hair...I totally chopped mine off when ds was around 6 months and it was my favorite hair cut of all time (I can post a pic if you want), it was a bob with bangs. I would have kept the style, but now with the 100 degree heat we have daily, I just can't deal with it. I had to blowdry and flatiron my hair every day for it to look good, and I just can't stand drying it in the morning now, I get all sweaty even standing in front of the air conditioning vent. But if you don't mind your hair down, then I see no issue with short.

Although I will also add...I had a cut very similar to the Meg Ryan cut right after my wedding and before my honeymoon, and I have thick, wavy hair, and I thought it would look like that, and what I got was a messy poufball that I couldn't control plus then couldn't even pull back, and it was horrendous. Worst.haircut.ever. Hate looking at my honeymoon pics because of it.

Re: diaper bags...I actually need some help. I actually don't carry the diaper bag often. I could count the number of times I've actually changed Jacks in public on both hands. But I do take a sippy and a snack everywhere, so I've just been using a big purse. But my purse straps keep breaking because the purse is so heavy (and I only use one purse every day for months at a time). So...I was thinking of getting a big, nondiaperbag looking bag, and a small bag I can use daily and throw inside it like all of you. But I want a smaller bag that's bigger than a wristlet and has a shoulder strap, but still fits in the bigger bag...any suggestions?

Good luck with all of your work situations.

I'm actually going to a daycare center to look into putting Jacks in one or maybe two days a week tomorrow. I've been thinking about it for a while, and I know it would be really good for both of us. He would love the socialization, and I think it would be good for him to spend some time away from me, and it will give me a chance to get out of the house a bit and rejoin the non-mommy world (I'm hoping to volunteer somewhere). But I kept putting it off because for some reason I feel really guilty about doing it. All of you talk about how guilty you feel leaving your LOs, and here I am, doing it when I don't even have to...
Mara, let me know how you like the brazilian blowout hair treatment. I was thinking of having it done, but I wanted to hear about it from someone who's had it done first. Post pics if you can too!
Re: baptism gown - we are using the one I wore for my baptism as a baby. It's pretty but not super long like they are now. My cousin made it and it has the matching bonnet and blanket. If I had to buy new I'd get a feltman bros. one from the fancy pants baby boutique.

Re: hair - before preggo I had a reverse bob that was just long enough to put into a pony (always a requirement). I loved it but it was so much work. There is so much more styling involved for a short do. Longer means I can dry it and go. No flat iron or anything.
Well ladies, I did it. I got the Meg Ryan, hah. Sort of. It doesn't look like I wanted, but I still love it - I don't even have to comb it, just put a little mousse and GO, which is exactly what I wanted. This is all natural curl, btw. Loose curls, and now I have psuedo-bangs to cover my cro-mag forehead.

ETA: This is a silly FB pic so ignore my weird facial twitch!

Oooh, I like it MP!!! I don't see facial twitch; I see sassy pursed lips!

Sabine, good luck touring the centers today. I think that's a great idea, and I don't see any reason to feel guilty. Claire had a great experience in daycare, and if they did part-time there, I totally would have considered it. I don't want her to become so used to having me around 24/7 that she can't be away from me for a little bit. I don't think that's good for either of us. Also, you just moved, right? So I'm guessing that means you don't have your routines and playdates and all that down yet, and that can make the time at home go a lot more slowly and be less stimulating for Jacks. It sounds like a win/win to me.
MP - you look smashing! I love that you can just wash and go. I'm hoping once the humidity dies down here a bit, I can do the same. Well, slight correction - these days, I do just wash and go, but it looks a lot better when it's not 99% humidity outside . . .

china - I will surely report back on the 'do.

sabine - I, too, think that a couple of days a week in daycare would be great. what kind of volunteer work are you considering?

jcrow - thanks for the bros. suggestion. i goggled it last night as little miss nora broke her streak and needed a feeding and I couldn't get back to sleep afterwards. they seem to be the right about of precious.

sha - :appl: :appl: applause for the clapping. babies clapping and kissing goodbye kill me.

ands thanks for the virtual hugs for getting through yesterday's episode. I know that days like that are inevitable and to borrow mara's mantra - it all passes. phew.

so although N woke up for a feeding, she did spend her first night in her crib. totally without incident. i think that I'm going to like having her sleep in her nursery and reclaim our bedroom! though I'm not certain that we'll need the privacy for a little while. despite being told that all was healing well, I'm suffering some post-exam discomfort. that combined with being told that (due to lack of estrogen caused by breastfeeding) I have the lady parts of a post menopausal golden girl :o I think that we'll give it another week or two. oh. my. hormones can be so unfortunate.

in cuter news, Nora now notices the mobile above her crib. this morning before her nap, it was making her smile like crazy. i ran to grab the video camera but of course she'd stopped. now if only i could get such a smiley response from my girl.

here's a friday pic of little N sleeping on her lambie. i love her hands.

Thanks, ladies! Lulu, I loooove that picture - her little toes and hands, so cute!
Love your new haircut. Look great on you. I wish I have curls. My hair is super fine and straight. No texture whatsoever.
Lulu, I adore your pictures, she's so beautiful!